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Spontaneous electrical network activity plays a major role in the control of cell survival in the developing brain. Several intracellular pathways are implicated in transducing electrical activity into gene expression dependent and independent survival signals. These include activation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) and its downstream effector Akt, activation of Ras and subsequently MAPK/extracellular signal-regulated kinase (MEK) and extracellular signal-regulated kinase and signalling via calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase (CaMK). In the present study, we analyzed the role of these pathways for the control of neuronal survival in different extracellular potassium concentrations ([K(+) ](ex) ). Organotypic neocortical slice cultures prepared from newborn mice were kept in 5.3, 8.0 and 25.0mM [K(+) ](ex) and treated with specific inhibitors of PI3K, MEK1, CaMKK and a broad spectrum CaMK inhibitor. After 6h of incubation, slices were immunostained for activated caspase 3 (a-caspase 3) and the number of apoptotic cells was quantified by computer based analysis. We found that in 5.3 and 8.0mM [K(+) ](ex) only PI3K was important for neuronal survival. When [K(+) ](ex) was raised to 25.0mM, a concentration above the depolarization block, we found no influence of PI3K on neuronal survival. Our data demonstrate that only the PI3K pathway, and not the MEK1, CaMKK or CaMKs pathway, plays a central role in the regulation of activity-dependent neuronal survival in the developing cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

The response of dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons to metabolic inhibition is known to involve calcium-activated K+ channels; in most neuronal types ATP-sensitive K+ channels (KATP) also contribute, but this is not yet established in the DRG. We have investigated the presence of a KATP current using whole-cell recordings from rat DRG neurons, classifying the neurons functionally by their "current signature" (Petruska et al, J Neurophysiol 84: 2365–2379, 2000). We clearly identified a KATP current in only 1 out of 62 neurons, probably a nociceptor. The current was activated by cyanide (2 mM NaCN) and was sensitive to 100 μM tolbutamide; the relation between reversal potential and external K+ concentration indicated it was a K+ current. In a further two neurons, cyanide activated a K+ current that was only partially blocked by tolbutamide, which may also be an atypical KATP current. We conclude that KATP channels are expressed in normal DRG, but in very few neurons and only in nociceptors.  相似文献   

The (Na+ + K+)-ATPase of cultured chick sensory neurons was studied with the aid of antibodies specific for this enzyme. Immunofluorescent labeling indicated the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase is evenly distributed on the neuronal cell surface; cell bodies, neurites, and growth cones were labeled with comparable intensity. Pulse-chase experiments with [35S]methionine, followed by immunoprecipitation, indicated concurrent synthesis and rapid association of the alpha (Mr = 105,000) and beta (Mr = 47,000) subunits. The alpha subunit is oligosaccharide-free while the beta subunit contains three Asn-linked oligosaccharide chains attached to a core peptide of 32,000 molecular weight. The time required for oligosaccharide processing of the newly synthesized beta subunit to endoglycosidase H-resistance suggests the (Na+ + K+)-ATPase takes 45-60 min to move from the site of polypeptide synthesis to the Golgi apparatus. Significantly less time was required for transport through the Golgi apparatus and insertion in the plasma membrane. From 30% to 55% of the newly synthesized (Na+ + K+)-ATPase did not appear on the cell surface but accumulated intracellularly. When tunicamycin was used to inhibit glycosylation of the beta subunit, there was no effect upon subunit assembly, intracellular transport, or degradation rate (t1/2 = 40 h).  相似文献   

