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Reintroductions of rare plants require detailed knowledge of habitat requirements, species interactions,and restoration techniques. Thus, incremental experimentation over many years may be required to develop adequate knowledge and techniques for successful reintroduction. To determine drivers of extinction in historical reintroductions of a federally endangered perennial(Astragalus bibullatus), we developed a reintroduction experiment to disentangle the relative importance of habitat quality, herbivores, and restoration technique on reintroduction success. In a factorial design, we manipulated access to vertebrate herbivores across different habitat types(mesic ecotone vs. xeric barren), and used founder populations comprised of more transplants and genetic sources than previous reintroduction attempts.In mesic ecotones where historical reintroductions failed, excluding herbivores, thinning woody encroachment to improve habitat quality, outplanting across a greater array of microhabitats, and increasing founder population size did not improve demographic rates over previous attempts.Compared to mesic ecotones, transplant survival rates and cumulative fruit production were more than two and ten times greater, respectively, in a xeric barren ecotone characterized by open, grassy, and dry microenvironmental conditions. Across all sites, herbivores decreased probabilities of survival and flowering of larger adult plants. Flowering rates were 80% greater inside relative to outside herbivore exclusion cages. Over a four-year period, only a single uncaged plant produced fruit. Our study demonstrates that habitat quality and vertebrate herbivory are key drivers of long-term persistence in rare plant reintroductions. Using incremental experiments that build on previous knowledge gained from long-term monitoring can improve reintroduction outcomes.  相似文献   

The rare and endangered plant Primulina tabacum is a calciphilous perennial herb found only at the entrances of a small number of karst cave drainages in southern China. In a conservation effort, we identified potentially suitable habitats and reintroduced P. tabacum plantlets (propagated in vitro) to one historical and two new cave entrances. The transplanted seedlings survived (10%) at only one new location where a moss, Gymnostomiella longinervis Broth, existed. Our field observations indicate that it is probably impossible for this rare plant to naturally recolonize the places where it went extinct because the habitats have changed. Transplanted P. tabacum grew slower than wild P. tabacum. The transplanted P. tabacum performed especially well under the cover of the nursing moss. Positive interactions between species, i.e., nurse plant effects, are important for reintroduction of success. Although light and soil conditions also appeared to be critical for transplantation success, the presence of moss should be considered as a useful and convenient indicator of suitable habitat for P. tabacum. This study case suggests that the use of new propagation methods and nurse plants can facilitate the reintroduction of rare and endangered herbs.  相似文献   

Unravelling how biodiversity is maintained despite species competition for shared resources has been a central question in community ecology, and is gaining relevance amidst the current biodiversity crisis. Yet, we have still a poor understanding of the mechanisms that regulate species coexistence and shape the structure of assemblages in highly competitive environments such as carrion pulsed resources. Here, we study how large vertebrates coexist in scavenger assemblages by adapting their diel activity at large ungulate carcasses in NW Spain. We used camera traps to record vertebrate scavengers consuming 34 carcasses of livestock and hunted wild ungulates, which allowed us to assess also differences regarding carcass origin. To evaluate temporal resource partition among species, we estimated the overlap of diel activity patterns and the mean times of each scavenger at carcasses. We recorded 16 species of scavengers, 7 mammals and 9 birds, and found similar richness at both types of carcasses. Birds and mammals showed contrasting diel activity patterns, with birds using carcasses during daytime (mean= 11:38 h) and mammals mostly at night (23:09 h). The unimodal activity patterns of scavengers showed asynchronous peaks among species. Subordinate species modified their activity patterns at carcasses used by apex species to reduce temporal overlap. Also, diel activity patterns of vultures closely followed those of corvids, suggesting facilitation processes in which corvids would enhance carcass detection by vultures. Two mammal species (12.5%) increased nocturnality at carcasses of hunted ungulates, which could be a response to human disturbance. Our results suggest that both temporal segregation and coupling mediate the coexistence of large vertebrates at carcasses. These mechanisms might lead to richer scavenger assemblages and thereby more efficient ones in driving critical ecosystem functions related to carrion consumption, such as energy and nutrient recycling and biodiversity maintenance.  相似文献   

