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Plasma membrane (PM) blebs are dynamic actin-rich cell protrusions that occur, e.g., during cytokinesis, amoeboid cell motility and cell attachment. Using a targeted siRNA screen against 21 actin nucleation factors, we identify a novel and essential role of the human diaphanous formin DIAPH3 in PM blebbing during cell adhesion. Suppression of DIAPH3 inhibited blebbing to promote rapid cell spreading involving β1-integrin. Multiple isoforms of DIAPH3 were detected on the mRNA and protein level of which isoforms 3 and 7 were the largest and most abundant isoforms that however did not induce formation of actin-rich protrusions. Rather, PM blebbing specifically involved the low abundance isoform 1 of DIAPH3 and activation of isoform 7 by deletion of the diaphanous-autoregulatory domain caused the formation of filopodia. Dimerization and actin assembly activity were essential for induction of specific cell protrusions by DIAPH3 isoforms 1 and 7. Our data suggest that the N-terminal region comprising the GTPase-binding domain determined the subcellular localization of the formin as well as its protrusion activity between blebs and filopodia. We propose that isoform-selective actin assembly by DIAPH3 exerts specific and differentially regulated functions during cell adhesion and motility.  相似文献   

This paper shows that high-molecular-weight tropomyosins (TMs), as well as shorter isoforms of this protein, are present in significant amounts in lamellipodia and filopodia of spreading normal and transformed cells. The presence of TM in these locales was ascertained by staining of cells with antibodies reacting with endogenous TMs and through the expression of hemaglutinin- and green fluorescent protein-tagged TM isoforms. The observations are contrary to recent reports suggesting the absence of TMs in regions,where polymerization of actin takes place, and indicate that the view of the role of TM in the formation of actin filaments needs to be significantly revised.  相似文献   

Formins have important roles in the nucleation of actin and the formation of linear actin filaments, but their role in filopodium formation has remained elusive. Dictyostelium discoideum Diaphanous-related formin dDia2 is enriched at the tips of filopodia and interacts with profilin II and Rac1. An FH1FH2 fragment of dDia2 nucleated actin polymerization and removed capping protein from capped filament ends. Genetic studies showed that dDia2 is important for cell migration as well as the formation, elongation and maintenance of filopodia. Here we provide evidence that dDia2 specifically controls filopodial dynamics by regulating actin turnover at the barbed ends of actin filaments.  相似文献   

Centromeres of higher eukaryotes are epigenetically defined by centromere protein A (CENP-A), a centromere-specific histone H3 variant. The incorporation of new CENP-A into centromeres to maintain the epigenetic marker after genome replication in S phase occurs in G1 phase; however, how new CENP-A is loaded and stabilized remains poorly understood. Here, we identify the formin mDia2 as essential for stable replenishment of new CENP-A at centromeres. Quantitative imaging, pulse-chase analysis, and high-resolution ratiometric live-cell studies demonstrate that mDia2 and its nuclear localization are required to maintain CENP-A levels at centromeres. Depletion of mDia2 results in a prolonged centromere association of holiday junction recognition protein (HJURP), the chaperone required for CENP-A loading. A constitutively active form of mDia2 rescues the defect in new CENP-A loading caused by depletion of male germ cell Rac GTPase-activating protein (MgcRacGAP), a component of the small GTPase pathway essential for CENP-A maintenance. Thus, the formin mDia2 functions downstream of the MgcRacGAP-dependent pathway in regulating assembly of new CENP-A containing nucleosomes at centromeres.  相似文献   

Rho GTPases and the dynamic assembly and disassembly of actin filaments have been shown to have critical roles in both the internalization and trafficking of growth factor receptors. While all three mammalian Diaphanous-related (mDia1/2/3) formin GTPase effector proteins have been localized on endosomes, a role for their actin nucleation, filament elongation, and/or bundling remains poorly understood in the context of intracellular trafficking. In a study of a functional relationship between RhoB, a GTPase known to associate with both early- and late-endosomes, and the formin mDia2, we show that 1) RhoB and mDia2 interact on endosomes; 2) GTPase activity-the ability to hydrolyze GTP to GDP-is required for the ability of RhoB to govern endosome dynamics; and 3) the actin dynamics controlled by RhoB and mDia2 is necessary for vesicle trafficking. These studies further suggest that Rho GTPases significantly influence the activity of mDia family formins in driving cellular membrane remodeling through the regulation of actin dynamics.  相似文献   

