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Differential repair of UV damage in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Preferential repair of UV-induced damage is a phenomenon by which mammalian cells might enhance their survival. This paper presents the first evidence that preferential repair occurs in the lower eukaryote Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Moreover an unique approach is reported to compare identical sequences present on the same chromosome and only differing in expression. We determined the removal of pyrimidine dimers from two identical alpha-mating type loci and we were able to show that the active MAT alpha locus is repaired preferentially to the inactive HML alpha locus. In a sir-3 mutant, in which both loci are active this preference is not observed.  相似文献   

Repair of DNA double-strand breaks by homologous recombination requires an extensive set of proteins. Among these proteins are Rad51 and Mre11, which are known to re-localize to sites of DNA damage into nuclear foci. Ionizing radiation-induced foci can be visualized by immuno-staining. Published data show a large variation in the number of foci-positive cells and number of foci per nucleus for specific DNA repair proteins. The experiments described here demonstrate that the time after induction of DNA damage influenced not only the number of foci-positive cells, but also the size of the individual foci. The dose of ionizing radiation influenced both the number of foci-positive cells and the number of foci per nucleus. Furthermore, ionizing radiation-induced foci formation depended on the cell cycle stage of the cells and the protein of interest that was investigated. Rad51 and Mre11 foci seemed to be mutually exclusive, though a small subset of cells did show co-localization of these proteins, which suggests a possible cooperation between the proteins at a specific moment during DNA repair.  相似文献   

Centromeres form specialized chromatin structures termed kinetochores which are required for accurate segregation of chromosomes. DNA lesions might disrupt protein-DNA interactions, thereby compromising segregation and genome stability. We show that yeast centromeres are heavily resistant to removal of UV-induced DNA lesions by two different repair systems, photolyase and nucleotide excision repair. Repair resistance persists in G(1)- and G(2)/M-arrested cells. Efficient repair was obtained only by disruption of the kinetochore structure in a ndc10-1 mutant, but not in cse4-1 and cbf1 Delta mutants. Moreover, UV photofootprinting and DNA repair footprinting showed that centromere proteins cover about 120 bp of the centromere elements CDEII and CDEIII, including 20 bp of flanking CDEIII. Thus, DNA lesions do not appear to disrupt protein-DNA interactions in the centromere. Maintaining a stable kinetochore structure seems to be more important for the cell than immediate removal of DNA lesions. It is conceivable that centromeres are repaired by postreplication repair pathways.  相似文献   

To verify the hypothesis that the induction of a novel, efficient repair mechanism for chromosomal DNA breaks may be involved in the radioadaptive response, the repair kinetics of DNA damage has been studied in cultured Chinese hamster V79 cells with single-cell gel electrophoresis. The cells were adapted by priming exposure with 5 cGy of γ-rays and 4-h incubation at 37°C. There were no indication of any difference in the initial yields of DNA double-strand breaks induced by challenging doses from non-adapted cells and from adapted cells. The rejoining of DNA double-strand breaks was monitored over 120 min after the adapted cells were challenged with 5 or 1.5 Gy, doses at the same level to those used in the cytogenetical adaptive response. The rate of DNA damage repair in adapted cells was higher than that in non-adapted cells, and the residual damage was less in adapted cells than in non-adapted cells. These results indicate that the radioadaptive response may result from the induction of a novel, efficient DNA repair mechanism which leads to less residual damage, but not from the induction of protective functions that reduce the initial DNA damage.  相似文献   

The murine severe combined immunodeficiency (scid) mutation interferes with normal recombination of immunoglobulin and T-cell receptor genes. This immunologic defect results in a lack of fully differentiated B and T cells in scid/scid mice. Animals homozygous for the scid mutation also display increased sensitivity to the damaging effects of ionizing radiation. We report here our observations of high frequencies of radiation-induced chromatid interchanges and intrachanges in bone marrow cells and fibroblasts from scid/scid mice. The presence of these aberrant chromosome structures suggests that a delay in strand rejoining underlies the increased sensitivity of scid/scid mice to ionizing radiation. The scid mutation may provide important clues for understanding the relationship between mitotic recombination and DNA repair in higher eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Previously untanned buttock skin of 4 volunteers (skin type II; tan with difficulty as they sunburn easily) was treated with various sunscreen preparations and solar--simulated radiation (SSR) or SSR alone for 2 weeks. One week later, the treatment sites were challenged with a DNA-damaging dose of SSR--twice the minimal erythema dose (2 MED). Skin biopsy samples were assayed for the levels of unscheduled DNA synthesis (a measure of DNA damage), melanin distribution, and skin thickening. 5-Methoxypsoralen-containing sunscreen preparations plus SSR or SSR alone induced melanogenesis and increased the stratum corneum thickness, but only the former regimen afforded a high degree of protection against subsequent SSR-induced DNA damage. 5-Methoxypsoralen-free sunscreen preparations plus SSR induced negligible tanning, skin thickening, and photoprotection. These findings are relevant to the risk-benefit analysis of sunscreen preparations, especially in skin type II, as they provide evidence that a 5-methoxypsoralen-induced tan is protective against the DNA-damaging effects of solar UV radiation, and thus has the potential to reduce the carcinogenic risk of exposure to such radiation.  相似文献   