The largest and most fecund population of the endangered Purshia subintegra is restricted to limestone mesas in Verde Valley, Arizona, USA, where habitat destruction is imminent. To examine factors limiting its distribution and potential for expansion, we compared recruitment and survival of seedlings growing in soils from occupied and unoccupied habitat in caged field experiments and compared survival of caged and wild seedling cohorts from 1998 to 2003. In field tests, seeds germinated in soils from occupied and unoccupied habitats. Seedling survival, however, was greatest in currently occupied habitat and dropped to zero in some unoccupied habitats with the onset of severe drought. Among 16 factors measured, soil moisture significantly explained between 62% and 71% of the variation in recruitment in both wild and caged plots. Shrubs conferred protection to wild seedlings, but decreased caged seedling survival. For 5 yr following germination, caged seedlings had greater survival than natural seedling cohorts indicating that reintroduction was comparatively more successful than natural recruitment. Expansion of P. subintegra into novel habitats is limited by soil moisture capacity, and this condition varied during the experimental time frame. Reintroductions to limestone mesas are possible and most promising if cages and supplemental watering are used.  相似文献   

Efforts to restore the endangered masked bobwhite (Colinus virginianus ridgwayi) to its former range have required 1) habitat acquisition, restoration, and preservation; 2) captive propagation; and 3) reintroduction of captive-bred stock. In its role to recover the masked bobwhite, the Patuxent Wildlife Research Center (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service) has refined captive breeding techniques; provided captive-produced stock for release; conducted field research on the distribution, limiting factors, and habitat characteristics of this species; and developed release methods. Techniques for the husbandry and captive management, breeding, artificial incubation and hatching of eggs, and rearing of young of the masked bobwhite have been developed. Successful reintroduction techniques for the masked bobwhite have included prerelease conditioning and/or cross-fostering of captive-reared masked bobwhite chicks to a wild-caught, related, vasectomized bobwhite species and their release to the wild as family units. In addition, the establishment by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service of the Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge in 1985 has further enhanced the potential for establishing a self-sustaining population of the masked bobwhite in the U.S. Through continued releases and active management of habitat, therefore, it is believed that the masked bobwhite can become permanently established at the refuge to ensure its continued survival in the wild.  相似文献   

Rising lake temperatures and changing nutrient inputs are believed to favour the spread of a toxic invasive cyanobacterium, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii (Woloszynska) Seenayya and Subba Raju, in temperate lakes. However, most evidence for these hypotheses is observational or based on physiological measurements in monocultures. We lack clear experimental evidence relating temperature and nutrients to the competitive success of C. raciborskii. To address this, we performed a 2 × 2 factorial laboratory experiment to study the dynamics of mixed phytoplankton communities subjected to different levels of temperature and phosphorus over 51 days. We allowed C. raciborskii to compete with ten different species from major taxonomic groups (diatoms, green algae, cryptophytes, and cyanobacteria) typical of temperate lakes, under low and high summer temperatures (25 and 30 °C) at two levels of phosphorus supply (1 and 25 µmol L?1). Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii dominated the communities and strongly decreased diversity under low-phosphorus conditions, consistent with the hypothesis that it is a good phosphorus competitor. In contrast, it remained extremely rare in high-phosphorus conditions, where fast-growing green algae dominated. Surprisingly, temperature played a negligible role in influencing community composition, suggesting that changes in summer temperature may not be important in determining C. raciborskii’s spread.  相似文献   

The interplay of abiotic factors and competition has a long history in ecology, although there are very few studies on the interaction of salinity and competition in fish. Mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) are among the most invasive fish worldwide, with well documented ecological impacts on several taxa such as amphibians and small native fish. It has been previously hypothesized, based on field observations, that salinity limits the invasive success of mosquitofish and provides a competitive refuge for Mediterranean cyprinodonts. We experimentally tested this hypothesis by examining the agonistic behaviour and food competition between mosquitofish and an endangered native cyprinodont (Aphanius fasciatus) at three salinities (0, 15, 25‰). Intraspecific aggressive behaviour for both species was not significantly affected by salinity. As salinity increased, mosquitofish decreased their aggressive behaviour towards cyprinodonts and captured less prey. In contrast, the cyprinodonts did not change their behaviour with different salinity treatments, with the possible exception of increased defensive acts in higher salinities, but captured more prey with increasing salinity because of the reduced efficiency of mosquitofish. Our study confirms previous field observations that salinity limits the invasive success of mosquitofish and provides one of the few experimental demonstrations that it may mediate behavioural and competitive interactions between fish species. Condition-specific competition of mosquitofish might be expected with other species and ecosystems worldwide and illustrates the importance of integrating biotic and abiotic factors in the study of interspecific interactions.  相似文献   

