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Plants of chickpea were exposed to varied levels of cobalt (Co) and sampled at the 60-day stage. Cobalt at concentration <100 µM significantly increased the number of nodules, their dry mass, leghemoglobin concentration and the activity of nitrogenase. Similarly, the activities of glutamate dehydrogenase, glutamine synthetase and glutamate synthase also exhibited an increase in the presence of Co <100 µM, in nodules and leaves, respectively. The various photosynthetic attributes in leaves and the activity of antioxidative enzymes both in nodules and leaves were inhibited by Co in a concentration-dependent manner. However, the lipid peroxidation and the content of proline exhibited a significant increase in response to Co and were at a maximum in the plants exposed to 250 µM concentration of cobalt. Since most of the parameters showed a significant increase in response to 50 µM cobalt, this concentration may be regarded as a threshold concentration.  相似文献   

Water availability is an important factor for plant growth in arid environments. In recent decades, vermicompost (VC) fertilizer has been used in agriculture as a safe and effective fertilizer with high water-holding capacity. The aim of the present study was to characterize effects of VC fertilizer on photosynthetic activity of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. cv. Karaj) under drought conditions at three different growth stages. Tests were carried out with four volumetric ratios of VC to soil, i.e., 0:100, 10:90, 20:80, and 30:70, and three levels of drought stress, i.e., no stress (NS), moderate drought (MS), and severe drought (SS) (100, 75, and 25% of field capacity, respectively). Evaluations were performed at the seedling, flowering, and podding stage. We found that the VC treatment under NS conditions significantly increased total chlorophyll content [Chl (a+b)], intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), net photosynthetic rate (PN), transpiration rate (E), and maximal quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (Fv/Fm) at all three stages. The VC addition of 10 and 20% significantly enhanced the Chl content and Fv/Fm under MS and Fv/Fm, Ci, and PN under SS at the flowering stage. In conclusion, our results proved a positive effect of the VC fertilizer on photosynthesis of chickpea under NS conditions, but it was not found under MS and SS.  相似文献   

The influence of salinity, given at germination (stage I) or 75 d after sowing (stage II), on flower production and characteristic features of male reproductive structures was studied in three promising genotypes of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L. cv. ICCV 88102, H 82-2 and C-235). In ICCV 88102 and H 82-2 salinity 20 meq 1-1 increased the number of flowers when applied at both stages whereas in C-235 only when applied at the later stage. The salinity also delayed flowering; the higher salinity the greater was delay in flowering. In H 82-2 and C-235 salinity treatment given at stage II (when few flower buds appeared) hastened the flowering. The salinity curtailed pollen production; the reduction being minimum in C-235 and maximum in H 82-2. Germination was not significantly affected in C-235 pollen collected from plants grown under salinity conditions upto 60 meq 1-1 applied at stage I but the tube elongation was inhibited. The inhibition of tube elongation was greatest in C-235. Salinity treatment administered at stage II did not affect significantly pollen germination excepting C-235 in which a consistent decline with increasing salinity was evident. Salinity stimulated tube growth in ICCV 88102. Na2SO4 in the germination medium was more detrimental for both pollen germination and tube growth than NaCl.  相似文献   

Summary Phosphorus and Mn relationship was studied in chickpea at two stages of growth in pot culture using 0, 7.5, 15 and 30 ppm P and 0, 5, 10 and 15 ppm Mn. The dry matter yield increased with P at both stages of growth. Manganese improved the yield only in the first stage. Initial levels of Mn enhanced while higher levels had a depressing effect on tissue P. Addition of 7.5 ppm P enhanced Mn concentration at first stage and at higher levels a marked reduction in Mn content was observed at both the stages.  相似文献   

