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Chinese hamster cell line K12 is temperature-sensitive for the initiation of DNA synthesis. K12 cells synchronized by serum deprivation were collected in early G1(G0). Heterokaryons were formed by fusing chick erythrocytes with serum-starved K12 cells through the use of UV-irradiated Sendai virus. At the permissive temperature (36.5 degrees C), erythrocyte nuclei in heterokaryons enlarged, the chromatin dispersed, and erythrocyte nuclei synthesized DNA at about the same time as the K12 nuclei. At the restrictive temperature (41 degrees C), erythrocyte nuclei enlarged, but neither erythrocyte nor K12 nuclei initiated DNA synthesis. When erythrocyte nuclei were fused with Wg-1A cells, the wild-type parent for ts K12 cells, both kinds of nuclei synthesized DNA at 36.5 degrees C and 41 degrees C. Activation of erythrocyte nuclei was inefficient in heterokaryons incubated in low-serum medium. The results indicate that serum factors and a cellular function defined by the K12 mutation are required for activation of chick erythrocyte nuclear DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

A study has been made of the ribosomal RNA and chromosome constitution of man-mouse hybrid cells. Previous work has shown that no human 28s rRNA is detectable in man-mouse synkaryons. In general human chromosomes are lost from such hybrids. With a recently developed method for distinguishing mouse from human chromosomes, an analysis of various man-mouse hybrid cell lines has been made. This indicates that not all the human chromosomes bearing nucleolar organizers are lost in the hybrid cells and such loss cannot alone explain the absence of human 28s rRNA. An examination of the 28s rRNA synthesized by heterokaryons formed from several different parent cells has revealed that both parental types of 28s rRNA are present in heterokaryons. The control of rRNA synthesis in hybrid cells is discussed.  相似文献   

Genetic determinants of metabolic cooperation were studied by fusing chick erythrocytes to HGPRT- mammalian cells. Heterokaryons were then tested for their ability to incorporate [3H]hypoxanthine and to transfer radioactive material to HGPRT- recipient cells. Chick erythrocytes (CE) have nuclei which are inactive but contain the HGPRT gene and some cytoplasmic HGPRT enzyme activity. They are unable, however, to cooperate with HGPRT- cells. Of the two mammalian cell lines used, the human GM29 line is HGPRT- and capable of functioning as a receptor cell in cooperation experiments with HGPRT+ cells. The HGPRT- mouse A9 line on the other hand is unable to cooperate. Immediately after fusion, both types of heterokaryons incorporated [3H]hypoxanthine, indicating the presence of some chick HGPRT enzyme contributed by the erythrocyte partner at the time of fusion. While the CE-GM29 heterokaryons participated in metabolic cooperation shortly after fusion, the CE-A9 heterokaryons did not. However, four days after fusion, i.e., at a time when the erythrocyte nucleus had been reactivated, the CE-A9 heterokaryons did cooperate. This suggests that in CE-A9 heterokaryons the genes required for metabolic cooperation are expressed by the previously dormant chick erythrocyte nucleus.  相似文献   

The control of gene expression during terminal myogenesis was explored in heterokaryons between differentiated and undifferentiated myogenic cells by analyzing the formation of species specific myosin light chains of chick and rat skeletal muscle. Dividing L6 rat myoblasts served as the biochemically undifferentiated parent. The differentiated parental cells were mononucleated muscle cells (myocytes) that were obtained from primary cultures of embryonic chick thigh muscle by blocking myotube formation with EGTA and later incubating the postimitotic cells in cytochalasin B. Heterokaryons were isolated by the selective rescue of fusion products between cells previously treated with lethal doses of different cell poisons. 95-99% pure populations of heterokaryons formed between undifferentiated rat myoblasts and differentiated chick myocytes were obtained. The cells were labeled with [35S]methionine, and whole cell extracts were analyzed on two-dimensional polyacrylamide gels. These heterokaryons synthesize the light chain of chick myosin and both embryonic and adult light chains of rat skeletal myosin. Control homokaryons formed by fusing undifferentiated cells to themselves did not synthesize skeletal myosin light chains. Control heterokaryons formed between undifferentiated rat myoblasts and chick fibroblasts also failed to synthesize myosin light chains. These results indicate that differentiated chick muscle cells provide some factor that induces L6 myoblasts to synthesize rat myosin light chains. This system provides a model for investigating the processes by which differentiated cell functions are induced.  相似文献   