The Aquatic Warbler Acrocephalus paludicola is one of the most threatened Western Palearctic passerine species, classified as globally Vulnerable. With its breeding grounds relatively secure, a clear need remains for the monitoring and protection of the migration and wintering grounds of this rare and endangered migrant. Recent research has shown that the Aquatic Warbler migrates through northwest Africa in autumn and spring. The wintering grounds are apparently limited to wetlands of sub-Saharan West Africa, with records from only about 20 localities in Mauritania, Mali, Senegal and Ghana. Given the lack of knowledge of its whereabouts, we decided to use the available data to predict the wintering distribution of the Aquatic Warbler with the help of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). We used a novel approach to model the distribution of rarely recorded species, which is based on a combination of presence-only and presence–absence modelling techniques. Using the program BIOMOD, we thus generated four progressively more conservative predictions of where the Aquatic Warbler overwinters in Africa. Whereas the most permissive model predicts the Aquatic Warbler to be found in a latitudinal band stretching from the Senegal river delta all the way to the Red Sea coast, the most restrictive model suggests a much smaller area concentrated within the regions around the Senegal river delta in northern Senegal and southern Mauritania and around the Niger inundation zone in southern Mali and eastern Burkina Faso. Such model predictions may be useful guidelines to focus further field research on the Aquatic Warbler. Given the excellent model predictions in this study, this novel technique may prove useful to model the distribution of other rare and endangered species, thus providing a means to guide future survey efforts.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that genetic and ecological factors interact in determining population persistence. The demographic effects of inbreeding depression can largely depend on the ecological milieu. We used demographic data of the perennial herb Succisa pratensis from six populations in grazed and ungrazed sites with different soil moisture. We built an individual-based model assessing the demographic consequences of inbreeding depression in populations with different management and habitat. Today this plant has to cope with severe landscape fragmentation, deteriorating habitat conditions in terms of decreasing grazing intensity, and the effects of inbreeding depression. For each population we performed simulations testing two inbreeding depression hypotheses (partial dominance and overdominance) and three epistatic functions among loci. The results indicated stronger inbreeding depression effects for populations in unfavourable sites without grazing or in xeric habitats compared to populations in favourable mesic sites with grazing. Overall, we found stronger effects with overdominance, a result that emphasizes the importance of understanding the genetic mechanisms of inbreeding depression. Hence, management practices can interact with the genetic consequences of inbreeding depression in population dynamics, which may have important implications for plant population ecology and evolutionary dynamics of inbreeding depression.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of different hydrological regimes (wet [flooded at a constant water depth for duration of the study], cycle [reflooded at eight weeks following natural drying], and wet–dry [initially flooded and allowed to naturally dry for duration of the study]) on the competitive ability of Schoenoplectus fluviatilis (Torr.) M. T. Strong with an annual, native wetland plant (Polygonum pensylvanicum L.) and a perennial, wetland plant (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani [C. C. Gmel.] Palla). To assess competitive response of the plants, we used a greenhouse target-neighbor study with neighbor plants planted at varying densities (0 [control], 1, 10, and 15 plants pot−1). Our results suggest that S. fluviatilis is competitively superior to S. tabernaemontani and P. pensylvanicum. S. tabernaemontani and P. pensylvanicum biomass declined by 90% and 75% in presence of S. fluviatilis, respectively. However, the competitive ability of S. fluviatilis was generally not enhanced by flooding regime. The competitive coefficients of S. fluviatilis were similar among the three hydrological regimes under intraspecific competition and interspecific competition with S. tabernaemontani, but for interspecific competition with P. pensylvanicum, the competitive coefficient for S. fluviatilis was higher for the cycle treatment compared to the wet–dry and dry treatments. Interestingly, S. tabernaemontani was a strong competitor against S. fluviatilis in the wet and cycle treatments, indicating that maintaining longer hydroperiods could be used as a management tool to encourage growth of S. tabernaemontani and reduce encroachment of S. fluviatilis.  相似文献   

In this study, pairs of juvenile sticklebacks either familiar with each other or pairs unfamiliar with each other met to share a food source. The study showed that sticklebacks were less aggressive towards a partner when sharing a common food source with a familiar conspecific, compared to when sharing a food source with an unfamiliar conspecific. The results showed that the aggressive behaviour was built up and broken down gradually depending on how long the two competitors had been together or apart. A decrease in aggressiveness was found after the sticklebacks had been together two weeks, with a further decrease after four weeks together. Conversely there was an increase in aggressiveness after the sticklebacks had been parted for two weeks or four weeks. The chance of food being equally distributed between the competing pairs increased with time spent together and decreased with time parted. The observed decrease or increase in the amount of aggression is discussed as a build-up or a breakdown of rank knowledge or of a co-operative partnership.  相似文献   

