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Previous studies suggested that orangutans have nonallelic structural genes for their γ chains, because either a threonyl or an alanyl residue may occupy position 135. Further investigation has now detected that position 75 may have either an isoleucyl or a valyl residue. From available evidence, the isoleucyl and threonyl residues are in one chain and the valyl and alanyl in the other. Orangutans appear to be homozygous for the two types of nonallelic genes.  相似文献   

The relative amounts of α- and β-globin mRNA and globin gene DNA were measured in reticulocyte RNA and lymphocyte DNA of an individual with homozygous hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin whose red blood cells contain 100% fetal hemoglobin (Hb F: α2γ2). Molecular hybridization assays used as probes full-length DNA copies of human α- and β-globin messenger RNA. The results of these hybridization assays demonstrated the expected amounts of α-globin mRNA and gene DNA, but absence of β-globin mRNA and absence of β-globin gene DNA. In the individual studied, hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin is associated with total deletion of the β-globin structural gene.  相似文献   

Summary Some types of nondeletional heterocellular hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) appear to be caused by mutations in the globin gene cluster near the globin genes, while in other cases the condition is associated with a gene or genes outside the globin gene complex. We have used DNA probes for chromosome 11 markers to localize the HPFH determinant in a large Australian kindred with nondeletional heterocellular HPFH. In 13 of the 58 family members studied the Hb F levels are increased to between 1.8% and 7.9%, the Hb F being composed predominantly of A chains. All family members were typed for restriction fragment length polymorphisms detected by probes from the globin gene complex, and the nearby genetic markers D11S12, INS, and HRAS. Linkage analysis showed HPFH is closely linked to the globin gene cluster (confidence limits of 0,0.0-0.19), D11S12 (0, 0.0-0.23) and the insulin gene (0,0.0-0.11). These data and the chain composition are consistent with HPFH in this family being caused by a mutation within the globin gene cluster.  相似文献   

An abnormal human fetal hemoglobin not only may be either aGγ- or anAγ-chain variant but also may be present in a different proportion of the total fetal hemoglobin.Gγ-Chain variants contribute either about one-fourth or one-eighth to the total production of HbF in the heterozygote, whereas theAγ-chain variants approximate either one-eighth or one-sixteenth of the total HbF. These observations may indicate the presence of four nonallelic Hbγ structural genes (termed ) which produce γ chains in an approximate ratio of 4 : 2 : 2 : 1. HbF Malta I is considered to be the product of a mutant of the locus, an undefined HbFx that of the locus, HbF Hull and HbF Jamaica products of mutated loci, and the newly discovered HbF Malta II a mutant of the gene. This work was supported in part by grants HL-05168 and HL-02558 from the National Institutes of Health, U.S. Public Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary The pattern of inheritance of several polymorphic restriction sites associated with the -gene cluster, and spanning a region of 52 kb, demonstrates that a determinant for hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin (HPFH) segregates independently from the non- globin gene cluster, as we postulated several years ago on purely genetical grounds. This finding provides additional evidence for the existence of diffusible factors affecting -chain expression. Moreover, we have identified a private HinccII polymorphism, in the vicinity of the gene in the family studied.  相似文献   

Summary A survey of hemoglobinopathies in northern Sardinia revealed a high frequency (0.3%) of carriers of a hematologic condition characterized by increased expression of fetal hemoglobin during adult life (hereditary persistence of fetal hemoglobin or HPFH). In spite of a normal hematologic phenotype, the heterozygous carriers for this condition display about 12% HbF, almost exclusively of the A type; compound heterozygotes with -thalassemia have 20%–26% HbF and run a very mild clinical course. The sequence analysis of the cloned A gene linked to the HPFH determinant revealed the presence of a GA substitution at position-117 of the A- gene promoter; the same mutation occurs also in Greek HPFH, although associated with different restriction polymorphisms. Another hereditary condition characterized by increased HbF (2 A2) level and a mild thalassemic phenotype in Sardinia is associated with the-196 CT substitution in the A-globin gene promoter (Sardinian -thalassemia). Population studies using oligonucleotides complementary both to the-117 GA and-196 CT mutations and the corresponding normal sequences confirm the presence of these mutations only in HPFH and -thalassemia chromosomes and exclude these changes being common DNA polymorphisms.  相似文献   

