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Summary Observations on the ecology of four ant species in the Solomon Islands are described. The ants are the native speciesOecophylla smaragdina, andIridomyrmex cordatus, andAnoplolepis longipes andPheidole megacephala which are introduced. Brief accounts are given of each species' colony structure, nest sites, habitats and enemies. All species have a wide food range but the main sources are honeydew obtained from Homoptera and prey. Honeydew is most important as a component of the diet of the native ant species which show close relationships with endemic and native Homoptera. The two introduced ants depend to a greater extent on predation and this situation is contrasted with that in their source region, Africa. The topics covered in an investigation of the four species' water and temperature relations were resistance to desiccation, the relation between temperature and speed of movement of foraging workers and temperature and humidity preferences.Oecophylla smaragdina is tolerant of variation in both factors,P. megacephala is best suited to a relatively low temperature range andA. longipes to a high one, although susceptible to desiccation. These differences are realised in the species daily foraging times;O. smaragdina is diurnal,P. megacephala andI. cordatus are nocturnal andA. longipes is crepuscular with activity usually limited in the day by low humidity and at night by low temperature. It is concluded that the native species are best adapted to Solomon Islands conditions in terms of food supply and the physical, climatic environment.
Résumé On décrit des observations sur l'écologie de quatre espéces de fourmis aux îles Salomon. Il s'agit des fourmis des espèces indigènes d'Oecophylla smaragdina etIridomyrmex cordatus, et des espèces introduites d'Anoplolepis longipes etPheidole megacephala. L'auteur donne de brefs exposés sur la structure de colonie, sur le terrain de nid, sur l'habitat et sur les ennemis de chaque espèce. Toutes les espèces disposent d'une vaste étendue de nourriture, mais les sources principales en sont les miellats, retirés des Homoptera, et la proie. Le miellat est très important comme partie constituante de la nourriture des espèces de fourmis indigènes, qui montrent des rapports très proches avec les Homoptera endémiques et indigènes. Les deux espèces de fourmis introduites dépendent plutôt de la prédation, tandis qu'en Afrique, leur région d'origine, c'est le contraire. Dans un examen des quatre espèces, on a traité des sujets suivants: la résistance au dessèchement, la relation entre la température et la vitesse de mouvement des butineuses, et les préférences de température et d'humidité.Oecophylla smaragdina supporte bien la variation des deux facteurs,P. megacephala est adaptée le mieux aux températures relativement basses, tandis queA. longipes s'adapte le mieux à une température élevée, bien qu'elle soit prédisposée au dessèchement. C'est en observant les heures de la journée où les espèces butinent qu'on se rend compte de ces différence:O. smaragdina est diurne,P. megacephala etI. cordatus sont nocturnes.A. longipes est crépusculaire, et habituellement limite son activité diurne pendant les périodes de basse humidité, et son activité nocturne pendant les périodes de basse température. L'auteur a conclu que les espèces indigènes s'adaptent mieux aux conditions des îles Salomon en ce qui concerne la distribution de nourriture et l'entourage physique et climatique.

Stress due to intensive mental work under normal conditions was compared to stress under a sharp limitation of motor activity (hypokinesia), simulating weightlessness on the human body. Mental stress causes typical alterations of cerebral circulation under normal conditions: increase of blood flow in the supramarginal and angular gyri of the parietal lobe, in the frontal lobe, and in the superior temporal gyrus of the left hemisphere, and changes in cardiac activity and in the tonus of vessels. Dynamics of human stress reactions, among other features of this process, is best reflected in the parameters of a electrocardiogram, a rheoencephalogram, and total peripheric vascular resistance. An increase in the latter is an informative index of stress development. Human reaction to stress under hypokinesia and during flights in space have specific features. Prolonged hypokinesia causes an imbalance in an organism's control systems, specifically depressor reactions are distorted. In the context of hypokinesia, anxiety and mental stress lose their adaptive nature to a large extent. They provoke disturbances of the heartbeat and hypertensive reactions. A whole complex of factors affects the living organism during space flights. An imbalance of the body's control systems, emotional and physical overloads, which arise episodically, changes in electrolyte and energetic metabolism, and alterations in the head vessels increase the probability of reactions to stress and reinforce their effect. Stress can be retarded by using on elaborated system of preventive measures which includes physical training, psychological support of astronauts and, to some degree, reduction of the hypothalamus adrenergic centers' tonus through muscle relaxation. Astronauts' reactions to being in space occur during flights under heavy loading tests and in emergency situations. Weightlessness does not generate stress when one has adapted to it. Returning from weightlessness to the Earth's gravitation causes stress. After prolonged flights, stress associated with readaptation to the Earth's gravitation is atypical in character (increase of sympatoadrenalic system activity against the background of a reduction in hypothalamo-hypophysial system activity). We explain the voltage decrease of the T-wave of the electrocardiogram, the phenomenon repeatedly occurring both during prolonged space flights and under hypokinesia, by a lowering of cardiomyocytes, energetic potential due to hypokalemia, insufficient glucose usage, and a decrease in the coupling of oxidative phosphorylation processes. [Translated from Fiziologiya Cheloveka, vol. 22, no. 2, 1996, p. 10-19]  相似文献   

