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Sun JR  Ye YM 《生理学报》2001,53(1):61-65
本工作观察了在超重(2G)环境中出生、生态4个月后返回正常(1G)环境的Long-Evans大鼠运动行为的改变和恢复,以及相关脑区Fos表达水平的变化,并与旋转刺激(重力变化的对照组)和去前庭传入大鼠相比较,结果表明:重力的变化导致实验大鼠表态和运行行为模式改变,伸肌张力增加,运动平衡、游泳定向和空中翻正的能力降低,对1G环境再适应的时程因行为的不同而异,其中游泳定向能力的恢复时间最长,长于1个月,旋转只对运动行为有短暂的影响。Fos表达被认为是揭示参与应答感觉刺激而功能活跃脑区的有用工具。结果显示,正常和毁迷路的对照大鼠的Fos呈低水平表达,减重刺激使上、下丘脑和围导水管灰质、中缝背核及孤束核的水平显著上调,相反,下橄榄、蓝斑和前庭核团的Fos水平没有明显改变,表明脑干对不同重力刺激存在不同的调控神经途径。  相似文献   

目的:研究外周去胡须后大鼠行为及桶状皮层(barrel cortex,BC)的可塑性变化。方法:SD大鼠随机分组(n=4):正常对照(A组),出生后第2天去除双侧颊脂垫组(B组),出生后第2天去除右侧颊脂垫组(C组),出生后1~5d每天剪右侧胡须,从出生后第5天起不剪由其胡须自由生长组(D组)。出生后第30天时称体重,测量左侧D2胡须长度,观测行为学变化(如狭缝实验、自由探索行为和趋壁行为)。采用细胞色素氧化酶组织化学法研究barrel排列与发育情况。结果:A组能迅速辨别出正确狭缝并钻入,平均用时(5.6±2.3)s;B组大鼠只有当鼻尖碰到狭缝壁时才会钻入狭缝。C组大鼠当其右侧脸颊靠近狭缝时,不能辨别出狭缝,只有当其掉转身体,用左侧胡须探测时才可能迅速钻入正确的狭缝。D组的表现同C组,B、C、D组大鼠进入正确狭缝的所用时间均显著长于A组(P0.01,P0.05,P0.01)。去除双侧颊脂垫的大鼠其左趋壁时间、右趋壁时间以及总趋壁时间均较正常大鼠短。去除右侧颊脂垫组的大鼠右趋壁时间也显著短于正常(P0.05)。四组大鼠左侧D2胡须长度以及体重均无显著差异。从出生后第2天时一直剪除右侧胡须的小鼠在出生后第30天时发现其barrel变小,排列较混乱,barrel之间的界限不清,皮层细胞色素氧化酶(CO)反应的灰度明显变淡。结论:外周去传入不引起大鼠体重改变及残留胡须长度的代偿性改变,但可引起其趋触及探索行为方面的改变。外周去传入可导致barrel形状及排列的可塑性变化。  相似文献   

Several neuropeptides are present in the mammalian pineal gland. Most of these peptides, eg neuropeptide Y, vasoactive intestinal peptide, and peptide histidine isoleucine, are located in nerve fibres innervating the gland. In some mammalian species, neuropeptides are also found in cells scattered in the pineal parenchyma. In the rat, bipolar cells immunoreactive for somatostatin are present, just as cells containing mRNA encoding somatostatin can be detected in the gland by in situ hybridisation. In the pineal gland of the European hamster, many cells are immunoreactive for enkephalin. Ultrastructural cytochemical analysis of these cells reveals a pinealocyte morphology. Processes from the opioidergic pinealocytes terminate in the parenchyma between the non-immunoreactive pinealocytes. Some of the processes contain small clear and large dense core vesicles and end in club shaped swellings which make synapse-like contacts with other pinealocytes. The ultrastructural morphology suggests that the opioidergic cells exert a paracrine regulation on other pinealocytes.  相似文献   

H Werner  M Fridkin  D Aviv  Y Koch 《Peptides》1985,6(5):797-802
Immunoreactive and biologically active somatostatin-like material is present in extracts of tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum). Comparative chromatographic and immunological characterization of this peptide along with synthetic (hypothalamic-like) somatostatin-14 and -28, indicates that both molecular forms are present in the plant. Tobacco-somatostatin inhibits the prostaglandin E2-induced release of growth hormone from cultured anterior pituitary cells. This finding raises questions concerning the evolutionary mechanisms responsible for the presence of this neuropeptide in plants, and the physiological significance of this phenomena.  相似文献   