Suppression of unscheduled DNA synthesis (UDS) after exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light in the human nuclei results when diploid human fibroblasts are fused with chick erythrocytes. The suppression is positively correlated with the number of erythrocyte nuclei in the heterokaryons, with a maximal effect at 36 h after fusion. Evidence is presented that this suppression is due to lowered levels of the enzymes involved in UDS as a result of inhibition of the RNA synthesis by chick components. No suppression of UDS is detected in the human nuclei of the HeLa-chick erythrocyte heterokaryons. In HeLa cells the rate of RNA synthesis is about 10 times higher than the rate in the normal diploid fibroblasts, and the relatively small inhibitory influence of the chick components will therefore not lead to a limitation of the enzymes involved in UDS in the HeLa-chick erythrocyte heterokaryons.  相似文献   

Heterokaryons were formed by fusion of B. rodhaini-infected mouse erythrocytes and baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells, using Sendai virus. The erythrocyte membrane rapidly lysed inside the BHK cell cytoplasm releasing free parasites. There was no evidence that parasite multiplication occurred inside the BHK cells, nor that parasitized BHK cells were infective for mice.Transient erythrocyte homokaryons were observed in some preparations.The approach indicates a possible method for the in vitro cultivation of Babesia.  相似文献   

The regulation of DNA synthesis in heterokaryons between chicken erythrocytes and culture cells of various proliferative potential was studied. The following regularities were found: 1) Both immortalized and non-immortalized cells can efficiently reactivate DNA synthesis in erythrocyte nuclei. 2) Erythrocytes drastically inhibit the entry of non-malignant culture cell nuclei into the S-period, not acting upon DNA synthesis. 3) The inhibitory action is characteristic of erythrocytes from different stages of chicken ontogenesis (from 5-day-old embryos to the adult bird). 4) Malignant cells are completely refractory to the inhibitory action of erythrocytes. The ability of erythrocytes to inhibit the onset of replication in heterokaryons may be connected with the mechanisms of maintaining these terminally differentiated cells in a non-proliferating state.  相似文献   

The reactivation of chick erythrocyte nuclei after Sendai virus induced fusion of chick erythrocytes with intact or anucleate rat myoblasts or rat epithelial cells was studied by electron microscopy. Both in heterokaryons and in reconstituted cells formed by the fusion of chick red cells with anucleate rat L6 myoblasts the amount of highly condensed chromatin in the chick nuclei decreased with time after fusion at the same time as the proportion of dispersed chromatin increased. Nuclear organelles, typical of active nuclei but absent in the nuclei of unfused erythrocytes, appeared during reactivation. The percentage of chick nuclei containing a nucleolus was low 24 h after fusion but increased so that almost all nuclei contained one or more nucleoli 120 h after fusion. In reconstituted cells the frequency of nucleoli was much lower than in heterokaryons. In other respects, the erythrocyte nuclei introduced into anucleate rat cells underwent a normal reactivation and appeared to be well integrated with the cytoplasm. Thus, the nuclear envelope consisted of two normal leaflets in direct contact with the cytoplasm. Nuclear pores were observed in front of interchromatin channels. A normal cytoplasmic geometry appeared to be re-established since the Golgi apparatus occupied a position close to the poles of the chick nucleus.  相似文献   

