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RegnANN is a novel method for reverse engineering gene networks based on an ensemble of multilayer perceptrons. The algorithm builds a regressor for each gene in the network, estimating its neighborhood independently. The overall network is obtained by joining all the neighborhoods. RegnANN makes no assumptions about the nature of the relationships between the variables, potentially capturing high-order and non linear dependencies between expression patterns. The evaluation focuses on synthetic data mimicking plausible submodules of larger networks and on biological data consisting of submodules of Escherichia coli. We consider Barabasi and Erdös-Rényi topologies together with two methods for data generation. We verify the effect of factors such as network size and amount of data to the accuracy of the inference algorithm. The accuracy scores obtained with RegnANN is methodically compared with the performance of three reference algorithms: ARACNE, CLR and KELLER. Our evaluation indicates that RegnANN compares favorably with the inference methods tested. The robustness of RegnANN, its ability to discover second order correlations and the agreement between results obtained with this new methods on both synthetic and biological data are promising and they stimulate its application to a wider range of problems.  相似文献   

Multi-level discrete models of genetic networks, or the more general piecewise affine differential models, provide qualitative information on the dynamics of the system, based on a small number of parameters (such as synthesis and degradation rates). Boolean models also provide qualitative information, but are based simply on the structure of interconnections. To explore the relationship between the two formalisms, a piecewise affine differential model and a Boolean model are compared, for the carbon starvation response network in E. coli. The asymptotic dynamics of both models are shown to be quite similar. This study suggests new tools for analysis and reduction of biological networks.  相似文献   

Online consumer behavior in general and online customer engagement with brands in particular, has become a major focus of research activity fuelled by the exponential increase of interactive functions of the internet and social media platforms and applications. Current research in this area is mostly hypothesis-driven and much debate about the concept of Customer Engagement and its related constructs remains existent in the literature. In this paper, we aim to propose a novel methodology for reverse engineering a consumer behavior model for online customer engagement, based on a computational and data-driven perspective. This methodology could be generalized and prove useful for future research in the fields of consumer behaviors using questionnaire data or studies investigating other types of human behaviors. The method we propose contains five main stages; symbolic regression analysis, graph building, community detection, evaluation of results and finally, investigation of directed cycles and common feedback loops. The ‘communities’ of questionnaire items that emerge from our community detection method form possible ‘functional constructs’ inferred from data rather than assumed from literature and theory. Our results show consistent partitioning of questionnaire items into such ‘functional constructs’ suggesting the method proposed here could be adopted as a new data-driven way of human behavior modeling.  相似文献   

Reverse engineering of gene regulatory networks has been an intensively studied topic in bioinformatics since it constitutes an intermediate step from explorative to causative gene expression analysis. Many methods have been proposed through recent years leading to a wide range of mathematical approaches. In practice, different mathematical approaches will generate different resulting network structures, thus, it is very important for users to assess the performance of these algorithms. We have conducted a comparative study with six different reverse engineering methods, including relevance networks, neural networks, and Bayesian networks. Our approach consists of the generation of defined benchmark data, the analysis of these data with the different methods, and the assessment of algorithmic performances by statistical analyses. Performance was judged by network size and noise levels. The results of the comparative study highlight the neural network approach as best performing method among those under study.  相似文献   

Computational modeling of genomic regulation has become an important focus of systems biology and genomic signal processing for the past several years. It holds the promise to uncover both the structure and dynamical properties of the complex gene, protein or metabolic networks responsible for the cell functioning in various contexts and regimes. This, in turn, will lead to the development of optimal intervention strategies for prevention and control of disease. At the same time, constructing such computational models faces several challenges. High complexity is one of the major impediments for the practical applications of the models. Thus, reducing the size/complexity of a model becomes a critical issue in problems such as model selection, construction of tractable subnetwork models, and control of its dynamical behavior. We focus on the reduction problem in the context of two specific models of genomic regulation: Boolean networks with perturbation (BNP) and probabilistic Boolean networks (PBN). We also compare and draw a parallel between the reduction problem and two other important problems of computational modeling of genomic networks: the problem of network inference and the problem of designing external control policies for intervention/altering the dynamics of the model.  相似文献   

