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The amount of photosynthetically-active photon flux density incident upon a leaf and the nitrogen content of that leaf strongly affect the photosynthetic carbon gain of that leaf. Therefore, the canopy structure of a stand, affecting the light climate in the canopy, and the leaf nitrogen distribution pattern in the canopy, affect the carbon gain of the whole canopy. This review discusses the results of studies directed to this problem and obtained so far in open and in dense canopies of stands of herbaceous, monocotyledonous or dicotyledonous, plants in their growing or flowering stages. It is found that the leaf nitrogen distribution pattern in the canopy is vertically non-uniform, and in dense stands more strongly so than in open stands. The leaf nitrogen distribution pattern in most canopies closely approaches an optimal pattern in that it maximizes whole canopy potential carbon gain as calculated for the actual total leaf nitrogen content and leaf area index of the stand. The resulting increase in potential carbon gain as compared to a uniform leaf nitrogen distribution pattern is considerable and it is larger in dense stands than in open stands. For at least some dense stands simulation studies show that with the available total leaf nitrogen content, whole canopy carbon gains could still be considerable higher had a lower leaf area index been developed.  相似文献   

Franco  Augusto C. 《Plant Ecology》1998,136(1):69-76
Roupala montana is an evergreen species widespread in the seasonal savannas of the central plains of Brazil. I examined the degree of coupling of photosynthetic gas-exchange characteristics, water relations and growth responses of R. montana with regard to seasonal changes in soil water availability. Despite a rainless period of over three months soil water potential at 60 cm depth reached values of only about -1.0 MPa, while pre-dawn leaf water potential (l) reached about -0.4 MPa by the end of the three-month drought. Thus, R. montana had access to deep soil water in the dry period, but pre-dawn l did not reach the high wet season values of -0.2 MPa. Most of the shoot growth was concluded in the onset of the rainy season. Although some individual branches might have shown some extension thereafter, most of them remained inactive during the rest of the rainy season and the subsequent dry season. New leaf production was also restricted to the first part of the wet period. R. montana remained evergreen in the dry season, but there was a 27% decrease in the number of leaves and herbivory removed about 16% of the leaf area still present in the plant. CO2-exchange rates of these leaves reached only ca. 55% of the maximum rainy season values of 14 µmol m-2 s-1. Thus, the estimated potential daily carbon gain was about 34% of the maximum by the end of the dry period. These values will be even lower, if we considered the decrease in photosynthetic rates that occurred around midday. These reductions in photosynthetic rates as a result of partial stomatal closure were measured both in the wet and dry season and they were related to increases in the evaporative demand of the atmosphere. In conclusion, the combined effect of herbivory, leaf loss and reductions in photosynthetic rates limited plant productivity in the dry season.  相似文献   

Impacts of either elevated CO2 or drought stress on plant growth have been studied extensively, but interactive effects of these on plant carbon and nitrogen allocation is inadequately understood yet. In this study the response of the dominant desert shrub, Caragana intermedia Kuanget H.c.Fu, to the interaction of elevated CO2 (700 ± 20 μmol mol−1) and soil drought were determined in two large environmental growth chambers (18 m2). Elevated CO2 increased the allocation of biomass and carbon into roots and the ratio of carbon to nitrogen (C:N) as well as the leaf soluble sugar content, but decreased the allocation of biomass and carbon into leaves, leaf nitrogen and leaf soluble protein concentrations. Elevated CO2 significantly decreased the partitioning of nitrogen into leaves, but increased that into roots, especially under soil drought. Elevated CO2 significantly decreased the carbon isotope discrimination (Δ) in leaves, but increased them in roots, and the ratio of Δ values between root and leaf, indicating an increased allocation into below-ground parts. It is concluded that stimulation of plant growth by CO2 enrichment may be negated under soil drought, and under the future environment, elevated CO2 may partially offset the negative effects of enhanced drought by regulating the partitioning of carbon and nitrogen.  相似文献   