Co-inheritance of gamma and beta globin gene mutations in a compound heterozygous state is rare but of clinical interest as it provides an important data on understanding the HbF expression. Hematological analysis was carried out (Sysmex KX-21). F-cells were enumerated using flow cytometry. Beta globin gene was analysed by CRDB technique and by DNA sequencing. Gamma globin promoter region was sequenced and expression studies were carried out using real time Taqman assay. We report a family, where two inherited defects of the β globin gene cluster segregate. The proband and her sibling were compound heterozygotes for a novel Gγ promoter mutation and the 619 bp deletion a common Indian β thalassemia mutation. Molecular characterization revealed that the father (HbA2 5.1%, HbF 5.4%), proband (HbA2 3.6%, HbF 31.7%) and her brother (HbA2 3.9%, HbF 23.6%) were heterozygous for the 619 bp deletion. The mother (HbA2 2.1%, HbF 3.4%) had a normal β globin gene. As both the children showed high HbF levels, the γ globin gene work up was carried out. The Gγ-globin gene promoter analysis revealed that the mother and the two children were heterozygous for a 5 bp deletion -ATAAG (-533 to -529) that resides in the GATA binding site. These findings suggest that the 5 bp deletion in the Gγ globin promoter has a functional role in silencing the γ-globin gene expression in adults by disrupting GATA-1 binding and the associated repressor complex and results in the up-regulation of gamma globin gene expression. When co-inherited with β -thalassemia trait it leads to a phenotype of HPFH.  相似文献   

Summary Southern blotting and DNA sequencing after polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification provide evidence for the frequent occurrence (in 7 out of 24 chromosomes) of a short conversion GA in the 3 end of the human fetal A globin gene. This short conversion is characterized by the presence, 3 nucleotides downstream from the termination codon of the A gene, of the TCAC sequence that is normally present at the equivalent position at the 3 end of the G gene; it is therefore identical to a conversion already described. Interestingly, we have found that this conversion is associated with the presence of theHindIII polymorphic restriction site in the A IVS2, occuppying an equivalent position in both the G and A genes. Our observations strengthen the hypothesis that the presence of the HindIII polymorphic restriction site in A IVS2 and the presence of the sequence TCAC at the 3 end of the A gene might be the result of a single conversion event.  相似文献   

Summary We report a study of four families of Italian origin in which heterocellular HPFH is inherited linked to thalassemia over two or three generations. The HPFH + thalassemia carriers showed thalassemic blood pictures and elevated HbF and F-cell number without increase in the HbF/F-cell content. Association of this gene complex with a second thalassemia trait gives rise to a mild clinical picture characterized by 9–12 g/dl of mainly HbF in peripheral blood and no transfusion requirement. In two families, independent segregation of the HPFH or -thal trait was observed, and in one case the study of the DNA polymorphisms within the gene cluster indicated that the HPFH mutation lies outside that DNA region. In one family the coexistence of a polymorphic variant of the A chain (the AT chain) allowed us to demonstrate that the increased chain synthesis caused by the heterocellular HPFH determinant is directed by both chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary A new type of hemoglobin F, in which isoleucine in position 75 (E 19) of the chain is replaced by a threonine residue, has been found in 29 out of 32 homozygotes for thalassemia. The amount of this hemoglobin ranges from traces to 40% of the total Hb F. The same 75 Thr chain is also present in the Hb F of 40% of normal newborns and premature infants examined, of one 14-week-old fetus and in one out of 3 patients with aplastic anemia and raised levels of Hb F. Our results strongly suggest that the synthesis of this new chain is under the control of a gene nonallelic with those coding for A and G chains.  相似文献   

