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The fine structure of the tibiotarsal and pretarsal sensory organs of Monobella grassei banyulensis Deharveng (Collembola : Neanuridae) has been examined by electron microscopy.Three types of sensory organs have been observed. (1) the most numerous setae of the tibiotarsus are classic mechanosensitive setae with one bipolar sensory cell, whose distal outer segment ends in a tubular body. (2) Two small setae are arranged on each side of the basal part of the claw; they show 3 sensory cells, 2 of which are mechanosensitive cells of the scolopidial type; the outer segments of the 2 mechanosensitive cells end at the base of the sensory hair. The dendrite of the 3rd sensory cell extends into the hair shaft. (3) Two similar chordotonal sensilla link the tibiotarsus and the pretarsus; each sensillum is composed of 2 bipolar sensory cells enveloped in sheath cells. The first type of sensory organ shows the characteristics of insect exteroceptive mechanosensitive hairs. The mechanosensitive cells of the 2nd and 3rd tibiotarsus sensory organs are probably proprioceptive and control the movements of the pretarsus in relation to the tibiotarsus. Two features are noteworthy: (1) the association of the scolopidial cells with a chemosensitive one has never been observed in other insect sensory organs, except in the Collembola; and (2) there is an important morphological diversity in the ciliary roots of the various scolopidial cells, which are in other respects very similar.  相似文献   

The genus Monobellu Cassagnau, 1979 (Collembola) is redefined. Four new species and one new subspecies are described from Pyrenees and Cevennes (France) on the basis of labrum morphology, tubercle arrangement on tergites and chaetotaxy of somites: Monobellu culvu sp. n., Monobellu eduphica sp. n., Monobellu grussei minor ssp. n., Monobellu juu sp. n., and Monobellu rousseti sp. n. The subspecies Monobellu grussei dubiu Deharveng, 1986 is reassigned to specific level. A key to the 14 species and subspecies of Monobellu is given. Except M. g. minor ssp. n. which is present in the Pyrenees and the Massif Central and the widespread M. g. grussei (Denis, 1923), all Monobellu species and subspecies are narrow endemics of the Pyrenean range; their distribution is mapped in details. A phylogenetic analysis is performed, taking into account the high level of polymorphism of some characters and the incomplete genetic isolation between certain subspecies, indicated in the field by the presence of narrow hybrid zones. Though obtained under different assumptions and constraints, the most parsimonious cladograms exhibit only slight differences, and the proposed phyletic reconstruction can be considered as robust. It adequately reflects the known distribution of the species in the Pyrenees, it confirms the monophyly of the species M. grussei and supports, in agreement with field distribution data, the idea that reticulate evolution might have occurred in this taxon. © The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters  相似文献   

对颚毛虫兆属Crossodonthina Yosii, 1954做了简要介绍,提供了该属的鉴别特征,记述了采自中国湖南省东安县舜皇山的颚毛虫兆属1新种——周氏颚毛疣虫兆Crossodonthina choui,这是该属在华中地区(湖南)的新记录。新种的正模标本(♂)和2个副模标本(2♂)保存在中南林业科技大学生命科学与技术学院昆虫标本室。  相似文献   

Studies of prezygotic and postzygotic isolation in Drosophila have shown in general that species in sympatry tend to evolve prezygotic barriers earlier than do species in allopatry. However, postzygotic barriers tend to evolve at the same evolutionary rate in both sympatric and allopatric species. In contrast to these observations, the grasshoppers Chorthippus parallelus parallelus and C. p. erythropus show complete hybrid male sterility but only limited prezygotic isolation after an estimated 0.5 millions years of divergence. Like their congeners, C. brunneus and C. jacobsi form a hybrid zone where their ranges meet in northern Spain. However, the hybrid zone is mosaic and bimodal and, in contrast to the high levels of postzygotic isolation between C. parallelus subspecies, these two species showed no significant reduction in hybrid fitness in F1 or backcross generations relative to the parental generations. The level of prezygotic isolation in laboratory tests was comparable to that between C. parallelus subspecies. These results suggest that endogenous postzygotic isolation does not play an important role in the reproductive isolation between C. brunneus and C. jacobsi , or in determining the structure of the hybrid zone. Exogenous postzygotic isolation may be present and should be tested in future studies.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 84 , 195–203.  相似文献   

This paper deals primarily with the collembolan species of the subfamily Dicyrtominae collected during the Royal Society Expedition to the Solomon Islands of 1965 by P. N. Lawrence, supplemented by material from these islands collected by Dr and Mrs P. J. M. Greenslade, all of which is in the British Museum (Natural History). Additional supporting material described here has been derived from the Noona Dan Expedition of the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen and from the Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Hawaii. I should like to express my thanks to the individuals and Museum sconcerned.  相似文献   

