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胚胎干细胞在再生医学领域有着十分诱人的应用前景。但是现有胚胎干细胞建系技术不能避开对卵细胞的操作, 成为ES细胞临床应用的障碍。通过反转录病毒载体系统, 在小鼠和人类高度分化细胞中表达干细胞因子Oct4, Sox2, Klf4和/或c-Myc等基因, 再经过干细胞标志因子Nanog或Oct4筛选, 可以获得与ES细胞特性十分近似的诱导多能干细胞系。这种不依赖于卵细胞的多能干细胞建系方法无疑是干细胞实验技术的重大进展, 也是对现有重编程理论假设的突破。综述了诱导多能干细胞系建系实验结果, 并对诱导重编程的机制和诱导多能干细胞系的临床应用前景进行了讨论。  相似文献   

诱导多功能性干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS细胞)是通过导入特定的转录因子(如Oct3/4、Sox2、c-Myc和Klf4等)将体细胞诱导重编程为多能性干细胞,其功能与胚胎干细胞相似.iPS细胞的建立,在生命科学领域引起了新的轰动.目前,iPS细胞的研究领域在转录因子的优化、iPS细胞的筛选、载体的运用、体细胞种类的选择和iPS细胞的应用等方面取得突破进展,但仍然存在致癌性、效率低等一系列急需解决的问题.  相似文献   

房波  宋后燕 《生命的化学》2008,28(3):242-244
通过逆转录病毒将4个基因(Oct4 、 Sox2、c-Myc和Klf4)导入小鼠胚胎成纤维细胞 (mouse embryonic fibroblast, MEF)中,能诱导形成胚胎干细胞样特性的诱导多能干(induced pluripotent stem, iPS)细胞.人类iPS细胞的成功构建开拓了广泛的应用前景.本文简要综述了 iPS细胞的基因筛选,转导基因的选择以及iPS细胞的表观遗传特性等.  相似文献   

诱导性多潜能干细胞(iPSCs)是指分化细胞中导入特定转录因子后逆转恢复到类似胚胎干细胞的具有自我更新、多向分化等潜能的一类细胞。诱导疾病特异性iPSCs是疾病机理、再生医学等领域的研究热点。目前,人iPSCs供体细胞主要来源于皮肤成纤维细胞,需要组织活检、体外增殖等繁琐过程。利用外周血细胞(peripheral blood cells)成功诱导iPSCs,具有取材方便、诱导快速等优点,将极大地促进iPSCs研究。该文在介绍iPSCs诱导方法的基础上,重点阐述了从小鼠B细胞、T细胞,人脐带血细胞,到人外周血细胞重编程为iPSCs的研究进展,分析了该技术的特点和可能存在的问题,并进行了前景展望。  相似文献   

将体细胞诱导为多功能干细胞为人类的再生医学提供了一个全新的研究手段,从而可以不用损坏胚胎就能获得可用于治疗各种特殊疾病的细胞。本文比较了近年来关于生成诱导性多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS细胞)的诱导方法及重编程效率,总结了这些方法的共同点;另外通过对每个不同试验过程的影响因素进行比较,归纳了影响iPS细胞重编程过程的几个因素。  相似文献   

为建立多顺反子质粒载体转染技术获得人脂肪干细胞(adipose stem cells,ASCs)来源的诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotency stem cells,iPSCs),应用2A元件连接Oct4/Sox2/KLF4/c-Myc四因子基因,构建为单一开放阅读框的多顺反子质粒载体.使用该质粒对ASCs进行转染及重编程为iPSC.采用形态学观察、特异性抗体免疫荧光鉴定、体外拟胚体诱导分化和体内畸胎瘤形成等方法进行鉴定.结果显示,ASCs成功重编程为iPSCs,具有与人胚胎干细胞相似的形态学及多向分化潜能;通过拟胚体和畸胎瘤实验证实iPSCs能在体内外分化成三胚层细胞;DNA印迹实验显示质粒载体序列未整合至iPSCs基因组中.因此,通过多顺反子质粒载体重编程技术成功建立的人iPSCs具有多向分化潜能,可减免发生插入突变和免疫排斥问题,为iPSCs在遗传性或退行性疾病的治疗奠定了实验基础.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2014,14(2):217-227
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A cell therapy strategy utilizing genetically-corrected induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSC) may be an attractive approach for genetic disorders such as muscular dystrophies. Methods for genetic engineering of iPSC that emphasize precision and minimize random integration would be beneficial. We demonstrate here an approach in the mdx mouse model of Duchenne muscular dystrophy that focuses on the use of site-specific recombinases to achieve genetic engineering. We employed non-viral, plasmid-mediated methods to reprogram mdx fibroblasts, using phiC31 integrase to insert a single copy of the reprogramming genes at a safe location in the genome. We next used Bxb1 integrase to add the therapeutic full-length dystrophin cDNA to the iPSC in a site-specific manner. Unwanted DNA sequences, including the reprogramming genes, were then precisely deleted with Cre resolvase. Pluripotency of the iPSC was analyzed before and after gene addition, and ability of the genetically corrected iPSC to differentiate into myogenic precursors was evaluated by morphology, immunohistochemistry, qRT-PCR, FACS analysis, and intramuscular engraftment. These data demonstrate a non-viral, reprogramming-plus-gene addition genetic engineering strategy utilizing site-specific recombinases that can be applied easily to mouse cells. This work introduces a significant level of precision in the genetic engineering of iPSC that can be built upon in future studies.  相似文献   

