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(a) When a subject indents one of his eyeballs in total darkness, he immediately perceives light extending slowly across the whole visual field of the indented eye. The appearance and the time course of these pressure or deformation phosphenes are described. (b) With simultaneous binocular indentation of the eyeballs a flickering patterned phosphene is observed. (c) A short history of the research on pressure phosphenes and its consequences for the theories of vision is presented. (d) Purkyn?'s observations of monocular deformation phosphenes are described. He repeatedly noted patterned light structures, which most observers only perceive with simultaneous binocular eyeball deformation. It is suggested that Purkyn?'s deviating observations were caused by amblyopia of one eye. (e) The neurophysiological basis of the monocular pressure phosphenes was investigated by means of microelectrode recordings from single optic tract fibers. The activity of single retinal ganglion cells (on-center, off-center neurons, latency class I [Y-neurons] or latency class II [X-neurons]), was recorded in anaesthetized cats. Eyeball deformation in total darkness led to an activation of the on-center ganglion cells, while the off-center ganglion cells were inhibited. The latency and strength of this activation or inhibition varied considerably between different neurons, but were fairly constant in the same neuron when the eyeball indentation was repeated after a pause of 1-3 min. The latency and strength of neuronal activation or inhibition seemed to be dependent mainly upon the neuron location relative to the point of eyeball indentation. Some on-center neurons also exhibited a short activation at "deformation off". (f) The antagonistic response type of on-center and off-center ganglion cells was also observed when the eyeball was deformed as a hydrostatic open system and the intraocular pressure was kept at 25 mm Hg basic pressure. (g) Dark adaptation up to 45 min affected the deformation responses of retinal neurons only to a small degree, if at all. This corresponds to the observation that deformation phosphenes in a human observer changed little during the course of dark adaptation. (h) We assume that the activation of on-center and inhibition of off-center ganglion cells by eyeball deformation are caused by retinal stretching, which also leads to horizontal cell stretch. Stretching the horizontal cell membrane probably generates an increase in membrane sodium conductivity and a depolarization of the membrane potential. This depolarization of the horizontal cell membrane potential is transmitted either directly or indirectly (via receptor synapses) from the horizontal to the bipolar cells.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:分析粘弹剂在不同眼球破裂伤手术中的有效作用。方法:回顾并分析27例不同程度眼球破裂伤患者的治疗,其中包括复杂角膜裂口并虹膜脱出修复术、摘出前房异物、瞳孔区非磁性异物、虹膜根部断离,晶体损伤或脱位等。术中应用粘弹剂固定异物、充填前房及玻璃体腔。观察术后6个月的眼球形态、视力等指标。结果:术后观察最少6个月。27例眼球全部保留,24例有视力。3例因继发视网膜脱离复住2次手术失败而失明,后眼球萎缩,植入义眼。11例白内障现代囊外摘除或PHACO术后植入人工晶体,3例晶体脱位者摘除晶体后缝线植入人工晶体。11眼视力在0.5以上。无眼内炎及交感性眼炎发生。单纯前节手术10人中均有术后轻度眼压增高,但很快恢复正常。3例因伴有视网膜脱离患者术后眼压低,术后失明。结论:不同重度眼外伤后眼内容大量丢失。眼球形态政变。应用粘弹刑可为手术提供方便,也能为保全眼球并恢复视能提供机会。在前房异物取出时能有效固定异物,为异物的取出创造是好的基础。  相似文献   

To determine the roles of different ocular tissues in the development of the human fetal neuroretina, a study ethically and technically impossible in human subjects, human embryonic and fetal retinas were heterotopically implanted into nude mice. Ninety-five eyeballs were obtained from legally aborted 6- to 7-week-old embryos or 8- to 10-week-old fetuses. Ten isolated neuroretinas with vitreous but without pigment epithelium, 20 half-eyeballs and 70 intact eyeballs, of which 12 had a thick layer of periocular tissue, were microsurgically grafted. Five intact eyeballs were used for reference. Over a period of 1-245 days, all of the grafts were removed for light and electron microscopy observations. All of the isolated neuroretinas had disappeared by the second day after transplantation. Grafts of the posterior section of the eyeball contained only some clusters of pigment epithelium, occasionally covered with undifferentiated neuroretinal cells. Grafts of the retrolental section of the eyeball contained small areas of dysplasic neuroretina with folds and rosettes. Grafts of the 70 intact eyeballs were successful, but only 26 showed normal histological organization of the choriocapillaris, the retinal pigment epithelium and the neuroretina in the posterior part of the posterior chamber. Photoreceptor differentiation was evident in these retinas after approximately 80 days of transplantation and was complete after 166 days. Their anterior part was always dysplasic, with occasional ciliary differentiation. Twenty-three grafted eyeballs had a dysplasic neuroretina with folds, rosettes and necrotized areas. Twenty-one were atrophic, 12 of which were the eyeballs grafted with periocular tissue. These results demonstrate the role of the fetal mesenchyme and pigment epithelium in the rapid revascularization, and subsequent survival and tissue organization, of the neuroretina. The stratified development of the neuroretina required a thin mesenchymal environment for revascularization of the graft by human vasculogenesis or neoangiogenesis and a normal retinal pigment epithelium for normal neuroretinal differentiation. When these conditions were not satisfied, the neuroretina disappeared or was dysplasic, partly necrotized or atrophic. This model might prove useful for a number of therapeutic or clinical studies.  相似文献   

