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Sterilized soil samples (20 g of soil per 50-ml flask), amended with 600 μg of glucose-carbon and 60 μg of NH4-N · g of dry soil−1, were inoculated with bacteria (Pseudomonas paucimobilis) alone or with bacteria and amoebae (Acanthamoeba polyphaga). We used wet-dry treatments, which involved air drying the samples to a moisture content of approximately 2% and remoistening the samples three times during the 83-day experiment. Control treatments were kept moist. In the absence of amoebae, bacterial populations were reduced by the first drying to about 60% of the moist control populations, but the third drying had no such effect. With amoebae present, bacterial numbers were not significantly affected by the dryings. Amoebal grazing reduced bacterial populations to 20 to 25% of the ungrazed bacterial populations in both moisture treatments. Encystment was an efficient survival mechanism for amoebae subjected to wet-dry cycles. The amoebal population was entirely encysted in dry soil, but the total number of amoebae was not affected by the three dryings. Growth efficiencies for amoebae feeding on bacteria were 0.33 and 0.39 for wet-dry and constantly moist treatments, respectively, results that compared well with those previously reported for Acanthamoeba spp.  相似文献   

Question: What are the main driving factors in 70 years of natural dynamics in tree recruitment in the Bia?owie?a National Park? Location: Bia?owie?a National Park, Poland, is one of the least disturbed temperate, lowland forest systems in Europe. Methods: We tested whether fluctuations in large herbivore populations, changes in climate and openness of the forest explained compositional dynamics. Tree recruitment (to size class DBH≥5 cm) was measured on permanent transects (in total, 14.9 ha) six times between 1936‐2002. These data were related to existing data on ungulate density, climatic parameters and estimates of forest openness collected during the same period. Results: Total recruitment of all tree species combined was negatively correlated with total ungulate density and red deer density. The variation in response between species was related to the preferences of herbivores; the more preferred forage species (especially Carpinus betulus) were positively and the less preferred species negatively related to herbivore density. Total tree recruitment rates were not related to climatic parameters and openness of the forest. Only Alnus glutinosa recruitment was significantly related to climatic parameters, and Ulmus glabra related to forest openness, but there were no predictable patterns in recruitment among species in relation to these factors. Conclusion: The present study indicated that changes in large herbivore density have played an important role in driving patterns in tree recruitment and species composition during the last 70 years in Bia?owie?a National Park. In contrast to other studies, increasing herbivore numbers were associated with higher recruitment of preferred and browsing‐tolerant species. Periodical crashes in ungulate numbers, whether human‐induced or caused by natural factors, may offer windows of opportunity for regeneration of a range of tree species and facilitate more diverse and dynamic forest development.  相似文献   

雷州半岛鼠形动物种群动态研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
雷州半岛鼠形动物种群动态研究肖文忠,莫冠英(广东省湛江鼠疫防治研究所524037)DynamicResearchonRodentPopulationsinLeizhouPeninsula.¥XiaoWenzhong;MoGuanying(Zhanji...  相似文献   

Groundwaters are increasingly viewed as resource-limited ecosystems in which fluxes of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) from surface water are efficiently mineralized by a consortium of microorganisms which are grazed by invertebrates. We tested for the effect of groundwater recharge on resource supply and trophic interactions by measuring physico-chemistry, microbial activity and biomass, structure of bacterial communities and invertebrate density at three sites intensively recharged with surface water. Comparison of measurements made in recharge and control well clusters at each site showed that groundwater recharge significantly increased fluxes of DOC and phosphate, elevated groundwater temperature, and diminished dissolved oxygen (DO). Microbial biomass and activity were significantly higher in recharge well clusters but stimulation of autochthonous microorganisms was not associated with a major shift in bacterial community structure. Invertebrate assemblages were not significantly more abundant in recharge well clusters and did not show any relationship with microbial biomass and activity. Microbial communities were bottom-up regulated by DOC and nutrient fluxes but trophic interactions between microorganisms and invertebrates were apparently limited by environmental stresses, particularly DO depletion and groundwater warming. Hydrological connectivity is a key factor regulating the function of DOC-based groundwater food webs as it influences both resource availability for microorganisms and environmental stresses which affect energy transfer to invertebrates and top-down control on microorganisms.  相似文献   

