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An in vitro perifusion system was used to investigate the effects of GnRH stimulation on LH, ACTH, and immunoreactive beta-endorphin (i beta-END) release from ovariectomized (1 week) rat anterior hemipituitaries. Either 0, 8 or 80 nM GnRH was administered as a 15 min pulse followed 30 min later by a prolonged 45 min infusion. Both 8 and 80 nM GnRH induced comparable LH release in response to the 15 min as well as the 45 min GnRH stimulation. The initial 15 min exposure to either 8 or 80 nM GnRH did not induce significant changes in ACTH or i beta-END release. In contrast, the subsequent 45 min exposure to 8 nM GnRH induced a significant (p less than 0.01) increase in ACTH release, and the 45 min exposure to 80 nM GnRH induced a significant (p less than 0.01) increase in ACTH as well as i beta-END release. Equimolar (i.e. 8 or 80 nM) GnRH receptor antagonist (ANT) blocked the stimulatory effects of GnRH in all cases. These results demonstrate that GnRH can stimulate not only LH but also ACTH and i beta-END release from ovariectomized rat anterior hemipituitaries in vitro, apparently by a GnRH receptor mediated mechanism independent of actual LH release. Although the time course of these responses appears to be consistent with the hypothesis that GnRH-stimulated gonadotropes release paracrine factor(s) which stimulate corticotrope activity, the mechanism of these responses remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Immunoreactive beta-endorphin (IR-BE) levels in the plasma, anterior pituitary (AP), the neurointermediate lobe of the pituitary (NIL), and the hypothalamus were determined in castrated female rats and castrated female rats treated with estradiol benzoate (estrogen), after exposure to acute (once for 45 min) or chronic (45 min each day for 15 consecutive days) immobilization stress. Acute and chronic stress increased plasma levels of IR-BE to the same extent in castrated female rats and castrated female rats treated with estrogen. In castrated female rats, acute stress produced an increase in the concentration of IR-BE in the AP, which was attenuated by the administration of estrogen. Although IR-BE in the NIL was not influenced by acute stress in castrated animals, exposure to acute stress resulted in an elevation in IR-BE levels in the NIL of rats given estrogen. Chronic stress did not affect the concentration of IR-BE in the AP of castrated females or castrated females treated with estrogen. Chronic stress did, however, increase the concentration of IR-BE in the NIL of castrated animals. This affect of stress on IR-BE levels in the NIL was potentiated by estrogen administration. IR-BE levels in the hypothalamus were reduced by estrogen and were not affected by acute or chronic stress, regardless of the gonadal steroid environment. As determined by column chromatography, administration of estrogen, as well as subjection to chronic stress, promoted the processing of the proopiomelanocortin precursor to form beta-lipotropin rather than beta-endorphin in the AP. By these methods, the only immunoreactivity detected in the NIL and the hypothalamus was beta-endorphin. These data indicate that IR-BE levels in the plasma, the AP, and the NIL of female rats are affected by immobilization stress and that estrogen modulates the effects of acute immobilization stress on IR-BE levels in the AP and the NIL and the effects of chronic immobilization stress on the levels of IR-BE in the NIL.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ontogeny of immunoreactive beta-endorphin (i-beta E) in the testes of rats from 5 to 150 days of age. i-beta E was measured by RIA in acid extracts of decapsulated testes and characterized by gel filtration chromatography. Significant age-related differences in both the levels and type of i-beta E were observed. Total levels of i-beta E in the testes were very low and barely detectable from 5-20 days of age, but rose sharply in parallel with testes weights from 20-60 days of age; thereafter, no significant changes in i-beta E were found through 150 days of age. Concentrations of i-beta E, expressed in pmol/g testis, fell precipitously between days 5 and 10 and remained relatively constant from 10-150 days. Most of the i-beta E at 5 and 15 days chromatographed like authentic beta-endorphin. However, with the onset of puberty (30-35 days) and during sexual maturation, much of the total i-beta E chromatographed like its' precursor beta-lipotropin (beta LPH). Hypophysectomy decreased the weight and total i-beta E levels of the testes to the same extent without altering the concentrations of i-beta E or the chromatographic pattern of i-beta E. These results indicate that beta E-like and beta LPH-like peptides are present in the rat testis and that age-related changes in both the levels and type of i-beta E correlate with various structural and functional aspects of testicular development.  相似文献   