Among the factors driving the invasive success of non-indigenous species, the “escape opportunity” or “enemy release” hypothesis argues that an invader’s success may result partly from less resistance from the new competitors found in its introduced range. In this study, we examined competitive interactions between the little fire ant Wasmannia auropunctata (Roger) and ant species of the genus Pheidole in places where both are native (French Guiana) and in places where only species of Pheidole are native (New Caledonia). The experimental introduction of W. auropunctata at food resources monopolized by the Pheidole species induced the recruitment of major workers only for the Guianian Pheidole species, which were very effective at killing Wasmannia competitors. In contrast, an overall decrease in the number of Pheidole workers and no recruitment of major workers were observed for the New Caledonian species, although the latter were the only ones able to kill the Wasmannia workers. These results emphasize the inappropriate response of native dominant New Caledonian species to W. auropunctata and, thus, the importance of enemy recognition and specification in the organization of ant communities. This factor could explain how invasive animal species, particularly ants, may be able to successfully invade species-rich communities.  相似文献   

In this study we tried to develop a uniform method of sperm cryopreservation for four cyprinid fish species indigenous to Hungarian waters: the roach (Rutilus rutilus L.), the bream (Abramis brama L.), the silver bream (Blicca bjoerkna L.) and the barbel (Barbus barbus L.). The sperm was frozen in liquid nitrogen vapor in the presence of five extenders (350 mm fructose, 30 mm Tris, pH 8.0; 350 mm glucose, 30 mm Tris, pH 8.0; 300 mm sucrose, 30 mm Tris, pH 8.0; 200 mm KCl, 30 mm Tris, pH 8.0 and modified Kurokura's extender) and two cryoprotectants: 10% methanol (MeOH) and 10% dimethyl‐sulfoxide. The highest post‐thaw motility (roach: 77 ± 6%, bream: 77 ± 6%, silver bream: 67 ± 5%, barbel: 75 ± 6%), fertilization (roach: 84 ± 4%, bream: 83 ± 2%, silver bream: 63 ± 2%, barbel: 70 ± 4%) and hatching (roach: 74 ± 2%, bream: 67 ± 6%, silver bream: 54 ± 2%, barbel: 61 ± 4%) rates were found when either fructose or glucose extenders were used in combination with MeOH as cryoprotectant for all four investigated species. Strong correlations were found between post‐thaw motility of the sperm and fertilization or hatching rates, which indicates that motility can be used to predict fertilization success in these species.  相似文献   

刘文爱  范航清 《昆虫知识》2011,48(6):1850-1855
通过对广西北海、山口、钦州、防城港4个红树林集中分布区蓑蛾发生情况进行调查,研究了不同蓑蛾发生规律、行为习性、耐水淹等特性。结果表明:小蓑蛾Acanthopsyche subferalbata Hampson的发生范围最广,褐蓑蛾Mahasena colona Sonan的发生范围最小;桐花树遭受蓑蛾危害最严重,木榄和红海榄的蓑蛾危害较轻,野外未发现蓑蛾危害老鼠勒和海漆;蓑蛾发生程度钦州>防城港>北海>山口,种群呈现以钦州为中心向东西2个海岸带扩散的规律。选择性取食试验、水淹试验和耐饥饿试验表明,蓑蛾属于杂食性昆虫,可取食多种红树植物,易在不同红树植物之间传播;4种蓑蛾耐水淹能力依次为:蜡彩蓑蛾Chalia larminati Heylaerts>小蓑蛾>白囊蓑蛾Chalioides kondonis Mats>褐蓑蛾,耐水淹能力与分布范围基本呈正相关;耐饥饿能力依次为:蜡彩蓑蛾>小蓑蛾>白囊蓑蛾>褐蓑蛾;4种蓑蛾初孵幼虫的爬行速度依次为:白囊蓑蛾>褐蓑蛾>蜡彩蓑蛾>小蓑蛾。  相似文献   