Summary The occurrence of the AT chain (i.e. A75 Ile Thr) in different populations was evaluated through a study of 4250 cord blood samples and blood samples from more than 350 SS1 patients. High frequencies were observed in Italy, Yugoslavia, Turkey, Holland, but also in Japan, Vietnam, and India. The chain is (nearly) absent in the Black population of Ghana and Kenya, and low frequencies were observed in China and Australian aborigines. Only a few adult SS patients (18 out of 357) were AT heterozygotes. The chromosomes with the AT globin gene were mapped through an evaluation of the presence of 10 different restriction sites. The AT chromosomes from different populations were closely related and had the same subhaplotypes of [--++-+] (Hinc II 5 to ; Xmn I 5 to G; Hind III in G and A; Hinc II in and 3 to ), quite different from the subhaplotypes seen for AT negative chromosomes.2 This suggests a common ancestor which may have originated in Southern Europe. An evaluation of the chain production by both chromosomes in SS patients and -thalassemia heterozygotes was possible for subjects with an AT heterozygosity. It was concluded that in -thalassemia trait, the chain synthesis is directed for about two-thirds by the thalassemic chromosome and for about onethird by the normal chromosome; the contribution by the normal chromosome decreases with a decrease in total chain production.This is contribution #0890 of the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA 30912, USA  相似文献   

Seven β chains were identified as the typical molecular types carried by the seven species of Sulawesi macaques based on isoelectric focusing and urea starch gel electrophoresis. These β chains include the β3 chains ofmaura, tonkeana, nigra, andbrunnescens, β1 chains ofhecki andochreata and β5 chain ofnigra. The results of chromatography on cation-exchange and reversed phase columns and the amino acid compositions of the tryptic peptides suggested substitutions at the 9th and 13th amino acids from the N-terminal. Sequence analyses of these seven β chains from the N-terminal to the 18th amino acid and those of purified tryptic peptides from βT3 to βT15 by Edman degradation revealed the following facts: (1) the amino acid sequences of the β3 chains carried by the four species coincided with each other and as did those of the β1 chains of the two named species; and (2) the 9th and 13th amino acids were Lys and Thr in β3, Asn and Asn in β1, and Asp and Thr in the β5 chain, respectively. These three β chains are related with each other by at least two-base changes. The evolution of the β chains of the Sulawesi macaques was inferred to be as follows. (1) The β3 chain might have been dominant β chain in the past among Sulawesi macaques, since peripheral species separately carried this chain; (2) the β1 and β5 chains might have derived from a “missing link” because of more than two-base substitutions between β3 and β1 and between β3 and β5; (3) eight other macaque species, including the lion-tailed macaque (M. silenus), bear Asn and Thr at these two positions, while the Barbary macaque (M. sylvanus) has Thr and Thr; and (4) thus, if the parsimonious rule is followed, the type with Asn-Thr is the most plausible “missing link,” since only the Asn-Thr type can combine these five β chains by minimum one-base change. Two genetic events are postulated in the evolutionary process of the Sulawesi β chains: the first Lys-Thr type (β3) was distributed over the whole island, and next Asn-Thr, the common type in other macaques, produced Asn-Asn (β1) and Asp-Thr (β5).  相似文献   

Plant Molecular Biology - Gene expression analysis coupled with in-planta studies showed that specific Gβγ combination regulates plant growth and defence traits in the allotetraploid...  相似文献   

Yi H  Juergens M  Jez JM 《The Plant cell》2012,24(6):2696-2706
Plants produce cyanide (CN-) during ethylene biosynthesis in the mitochondria and require β-cyanoalanine synthase (CAS) for CN- detoxification. Recent studies show that CAS is a member of the β-substituted alanine synthase (BSAS) family, which also includes the Cys biosynthesis enzyme O-acetylserine sulfhydrylase (OASS), but how the BSAS evolved distinct metabolic functions is not understood. Here we show that soybean (Glycine max) CAS and OASS form α-aminoacrylate reaction intermediates from Cys and O-acetylserine, respectively. To understand the molecular evolution of CAS and OASS in the BSAS enzyme family, the crystal structures of Gm-CAS and the Gm-CAS K95A mutant with a linked pyridoxal phosphate (PLP)-Cys molecule in the active site were determined. These structures establish a common fold for the plant BSAS family and reveal a substrate-induced conformational change that encloses the active site for catalysis. Comparison of CAS and OASS identified residues that covary in the PLP binding site. The Gm-OASS T81M, S181M, and T185S mutants altered the ratio of OASS:CAS activity but did not convert substrate preference to that of a CAS. Generation of a triple mutant Gm-OASS successfully switched reaction chemistry to that of a CAS. This study provides new molecular insight into the evolution of diverse enzyme functions across the BSAS family in plants.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis in urea and Triton X-100 of a hemolysate from human fetal red blood cells produces four major protein bands: α, β, and 2 γ globin chains. We have verified that the latter two are the Gγ and Aγ globin chains which have respectively glycine or alanine at position 136. After incorporation of either [3H] alanine or [3H] glycine into newly synthesized globin each y chain was isolated by preparative electrophoresis. The chains were cleaved with cyanogen bromide at methionines 55 and 133, then subjected to automated sequencing, and the residues from each sequencer turn counted. Glycine incorporation was detected for the third turn (position 136) of the Gγ chain and alanine for the Aγ Substantial metabolic conversion of [3H] glycine to serine and proline was also noted.  相似文献   