Physical map of chickpea was developed for the reference chickpea genotype (ICC 4958) using bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries targeting 71,094 clones (~12× coverage). High information content fingerprinting (HICF) of these clones gave high-quality fingerprinting data for 67,483 clones, and 1,174 contigs comprising 46,112 clones and 3,256 singletons were defined. In brief, 574 Mb genome size was assembled in 1,174 contigs with an average of 0.49 Mb per contig and 3,256 singletons represent 407 Mb genome. The physical map was linked with two genetic maps with the help of 245 BAC-end sequence (BES)-derived simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. This allowed locating some of the BACs in the vicinity of some important quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for drought tolerance and reistance to Fusarium wilt and Ascochyta blight. In addition, fingerprinted contig (FPC) assembly was also integrated with the draft genome sequence of chickpea. As a result, ~965 BACs including 163 minimum tilling path (MTP) clones could be mapped on eight pseudo-molecules of chickpea forming 491 hypothetical contigs representing 54,013,992 bp (~54 Mb) of the draft genome. Comprehensive analysis of markers in abiotic and biotic stress tolerance QTL regions led to identification of 654, 306 and 23 genes in drought tolerance “QTL-hotspot” region, Ascochyta blight resistance QTL region and Fusarium wilt resistance QTL region, respectively. Integrated physical, genetic and genome map should provide a foundation for cloning and isolation of QTLs/genes for molecular dissection of traits as well as markers for molecular breeding for chickpea improvement.  相似文献   

 Embryo axes of four accessions of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) were treated with Agrobacterium tumefaciens strains C58C1/GV2260 carrying the plasmid p35SGUSINT and EHA101 harbouring the plasmid pIBGUS. In both vectors the GUS gene is interrupted by an intron. After inoculation shoot formation was promoted on MS medium containing 0.5 mg/l BAP under a selection pressure of 100 mg/l kanamycin or 10 mg/l phosphinothricin, depending on the construct used for transformation. Expression of the chimeric GUS gene was confirmed by histochemical localization of GUS activity in regenerated shoots. Resistant shoots were grafted onto 5-day-old dark-grown seedlings, and mature plants could be recovered. T-DNA integration was confirmed by Southern analysis by random selection of putative transformants. The analysis of 4 plantlets of the T1 progeny revealed that none of them was GUS-positive, whereas the presence of the nptII gene could be detected by polymerase chain reaction. Received: 30 May 1997 / Revision received: 18 September 1997 / Accepted: 22 March 1999  相似文献   

Efficient plant regeneration via somatic embryogenesis has been developed in chickpea cultivar C235. Leaf explants, on MS medium supplemented with 1.25 mg/l 2,4-D and 0.25 mg/l kinetin, yielded somatic embryos with high efficiency during dark incubation. MS medium supplemented with B5 vitamins, 0.125 mg/l IBA and 2 mg/l BAP was found suitable for embryo maturation. The well formed embryos germinated into plantlets on basal B5 medium supplemented with 0.25 mg/l BAP. Further development into healthy plantlets was obtained on basal B5 medium. Hardened plantlets produced normal, fertile plants upon transfer to soil.Abbreviations 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - BAP 6-Benzyl-aminopurine - IAA IndoIe-3-acetic acid - IBA Indole-3-butyric acid - NAA 1-Naphthalene acetic acid - Kinetin 6-furfuryl aminopurine - Zeatin 6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-2-enylamino)-purine  相似文献   

Necrosis of leaves was observed in the glabrous mutant (ICC 15566) of desi chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.). It was characterized by drying of leaflet margins to drying of complete leaflets of older leaves. The oldest leaves were the most affected and the intensity of necrosis decreased toward the apical meristem. A single recessive gene, designated nec, was found to govern the necrotic characteristic. The nec locus was linked to gl (glabrous shoots) with a map distance of 16 +/- 3 cM. The loci slv (simple leaves), mlv (multipinnate leaves), nlv (narrow leaflets), hg (prostrate growth habit), P (pink corolla), and shp (round seed shape) segregated independently of nec.  相似文献   

For the purpose of developing an in vitro regeneration system for chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), an important food legume, immature cotyledons approximately 5 mm long were excised from developing embryos and cultured on B5 basal medium supplemented with 1.5% sucrose and various growth regulator combinations. Only non-morphogenic callus was formed in response to concentrations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D), naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) and 2,4,5-trichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4,5-T) previously reported to induce somatic embryogenesis on immature soybean cotyledons. However, 4.6, 13.7, and 45.6 M zeatin induced formation of white, cotyledon-like structures (CLS) at the proximal end of immature cotyledons placed with adaxial surface facing the agar medium. No morphogenesis, or occasional formation of fused, deformed CLS, was observed when zeatin was replaced with kinetin or 6-benzyladenine, respectively. The highest response frequency, 64% of explants forming CLS, was induced by 13.7 M zeatin plus 0.2 M indole-acetic acid (IAA). Within 20–40 days culture on zeatin, shoots formed at the base of CLS on approximately 50% of CLS-bearing explants, and proliferated upon subsequent transfer to basal medium with 4.4 M BA or 4.6 M kinetin. This regeneration system may be useful for genetic transformation of chickpea.  相似文献   