Blood vessels of 167 eyeballs of human embryos and fetuses have been studied, using macro- microscopical, histological and morphometrical methods. Time of appearance and differentiation of blood vessels in the eye anlage has been determined. Topography and architecture of the vitreous body artery are described in detail, as well as the vascular tunic of the lens and the pupil membrane. Regularities and time of reversal development of the vascular formations mentioned are followed during the whole intrauterine development. The data obtained add to extend our knowledge on the role of disturbances of the normal morphogenesis of the eyeball blood bed in pathogenesis of its congenital diseases.  相似文献   

With the use of the capsular polysaccharide of Klebsiella pneumoniae (CPS-K) as a powerful adjuvant, high precipitin responses could be induced in mice to syngeneic eyeball extracts and thyroid gland extracts which were normally nonimmunogenic. Only very weak responses were induced to eyeball extracts by Freund's complete adjuvant. Repeated administrations of the antigens mixed with CPS-K at time intervals of 30 days (more than twice for the eyeballs or more than three times for the thyroid glands) were required for induction of high precipitin responses. Antibody responses detectable by the immunofluorescent technique could be induced to syngeneic lymphoid tissue extracts by injecting the mixture of antigen and CPS-K more than five times at time intervals of 30 days. These findings suggest that repeated stimulation by autoantigens together with such a strong adjuvant as CPS-K can terminate natural tolerance against autoantigens.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Measurement of the degree of exophthalmos is one of the main methods used in the assessment of pathological processes that occur in the orbital space and is widely used. However, this only provides initial information about the volume relations between the intraorbital structures. The aims of our work were as follows: to draw up a new computer application, namely the numerical segmentation image (NSI) technique, for the automatic calculation of the volume of the intraorbital structures on the basis of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images, to determine its usefulness in the segmentation of fatty tissue and the eyeball and to estimate their volume in relation to the degree of exophthalmos. MATERIAL AND METHODS: A total of 45 patients (90 orbits) were included in the study. All the patients underwent MRI examination of the orbits by a 1.5 T scanner using a head coil. The degree of exophthalmos was determined clinically and radiologically in relation to the interzygomatic line. Quantitative assessment of the eyeball and fatty tissue was made using an NSI application. RESULTS: The influence of fatty tissue volume on the degree of exophthalmos was determined as being statistically significant (r = 0.367, p = 0.000374) but was smaller in comparison with the relationship between total eye muscle volume and degree of exophthalmos; eyeball volume was found to have the least influence (r = 0.344, p = 0.000374). Two eyeballs of significantly smaller volume were found in the group of 90 orbits analysed. CONCLUSIONS: The NSI technique is a clinically useful application, providing objective data calculated individually for each orbit. A credible protocol for estimating the degree of exophthalmos on the basis of the NSI technique should include the eye muscle volume, fatty tissue volume and, in cases where eyeball pathologies coexist, the eyeball volume as well.  相似文献   

This paper describes the concept and preliminary investigations related to the development of simple bioinspired actuation mechanisms for the eyeballs of an android robotic face. Two design solutions for a one-degree-of-freedom mechanism are proposed and analytically studied according to linear models. Both of them are based on new contractile actuators made of electroactive polymers, employed as pseudomuscular devices. The actuators consist of dielectric elastomers and are capable of electrically driven linear contractions. The arrangement and the functionality of the actuators were conceived to mimic those of rectus-type human ocular muscles. Both the presented solutions rely on a couple of agonist-antagonist actuators, in order to enable bidirectional rotations of the eyeball around an axis. The two configurations basically differ in the presence/absence of pulleys, guiding tendon-like wires which connect the actuators to the eyeball. The influence on the system performances of both rest length and elastic modulus of the actuators was studied for both configurations. Geometrical constraints allow the configuration with pulleys to perform more than the other, despite a potential intrinsic superior efficacy of the latter. The paper describes also the assembly of a simple prototype version of the system and presents the results of preliminary tests. These permitted us to assess the feasibility of the proposed concept and suggested possible improvements.  相似文献   

