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Glutamic protease distribution is limited to filamentous fungi   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Porphyromonas gingivalis is an etiologic agent of periodontal disease in humans, which has been linked to an increased risk for atherosclerosis-related events. In this study, we examined the effect of P. gingivalis infection on human macrophages with respect to foam cell formation, the hallmark of early atherogenesis, and the potential of P. gingivalis to induce its uptake by these cells. Human monocyte-derived macrophages were incubated with low density lipoprotein and infected with P. gingivalis FDC381 or its fimbriae deficient mutant, DPG3. Consistent with a role for fimbriae in this process, strain 381 significantly increased foam cell formation as compared to DPG3. Recovery of viable P. gingivalis in antibiotic protection experiments was significantly higher for strain 381 than for DPG3. By transmission electron microscopy, the wild-type strain was shown to adhere to and enter THP-1 cells. These results suggest that properties of P. gingivalis which render it capable of adhering to/invading other cell types may also be operative in macrophages and play an important role in its atherogenic potential.  相似文献   

Flow cytometry is an automated, laser- or impedance-based, high throughput method that allows very rapid analysis of multiple chemical and physical characteristics of single cells within a cell population. It is an extremely powerful technology that has been used for over four decades with filamentous fungi. Although single cells within a cell population are normally analysed rapidly on a cell-by-cell basis using the technique, flow cytometry can also be used to analyse cell (e.g. spore) aggregates or entire microcolonies. Living or fixed cells can be stained with a wide range of fluorescent reporters to label different cell components or measure different physiological processes. Flow cytometry is also suited for measurements of cell size, interaction, aggregation or shape using non-labelled cells by means of analysing their light scattering characteristics. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) is a specialized form of flow cytometry that provides a method for sorting a heterogeneous mixture of cells into two or more containers based upon the fluorescence and/or light scattering properties of each cell. The major advantage of analysing cells by flow cytometry over microscopy is the speed of analysis: thousands of cells can be analysed per second or sorted in minutes. Drawbacks of flow cytometry are that specific cells cannot be followed in time and normally spatial information relating to individual cells is lacking. A big advantage over microscopy is when using FACS, cells with desired characteristics can be sorted for downstream experimentation (e.g. for growth, infection, enzyme production, gene expression assays or ‘omics’ approaches). In this review, we explain the basic concepts of flow cytometry and FACS, define its advantages and disadvantages in comparison with microscopy, and describe the wide range of applications in which these powerful technologies have been used with filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

铅锌尾矿中耐重金属镉的丝状真菌的分离鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】旨在从重金属污染地分离出耐重金属镉真菌, 获得耐受重金属镉污染的高效菌株, 为重金属污染微生物修复提供菌种资源。【方法】利用稀释平板涂布法, 采用4种培养基对粤东北梅州市梅县铅锌尾矿废弃地9个样品进行分离, 并结合形态学和ITS rDNA基因序列分析, 鉴定分离到的耐镉真菌, 最后对分离到的耐镉真菌进行最小抑制浓度 (MIC) 检测。【结果】从粤东北梅州市梅县铅锌尾矿废弃地分离出72株丝状真菌, 经形态学和分子技术鉴定, 它们主要属于曲霉属(Aspergillus)、青霉属(Penicillium)、枝孢属(Cladosporium)、油瓶霉属(Lecythophora)、拟青霉属(Paecilomyces)、镰刀孢属(Fusarium)等。MIC检测发现有4株丝状真菌耐镉浓度较高, Paecilomyces lilacinus (Thom) Samson (6?20 p), Penicillium pinophilum Hedgcock (6?16 p), Penicillium rolfsii Thom (6?16 m) 和Fusarium oxysporum Schlecht. (8?11 p) 分别为200、40、25和15 mmol/L。【结论】从粤东北梅州市梅县铅锌尾矿废弃地分离到的72株丝状真菌, 不同程度耐受重金属镉, 在重金属污染的治理中有可能发挥作用。本研究为镉污染环境的微生物修复提供了重要菌株。  相似文献   