HGPRT+ and HGPRT? clones have been isolated from the mouse embryonal carcinoma tissue culture line PC13. Upon inoculation into isogeneic mice, all clones form tumors showing the same pattern of differentiation as that given by PC13, namely, a predominance of neural differentiation with the presence of smaller amounts of other tissues. The karyotype of one HGPRT clone, PC13TG8, has been compared with that of PC13 by G-banding. Both lines possess a marker isochromosome and show a substantial degree of chromosome imbalance. By two techniques, (a) autoradiography after [3H]hypoxanthine labelling and (b) co-culture in toxic purine analogues, PC13 and PC13TG8 cells have been shown to participate in metabolic co-operation with each other and with the Chinese hamster cell line Don and its derivatives. Like other tissue culture lines, however, they show little or no metabolic co-operation with derivatives of mouse L cells.  相似文献   

Cultured mouse myocardial cells grown as monolayers fused upon treatment with HVJ (Sendai virus). The myocardial cells also fused with quail myocardial cells, neuroblastoma cells and non-excitable cells, such as KB cells. The beating activity of these heterokaryons was studied in the present work. Heterokaryons composed of myocardial cells from different species maintained spontaneous beating activity for 2 days or more. Those of one myocardial and one neuroblastoma cell maintained the activity for 22-26 h, while those of one myocardial and one non-excitable cell, such as KB cell, lost the activity within 2-4 h after addition of HVJ. Heterokaryons that had stopped spontaneous beating did not contract on application of electrical-field stimulation. The ration of non-myocardial cells in the heterokaryons increased in inverse proportion to the decrease in beating activity of the heterokaryons. Study of the rapid disappearance of beating activity in heterokaryons composed of one myocardial and one KB cell showed that both excitability of the cell membrane and myofibril organization were rapidly lost.  相似文献   

Yeast cell attachment to Concanavalin A (ConA)-coated fibroblasts depends on the degree of saturation of ConA-binding sites on the fibroblast. Under comparable conditions, fresh mouse erythrocytes fail to establish stable contacts with ConA-coated fibroblasts. The interaction of ConA-coated erythrocytes with fibroblasts and of non-coated erythrocytes with wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-coated fibroblasts is remarkably less efficient than that of yeast cells interacting with ConA-coated fibroblasts. Ingestion of attached cells was not observed in any of the above lectin-mediated cell-cell interactions. Yeast cells coated with ConA show a high extent of attachment to fibroblasts (three-fold that of yeast cell attachment to ConA-coated fibroblasts). The attachment is highly temperature sensitive, being 3 times more at 37 °C than at 14 °C. A significant fraction of attached yeast cells (˜46%) is ingested by the fibroblasts during the 60 min incubation at 37 °C. The ingestion exhibits a strong temperature dependence, being nil at 14 °C and amounting to 150 and 600 ingested yeast cells per 100 fibroblasts at 24 °C and 37 °C, respectively. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy of ConA-mediated yeast cell-fibroblast interaction indicates a tighter interaction when the yeast cells are coated with ConA than when the fibroblasts are coated with ConA. Thus spreading of the plasma membrane around the attached yeast cell as well as transduction of attachment to ingestion could be triggered only under conditions of a very extensive multibridge interaction between the two apposing surfaces. Such an interaction is not achieved when the mobility of ConA-receptors within the fibroblast membrane plane is restricted as a result of crosslinking with ConA.  相似文献   