To assess the role of cdc42 during neurite development, cmyc-tagged constitutively active (CA) and dominant negative (DN) cdc42 were expressed in dissociated primary chick spinal cord neurons using adenoviral-mediated gene transfer. Three days after infection, >85% of the neurons in infected cultures expressed cdc42 proteins, as detected by indirect immunofluorescence against cmyc. Growth cones of infected neurons displayed 1.83- (CAcdc42) and 1.93-fold (DNcdc42) higher cmyc immunofluorescence per square micrometer than uninfected controls. CAcdc42 expression stimulated growth cones, almost doubling growth cone size and number of filopodia, and increased neurite growth rates by 65-89%. In neurons plated onto fibronectin, the percent of growth cones with both filopodia and lamellipodia increased from 71 to 92%. Total Texas Red-phalloidin staining in these growth cones doubled, and the percent of growth cones with F-actin localized to peripheral regions increased from 52% in controls to 78% after CAcdc42 expression. Expression of DNcdc42 did not significantly alter growth cone morphology or neurite growth rates. Addition of soluble laminin to spinal cord neurons resulted in the identical phenotype as CAcdc42 expression, including changes in growth cone morphology, F-actin localization, and neurite growth rates. Significantly, expression of DNcdc42 blocked the effects of laminin on growth cones. These results show that cdc42 promotes neurite outgrowth and filopodial and lamellipodial formation in growth cones and suggests that cdc42 and laminin share a common signaling pathway during neurite development. Addition of laminin to CAcdc42-expressing neurons is inhibitory to growth cones, indicating that laminin also may activate some other pathways.  相似文献   

Src tyrosine kinases have been implicated in axonal growth and guidance; however, the underlying cellular mechanisms are not well understood. Specifically, it is unclear which aspects of actin organization and dynamics are regulated by Src in neuronal growth cones. Here, we investigated the function of Src2 and one of its substrates, cortactin, in lamellipodia and filopodia of Aplysia growth cones. We found that up-regulation of Src2 activation state or cortactin increased lamellipodial length, protrusion time, and actin network density, whereas down-regulation had opposite effects. Furthermore, Src2 or cortactin up-regulation increased filopodial density, length, and protrusion time, whereas down-regulation promoted lateral movements of filopodia. Fluorescent speckle microscopy revealed that rates of actin assembly and retrograde flow were not affected in either case. In summary, our results support a model in which Src and cortactin regulate growth cone motility by increasing actin network density and protrusion persistence of lamellipodia by controlling the state of actin-driven protrusion versus retraction. In addition, both proteins promote the formation and stability of actin bundles in filopodia.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic cells produce a variety of specialized actin-rich surface protrusions. These include filopodia-thin, highly dynamic projections that help cells to sense their external environment. Filopodia consist of parallel filaments of actin, bundled by actin crosslinking proteins. The filaments are oriented with their rapidly growing "barbed" ends at the protruding tip and their slowly growing "pointed" ends at the base. Extension occurs by polymerization at the tip and is controlled by regulation of filament capping. The Rho GTPase Cdc42 is a key mediator of filopodia formation, which it regulates through binding CRIB domain-containing effectors. Cdc42 binds and activates the WASP proteins, which in turn activate the actin-nucleating complex Arp2/3. It also binds and activates IRSp53, which recruits the Ena/WASP family protein Mena to the filopodial tip and protects elongating actin filaments from capping. Previously, we identified another Rho family GTPase, Rif, as a potent stimulator of filopodial protrusion through a mechanism that does not require Cdc42. Here we characterize the differences between filopodia induced by these two small GTPases and show that the Rif effector in this pathway is the Diaphanous-related formin mDia2. Thus, Rif and Cdc42 represent two distinct routes to the induction of filopodia-producing structures with both shared and unique properties.  相似文献   