Improved understanding of the effects of hydration and drying in mineralized tissues is highly desirable, particularly for physiologically hydrated biological materials such as dentin. We investigated the influence of hydration on the nanomechanical properties of healthy dentin and hypothesized that drying leads to an increase in indentation induced energy expenditure and hardness. Hydrated and dry dentin were tested with a UMIS set up with a Berkovich indenter at a maximum load of 50 mN. Values representative of the energy expenditure behavior were presented as dissipated energy, U(d), recovered energy, U(e), normalized energy expenditure index, ψ, and hardness, H. Energy expenditure index results, which normalize the energy expenditure for each test and describe the relative energy dissipation-recovery behavior of a material, suggested that, for the relatively severe contact strains about a sharp Berkovich indenter, dissipation dominates the mechanical response of both the hydrated and dry dentin. In support of our initial hypothesis, dry dentin presented a significantly higher energy expenditure index than hydrated dentin (p<0.0001). These results were primarily associated with a lower U(e) that was found upon drying. Hydration also decreased H significantly (p<0.0001). In summary, this study presents the first direct measurements of the energy expenditure behavior of hydrated and dry dentin using instrumented nanoindentation.  相似文献   

The mechanisms of dislocation nucleation on a nickel (Ni) (001) surface under nanoindentation behaviours are investigated using molecular dynamics simulation. The characteristic mechanisms include the molecular models of a thermal layer (TL) and thermal with a free layer (TFL), multi-step load/unload cycles, tilt angles and shapes of the indenter, and slip vectors. The model of a TL has higher reaction force than a TFL. The maximum forces of nanoindentation decrease with increasing time of the multi-step load/unload cycle. The indenter with the tilt angle has larger force to act on the molecular model than the indenter along the normal direction. The effect of the indentation shape is presented such that the conical tip has larger load force to act on the molecular model. The defects along Shockley partials on the (111) plane are produced during nanoindentation involving nucleation, glide and slip.  相似文献   

Summary Detailed studies on phosphorylase localization in various components of the eyeball of rabbit and squirrel monkey have been made. Corneal epithelium, endothelium, and stromal cells, extrinsic and intrinsic muscles of the eyeball, ciliary process, endothelial cells of the anterior chamber angle, vitreal cells, lens epithelium, inner segment of cones; plexiform layer, ganglion cell layer, internal and external limiting membrane and Muller cells show high phosphorylase activity. Surprisingly, we observed phosphorylase activity inside the nucleus in the posterior 2 to 3 layers of corneal epithelium. The significance of phosphorylase localization in relation to glycogen distribution in various components of the eyeball and their energy requirements is stressed.  相似文献   

Little is known about the impact of enormous eyeballs on the tarsier's head, apart from facial morphology. I used a biomechanical analysis to compare the cranium of Tarsius with the Eocene fossil Necrolemur, a moderately large-eyed surrogate for ancestral tarsiid cranial morphology. Eyeball hypertrophy has radically influenced the neurocranium and basicranium, driving the evolution of such derived features as recession of orbital fossae, ectopically located eyeballs, uptilted brain and rounded braincase, anteroventrally shifted foramen magnum, enlarged and horizontally leveled nuchal plane, laterally displaced and narrowed tympanic cavities, and shortened external auditory tubes. The gestalt is an adaptation to efficient orthograde head carriage, balanced head-turning movements, and spatial packaging of cranial components, responses to an extreme loading regimen in which the eyes, with a mass approximating twice the bulk of the brain, profoundly eccentrically load the skull. Specializations of the retina and cortex suggest tarsiers have an acutely developed spatial sense, especially adept at detecting and mapping motion. Spanning several anatomical systems, this configuration represents an extreme form of vertical clinging and leaping (XVCL) geared for noiseless, nonpursuit predation, an energy-minimizing procurement strategy that may be a trade-off for relying on metabolically expensive, outsized eyeballs, maintained by a highly nutritious, super-specialized, animalivorous food source. A more varied galago-like locomotor profile and foraging habit was common among fossil tarsiiforms and preadaptive to this lifestyle, partly by canalizing the forward orientation of the tarsier's predatory gaze in VCL mode. Tarsier ecomorphology evolved to minimize the costs of being extraordinarily “top heavy,” carrying a heavy load that is roughly equivalent to 3 brains.  相似文献   