Beta-endorphin (beta-EP) concentrations in the plasma and the anterior and neuro-intermediate lobes of the pituitary (AP and NIL) were quantitated by radioimmunoassay (RIA) and gel filtration chromatography in female rats at 1000, 1400, and 1900 h on the day of proestrus and diestrus day-1. There were no significant changes in beta-EP in the plasma, AP, or NIL on diestrus day-1. On proestrus, beta-EP in the plasma and NIL, but not the AP, increased significantly from 1000 to 1400 h and returned to basal levels by 1900 h. The time course of this increase of beta-EP in the NIL and plasma is consistent with the temporal sequence of the prolactin and gonadotropin surges on the afternoon of proestrus, suggesting that beta-EP in the NIL may be involved in the regulation of these neuroendocrine events.  相似文献   

We have investigated the ontogeny of, and the effect of hypophysectomy on, immunoreactive beta-endorphin in rat ovaries. Total levels rose with ovarian weight from nondetectable levels at 5 days of age to approximately 0.15 pmol/ovary at 80 days; thereafter, the levels remained constant through 201 days of age. Hypophysectomy decreased both ovarian weight and the total content of immunoreactive beta-endorphin, but the concentration per weight was not significantly altered. Most of the immunoreactive beta-endorphin before puberty chromatographed like authentic beta-endorphin, but after puberty most chromatographed like beta-lipotropin. Hypophysectomy did not alter this chromatographic pattern.  相似文献   

Glucocorticoid control of pituitary beta-endorphin (beta-END) release was investigated in vitro and in vivo. Cultured cells of both rat anterior (AL) and neurointermediate (NIL) lobe released beta-END-like immunoreactivity (beta-END-LI) in response to epinephrine (10(-7) M); however, only the response of AL cells was prevented by corticosterone (10(-8)-10(-6) M) or dexamethasone (10(-9)-10(-7) M). Gel chromatographic analysis (Sephadex G-50) revealed that the major forms of beta-END-LI released by AL cells corresponded to beta-END and beta-lipotropin (beta-LPH) in molecular size, whereas virtually all of the immunoreactivity released by NIL cells resembled beta-END. In vivo administration of dexamethasone attenuated the stress-induced release of beta-END-LI in a dose- and time-related fashion, having a more pronounced effect on plasma levels of beta-END-LI corresponding to beta-LPH in molecular size. Metyrapone (100 mg/kg), an inhibitor of glucocorticoid synthesis, evoked a rapid (20-40 min) four- to sixfold increase in total plasma beta-END-LI and 75% of this rise was due to immunoreactivity resembling beta-LPH in size. This response was diminished by coadministration of either dexamethasone (0.05-1.25 mg/kg) or corticosterone (0.05-1.25 mg/kg) and completely prevented by 4-hr pretreatment with dexamethasone (50 micrograms/kg). The briskness of the plasma beta-END-LI response to acute changes in glucocorticoid status suggests that a "rapid" feedback mechanism operates in the physiologic control of pituitary beta-END-LI secretion. Moreover, the ability of glucocorticoids to selectively inhibit AL release of beta-END-LI in vitro and their pronounced effect on plasma levels of beta-END-LI resembling beta-LPH, a marker of AL secretion, together indicate that glucocorticoids exert a selective influence over the secretion of AL corticotrophs in vivo. This demonstration of differential regulation of the AL versus IL secretion of beta-END-LI in vivo most likely reflects a phenomena having biologic importance related to the different physiologic actions of the several molecular forms of beta-END-LI secreted by the two tissues.  相似文献   

alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH) was measured in the mediobasal hypothalamus (MH), median eminence (ME), preoptic-suprachiasmatic area (POA-SCN), anterior (AL), and posterior lobes (PL) of the pituitary gland during the gestational and postpartum periods in the rat. The content of alpha-MSH in the MH and POA-SCN compared to estrous levels was lower during the later days of gestation and decreased further in the MH during lactation in association with the elevated plasma prolactin (Prl). Distinct increases in the ME content of alpha-MSH compared to estrous levels occurred on Days 8 and 12 of the gestational period and Day 14 of the postpartum period. A significant increase in PL content of alpha-MSH compared to Days 5-11 and 17-20 occurred on Day 4 of gestation, and no significant changes were detected in the AP concentration of alpha-MSH throughout the period studied. In vitro, PLs and ALs from females on Day 4 of gestation secreted more alpha-MSH into the incubation medium than tissues from animals on Day 20. These results suggest that alpha-MSH of both brain and pituitary origin may play a role in mediating some of the physiological changes which occur during pregnancy and lactation.  相似文献   

