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Fluorescent in situ hybridization has become a major technique for visualizing genetic material in fixed cells. Currently, many systems utilize the hybridization of labeled molecular probes to cells that are attached to slides. We have developed a technique that allows for in situ hybridization to be performed using cells in suspension. By using digoxigenin-labeled DNA probes and a fluoresceinated antibody directed against the digoxigenin, we can measure the resulting signal on a flow cytometer and the cells can be attached to microscope slides for visual analysis.  相似文献   

Methods for single- and double-target in situ hybridization (ISH) to, cells isolated from solid transitional cell carcinomas (TCC's) of the urinary bladder are described. Single cell suspensions were prepared from solid tumors of the urinary bladder by mechanical disaggregation and fixed in 70% ethanol. Using two DNA probes specific for the centromeres of chromosomes #1 and #18, ISH procedures were optimized for these samples. Human lymphocytes and cells from the T24 bladder tumor cell line were used as controls. In lymphocyte nuclei and metaphase chromosome spreads, ISH showed two major spots for each of the probes. About 80% of the nuclei from T24 cells showed three spots for both the chromosome #1 and #18 specific probes. When nuclei from TCC's were analyzed, often the number of spots for chromosome #1, and to a lesser extent for chromosome #18, differed from the number expected on basis of flow cytometric ploidy measurements. The double target-ISH method in all cases allowed the correlation of numerical aberrations for chromosomes #1 and #18 in one and the same cell. By such analyses a profound heterogeneity in chromosome number was detected in most tumors. In order to optimize the reproducibility of the method and the interpretation of the ISH-signals, criteria for their analysis have been determined. This procedure can now be applied on a routine basis to solid tumor specimens.  相似文献   

Summary Methods for single- and double-target in situ hybridization (ISH) to, cells isolated from solid transitional cell carcinomas (TCC's) of the urinary bladder are described. Single cell suspensions were prepared from solid tumors of the urinary bladder by mechanical disaggregation and fixed in 70% ethanol. Using two DNA probes specific for the centromeres of chromosomes #1 and #18, ISH procedures were optimized for these samples. Human lymphocytes and cells from the T24 bladder tumor cell line were used as controls. In lymphocyte nuclei and metaphase chromosome spreads, ISH showed two major spots for each of the probes. About 80% of the nuclei from T24 cells showed three spots for both the chromosome #1 and #18 specific probes. When nuclei from TCC's were analyzed, often the number of spots for chromosome #1, and to a lesser extent for chromosome #18, differed from the number expected on basis of flow cytometric ploidy measurements. The double target-ISH method in all cases allowed the correlation of numerical aberrations for chromosomes #1 and #18 in one and the same cell. By such analyses a profound heterogeneity in chromosome number was detected in most tumors. In order to optimize the reproductbility of the method and the interpretation of the ISH-signals, criteria for their analysis have been determined. This procedure can now be applied on a routine basis to solid tumor specimens.  相似文献   

Determination of telomere length is traditionally performed by Southern blotting and densitometry, giving a mean telomere restriction fragment (TRF) value for the total cell population studied. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) of telomere repeats has been used to calculate telomere length, a method called quantitative (Q)-FISH. We here present a quantitative flow cytometric approach, Q-FISHFCM, for evaluation of telomere length distribution in individual cells based on in situ hybridization using a fluorescein-labeled peptide nucleic acid (PNA) (CCCTAA)3probe and DNA staining with propidium iodide. A simple and rapid protocol with results within 30 h was developed giving high reproducibility. One important feature of the protocol was the use of an internal cell line control, giving an automatic compensation for potential differences in the hybridization steps. This protocol was tested successfully on cell lines and clinical samples from bone marrow, blood, lymph nodes and tonsils. A significant correlation was found between Southern blotting and Q-FISHFCMtelomere length values ( P = 0.002). The mean sub-telomeric DNA length of the tested cell lines and clinical samples was estimated to be 3.2 kbp. With the Q-FISHFCMmethod the fluorescence signal could be determined in different cell cycle phases, indicating that in human cells the vast majority of telomeric DNA is replicated early in S phase.  相似文献   