Indentation has historically been used by biomechanicians to extract the small strain elastic or viscoelastic properties of biological tissues. Because of the axisymmetry of indenters used in these studies however, analysis of the results requires the assumption of material isotropy and often yields an "effective" elastic modulus. Since most biological tissues such as bone and myocardium are known to be anisotropic, the use of conventional indentation techniques for estimating material properties is therefore limited. The feasibility of using an axially asymmetric indenter to determine material directions and in-plane material properties for anisotropic tissue is explored here using finite element analysis. The load versus displacement curves as would be measured by an indenter depend on the orientation of the indenter cross section relative to the in-plane material axes, thus suggesting a method for determining the underlying material directions. Additionally, the stiffness of the tissue response to indentation is sensitive to the values of the in-plane anisotropic material properties and prestretches, and thus test results can be used to back out relevant constitutive parameters.  相似文献   

Nanoindentation has been widely used as a means to measure the micro-mechanical properties of bone and to predict the macroscopic properties. The role of indent depth and indenter tip geometry in measuring the hierarchical properties of bone tissue was explored experimentally using a range of spherical indenter tips of R=5, 25, 65, and 200 μm. Nanoindentation arrays, not targeted to fall on specific structures or locations, enabled statistical sampling of osteons within PMMA-embedded, bovine, cortical bone on a single sample to a range of maximum displacements (minimum of 100 nm and maximum of 2000 nm). Elastic finite element models were then utilized to isolate the contributions of indenter tip radius, contact area, and position within the lamellar structure in comparison to the experimental results. For a small, R=5 μm indenter tip, indentation modulus consistently increased with contact depth and increased plastic deformation, resulting in an artificial increase in elastic properties. While larger radius tips (R=25, 65, and 200 μm) did not enable evaluation of a high spatial resolution on the surface, they produced data that was representative of the lower load and contact depth measurements with the smaller tip. However the sensitivity to mechanical property variations across the 2-D surface of the material was lost with increase in indenter tip size. Correspondingly, measurement variance was also decreased as the volume contributing to the indent response represented an average of surface roughness, varying mineral content, defects, and underlying tissue type and structure.  相似文献   

The indentation problem of a thin layer of hydrated soft tissue such as cartilage or meniscus by a circular plane-ended indenter is investigated. The tissue is represented by a biphasic continuum model consisting of a solid phase (collagen and proteoglycan) and a fluid phase (interstitial water). A finite element formulation of the linear biphasic continuum equations is used to solve an axisymmetric approximation of the indentation problem. We consider stress-relaxation problems for which analytic solution is intractable; where the indenter is impermeable (solid) and/or when the interface between the indenter and tissue is perfectly adhesive. Thicknesses corresponding to a thin and thick specimen are considered to examine the effects of tissue thickness. The different flow, pressure, stress and strain fields which are predicted within the tissue, over time periods typically used in the mechanical testing of soft tissues, will be presented. Results are compared with the case of a porous free-draining indenter with a perfectly lubricated tissue-indenter interface, for which an analytic solution is available, to show the effects of friction at the tissue-indenter interface, and the effects of an impermeable indenter. While these effects are present for both thin and thick tissues, they are shown to be more significant for the thin tissue. We also examine the effects of the stiffness of the subchondral bone on the response of the soft tissue and demonstrate that the subchondral bone substrate can be modeled as a rigid, impermeable boundary. The effects of a curved tissue-subchondral bone interface, and the early time response are also studied. For physiologically reasonable levels of curvature, we will show that the curved tissue-subchrondal bone interface has negligible influence on the tissue response away from the interface. In addition, the short-time stress-relaxation responses of the tissue (e.g., at times less than 1s) demonstrate the essential role of the fluid phase in supporting the load applied to the tissue, and by extrapolation to shorter times characteristics of normal joint motion, suggest the essential role of a biphasic model in representing soft tissue behavior in joint response.  相似文献   

