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The present paper reports the distribution of lymphoid and non-lymphoid cell types in the thymus of mice. To this purpose, we employed scanning electron microscopy and immunohistology. For immunohistology we used the immunoperoxidase method and incubated frozen sections of the thymus with 1) monoclonal antibodies detecting cell-surface-differentiation antigens on lymphoid cells, such as Thy-1, T-200, Lyt-1, Lyt-2, and MEL-14; 2) monoclonal antibodies detecting the major histocompatibility (MHC) antigens, H-2K, I-A, I-E, and H-2D; and 3) monoclonal antibodies directed against cell-surface antigens associated with cells of the mononuclear phagocyte system, such as Mac-1, Mac-2, and Mac-3. The results of this study indicate that subsets of T lymphocytes are not randomly distributed throughout the thymic parenchyma; rather they are localized in discrete domains. Two major and four minor subpopulations of thymocytes can be detected in frozen sections of the thymus: 1) the majority of cortical thymocytes are strongly Thy-1+ (positive), strongly T-200+, variable in Lyt-1 expression, and strongly Lyt-2+; 2) the majority of medullary thymocytes are weakly Thy-1+, strongly T-200+, strongly Lyt-1+, and Lyt-2- (negative); 3) a minority of medullary cells are weakly Thy-1+, T-200+, strongly Lyt-1+, and strongly Lyt-2+; 4) a small subpopulation of subcapsular lymphoblasts is Thy-1+, T-200+, and negative for the expression of Lyt-1 and Lyt-2 antigens; 5) a small subpopulation of subcapsular lymphoblasts is only Thy-1+ but T-200- and Lyt-; and 6) a small subpopulation of subcapsular lymphoblasts is negative for all antisera tested. Surprisingly, a few individual cells in the thymic cortex, but not in the medulla, react with antibodies directed to MEL-14, a receptor involved in the homing of lymphocytes in peripheral lymphoid organs. MHC antigens (I-A, I-E, H-2K) are mainly expressed on stromal cells in the thymus, as well as on medullary thymocytes. H-2D is also expressed at a low density on cortical thymocytes. In general, anti-MHC antibodies reveal epithelial-reticular cells in the thymic cortex, in a fine dendritic staining pattern. In the medulla, the labeling pattern is more confluent and most probably associated with bone-marrow-derived interdigitating reticular cells and medullary thymocytes. We discuss the distribution of the various lymphoid and non-lymphoid subpopulations within the thymic parenchyma in relation to recently published data on the differentiation of T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Early alterations in the enzyme activities controlling cyclic adenosine-3',5'-monophosphate (cAMP) metabolism after the irradiation (800 rad) of mice were found in the lymphoid cells of the spleen and thymus. Postradiation disturbances in these activities' ration induced alterations in cAMP steady-state concentrations in the cell. It was also demonstrated that irradiation reduced lymphoid cell ability to accumulate cAMP in response to isoproterenol administration.  相似文献   

The effect of the thymus cells of the C57BL/6 mice on the colony forming ability of the stem hemopoietic cells of the embryonic liver and bone marrow of young (3 months) and old (2 years) mice was studied their joint transplantation into the mice (CBAXXC57BL/6) F1. The stimulating effect of the thymus cells on the colony forming ability of the stem hemopoietic cells of different age depends both on the dose of the stem hemopoietic cells of embryonic liver and the dose of T-lymphocytes. A suggestion is put forward that the stimulating effect of the thymus cells on the colony formation is due to their interaction with the stem cells in the G2 phase of the mitotic cycle.  相似文献   

When transplanting the bone marrow cells from adult C57BL mice to the lethally irradiated (CBA X C57BL) F1 hybrids of different age, the decrease of the colony forming activity of the stem haemopoietic cells was observed in the spleen of the older recipients, as compared with the 3 months old ones. The joint transplantation of the bone marrow and thymus cells resulted in both the cases in the stimulation of the growth of colonies. The number of endogenous colonies of haemopoietic cells arising in the spleen of animals following the sublethal irradiation was greater in younger hybrids. After the induction of the "transplant versus host" reaction by the lymph node or spleen cells from the CBA mice, the relative weight of spleen and regional lymph node, respectively, in the older recipients exceeded those in the younger ones.  相似文献   

After a single intraperitoneal injection of formalinized whole-cell pertussis vaccine 5374 into CBA mice a drastic depletion of cells in the thymus accompanied by the enhancement of suppressor T-cells production is observed. T-cells inhibit the endogenous and exogenous colony-formation in the spleen by hematopoietic stem cells (CFUs). Treatment of thymus cells with the anti-I-Jk alloantiserum against a specific marker of suppressor T-cells in the presence of complement removes the inhibitory effect on CFUs proliferation and has a stimulatory action on the capacity of the marrow CFUs to form macroscopic hematopoietic colonies in the spleen compared with control ones. These results suggest probable involvement of I-J-bearing suppressor T-cells in the hematopoietic disorders induced by pertussis vaccine.  相似文献   