Samples collected in “restinga” areas of two conservation units in Rio de Janeiro state revealed the presence of two new species of Neanuridae family. The first, Pseudachorutes solaris sp. nov., from Parque Estadual da Costa do Sol and from Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, differs from other species for having 34–50 vesicles in the postantennal organ, and the second, Friesea jurubatiba sp. nov. from Parque Nacional da Restinga de Jurubatiba, differs from other species for having 8 clavate chaetae in the abdominal segment VI.  相似文献   

Recognizing the predominant mode of selection in hybrid systems is important in predicting the evolutionary fate of recombinant genotypes. Natural selection is endogenous if hybrid genotypes are at a disadvantage relative to parental species independent of environment. Alternatively, relative fitness can vary in response to environmental variation (exogenous selection), and hybrid genotypes can possess fitness values equal to or greater than that of parental species. I investigated the nature of natural selection in a leopard frog hybrid system by rearing larvae of hybrid and parental genotypes between Rana blairi and R. sphenocephala in 1000-L outdoor experimental ponds. Three hybrid (F1, backcrossj [B1], backcross2 [B2]) and two parental (R. blairi [BB] and R. sphenocephala [SS]) larval genotypes were produced by artificial fertilzations using adult frogs from a natural population in central Missouri. Resultant larvae were reared in single-genotype populations and two-way mixtures at equal total numbers from hatching to metamorphosis. In single-genotype ponds, F1 hybrid larvae had highest survival and BB were largest at metamorphosis. When F1 and SS larvae were mixed together, F1 hybrids had reduced survival and both F1 and SS larvae metamorphosed at larger body masses than when reared separately. When mixed, both B1 and SS larvae had shorter larval period lengths than when reared alone. Higher proportion of B1 metamorphs were produced when larvae were mixed with either parental species than when reared alone. Larval fitness components as measured by survival, body mass at metamorphosis, proportion of survivors metamorphosing, and larval period length for B2 hybrid and BB larvae were similar in single-genotype populations and mixtures. Comparison of composite fitness component estimates indicated hybrid genotypes possess equivalent or higher larval fitness relative to both parental species for the life-history fitness components measured. Despite reduced survival of F1 hybrids in mixtures, backcross-generation hybrid genotypes demonstrated high levels of larval growth, survival, and metamorphosis in mixtures with parental species. Consequently, this study suggests natural hybridization and subsequent backcrossing between R. blairi and R. sphenocephala can produce novel and relatively fit hybrid genotypes capable of successful existence with parental species larvae. Thus, the evolutionary fate of hybrid and parental genotypes in this system may be influenced by exogenous selection mediated by genotypic composition of larval assemblages.  相似文献   

The long-term patterns of malaria in the East African highlands typically involve not only a general upward trend in cases but also a dramatic increase in the size of epidemic outbreaks. The role of climate variability in driving epidemic cycles at interannual time scales remains controversial, in part because it has been seen as conflicting with the alternative explanation of purely endogenous cycles exclusively generated by the nonlinear dynamics of the disease. We analyse a long temporal record of monthly cases from 1970 to 2003 in a highland of western Kenya with both a time-series epidemiological model (time-series susceptible-infected-recovered) and a statistical approach specifically developed for non-stationary patterns. Results show that multiyear cycles of malaria outbreaks appear in the 1980s, concomitant with the timing of a regime shift in the dynamics of cases; the cycles become more pronounced in the 1990s, when the coupling between disease and rainfall is also stronger as the variance of rainfall increased at the frequencies of coupling. Disease dynamics and climate forcing play complementary and interacting roles at different temporal scales. Thus, these mechanisms should not be viewed as alternative and their interaction needs to be integrated in the development of future predictive models.  相似文献   