We examined the effects of potato leafhopper (Empoasca fabae) developmental stage and alfalfa (Medicago sativa) developmental stage on the physiological response of the plant to injury. We used radioactive carbon dioxide to label the photoassimilate stream and evaluate the phloem health of alfalfa. In one experiment, six first instar, four fourth instar, and three adult leafhoppers were caged by stage on single alfalfa stems for approximately one day. Only fourth instar nymphs significantly reduced the amount of label transported to injured tissues above the source of the labeled assimilate. First instar nymphs had no effect and adults reduced assimilate transport to stem tips, but this trend was not significant possibly because of confounding variables. However, injury by both first instar nymphs and adults resulted in greater concentration of labeled assimilate in portions of the stem below the feeding site. In another experiment, the developmental stage of alfalfa stems was central to the physiological response of alfalfa to leafhopper injury. A 20 h exposure to three adult leafhoppers significantly reduced the amount of label translocated to the tip and crown tissues of early vegetative plants, and to the crown tissue only of late vegetative plants. In reproductive plants, assimilate translocation was not affected by leafhopper injury. In a final experiment, we found no evidence of an effect on the photosynthesis of leaves of similar age and position to those used as source leaves in our translocation studies. Our findings contribute to our understanding of the physiological response of plants to injury by sap-feeding insects, and suggest the need for greater refinement of economic injury levels based on leafhopper and plant developmental stage.  相似文献   

The functional expression of the Ca2+-activated K+ current (IK[Ca]) is dependent on cell-cell interactions in developing chick autonomic neurons. In chick ciliary ganglion (CG) neurons, expression of macroscopic IK[Ca] coincides with the formation of synapses with target tissues. CG neurons that develop in vivo in the absence of normal target tissues fail to express functional IK[Ca], although voltage-activated Ca2+ currents and most other ionic currents are expressed at normal amplitudes and densities. CG neurons placed in cell culture prior to formation of synapses with target tissues also fail to express macroscopic IK[Ca]. However, CG neurons cultured in the presence of a heat- and trypsin-sensitive extract of target tissues express IK[Ca] at normal levels. Similarly, interactions with target tissue appear to regulate the expression of whole-cell IK[Ca] in developing chick sympathetic ganglion neurons, although the relevant trophic factors appear to be different from those required by CG neurons. In addition to target tissue interactions, an intact preganglionic innervation is required for the normal in vivo development of IK[Ca] in chick CG neurons. The trophic effects of the afferent innervation do not require synaptic activation of the CG neurons, indicating secretion of a trophic factor, possibly an isoform of β-neuregulin. The results are consistent with the hypothesis that target- and nerve terminal-derived trophic factors interact at a posttranslational level in the regulation of a functional IK[Ca]. Together, this body of data demonstrates an essential role for cell-cell interactions in the differentiation of neuronal excitability. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 37: 23–36, 1998  相似文献   

Single transient K channels in mammalian sensory neurons.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
A single-channel recording of the transient outward current (A-current) was obtained from dorsal root ganglion cells in culture using patch-clamp techniques. Depolarization of the membrane patch elicited pulse like current of a uniform amplitude in an outward direction, of which the unitary conductance was 20 pS. Alteration of extracellular ionic compositions indicated that the charge carriers were K ions. A systematic study was made on the voltage-dependence of the ensemble average current; (a) the activation started at a potential around -60 mV; (b) the time course of the activation was relatively rapid; (c) the channel was completely inactivated at a potential positive to -40 mV. Two time constants (tau f = 100 ms and tau s = 4,000 ms) were detected in the decay of the current indicating that the channels had two different states of inactivation. A convulsant, 4-aminopyridine (4-AP), acted on the channel only from the intracellular side of the membrane. 4-AP (5 mM) reduced not only mean open time (by 50%) but also the single-channel conductance (by 20%). The properties of the channel were independent of Ca ions in the intracellular space.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia has been shown to sensitize vagal pulmonary C-fibers in anesthetized rats. However, it was not clear whether the effect was due to a direct action of hyperthermia on these sensory neurons. To answer this question, we carried out this study to determine the effect of increasing temperature on the responses to various chemical stimuli in isolated nodose and jugular ganglion neurons innervating the rat lungs. In the whole cell perforated patch-clamp study, when the temperature was increased from normal (approximately 36 degrees C) to hyperthermic (approximately 40.6 degrees C) level of the rat body temperature, the inward currents evoked by capsaicin, a selective activator of the transient receptor potential vanilloid type 1 (TRPV1), and 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB), a nonselective activator of TRPV1-3 receptors, were both significantly increased. This potentiating effect was clearly present even at a moderate level of hyperthermia (approximately 39 degrees C). However, only the slow, sustained component of acid-evoked current mediated through the TRPV1 receptor was potentiated by hyperthermia, whereas the rapid, transient component was inhibited. In contrast, the currents evoked by adenosine 5'-triphosphate and acetylcholine, neither of which is known to activate the TRPV1 channel, did not increase when the same temperature elevation was applied. Furthermore, the hyperthermia-induced potentiation of the cell response to 2-APB was significantly attenuated by either capsazepine or AMG 9810, selective TRPV1 antagonists. In conclusion, increasing temperature within the physiological range exerts a potentiating effect on the response to TRPV1 activators in these neurons, which is probably mediated through a positive interaction between hyperthermia and these chemical activators at the TRPV1 channel.  相似文献   