Abstract Choline is an essential metabolite for the growth of filamentous fungi. It occurs most notably as a component of the major membrane phospholipid, phosphatidyl choline (lecithin), and fulfills a major role in sulphate metabolism in the form of choline- o -sulphate in many species. Choline is usually synthesised endogenously, but exogenous choline can also be taken up, either to compensate for metabolic deficiencies in choline-requiring mutants such as those of Aspergillus nidulans and Neurospora crassa , or as a normal function by species such as Fusarium graminearum which do not require added choline for growth. F. graminearum has a highly specific constitutive uptake system for this purpose. Recent studies have begun to indicate that choline also plays an important role in hyphal and mycelial morphology. Over a wide range of concentrations, choline influences mycelial morphology, apparently influences mycelial morphology, apparently by controlling branch initiation. At high concentrations of added choline, branching is inhibited but specific growth rate is unaffected, leading to the production of rapidly extending, sparsely branched mycelia. Reduction of choline concentration allows a progressive increase in branching. Additionally, in choline-requiring mutants which have a very reduced content of choline, multiple tip-formation and apical branching occurs. Just prior to cessation of growth in choline-starved cultures of A. nidulans choline-requiring mutants, hyphal morphology changes due to a brief phase of unpolarised growth to produce spherical swellings called ballons, at or near hyphal apices. The precise mechanism by which choline affects fungal morphology is not yet known, although in A. nidulans it appears to be at least partially due to the influence of membrane composition on the synthesis of the hyphal wall polymer chitin. Several hypotheses for the possible mode of action of choline in affecting fungal morphology are discussed here.  相似文献   

The galactomannans (GMs) that are produced by filamentous fungi belonging to Pezizomycotina, many of which are pathogenic for animals and plants, are polysaccharides consisting of α-(1→2)-/α-(1→6)-mannosyl and β-(1→5)-/β-(1→6)-galactofuranosyl residues. GMs are located at the outermost layer of the cell wall. When a pathogenic fungus infects a host, its cell surface must be in contact with the host. The GMs on the cell surface may be involved in the infection mechanism of a pathogenic fungus or the defense mechanism of a host. There are two types of GMs in filamentous fungi, fungal-type galactomannans and O-mannose type galactomannans. Recent biochemical and genetic advances have facilitated a better understanding of the biosynthesis of both types. This review summarizes our current information on their biosynthesis.  相似文献   

真菌通用引物Its1和Its4在丝状真菌鉴定中的价值评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 对真菌通用引物Its1和Its4在丝状真菌鉴定中的价值进行评价.方法 收集中山大学附属第一医院2012年1月至2012年8月间分离的丝状真菌11株,使用真菌通用引物Its1和Its4采用PCR法扩增核糖体基因,对PCR产物进行序列测定,将测序结果与GenBank中已知标准或临床菌株DNA序列比对,确定丝状真菌的菌种;同时与传统形态学鉴定方法进行比较,从而对真菌通用引物Its1和Its4在丝状真菌鉴定中的价值进行评价.结果 从DNA提取到序列测定结束,在2个工作日内即可完成.所有菌株均测序成功,测序结果与GenBank中的序列比对,烟曲霉、杂色曲霉、橘青霉、溜曲霉可以鉴定到种;黄曲霉和米曲霉、阿姆斯特丹散囊菌和冠突散囊菌由于高度同源性无法区分鉴定到种.结论 利用真菌通用引物Its1和Its4结合PCR技术和测序技术,可快速、准确将大部分丝状真菌鉴定到种.  相似文献   