A green house study was conducted on the effect of P and Zn on nodulation and N fixation in chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) in a loamy sand (Typic Torripsamments) using treatment combinations of five levels of P (0, 25, 50, 100 and 250 ppm), and six levels of Zn (0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 100 ppm). The number, dry matter and leghaemoglobin content of nodules, and amount of N fixed generally increased with Zn alone upto 19 ppm and P alone upto 50 ppm, and decreased with their higher levels. Application of 25 to 50 ppm P and 5 to 10 ppm Zn counteracted to a greater extent the adverse effect of 40 and 100 ppm Zn, and 250 ppm P, resp. Maximum nodulation and N fixation (91 to 145% over zero P and Zn, at maturity) was recorded with 25 to 50 ppm P applied along with 5 to 10 ppm Zn. At 64 days, depletion in soil-N was noted, particularly when P was applied, whereas at maturity there was a gain in soil-N, ranging from 10.5 to 44.5 kg/2×106 kg soil depending upon P and Zn treatments. The increase in nodulation and N fixation with balanced P and Zn nutrition might be attributed to an increase in leghaemoglobin, and K and Fe concentration in nodules, and increased plant growth, resulting into enhanced activity of N fixing organisms. The results showed that balanced P and Zn nutrition is essential not only for plant growth but also for maximum activity of Rhizobium for N fixation. Work done at Harvana Agricultural University, Hissar, India.  相似文献   

Summary Selection in the F3 generation for seed yield, fruiting branches/plant, effective pods/plant, and seed index (100-seed weight) was carried out in two chickpea crosses. Sixty F5 lines (15 lines/selection criterion) along with check variety were evaluated for seed yield in three distinct environments. The effects of selection criteria on yield stability was examined using linear regression approach and genotype-grouping technique. There were no differences between selection criteria for linear yield responses of F5 lines to different environments. Within all four selection criteria the lines showed similar linear responses. The non-linear component was relatively higher for lines selected for effective pods and seed index than lines selected for yield and fruiting branches. On the basis of mean yield and coefficient of variation across environments, the seed index was the least effective selection criterion for developing high yielding and stable lines. When the results of stability parameters and genotype-grouping technique were considered together, selection for yield and fruiting branches was highly effective for isolating stable and high yielding lines.  相似文献   

Diurnal changes in net photosynthetic rate (PN), evapotranspiration rate (ET) and water use efficiency (WUE=PN/ET) of field grown chickpea (Cicer arietinum) L. cv. H-355 were studied from the vegetative phase through maturirty at Haryana Agricultural University Farm, Hissar, India. The maximum photosynthetic rate (PN max) increased from the initial vegetative phase to pod formation and declined at a rapid rate from pod filling to maturity. The response of PN to photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) (400–700 nm) was temperature-dependent during the day, i.e. on cool days the PN rates were lower for certain quanta of PPFD during the first half than during the second half of day, and vice versa on warm days. ET was affected both by crop cover and evaporative demand up to flowering, but thereafter it was independent of crop cover and followed the course of evaporative demand. ET was related to air temperature during the day while PN was related to PPFD. There was a lag of two to three hours between PNmax (around noon) and ETmax (around 2 p.m.). WUE increased from the vegetative stage through flowering but decreased thereafter to maturity.Abbreviations DAS days after planting - ET evapotranspiration - LAI leaf area index - PAR photosynthetically active radiation (in figures) is equivalent to PPFD (see below) - PN net photosynthetic rate - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density - WUE water use efficiency (= PN/ET)  相似文献   