Both local and landscape-scale habitat variables influence the abundance of wetland breeding birds. Few studies, however, simultaneously assess the effects of habitat variables at multiple spatial scales or consider effects on reproductive success. Therefore, we examined the effects of wetland and landscape-scale habitat variables on the abundance of nine breeding bird species and the effects of nest, wetland, or landscape-scale habitat variables on the nest success, clutch size, or number of fledglings of four species at 15 cattail (Typha sp.)-dominated wetlands in an agricultural region around Peterborough, Ontario, Canada. The abundance of Least Bittern (Ixobrychus exilis), Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus), and Marsh Wren (Cistothorus palustris) increased as wetland water depth increased; the abundance of Common Moorhen and Marsh Wren increased as wetland size increased; and the abundance of Marsh Wren increased as the amount of wetland in the surrounding landscape increased. Red-winged Blackbird (Agelaius phoeniceus) nest success decreased as nest cover increased. Clutch sizes were uninfluenced by the habitat variables that we considered. The number of Red-winged Blackbird fledglings per successful nest increased as wetland size increased and as the amount of wetland in the surrounding landscape increased. We speculate that food limitation in small wetlands may be responsible for the pattern in Red-winged Blackbird fledging success. The abundance and nest success of Virginia Rail (Rallus limicola) and Sora (Porzana carolina) were uninfluenced by the habitat variables we considered. Future research should consider mate attraction and productivity in relation to local and landscape-scale habitat variables for these and other secretive species. Our study suggests that wetland conservation will be most effective if it considers habitat variables at multiple spatial scales.  相似文献   

全晗  董必成  刘录  李红丽 《生态学报》2016,36(13):4045-4054
大气氮沉降对湿地外来植物入侵的影响已成为生态学研究的热点之一。选用梭鱼草(Pontederia cordata)、水菖蒲(Acorus calamus)、黄花鸢尾(Iris wilsonii)和粉绿狐尾藻(Myriophyllum aquaticum)模拟湿地植物群落,设置有无香菇草入侵、水生和陆生生境(水位分别为15 cm和0 cm)及有无氮沉降处理(15 g N m~(-2)a(-1)和0)交叉组成的8种处理组合,进行为期70d的温室控制实验,以分析水陆生境及氮沉降对香菇草入侵湿地植物群落的影响。结果表明:(1)水生生境下,香菇草的总生物量、叶生物量、叶片数和节点数与陆生生境相比显著降低;水生生境下氮沉降处理对香菇草各指标无显著影响,陆生生境下氮沉降处理的香菇草叶片数、节点数显著多于无氮沉降处理。(2)实验周期内氮沉降和香菇草入侵没有对群落的多样性指数及群落内4种湿地植物的生物量产生显著影响;水生生境下植物群落的总生物量及梭鱼草和粉绿狐尾藻的生物量与陆生生境相比显著提高。(3)水生生境下香菇草的相对优势度相比陆生生境下显著下降;氮沉降只在陆生生境下显著提高了香菇草的相对优势度。因此,香菇草向水生生境扩散和入侵的能力不强,其入侵在短时间内对湿地植物群落影响较小。研究结果可以为入侵植物生态学研究提供案例借鉴。  相似文献   

濒危药用植物桃儿七的生物学特性及其保育措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桃儿七为重要抗癌药物前体物来源物种,现正处在濒危状态,已被列为国家三级保护植物。本文全 面地综述了桃儿七的生物学特性,包括外部形态、地理分布、系统位置、生态学和群落学特性、发育生物学、繁 殖生物学、植物化学、细胞组织培养和内生真菌研究以及遗传学等研究。最后分析了引起桃儿七濒危的原因, 并提出了具体保育措施和研究展望。  相似文献   

Holbrook SJ  Schmitt RJ  Brooks AJ 《Oecologia》2011,166(3):739-749
Species that shelter in a biogenic habitat can influence their refugia and, in turn, play an essential role in shaping local patterns of biodiversity. Here we explore a positive feedback loop between the provisioning rate of habitat-forming branching corals and their associated fishes and show how interactions between two groups of fish—the planktivorous damselfish and predatory hawkfish—altered the feedback. A field experiment confirmed that skeletal growth of branching coral (genus Pocillopora) increased substantially with increasing numbers (biomass) of resident fishes, likely because they greatly increased the interstitial concentrations of nutrients. Because there is a positive relationship between colony size and number (biomass) of associated fishes (primarily damselfishes in the Family Pomacentridae), a structure–function feedback loop exists in which increasing numbers of damselfish enhance coral growth and larger corals host greater abundances (and species richness) of fish. However, interactions between damselfishes and arc-eye hawkfish, Paracirrhites arcatus, a largely solitary resident, can disrupt this positive feedback loop. Field surveys revealed a marked pattern of fish occupancy related to coral size: Pocillopora colonies of sufficient size to host fish (>40 cm circumference) had either groups of damselfish or an arc-eye hawkfish; only larger colonies (>75 cm) were occupied by both the damselfish and hawkfish. Subsequent short- and long-term experiments revealed that on intermediate-sized Pocillopora colonies, arc-eye hawkfish prevented the establishment of damselfish by suppressing their recruitment. The demographic consequences to the host coral were substantial; in a 1-year-long experiment, intermediate-size Pocillopora occupied by hawkfish grew at half the rate of corals that hosted groups of damselfish. These findings indicate that: (1) species which occupy a biogenic habitat can enhance the provisioning rate of their habitat; (2) such positive feedbacks between community structure and ecosystem function can be disrupted by a strong interactor; (3) even substantial consequences on ecosystem processes that arise can be difficult to discern.  相似文献   