Periods of increased food intake in male rats were characterized by significant elevations in the plasma concentrations of immunoreactive beta-endorphin (beta-ep). Administration of 2-deoxy-D-glucose (400 mg/kg) produced rapid and concurrent increases in both food intake and plasma beta-ep. Administration of insulin (10 units/kg) produced large delayed increases in food intake but only modest delayed increases in plasma beta-ep. Spontaneous nocturnal feeding was associated with increased plasma beta-ep. Increases in daytime food intake in rats subjected to 24 hr of food deprivation were also characterized by elevated plasma beta-ep. In all cases examined, those feeding behaviors in male rats which were subject to inhibition by naloxone were characterized by elevated concentration of plasma beta-ep.  相似文献   

To study character of effect of apoptotic signal proteins on activities of neurosecretory cells and neurons of rat hypothalamus, pharmacological inhibitors of proapoptotic protein p53 Pifithrin-α and antiapoptotic protein Bcl-2 HA14-1 were injected into hypothalamus. Activation of vasopressinergic neurosecretory cells at administration of the blocker Bcl-2 HA14-1 was shown: there were observed an increase of vasopressin mRNA in neurons of hypothalamic supraoptical and paraventricular nuclei, a decrease of the immunoreactive vasopressin content in posterior pituitary, and reduction of diuresis. Inactivation of p53 inhibited release of vasopressin from hypothalamus cell bodies, which is indicated by an elevated content of immunoreactive vasopressin in neurosecretory cell bodies with its unchanged synthesis, a decrease of the neurohormone content in the posterior pituitary, and an increase of diuresis rate. Activation of vasopressinergic neurons of the suprachiasmatic nucleus was also shown. Administration of the blocker of Bcl-2 has been revealed to decrease functional activity both of dopaminergic neurons (zona incerta) and of dopaminergic neurosecretory cells (arcuate nucleus), in which a decrease of the tyrosine hydroxylase content was observed. The p53 inactivation also led to a decrease of activity of dopaminergic neurosecretory cells of arcuate nucleus, whereas activity of the neurons of zona incerta did not change. Thus, it has been shown that a change of the apoptotic protein content in vasopressinergic and dopaminergic neurons and neurosecretory cells leads to a change of their functional activity, the character and possibly mechanisms of effects of apoptotic proteins on activities of vasopressin-and dopaminergic cells being different.  相似文献   

Acid extracts of the intermediate pituitary of the holostean fish, Amia calva, were fractionated by gel filtration chromatography and analyzed with radioimmunoassays specific for N-acetylated beta-endorphin and C-terminally amidated alpha-MSH. In these extracts beta-endorphin-related immunoreactive material and alpha-MSH-related immunoreactive material were present in roughly equimolar amounts. The immunoreactive beta-endorphin-sized material was tested for opiate receptor binding activity using a beta-endorphin radioreceptor assay. The results of these studies were negative. The immunoreactive beta-endorphin-sized material was further analyzed by cation exchange chromatography at pH 2.5. Two major and three minor peaks of immunoreactive material were isolated. Peak 5 exhibited a net charge of +7 at pH 2.5 and represented 53% of the total immunoreactivity recovered. Peak 2 with a net charge of +3 at this pH represented 38% of the total immunoreactivity recovered. The minor forms, Peaks 1, 3 and 4, exhibited net charges of +2, +4 and +6, respectively. The apparent molecular weights of Peaks 2 and 5 were determined on a Sephadex G-50 column. Peak 2 had an apparent molecular weight of 2.7 Kd and Peak 5 had an apparent molecular weight of 3.5 Kd. Reverse phase HPLC analysis of Peak 5 indicates that this form of Amia beta-endorphin had chromatographic properties similar to salmon beta-endorphin II. These results would suggest that N-terminal acetylation and C-terminal proteolytic cleavage are important post-translational modifications of the forms of Amia beta-endorphin.  相似文献   

