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A foliar application of paclobutrazol (1 litre a.i. ha“1) was applied before flowering of lentils grown with different levels of phosphorus (0, 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 kg P205 ha”1). Increasing amounts of P up to 80 kg ha“1 increased plant height, crop dry matter and grain yields but also increased crop lodging. Paclobutrazol decreased plant height and lodging and increased grain yield. Maximum yields were obtained with a combination of 80 kg P ha”1 and paclobutrazol.  相似文献   

The effects of different degrees of stem tunneling caused by different levels of artificial infestation by the larvae of Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) on growth and yield of 4 maize cultivars were studied. The susceptible Inbred A suffered much more tunneling than ICZ1-CM, ICZ2-CM and Katumani Composite B. This tunneling influenced significantly the plant growth of all the four cultivars. There was a significant negative correlation between tunneling and yield for the cultivars Inbred A and Katumani Composite B, but such a relationship was not significant for ICZ1-CM and ICZ2-CM. Such differences in the relationships between tunneling and yield among the 4 cultivars are due to different degrees of tunneling caused by C. partellus larvae to the plants of these cultivars.
Résumé L'étude a porté sur la croissance et la production avec différents niveaux de minage des tiges de 4 cultivars de maïs, lors de divers degrés de contamination artificielle par des chenilles de C. partellus. Le cultivar sensible Inbred A souffre plus des mines de C. partellus que ICZ1-CM, ICZ2-CM et Katumani composite B. Les mines influent significativement sur la croissance des 4 cultivars. Il y a une corrélation négative significative entre le minage des tiges et la production pour les cultivars Inbred A et Katumani composite B, mais la relation n'est pas significative pour ICZ1-CM et ICZ2-CM. Les différences entre le minage des tiges et la récolte des 4 cultivars sont dues aux différents degrés de minage des tiges de ces cultivars par C. partellus.

Molecular Breeding - The ‘Honeycrisp’ apple, an economically important cultivar and breeding parent, is prone to soft scald and soggy breakdown postharvest physiological disorders....  相似文献   

Cd accumulation, its effects on elongation growth of maize coleoptile segments, pH changes of their incubation medium and the membrane potential of parenchymal cells were studied. The Cd content increased significantly with exposure to increasing cadmium concentrations. Coleoptile segments accumulated the metal more efficiently in the range 10–100 μM Cd, than in the range 100–1000 μM Cd. Cd at concentrations higher than 1.0 μM produced a significant inhibition of both growth and proton extrusion. 100 μM Cd caused depolarization of the plasma membrane (PM) potential in parenchymal cells. The simultaneous treatment of maize coleoptile segments by indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and Cd, counteracted the toxic effect of Cd on growth. Moreover, our data also showed that 100 μM Cd suppressed the characteristic IAA-induced hyperpolarization of the membrane potential, causing membrane depolarization. These results indicate that the toxic effect of Cd on growth of maize coleoptile segments might be, at least in part, caused via reduced PM H+-ATPase activity.  相似文献   

A spontaneous maize mutant, brittle stalk-2 (bk2-ref), exhibits dramatically reduced tissue mechanical strength. Reduction in mechanical strength in the stalk tissue was highly correlated with a reduction in the amount of cellulose and an uneven deposition of secondary cell wall material in the subepidermal and perivascular sclerenchyma fibers. Cell wall accounted for two-thirds of the observed reduction in dry matter content per unit length of the mutant stalk in comparison to the wildtype stalk. Although the cell wall composition was significantly altered in the mutant in comparison to the wildtype stalks, no compensation by lignin and cell wall matrix for reduced cellulose amount was observed. We demonstrate that Bk2 encodes a Cobra-like protein that is homologous to the rice Bc1 protein. In the bk2-ref gene, a 1 kb transposon-like element is inserted in the beginning of the second exon, disrupting the open reading frame. The Bk2 gene was expressed in the stalk, husk, root, and leaf tissues, but not in the embryo, endosperm, pollen, silk, or other tissues with comparatively few or no secondary cell wall containing cells. The highest expression was in the isolated vascular bundles. In agreement with its role in secondary wall formation, the expression pattern of the Bk2 gene was very similar to that of the ZmCesA10, ZmCesA11, and ZmCesA12 genes, which are known to be involved in secondary wall formation. We have isolated an independent Mutator-tagged allele of bk2, referred to as bk2-Mu7, the phenotype of which is similar to that of the spontaneous mutant. Our results demonstrate that mutations in the Bk2 gene affect stalk strength in maize by interfering with the deposition of cellulose in the secondary cell wall in fiber cells.  相似文献   