云南西部三种鼠类种群年龄研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
用晶体干重法对大绒鼠、大足鼠和褐家鼠的年龄进行了测定。根据三种鼠类的晶体干重量,将其各分为幼体、亚成体、成体和老体4个年龄组:大绒鼠3.4mg以下,3.5 ̄5.4mg,5.5 ̄6.8mg,6.9mg以上;大足鼠20.0mg以下,20.1 ̄36.0mg,36.1 ̄52.0mg,52.1mg以上;褐家鼠17.0mg以下,17.1 ̄31.0mg,31.1 ̄49.0mg,49.1mg以上。  相似文献   

Plant diversity affects species richness and abundance of taxa at higher trophic levels. However, plant diversity effects on omnivores (feeding on multiple trophic levels) and their trophic and non-trophic interactions are not yet studied because appropriate methods were lacking. A promising approach is the DNA-based analysis of gut contents using next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies. Here, we integrate NGS-based analysis into the framework of a biodiversity experiment where plant taxonomic and functional diversity were manipulated to directly assess environmental interactions involving the omnivorous ground beetle Pterostichus melanarius. Beetle regurgitates were used for NGS-based analysis with universal 18S rDNA primers for eukaryotes. We detected a wide range of taxa with the NGS approach in regurgitates, including organisms representing trophic, phoretic, parasitic, and neutral interactions with P. melanarius. Our findings suggest that the frequency of (i) trophic interactions increased with plant diversity and vegetation cover; (ii) intraguild predation increased with vegetation cover, and (iii) neutral interactions with organisms such as fungi and protists increased with vegetation cover. Experimentally manipulated plant diversity likely affects multitrophic interactions involving omnivorous consumers. Our study therefore shows that trophic and non-trophic interactions can be assessed via NGS to address fundamental questions in biodiversity research.  相似文献   

Cascading Trophic Interactions in an Oligotrophic Species-poor Alpine Lake   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Non-native brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) were eradicated from alpine Bighorn Lake, Alberta, Canada, to test whether strong cascading trophic interactions (CTI) can occur in oligotrophic, high seston C:P, species-poor lakes. Fishless alpine Pipit Lake was used as a reference ecosystem. Bighorn Lake zooplankton biomass increased from 0.14:1 relative to Pipit Lake before fish removal began in 1997 to 0.6:1 afterwards due to an increase in the abundance of adult cyclopoid copepods beginning in 1997 and the reappearance of Daphnia middendorffiana in 1998. Following the reappearance of Daphnia, Bighorn Lake total phytoplankton biomass fell from 64:1 relative to Pipit Lake to 0.9:1. Over the same periods Bighorn Lake:Pipit Lake chlorophyll-a ratios declined from 2.4:1 to 1.6:1, although the decrease was not statistically significant. Mid-summer Secchi disc depth in Bighorn Lake increased from 3.1 m before manipulation to 9.2 m, the maximum depth of the lake, in 2001 and 2002. Increased transparency was most likely due to increased filtration of suspended inorganic particles from the water column by higher abundances of large zooplankton. Post-manipulation increases in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN), DIN:total dissolved phosphorus (TDP) ratio and declines in TDP in Bighorn Lake were not attributable to ecosystem manipulation, similar changes were observed in reference Pipit Lake. We conclude that strong pelagic CTI, expressed as change in total phytoplankton biomass and largely mediated by Daphnia, can occur in oligotrophic, high seston C:P, species-poor ecosystems. However, strong CTI responses in phytoplankton biomass may lag trophic manipulation by several years.  相似文献   

