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Anaesthetized fetal guinea pigs near term were studied under conditions, where maternal placental flow of haemoglobin was maintained within the normal range. The rate of maternal fetal equilibration of intravenously injected 3H2O was found to be similar as in unanaesthetized animals (half time 4 min) indicating that fetal circulation was undisturbed under the present experimental conditions. Umbilical blood flow as determined by a modified 3H2O method was 0.13 ml . min-1 . g-1 of fetal body mass. Radioactive microspheres, injected into the fetal saphenous (jugular) vein, were distributed to the placenta, the lower body, the upper body and the lungs at a ratio of 31(47):27(39):30(6):12(8). From these data, cardiac output was calculated (0.38 ml . min-1 . g-1) and found to be almost equally distributed between the placenta, the lower body and the upper body. There was preferential streaming of the inferior vena caval blood to the upper body. There was no evidence for flow through a ductus venosus. The O2-saturation in the fetal carotid arterial blood was 59 +/- 4%. The O2-supply to the fetal tissues was estimated to be 3 times the oxygen consumption.  相似文献   

The release of prostaglandin E2 and F, thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-prostaglandin F was measured in isolated human placental cotyledons perfused under high- and low-oxygen conditions. Also the effect of reoxygenation on prostaglandin production was studied. During the high-oxygen period, prostaglandin E2 accounted for 44 % and 6-keto-prostaglandin F for 28 % of all prostaglandin release, and the rank order of prostaglandin release was E2 > 6-keto-prostaglandin F > thromboxane B2 > prostaglandin F. Hypoxia had no significant effect on quantitative prostaglandin release, but the ration of prostaglandin E2 to prostaglandin F was significantly increased. After the hypoxic period during reoxygenation the release of 6-keto-prostaglandin F was significantly decreased, as was the ratio of 6-keto-prostaglandin F to thromboxane B2. Also the ratio of the vasodilating prostaglandins (E2, 6-keto-prostaglandin F) to the vasocontricting prostaglandins (thromboxane B2, prostaglandin F) was decreased during reoxygenation period. With the constant flow rate, the perfusion pressure increased during hypoxia in six and was unchanged in three preparation. The results indicate that changes in the tissue oxygenation in the placenta affect prostaglandin release in the fetal placental circulation. This may also have circulatory consequences.  相似文献   

The release of prostaglandin E2 and F2 alpha, thromboxane B2 and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha was measured in isolated human placental cotyledons perfused under high- and low-oxygen conditions. Also the effect of reoxygenation on prostaglandin production was studied. During the high-oxygen period, prostaglandin E2 accounted for 44% and 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha for 28% of all prostaglandin release, and the rank order of prostaglandin release was E2 greater than 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha greater than thromboxane B2 greater than prostaglandin F2 alpha. Hypoxia had no significant effect on quantitative prostaglandin release, but the ratio of prostaglandin E2 to prostaglandin F2 alpha was significantly increased. After the hypoxic period during reoxygenation the release of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha was significantly decreased, as was the ratio of 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha to thromboxane B2. Also the ratio of the vasodilating prostaglandins (E2, 6-keto-prostaglandin F1 alpha) to the vasoconstricting prostaglandins (thromboxane B2, prostaglandin F2 alpha) was decreased during reoxygenation period. With the constant flow rate, the perfusion pressure increased during hypoxia in six and was unchanged in three preparations. The results indicate that changes in the tissue oxygenation in the placenta affect prostaglandin release in the fetal placental circulation. This may also have circulatory consequences.  相似文献   

The transfer of free fatty acids (FFA) across the placenta perfused in situ was studied in anaesthetised rabbits in late gestation. [14C]Palmitic acid and antipyrine were infused into 11 pregnant rabbits and samples collected for up to 90 min from the mother and the umbilical vessels. Levels of total FFA, radioactivity and antipyrine, a marker of placental integrity, were measured. Net FFA flux across the placenta increased with maternal FFA concentrations, confirming observations made using different methods. The specific activity of [14C]palmitic acid in perfusate also related to maternal levels and indicated that almost half of the FFA crossing the rabbit placenta must be derived from sources other than circulating maternal FFA. The composition of the perfusate FFA had a profile similar to that of circulating maternal FFA, except for an increase in a number of long chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids. These findings are consistent with maternal triacylglycerol as the other fatty acid source, with the placenta adding the longer chain, polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

Pulmonary vascular responses to endothelin (ET-1), a peptide derived from endothelial cells in culture, were investigated in the ovine fetus delivered by cesarean section from chloralose-anesthetized ewes with intact umbilical circulation. Circulation to the lower left lobe of the fetal lung was isolated in situ and perfused at constant flow with blood withdrawn from the inferior vena cava. Injection of graded doses of ET-1 into the left pulmonary artery decreased pulmonary arterial perfusion pressure in a dose-related manner. At doses of 100, 300, and 1,000 ng, pulmonary vascular resistance per kilogram body weight (PVR/kg) was decreased 30, 40, and 42%, respectively. However, when fetuses were ventilated with 100% oxygen, 100- and 300-ng doses of ET-1 decreased PVR/kg by 5 and 9%, respectively. In contrast, injection of 1,000 ng of ET-1 resulted in a reversal of the response, and PVR/kg was increased by 70%. Ventilation of the right lung alone resulted in a similar reversal of the vasodilator response to 1,000 ng of ET-1, and a 138% increase in PVR/kg was recorded. These studies demonstrate for the first time that ET-1 has vasodilator activity in the normally high-tone ovine fetal pulmonary circulation. In addition, these results show that ET-1 has vasoconstrictor activity in the newly ventilated low-tone pulmonary vasculature. The present data indicate the pulmonary vascular responses to ET-1 are tone dependent in the ovine fetal pulmonary circulation.  相似文献   