In rodents, the barrel cortex is a specialized area within the somatosensory cortex that processes signals from the mystacial whiskers. We investigated the normal development of myelination in the barrel cortex of mice, as well as the effects of sensory deprivation on this pattern. Deprivation was achieved by trimming the whiskers on one side of the face every other day from birth. In control mice, myelin was not present until postnatal day 14 and did not show prominence until postnatal day 30; adult levels of myelination were reached by the end of the second postnatal month. Unbiased stereology was used to estimate axon density in the interbarrel septal region and barrel walls as well as the barrel centers. Myelin was significantly more concentrated in the interbarrel septa/barrel walls than in the barrel centers in both control and sensory‐deprived conditions. Sensory deprivation did not impact the onset of myelination but resulted in a significant decrease in myelinated axons in the barrel region and decreased the amount of myelin ensheathing each axon. Visualization of the oligodendrocyte nuclear marker Olig2 revealed a similar pattern of myelin as seen using histochemistry, but with no significant changes in Olig2+ nuclei following sensory deprivation. Consistent with the anatomical results showing less myelination, local field potentials revealed slower rise times following trimming. Our results suggest that myelination develops relatively late and can be influenced by sensory experience. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Develop Neurobiol, 2013  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of a 6-week scapular upward rotation exercise (SURE) on scapular and clavicular alignment and scapular upward rotators strength in subjects with scapular downward rotation syndrome (SDRS). Seventeen volunteer subjects with SDRS were recruited from university populations. The alignment of the scapula and clavicle was measured using radiographic analysis and compared in subjects before and after a 6-week self-SURE program. A hand-held dynamometer was used to measure the strength of the scapular upward rotators. The subjects were instructed how to perform the self-SURE program at home. The 6-week self-SURE program was divided into two sections (the first section with non-resistive SURE during weeks 1–3, and the second section with resistive SURE using thera-band during weeks 4–6). The significance of the difference between pre- and post-program was assessed using a paired t-test, with the level of statistical significance set at p < 0.05. Significant differences between pre- and post-program were found for scapular and clavicular alignment (p < 0.05). Additionally, the comparison between pre- and post-program measurements of the strength of the scapular upward rotators showed significant differences (p < 0.05). The results of this study showed that a 6-week self-SURE program is effective for improving scapular and clavicular alignment and increasing the strength of scapular upward rotator muscles in subjects with SDRS.  相似文献   

Protein structures are stabilized by both local and long-range interactions. In this work, we analyzed the importance of long-range interactions in (α/β)8 barrel proteins in terms of residue distances. We found that the residues occurring in the range of 21–30 residues apart contribute more toward long-range contacts. Indeed, about 50% of successive strands in these proteins are found to occur at a sequential distance of 21–30 residues. The aromatic amino acid residues Phe, Trp, and Tyr prefer the 4–10 range and all other residues prefer the 21–30 range. Hydrophobic-hydrophobic resideu pairs are the most preferred ones for long-range interactions and they may play a key role in the folding and stabilization of (α/β)8 barrel proteins.  相似文献   

No gene coding for an adenine deaminase has been described in eukaryotes. However, physiological and genetical evidence indicates that adenine deaminases are present in the ascomycetes. We have cloned and characterised the genes coding for the adenine deaminases of Aspergillus nidulans, Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. The A.nidulans gene was expressed in Escherichia coli and the purified enzyme shows adenine but not adenosine deaminase activity. The open reading frames coded by the three genes are very similar and obviously related to the bacterial and eukaryotic adenosine deaminases rather than to the bacterial adenine deaminases. The latter are related to allantoinases, ureases and dihydroorotases. The fungal adenine deaminases and the homologous adenosine deaminases differ in a number of residues, some of these being clearly involved in substrate specificity. Other prokaryotic enzymes in the database, while clearly related to the above, do not fit into either sub-class, and may even have a different specificity. These results imply that adenine deaminases have appeared twice in the course of evolution, from different ancestral enzymes constructed both around the alpha/beta barrel scaffold.  相似文献   

Extracellular recordings were made during vestibular stimulation from an in vitro turtle brain stem in which the temporal bones remained attached. Under visual control, microelectrodes were slowly advanced into the vestibular nucleus (VN) while we rotated the brain and searched for a single isolated unit whose spike activity was modulated by the lateral semicircular canals. In some experiments, responses were shown to be due to stimulation of the lateral canals, either by positioning the brains in forward or backward pitch during horizontal rotation or by plugging the vertical canals with wax. VN neurons usually had low spontaneous activity and rectified sinusoidal responses to sinusoidal stimulation. Spike response histograms were averaged from many stimulus cycles and were then fit to a sine function. The fitted phase and amplitude parameters were plotted relative to stimulus frequency and amplitude. The sample of VN cells were quite heterogeneous. Using stimuli at 1 Hz, however, each cell's response phase was weakly correlated with the slope of the plots of response amplitude versus frequency so that a cell could be categorized as sensitive to velocity or acceleration and as sensitive to ipsiversive or contraversive rotation, depending on whether its phase was near −180°, −90°, 0°, or 90°, and whether the gain exceeded 0.4 spikes/s per °/s. The properties of these VN cells suggest that there is substantial complexity in the vestibular responses at this first site of central vestibular processing. These data are compared to that of other species where such vestibular signals play an important role in oculomotor and spinal reflexes. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 33: 99–177, 1997  相似文献   