胚胎干细胞不仅是研究哺乳动物早期胚胎发育、细胞分化、基因表达调控等发育生物学问题的有力工具,还可用于新药评价、细胞治疗等方面的研究.然而,为科学研究而捐献的人类卵子并不能够轻易获得,限制了人类胚胎干细胞相关研究的进展,解决这个问题的理想办法就是找到能够替代胚胎干细胞的其他成体多能细胞.综述了将哺乳动物体细胞诱导为多能干细胞的方法,重点介绍了利用特定的转录因子将体细胞诱导为诱导多能干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cells,iPS细胞)的最新进展,详细阐述了转录因子在诱导细胞重编程过程中发挥的作用,以及iPS细胞筛选与鉴定的方法,并展望了iPS细胞的应用前景.  相似文献   

Induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells can be generated by forced expression of four pluripotency factors in somatic cells. This has received much attention in recent years since it may offer us a promising donor cell source for cell transplantation therapy. There has been great progress in iPS cell research in the past few years. However, several issues need to be further addressed in the near future before the clinical application of iPS cells, like the immunogenieity of iPS cells, the variability of differentiation potential and most importantly tumor formation of the iPS derivative cells. Here, we review recent progress in research into the pluripotency of iPS cells.  相似文献   

In this study, we created porcine‐induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells with the expression of six reprogramming factors (Oct3/4, Klf4, Sox2, c‐Myc, Lin28, and Nanog). The resulting cells showed growth dependent on LIF (leukemia inhibitory factor) and expression of multiple stem cell markers. Furthermore, the iPS cells caused teratoma formation with three layers of differentiation and had both active X chromosomes (XaXa). Our iPS cells satisfied the both of important characteristics of stem cells: teratoma formation and activation of both X chromosomes. Injection of these iPS cells into morula stage embryos showed that these cells participate in the early stage of porcine embryogenesis. Furthermore, the RNA‐Seq analysis detected that expression levels of endogenous pluripotent related genes, NANOG, SOX2, ZFP42, OCT3/4, ESRRB, and ERAS were much higher in iPS with six factors than that with four reprogramming factors. We can conclude that the expression of six reprogramming factors enables the creation of porcine iPS cells, which is partially close to naive iPS state. J. Cell. Biochem. 118: 537–553, 2017. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

体细胞诱导成为多能性干细胞(induced pluripotent stem cell,iPS cell)的研究成果被国际生命科学界誉为具有里程碑意义的创新之举.在短短3年多的时间里,这项研究已经在细胞重编程的机理研究、探索疾病的发生发展机制以及临床医学的应用等领域引发了很多突破性的进展,而且,这一非克隆干细胞技术的诞生,成功地避开了长期以来争论不休的伦理问题,极大地推动该领域和相关科学领域的发展.从iPS细胞的研究历程、iPS细胞的构建机理、iPS细胞研究的最新应用成果以及iPS细胞的发展前景和研究方向等方面进行了评.  相似文献   

Recent findings suggest the possibility that tumors originate from cancer cells with stem cell properties. The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis provides an explanation for why existing cancer therapies often fail in eradicating highly malignant tumors and end with tumor recurrence. Although normal stem cells and CSCs both share the capacity for self-renewal and multi-lineage differentiation, suggesting that CSC may be derived from normal SCs, the cellular origin of transformation of CSCs is debatable. Research suggests that the tightly controlled balance of self-renewal and differentiation that characterizes normal stem cell function is dis-regulated in cancer. Additionally, recent evidence has linked an embryonic stem cell (ESC)-like gene signature with poorly differentiated high-grade tumors, suggesting that regulatory pathways controlling pluripotency may in part contribute to the somatic CSC phenotype. Here, we introduce expression profile bioinformatic analyses of mouse breast cells with CSC properties, mouse embryonic stem (mES) and induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells with an emphasis on how study of pluripotent stem cells may contribute to the identification of genes and pathways that facilitate events associated with oncogenesis. Global gene expression analysis from CSCs and induced pluripotent stem cell lines represent an ideal model to study cancer initiation and progression and provide insight into the origin cancer stem cells. Additionally, insight into the genetic and epigenomic mechanisms regulating the balance between self-renewal and differentiation of somatic stem cells and cancer may help to determine whether different strategies used to generate iPSCs are potentially safe for therapeutic use.  相似文献   

以Oct4、Sox2、Klf4和c-Myc等转录因子于体细胞中异位表达,可获得具有胚胎干细胞特性的诱导性多能干细胞(iPSCs),但是iPSCs技术的重编程效率和应用于临床上的安全性却都很低。目前,iPSCs的研究集中于3个方面:一是增加iPSCs技术的重编程效率;二是增加iPSCs应用于临床时的安全性;三是开创新的构建iPSCs的方法。第一个方面通过调整体细胞的表观遗传特性和细胞信号网络来达到;第二个方面可通过减少致癌性因子的使用及选择合适的载体系统来达到。而且,一些小分子化合物和调节细胞信号网络的方法也被用于诱导体细胞重编程为iPSCs。相对于仅仅使用转录因子重编程体细胞为iPSCs,使用小分子化合物或调节细胞信号网络的方法重编程体细胞为iPSCs的效率更高,而且通过这种方法获得的iPSCs的有更高的临床安全性。新构建iPSCs的方式与依赖含转录因子表达载体构建iPSCs的传统模式区别较大,它们的临床安全性或(和)重编程效率也得到了极大提高。使用4个转录因子的重组蛋白或体外合成并修饰的转录因子的mRNA已经能成功构建iPSCs;而使用miRNAs高效率重编程小鼠和人的体细胞为iPSCs的方法则开创了脱离转录因子重编程体细胞的全新策略。  相似文献   

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