This study examined olfactory sensory neuron morphology and physiological responsiveness in newly hatched sea lamprey, Petromyzon marinus L. These prolarvae hatch shortly after neural tube formation, and stay within nests for approximately 18 days, before moving downstream to silty areas where they burrow, feed and pass to the larval stage. To explore the possibility that the olfactory system is functioning during this prolarval stage, morphological and physiological development of olfactory sensory neurons was examined. The nasal cavity contained an olfactory epithelium with ciliated olfactory sensory neurons. Axons formed aggregates in the basal portion of the olfactory epithelium and spanned the narrow distance between the olfactory epithelium and the brain. The presence of asymmetric synapses with agranular vesicles within fibers in the brain, adjacent to the olfactory epithelium suggests that there was synaptic connectivity between olfactory sensory axons and the brain. Neural recordings from the surface of the olfactory epithelium showed responses following the application of L-arginine, taurocholic acid, petromyzonol sulfate (a lamprey migratory pheromone), and water conditioned by conspecifics. These results suggest that lampreys may respond to olfactory sensory input during the prolarval stage.  相似文献   

The nerve growth factor (NGF) family of neurotrophins provides a substantial part of the normal trophic support for sensory neurons during development. Although these neurotrophins, which include Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF), Neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), and Neurotrophin-4 (NT-4), continue to be expressed into adulthood, there is little evidence that they are survival factors for adult neurons. Here we have examined the age-dependent neurotrophic requirements of a specialized type of mechanoreceptive neuron, called a D-hair receptor, in the dorsal root ganglion (DRG). Studies using knockout mice have demonstrated that the survival of D-hair receptors is dependent upon both NT-3 and NT-4. Here, we show that the time period when D-hair receptors require these two neurotrophins is different. Survival of D-hair receptors depends on NT-3 early in postnatal development and NT-4 later in the mature animal. The age-dependent loss of D-hair neurons in older NT-4 knockout mice was accompanied by a large reduction (78%) in neurons positive for the NT-4 receptor (trkB) together with neuronal apoptosis in the DRG. This is the first evidence that sensory neurons have a physiological requirement for a single neurotrophin for their continued survival in the adult.  相似文献   

In the developing vertebrate nervous system the survival of neurons becomes dependent on the supply of a neurotrophic factor from their targets when their axons reach these targets. To determine how the onset of neurotrophic factor dependency is coordinated with the arrival of axons in the target field, we have studied the growth and survival of four populations of cranial sensory neurons whose axons have markedly different distances to grow to reach their targets. Axonal growth rate both in vivo and in vitro is related to target distance; neurons with more distant targets grow faster. The onset trophic factor dependency in culture is also related to target distance; neurons with more distant targets survive longer before becoming trophic factor dependent. These data suggest that programmes of growth and survival in early neurons play an important role in coordinating the timing of trophic interactions in the developing nervous system.  相似文献   

The Na(v)1.6 voltage-gated sodium channel has been implicated in the generation of resurgent currents in cerebellar Purkinje neurons. Our data show that resurgent sodium currents are produced by some large diameter dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons from wild-type mice, but not from Na(v)1.6-null mice; small DRG neurons do not produce resurgent currents. Many, but not all, DRG neurons transfected with Na(v)1.6 produce resurgent currents. These results demonstrate for the first time the intrinsic ability of Na(v)1.6 to produce a resurgent current, and also show that cell background is critical in permitting the generation of these currents.  相似文献   