冯乐  宋福强 《生态科学》2011,30(3):315-320
实验以原始红松林中高频出现的丝状真菌(链格孢Alternarria sp.)和两种外生菌根真菌(细粉绒牛肝菌.Xerocomus Pulverulentus、大杯伞Clitocybe maxima)为供试菌株,以粉碎的新鲜红松凋落物为分解底物,发酵培养后测定底物的质量损失率,酶活性以及营养元素的变化情况。结果表明,AX处理(Alternaria sp.和X.Pulve Rrulentus混合菌株组合)在60天内质量损失率最高,为18.33%,而混合菌AC处理(Alternaria sp.和C.maxima混合菌株组合)由于产生拮抗作用质量损失较低,为13.27%;20天时,X处理(X.Pulverulentus)产生漆酶活性较高为0.093 U·mL-1,C(C.maxima)和AX处理的酶活性的最高值分别为0.063 U·mL-1和0.047 U·mL-1,而A(Alternaria sp.)处理的纤维素酶活性为0.59 U·mL-1,AC处理为0.57 U·mL-1,AX为0.53 U·mL-1,但是AX处理在50天时再次出现高峰,为0.48 U·mL-1:AX处理底物的营养元素N含量减少幅度最为明显,减少百分率为12.21%,同时,P元素的减少幅度也最大,减少百分率25.82%。研究结果进一步揭示了森林生态系统中不同功能真菌类群对林木有机凋落物降解过程中的作用机制,及真菌类群间的相互作用关系。  相似文献   

Abstract The pH auxostat employs a pH-derived feedback control of biomass concentration and allows continuous flow cultures of organisms to be grown at their maximum specific growth rate. We examine three modifications of the pH auxostat system for the growth of filamentous fungi and discuss the suitability of each method according to the biomass concentration desired, the medium used and the equipment available. Fusarium graminearum and Geotrichum candidum were used for this work and it was possible to maintain steady state pH auxostats of these filamentous fungi for up to 20 days. pH auxostats have not previously been described for filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

A microculture chamber has been developed which enables specific fungal hyphae to be followed in their living state before being processed and longitudinally sectioned for electron microscopy. Photomicrographs and their corresponding electron micrographs are presented which illustrate the effectiveness of this approach. Examples of the application of the method are presented.  相似文献   

Biotransformation of 4-chromanone and its derivatives in the cultures of three biocatalysts: Didymosphaeria igniaria, Coryneum betulinum and Chaetomium sp. is presented. The biocatalysts were chosen due to their capability of enantiospecific reduction of low-molecular-weight ketones (acetophenone and its derivatives and α- and β-tetralone). The substrates were reduced to the respective S-alcohols with high enantiomeric excesses, according to the Prelog's rule. In the culture of Chaetomium sp. after longer biotransformation time an inversion of configuration of the formed alcohols was also observed. The highest yield of transformation was observed for 6-methyl-4-chromanone. In all the tested cultures, the higher was the molecular weight of a chromanone, the lower conversion percent was observed.  相似文献   

Filamentous fungi are extremely polarized organisms, exhibiting continuous growth at their hyphal tips. The hyphal form is related to their pathogenicity in animals and plants, and their high secretion ability for biotechnology. Polarized growth requires a sequential supply of proteins and lipids to the hyphal tip. This transport is managed by vesicle trafficking via the actin and microtubule cytoskeleton. Therefore, the arrangement of the cytoskeleton is a crucial step to establish and maintain the cell polarity. This review summarizes recent findings unraveling the mechanism of polarized growth with special emphasis on the role of actin and microtubule cytoskeleton and polarity marker proteins. Rapid insertions of membranes via highly active exocytosis at hyphal tips could quickly dilute the accumulated polarity marker proteins. Recent findings by a super-resolution microscopy indicate that filamentous fungal cells maintain their polarity at the tips by repeating transient assembly and disassembly of polarity sites.  相似文献   

植物病原丝状真菌G蛋白偶联受体的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对丝状真菌G蛋白偶联受体(GPCR)的结构、分类以及功能方面进行综述,以期明确丝状真菌与其他模式生物GPCR之间的关系。基于已报道的模式生物及丝状真菌等不同生物中的GPCR,通过SMART保守结构域分析,以及利用Clustal X、MEGA等软件对上述GPCR进行遗传关系分析。明确丝状真菌典型GPCR具有七跨膜结构域,新型GPCR则含有PIPK、RGS等保守结构域,明确不同学者对于GPCR的分类情况,以及新型GPCR所具有的特殊功能,明确模式生物GPCR、丝状真菌GPCR分别各自聚类。丝状真菌中GPCR的数量较模式生物少,不同分类单元中真菌之间GPCR的数量也不尽相同,同时,丝状真菌GPCR除具有典型的七跨膜结构域外,还含有一些其他保守的结构域,上述研究为进一步开展其功能研究提供重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