1. We have reviewed recent studies in which in situ hybridization histochemistry (ISHH) was used to investigate the regulation of expression of neurohypophysial peptides and hypothalamic releasing hormones. 2. ISHH is a technique in which the presence and quantity of a specific mRNA can be determined in tissue sections with a high degree of resolution and sensitivity. 3. ISHH has been used to measure changes in cellular levels of mRNAs encoding vasopressin, oxytocin, corticotropin-releasing factor, gonadotropin-releasing hormone, thyrotropin-releasing hormone and somatostatin in response to various physiological challenges. 4. A theme emerging from these studies is that changes in levels of mRNA encoding neuroendocrine peptides reflect changes in biosynthesis and secretion.  相似文献   

J L Lange  P S Thorne    N Lynch 《Applied microbiology》1997,63(4):1557-1563
Current limitations in the methodology for enumeration and identification of airborne bacteria compromise the precision and accuracy of bioaerosol exposure assessment. In this study, flow cytometry and fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) were evaluated for the assessment of exposures to airborne bacteria. Laboratory-generated two-component bioaerosols in exposures chambers and complex native bioaerosols in swine barns were sampled with two types of liquid impingers (all-glass impinger-30 and May 3-stage impinger). Aliquots of collection media were processed and enumerated by a standard culture technique, microscopy, or flow cytometry after nucleic acid staining with 4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) and identified taxonomically by FISH. DAPI-labeled impinger samples yielded comparable estimates of bioaerosol concentrations when enumerated by microscopy or flow cytometry. The standard culture method underestimated bioaerosol concentrations by 2 orders of magnitude when compared to microscopy or flow cytometry. In the FISH method, aliquots of collection media were incubated with a probe universally complementary to eubacteria, a probe specific for several Pseudomonas species, and a probe complementary to eubacteria for detection of nonspecific binding. With these probes, FISH allowed quantitative identification of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Escherichia coli bioaerosols in the exposure chamber without measurable nonspecific binding. Impinger samples from the swine barn demonstrated the efficacy of the FISH method for the identification of eubacteria in a complex organic dust. This work demonstrates the potential of emerging molecular techniques to complement traditional methods of bioaerosol exposure assessment.  相似文献   

 Primary and secondary chromosomal abnormalities play an important role in the characterization of biological, pathological, and clinical subgroups of malignant lymphomas. The introduction of fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and the combination of immunophenotyping plus FISH to the diagnosis of lymphatic neoplasms allows the fast and sensitive detection of specific chromosomal changes and provides new insights into the genetic basis of lymphomagenesis. This article reviews the possibilities and limitations of molecular cytogenetic techniques in comparison to cytogenetic and molecular genetic methods and discusses their clinico-pathological impact for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and Hodgkin’s disease. Accepted: 30 July 1997  相似文献   

Traditionally, many cell-based assays that analyze cell populations and functionalities have been performed using flow cytometry. However, flow cytometers remain relatively expensive and require highly trained operators for routine maintenance and data analysis. Recently, an image cytometry system has been developed by Nexcelom Bioscience (Lawrence, MA, USA) for automated cell concentration and viability measurement using bright-field and fluorescent imaging methods. Image cytometry is analogous to flow cytometry in that gating operations can be performed on the cell population based on size and fluorescent intensity. In addition, the image cytometer is capable of capturing bright-field and fluorescent images, allowing for the measurement of cellular size and fluorescence intensity data. In this study, we labeled a population of cells with an enzymatic vitality stain (calcein-AM) and a cell viability dye (propidium iodide) and compared the data generated by flow and image cytometry. We report that measuring vitality and viability using the image cytometer is as effective as flow cytometric assays and allows for visual confirmation of the sample to exclude cellular debris. Image cytometry offers a direct method for performing fluorescent cell-based assays but also may be used as a complementary tool to flow cytometers for aiding the analysis of more complex samples.  相似文献   

1. Currently popular techniques of in situ hybridization histochemistry for the detection of cellular nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) are reviewed. 2. The advantages of single stranded DNA or RNA probes are discussed, together with the advantages of radioactive versus non-radioactive detection of nucleic acid signal. 3. Improving techniques of non-radioactive labelling and the use of image analysis for quantitation of radioactive signals will greatly expand the use of in situ techniques which will become commonplace in the laboratory.  相似文献   