多效唑对珐菲亚的叶绿素含量、抗逆性及活性成分的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用四种不同浓度的多效唑(PP_(333))对引种药用植物珐菲亚进行叶面喷施,研究PP_(333)对珐菲亚的生物学效应。结果表明:各处理均有明显提高珐菲亚叶片叶绿素含量,增强超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)的活性,降低丙二醛(MDA)含量,增加药材产量的作用,而对活性成分皂苷含量影响不明显。该研究为PP_(333)在珐菲亚化学调控上的应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

采用土壤添加Pb和叶面喷施Pb溶液的方式,分别研究了土壤Pb和大气Pb在玉米植株各器官中的积累规律和Pb污染浓度与籽粒Pb含量、叶片Pb含量与籽粒Pb含量的相关性,以及土壤Pb和大气Pb对玉米籽粒Pb的贡献率.结果表明:土壤添加Pb后,玉米各器官中Pb含量表现为根>茎>叶>籽粒,且主要富集在根系中;叶面喷施Pb后,玉米各器官Pb含量大小顺序是叶片>茎、根>籽粒,且主要富集在叶片中;随着土壤和大气Pb浓度的增加,玉米各器官Pb含量均呈现不同程度的增加;玉米籽粒中的Pb含量与土壤和叶片Pb浓度呈显著正相关(P<0.01);土壤施加Pb的毒性临界值为118.95 mg·kg-1;大气Pb对玉米籽粒的贡献率为53.7%,土壤Pb对玉米籽粒的贡献率为46.3%,说明大气Pb通过叶面传输是玉米籽粒吸收Pb的重要途径.  相似文献   

The maintenance of root elongation is an important adaptive response to low water potentials (psi(w)), but little is known about its regulation. An important component may be changes in root cell electrophysiology, which both signal and maintain growth maintenance processes. As a first test of this hypothesis, membrane potentials (E(m)) were measured within the cell elongation zone of maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots. Seedlings were grown in oxygenated solution culture, and low psi(w) was imposed by the gradual addition of polyethylene glycol. Cells hyperpolarized approximately 25 mV in response to low psi(w), and after 48 h resting potentials remained significantly hyperpolarized at psi(w) lower than -0.3 MPa compared with roots at high psi(w). Inhibitor experiments showed that the hyperpolarization was dependent on plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase activity. Previous work showed that accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) is required for the maintenance of maize primary root elongation at low psi(w). To determine if the mechanism of action of ABA involves changes in root electrophysiology, E(m) measurements were made during long-term exposure to low psi(w). Steady-state resting E(m) were measured in regions in which maintenance of cell elongation was dependent on ABA accumulation (2-3 mm from the apex), or in which elongation was inhibited regardless of ABA status (6-8 mm from the apex). E(m) was substantially more negative in ABA-deficient roots specifically in the 2-3 mm region. The results suggest that set-points for ion homeostasis shifted in association with the maintenance of root cell elongation at low psi(w), and that ABA accumulation plays a role in regulating the ion transport processes involved in this response.  相似文献   

Winter wheat, (cv. Consort) was inoculated with three isolates of either Oculimacula yallundae or O. acuformis to determine the effect of eyespot caused by each species on yield and lodging resistance of winter wheat. Plants were visually assessed for disease incidence and severity, and pathogen DNA was quantified at GS 33 and GS 60. At early milk development of the crop (GS 72), 900 main shoots were also visually assessed for the disease and subjected to mechanical tests for stem strength. Pathogen DNA was extracted from each shoot and quantified using competitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Although slight and moderate eyespot lesions caused by either species had no effect on ear weight, severe lesions caused by O. acuformis and O. yallundae reduced ear weight by 3% and 7%, respectively. Stem lodging failed to occur at the site; however, yield losses of 11% for O. acuformis and 6% for O. yallundae were observed. Visual assessment failed to reveal differences between species in their effect on plant characteristics, stem bending strength, or stem safety factor. PCR data, however, showed that the two species had similar effects determined by different DNA concentrations. Both species reduced lodging resistance (stem safety factor) compared with the control. In contrast to healthy plants, where reductions were related predominantly to the height and weight distribution of the plants, the observed reductions of stem lodging resistance in infected plants with Oculimacula spp. were associated primarily with reductions in stem bending strength.  相似文献   