Filopodia are dynamic actin-rich cell surface protrusions involved in cell migration, axon guidance, and wound healing. The RhoGTPase Cdc42 generates filopodia via IRSp53, a multidomain protein that links the processes of plasma membrane deformation and actin dynamics required for their formation in mammalian cells. The Src homology 3 domain of IRSp53 binds to the actin regulators Mena, Eps8, WAVE1, WAVE2, mDia1, and mDia2. We show that mDia1 and WAVE2 synergize with IRSp53 to form filopodia. IRSp53 also interacts directly with these two proteins within filopodia, as observed in acceptor photobleaching FRET studies. Measurement of filopodium formation by time-lapse imaging of live cells also revealed that depleting neuronal cells of either mDia1 or WAVE2 protein decreases the ability of IRSp53 to induce filopodia. In contrast, IRSp53 does not appear to partner WAVE1 or mDia2 to give rise to these structures. In addition, although all three isoforms of mDia are capable of inducing filopodia, IRSp53 requires only mDia1 to do so. These findings suggest that mDia1 and WAVE2 are important Src homology 3 domain partners of IRSp53 in forming filopodia.  相似文献   

Diaphanous-related formins (DRFs) regulate the nucleation and polymerization of unbranched actin filaments. The activity of DRFs is inhibited by an intramolecular interaction between their N-terminal regulatory region and a conserved C-terminal segment termed the Diaphanous autoinhibitory domain (DAD). Binding of GTP bound Rho to the mDia1 N terminus releases this autoinhibitory restraint. Here, we describe the crystal structure of the DAD segment of mDia1 in complex with the relevant N-terminal fragment, termed the DID domain. The structure reveals that the DAD segment forms an amphipathic helix that binds a conserved, concave surface on the DID domain. Comparison with the structure of the mDia1 N terminus bound to RhoC suggests that release of the autoinhibitory DAD interaction is accomplished largely by Rho-induced restructuring of the adjacent GTPase binding subdomain (GBD), but also by electrostatic repulsion and a small, direct steric occlusion of the DAD binding cleft by Rho itself.  相似文献   

A critical microtubule (MT) polarization event in cell migration is the Rho/mDia-dependent stabilization of a subset of MTs oriented toward the direction of migration. Although mDia nucleates actin filaments, it is unclear whether this or a separate activity of mDia underlies MT stabilization. We generated two actin mutants (K853A and I704A) in a constitutively active version of mDia2 containing formin homology domains 1 and 2 (FH1FH2) and found that they still induced stable MTs and bound to the MT TIP proteins EB1 and APC, which have also been implicated in MT stabilization. A dimerization-impaired mutant of mDia2 (W630A) also generated stable MTs in cells. We examined whether FH1FH2mDia2 had direct activity on MTs in vitro and found that it bound directly to MTs, stabilized MTs against cold- and dilution-induced disassembly, and reduced the rates of growth and shortening during MT assembly and disassembly, respectively. These results indicate that mDia2 has a novel MT stabilization activity that is separate from its actin nucleation activity.  相似文献   

The formin mDia2 mediates the formation of lamellipodia and filopodia during cell locomotion. The subcellular localization of activated mDia2 depends on interactions with actin filaments and the plasma membrane. We investigated the poorly understood mechanism of plasma membrane targeting of mDia2 and found that the entire N-terminal region of mDia2 preceding the actin-polymerizing formin homology domains 1 and 2 (FH1-FH2) module was potently targeted to the membrane. This localization was enhanced by Rif, but not by other tested small GTPases, and depended on a positively charged N-terminal basic domain (BD). The BD bound acidic phospholipids in vitro, suggesting that in vivo it may associate with the plasma membrane through electrostatic interactions. Unexpectedly, a fragment consisting of the GTPase-binding region and the diaphanous inhibitory domain (G-DID), thought to mediate the interaction with GTPases, was not targeted to the plasma membrane even in the presence of constitutively active Rif. Addition of the BD or dimerization/coiled coil domains to G-DID rescued plasma membrane targeting in cells. Direct binding of Rif to mDia2 N terminus required the presence of both G and DID. These results suggest that the entire N terminus of mDia2 serves as a coincidence detection module, directing mDia2 to the plasma membrane through interactions with phospholipids and activated Rif.  相似文献   