Genes and proteins form complex dynamical systems or gene regulatory networks (GRN) that can reach several steady states (attractors). These may be associated with distinct cell types. In plants, the ABC combinatorial model establishes the necessary gene combinations for floral organ cell specification. We have developed dynamic gene regulatory network (GRN) models to understand how the combinatorial selection of gene activity is established during floral organ primordia specification as a result of the concerted action of ABC and non-ABC genes. Our analyses have shown that the floral organ specification GRN reaches six attractors with gene configurations observed in primordial cell types during early stages of flower development and four that correspond to regions of the inflorescence meristem. This suggests that it is the overall GRN dynamics rather than precise signals that underlie the ABC model. Furthermore, our analyses suggest that the steady states of the GRN are robust to random alterations of the logical functions that define the gene interactions. Here we have updated the GRN model and have systematically altered the outputs of all the logical functions and addressed in which cases the original attractors are recovered. We then reduced the original three-state GRN to a two-state (Boolean) GRN and performed the same systematic perturbation analysis. Interestingly, the Boolean GRN reaches the same number and type of attractors as reached by the three-state GRN, and it responds to perturbations in a qualitatively identical manner as the original GRN. These results suggest that a Boolean model is sufficient to capture the dynamical features of the floral network and provide additional support for the robustness of the floral GRN. These findings further support that the GRN model provides a dynamical explanation for the ABC model and that the floral GRN robustness could be behind the widespread conservation of the floral plan among eudicotyledoneous plants. Other aspects of evolution of flower organ arrangement and ABC gene expression patterns are discussed in the context of the approach proposed here. álvaro Chaos, Max Aldana and Elena Alvarez-Buylla contributed equally to this work.  相似文献   

The space-filling fractal network in the human lung creates a remarkable distribution system for gas exchange. Landmark studies have illuminated how the fractal network guarantees minimum energy dissipation, slows air down with minimum hardware, maximizes the gas- exchange surface area, and creates respiratory flexibility between rest and exercise. In this paper, we investigate how the fractal architecture affects oxygen transport and exchange under varying physiological conditions, with respect to performance metrics not previously studied.We present a renormalization treatment of the diffusion-reaction equation which describes how oxygen concentrations drop in the airways as oxygen crosses the alveolar membrane system. The treatment predicts oxygen currents across the lung at different levels of exercise which agree with measured values within a few percent. The results exhibit wide-ranging adaptation to changing process parameters, including maximum oxygen uptake rate at minimum alveolar membrane permeability, the ability to rapidly switch from a low oxygen uptake rate at rest to high rates at exercise, and the ability to maintain a constant oxygen uptake rate in the event of a change in permeability or surface area. We show that alternative, less than space-filling architectures perform sub-optimally and that optimal performance of the space-filling architecture results from a competition between underexploration and overexploration of the surface by oxygen molecules.  相似文献   

Nanobiotechnology is a key enabling multidisciplinary field for medical, technological and biological research and development, medicine, pharmaceutical development, and analytical sciences. Its foundation is the selective integration of a multitude of endeavours, such as biotechnology, chemical and physical nanotechnology, materials sciences, chemistry, engineering, electronics and optronics targeting the construction of micro‐ and nano‐arrays for analyzing complex mixtures of DNA, RNA, proteins, metabolites as well as the design of ultra‐sequencing devices, microbial fuel cells, implantates, molecular motors, artificial organs, and nanorobots. The developments in nanobiotechnology benefit from and contribute to the scientific advances in the chemical and physical nanotechnologies, in particular with respect to materials, composites, nanostructuring techniques, carbon nanotubes, and nanoelectronics.  相似文献   



There exist several computational tools which allow for the optimisation and inference of biological networks using a Boolean formalism. Nevertheless, the results from such tools yield only limited quantitative insights into the complexity of biological systems because of the inherited qualitative nature of Boolean networks.