Survivin is an inhibitor of apoptosis that plays a significant role in cell cycle regulation and is important for survival prognosis in many neoplasms. Survivin expression was assessed by in situ hybridization (ISH) in 60 consecutive patients (54 males and 4 females) with NSCLC treated between 1993 and 1997. The examined patients had IIB and IIIA stage according to TNM system. In all cases the chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide (2 cycles) was administered prior the surgery; in patients responding to the therapy one more cycle was applied. Survivin gene overexpression was observed in 35 patients (58.3%). There was no correlation between survivin mRNA level and histological type of tumor, stage of cell differentiation, stage of disease according to TNM classification, performance status according to WHO and number of chemotherapy regimens administered (p > 0.05). However, the correlation between survivin gene expression and response to the chemotherapy was statistically significant (p = 0.04). Statistical analysis showed that median survival in patients with survivin gene overexpression was shorter (14.0 months) as compared to patients with no expression (60.0 months; p = 0.00002). In survival assessment by means of Kaplan-Meier test, 14.3% of five-year survival was achieved in the former group versus 60% in the latter (p = 0.00003). Univariate analysis (log-rank test) showed that significant independent prognostic factors in NSCLC included: stage of the disease according to TNM classification (p = 0.006), response to chemotherapy (p = 0.005) and pattern of survivin gene expression (p = 0.00003). Multivariate analysis utilizing Cox's model showed that for survival assessment the stage according to TNM, response to the chemotherapy and survivin expression estimated by means of ISH are of statistical significance (p=0.00001). The calculated predictive values showed that ISH technique was quite accurate in assessment of five-year survival. Our data show that survivin expression may be used as a prognostic factor and a target for therapy.  相似文献   

We have implemented an efficient, quantitative approach for the optimization of in situ hybridization using double-stranded recombinant DNA probes. The model system studied was actin mRNA expression in chicken embryonic muscle cultures. Actin and control (pBR322) probes were nick-translated with p32 labeled nucleotides, hybridized to cells grown on coverslips, and quantitated in a scintillation counter. Cellular RNA retention was monitored via the incorporation of H3-Uridine into RNA prior to cell fixation. Over a thousand samples were analyzed, and among the technical variables examined were the fixation protocol, proteolytic cell pretreatment, the time course of hybridization, saturation kinetics, hybridization efficiency, and effect of probe size on hybridization and network formation. Results have allowed us to develop a reproducible in situ hybridization methodology which is simpler and less destructive to cellular RNA and morphology than other protocols. Moreover, this technique is highly sensitive and efficient in detection of cellular RNAs. Lastly, the rapid quantitative approach used for this analysis is valuable in itself as a potential alternative to filter or solution hybridizations.  相似文献   

Bivariate flow karyotypes of chromosomes from sheep, cattle and pig lymphocytes and from a cattle-mouse somatic cell hybrid line were obtained using a dual laser fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS). Pig chromosomes were resolved into 19-20 peaks, indicating that most, if not all, pig chromosomes could be separated by this technique. Sheep chromosomes showed incomplete separation but three clear peaks, presumably representing the three large metacentric chromosomes, plus five other clusters were obtained. Cattle chromosomes showed poor separation but about four peaks could be distinguished, indicating that certain chromosomes could be sorted in this species. The use of cattle-mouse hybrids may enable other individual cattle chromosomes to be obtained. It is concluded that FACS separation will be a useful additional tool for gene mapping.  相似文献   

Because of their tiny size (0.2 to 2 microns), oceanic picophytoplanktonic cells (either cultured strains or natural communities) are difficult to identify, and some basic questions concerning their taxonomy, physiology, and ecology are still largely unanswered. The present study was designed to test the suitability of in situ hybridization with rRNA fluorescent probes detected by flow cytometry for the identification of small photosynthetic eukaryotes. Oligonucleotide probes targeted against regions of the 18S rRNAs of Chlorophyta lineage (CHLO probe) and of non-Chlorophyta (NCHLO probe) algal species were designed. The CHLO and NCHLO probes, which differed by a single nucleotide, allowed discrimination of chlorophyte from nonchlorophyte cultured strains. The sensitivity of each probe was dependent upon the size of the cells and upon their growth stage. The mean fluorescence was 8 to 80 times higher for specifically labeled than for nonspecifically labeled cells in exponential growth phase, but it decreased sharply in stationary phase. Such taxon-specific probes should increase the applicability of flow cytometry for the rapid identification of cultured pico- and nanoplanktonic strains, especially those that lack taxonomically useful morphological features.  相似文献   

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