We describe a complex vertical stratification of collembolan assemblages from rainforest leaf litter samples and identify distinct assemblages associated with forest floor, lower canopy and upper canopy samples. Leaf litter samples were collected from the forest floor and deposits of leaf litter suspended in epiphytes in the canopy of a subtropical rainforest site at Lamington National Park in southeast Queensland. The patterns of relationship among assemblages of Collembola extracted from these samples were examined using a variety of analyses of a matrix of similarities between samples. The results of ANOSIM analyses showed that forest floor, lower canopy and tipper canopy samples formed discrete groups. These results permit a discussion of these groups as three distinct collembolan assemblages. Analysis of the dissimilarities between these assemblages revealed a gradient of similarity from the forest floor through the lower to the upper canopy. This gradient represents a more complex vertical stratification than has previously been identified in rainforest canopy arthropods. We suggest that limitations on the dispersal of some forest floor species into the canopy may be responsible for this pattern. We also identify a second gradient of similarities among these assemblages. We show that dissimilarity among samples from forest floor is significantly lower than dissimilarity among samples from within the lower canopy, and that the level of dissimilarity between samples from within the upper canopy is significantly higher again. We suggest that dispersal barriers and higher probabilities of extinction in upper canopy collembolan colonies may be responsible for higher heterogeneity of species composition and abundance among samples from the upper canopy. We outline a number of testable hypotheses aimed at determining the importance of these processes in producing the patterns we have observed.  相似文献   

Summary Observations on the ecology of Cryptopygus sverdrupi Lawrence (Collembola, Isotomidae) were made with specimens from the Mühlig-Hofmannfjella, Dronning Maud Land, Antarctica. At an elevation of 1600 m a.s.l. the species was numerous in association with the green alga Prasiola on gravel fields and in crevices of large boulders. The distribution of size-classes in field samples suggested that the population comprised several overlapping generations. Growth and development is probably very slow due to long winters and daily periods of subzero temperatures in their microhabitat during the summer. Specimens collected in mid-January had a mean supercooling point of-24.6°C with small individual variations. The lack of high supercooling points in the summer suggests that the springtails feed on a nuleatorfree diet. The ability to supercool was increased during prolonged starvation and acclimation at 0,-4 and-8°C. Glycerol and other potential low molecular weight cryoprotective substances were demonstrated in specimens acclimated at-4 and-8°C. The species possessed a relatively high tolerance to desiccation.Publication No. 81 of the Norwegian Antarctic Research Expeditions (1984/85)  相似文献   

John  Brackenbury 《Journal of Zoology》1990,222(1):117-119
Photographic evidence shows that the ventral tube can be used as a tentacle-like mechanical aid for self-righting from an inverted position. It is proposed that the extraordinary length of the vesicles of the ventral tube in globular springtails has been evolved in order to combat postural instabilities resulting from spherical symmetry of body form.  相似文献   

Although scaling relationships that characterize fractal species distributions offer an exciting potential for unification in biogeography, empirical support for fractal theory remains the subject of debate. We synthesize and test multiple predictions of two interrelated fractal models and a null model of random placement using Californian serpentine grassland data describing the spatial location of over 37 000 individually identified plants. The endemics–area relationship and species‐abundance distribution recently derived from a community‐level fractal property performed poorly because of an inaccurate assumption of homogeneity among species. In contrast, a species‐level fractal model that incorporates species‐level differences predicted abundances well, but systematically overestimated endemism and predicted a species–area relationship that violated the observed power law. These findings indicate that in order to make predictions based on the existence of a power‐law species–area relationship, ecologists need a unifying theory of how the community‐level fractal property arises in the presence of species‐level distributional differences.  相似文献   

Three new species of Endonura are described from Iran. Endonura dichaeta sp. n. can be recognized by an ogival labrum, head without chaetae O and E, chaeta D connected with tubercle Cl, tubercle Dl with five chaetae on head, absence of tubercles Di on thorax I and tubercle (Di+Di) of thorax V with 2+2 chaetae. Endonura ceratolabralis sp. n. is characterized by large body size, reduction of labral chaetotaxy, ogival labrum, head without chaeta O and fusion of tubercles Di and De on first thoracic segment. Endonura persica sp. n. is distinguished from its congeners by a nonogival labrum, absence of chaeta O, tubercles Dl and (L+So) with five and eight chaetae respectively and claw with inner tooth. The key to all species of the genus is given.  相似文献   