We have examined nucleotide excision repair synthesis in confluent human diploid fibroblasts permeabilized with lysolecithin. Following a UV dose of 12 J/m2, maximal incorporation of [alpha 35S]dNTPs occurred at a lysolecithin concentration (approximately 80 micrograms/ml) where slightly more than 90% of the cells were initially permeable to trypan blue. However, autoradiography of cells, permeabilized at this lysolecithin concentration, demonstrated that only about 20% of the total cell population incorporated significant levels of 35S into DNA. This result presumably reflected the fact that approximately 20% of the total cell population remained permeable for much longer periods of time (up to 2 h) than the remaining cell population (less than 20 min). The incorporation of dNTPs by UV-irradiated, permeabilized cells appeared to be bona fide excision repair synthesis since: (1) Incorporation was completely absent in unirradiated, permeabilized cells and in irradiated, permeabilized repair-deficient cells. (2) Nucleotides incorporated in the presence of BrdUTP were associated with normal density DNA. (3) The apparent Km for all 4 dNTPs was 50-100 nM, in agreement with past reports on human fibroblasts irreversibly permeabilized by cell lysis. (4) DNA associated with the newly incorporated dNTPs underwent ligation and rearrangements in chromatin structure analogous to what is observed in intact human cells. Repair incorporation of dNTPs was rapid and linear during the first 2 h after UV irradiation and permeabilization. After this time, incorporation ceased or continued at a much slower rate. Cell viability experiments and autoradiography demonstrated that the cells permeabilized to [3H]dNTPs were capable of carrying out DNA replication and cell division. Thus, confluent human diploid fibroblasts can be reversibly permeabilized to labeled dNTPs by lysolecithin for the study of excision repair following physiologic doses of UV radiation. However, under these conditions, only a fraction of the cells remain permeable for an extended period of time.  相似文献   

We have used a modification of the Southern hybridization method to analyze the removal of UV-induced pyrimidine cyclobutane dimers from the domain of the c-myc oncogene. The study was performed in human COLO320HSR cells, which exhibit a 30- to 40-fold amplification of c-myc that is maintained in a marker chromosome as a homogeneously staining region. Intron 2 and the region upstream from the gene showed better dimer removal than intron 1 or the region downstream from the c-myc gene. Regions showing less repair coincide with regions that are hotspots for mutations and chromosome translocations. Therefore, it is proposed that the inefficiency of DNA repair may play an important role in the origin of c-myc rearrangements.  相似文献   

Radical scavengers such as polyethylene glycol 400 and 4000 and bovine albumin have been used to define the contribution of exogenous and endogenous effects to the gamma-radiation-induced damage in aqueous buffered suspensions of Bacillus pumilus spores. The results indicate that this damage in the bacterial spore is predominantly endogenous both in the presence of 1 atmosphere of oxygen, and in anoxia.  相似文献   

The lethal response of a diploid yeast strain BZ34 to densely ionizing radiations from the reaction 10B(n, alpha)7 Li was studied. The values for relative biological effectiveness (r.b.e.) and oxygen enhancement ratio (o.e.r.) for this radiation compare favourably with the data obtained with charged particles on the same strain of yeast. Recovery from potentially lethal damage was also studied by post-irradiation holding under non-nutrient conditions. In order to understand the role of oxygen in the recovery process, the investigation covered the following treatment regimens: (a) aerobic irradiation and aerobic holding (A-A), (b) aerobic irradiation and hypoxic holding (A-H), (c) hypoxic irradiation and hypoxic holding (H-H) and (d) hypoxic irradiation and aerobic holding (H-A). It has been found that the presence of oxygen is essential for recovery from the damage induced by both gamma rays and high linear energy transfer (LET) radiations. The extent of recovery was larger for gamma-induced damage than for damage induced by high LET radiation (alpha + 7Li) for the A-A condition. In the H-H condition, while only a slight recovery was seen for gamma-induced damage, it was totally absent for high LET damage. For the modality A-H, it was found that there is not recovery from the sparsely ionising gamma radiation-induced damage. The implications of these results for the treatment of malignant tumours by radiotherapy are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

S Kanno  S Iwai  M Takao    A Yasui 《Nucleic acids research》1999,27(15):3096-3103
UV damage endonuclease (UVDE) initiates a novel form of excision repair by introducing a nick imme-diately 5" to UV-induced cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers or 6-4 photoproducts. Here, we report that apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites are also nicked by Neurospora crassa and Schizosaccharomyces pombe UVDE. UVDE introduces a nick immediately 5" to the AP site leaving a 3"-OH and a 5"-phosphate AP. Apyrimidinic sites are more effectively nicked by UVDE than apurinic sites. UVDE also possesses 3"-repair activities for AP sites nicked by AP lyase and for 3"-phosphoglycolate produced by bleomycin. The Uvde gene introduced into Escherichia coli cells lacking two types of AP endonuclease, Exo III and Endo IV, gave the host cells resistance to methylmethane sulfonate and t-butyl hydroperoxide. We identified two AP endonuclease activities in S.pombe cell extracts. Besides cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers and 6-4 photoproducts, N. crassa UVDE also nicks Dewar photoproducts. Thus, UVDE is able to repair both of the major forms of DNA damage in living organisms: UV-induced DNA lesions and AP sites.  相似文献   

The principal concern of those responsible for the maintenance of culture collections has been to preserve viability, but nonlethal damage should not be ignored. Whether disruption of any element of a cell is nonlethal depends on the ability of the cell to repair the damage. Subsequent repair of DNA damage can lead to mutation.The protective effect of additives, as measured by survival after lyophilized cultures are reconstituted, sometimes depends upon the interval between making the addition and freezing. A rhythmic variation in the extent of viability has been observed, but increases in number of viable cells cannot be attributed to a repair mechanism. Instead, the changes in survival appear to be associated with a physiological condition of the cell at the instant of freezing.Virulence is generally maintained by lyophilized bacteria, but when stored cultures of Y. pestis were assayed immediately after reconstitution, virulence for mice was significantly reduced (as many as 4000 cells per 50% lethal dose). The virulence could be fully restored by holding reconstituted cultures for 24 hr at room temperature, or by subculture in fresh media. Obviously, the injury induced by lyophilization and storage is not to the DNA.  相似文献   

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