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N-Acetylneuraminic acid lyase (NAN-lyase) activity has been found to be much higher in the differentiated, murine parietal endodermal cell (PYS-2) in culture than in the related, undifferentiated embryonal teratocarcinoma cell (F9). The level of the enzyme rapidly increases in F9 cells exposed to an inducer of differentiation such as retinoic acid (RA) (10(-7) M). The level of the enzyme increases during log phase of growth of PYS-2 cells and decreases after the cells reach confluence. NAN-lyase from PYS-2 cells has been purified 365-fold and has been partially characterized. While most of the enzyme is freely soluble, at least 16% of the enzyme in PYS-2 cells is associated with the nucleus. The possible function of NAN-lyase in the cell and the significance of its marked elevation during growth and differentiation are discussed in view of the fact that the levels of NAN, neuraminidase, NAN transferases and the enzymes that synthesize and activate NAN, remain essentially unchanged during differentiation.  相似文献   

We studied expression of laminin, fibronectin, and Type IV collagen in the testis by means of immunofluorescence and immunoblot analysis and also examined gene expression of fibronectin using the ribonuclease protection assay. By immunofluorescence on sections from 20-day-old rats, laminin, fibronectin, and Type IV collagen were found in the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubules and in the interstitial regions of the testis. No localization of any extracellular matrix components was found inside the sectioned cells. However, when Sertoli cells were cultured on glass coverslips, laminin and Type IV collagen were both found inside the cells, suggesting new synthesis. In cultured peritubular cells, Type IV collagen, laminin, and fibronectin were found within the cells. When examined by immunoblot analysis, freshly isolated Sertoli and peritubular cells from 20-day-old rats did not demonstrate production of laminin or fibronectin. After 5 days in culture, peritubular cells produced both laminin and fibronectin, whereas cultured Sertoli cells produced only laminin. In contrast, freshly isolated and cultured Sertoli and peritubular cells all produced Type IV collagen. Moreover, the ribonuclease protection assay indicated that the bulk of fibronectin gene expression occurs within the first 10 days of postnatal development, with lower maintenance levels occurring thereafter. These results indicate that in the testis the highest levels of expression of laminin and fibronectin occur during development and in primary cell culture, whereas expression of Type IV collagen is higher at later stages.  相似文献   

Sertoli cells from rats aged 15, 20, and 25 days were cultured in plastic dishes and extracted with Triton X-100 (0.1 percent w/v) or sodium deoxycholate (2 percent w/v). Residues left after extraction were found to contain three proteins characteristic of extracellular matrix (fibronectin, collagen IV, and laminin). These proteins were identified by four methods: indirect immunofluorescence, co-migration with standard proteins on electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels, immunoblotting (Western blots), and immunoprecipitation after incubating the Sertoli cells with [35S]methionine. In addition, fibronectin was identified by immunoelectron microscopy with a second antibody conjugated to colloidal gold. In the same cell residues, heparan sulfate was tentatively identified by the first of these methods. The cells used in these studies were shown, by electron microscopy, to be essentially pure cultures of Sertoli cells (greater than 95% pure). Since 100 percent of the cells examined showed positive and specific immunofluorescent staining with well-characterized antibodies to the four components of the extracellular matrix, and since studies with colloidal gold revealed the presence of fibronectin closely associated with and inside cells identified by electron microscopy as Sertoli cells, it must be concluded that Sertoli cells synthesize these four proteins and presumably heparan sulfate. Evidently, cultured Sertoli cells can synthesize and secrete some of the components of an extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Dynamic changes in the reduction-oxidation (redox) stateof the tissue lead to the pathophysiological condition.Reduced homocysteine causes dysfunctions in endothelium. Theproliferation of smooth muscle cells may lead to occlusive vasculardisease, ischemia, and heart failure, but whether fibrosis andhypertension are a consequence of smooth muscle proliferationis unclear. Redox changes during hyperhomocyst(e)inemia may be one ofthe causes of premature atherosclerotic heart disease. To examine theeffect of homocystine on human vascular smooth muscle cells (HVSMC), weisolated HVSMC from idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathic hearts.Coronaries in these hearts were apparently normal. HVSMC numbers inculture were measured by hemocytometer in the presence and absence of homocystine. Results show that homocystine induced cellularproliferation. This proliferation was reversed by the addition of theantioxidant N-acetylcysteine (NAC).Homocystine induces collagen expression in a dose- and time-dependentmanner, as measured by Northern blot (mRNA) analysis. The 50%inhibitory concentration of 5 µM for collagen was estimated. Theinduction of collagen was reversed by the addition of NAC and reducedglutathione. To localize the receptor for homocystine on HVSMC, wesynthesized fluorescamine-labeled homocystine conjugate. Incubation oflabeled homocystine with HVSMC demonstrated membrane and cytosollocalization of homocystine binding. The receptor-ligand binding wasdisrupted by NAC. Based on sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis fluorography, we observed a 40- to 25-kDa homocystineredox receptor in HVSMC. Our results suggested that the redoxhomocysteine induces HVSMC proliferation by binding to the redoxreceptor and may exacerbate atherosclerotic lesion formation byinducing collagen expression.