The response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) cv. KPG-59 to pre-sowing seed treatment with 28-homobrassinolide (HBR) and/or sodium chloride (NaCl) was investigated. The seeds imbibed in aqueous solution of 10−10 or 10−8 M of HBR for 8 h, resulted in an increase in the values for most of the characteristics of shoot and root at 90-day stage and seed yield, at harvest. The plants resulting from the seeds soaked in HBR (10−8 M) possessed 23% and 31% higher leaf nitrate reductase (E.C. and carbonic anhydrase (E.C. activities, 34% more dry mass, 30% higher nodule number, 31% and 18% more nodule fresh and dry mass, compared with water soaked, control. Leghaemoglobin content and nitrogenase activity (E.C. were 28% and 30% higher while nodule nitrogen and carbohydrate contents decreased by 5% and 6%, compared with the control. Moreover, seed yield increased by 26% over the control, at harvest. The values for all the above characteristics declined significantly, in the plants raised from the seeds soaked in NaCl. However, this ill effect was overcome, if NaCl treatment was given before or after HBR treatment.  相似文献   

ObjectivePhosphate (P) and zinc (Zn) are essential plant nutrients required for nodulation, nitrogen-fixation, plant growth and yield. Mostly applied P and Zn nutrients in the soil are converted into unavailable form. A small number of soil microbes have the ability to transform unsolvable forms of P and Zn to an available form. P-Zn-solubilizing rhizobacteria are potential alternates for P and Zn supplement. In the present study, the effect of two P-Zn-solubilizing bacterial strains (Bacillus sp. strain AZ17 and Pseudomonas sp. strain AZ5) was evaluated on the growth of chickpea plant.MethodologyBoth strains were purified from the rhizospheric soil of chickpea plant grown-up in sandy soil and rain-fed area (Thal desert). In vitro, both strains solubilize P and Zn as well both strain produce IAA and organic acids. In the field experiments, conducted in the rain-fed area, the positive influence of inoculation with both bacterial isolates AZ5 and AZ17 on chickpea growth was observed.ResultsThe application of inoculum (strains AZ5 and AZ17) resulted in up to 17.47% and 17.34% increase in grain yield of both types of chickpea grown in fertilized and non-fertilized soil, respectively over non-inoculated control. Strain AZ5 was the most effective inoculum, increasing up to 17.47%, 16.04%, 26.32%, 22.53%, 26.12% and 22.59% in grain yield, straw weight, nodules number, dry weight of nodules, Zn uptake and P uptake respectively, over control.ConclusionThese results indicated that Pseudomonas sp. strain AZ5 and Bacillus sp. strain AZ17 can serve as effective microbial inocula for chickpea, particularly in the rain-fed area.  相似文献   

Chromium (Cr), with its great economic importance in industrial use, is a major metal pollutant of the environment. It affects soil microbial activity and soil fertility, resulting in losses in yield of plants. Paenibacillus lentimorbus B-30488r (B-30488r) tolerated 200 μg ml−1 of Cr under in vitro conditions and produced the plant growth promoting substance indole acetic acid in the presence of Cr. Our in vitro study indicates enhancement in B-30488r biofilm formation by sodium alginate (SA) and calcium chloride (CaCl2) both in absence and presence of supplemented Cr(VI) as compared to unsupplemented control. The plant growth promoting effects caused by the B-30488r biofilm in rhizosphere of chickpea under Cr(VI) stress suggests a phytoprotective role of B-30488r biofilm. Our study reflects the multifarious role of strain B-30488r and presents it as a potent plant growth promoting and bioremediation agent useful in Cr-contaminated rhizosphere soil, whereby the SA and CaCl2 induced B-30488r biofilm on plant root acts as a shield in preventing the direct access of toxic Cr to plant tissues, thus reducing its uptake in plants.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration were obtained from immature leaflet callus of chickpea. Numerous globular embryos developed on the surface of callus on Murashige and Skoog's (1962) medium containing 25 μM 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. These globular embryos differentiated into mature somatic embryos upon removal of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. The maturation of embryos was significantly affected by pH, photoperiod, abscisic acid and genotype. Callus continued to produce somatic embryos for over 8 subcultures at 4 week intervals. Two per cent of the embryos formed plants on medium containing 15 μM gibberellic acid and 1 μM indole-3-butyric acid. Desiccation of embryos for a period of 3 d increased their rate of conversion into plants from 0.9 to 2.8%. All regenerated plants showed normal morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

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