Summary The photosynthetic capacity and carbon metabolism of the fruits of Isomeris arborea (Capparidaceae), an evergreen shrub endemic to the desert and coastal habitats of Southern California and Baja California, are described. The inflated structure of the pods of I. arborea provides a model system for experimental studies of fruit photosynthesis in native plants since the gas concentration of the internal space can be manipulated and monitored separately from the external pod environment. CO2 released by seed respiration is partially contained in the inner gas space of the pods, resulting in an elevated CO2 environment inside the fruit (500 to 4000 mol mol–1 depending on the stage of fruit development). A portion of this CO2 is assimilated by the inner layers of the pericarp, but a larger fraction leaks out. The photosynthetic layers of the pericarp use two different sources of CO2: the exocarp fixes exogenous CO2 while the endocarp fixes CO2 released by seed respiration into the pod cavity. Even though the total weight of the fruit increases during development, the combined rates of fixation of externally and internally supplied CO2 remained constant (10–11 mol CO2 pod–1 h–1). After the pods attain maximum volume, the major change in gas exchange that takes place during fruit growth is a gradual increase in the amount of respiratory CO2 released by the seeds. This shifts the CO2 balance of the fruit from positive, in young fruits, to negative in mature fruits. Pericarp photosynthesis helped support not only the cost of fruit maintenance, but also the cost of fruit growth, particularly during the first stages of fruit development. During later fruiting stages insufficient carbon is fixed to fully supply either respiration or growth.  相似文献   

Using a combination of mathematical modeling and field studies we showed that in dense stands of growing herbaceous plants the vertical pattern of leaf nitrogen distribution resembles the pattern of mean light attenuation in the stand and hence tends to maximize total daily photosynthetic carbon gain of the whole stand. Flowering represents a strong sink of nitrogen away from the photosynthetic apparatus and in herbs like Solidago altissima it induces leaf shedding. We studied both the effect of nitrogen reallocation and leaf shedding on the whole canopy photosynthesis and changes in leaf nitrogen distributions in stands moving from the growing to the flowering stage. Despite a decrease in leaf area index and total nitrogen available for photosynthesis in the flowering stand, the leaf nitrogen distribution here also leads to an almost maximum canopy photosynthesis. In both the growing and the flowering stands the leaf area index was higher than calculated optimum values. It is pointed out that this should not necessarily be interpreted as non-adaptive.  相似文献   

Larrea tridentata is a xerophytic evergreen shrub, dominant in the arid regions of the southwestern United States. We examined relationships between gasexchange characteristics, plant and soil water relations, and growth responses of large versus small shrubs of L. tridentata over the course of a summer growing season in the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, USA. The soil wetting front did not reach 0.6 m, and soils at depths of 0.6 and 0.9 m remained dry throughout the summer, suggesting that L. tridentata extracts water largely from soil near the surface. Surface soil layers (<0.3 m) were drier under large plants, but predawn xylem water potentials were similar for both plant sizes suggesting some access to deeper soil moisture reserves by large plants. Stem elongation rates were about 40% less in large, reproductively active shrubs than in small, reproductively inactive shrubs. Maximal net photosynthetic rates (Pmax) occurred in early summer (21.3 mol m-2 s-1), when pre-dawn xylem water potential (XWP) reached ca. -1 MPa. Although both shrub sizes exhibited similar responses to environmental factors, small shrubs recovered faster from short-term drought, when pre-dawn XWP reached about -4.5 MPa and Pmax decreased to only ca. 20% of unstressed levels. Gas exchange measurements yielded a strong relationship between stomatal conductance and photosynthesis, and the relationship between leaf-to-air vapor pressure deficit and stomatal conductance was found to be influenced by pre-dawn XWP. Our results indicate that stomatal responses to water stress and vapor pressure deficit are important in determining rates of carbon gain and water loss in L. tridentata.  相似文献   

Strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa) plants were grown in field plots at the current ambient [CO2], and at ambient + 300 and ambient + 600 μmol mol−1 [CO2]. Approximately weekly measurements were made of single leaf gas exchange of upper canopy leaves from early spring through fall of two years, in order to determine the temperature dependence of the stimulation of photosynthesis by elevated [CO2], whether growth at elevated [CO2] resulted in acclimation of photosynthesis, and whether any photosynthetic acclimation was reduced when fruiting created additional demand for the products of photosynthesis. Stimulation of photosynthetic CO2 assimilation by short-term increases in [CO2] increased strongly with measurement temperature. The stimulation exceeded that predicted from the kinetic characteristics of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase at all temperatures. Acclimation of photosynthesis to growth at elevated [CO2] was evident from early spring through summer, including the fruiting period in early summer, with lower rates under standard measurement conditions in plants grown at elevated [CO2]. The degree of acclimation increased with growth [CO2]. However, there were no significant differences between [CO2] treatments in total nitrogen per leaf area, and photosynthetic acclimation was reversed one day after switching the [CO2] treatments. Tests showed that acclimation did not result from a limitation of photosynthesis by triose phosphate utilization rate at elevated [CO2]. Photosynthetic acclimation was not evident during dry periods in midsummer, when the elevated [CO2] treatments conserved soil water and photosynthesis declined more at ambient than at elevated [CO2]. Acclimation was also not evident during the fall, when plants were vegetative, despite wet conditions and continued higher leaf starch content at elevated [CO2]. Stomatal conductance responded little to short-term changes in [CO2] except during drought, and changed in parallel with photosynthetic acclimation through the seasons in response to the long-term [CO2] treatments. The data do not support the hypothesis that source-sink balance controls the seasonal occurrence of photosynthetic acclimation to elevated [CO2] in this species. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In Central Europe, Fagus sylvatica and Picea abies represent contrasting extremes in foliage type, crown structure and length of growing season. In order to examine the competitive strategies of these two co-occurring species, we tested the following hypotheses: (1) the space occupied by the foliage of sun branches is characterized by greater foliar mass investment compared to shade branches, (2) the carbon (C) gain per unit of occupied space is greater in sun than in shade branches, and (3) annual C and water costs of the foliage for sustaining the occupied space are low, wherever C gain per unit of occupied space is low. These were investigated in a mature forest in Southern Germany. The examination was based on the annual assessment of space-related resource investments and gains of the foliage. The foliated space around branches was regarded as the relevant volume with respect to aboveground resource availability. Occupied crown space per standing foliage mass was higher in shade compared to sun branches of beech, whereas no difference existed in crown volume per foliage mass between sun and shade branches of spruce (hypothesis 1 accepted for beech but rejected for spruce). However, beech occupied more space per foliage mass than spruce. The C gain per occupied crown volume was greater in sun than in shade branches (hypothesis 2 accepted) but did not differ between species. The amount of occupied space per respiratory and transpiratory costs did not differ between species or between sun and shade branches. In beech and spruce, the proportion of foliage investment in the annual C balance of sun and shade branches remained rather stable, whereas respiratory costs distinctly increased in shade foliage. Hence, shade branches were costly structures to occupy space, achieving only low and even negative C balances (rejection of hypothesis 3), which conflicts with the claimed C autonomy of branches. Our findings suggest that competitiveness is determined by the standing foliage mass and the annual branch volume increment rather than annual investments in foliage. Expressing competitiveness in terms of space-related resource investments versus returns, as demonstrated here, has the potential of promoting mechanistic understanding of plant–plant interactions.  相似文献   

Suitable management and sufficient precipitation on grasslands can provide carbon sinks. The net carbon accumulation of a site from the atmosphere, modeled as the Net Ecosystem Productivity (NEP), is a useful means to gauge carbon balance. Previous research has developed methods to integrate flux tower data with satellite biophysical datasets to estimate NEP across large regions. A related method uses the Ecosystem Performance Anomaly (EPA) as a satellite-derived indicator of disturbance intensity (e.g., livestock stocking rate, fire, and insect damage). To better understand the interactions among management, climate, and carbon dynamics, we evaluated the relationship between EPA and NEP data at the 250 m scale for grasslands in the Central Great Plains, USA (ranging from semi-arid to mesic). We also used weekly estimates of NEP to evaluate the phenology of carbon dynamics, classified by EPA (i.e., by level of disturbance impact). Results show that the cumulative carbon balance over these grasslands from 2000 to 2008 was a weak net sink of 13.7 g C m−2 yr−1. Overall, NEP increased with precipitation (R2 = 0.39, P < 0.05) from west to east. Disturbance influenced NEP phenology; however, climate and biophysical conditions were usually more important. The NEP response to disturbance varies by ecoregion, and more generally by grassland type, where the shortgrass prairie NEP is most sensitive to disturbance, the mixed-grass prairie displays a moderate response, and tallgrass prairie is the least impacted by disturbance (as measured by EPA). Sustainable management practices in the tallgrass and mixed-grass prairie may potentially induce a period of average net carbon sink until a new equilibrium soil organic carbon is achieved. In the shortgrass prairie, management should be considered sustainable if carbon stocks are simply maintained. The consideration of site carbon balance adds to the already difficult task of managing grasslands appropriately to site conditions. Results clarify the seasonal and interannual dynamics of NEP, specifically the influence of disturbance and moisture availability.  相似文献   