The c-myc protooncogene is expressed in many tumor cells as well as during normal development. In order to study the role of c-myc in differentiation, proliferation and tumorigenicity of F9 mouse teratocarcinoma cells, the pSVmyc1 plasmid constitutively expressing an active c-myc oncogene was introduced into F9 stem cells by cotransfection with the selectable marker RSVneo. Enhanced expression of c-myc did not alter the properties of F9 stem cells. Prolonged proliferation during retinoic acid induced differentiation was observed in cell clones constitutively expressing c-myc. In contrast, as determined by morphology, by immunocytochemistry for markers specific for stem cells and differentiated derivatives, and by Northern hybridization for mRNAs specific for differentiated cells, differentiation was neither inhibited nor delayed by constitutive c-myc expression. Tumorigenicity of stem cells as well as retinoic acid-treated cells--as measured by soft agar cloning efficiency and tumor formation in syngenic mice--was not altered by SVmyc1. We conclude that in F9 teratocarcinoma cells down-regulation of c-myc is related to arrest of proliferation rather than differentiation.  相似文献   

The present study aimed to determine whether dentine tissue and preparations of extracellular matrix (ECM) from pulp (pECM) and dentine (dECM), and breakdown products, influenced pulp cell migration. Chemotaxis transwell and agarose spot assays demonstrated that both dentine and pulp ECM molecules acted as chemoattractants for primary pulp cells. Chemoattractant activities of dECM and pECM were enhanced when subjected to acid and enzymatic breakdown, respectively. This enhanced activity following physiologically relevant breakdown may be pertinent to the disease environment. Pulp cell migration in response to dental ECMs was dependent on an active rho pathway. Recruited cells exhibited increased stem cell marker expression indicating that dental ECMs and their breakdown products selectively attract progenitor cells that contribute to repair processes. In conclusion, combined these results indicate that ECM molecules contribute to cell recruitment necessary for regeneration of the dentine-pulp complex after injury.  相似文献   

Mouse primordial germ cells (PGCs) isolated from the dorsal mesentery and gonadal ridges of 10.5–12.5 days post coitum (dpc) embryos showed a progressively increasing adhesiveness to laminin and fibronectin coated substrates, whereas type I collagen and various glycosaminoglycans (hyaluronic acid, heparin and chondroitinsulphates) were poor adhesive substrates. At later stages germ cells appeared to lose their adhesiveness to fibronectin and laminin substrates; the ability to adhere to laminin decreased very rapidly in male and slowly in female germ cells. Oocytes and prospermatogonia from 15.5 dpc fetal gonads showed poor adhesiveness to all substrates tested. PGC adhesion to laminin and fibronectin substrates did not require calcium but was markedly trypsin sensitive. Antibodies against the fibronectin receptor of CHO fibroblasts and short peptides containing the Arg-Gly-Asp sequence greatly reduced PGC adhesion to fibronectin. Following adhesion to laminin or fibronectin, most PGCs did not exhibit a morphology typical of motile cells, but remained spherical. A significant proportion (about 30%) of oocytes from 13.5–14.5 dpc embryos appeared, however, able to spread and elongate following attachment to laminin. The results support the hypothesis that mouse PGCs may utilize laminin and/or fibronectin as adhesive substrates during migration and gonad colonization, but indicate that additional factors are probably required to promote PGC motility. In addition, our data provide indirect evidence that binding sites for specific components of extracellular matrix are present in PGCs, and that their expression may be developmentally regulated.  相似文献   