We introduce optPBN, a Matlab-based toolbox for the optimisation of probabilistic Boolean networks (PBN) which operates under the framework of the BN/PBN toolbox. optPBN offers an easy generation of probabilistic Boolean networks from rule-based Boolean model specification and it allows for flexible measurement data integration from multiple experiments. Subsequently, optPBN generates integrated optimisation problems which can be solved by various optimisers.In term of functionalities, optPBN allows for the construction of a probabilistic Boolean network from a given set of potential constitutive Boolean networks by optimising the selection probabilities for these networks so that the resulting PBN fits experimental data. Furthermore, the optPBN pipeline can also be operated on large-scale computational platforms to solve complex optimisation problems. Apart from exemplary case studies which we correctly inferred the original network, we also successfully applied optPBN to study a large-scale Boolean model of apoptosis where it allows identifying the inverse correlation between UVB irradiation, NFκB and Caspase 3 activations, and apoptosis in primary hepatocytes quantitatively. Also, the results from optPBN help elucidating the relevancy of crosstalk interactions in the apoptotic network.


The optPBN toolbox provides a simple yet comprehensive pipeline for integrated optimisation problem generation in the PBN formalism that can readily be solved by various optimisers on local or grid-based computational platforms. optPBN can be further applied to various biological studies such as the inference of gene regulatory networks or the identification of the interaction''s relevancy in signal transduction networks.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of making inferences on the maximum radius and the intensity of the Poisson point process associated to a Boolean Model of circular primary grains with uniformly distributed random radii. The only sample information used is observed radii of circular clumps (DUPAC, 1980). The behaviour of maximum likelihood estimation has been evaluated by means of Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   

Reverse engineering is the problem of inferring the structure of a network of interactions between biological variables from a set of observations. In this paper, we propose an optimization algorithm, called MORE, for the reverse engineering of biological networks from time series data. The model inferred by MORE is a sparse system of nonlinear differential equations, complex enough to realistically describe the dynamics of a biological system. MORE tackles separately the discrete component of the problem, the determination of the biological network topology, and the continuous component of the problem, the strength of the interactions. This approach allows us both to enforce system sparsity, by globally constraining the number of edges, and to integrate a priori information about the structure of the underlying interaction network. Experimental results on simulated and real-world networks show that the mixed discrete/continuous optimization approach of MORE significantly outperforms standard continuous optimization and that MORE is competitive with the state of the art in terms of accuracy of the inferred networks.  相似文献   

The use of microfluidics in live cell imaging allows the acquisition of dense time-series from individual cells that can be perturbed through computer-controlled changes of growth medium. Systems and synthetic biologists frequently perform gene expression studies that require changes in growth conditions to characterize the stability of switches, the transfer function of a genetic device, or the oscillations of gene networks. It is rarely possible to know a priori at what times the various changes should be made, and the success of the experiment is unknown until all of the image processing is completed well after the completion of the experiment. This results in wasted time and resources, due to the need to repeat the experiment to fine-tune the imaging parameters. To overcome this limitation, we have developed an adaptive imaging platform called GenoSIGHT that processes images as they are recorded, and uses the resulting data to make real-time adjustments to experimental conditions. We have validated this closed-loop control of the experiment using galactose-inducible expression of the yellow fluorescent protein Venus in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We show that adaptive imaging improves the reproducibility of gene expression data resulting in more accurate estimates of gene network parameters while increasing productivity ten-fold.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an approach for modeling and analysis of a number of phenomena of collective behavior. By collectives we mean multi-agent systems that transition from one state to another at discrete moments of time. The behavior of a member of a collective (agent) is called conforming if the opinion of this agent at current time moment conforms to the opinion of some other agents at the previous time moment. We presume that at each moment of time every agent makes a decision by choosing from the set (where 1-decision corresponds to action and 0-decision corresponds to inaction). In our approach we model collective behavior with synchronous Boolean networks. We presume that in a network there can be agents that act at every moment of time. Such agents are called instigators. Also there can be agents that never act. Such agents are called loyalists. Agents that are neither instigators nor loyalists are called simple agents. We study two combinatorial problems. The first problem is to find a disposition of instigators that in several time moments transforms a network from a state where the majority of simple agents are inactive to a state with the majority of active agents. The second problem is to find a disposition of loyalists that returns the network to a state with the majority of inactive agents. Similar problems are studied for networks in which simple agents demonstrate the contrary to conforming behavior that we call anticonforming. We obtained several theoretical results regarding the behavior of collectives of agents with conforming or anticonforming behavior. In computational experiments we solved the described problems for randomly generated networks with several hundred vertices. We reduced corresponding combinatorial problems to the Boolean satisfiability problem (SAT) and used modern SAT solvers to solve the instances obtained.  相似文献   