研究了灌木群落生物多样性随环境梯度变化的分布特点并分析了各环境因子对群落生物多样性的影响.结果表明,灌木类群多样性取决于群落的空间配置,特别是群落的草本层组成.从荒漠化草原到草原化荒漠灌木类群的多样性逐渐减小;水分梯度变化是诸生态因子( 地理坐标、年均温度、最冷、最热月均温、年均蒸发量、日照百分率、年均风速和年均沙暴日数等) 中对群落多样性影响最大的因子,但其显著性偏低,这主要是人类过度放牧和破坏给灌木群落的烙印远远超过了水分梯度变化的影响.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of the availabilities of water and nitrogen on water use efficiency (WUE) of plants were investigated in a sagebrush steppe. The four species studied wereArtemisia tridentata (shrub),Ceratoides lanata (suffrutescent shrub),Elymus lanceolatus (rhizomatous grass), andElymus elymoides (tussock grass). Water and nitrogen levels were manipulated in a two-by-two factorial design resulting in four treatments: control (no additions), added water, added nitrogen, and added water and nitrogen. One instantaneous and two long-term indicators of WUE were used to testa priori predictions of the ranking of WUE among treatments. The short-term indicator was the instantaneous ratio of assimilation to transpiration (A/E). The long-term measures were 1) the slope of the relationship between conductance to water vapor and maximum assimilation and 2) the carbon isotope composition (13C) of plant material. Additional water decreased WUE, whereas additional nitrogen increased WUE. For both A/E and 13C, the mean for added nitrogen alone was significantly greater than the mean for added water alone, and means for the control and added water and nitrogen fell in between. This ranking of WUE supported the hypothesis that both water and nitrogen limit plant gas exchange in this semiarid environment. The short- and long-term indicators were in agreement, providing evidence in support of theoretical models concerning the water cost of carbon assimilation.  相似文献   

The sexes of dioecious species may differ in a range of vegetative and reproductive traits as well as in physiological traits. In Siparuna grandiflora, a Neotropical dioecious shrub, we examined differences in leaf-level photosynthesis of different classes of leaf age and, using simulation models, explored whether differences in leaf-level carbon gain led to sex differences in whole-plant daily carbon gain. Male plants had higher photosynthetic capacity at the leaf level. As leaves of both sexes aged their photosynthetic capacity and specific leaf area declined as expected. Simulations of daily carbon gain using the architecturally explicit model Y-Plant and a non-architectural model incorporating a wide range of realistic light environments revealed that the difference in leaf-level photosynthetic capacity did not translate into greater crown-level carbon gain for males. Rather, differences in patterns of allocation to leaf area allow females to achieve higher crown-level carbon gain. The results demonstrate that sex differences at the leaf level do not necessarily predict patterns at the whole-plant level.  相似文献   