This study concerns the contribution of directional asymmetry (DA) and fluctuating asymmetry (FA) as a characterization of variation in six sexual (diploid) and two asexual (triploid and tetraploid) populations of the weevil Otiorhynchus alpicola. It is shown that DA in sexual populations is about 1 % of the mean length of each of the seven bilateral traits and the average contribution of DA to trait variation is even lower in asexual populations (about 0.85 in triploids and 0.65 in tetraploids forms). The average contribution of FA to the total phenotypic variance is about 23 %, 12 % and 19 % in diploid, triploid and tetraploid populations, respectively. Since FA is generally regarded as a measure of developmental stability, our data indicate that triploid forms of O. alpicola are developmentally more stable than diploid and tetraploid forms. The relationship between the level of ploidy and FA is discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding the determinants of spatial and temporal differences in the relative strength of consumer–resource interactions is an important endeavour in ecology. Here, we explore the necessary conditions for temporal shifts in the relative strength of rodent–plant interactions in an area characterised by profound spatial differences in trophic control, with predator–prey interactions prevailing in productive habitats and rodent–plant interactions dominating unproductive habitats of the forest–tundra ecotone. We report data obtained during the exceptionally massive rodent outbreak of 2010–2012 in northernmost Fennoscandia, including an experimental manipulation of herbivore access to vegetation plots across a large-scale productivity gradient, multiple observational measures of plant–rodent interactions linked to rodent abundance data and a large-scale survey of breeding avian predators and mammalian predator activity. Unexpectedly, rodent grazing impacts documented during the rodent outbreak were uniformly strong across the landscape, regardless of habitat productivity. The runaway response in rodent populations was facilitated by a high population growth rate in the early phase of the outbreak due to the extended absence of predators in productive habitats, concomitant with an exceptionally long-lasting lemming outbreak in unproductive habitats. Our results showed that spatio-temporal variation in trophic control also occurs in ecosystems structured according to the exploitation ecosystems hypothesis and emphasises the importance of long-term studies to capture nonlinear and stochastic features that shape ecosystem functioning. In this context, the temporary release from top–down regulation in productive habitats caused strong grazing impacts that may be crucial for the resilience of tundra ecosystems under the threat of climate change-driven shrub encroachment.  相似文献   



The hearing of tetrapods including humans is enhanced by an active process that amplifies the mechanical inputs associated with sound, sharpens frequency selectivity, and compresses the range of responsiveness. The most striking manifestation of the active process is spontaneous otoacoustic emission, the unprovoked emergence of sound from an ear. Hair cells, the sensory receptors of the inner ear, are known to provide the energy for such emissions; it is unclear, though, how ensembles of such cells collude to power observable emissions.

Methodology and Principal Findings

We have measured and modeled spontaneous otoacoustic emissions from the ear of the tokay gecko, a convenient experimental subject that produces robust emissions. Using a van der Pol formulation to represent each cluster of hair cells within a tonotopic array, we have examined the factors that influence the cooperative interaction between oscillators.

Conclusions and Significance

A model that includes viscous interactions between adjacent hair cells fails to produce emissions similar to those observed experimentally. In contrast, elastic coupling yields realistic results, especially if the oscillators near the ends of the array are weakened so as to minimize boundary effects. Introducing stochastic irregularity in the strength of oscillators stabilizes peaks in the spectrum of modeled emissions, further increasing the similarity to the responses of actual ears. Finally, and again in agreement with experimental findings, the inclusion of a pure-tone external stimulus repels the spectral peaks of spontaneous emissions. Our results suggest that elastic coupling between oscillators of slightly differing strength explains several properties of the spontaneous otoacoustic emissions in the gecko.  相似文献   

经过半个多世纪的建设,克拉玛依已由原始戈壁变为现代化都市。近年来,政府大力发展林业、农业和其他相关产业,对林农产生严重危害的鼠害逐渐加重。2004~2005年,我们对克拉玛依市所属的克拉玛依区、白碱滩区、乌尔禾区、小拐乡、乌尔禾乡鼠害进行了全面系统的调查,本文对产生主要危害的啮齿动物种类、分布及危害作了介绍。  相似文献   

The effects of different variables such as incubation time, temperature, tissue protein content, and pH on the interactions of various labelled nicotinic ligands with nicotine-like binding sites in vitro were studied in rodent brain preparations. The ligands tested were alpha-[3H]bungarotoxin (alpha-[3H]BTX), [3H]tubocurarine ([3H]TC), and [3H]nicotine ([3H]NIC). The regional distribution of the labelled nicotinic ligand binding was also studied and affinity constants and maximal binding (Bmax) values for the equilibrium [3H]NIC binding are given. Association kinetics for [3H]NIC and [3H]TC binding to brain homogenate were similar, with maximal binding within 5-10 min of incubation, followed by a continuous decrease. In contrast, the binding of alpha-[3H]BTX to brain homogenate was much slower, reaching equilibrium after 30-60 min of incubation. Scatchard analysis of equilibrium binding data for [3H]NIC in the hippocampus indicated two binding sites: a high-affinity site (Bmax, 60 pmol/g protein; KD, 6 nM) and a low-affinity site (Bmax, 230 pmol/g protein; KD, 125 nM). The data for the high-affinity [3H]NIC binding site are very similar to previously found data for the high-affinity binding site of [3H]TC and the binding site of alpha-[3H]BTX. Each ligand showed regional differences in binding, and the binding pattern also differed between the ligands.  相似文献   