Apoptosis has been widely reported to be involved in the pathogenesis associated with spinal cord injury (SCI). Recently, autophagy has also been implicated in various neuronal damage models. However, the role of autophagy in SCI is still controversial and its interrelationship with apoptosis remains unclear. Here, we used an in vitro SCI model to observe a time-dependent induction of autophagy and apoptosis. Mechanical injury induced autophagy markers such as LC3 lipidation, LC3II/LC3I conversion, and Beclin-1expression. Injured neurons showed decreased cell viability and increased apoptosis. To elucidate the effect of autophagy on apoptosis, the mechanically-injured neurons were treated with the mTOR inhibitor rapamycin and 3-methyl adenine (3-MA), which are known to regulate autophagy positively and negatively, respectively. Rapamycin-treated neurons showed the highest level of cell viability and lowest level of apoptosis among the injured neurons and those treated with 3-MA showed the reciprocal effect. Notably, rapamycin-treated neurons exhibited slightly reduced Bax expression and significantly increasedBcl-2 expression. Furthermore, by plasmid transfection, we showed that Beclin-1-overexpressing neuronal cells responded to mechanical injury with greater LC3II/LC3I conversion and cell viability, lower levels of apoptosis, higher Bcl-2 expression, and unaltered Bax expression as compared to vector control cells. Beclin-1-knockdown neurons showed almost the opposite effects. Taken together, our results suggest that autophagy may serve as a protection against apoptosis in mechanically-injured spinal cord neurons. Targeting mTOR and/or enhancing Beclin-1 expression might be alternative therapeutic strategies for SCI.  相似文献   

Song XY  Li F  Zhang FH  Zhong JH  Zhou XF 《PloS one》2008,3(3):e1707


The blood brain barrier (BBB) and truncated trkB receptor on astrocytes prevent the penetration of brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) applied into the peripheral (PNS) and central nervous system (CNS) thus restrict its application in the treatment of nervous diseases. As BDNF is anterogradely transported by axons, we propose that peripherally derived and/or applied BDNF may act on the regeneration of central axons of ascending sensory neurons.

Methodology/Principal Findings

The present study aimed to test the hypothesis by using conditioning lesion of the sciatic nerve as a model to increase the expression of endogenous BDNF in sensory neurons and by injecting exogenous BDNF into the peripheral nerve or tissues. Here we showed that most of regenerating sensory neurons expressed BDNF and p-CREB but not p75NTR. Conditioning-lesion induced regeneration of ascending sensory neuron and the increase in the number of p-Erk positive and GAP-43 positive neurons was blocked by the injection of the BDNF antiserum in the periphery. Enhanced neurite outgrowth of dorsal root ganglia (DRG) neurons in vitro by conditioning lesion was also inhibited by the neutralization with the BDNF antiserum. The delivery of exogenous BDNF into the sciatic nerve or the footpad significantly increased the number of regenerating DRG neurons and regenerating sensory axons in the injured spinal cord. In a contusion injury model, an injection of BDNF into the footpad promoted recovery of motor functions.


Our data suggest that endogenous BDNF in DRG and spinal cord is required for the enhanced regeneration of ascending sensory neurons after conditioning lesion of sciatic nerve and peripherally applied BDNF may have therapeutic effects on the spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Hyaluronan is synthesized within the cytoplasm and exported into the extracellular matrix through the cell membrane of fibroblasts by the MRP5 transporter. In order to meet the law of electroneutrality, a cation is required to neutralize the emerging negative hyaluronan charges. As we previously observed an inhibiting of hyaluronan export by inhibitors of K(+) channels, hyaluronan export was now analysed by simultaneously measuring membrane potential in the presence of drugs. This was done by both hyaluronan import into inside-out vesicles and by inhibition with antisense siRNA. Hyaluronan export from fibroblast was particularly inhibited by glibenclamide, ropivacain and BaCl(2) which all belong to ATP-sensitive inwardly-rectifying K(ir) channel inhibitors. Import of hyaluronan into vesicles was activated by 150 mM KCl and this activation was abolished by ATP. siRNA for the K(+) channels K(ir)3.4 and K(ir)6.2 inhibited hyaluronan export. Collectively, these results indicated that hyaluronan export depends on concurrent K(+) efflux.  相似文献   

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