Important phenological activities in seasonally dry tropical forest species occur within the hot‐dry period when soil water is limiting, while the subsequent wet period is utilized for carbon accumulation. Leaf emergence and leaf area expansion in most of these tree species precedes the rainy season when the weather is very dry and hot and the soil cannot support nutrient uptake by the plants. The nutrient requirement for leaf expansion during the dry summer period, however, is substantial in these species. We tested the hypothesis that the nutrients withdrawn from the senescing leaves support the emergence and expansion of leaves in dry tropical woody species to a significant extent. We examined the leaf traits (with parameters such as leaf life span, leaf nutrient content and retranslocation of nutrients during senescence) in eight selected tree species in northern India. The concentrations of N, P and K declined in the senescing foliage while those of Na and Ca increased. Time series observations on foliar nutrients indicated a substantial amount of nutrient resorption before senescence and a ‘tight nutrient budgeting’. The resorbed N‐mass could potentially support 50 to 100% and 46 to 80% of the leaf growth in terms of area and weight, respectively, across the eight species studied. Corresponding values for P were 29 to 100% and 20 to 91%, for K 29 to 100% and 20 to 57%, for Na 3 to 100% and 1 to 54%, and for Ca 0 to 32% and 0 to 30%. The species differed significantly with respect to their efficiency in nutrient resorption. Such interspecific differences in leaf nutrient economy enhance the conservative utilization of soil nutrients by the dry forest community. This reflects an adaptational strategy of the species growing on seasonally dry, nutrient‐poor soils as they tend to depend more or less on efficient internal cycling and, thus, utilize the retranslocated nutrients for the production of new foliage biomass in summer when the availability of soil moisture and nutrients is severely limited.  相似文献   

Spatial gradients in mangrove tree height in barrier islands of Belize are associated with nutrient deficiency and sustained flooding in the absence of a salinity gradient. While nutrient deficiency is likely to affect many parameters, here we show that addition of phosphorus (P) to dwarf mangroves stimulated increases in diameters of xylem vessels, area of conductive xylem tissue and leaf area index (LAI) of the canopy. These changes in structure were consistent with related changes in function, as addition of P also increased hydraulic conductivity ( K s), stomatal conductance and photosynthetic assimilation rates to the same levels measured in taller trees fringing the seaward margin of the mangrove. Increased xylem vessel size and corresponding enhancements in stem hydraulic conductivity in P fertilized dwarf trees came at the cost of enhanced midday loss of hydraulic conductivity and was associated with decreased assimilation rates in the afternoon. Analysis of trait plasticity identifies hydraulic properties of trees as more plastic than those of leaf structural and physiological characteristics, implying that hydraulic properties are key in controlling growth in mangroves. Alleviation of P deficiency, which released trees from hydraulic limitations, reduced the structural and functional distinctions between dwarf and taller fringing tree forms of Rhizophora mangle .  相似文献   

Summary In the Chihuahuan Desert of southern New Mexico, both water and nitrogen limit the primary productivity of Larrea tridentata, a xerophytic evergreen shrub. Net photosynthesis was positively correlated to leaf N, but only in plants that received supplemental water. Nutrient-use efficiency, defined as photosynthetic carbon gain per unit N invested in leaf tissue, declined with increasing leaf N. However, water-use efficiency, defined as the ratio of photosynthesis to transpiration, increased with increasing leaf N, and thus these two measures of resource-use efficiency were inversely correlated. Resorption efficiency was not significantly altered over the nutrient gradient, nor was it affected by irrigation treatments. Leaf longevity decreased significantly with fertilization although the absolute magnitude of this decrease was fairly small, in part due to a large background of insect-induced mortality. Age-specific gas exchange measurements support the hypothesis that leaf aging represents a redistribution of resources, rather than actual deterioration or declining resource-use efficiency.  相似文献   

David Ackerly 《Oecologia》1999,119(3):300-310
A simple model of shoot-level carbon gain is presented addressing the optimal number and life span of leaves in relation to alternative optimality criteria: (1) maximizing carbon export from the shoot, or (2) maximizing the rate of leaf production at the shoot tip. Additionally, the processes that cause declining assimilation with leaf age are considered in relation to (1) leaf position on the shoot (e.g., self-shading) versus (2) leaf age per se. Using these alternative scenarios, only a model based on position-dependent assimilation and maximization of leaf production rates resulted in quantitative predictions for all aspects of leaf dynamics on the shoot (i.e., leaf number, life span, and birth rate), while other approaches predicted that one or more parameters would be infinite. This formulation of the model also predicted that leaves should be maintained on the shoot until the diurnal carbon balance declines to zero, in contrast with other scenarios which predict that leaves should be shed while maintaining a positive carbon balance. Predictions of the model were supported by the results of a field study of carbon gain and leaf dynamics in saplings of three species of tropical pioneer trees (Carica papaya, Cecropia obtusifolia, and Hampea nutricia) which differ in the number of leaves per shoot. The results illustrate that in these fast-growing plants, leaf production and height growth may be more appropriate measures of performance than net carbon export from the shoot, and suggest that leaf senescence is primarily a function of the position of a leaf within the canopy, rather than its chronological age. Received: 13 October 1998 / Accepted: 27 January 1999  相似文献   