The (beta/alpha)(8) barrel is the most commonly occurring fold among enzymes. A key step towards rationally engineering (beta/alpha)(8) barrel proteins is to understand their underlying structural organization and folding energetics. Using misincorporation proton-alkyl exchange (MPAX), a new tool for solution structural studies of large proteins, we have performed a native-state exchange analysis of the prototypical (beta/alpha)(8) barrel triosephosphate isomerase. Three cooperatively unfolding subdomains within the structure are identified, as well as two partially unfolded forms of the protein. The C-terminal domain coincides with domains reported to exist in four other (beta/alpha)(8) barrels, but the two N-terminal domains have not been observed previously. These partially unfolded forms may represent sequential intermediates on the folding pathway of triosephosphate isomerase. The methods reported here should be applicable to a variety of other biological problems involving protein conformational changes.  相似文献   

We used optical imaging of intrinsic cortical signals, elicited by whisker stimulation, to define areas of activation in primary sensory cortex of normal hamsters and hamsters subjected to neonatal follicle ablation at postnatal day seven (P7). Follicle ablations were unilateral, and spared either C-row whiskers or the second whisker arc. This study was done to determine if the intrinsic cortical connectivity pattern of the barrel cortex, established during the critical period, affects the process of representational plasticity that follows whisker follicle ablation. Additionally, we tested the ability to monitor such changes in individual cortical whisker representations using intrinsic signal imaging. Stimulation of a single whisker yielded peak activation of a barrel-sized patch in the somatotopically appropriate location in normal cortex. In both row and arc-spared animals, functional representations corresponding to spared follicles were significantly stronger and more oblong than normal. The pattern of activation differed in the row-sparing and arc-sparing groups, in that the expansion was preferentially into deprived, not spared areas. Single whisker stimulation in row-spared cases preferentially activated the corresponding barrel arc, while stimulation of one whisker in arc-spared cases produced elongated activation down the barrel row. Since whisker deflection normally has a net inhibitory effect on neighboring barrels, our data suggest that intracortical inhibition fails to develop normally in deprived cortical columns. Because thalamocortical projections are not affected by follicle ablation after P7, we suggest that the effects we observed are largely cortical, not thalamocortical.  相似文献   

Polavarapu PL 《Chirality》2002,14(10):768-781
The field of optical rotations is currently undergoing a renaissance, which is a direct result of the advances in quantum mechanics and the availability of faster desktop computers. In the last few years, the field of optical rotations has taken an important role for determining the three-dimensional molecular structure (absolute configuration and conformations) with confidence. The purpose of this review is to present the latest advances in this area so that practicing chemists can utilize them in their respective areas of research and development.  相似文献   

Yanrui Ding  Yujie Cai 《Biopolymers》2013,99(9):594-604
The conformational dynamics of xylanase A from Streptomyces lividans (Sl‐XlnA) were studied using Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulation to identify the thermally sensitive regions. Sl‐XlnA begins to unfold at loop4 and this unfolding expands to the loops near the N‐terminus. The high flexibility of loop6 during the 300 K simulation is related to its function. The intense movements of the 310‐helices also affect the structural stability. The interaction between the α4β5‐loop and the neighboring α5β6‐loop plays a crucial role in stabilizing the region from the α4β5‐loop to α6. The most thermally sensitive region is from β3 to loop4. The high mobility of the long loop4 easily transfers to the adjacent β4 and α4 and causes β4 and α4 to fluctuate. And, salt bridges ASP124‐ARG79, ASP200‐ARG159, and ASP231‐LYS166 formed a “clamp” to stabilize the region including α4, β4, β5, β6, and β7. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Biopolymers 99: 594–604, 2013.  相似文献   