Activated T cells rapidly assemble filamentous (F-) actin networks in response to ligation of the T cell receptor or upon interaction with adhesive stimuli in order to facilitate cell migration and the formation of the immune synapse. Branched filament assembly is crucial for this process and is dependent upon activation of the Arp2/3 complex by the actin nucleation-promoting factor Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome protein (WASp). Genetic disruption of the WAS gene has been linked to hematopoietic malignancies and various cytopenias. Although the contributions of WASp and Arp2/3 to T cell responses are fairly well characterized, the role of the mammalian Diaphanous (mDia)-related formins, which both nucleate and processively elongate non-branched F-actin, has not been demonstrated. Here, we report the effects on T cell development and function following the knock out of the murine Drf1 gene encoding the canonical formin p140mDia1. Drf1(-/-) mice develop lymphopenia characterized by diminished T cell populations in lymphoid tissues. Consistent with a role for p140mDia1 in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton, isolated Drf1(-/-) splenic T cells adhered poorly to extracellular matrix proteins and migration in response to chemotactic stimuli was completely abrogated. Both integrin and chemokine receptor expression was unaffected by Drf1(-/-) targeting. In response to proliferative stimuli, both thymic and splenic Drf1(-/-) T cells failed to proliferate; ERK1/2 activation was also diminished in activated Drf1(-/-) T cells. These data suggest a central role for p140mDia1 in vivo in dynamic cytoskeletal remodeling events driving normal T cell responses.  相似文献   

Highlights? Involvement of formin mDia3 in stable kinetochore microtubule attachment ? The actin activity of mDia3 is not necessary for metaphase chromosome alignment ? EB1-binding by mDia3 contributes to position chromosomes at the metaphase plate ? Aurora B phosphorylates mDia3 to regulate its microtubule activity  相似文献   

The roles of actin-binding proteins in development and morphogenesis are not well understood. The actin-binding protein UNC-115 has been implicated in cytoskeletal signaling downstream of Rac in Caenorhabditis elegans axon pathfinding, but the cellular role of UNC-115 in this process remains undefined. Here we report that UNC-115 overactivity in C. elegans neurons promotes the formation of neurites and lamellipodial and filopodial extensions similar to those induced by activated Rac and normally found in C. elegans growth cones. We show that UNC-115 activity in neuronal morphogenesis is enhanced by two molecular mechanisms: when ectopically driven to the plasma membrane by the myristoylation sequence of c-Src, and by mutation of a putative serine phosphorylation site in the actin-binding domain of UNC-115. In support of the hypothesis that UNC-115 modulates actin cytoskeletal organization, we show that UNC-115 activity in serum-starved NIH 3T3 fibroblasts results in the formation of lamellipodia and filopodia. We conclude that UNC-115 is a novel regulator of the formation of lamellipodia and filopodia in neurons, possibly in the growth cone during axon pathfinding.  相似文献   

Structural basis of Rho GTPase-mediated activation of the formin mDia1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diaphanous-related formins (DRFs) regulate dynamics of unbranched actin filaments during cell contraction and cytokinesis. DRFs are autoinhibited through intramolecular binding of a Diaphanous autoinhibitory domain (DAD) to a conserved N-terminal regulatory element. Autoinhibition is relieved through binding of the GTPase RhoA to the N-terminal element. We report the crystal structure of the dimeric regulatory domain of the DRF, mDia1. Dimerization is mediated by an intertwined six-helix bundle, from which extend two Diaphanous inhibitory domains (DIDs) composed of five armadillo repeats. NMR and biochemical mapping indicate the RhoA and DAD binding sites on the DID partially overlap, explaining activation of mDia1 by the GTPase. RhoA binding also requires an additional structurally independent segment adjacent to the DID. This regulatory construction, involving a GTPase binding site spanning a flexibly tethered arm and the inhibitory module, is observed in many autoinhibited effectors of Ras superfamily GTPases, suggesting evolutionary pressure for this design.  相似文献   

We examined the dynamics of radial actin bundles based on time-lapse movies of polarized light images of living neuronal growth cones. Using a highly sensitive computer vision algorithm for tracking, we analyzed the small shape fluctuations of radial actin bundles that otherwise remained stationary in their positions in the growth cone lamellipodium. Using the tracking software, we selected target points on radial bundles and measured both the local bundle orientations and the lateral displacements between consecutive movie frames. We found that the local orientation and the lateral displacement of a target point are correlated. The correlation can be explained using a simple geometric relationship between the lateral travel of tilted actin bundles and the retrograde flow of f-actin structures. Once this relationship has been established, we have turned the table and used the radial bundles as probes to measure the velocity field of f-actin flow. We have generated a detailed map of the complex retrograde flow pattern throughout the lamellipodium. Such two-dimensional flow maps will give new insights into the mechanisms responsible for f-actin-mediated cell motility and growth.  相似文献   

