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We recently described a protocol for determination of retrovirus mutation rates, that is, the mutation frequency in a single cycle of retrovirus replication (J.P. Dougherty and H.M. Temin, Mol. Cell. Biol. 6:4378-4395, 1987; J.P. Dougherty and H.M. Temin, p. 18-23, in J. H. Miller and M. P. Calos, ed., Gene Transfer Vectors for Mammalian Cells, 1987). We used this protocol to determine the mutation rates for defined mutations in a replicating retrovirus by using a spleen necrosis virus-based vector. We determined that the mutation rate for a single base pair substitution during replication of this avian retrovirus is 2 x 10(-5) per base pair per replication cycle and the insertion rate is 10(-7) per base pair per replication cycle. It will be possible to use this protocol to determine mutation rates for other retroviruses.  相似文献   

The likely consequences, in terms of premature stop codons, detectable missense mutants, silent missense mutants, and degenerate codon changes, have been determined for all 12 individual base substitution changes. This has been done for the full, 61 sense codon, genetic code and also for the much more limited codon availabilities of AT- or GC-rich DNA. The specificities and outcomes of individual base substitutions are likely to be rather different at AT- or GC-rich extremes, and also from the situation at an intermediate DNA base-ratio where all 61 sense codons are available. In particular, at DNA base-ratio extremes many mutations will be to non-utilized codons, which may well act as nonsense mutants. These in turn will give novel classes of suppressor-containing revertants. Even in bacteria with intermediate DNA base-ratios, particular codons for a given amino acid may be favoured, over alternatives, because their use maximizes, or minimizes, the mutational consequences of one, or more, base substitution changes.  相似文献   

The Escherichia coli mutator alleles, mutL and mutS, produced transversion as well as transition base-pair substitutions with the trpA reversion system. Transversions, however, were generally mutator-induced at a lower level than transitions and the specific type of transversion and its nucleotide position appeared to strongly affect its level of enhancement. These results are interpreted to mean that mutL- and mutS-dependent mismatch correction is generally more effective at correcting transition mispairings than transversion mispairings. Correction of transversion mispairings is probably dependent upon site of occurrence and type of mismatch.  相似文献   

Summary A rapid, economical method is described that detects presumptive base-pair substitution and frameshift mutations in the yeast,Saccharomyces cerevisiae.Research supported by the Atomic Energy Commission under contract number AT(11-1)-1314 with Illinois State University (Report number COO-1314-17).  相似文献   

Using an excision-deficient, di-auxotrophic, strain of Salmonella typhimurium we have shown that caffeine significantly inhibits the formation of ultraviolet-induced base-pair substitution mutations, but has only a marginal effect on the formation of frameshift mutations in the same population of cells.  相似文献   

A method which allows quantification of the frequency of temperature-sensitive (ts) 6-thioguanine-resistant mutants of Chinese hamster ovary cells is described. These mutants, as well as non-ts type of mutant, contain altered hypoxanthine-guanine phosphoribosyl transferase (HGPRT) enzyme activity. The frequency of these altered enzyme mutants allows estimation of the fraction of total mutagenic events in the hgprt gene which results from base-pair substitution and thus provides a measure of the type of lesions induced by mutagenic agents. With an alkylating agent, ethyl methanesulfonate, 16-22% of the total induced mutants show these altered protein phenotypes, while none were found with the putative frameshift mutagen, ICR-191.  相似文献   

Antimutator alleles indentify genes whose normal products are involved in spontaneous mutagenesis pathways. Mutant alleles of the recA and umuC genes of Escherichia coli, whose wild-type alleles are components of the inducible SOS response, were shown to cause a decrease in the level of spontaneous mutagenesis. Using a series of chromosomal mutant trp alleles, which detect point mutations, as a reversion assay, it was shown that the reduction in mutagenesis is limited to base-pair substitutions. Within the limited number of sites than could be examined, transversions at AT sites were the favored substitutions. Frameshift mutagenesis was slightly enhanced by a mutant recA allele and unchanged by a mutant umuC allele. The wild-type recA and umuC genes are involved in the same mutagenic base-pair substitution pathway, designated "SOS-dependent spontaneous mutagenesis" (SDSM), since a recAumuC strain showed the same degree and specificity of antimutator activity as either single mutant strain. The SDSM pathway is active only in the presence of oxygen, since wild-type, recA, and umuC strains all show the same levels of reduced spontaneous mutagenesis anaerobically. The SDSM pathway can function in starving/stationary cells and may, or may not, be operative in actively dividing cultures. We suggest that, in wild-type cells, SDSM results from basal levels of SOS activity during DNA synthesis. Mutations may result from synthesis past cryptic DNA lesions (targeted mutagenesis) and/or from mispairings during synthesis with a normal DNA template (untargeted mutagenesis). Since it occurs in chromosomal genes of wild-type cells, SDSM may be biologically significant for isolates of natural enteric bacterial populations where extended starvation is often a common mode of existence.  相似文献   

Modern flow cytometers offer the possibility to measure more parameters of individual cells than the normally available data acquisition equipment can store. To enlarge the number of parameters that is taken into account while recording data, an analog level discriminator is described that is easy to build and easy to implement on any existing FCM system. An example of gated data acquisition in light scattering measurements on nucleated human bone marrow cells is given. The level discriminator may give a cheap and yet valuable extension of expensive data acquisition equipment.  相似文献   

The cAMP receptor protein SYCRP1 in cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803 is a regulatory protein that binds to the consensus DNA sequence (5'-AAATGTGATCTAGATCACATTT-3') for the cAMP receptor protein CRP in Escherichia coli. Here we examined the effects of systematic single base-pair substitutions at positions 4-8 (TGTGA) of the consensus sequence on the specific binding of SYCRP1. The consensus sequence exhibited the highest affinity, and the effects of base-pair substitutions at positions 5 and 7 were the most deleterious. The result is similar to that previously reported for CRP, whereas there were differences between SYCRP1 and CRP in the rank order of affinity for each substitution.  相似文献   