In skeletal myogenic differentiation, myoblasts fuse with myogenic cells spontaneously, but do not fuse with non-myogenic cells either in vivo or in vitro, suggesting that the fusion of myoblasts with non-myogenic cells is unsuitable for differentiation. To understand the inevitability of the fusion among myoblasts, we prepared heterokaryons in crosses between quail myoblasts transformed with a temperature-sensitive mutant of Rous sarcoma virus (QM-RSV cells) and rodent non-myogenic cells, such as tumor cells, fibroblasts, or neurogenic cells by HVJ (Sendai virus) and examined how myogenic differentiation was influenced in the prepared heterokaryons, focusing on myogenin expression and myofibril formation as markers of differentiation. When presumptive QM-RSV cells were fused with non-myogenic cells by HVJ and induced to differentiate, both myogenin expression and myofibril formation were suppressed. When myotubes of QM-RSV cells that had already expressed myogenin and formed myofibrils were fused with non-myogenic cells, both myogenin and myofibrils disappeared. Especially, fibrous structures of myofibrils were significantly lost and dots or aggregations of F-actin were formed within 24 hr after formation of heterokaryons. However, the fusion of presumptive or differentiated QM-RSV cells with rodent myoblasts did not disturb myogenin expression or myofibril formation. These results suggest that mutual fusion of myoblasts is indispensable for normal myogenic differentiation irrespective of the species, and that some factors inhibiting myogenic differentiation exist in the cytoplasm of non-myogenic cells, but not in myoblasts.  相似文献   

Senda?-virus-induced fusion between heavily X-irradiated hamster cells, BHK21 or RS2-3 (BHK21 cells transformed by Rous Sarcoma Virus), and unirradiated mouse cells, A9 or c11D, give rise to hybrids. These hybrids possess mouse and hamster surface antigens. However, RS2-3 x mouse hybrids do not form heterokaryons with chick-embryo fibroblasts producing infectious Rous sarcoma virus.  相似文献   

Terminal cell differentiation in a variety of model systems is inhibited by the thymidine analogue 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BUdR). We investigated the mode of action of BUdR by forming heterokaryons between undifferentiated BUdR-blocked rat myoblasts and differentiated chick skeletal myocytes. We analyzed newly synthesized proteins on two- dimensional polyacrylamide gels. The induction of rat skeletal myosin light-chain synthesis was reduced fivefold, as compared with controls, when chick myocytes were fused to BUdR-blocked rat myoblasts. This indicates that plasma membrane effects cannot be the proximate cause for the inhibition of myogenesis by BUdR, since BUdR is able to block the effect of chick inducing factors even when a differentiated chick myocyte is in direct cytoplasmic continuity with the BUdR-blocked rat nucleus. The observation that chick cells required an 80% substitution of BUdR for thymidine to block myogenesis, whereas L6 rat myoblasts required only a 20% substitution led to a hypothesis involving a DNA- mediated action of BUdR. This model yielded three testable predictions: (a) putative chick inducing molecules should be present in limiting quantities, (b) exploiting gene-dosage effects to increase the quantity of putative chick inducing factors might overcome the inhibition produced in the rat myoblasts by a 35% BUdR for thymidine substitution, and (c) these gene-dosage effects should be abolished by increasing the level of BUdR substitution in the rat myoblast to 60-80%. All three of these predictions have been verified, providing strong indirect evidence that the inhibition of myogenesis produced by BUdR is a direct result of its incorporation into cellular DNA.  相似文献   

To determine whether 2X-active cells contain factors capable of reactivating the inactive mammalian X chromosome, fibroblast lines, having a cytologically or genetically marked inactive X, were fused with 2X-active mouse embryos or ovarian teratocarcinoma stem cells. Fusions with 2–16 cell embryos were uninformative because no mitosis occurred in heterokaryons. Fusions with 2X-active teratocarcinoma cells, and screening for re-expression of alleles on the inactive X showed that reactivation did not occur with detectable frequency in heterokaryon. Hybridization of HPRT?M. musculus × M. caroli cells with XO HPRT? teratocarcinoma cells yielded hybrids with a frequency of >10?6; these hybrids all expressed the Hpt allele on the inactive M. caroli X, but not the M. caroliGpd or Pgk. Late replication-banding studies of hybrids and 6-thioguanine-resistant revertants showed that the reactivated Hp+ allele was still located on the late replicating X. Similar results were obtained with hybridization of this line to 1X-active (male-derived) fibroblast lines, indicating that hybridization per se, rather than a specific factor contributed by the teratocarcinoma cell partner, was reponsible for the frequent localized derepression of the Hpt+ allele on the inactive X.  相似文献   

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