Nitrogen deprivation (N-deprivation) is a proven strategy for inducing triacylglyceride accumulation in microalgae. However, its effect on the physical properties of cells and subsequently on product recovery processes is relatively unknown. In this study, the effect of N-deprivation on the cell size, cell wall thickness, and mechanical strength of three microalgae was investigated. As determined by analysis of micrographs from transmission electron microscopy, the average cell size and cell wall thickness for N-deprived Nannochloropsis sp. and Chlorococcum sp. were ca. 25% greater than the N-replete cells, and 20 and 70% greater, respectively, for N-deprived Chlorella sp. The average Young’s modulus of N-deprived Chlorococcum sp. cells was estimated using atomic force microscopy to be 775 kPa; 30% greater than the N-replete population. Although statistically significant, these microstructural changes did not appear to affect the overall susceptibility of cells to mechanical rupture by high pressure homogenisation. This is important as it suggests that subjecting these microalgae to nitrogen starvation to accumulate lipids does not adversely affect the recovery of intracellular lipids.  相似文献   

Gmelina arborea L. seedling growth and diurnal stomatal opening (as measured by stomatal resistance) were studied at soil matric potential 0, -0.1 and -0.72 × 10?5 Pa. Leaf area, leaf number, plant height and dry weights of the vegetative parts were significantly reduced as soil matric potential decreased from 0 to -0.72 × 10?5 Pa. The growth responses followed the same trend as net assimilation rate and relative growth rate. The highest moisture stress induced leaf senescence and leaf fall. Leaf water potential decreased from - 2 × 10?5 Pa to - 20 × 10?5 Pa with increasing soil moisture stress. Results indicate that the diurnal stomatal opening is controlled by photon flux density when this species is grown at soil matrio potential 0 Pa. However, with decreasing soil matrio potential (- 0.10 and -0.72 × 10?5 Pa) the internal plant water deficit appears to oontrol the stomatal opening.  相似文献   

Effects of application of prunings of three woody species (Acioa barteri, Gliricidia sepium and Leucaena leucocephala), maize (Zea mays L.) stover and rice (Oryza sativa L.) straw as mulch on maize were studied on an Alfisol in southern Nigeria in 1990 and 1991. Maize dry matter and grain yield were higher with applications of plant residues and N fertilizer in both years. Addition of Leucaena prunings gave the highest maize grain yield in both years. Compared to the 1990 results, Acioa showed the least grain yield decline among the mulch treatments in 1991. Nutrient uptake was enhanced by applications of plant residues. Leucaena prunings had the highest effect in both years and increased the mean N, P, and Mg uptake by 96%, 84%, and 50%, respectively, over the control. Addition of Acioa prunings increased K and Ca uptake by 59% and 92%, respectively, over the control. High quality (low C/N ratio and lignin level) plant residues enhance crop performance through direct nutritional contributions, whereas low quality (high C/N ratio and lignin level) plant residues do so through mulching effects on the microclimate. Intermediate quality plant residues have no clear effects on crop performance.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify which dietary supplements augment lean mass and strength gains during resistance training. Peer-reviewed studies between the years 1967 and 2001 were included in the analysis if they met a predetermined set of experimental criteria, among which were at least 3-wk duration and resistance-training 2 or more times a week. Lean mass and strength were normalized for meta-analysis by conversion to percent change per week and by calculating the effect size for each variable. Of the 250 supplements examined, only 6 had more than 2 studies that met the criteria for inclusion in the meta-analysis. Creatine and beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate (HMB) were found to significantly increase net lean mass gains of 0.36 and 0.28%/wk and strength gains of 1.09 and 1.40%/wk (P < 0.05), respectively. Chromium, dehydroepiandrosterone, androstenedione, and protein did not significantly affect lean gain or strength. In conclusion, two supplements, creatine and HMB, have data supporting their use to augment lean mass and strength gains with resistance training.  相似文献   