Apoptotic and necrotic changes in the midgut epithelium cells of Allacma fusca (Collembola, Symphypleona) are described at the ultrastructural level. The morphological sign indicating the beginning of the apoptotic process in these cells is their shrinkage and the transformation of their mitochondria. The nucleus assumes a lobular shape and finally undergoes fragmentation. The intercellular junctions between an apoptotic cell and adjacent epithelial cells gradually disappear. Apoptotic cells are discharged into the midgut lumen just beneath the peritrophic membrane, where they are initially distributed singly but ultimately form a single layer. No phagocytosis was observed, so no apoptotic bodies are formed. Only young midgut epithelium shows apoptosis; as cells age, necrosis accompanies apoptosis, and necrosis finally completely replaces apoptosis.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the mayfly biodiversity in the Balkan Peninsula is still far from complete. Compared to the neighbouring countries, the mayfly fauna in Croatia is very poorly known. Situated at the crossroads of central and Mediterranean Europe and the Balkan Peninsula, Croatia is divided into two ecoregions: Dinaric western Balkan and Pannonian lowland. Mayflies were sampled between 2003 and 2013 at 171 sites, and a total of 66 species was recorded. Combined with the literature data, the Croatian mayfly fauna reached a total of 79 taxa. Of these, 29 species were recorded for the first time in Croatia while 15 species were not previously recorded in Dinaric western Balkan ecoregion. Based on the mayfly assemblage, sampling sites were first structured by ecoregion and then by habitat type. In comparison with the surrounding countries, the Croatian mayfly fauna is the most similar to the Hungarian and Bosnian fauna. Some morphologically interesting taxa such as Baetis cf. nubecularis Eaton, 1898 and Rhithrogena from the diaphana group were recorded. Ephemera cf. parnassiana Demoulin, 1958, the species previously recorded only from Greece, was also recorded.  相似文献   

This work deals with the structure of Collembolan communities in riparian habitats. Sixty samples collected along running waters in a Pyrenean massif have been analysed. Diversity was much higher than for any comparable habitat studied in the literature. The proportion of rare species was particularly high, and explained a large part of the observed diversity. The contribution of specialized hydrophilous species to overall diversity was low: they were 5 times less numerous than non-hydrophilous species for a similar global abundance. Correspondence analysis showed that the riparian community was loosely structured, without any strong determining factor. Epigeomorphic species of hydrophilous Collembola were, however, clustered in a well-defined group. The forest type, of major importance for soil fauna diversity in the area, was a poor predictor of diversity in the riparian habitats. Conversely, richness was significantly related to distance from water, in spite of the samples having been all collected from permanently water-saturated substrates. The importance of non-hydrophilous species for the diversity of riparian habitats along running water is interpreted as reflecting the ecological permeability of the hydrophilous community, resulting from the spatial organisation of the habitat in narrow strips, and its frequent disturbance by flooding. Finally, the riparian habitat may act as a refuge for a significant proportion of the soil species affected by reafforestation, presently the most severe disturbance of Pyrenean ecosystems.  相似文献   

We have studied reciprocal transplant gardens involving the hybrid zone between basin and mountain big sagebrush ( Artemisia tridentata ) in Salt Creek Canyon, Utah, for 9 years. Previously, we showed that the parental taxa and hybrids had superior reproductive and vegetative performance in their native garden. These earlier data supported the Bounded Hybrid Superiority model. Now, after 9 years, we find that the mountain seed source plants have greater relative fitness than middle hybrid zone seed source plants in the middle hybrid zone garden. These results may be due to plant density and climatic factors more conducive to mountain seed source growth than that of either basin or middle hybrid zone seed source plants. On the other hand, these fitness estimates do not take into account the timing of reproduction, which together with the age-specific survival rate, can profoundly affect lifetime fitness. The intrinsic rate of increase ( r ) takes both of these factors into account, providing another estimate of fitness. Middle hybrid zone seed source plants had the greatest rate of increase in both the middle hybrid zone and mountain gardens and a greater rate of increase than either parent in the basin garden. This is most likely due to the greater reproductive performance of middle hybrid zone plants earlier in life than either parental taxon. These results partly support the Bounded Hybrid Superiority model and show the importance of long- term studies of hybrid fitness.  © 2005 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2005, 86 , 213–225.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopy evidence have been obtained to describe the peculiar spermatogenesis in the collembolan species Sminthurus viridis and Allacma fusca (Sminthuridae). In these two species, the two sexes differ for the lack of two chromosomes (the sex chromosomes) in males (males, 2n = 10; females, 2n = 12). While oogenesis seems to proceed normally, spermatogenesis is peculiar because the two daughter cells of the first meiotic division have different chromosome numbers (six and four). The cell receiving four chromosomes degenerates, while the cell receiving six chromosomes completes meiosis and produces identical spermatozoa (n = 6). At fertilization, pronuclei with six chromosomes fuse together to form zygotes with 2n = 12. Male embryos must lose two sex chromosomes during the first zygotic mitosis, as all male cells have 2n = 10 chromosomes. The sex chromosome system of these species can be identified as X1X1X2X2:X1X20. Electron microscopy observations show that the same peculiar spermatogenesis occurs also in two others species of the same family, Caprainea marginata and Lipothrix lubbocki. The peculiar sex determination system described is similar but not identical to what is observed in other insect orders, and it may represent an evolutionary step toward parthenogenesis. It is suggested that this peculiar spermatogenesis is common to all Symphypleona.  相似文献   

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