Using published distributions of 65 species from the British Isles and northern Europe, we show that ant assemblages change with latitude in two ways. First, as commonly found for many types of organisms, the number of ant species decreased significantly with increasing latitude. For Ireland and Great Britain, species richness also increased significantly with region area. Second, although rarely demonstrated for ectotherms, the body size of ant species, as measured by worker length, increased significantly with increasing latitude. We found that this body-size pattern existed in the subfamily Formicinae and, to a lesser extent, in the Myrmicinae, which together comprised 95% of the ant species in our study area. There was a trend for formicines to increase in size with latitude faster than myrmicines. We also show that the pattern of increasing body size was due primarily to the ranges of ant species shifting to higher latitudes as their body sizes increased, with larger formicines becoming less represented at southerly latitudes and larger myrmicines becoming more represented at northerly latitudes. We conclude by discussing five potential mechanisms for generating the observed body-size patterns: the heat-conservation hypothesis, two hypotheses concerning phylogenetic history, the migration-ability hypothesis, and the starvation-resistance hypothesis.  相似文献   

By using a large cage in the field and a system of marking, the flight activities of 36 females and 49 males of the European chafer were followed during June and July, 1954.It was found that the beetles made one to 11 flights during their life span with males averaging five flights and females 4.5. More males made eight to 11 flights than did females, and males made more flights on consecutive evenings. The average longevity of the males was found to be six days while the females lived on the average for 6.5 days.The main flight period of the European chafer lasts about one month though some beetles can be observed flying in the evenings for about two months after the main flight has ended. The populations observed in the field are composed of successive groups of beetles which emerge, fly for several days then die. These groups overlap each other so that high numbers of beetles are present in the trees each evening during the main flight period. Variations in the physical characteristics of the soil habitat could be responsible for the differences in the time of maturity of the larvae and the subsequent first-time emergence of the adults.
Zusammenfassung Im Juni und Juli 1954 wurde die Flugtätigkeit von 36 weiblichen und 49 männlichen Tieren von Amphimallon majalis (Razoumowsky) unter Zuhilfenahme eines grossen Käfigs im freien Felde und eines geeigneten Bezeichnungssystems der Tiere verfolgt.Es zeigte sich, dass die Käfer während ihrer Lebensdauer ein bis elf Flüge unternehmen und zwar betrug der Durchschnitt für männliche Tiere fünf, für weibliche 4,5 Flüge. Mehr Männchen als Weibchen flogen 8 bis 11 mal und die Männchen flogen häufiger an aufeinanderfolgenden Abenden. Für männliche Käfer war die durchschnittliche Lebensdauer 6 Tage, während die weiblichen einen Durchschnitt von 6,5 Tagen erreichten.Die Hauptflugperiode von Amphimallon majalis erstreckt sich über etwa einen Monat, obwohl man auch 2 Monate lang nach der Hauptflugzeit des abends noch einige Käfer fliegen sehen kann. Die Gesamtzahl der im Versuchsfeld beobachteten Insekten setzt sich aus auf einander folgenden Gruppen von Käfern zusammen, die nach einander ausschlüpfen, mehrere Tage fliegen und dann sterben. Diese Gruppen überschneiden sich, so dass während der Hauptflugzeit abends eine grosse Anzahl von Käfern in den Bäumen zu finden ist. Es ist sehr wohl möglich, dass Unterschiede in der physikalischen Beschaffenheit des Bodens für die Länge der Reifezeit der Larven verantwortlich sind und somit auch für den Zeitpunkt des Erstfluges der entwickelten Käfer.