The small cytokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 has structural similarity to the neutrophil chemoattractant interleukin-8, but each protein is specific in attracting its own target cell. To investigate the structural basis of this cell type specificity, we have developed an Escherichia coli expression system for the monocyte chemoattractant and mutagenized selected amino acid residues to ones found at the corresponding positions of interleukin-8. We find that a double mutation of tyrosine 28 and arginine 30 to leucine and valine, respectively, causes a drastic decrease in chemotactic activity toward monocytes with the appearance of a novel (interleukin-8-like) neutrophil chemotactic activity. Computer graphic analysis predicts that, with the double substitution, a putative receptor binding groove of the monocyte chemoattractant protein would become topographically similar to that of interleukin-8. We therefore postulate that one or both of these amino acid residues are part of the binding contact of these small cytokines and their receptors.  相似文献   

Allosteric enzymes are part of a unique class of enzymes which regulate metabolic pathways. On the molecular level, allosteric regulation is the result of interactions between discrete binding sites on the enzyme. In order to accommodate these multiple binding sites, allosteric enzymes have evolved with oligomeric quaternary structures. However, only a few oligomeric enzymes are known to have regulatory interactions between binding sites. Is regulatory activity an inherent property of oligomeric enzymes? The trimeric Bacillus subtilis aspartate transcarbamoylase catalyzes the first committed step of the pyrimidine biosynthetic pathway and is not known to be a regulatory enzyme. When an alanine residue is substituted for the active-site residue Arg-99 by site-specific mutagenesis, the regulatory activity of homotropic substrate cooperativity (Hill coefficient of 1.5) is observed in the resulting mutant enzyme. These results suggest that homotropic regulation may have evolved by a relatively small number of mutations to an oligomeric enzyme.  相似文献   

We created a novel mutated form of human interleukin-13 (IL-13) in which a positively charged arginine (R) at position 112 was substituted to a negatively charged aspartic acid (D). This mutant, termed IL-13R112D, was expressed in Escherichia coli and purified to near homogeneity. IL-13R112D was found to be a potent IL-13 agonist with 5-10-fold improved binding affinity to IL-13 receptors compared with wild-type IL-13 (wtIL-13). The conclusion of IL-13 agonist activity was drawn on the basis of approximately 10-fold improved activity over wtIL-13 in several assays: (a) inhibition of CD14 expression in primary monocytes; (b) proliferation of TF-1 and B9 cell lines; and (c) activation of STAT6 in Epstein-Barr virus-immortalized B cells, primary monocytes, and THP-1 monocytic cell line. Furthermore, mutant IL-13R112D neutralized the cytotoxic activity of a chimeric fusion protein composed of wtIL-13 and a Pseudomonas exotoxin A (IL-13-PE38) approximately 10 times better than wtIL-13. Based on these results, it was concluded that IL-13R112D interacts with much stronger affinity than wtIL-13 on all cell types tested and that Arg-112 plays an important role in the interaction with its receptors (IL-13R). Thus, these results suggest that IL-13R112D may be a useful ligand for the study of IL-13 interaction with its receptors or, alternatively, in designing specific targeted agents for IL-13R-positive malignancies.  相似文献   

Cyclosporin A (CyA) is a powerful immunosuppressive agent whose lack of myelotoxicity makes it unique among nonsteroidal drugs currently given for immunosuppression. It has been used with initial success in recipients of kidney, liver, bone marrow and pancreas transplants, and it may also have clinical application in the treatment of autoimmune disorders. In regard to its use in transplant recipients, there are many remaining questions about its mechanism of action, the optimum dose, whether it should be used alone or with other immunosuppressants, whether it can suppress chronic rejection and what its long-term side effects may be. These questions can only be answered by further careful laboratory investigation and controlled clinical trials. Until then, CyA should only be administered in centres experienced in its use.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of a region of DNA derived from the end of one chromosome of the yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Inspection of the sequence reveals the presence of 12 tandem direct repeats, each 36 nucleotides long and having nearly identical sequence. Each 36 base-pair repeat can be further subdivided into three tandem sub-repeats of a similar 12 base-pair sequence. Analysis of total genomic yeast DNA from several strains by Southern hybridization suggests that the number of tandem 36 base-pair repeat units may vary from approximately 8 to 25 among different telomeric regions. Differences in the number of repeats may have arisen by unequal crossing over between them. Furthermore, the finding that the pattern of bases at multiple variable positions within the repeat unit is not random suggests that these regions may undergo gene conversion events that render them homogeneous.  相似文献   

To elucidate the elements required for regulation of keratin expression in epidermis, we have linked a short, 300 base pair segment, corresponding to the promoter region of a human K#14 gene, to the chloramphenicol-acetyl-transferase gene. This construct was introduced into various mammalian cell lines and primary cultures via Ca3(PO4)2 precipitation. The 300 base pair segment from the keratin gene promoter region was active in all epithelial cells studied including transformed, simple epithelial cells such as HeLa and ME-180, cell lines derived from stratified epithelium, such as SCC-12, as well as primary cultures of epithelial cells. The construct was inactive in all non-epithelial cells tested including fibroblasts and melanocytes. The segment does not function as a silencer in nonepithelial cells but it can function as an enhancer in epithelial cells. Using the polymerase chain reaction we have constructed a series of deletions of the promoter and have localized an essential function within a 40 bp sequence. We conclude that we have identified the keratin gene promoter that is sufficient to confer epithelial-specific expression.  相似文献   

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