丝状真菌遗传筛选系统的研究及其应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
随着基因组时代的发展,主要丝状真菌基因组测序基本完成而被广泛应用于工业、农业、医药等领域。然而丝状真菌的遗传转化效率极低,为了保证在大量非转化子背景下能筛选到目标转化子,恰当的筛选标记显得尤为重要。目前,在丝状真菌的遗传转化过程中常用的筛选标记可分为两类:药物抗性筛选标记和营养缺陷型筛选标记。但两者均具有一定的局限性,为此科研人员利用最新研究的基因组编辑技术对筛选标记加以修饰改造,以更好地用于遗传筛选。本文综述了目前常用的遗传筛选系统的分子机制及运用基因组编辑技术改造的新型筛选标记理论,为丝状真菌在各领域更广泛的应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

Filamentous fungi secrete protein with a very high efficiency, and this potential can be exploited advantageously to produce therapeutic proteins at low costs. A significant barrier to this goal is posed by the fact that fungal N-glycosylation varies substantially from that of humans. Inappropriate N-glycosylation of therapeutics results in reduced product quality, including poor efficacy, decreased serum half-life, and undesirable immune reactions. One solution to this problem is to reprogram the glycosylation pathway of filamentous fungi to decorate proteins with glycans that match, or can be remodeled into, those that are accepted by humans. In yeast, deletion of ALG3 leads to the accumulation of Man5GlcNAc2 glycan structures that can act as a precursor for remodeling. However, in Aspergilli, deletion of the ALG3 homolog algC leads to an N-glycan pool where the majority of the structures contain more hexose residues than the Man3-5GlcNAc2 species that can serve as substrates for humanized glycan structures. Hence, additional strain optimization is required. In this report, we have used gene deletions in combination with enzymatic and chemical glycan treatments to investigate N-glycosylation in the model fungus Aspergillus nidulans. In vitro analyses showed that only some of the N-glycan structures produced by a mutant A. nidulans strain, which is devoid of any of the known ER mannose transferases, can be trimmed into desirable Man3GlcNAc2 glycan structures, as substantial amounts of glycan structures appear to be capped by glucose residues. In agreement with this view, deletion of the ALG6 homolog algF, which encodes the putative α-1,3- glucosyltransferase that adds the first glucose residue to the growing ER glycan structure, dramatically reduces the amounts of Hex6-7HexNAc2 structures. Similarly, these structures are also sensitive to overexpression of the genes encoding the heterodimeric α-glucosidase II complex. Without the glucose caps, a new set of large N-glycan structures was formed. Formation of this set is mostly, perhaps entirely, due to mannosylation, as overexpression of the gene encoding mannosidase activity led to their elimination. Based on our new insights into the N-glycan processing in A. nidulans, an A. nidulans mutant strain was constructed in which more than 70% of the glycoforms appear to be Man3-5GlcNAc2 species, which may serve as precursors for further engineering in order to create more complex human-like N-glycan structures.  相似文献   

Improved methods are described for the isolation of pure, high molecular weight DNA from small and large scale cultures of filamentous fungi. The methods depend on the extraction of DNA under conditions which prevent nuclease activity and contamination by carbohydrate. The small scale method depends on enzymatic digestion of the wall whereas the large scale method uses partial damage followed by autolysis. High yields of DNA are obtained by both methods and the DNA is suitable for restriction analysis. Southern Blotting, RFLP analysis, dot blotting and the production of gene libraries. The small scale method can be used for the simultaneous analysis of multiple cultures.  相似文献   