Marone  Luis  Rossi  Bertilde E.  Horno  Manuel E. 《Plant Ecology》1998,137(2):143-150
We measured newly-produced seeds entering the soil (Potential Seed Bank) to assess the timing and spatial patterning of Phase I dispersal in the central Monte desert, Argentina. Rates of forb- (6.13 mg m-2 d-1) and shrub-seed input (48.9 mg m-2 d-1) were maximum in early summer. The rate of grass-seed input, instead, was similar in early and late summer (7 to 8 mg m-2 d-1). About 90% of forb- and shrub-seed mass entered the habitat through protected (i.e., under canopy) areas, whereas 70% of grass-seed mass did so through exposed areas. Adult plant location and the uneven impact of wind on shrub, forb and grass seeds may explain such patterns.We also compared the Potential Seed Bank with the soil seed bank in the following spring (Realized Seed Bank). Seeds that form transient banks in other ecosystems (e.g., shrub seeds of the genus Larrea, or perennial grass seeds like those of Pappophorum and Trichloris) prevailed in the Potential Seed Bank. Some annual forb seeds, instead, appeared to form a more persistent seed bank, and prevailed in the Realized Seed Bank (e.g., Chenopodium). Horizontal redistribution did not affect the spatial patterning of forb and shrub seeds, but produced a more homogeneous distribution of grass seeds in the habitat. The impact of wind could explain the redistribution pattern of grass seeds. Finally, we found almost 80% of total seeds in the top 2 cm of soil. The smallest grass and forb seeds (Sporobolus and Descurainia) as well as some medium-sized and large forb seeds (e.g., Glandularia, Sphaeralcea, Phacelia) were able to reach deeper soil layers in the central Monte desert.  相似文献   

The occurrence of photoinhibition of photosynthesis in leaves of a willow canopy was examined by measuring the chlorophyll-a fluorescence ratio of F V/F M (FM is the maximum fluorescence level of the induction curve, and FV is the variable fluorescence, F V=F MF 0, where F0 is the minimal fluorescence). The majority of the leaves situated on the upper parts of peripheral shoots showed an afternoon inhibition of this ratio on clear days. This was the consequence of both a decrease in F M and a rise in F O. In the same leaves the diurnal variation in intercepted photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) was monitored using leaf-mounted sensors. Using the multivariate method, partial least squares in latent variables, it is shown that the dose of PPFD, integrated and linearly weighted over the last 6-h period, best predicts photoinhibition. Photoinhibition occurred even among leaves that did not intercept PPFDs above 1000 mol·m–2·s–1. Exposure of leaves to a standard photoinhibitory treatment demonstrated that the depression in the F V/F M ratio was paralleled by an equal depression in the maximal quantum yield of CO2 uptake and a nearly equal depression in the rate of bending (convexity) of the light-response curve of CO2 uptake. As a result, the rate of net photosynthesis is depressed over the whole natural range of PPFD. By simulating the daily course in the rate of net photosynthesis, it is estimated that in the order of one-tenth of the potential carbon gain of peripheral willow shoots is lost on clear days as a result of photoinhibition. This applies to conditions of optimal temperatures. Photoinhibition is even more pronounced at air temperatures below 23° C, as judged from measurements of the FV/FM ratio on clear days: the afternoon inhibition of this ratio increased in a curvilinear manner from 15% to 25% with a temperature decrease from 23° to 14° C.Abbreviations and Symbols FO minimum fluorescence - FV variable fluorescence - FM maximum fluorescence - PLS partial least squares in latent variables - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - VPD water vapour-pressure deficit This study was supported by the Swedish Natural Science Research Council. We are indebted to Dr. Jerry Leverenz (Department of Plant Physiology, University of Umeå, Sweden) for guidance with the modelling of the photosynthesis data.  相似文献   

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