The Lewontin-Krakauer test for selective neutrality of polymorphisms was applied to temporal variation in gene frequency at five electrophoretic loci in each of four fluctuating vole populations over a three-year period. The results indicate that changes in gene frequencies were primarily due to nonselective forces.  相似文献   

Based on published information about the glacial, postglacial, and recent distribution of the root vole, Microtus oeconomus, we hypothesized that a population inhabiting the pristine wetland in eastern Poland (Bialowieza Primeval Forest) might comprise a high diversity of haplotypes. The support for this hypothesis was provided by an analysis of partial cytb gene sequences from 149 voles sampled within a two-hectare plot during a nine-year study. In this population, we identified eight haplotypes (PLB1–PLB8), four of which were new to the root vole. These haplotypes were characterized by low nucleotide diversity (π?=?0.0054, SE?=?0.0019), the absence of transversional differences between sequences, and no changes in the encoded amino acid sequence: features suggesting a lack of immigration from the distant populations. The haplotype number and their frequency distribution in males and females did not differ significantly. An assessment of the persistence of matrilines in the local population throughout the study period revealed that the haplotype composition was relatively stable for only about 3 years. A more complete haplotype network for root voles in Europe was constructed by combining the newly identified haplotypes with the 45 previously described haplotypes. Two of the haplotypes detected in this study occupy key positions in this network: PLB5, as the closest link to the North European group, and PLB8, as an ancestor to many other Central European haplotypes.  相似文献   

Animal studies are very useful in detection of early disease indicators and in unravelling the pathophysiological processes underlying core psychiatric disorder phenotypes. Early indicators are critical for preventive and efficient treatment of progressive psychiatric disorders like anorexia nervosa. Comparable to physical hyperactivity observed in anorexia nervosa patients, in the activity-based anorexia rodent model, mice and rats express paradoxical high voluntary wheel running activity levels when food restricted. Eleven inbred mouse strains and outbred Wistar WU rats were exposed to the activity-based anorexia model in search of identifying susceptibility predictors. Body weight, food intake and wheel running activity levels of each individual mouse and rat were measured. Mouse strains and rats with high wheel running activity levels during food restriction exhibited accelerated body weight loss. Linear mixed models for repeated measures analysis showed that baseline wheel running activity levels preceding the scheduled food restriction phase strongly predicted activity-based anorexia susceptibility (mice: Beta  =  −0.0158 (±0.003 SE), P<0.0001; rats: Beta  =  −0.0242 (±0.004 SE), P<0.0001) compared to other baseline parameters. These results suggest that physical activity levels play an important role in activity-based anorexia susceptibility in different rodent species with genetically diverse background. These findings support previous retrospective studies on physical activity levels in anorexia nervosa patients and indicate that pre-morbid physical activity levels could reflect an early indicator for disease severity.  相似文献   

Thermal quality and predation risk are considered important factors influencing habitat patch use in ectothermic prey. However, how the predator’s food requirement and the prey’s necessity to avoid predation interact with their respective thermoregulatory strategies remains poorly understood. The recently developed ‘thermal game model’ predicts that in the face of imminent predation, prey should divide their time equally among a range of thermal patches. In contrast, predators should concentrate their hunting activities towards warmer patches. In this study, we test these predictions in a laboratory setup and an artificial environment that mimics more natural conditions. In both cases, we scored thermal patch use of newt larvae (prey) and free-ranging dragonfly nymphs (predators). Similar effects were seen in both settings. The newt larvae spent less time in the warm patch if dragonfly nymphs were present. The patch use of the dragonfly nymphs did not change as a function of prey availability, even when the nymphs were starved prior to the experiment. Our behavioral observations partially corroborate predictions of the thermal game model. In line with asymmetric fitness pay-offs in predator-prey interactions (the ‘life-dinner’ principle), the prey’s thermal strategy is more sensitive to the presence of predators than vice versa.  相似文献   

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