Thymus cell migration to the gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) as compared to other lymphoid tissues in young rabbits was determined following in vivo intrathymic inoculation of tritiated thymidine. The GALT received as many or more thymus cells than the spleen or lymph nodes during the first few postnatal days. Migration to the GALT and nonGALT decreased with age, and seeding appeared to be essentially complete by 30–40 days.  相似文献   

Thymic hormonal factors were isolated from mouse thymus by two methods. (1) Thymic cytosols in phosphate buffer saline were filtered through Sephadex G100 with 0.1 M NH4HCO3 (pH 8.0) as buffer and the protein peaks were collected. (2) Protein having thymosin activity (F5) was isolated from thymic cytosols after heat inactivation, salt fractionation and desalting on Sephadex G25. Molecular weights of all the proteins were determined on SDS-PAGE. Biological activity of thymic proteins was studied by in vitro and in vivo assays, using synthetic thymosin alpha 1 as the standard. Thymocytes treated with different thymic proteins showed maximum stimulation at 16 h of incubation period. Preincubation of the thymocytes with the thymic proteins and subsequent incubation with Con-A decreased the stimulation index. Incubation of spleen lymphocytes with thymic proteins increased the percentage of Tdt+ cells. The antitumor effects of thymic proteins carried out on animals having leukemia, showed statistically significant results. Clinically however, the antitumor effects of the thymic proteins alone and in combination chemotherapy were negligible at 1 mg/kg body weight dose level.  相似文献   

The 24-hour rhythm of mitoses was identical in the thymus lymphocytes of 30-day rats in control and in experimental animals 4 hours after injection of hydrocortisone. In the control rats the number of degenerating lymphocytes failed to alter in the course of 24 hours. Four hours after the hydrocortisone injection of degenerated cells increased sharply; however, the rate of the lymphocyte destruction was more significant at night and early in the morning than during the day and the evening.  相似文献   

Thymus cells were labeled in vitro with FITC and injected into syngeneic recipients. In cell suspensions of lymphoid organs green cells were inspected for PNA receptors with double immunofluorescence. A striking preference of PNA-negative cells to localize in lymph nodes and the lymphoid compartment of the spleen was demonstrated. Incubation with anti-Ly sera revealed that Ly 1+ PNA-negative cells homed in popliteal lymph nodes and Peyer's patch but not in mesenteric lymph nodes.  相似文献   

After injection of gamma-globulin into respiratory tracts of rats a proliferative pool of lymphoid cells in the lungs increases and remains unchanged in the spleen. The increase in the proliferative pool was accompanied by a decrease in a mitotic cycle in the S-period. Immunization was followed by intensification of division processes in a group of medium lymphocytes and processes of blast cells differentiation.  相似文献   

The rat broncho-alveolar macrophages, subjected to gamma-irradiation, were incubated for 4 hours with irradiated (4 Gy) thymocytes. Following the total 24 hour incubation, some morphological features of macrophages were revealed in addition to their influence on survival, autologous rosetting and mitotic index of intact thymocytes. The increase in macrophage spreading was shown which was dose-dependent in the 1 to 4 Gy scale. Enhanced viability of thymocytes was revealed in the presence of macrophages irradiated at the dose of 1-2 Gy. Addition of 24 hour cultures of intact or irradiated macrophages elicited a significant decrease in rosette-forming capacity among thymocytes. Gamma-irradiation of 2 to 4 Gy inhibited the ability of macrophages to suppress the mitotic activity of thymic cells. A possibility of postradiational modification of some specific functions and properties of macrophages, including their thymotropic effects, is discussed.  相似文献   

Cellular proliferation, in relation to cell density was investigated in the thymus of control and cortisol treated animals at 6 and 18 weeks of age. It was found that there was very little difference in the response of the two age groups to cortisol treatment. Cell density and cellular proliferation were markedly reduced 2 days after cortisol administration. From 4 days there was a rapid increase in cellular proliferation to triple the control rate. The mitotic index remained above normal until 12days then decreased to control values at 14 days. During this time the cell density of the thymus was being progressively restored. At all stages of regeneration, the mitotic index at first increased to a maximum at the mean cell density then decreased at the highest cell concentrations. A model system is discussed to account for this density dependent control of cellular proliferation in the thymus.  相似文献   

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