In certain conditions, filamentous fungi are observed to grow exponentially during batch submerged growth. It is shown for three cases, with simple mechanistic models, that an exponential growth assumption is reasonable. The basis of these models is the identification of a growth unit, and a mechanism for its doubling with a constant generation time. The importance of the variation of morphological properties within populations is demonstrated by the comparison of computer simulations of simplified models using average values and either experimental data or computer simulations of detailed stochastic models. Copyright 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a conserved intracellular degradation process of eukaryotic cells. In filamentous fungi, although autophagy has been reported to have multiple physiological roles, it is not clear whether autophagy is involved in the degradation of misfolded proteins. Here, we investigated the role of autophagy in the degradation of misfolded secretory proteins accumulated in endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae. In late-phase cultures, a disulfide bond-deleted mutant of the secretory protein α-amylase AmyB fused with mDsRed that had accumulated in the ER was subsequently delivered to vacuoles, whereas wild-type AmyB-mDsRed was predominantly located at cell walls and septa. To examine the involvement of autophagy in the delivery of mutant AmyB to vacuoles, mutant AmyB-EGFP was expressed in an A. oryzae autophagy-deficient strain (ΔAoatg8). Microscopic examination revealed that the protein delivery to vacuoles did not occur in the absence of autophagic activity, with mutant AmyB-mDsRed forming large spherical structures surrounded by ER membrane. Hence, we conclude that autophagy is responsible for the delivery of misfolded secretory proteins accumulated in the ER to vacuoles for degradation during late-growth phase in A. oryzae. This is the first study to provide evidence that autophagy plays a role in the degradation of misfolded secretory proteins in filamentous fungi.  相似文献   

The growth of seven ectomycorrhizal fungi was tested in the presence of the antimicrotubule drugs benomyl and nocodazole. The polymerization stage of the cytoplasmic microtubules in the hyphal cells was visualized by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy after a 3-h drug treatment. Nocodazole reduced the growth of all the fungi tested at concentrations of 2 and 4 g ml-1 and caused strong depolymerization of microtubules in all other species except Hebeloma cylindrosporum. Benomyl inhibited the growth and depolymerized the microtubules in the ascomycete Cenococcum geophilum, while in the basidiomycetes it reduced the growth and depolymerized the microtubules only in H. cylindrosporum. The role of the microtubule cytoskeleton and the target of the benzimidazole-derived drugs in fungal cells are discussed.  相似文献   

Hydrophobins are surface active proteins produced by filamentous fungi. They have a role in fungal growth as structural components and in the interaction of fungi with their environment. They have, for example, been found to be important for aerial growth, and for the attachment of fungi to solid supports. Hydrophobins also render fungal structures, such as spores, hydrophobic. The biophysical properties of the isolated proteins are remarkable, such as strong adhesion, high surface activity and the formation of various self-assembled structures. The first high resolution three dimensional structure of a hydrophobin, HFBII from Trichoderma reesei, was recently solved. In this review, the properties of hydrophobins are analyzed in light of these new data. Various application possibilities are also discussed.  相似文献   

Two closely related cysteine-rich hydrophobic proteins, Sc3p and Sc4p, of the basidiomycete Schizophyllum commune are developmentally regulated and associated with the walls of aerial hyphae and fruit-body hyphae. They are present in the walls as hot-SDS-insoluble complexes which can be extracted with formic acid. The hydrophobins can then be dissociated by oxidation with performic acid. However, extraction of the walls with trifluoroacetic acid results in both solubilization and dissociation of the hydrophobin complexes into monomers. This suggests that non-covalent interactions are responsible for formation of these insoluble complexes. Carboxymethylation with iodoacetic acid only occurred after reduction with DTT indicating all cysteines in the monomeric hydrophobins involved in intramolecular disulfide bridges. Abundant proteins with similar properties were found in walls from all other filamentous fungi tested, including the basidiomycetes Pleurotus ostreatus, Coprinus cinereus, Agaricus bisporus, and Phanerochaete chrysosporium, the ascomycetes Aspergillus nidulans, Neurospora crassa, and Penicillium chrysogenum, and the zygomycete Mucor mucedo.  相似文献   

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