Comparative activity pattern during foraging of four albatross species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The activity patterns of foraging Yellow‐nosed Diomedea chlororhynchos, Sooty Phoebetria fusca, Black‐browed D. melanophris impavida and Grey‐headed Albatross D. chrysostoma were compared using loggers recording the timing of landing and take‐offs, as well as the duration of bouts in flight or on the water, and the overall time spent in flight. The four species spent a similar proportion of their foraging time in flight (56–65%). During the day they were mostly flying (77–85% of the daylight period) whereas at night they were mainly (61–71%) sitting on the water. The amount of time spent in flight during the daytime foraging period was related to the amount of time spent sitting on the water at night. Differences between species occurred in the duration of bouts in flight and on the water as well as in the frequency of landings and in the time elapsed between successive landings. Yellow‐nosed Albatrosses were more active than the other species, with more frequent short bouts in flight and more frequent successive landings at short intervals. Sooty Albatrosses landed or took‐off less often than the other species and were more active just before dusk. Black‐browed and Grey‐headed Albatrosses were more active at night, especially the first part of the night and far from the colonies. Their trips consisted of a commuting part and a foraging part. Black‐browed Albatrosses landed more often during the foraging than the commuting part, suggesting that they were not searching when travelling. The study suggests that there is no fundamental difference between the overall activity budgets of the four species although they show distinctive diet, morphology and life history traits. The differences observed between the four species were related mainly to differences in foraging technique. Comparison with the Wandering Albatross, the only species for which data were available previously, suggest that this larger species might differ completely in foraging technique from the smaller albatrosses.  相似文献   

Under controlled laboratory conditions, the locomotor activity rhythms of four species of wrasses (Suezichthys gracilis, Thalassoma cupido, Labroides dimidiatus andCirrhilabrus temminckii) were individually examined using an actograph with infra-red photo-electric switches in a dark room at temperatures of 21.3–24.3°C, for 7 to 14 days. The locomotor activity ofS. gracilis occurred mostly during the light period under a light-dark cycle regimen (LD 12:12; 06:00-18:00 light, 18:00-06:00 dark). The locomotor activity commenced at the beginning of the light period and continued until a little before the beginning of dark period. The diel activity rhythm of this species synchronizes with LD. Under constant illumination (LL) this species shows distinct free-running activity rhythms varying in length from 23 hrs. 39 min. to 23 hrs. 47 min. Therefore,S. gracilis appears to have a circadian rhythm under LL. However, in constant darkness (DD), the activity of this species was greatly suppressed. All the fish showed no activity rhythms in DD conditions. After DD, the fish showed the diel activity rhythm with the resumption of LD, but this activity began shortly after the beginning of light period. The fish required several days to synchronize with the activity in the light period. Therefore,S. gracilis appeared to continue the circadian rhythm under DD. InT. cupido, the locomotor activity commenced somewhat earlier than the beginning of the light period and continued until the beginning of the dark period under LD. The diel activity rhythm of this species synchronizes with LD. Under LL, four of the five specimens of this species tested showed free-running activity rhythms for the first 5 days or longer varying in length from 22 hrs. 54 min. to 23 hrs. 39 min. Although the activity of this species was suppressed under DD, two of five fish showed free-running activity rhythms throughout the experimental period. The lengths of such free-running periods were from 23 hrs. 38 min. to 23 hrs. 50 min. under DD. Therefore, it was ascertained thatT. cupido has a circadian rhythm. InL. dimidiatus, the locomotor activity rhythm under LD resembled that observed inT. cupido. The diel activity rhythm of this species synchronizes with LD. Under LL, four of seven of this species showed free-running activity rhythms throughout the experimental period. The lengths of such free-running periods were from 23 hrs. 07 min. to 25 hrs. 48 min. Although the activity of this species was suppressed under DD, three of five fish showed free-running activity rhythms throughout the experimental period. The lengths of such free-running periods were from 23 hrs. 36 min. to 23 hrs. 41 min. under DD. Therefore, it was ascertained thatL. dimidiatus has a circadian rhythm. Almost all locomotor activity of C.temminckii occurred during the light period under LD. The diel activity rhythm of this species coincides with LD. Under LL, two of four of this species showed free-running activity rhythms throughout the experimental period. The lengths of such free-running periods were from 23 hrs. 32 min. to 23 hrs. 45 min. Although the activity of this species was suppressed under DD, one of the four fish showed free-running activity rhythms throughout the experimental period. The length of the free-running period was 23 hrs. 21 min. under DD. Therefore,C. temminckii appeared to have a circadian rhythm. According to field observations,S. gracilis burrows and lies in the sandy bottom whileT. cupido, L. dimidiatus, andC. temminckii hide and rest in spaces among piles of boulders or in crevices of rocks during the night. It seems that the differences in nocturnal behavior among the four species of wrasses mentioned above are closely related to the intensity of endogenous factors in their locomotor activity rhythms.  相似文献   