D K Sarkar  S Minami 《Life sciences》1990,47(9):PL31-PL36
To characterize the effect of ethanol on the hypothalamic beta-endorphin-containing neurons, rat fetal hypothalamic neurons were maintained in primary culture, and the secretion of beta-endorphin (beta-EP) was determined after ethanol challenges. Constant exposure to ethanol at doses of 6-50 mM produced a dose-dependent increase in basal secretion of beta-EP from these cultured cells. These doses of ethanol did not produce any significant effect on cell viability, DNA or protein content. The stimulated secretion of beta-EP following constant ethanol exposure is short-lasting. However, intermittent ethanol exposures maintained the ethanol stimulatory action on beta-EP secretion for a longer time. The magnitude of the beta-EP response to 50 mM ethanol is similar to that of the beta-EP response to 56 mM of potassium. Ethanol-stimulated beta-EP secretion required extracellular calcium and was blocked by a calcium channel blocker; a sodium channel blocker did not affect ethanol-stimulated secretion. These results suggest that the neuron culture system is a useful model for studying the cellular mechanisms involved in the ethanol-regulated hypothalamic opioid secretion.  相似文献   

To evaluate the rabbit availability in beta-Lipotrophin studies we have investigated their brain, pituitary and plasmatic concentrations in basal conditions and after cold-stress. Previous silicic Acid extract and Sephadex G-75 column chromatography, the two peptides were measured through two specific and sensitive RIAs. The results reveal the presence of beta LPH and beta EP and their increase after cold-stress in hypothalamus, pituitary and peripheral plasma concentrations while not in midbrain.  相似文献   

The effect of different conditions of blood withdrawal and use of different anesthetics on immunoreactive atrial natriuretic factor (IR-ANF) concentrations in plasma was studied in rats. The concentration of IR-ANF in plasma from jugular vein of non-anesthetized conscious rats, cannulated either 24 hr before blood withdrawal was 93.9 +/- 17.1 pg/ml (n = 30); and 48 hr: 81.9 +/- 11.5 pg/ml (n = 29). Immobilization stress (4 hr) increased IR-ANF concentration: 248.0 +/- 80.2 pg/ml (n = 5). Anesthesia by morphine, diethyl-ether, chloral hydrate and ketamine chlorhydrate increased IR-ANF concentrations to 2,443.0 +/- 281.2 pg/ml (n = 24), 806.1 +/- 74.6 pg/ml (n = 64), 224.0 +/- 81.4 pg/ml (n = 20), and 195.0 +/- 20.3 pg/ml (n = 51), respectively. IR-ANF in plasma of sodium-pentobarbital and urethane anesthetized rats was 59.2 +/- 6.7 pg/ml (n = 10) and 42.6 +/- 8.1 pg/ml (n = 8), respectively. These changes in IR-ANF evoked by different types of anesthetics and different conditions of blood withdrawal have to be taken into consideration during studies on the physiopathological role of atrial natriuretic factor.  相似文献   

Extracts of rat posterior intermediate pituitary and extracts of brains from normal and hypophysectomized rats were separated by gel filtration chromatography and fractions were analyzed by both a classical β-endorphin radioimmunoassay and by a radioimmunoassay specific for α-N-acetyl β-endorphin. In posterior intermediate pituitary extracts, more than 90 percent of the β-endorphin-sized immunoreactive material was α-N-acetylated. In extracts of brains from normal rats, less than 2 percent of the β-endorphin-sized immunoreactive material corresponded to α-N-acetylβ-endorphin, whereas in brains from hypophysectomized animals, no α-N-acetylβ-endorphin-like material could be detected. Immunofluorescence on normal brain sections, using either affinity purified antibodies to α-N-acetylβ-endorphin or conventional β-endorphin antibodies, showed no α-N-acetylβ-endorphin immunoreactivity in β-endorphin neurons. Only in brain sections which had been acetylated invitro prior to immunostaining could α-N-acetylβ-endorphin-like material be detected in the β-endorphin neurons. These results suggest that—in contrast to the cells in the intermediate lobe of the pituitary—the β-endorphin in brain neurons is not α-N-acetylated and that the small amount of α-N-acetyl β-endorphin which can be found in extracts of brains from normal animals is probably of pituitary origin.  相似文献   