Glaucoma is a common blinding disease worldwide with a number of risk factors such as intraocular pressure, myopia, gender, race and hyperopia. Here we introduce eyeball's shape as a predisposing factor for glaucoma. If the eyeball is a sphere, the stress distribution is homogenous. We assume the eyeball as a non sphere. Then, the distribution of stress will not be homogenous. Different individuals have different eyeball's shapes and different patterns of stress distribution in their eyes. So based on the eyeball's shape deviation from a sphere they will have different risks for glaucoma. The eyeball is routinely considered as a sphere, but some evidences show that the globe is not a sphere. Two empirical observations are consistent with the hypothesis. The first is that ethnicity and sex are established risk factors for glaucoma. On the other hand there are several morphological differences in the body structure among individuals. According to these anatomical differences, eye's shape is different among different races and between two sexes. Secondly, there are some conditions such as myopia and hyperopia in them the shape of the globe has been changed. These conditions are risk factors for glaucoma too. Glaucoma screening program for early detection of high risk individuals is very important. Current diagnostic procedures of glaucoma do not take the shape of eyeball into account. We suggest using eyeball's shape for early glaucoma detection. There are three other factors in addition to eyeball's shape, including thickness of the globe's wall, intraocular pressure, and inner radius that should be measured together for each individual and stress load should be calculated in different points of the globe. Then eyes with more stress load in site of injury are more prone for glaucoma. More accurate measurements of the factors which are contributing in stress value for each case, lead us toward better glaucoma screening.  相似文献   

Cornea reparative regeneration when in various pathological states needs creating certain conditions to intensify the potential of regional stem cells mitotic activity. AIMS OF THE RESEARCH: To find out the degree of the epithelium AM preservation after preliminary processing and conservation by means of dehydration over silica gel with further sterilization; to study the effectiveness of clinical treatment of AM conserved in the surroundings with vital ability epithelium and AM dried over silica gel. MATERIALS AND METHODS: There was carried out an investigation of 18 samples of native amnion treated with antibiotics and 18 total surface amnion samples conserved by drying over silica gel and then sterilized by gamma rays. Clinical experiments were carried out on patients with severe chemical and thermal burns--18 people (21 eyes). After the burn trauma all the patients underwent the standard procedure of necrectomy, the covering of the eyeball with amniotic membrane dried over silica gel. CONCLUSION: The drying out of the amniotic membrane over silica gel on frames without being fixed on nitrocellulose paper makes the process of the amniotic membrane conservation simpler and makes it possible to preserve its unique biological qualities. The effectiveness of the regeneration of epithelium tissue of the eyeball surface with amniotic membrane dried over silica gel without the vital capacity cells of the epithelium layer is analogous to the regeneration of epithelium cells with amniotic membrane with vital capacity cells. With eye burns AM coverage hinders the formation of rough conjunctiva cicatrix, provides a favorable out-of-cell matrix substrate for epithelium migration and leads to quicker regeneration of one's own epithelium, makes further visual rehabilitation simpler.  相似文献   

This study presents an analysis of the contact of a rippled rigid impermeable indenter against a cartilage layer, which represents a first simulation of the contact of rough cartilage surfaces with lubricant entrapment. Cartilage was modeled with the biphasic theory for hydrated soft tissues, to account for fluid flow into or out of the lubricant pool. The findings of this study demonstrate that under contact creep, the trapped lubricant pool gets depleted within a time period on the order of seconds or minutes as a result of lubricant flow into the articular cartilage. Prior to depletion, hydrostatic fluid load support across the contact interface may be enhanced by the presence of the trapped lubricant pool, depending on the initial geometry of the lubricant pool. According to friction models based on the biphasic nature of the tissue, this enhancement in fluid load support produces a smaller minimum friction coefficient than would otherwise be predicted without a lubricant pool. The results of this study support the hypothesis that trapped lubricant decreases the initial friction coefficient following load application, independently of squeeze-film lubrication effects.  相似文献   

Eyeball structures such as the lens diameter (LD) and axial length are generally assumed to be highly correlated with optically meaningful parameters. However, these optical constraints on eyeball macroanatomy have never been tested explicitly. Tradeoffs between benefits of improved visual performance and cost of adaptation from an increase of tissue production predict that when eyeball size increases, optical parameters such as posterior nodal distance and maximum entrance pupil diameter should increase isometrically with eyeball axial length and LD, respectively. Here I show quantitatively that the interspecific allometry of the avian eye largely follows this predicted isometry. Additionally, I elaborate a method to estimate optically significant eyeball soft‐tissue dimensions from scleral ring and orbit morphology based on analyses of interspecific allometry in Aves. The stringent correlations between avian eyeball morphology and optical function render this system ideal for the analysis of form–function relationships and allow for an accurate estimate of optically significant eyeball soft‐tissue dimensions such as diameter, axial length, and LD in fossil species. J. Morphol. 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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