The oviposition behaviour of four ant parasitoids was observed and filmed for the first time. The movies are available from YouTube (search for Elasmosoma, Hybrizon, Kollasmosoma and Neoneurus). Two of the observed species (Neoneurus vesculussp. n. and Kollasmosoma sentumsp. n.) are new to science. A third species (Neoneurus recticalcarsp. n.) is described from Slovakia and Norway. Keys to the Palaearctic species of the genera Neoneurus and Kollasmosoma are added.  相似文献   

The thresholds of graviorientation and gravikinesis in Paramecium biaurelia were investigated during the 5th DLR (German Aerospace Center) parabolic-flight campaign at Bordeaux in June 2003. Parabolic flights are a useful tool for the investigation of swimming behaviour in protists at different accelerations. At normal gravity (1 g) and hypergravity (1 g to 1.8 g), precision of orientation and locomotion rates depend linearly on the applied acceleration as seen in earlier centrifuge experiments. After transition from hypergravity to decreased gravity (minimal residual acceleration of <10(-2) g), graviorientation as well as gravikinesis show a full relaxation with different kinetics. The use of twelve independent cell samples per flight guarantees high data numbers and secures the statistical significance of the obtained data. The relatively slow change of acceleration between periods of microgravity and hypergravity (0.4 g/s) enabled us to determine the thresholds of graviorientation at 0.6 g and of gravikinesis at 0.4 g. The gravity-unrelated propulsion rate of the sample was found to be 874 microm/s, exceeding the locomotion rate of horizontally swimming cells (855 microm/s). The measured thresholds of graviresponses were compared with data obtained from earlier centrifuge experiments on the sounding rocket Maxus-2. Measured thresholds of gravireactions indicate that small energies, close to the thermal noise level, are sufficient for the gravitransduction process. Data from earlier hypergravity experiments demonstrate that mechanosensitive ion channels are functioning over a relative wide range of acceleration. From this, we may speculate that gravireceptor channels derive from mechanoreceptor channels.  相似文献   

Behaviours or traits associated with aggression and communication may increase an animal's conspicuousness to predators or parasitoids. Most examples of this come from instances of aggression or communication within a species. We tested whether interspecific encounters between ants enhance the host location success of a parasitoid (Diptera: Phoridae) that attacks ants in the genus Linepithema. At food resources recruited to by Linepithema, parasitoid discovery rates were lower when Linepithema was alone than when other ant species were present. In experimentally controlled encounters, parasitoid discovery rates were elevated when Linepithema confronted an ant species that elicited use of chemicals, but not when it confronted an ant species that primarily elicited physical aggression. These results indicate that phorid parasitoids of Linepithema use the ant's chemicals as host location cues. Because Linepithema is known to abandon food resources in the presence of its phorid parasitoids, its use of chemicals during interspecific encounters may diminish its competitive success when phorids are nearby. Copyright 2003 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd on behalf of The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.   相似文献   

The identification and quantification of the relative importance of reproductive isolating barriers is of fundamental importance to understand species maintenance in the face of interspecific gene flow between hybridising species. Yet, such assessments require extensive experimental fertilisations that are particularly difficult when dealing with more than two hybridising and long-generation-time species such as oaks. Here, we quantify the relative contribution of four postmating reproductive isolating barriers consisting of two prezygotic barriers (gametic incompatibility, conspecific pollen precedence) and two postzygotic barriers (germination rate, early survival) from extensively controlled pollinations between four oak species (Quercus robur, Quercus petraea, Quercus pubescens and Quercus pyrenaica) that have been shown to frequently hybridise in natural populations. We found high variation in the strength of total reproductive isolation between species, ranging from total reproductive isolation to advantage toward hybrid formation. As previously found, Q. robur pollen was unable to fertilise Q. petraea due to a strong reproductive isolating mechanism. On the contrary, Q. pubescens pollen was more efficient at fertilising Q. petraea than conspecific pollen. Overall, prezygotic barriers contribute far more than postzygotic barriers to isolate species reproductively, suggesting a role for reinforcement in the development of prezygotic barriers. Conspecific pollen precedence reduced hybrid formation when pollen competition was allowed; however, presence of conspecific pollen did not totally prevent hybridization. Our results suggest that pollen competition depends on multiple ecological and environmental parameters, including species local abundance, and that it may be of uppermost importance to understand interspecific gene flow among natural multispecies populations.  相似文献   