Some mammalian cells are able to divide via both the classic contractile ring-dependent method (cytokinesis A) and a contractile ring-independent, adhesion-dependent method (cytokinesis B). Cytokinesis A is triggered by RhoA, which, in HeLa cells, is activated by the guanine nucleotide-exchange factor Ect2 localized at the central spindle and equatorial cortex. Here, we show that in HT1080 cells undergoing cytokinesis A, Ect2 does not localize in the equatorial cortex, though RhoA accumulates there. Moreover, Ect2 depletion resulted in only modest multinucleation of HT1080 cells, enabling us to establish cell lines in which Ect2 was constitutively depleted. Thus, RhoA is activated via an Ect2-independent pathway during cytokinesis A in HT1080 cells. During cytokinesis B, Ect2-depleted cells showed narrower accumulation of RhoA at the equatorial cortex, accompanied by compromised pole-to-equator polarity, formation of ectopic lamellipodia in regions where RhoA normally would be distributed, and delayed formation of polar lamellipodia. Furthermore, C3 exoenzyme inhibited equatorial RhoA activation and polar lamellipodia formation. Conversely, expression of dominant active Ect2 in interphase HT1080 cells enhanced RhoA activity and suppressed lamellipodia formation. These results suggest that equatorial Ect2 locally suppresses lamellipodia formation via RhoA activation, which indirectly contributes to restricting lamellipodia formation to polar regions during cytokinesis B.  相似文献   

Rho family proteins are constitutively activated in the highly invasive human fibrosarcoma HT1080 cells. We now investigated the specific roles of Rac1 and Rac2 in regulating morphology, F-actin organization, adhesion, migration, and chemotaxis of HT1080 cells. Downregulation of Rac1 using specific siRNA probes resulted in cell rounding, markedly decreased spreading, adhesion, and chemotaxis of HT1080 cells. 2D migration on laminin-coated surfaces in contrast was not markedly affected. Selective Rac2 depletion did not affect cell morphology, cell adhesion, and 2D migration, but significantly reduced chemotaxis. Downregulation of both Rac1 and Rac2 resulted in an even more marked reduction, but not complete abolishment, of chemotaxis indicating distinct as well as overlapping roles of both proteins in chemotaxis. Rac1 thus is selectively required for HT1080 cell spreading and adhesion whereas Rac1 and Rac2 are both required for efficient chemotaxis.  相似文献   

n-Chimaerin is a GTPase-activating protein (GAP) mainly for Rac1 and less so for Cdc42Hs in vitro. The GAP activity of n-chimaerin is regulated by phospholipids and phorbol esters. Microinjection of Rac1 and Cdc42Hs into mammalian cells induces formation of the actin-based structures lamellipodia and filopodia, respectively, with the former being prevented by coinjection of the chimaerin GAP domain. Strikingly, microinjection of the full-length n-chimaerin into fibroblasts and neuroblastoma cells induces the simultaneous formation of lamellipodia and filopodia. These structures undergo cycles of dissolution and formation, resembling natural morphological events occurring at the leading edge of fibroblasts and neuronal growth cones. The effects of n-chimaerin on formation of lamellipodia and filopodia were inhibited by dominant negative Rac1(T17N) and Cdc42Hs(T17N), respectively. n-Chimaerin's effects were also inhibited by coinjection with Rho GDP dissociation inhibitor or by treatment with phorbol ester. A mutant n-chimaerin with no GAP activity and impaired p21 binding was ineffective in inducing morphological changes, while a mutant lacking GAP activity alone was effective. Microinjected n-chimaerin colocalized in situ with F-actin. Taken together, these results suggest that n-chimaerin acts synergistically with Rac1 and Cdc42Hs to induce actin-based morphological changes and that this action involves Rac1 and Cdc42Hs binding but not GAP activity. Thus, GAPs may have morphological functions in addition to downregulation of GTPases.  相似文献   

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