N Kato  T Higuchi  H G Friesen  J A Wada 《Life sciences》1983,32(21):2415-2422
A possible contribution of brain beta-endorphin and somatostatin to the epileptogenicity established by amygdaloid kindling was investigated in rats. Fourteen male rats were chronically implanted with electrodes placed bilaterally into the amygdala. The rats received 1 sec of electrical stimulation to the left amygdala each day. Generalized seizures were observed on average 10 days after initiation of kindling and the electrical stimulation was continued up to twenty-one days. Two months after the completion of the kindling procedure, each kindled and control rat was killed by microwave irradiation and the brains were dissected on ice into thirteen subregions. Each region was homogenized and centrifuged twice in 0.1 N acetic acid. The supernatant extracts were decanted and stored at - 20 degrees C until assay. Immunoreactive beta-endorphin and somatostatin were measured by radioimmunoassays. There were no significant differences in brain beta-endorphin contents between the two groups. In kindled rats, immunoreactive somatostatin was increased significantly in amygdala, sensorimotor, piriform, and entorhinal cortex. The results suggest that changes in somatostatin may be associated with epileptic susceptibility induced by the electrical kindling procedure.  相似文献   

1. A heterologous radioimmunoassay for beta-endorphin (beta-endo) was established. Plasma and/or extracts of pituitaries from embryonic (days 14.5 and 17.5 of incubation), newly hatched, and adult chickens were chromatographed on a Sephadex G-75 column with 0.1 M acetic acid. 2. Embryonic plasma had only a single immunoreactive peak that eluted similar to a beta-lipotropin (beta-LPH) standard. In contrast, adult plasma had 2 peaks, co-eluting with beta-LPH (34%) and beta-endo (66%). 3. Chromatography of pituitary extracts demonstrated two immunoreactive peaks in both embryonic and adult birds. Although 70% of immunoreactivity eluted with beta-endo for embryonic birds, 80% eluted with beta-LPH from adults. 4. The smaller proportion of beta-endo in adult pituitaries may reflect a higher rate of secretion of this hormone into the blood.  相似文献   

J Fukata  Y Nakai  H Imura 《Life sciences》1979,25(6):541-546
Utilizing radioimmunoassay for α-endorphin, we attempted to demonstrate immunoreactive α-endorphin in acid extracts of pars distalis and combined pars intermedia and pars nervosa of the rat pituitary gland after chromatography on Sephadex G-25. β-Lipotropin, β-endorphin and γ-endorphin were not converted into α-endorphin during the extraction and gel chromatographic procedures. Concentrations of immunoreactive α-endorphin determined after gel chromatography of extracts from pars distalis and combined pars intermedia and pars nervosa were 1.1±0.6 and 130±17 ng/mg wet tissue (mean±SE), respectively. Serial dilution of these extracts gave parallel lines to the standard curve of synthetic α-endorphin, but not to that of γ-endorphin or δ-endorphin. These results suggest the existence of immunoreactive α-endorphin indistinguishable in molecular size from synthetic α-endorphin in the rat pituitary gland.  相似文献   

Multiple forms of immunoreactive dynorphin (I-dynorphin) in rat anterior pituitary (AP), intermediate-posterior pituitary (IP) and medial basal hypothalamus (MBH) were examined. Three I-dynorphin peaks were observed on gel filtration. The first peak (big form) was eluted near the position of beta-LPH, and was predominant in AP. The second peak (middle form) was eluted near the position of ACTH. The third peak (small form) was eluted at the position of dynorphin (1-13), ane was predominant in IP and MBH. The heterogeneity of this small form was examined by ion exchange chromatography and reverse phase high performance liquified chromatography (HPLC). I-dynorphin peaks were observed at the positions of dynorphin(1-17), (1-13), (1-11), (1-10) and other peptides. These results strongly suggest (i) the presence of dynorphin(1-17), (1-13), (1-11) and (1-10) in rat IP, (ii) dynorphin(1-11) and (1-10) as the major components in this small form, (iii) the difference of I-dynorphin processing in AP, IP and MBH.  相似文献   

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