Bovine corneal endothelial cells deposit an extracellular matrix in short-term cultures, which contains various morphologically distinct structures when analysed by electron microscopy after negative staining. Amongst these were long-spacing fibers with a 150 nm periodicity, which appeared also to be assembled into more complex hexagonal lattices. Another structure was fine filaments, 10-40 nm in diameter, which occasionally exhibited 67 nm periodic cross-striation. Non-striated 10-20 nm filaments sometimes formed radially oriented bundles arranged in networks and fuzzy granular material was associated with the filaments in the bundles. Often, these bundles extended into solitary filaments, 10-20 nm in diameter, with a smooth surface. In addition, amorphous patches were seen, which contained dense aggregates of fibrillar and granular material. In longer-term cultures, some of the structures coalesced to form large fibrillar bundles. By using specific antibodies to various extracellular matrix components and immunolabeling with gold some of these structures could be identified as to their protein composition. Whereas fibronectin antibodies labeled a variety of structures--fine filaments with granular materials, radially oriented bundles, patchy amorphous aggregates and small granular material scattered throughout the background--type III collagen antibody predominantly labeled filaments with periodic banding (10-40 nm in diameter). A small amount of type III specific labeling was also observed over the networks of radially oriented fibrils and fine filaments associated with granular material. Type IV collagen and laminin antibodies localized in areas of the patchy amorphous aggregates. Type VI collagen antibodies, on the other hand, labeled fine filaments and the gold particles showed a pattern of 100 nm periodicity. Many of the fine 10-20 nm filaments exhibited a tubular appearance on cross-section, but they were not reactive with any of the antibodies used. Also negative were the long-spacing fibers and assemblies--including hexagonal lattices--containing this structural element.  相似文献   

Summary Rat mesenteric arteries, perfusion fixed in relaxed or contracted conditions, were digested with acid and elastase, bleach (sodium hypochlorite), or alkali to selectively remove collagen, elastin, or cells. Scanning electron microscopy was used to study the three-dimensional organization of the remaining cells or extracellular components. Smooth muscle cells of the tunica media were elongated and circumferentially oriented. Superior mesenteric artery cells had an irregular surface with numerous projections and some ends were forked. Small mesenteric artery cells were spindle shaped with longitudinal surface ridges, and showed extensive corrugations upon contraction. Elastin was present both as laminae and as an interconnected fibrous meshwork. Collagen was arranged in an irregular network of individual fibrils and small bundles of fibrils that formed nests around the cells in both arteries. This irregular arrangement persisted, with no apparent reordering or loss of order, upon contraction. The lack of an ordered arrangement or specialized organization at the cell ends suggests mechanical coupling of the cells to elastin or collagen throughout the length of the cell, allowing for force transmission in a number of directions. The tunica media is thus a composite material consisting of cells, elastin, and collagen. The isotropic network of fibers is well suited for transmitting the shearing forces placed on it by contraction of smooth muscle cells and by pressure-induced loading.  相似文献   

The expression of the cellular proto-oncogene, c-fos, in extra-embryonic tissues of the mouse was investigated using a v-fos DNA probe and an affinity-purified antiserum raised against a C-terminal synthetic peptide. At 13.5 days of development, parietal endoderm--a tissue not previously studied using these methods--was found to express c-fos RNA at a higher level than the amnion or placenta. The previously reported dramatic increase in c-fos RNA levels in extra-embryonic membranes during gestation was found to be confined to the amnion. The antipeptide serum specifically recovered proteins with Mr values of 46,000 and 39,000 from extracts of parietal endoderm and amnion cells labelled for 15 min with 35S-methionine. On sodium-dodecyl-sulphate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis these proteins co-migrated with proteins immunoprecipitated using serum from rats inoculated with FBJ-MuSV-transformed cells (tumour-bearing rat serum). Pulse-chasing and 32P-labelling experiments showed that the protein with an Mr of 46,000 was rapidly converted into higher-molecular-weight phosphorylated derivatives. F9 teratocarcinoma stem cells differentiated into parietal-endoderm-like cells in response to treatment with retinoic acid and dibutyryl cyclic AMP. However, this differentiation was not accompanied by any large transient increase in c-fos RNA expression.  相似文献   

Use of extracellular matrix components for cell culture   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Extracellular matrix components when used as a substratum in vitro can greatly influence cell behavior. The response observed is dependent on the type of cell and matrix used. Cells in vitro usually respond best to the matrix components with which they are normally in contact in vivo. More differentiated phenotypes are observed and cells generally survive longer on such matrices. In some cases, the presence of such matrices allows cells to be cultured in the absence of serum and growth factors. As more investigators try the matrices and matrix components described, as well as new components and combinations of them, it is anticipated that improvement in the culture of many cells can be expected.  相似文献   