M. Hohl  P. Schopfer 《Planta》1992,188(3):340-344
Plant organs such as maize (Zea mays L.) coleoptiles are characterized by longitudinal tissue tension, i.e. bulk turgor pressure produces unequal amounts of cell-wall tension in the epidermis (essentially the outer epidermal wall) and in the inner tissues. The fractional amount of turgor borne by the epidermal wall of turgid maize coleoptile segments was indirectly estimated by determining the water potential * of an external medium which is needed to replace quantitatively the compressive force of the epidermal wall on the inner tissues. The fractional amount of turgor borne by the walls of the inner tissues was estimated from the difference between -* and the osmotic pressure of the cell sap (i) which was assumed to represent the turgor of the fully turgid tissue. In segments incubated in water for 1 h, -* was 6.1–6.5 bar at a i of 6.7 bar. Both -* and i decreased during auxin-induced growth because of water uptake, but did not deviate significantly from each other. It is concluded that the turgor fraction utilized for the elastic extension of the inner tissue walls is less than 1 bar, i.e. less than 15% of bulk turgor, and that more than 85% of bulk turgor is utilized for counteracting the high compressive force of the outer epidermal wall which, in this way, is enabled to mechanically control elongation growth of the organ. This situation is maintained during auxin-induced growth.Abbreviations and Symbols i osmotic pressure of the tissue - 0 external water potential - * water potential at which segment length does not change - IAA indole-3-acetic acid - ITW longitudinal inner tissue walls - OEW outer epidermal wall - P turgor Supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (SFB 206).  相似文献   

A fluorescent dye sensitive to membrane potential was used to follow the plasma-membrane potential in the unicellular halo-tolerant alga Dunaliella salina. The signal observed during dissipation of the plasma membrane potential by the addition of excess K+ and valinomycin, or a protonophore, was taken as a measure of the preexisting potential. A resting potential of −85 to −100 millivolts (negative inside) was calculated. Following a hypertonic shock, the plasma membrane was rapidly hyperpolarized. This hyperpolarization was transient, and the algae resumed their resting potential about 30 minutes after the shock. The resting plasma membrane potential was decreased by vanadate and is concluded to be generated mostly by the plasma membrane ATPase of Dunaliella. The transient hyperpolarization following a hypertonic shock indicates, therefore, a transient activation of the ATPase. This is further corroborated by a rapid transient decrease in the intracellular ATP following a hypertonic shock and its inhibition by vanadate. It is suggested that activation of the plasma membrane ATPase may be the trigger for osmoregulation in Dunaliella.  相似文献   

Pyrethrins and flower yield of pyrethrum (Chrysanthemum cinerariaefolium Viz.) plants were determined after application of ethrel, chlormequat chloride and paclobutrazol. Ethrel at 50, 100, 250 and 500 mg l−l produced a significant positive effect on pyrethrins level, decreased plant height, while 50 and 100 mg l−l significantly increased fresh and dry flower yield. Chlormequat chloride at 1000 and 2000 mg l−l and paclobutrazol (80 and 160 mg l−l) increased pyrethrins level, single flower weight and decreased plant height and flower yield. 14C-acetate incorporation studies further substantiated positive effect of growth retardants on pyrethrins biosynthesis. The effect of growth retardants on pyrethrins seems to be mediated through its effect on biosynthesis.  相似文献   

When sucrose-phosphate synthase (SPS; EC is expressed in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) from a ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (Rubisco) small subunit (rbcS) promoter, yields are often unchanged but when SPS is expressed from a Cauliflower Mosaic Virus 35S promoter, yield is enhanced up to 80%. Two explanations for this phenomenon are (i) that expression of SPS in tissues other than leaves accounts for the increased yield or (ii) that the lower level of expression directed by the 35S promoter is more beneficial than the high level of expression directed by the rbcS promoter. To test the first hypothesis, we conducted a reciprocal graft experiment, which showed that root SPS activity did not substantially affect growth. To test the second hypothesis, we conducted a field trial using a backcrossed, segregating, population of SPS-transformed plants derived from 35S and rbcS lines. The optimal dose of SPS activity for growth was approximately twice that of the wild type regardless of which promoter was used. The effect of SPS on growth was the result of a shift in partitioning of carbon among starch, sucrose, and ionic compounds (primarily amino acids), rather than of an increase in net photosynthesis. Excessive SPS activity resulted in a decreased rate of amino acid synthesis, which could explain the non-linear response of plant growth to the level of SPS expression. Received: 23 May 2000 / Accepted: 24 July 2000  相似文献   

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