Human  K. G.  Gordon  D. M. 《Insectes Sociaux》1999,46(2):159-163
Summary: The Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, has invaded many areas of the world, displacing native ants. Its behavior may contribute to its competitive success. Staged and natural encounters were observed at food resources in the field, between Argentine ants and eight ant species native to northern California. There was no relation between the frequency of aggression by any ant species and the outcome of encounters, though Argentine ants were more likely than ants of native species to behave aggressively. When an ant of one species initiated an encounter of any kind with an ant of another species, the ant that did not initiate was likely to retreat. This was true of all species studied. Most encounters between ants were initiated by Argentine ants. Thus the native species tended to retreat more frequently than Argentine ants. Interactions between Argentine ants and native species at food resources, causing ants of native species to retreat, may help Argentine ants to displace native species from invaded areas.  相似文献   

To examine the susceptibility of five Costa Rican tree species to leaf-cutter ants (Atta cephalotes L.: Formicidae, Attini), young and mature leaves from trees that were grown in a plantation under full sun and partial shade were offered to six leaf-cutter colonies located in full sun and six in patial shade. In addition to offering leaf disks to the ants, we offered large pieces of leaves to assess the effect of cutting leaves on food choices. Leaf-cutters responded differently to each plant species, preferring Virola koschyni Warburg (Myristicaceae) and Hyeronima alchorneoides Allemao (Euphorbiaceae) over Stryphnodendrum microstachyum Poeppig & Endlicher (Mimosoideae), Pentaclethra macroloba Willdenow (Fabaceae) and Vochysia ferruginea Martius (Vochysiaceae). In agreement with previous studies, interspecific differences among the tree species in water and saponin content appeared to account for the observed ant preferences among the five tree species: leaf-cutter ants preferred leaves and disks with more water and less saponins and the five tree species varied significantly in these traits. An observed positive correlation between preference and phenolic/nitrogen ratio appears to be spurious, and is instead due to a negative correlation between water content and nitrogen content. For the first time, Atta nest location has been shown to affect consumption: nests located in partial shade removed more leaf material than those from the sun plots. However, nest location had no effect on preference ranking of the tree species tested. Pieces of leaves from all the tree species grown in partial shade were significantly more removed than those trees grown in full sun. Leaf age, toughness, leaf specific weights, ant activity, and colony were not correlated with food choices. Because of the observed preferences, the five tree species should not be considered as equal candidates for plantation purposes. However, complete characterization of the candidate status of tree species for plantations in the neotropics must include information on the ability of such species to tolerate pest attacks in addition to their natural defenses to attack.  相似文献   

Hymenopteran insects perform systematic learning flights on departure from their nest, during which they acquire a visual representation of the nest environment. They back away from and pivot around the nest in a series of arcs while turning to view it in their fronto-lateral visual field. During the initial stages of the flights, turning rate and arc velocity relative to the nest are roughly constant at 100–200° s−1 and are independent of distance, since the insects increase their flight speed as they back away from the pivoting centre. In this paper I analyse how solitary wasps control their flight by having them perform learning flights inside a rotating striped drum. The wasps' turning velocity is under visual control. When the insects fly inside a drum that rotates around the nest as a centre, their average turning rate is faster than normal when they fly an arc into the direction of drum rotation and slower when they fly in the opposite direction. The average slip speed they experience lies within 100–200° s−1. The wasps also adjust their flight speed depending on the rotation of the drum. They modulate their distance from the pivoting centre accordingly and presumably also their height above ground, so that maximal ground slip is on average 200°␣s−1. The insects move along arcs by short pulses of translation, followed by rapid body turns to correct for the change in retinal position of the nest entrance. Saccadic body turns follow pulses of translation with a delay of 80–120 ms. The optomotor response is active during these turns. The control of pivoting flight most likely involves three position servos, to control the retinal position of both the azimuth and the altitude of nest and the direction of flight relative to it, and two velocity servos, one constituting the optomotor reflex and the other one serving to clamp ground slip at about 200° s−1. The control of ground slip is the prime source of the dynamic constancy of learning flights, which may help wasps to scale the pivoting parallax field they produce during these flights. Constant pivoting rate may in addition be important for the acquisition of a regular sequence of snapshots and in scanning for compass cues. Accepted : 31 July 1996  相似文献   

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