Human disturbance and climate change have increased the risk of extinction for rare and endangered wild plant species.One effective way to conserve these rare and endangered species is through reintroduction.In this review,we summarize the advances in wild plant reintroduction from five perspectives:the establishment of reintroduction biology as an important tool for biodiversity conservation;the importance of genetic diversity in reintroduction;reintroduction under global climate change;recruitment limitation in reintroduction;and reintroduction and ecological restoration.In addition,we consider the future of plant reintroduction strategies.  相似文献   

Abiotic factors are considered strong drivers of species distribution and assemblages. Yet these spatial patterns are also influenced by biotic interactions. Accounting for competitors or facilitators may improve both the fit and the predictive power of species distribution models (SDMs). We investigated the influence of a dominant species, Empetrum nigrum ssp. hermaphroditum, on the distribution of 34 subordinate species in the tundra of northern Norway. We related SDM parameters of those subordinate species to their functional traits and their co‐occurrence patterns with E. hermaphroditum across three spatial scales. By combining both approaches, we sought to understand whether these species may be limited by competitive interactions and/or benefit from habitat conditions created by the dominant species. The model fit and predictive power increased for most species when the frequency of occurrence of E. hermaphroditum was included in the SDMs as a predictor. The largest increase was found for species that 1) co‐occur most of the time with E. hermaphroditum, both at large (i.e. 750 m) and small spatial scale (i.e. 2 m) or co‐occur with E. hermaphroditum at large scale but not at small scale and 2) have particularly low or high leaf dry matter content (LDMC). Species that do not co‐occur with E. hermaphroditum at the smallest scale are generally palatable herbaceous species with low LDMC, thus showing a weak ability to tolerate resource depletion that is directly or indirectly induced by E. hermaphroditum. Species with high LDMC, showing a better aptitude to face resource depletion and grazing, are often found in the proximity of E. hermaphroditum. Our results are consistent with previous findings that both competition and facilitation structure plant distribution and assemblages in the Arctic tundra. The functional and co‐occurrence approaches used were complementary and provided a deeper understanding of the observed patterns by refinement of the pool of potential direct and indirect ecological effects of E. hermaphroditum on the distribution of subordinate species. Our correlative study would benefit being complemented by experimental approaches.  相似文献   

《Aquatic Botany》2010,92(4):267-272
We investigated the effects of different hydrological regimes (wet [flooded at a constant water depth for duration of the study], cycle [reflooded at eight weeks following natural drying], and wet–dry [initially flooded and allowed to naturally dry for duration of the study]) on the competitive ability of Schoenoplectus fluviatilis (Torr.) M. T. Strong with an annual, native wetland plant (Polygonum pensylvanicum L.) and a perennial, wetland plant (Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani [C. C. Gmel.] Palla). To assess competitive response of the plants, we used a greenhouse target-neighbor study with neighbor plants planted at varying densities (0 [control], 1, 10, and 15 plants pot−1). Our results suggest that S. fluviatilis is competitively superior to S. tabernaemontani and P. pensylvanicum. S. tabernaemontani and P. pensylvanicum biomass declined by 90% and 75% in presence of S. fluviatilis, respectively. However, the competitive ability of S. fluviatilis was generally not enhanced by flooding regime. The competitive coefficients of S. fluviatilis were similar among the three hydrological regimes under intraspecific competition and interspecific competition with S. tabernaemontani, but for interspecific competition with P. pensylvanicum, the competitive coefficient for S. fluviatilis was higher for the cycle treatment compared to the wet–dry and dry treatments. Interestingly, S. tabernaemontani was a strong competitor against S. fluviatilis in the wet and cycle treatments, indicating that maintaining longer hydroperiods could be used as a management tool to encourage growth of S. tabernaemontani and reduce encroachment of S. fluviatilis.  相似文献   

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