In biological systems, the dynamic analysis method has gained increasing attention in the past decade. The Boolean network is the most common model of a genetic regulatory network. The interactions of activation and inhibition in the genetic regulatory network are modeled as a set of functions of the Boolean network, while the state transitions in the Boolean network reflect the dynamic property of a genetic regulatory network. A difficult problem for state transition analysis is the finding of attractors. In this paper, we modeled the genetic regulatory network as a Boolean network and proposed a solving algorithm to tackle the attractor finding problem. In the proposed algorithm, we partitioned the Boolean network into several blocks consisting of the strongly connected components according to their gradients, and defined the connection between blocks as decision node. Based on the solutions calculated on the decision nodes and using a satisfiability solving algorithm, we identified the attractors in the state transition graph of each block. The proposed algorithm is benchmarked on a variety of genetic regulatory networks. Compared with existing algorithms, it achieved similar performance on small test cases, and outperformed it on larger and more complex ones, which happens to be the trend of the modern genetic regulatory network. Furthermore, while the existing satisfiability-based algorithms cannot be parallelized due to their inherent algorithm design, the proposed algorithm exhibits a good scalability on parallel computing architectures.  相似文献   

Accurate inference of molecular and functional interactions among genes, especially in multicellular organisms such as Drosophila, often requires statistical analysis of correlations not only between the magnitudes of gene expressions, but also between their temporal-spatial patterns. The ISH (in-situ-hybridization)-based gene expression micro-imaging technology offers an effective approach to perform large-scale spatial-temporal profiling of whole-body mRNA abundance. However, analytical tools for discovering gene interactions from such data remain an open challenge due to various reasons, including difficulties in extracting canonical representations of gene activities from images, and in inference of statistically meaningful networks from such representations. In this paper, we present GINI, a machine learning system for inferring gene interaction networks from Drosophila embryonic ISH images. GINI builds on a computer-vision-inspired vector-space representation of the spatial pattern of gene expression in ISH images, enabled by our recently developed system; and a new multi-instance-kernel algorithm that learns a sparse Markov network model, in which, every gene (i.e., node) in the network is represented by a vector-valued spatial pattern rather than a scalar-valued gene intensity as in conventional approaches such as a Gaussian graphical model. By capturing the notion of spatial similarity of gene expression, and at the same time properly taking into account the presence of multiple images per gene via multi-instance kernels, GINI is well-positioned to infer statistically sound, and biologically meaningful gene interaction networks from image data. Using both synthetic data and a small manually curated data set, we demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in network building. Furthermore, we report results on a large publicly available collection of Drosophila embryonic ISH images from the Berkeley Drosophila Genome Project, where GINI makes novel and interesting predictions of gene interactions. Software for GINI is available at http://sailing.cs.cmu.edu/Drosophila_ISH_images/  相似文献   

Most common diseases are complex, involving multiple genetic and environmental factors and their interactions. In the past decade, genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have successfully identified thousands of genetic variants underlying susceptibility to complex diseases. However, the results from these studies often do not provide evidence on how the variants affect downstream pathways and lead to the disease. Therefore, in the post-GWAS era the greatest challenge lies in combining GWAS findings with additional molecular data to functionally characterize the associations. The advances in various ~omics techniques have made it possible to investigate the effect of risk variants on intermediate molecular levels, such as gene expression, methylation, protein abundance or metabolite levels. As disease aetiology is complex, no single molecular analysis is expected to fully unravel the disease mechanism. Multiple molecular levels can interact and also show plasticity in different physiological conditions, cell types and disease stages. There is therefore a great need for new integrative approaches that can combine data from different molecular levels and can help construct the causal inference from genotype to phenotype. Systems genetics is such an approach; it is used to study genetic effects within the larger scope of systems biology by integrating genotype information with various ~omics datasets as well as with environmental and physiological variables. In this review, we describe this approach and discuss how it can help us unravel the molecular mechanisms through which genetic variation causes disease. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: From Genome to Function.  相似文献   

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