Interaction of Campylobacter jejuni with extracellular matrix components   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The adhesion of three strains of Campylobacter jejuni to coverslips and microwells coated with isolated extracellular matrix components, fibronectin, laminin and types I, III, IV and V collagens was studied. Fibronectin mediated the adherence of C. jejuni, but there were differences in the binding capacities of the strains. Type I, III and V collagens mediated very strongly the attachment of two strains of C. jejuni. All three strains attached weakly to basement membrane-specific type IV collagen. Laminin was capable of mediating the adhesion only when present at a higher concentration. The observations indicate that extracellular matrix components may serve as anchor molecules for C. jejuni adhesion and that several attachment mechanisms occur simultaneously.  相似文献   

The effect of extracellular matrix components on cholesterol accumulation in different human cells was studied. Insoluble LDL-Heparin-Fibronectin-Gelatin complexes were incubated with human cells: fibroblasts, monocytes, peritoneal macrophages, cells of the aortic wall--endothelial, subendothelial intimal, medial; and total cholesterol content in these cells was determined. It has been demonstrated that components of extracellular matrix being complexed with LDL enhance total cholesterol accumulation in all cell types studied: the highest amount of cholesterol was accumulated by subendothelial intimal cells and peritoneal macrophages. It is suggested that components of extracellular matrix can play an important role in the development of lipid-laden foam cells that are accumulated in the arterial wall in atherosclerotic lesions.  相似文献   

We examined the synthesis and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) components in cultures of Sertoli cells and testicular peritubular cells maintained alone or in contact with each other. Levels of soluble ECM components produced by populations of isolated Sertoli cells and testicular peritubular cells were determined quantitatively by competitive enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assays, using antibodies shown to react specifically with Type I collagen, Type IV collagen, laminin, or fibronectin. Peritubular cells in monoculture released into the medium fibronectin (432 to 560 ng/microgram cell DNA per 48 h), Type I collagen (223 to 276 ng/microgram cell DNA per 48 h), and Type IV collagen (350 to 436 ng/microgram cell DNA per 48 h) during the initial six days of culture in serum-free medium. In contrast, Sertoli cells in monoculture released into the medium Type IV collagen (322 to 419 ng/microgram cell DNA per 48 h) but did not form detectable amounts of Type I collagen or fibronectin during the initial six days of culture. Neither cell type produced detectable quantities of soluble laminin. Immunocytochemical localization investigations demonstrated that peritubular cells in monoculture were positive for fibronectin, Type I collagen, and Type IV collagen but negative for laminin. In all monocultures most of the ECM components were intracellular, with scant deposition as extracellular fibrils. Sertoli cells were positive immunocytochemically for Type IV collagen and laminin but negative for fibronectin and Type I collagen. Co-cultures of peritubular cells and Sertoli cells resulted in interactions that quantitatively altered levels of soluble ECM components present in the medium. This was correlated with an increased deposition of ECM components in extracellular fibrils. The data correlated with an increased deposition of ECM components in extracellular fibrils. The data presented here we interpret to indicate that the two cell types in co-culture act cooperatively in the formation and deposition of ECM components. Results are discussed with respect to the nature of interactions between mesenchymal peritubular cell precursors and adjacent epithelial Sertoli cell precursors in the formation of the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubule.  相似文献   

Campylobacter fetus is a recognized pathogen of cattle and sheep that can also infect humans. No adhesins specific for C. fetus have to date been identified; however, bacterial attachment is essential to establish an infecting population. Scanning electron microscopy revealed C. fetus attachment to the serosal surface of human colonic biopsy explants, a location consistent with the presence of the extracellular matrix (ECM). To determine whether the ECM mediated C. fetus adherence, 7 C. fetus strains were assessed in a solid-phase binding assay for their ability to bind to immobilized ECM components. Of the ECM components assayed, adherence to fibronectin was noted for all strains. Attachment to ECM components was neither correlated with S-layer expression nor with cell-surface hydrophobicity. Ligand immunoblots, however, identified the S-layer protein as a major site of fibronectin binding, and modified ECM binding assays revealed that soluble fibronectin significantly enhanced the attachment of S-layer-expressing C. fetus strains to other ECM components. Soluble fibronectin also increased C. fetus adherence to INT 407 cells. This adherence was inhibited when INT 407 cells were incubated with synthetic peptides containing an RGD sequence, indicating that integrin receptors were involved in fibronectin-mediated attachment. Together, this data suggests that C. fetus can bind to immobilized fibronectin and use soluble fibronectin to enhance attachment to other ECM components and intestinal epithelial cells. In vivo, fibronectin would promote bacterial adherence, thereby, contributing to the initial interaction of C. fetus with mucosal and submucosal surfaces.  相似文献   

Cell surface receptors for extracellular matrix components.   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  

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