Kaempfer R 《Cell research》2006,16(2):148-153
PKR, the interferon (IFN)-inducible protein kinase activated by double-stranded RNA, inhibits translation by phosphorylating the initiation factor eIF2α chain. Uniquely, human IFN-γ mRNA uses local activation of PKR in the cell to control its own translation yield. IFN-γ mRNA activates PKR through a structure in its 5'- region harboring a pseudoknot which is critical for PKR activation. Mutations that impair pseudoknot stability reduce the ability of IFN-γ mRNA to activate PKR and strongly increase its translation efficiency. The cis-acting RNA element in IFN-γ mRNA functions as a biological sensor of intracellular PKR levels. During an immune response, as IFN-γ and other inflammatory cytokines build up in the cell's microenvironment, they act to induce higher levels of PKR in the cell, resulting in a more extensive activation of PKR by IFN-γ mRNA. With the resulting phosphorylation of eIF2α, a negative feedback loop is created and the production of IFN-γ is progressively attenuated. We propose that the therapeutic effect of IFN-β in multiple sclerosis may rest, at least in part, on its exquisite ability to induce high levels of PKR in the cell and thereby to limit IFN-γ mRNA translation through this negative feedback loop, blocking the excessive IFN-γ gene expression that precedes clinical attacks.  相似文献   

Summary A common mutation within the CYP17 gene that causes 17-hydroxylase deficiency, a form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia, has been found by direct sequencing of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragments of genomic DNA from six families residing in the Friesland region of the Netherlands. The mutation is a 4-base duplication within exon 8 of the CYP17 gene, which alters the reading frame encoding the C-terminal 26 amino acids of cytochrome P45017. This mutation has previously been found in two Canadian patients who are members of ostensibly unrelated Mennonite families. The Mennonite Churches derive their name from Menno Simons, an early leader of the sect in Friesland. Presumably this 4-base duplication appeared within the Friesian population prior to emigration of the Mennonites from the Netherlands.  相似文献   

The ascomycetous fungus Monascus ruber is one of the most well-known species widely used to produce Monascus-fermentation products for natural food colorants and medicine. Our previous research on the Gα subunit Mga1 and the regulator of G protein signaling MrflbA indicated that heterotrimeric G protein signaling pathways were involved in aspects of growth, sporulation and secondary metabolite production in M. ruber. To better understand the G protein signaling pathways in this fungus, a Gβ subunit gene (Mgb1) and a GΓ subunit gene (Mgg1) were cloned and investigated in the current study. The predicted Mgb1 protein consisted of 353 amino acids and Mgg1 consisted of 94 amino acids, sharing marked similarity with Aspergillus Gβ and GΓ subunits, respectively. Targeted deletion (Δ) of Mgb1 or Mgg1 resulted in phenotypic alterations similar to those resulting from ΔMga1, i.e., restricted vegetative growth, lowered asexual sporulation, impaired cleistothecial formation, and enhanced citrinin and pigment production. Moreover, deletion of Mgg1 suppressed the defects in asexual development and in biosynthesis of citrinin and pigment caused by the absence of MrflbA function. These results provide evidence that Mgb1 and Mgg1 form a functional GβΓ dimer and the dimer interacts with Mga1 to mediate signaling pathways, which are negatively controlled by MrflbA, for growth, reproduction and citrinin and pigment biosynthesis in M. ruber.  相似文献   

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