D B Hoover 《Peptides》1989,10(2):343-347
The pharmacological effects of guinea pig vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) were studied in isolated perfused guinea pig hearts. Bolus injections of VIP produced a dose-dependent tachycardia that was not affected by atenolol. A decrease in amplitude of ventricular contractions occurred in response to all doses of VIP. This response was preceded by a small increase in amplitude in 3 of 6 hearts at the highest dose. VIP produced a decrease in perfusion pressure which was prominent after coronary tone was elevated with [Arg8]-vasopressin. The present findings support speculation that VIP may have a role in the regulation of heart rate and coronary blood flow.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of flow rates and flow distributions on diffusion controlled transport across the isolated guinea pig placenta was investigated.It was shown that the transport of antipyrine and tritiated water could be explained by simple diffusion and concluded that the maternal and fetal circulations are directed countercurrently. Antipyrine and tritiated water were also used to calculate which part of the maternal and fetal circulations were directed away from the exchange area. One of the models developed by Meschia (1) was changed to account for existing shunts in the maternal and fetal circulations.  相似文献   

Fetal growth is known to be correlated with the size of the placenta and the exchange surface area. Reduction in the growth of the materno-fetal exchange surface areas may be a mechanism by which the effects of maternal undernutrition on fetal growth are mediated. In the compact placenta of the guinea pig the exchange surface is equivalent to the peripheral labyrinth. The effect of a 40% reduction in maternal feed intake on the growth of the peripheral labyrinth was investigated in pregnant guinea pigs between gestational days 25 and 65. Fetal and placental weights were significantly reduced in the last trimester by 32% and 38% respectively (P < 0.01). Placental efficiency in early gestation was significantly impaired in restricted animals but equivalent to ad lib. fed controls by the last trimester. The volume of the peripheral labyrinth increased as a percentage of the total placental volume with gestational age. Restricted placentae tended to be composed of a smaller volume of peripheral labyrinth tissue in early gestation. It is suggested that maternal undernutrition results in an impaired or delayed expansion of the peripheral labyrinth in early gestation causing a reduction in placental efficiency. By the last trimester the weight of the peripheral labyrinth of restricted animals was reduced by 33% (P < 0.05). The weight of the peripheral labyrinth was also significantly correlated with fetal weight is limited by the size of the peripheral labyrinth in the later stages of gestation.  相似文献   

Placental binding and uptake of diferric transferrin as well as transplacental iron transfer has been studied in isolated, perfused guinea pig placenta. The process of binding and uptake of transferrin was saturable only on the maternal side. On the fetal side no specific binding occurred. This indicates an asymmetric distribution of transferrin receptors. No receptors are present for albumin, neither on maternal, nor fetal side. Most of the 125I-59Fe transferrin, administered with a single bolus, enters the trophoblast. A small part remains attached to the plasma membranes, as shown by cell fractionation and in transferrin exchange experiments. The majority transferrin, which was internalized, is unlikely to be bound to plasma membranes and may be bound to receptors dissociated from plasma membranes. Based on kinetics of 59Fe appearance and washout at the fetal side of the perfused placenta as a model for trans-placental iron transfer has been postulated. A central feature is the role played by a small compartment (0.14 mumol) to which iron is supplied by a very rapid process at the trophoblast receptor, without internalisation of transferrin. A second un-identified pathway is supposed to regulate the magnitude of the iron transfer pool.  相似文献   

Calcium ion activity was measured in protein-free and protein-containing Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer. Even in protein-free buffer calcium ion activity was 20% less than the total Ca concentration. In solutions containing albumin the calcium ion activity was dramatically reduced, an effect dependent on the albumin concentration and pH of the solution. Acutely changing calcium ion activity from 0.35 mM to 1.25 mM in a Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer (5.4% albumin) perfusing the fetal side of the guinea pig placenta resulted in an immediate increase in transfer (mother to fetus) of 32P but no change in 45Ca transfer. The ratio of 32P to 45Ca clearance was positively related also to maternal plasma calcium ion activity.  相似文献   

Effects of glucose concentration and anoxia upon the metabolite concentrations and rates of glycolysis and respiration have been investigated in the perfused liver of the fetal guinea pig. In most cases the metabolite concentrations in the perfused liver were similar to those observed in vivo. Between 50 days and term there was a fall in the respiratory rate and in the concentration of ATP and fructose 1,6-diphosphate and an increase in the concentration of glutamate, glycogen and glucose. Reducing the medium glucose concentration from 10 mM to 1 mM or 0.1 mM depressed lactate production and the concentration of most of the phosphorylated intermediates (except 6-phosphogluconate) in the liver of the 50-day fetus. This indicates a fall in glycolytic rate which is not in accord with the known kinetic properties of hexokinase in the fetal liver. Anoxia increased lactate production by, and the concentrations of, the hexose phosphates ADP and AMP in the 50-day to term fetal liver, while the concentration of ribulose 5-phosphate, ATP and some triose phosphates fell. These results are consistent with an activation of glycolysis, particularly at phosphofructokinase and of a reduction in pentose phosphate pathway activity, particularly at 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase.The calculated cytosolic NAD+/NADH ratio for the perfused liver was similar to that measured in vivo and evidence is presented to suggest that the dihydroxyacetone phosphate/glycerol 3-phosphate ratio gives a better indication of cytosolic redox than the lactate/pyruvate ratio. The present observations indicate that phosphofructokinase and hexokinase and possibly pyruvate kinase control the glycolytic rate and that glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase is at equilibrium in the perfused liver of the fetal guinea pig.  相似文献   

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