《Cell reports》2023,42(1):111936
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The proposed kinetic folding mechanism of the alpha-subunit of tryptophan synthase (alphaTS), a TIM barrel protein, displays multiple unfolded and intermediate forms which fold through four parallel pathways to reach the native state. To obtain insight into the secondary structure that stabilizes a set of late, highly populated kinetic intermediates, the refolding of urea-denatured alphaTS from Escherichia coli was monitored by pulse-quench hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry. Following dilution from 8 M urea, the protein was pulse-labeled with deuterium, quenched with acid and mass analyzed by electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS). Hydrogen bonds that form prior to the pulse of deuterium offer protection against exchange and, therefore, retain protons at the relevant amide bonds. Consistent with the proposed refolding model, an intermediate builds up rapidly and decays slowly over the first 100 seconds of folding. ESI-MS analysis of the peptic fragments derived from alphaTS mass-labeled and quenched after two seconds of refolding indicates that the pattern of protection of the backbone amide hydrogens in this transient intermediate is very similar to that observed previously for the equilibrium intermediate of alphaTS highly populated at 3 M urea. The protection observed in a contiguous set of beta-strands and alpha-helices in the N terminus implies a significant role for this sub-domain in directing the folding of this TIM barrel protein.  相似文献   

用旋光度测定法测定静脉注射用人免疫球蛋白 (IVIG)中麦芽糖含量 ,简便、快速 ,准确 ,重复性好 ,麦芽糖浓度与旋光度成正比 ,用该方法制备标准曲线具有很好的相关性 ,相关系数r(n =10 ) ±s为 0 .99996± 0 .0 0 0 0 3。测定两批IVIG ,分别重复测定 9次 ,麦芽糖含量分别为 9.85± 0 .0 82和 9.5 5± 0 .0 85变异系数分别为 0 .6 0 % ,0 .6 9% ,该法的内标回收率 % (n =9) ±s分别为 10 0 .4%± 0 .82和 98.8%± 0 .85 ,此法可作为IVIG中麦芽糖含量检测的常规方法  相似文献   

Central projections of the lagena were studied in the pigeon using transport of biotinylated dextran amine (BDA) that was locally applied to the lagenar epithelium through the opened cochlear canal. Descending (dorsocaudal part) and superior (middle part) vestibular nuclei were the main rhombencephalon structures with the maximum density of labeled fibers and terminals. Lesser numbers of labeled fibers were observed in the ventral part of the lateral vestibular nucleus and also in the medial vestibular nucleus; single labeled fibers were found in the cochlear nuclei. In the cases where BDA diffused not only in the lagena but also on the basilar papilla after application of the marker to the cochlear canal, considerable numbers of labeled fibers were observed in the cochlear nuclei; apart from this, the pattern of distribution of labeled fibers in the vestibular nuclei did not differ in general from that described above (in the case of a sufficiently local application of BDA only to the lagena). Efferent lagenar neurons were localized ventrally with respect to the vestibular nuclei, in particular in the nucl. reticularis pontis caudalis. Neirofiziologiya/Neurophysiology, Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 199–210, May–June, 2008.  相似文献   

Concentrations of substance P and somatostatin were measured in preparations of the myenteric plexus (plus longitudinal muscle) of the guinea-pig ileum after fixation and processing for immunohistochemistry and compared with concentrations measured in fresh tissue. Two fixative solutions were used: (i) 4% formalin in phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0); and (ii) a mixture of aqueous picric acid with 2% formalin in phosphate buffer (0.1 M, pH 7.0). Tissues were extracted in boiling aqueous acetic acid (2.0 M) either immediately after fixation and processing or after storage for up to four weeks in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) with or without sodium azide. The concentrations of substance P and somatostatin in these extracts were measured by radioimmunoassay and compared to the concentrations in extracts of fresh tissue. The concentration of substance P in fixed tissue was the same as that found in fresh tissue, whereas the concentration of somatostatin in fixed tissue was half that found in fresh tissue (P<0.01). If the tissue was not subjected to the extensive washing for immunohistochemistry, somatostatin concentrations in fresh and fixed tissue were not significantly different. The concentration of substance P did not change on storage of the fixed tissue in PBS, either with or without sodium azide. The concentration of somatostatin decreased on storage of the fixed tissue in PBS over four weeks to 40% of its original value, but the presence of sodium azide maintained the concentration at 60% at four weeks. Neither fixative solution interfered with the radioimmunoassay except at very high concentrations. Fixation for 24h gave the highest estimates of each of the peptides. It is concluded that fixation can be a useful alternative to freezing for preservation of peptides in tissue for radioimmunoassay.  相似文献   

探讨季节性放牧下土壤种子库的特性对荒漠草原合理利用具有重要作用.以宁夏荒漠草原为对象,通过封育(FY)、传统时间轮牧(FG)、延迟开始轮牧(YG)、提前结束轮牧(TG)、延迟开始并提前结束轮牧(YT)和自由放牧(ZY)处理,研究了0~5、5~10、10~15 cm土层土壤种子库物种组成、种子库密度、垂直分布、多样性及其...  相似文献   

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