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The objective of the present studies was to determine the localization of epidermal growth factor (EGF) and the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in testicular tissue collected from male alpacas at 12 and 24 months of age. In the testes of 12-month-old alpacas, positive staining for EGF was not detected. EGFR was localized to Leydig cells within the 12-month-old alpaca testis, but staining was absent within seminiferous tubules. At 24 months of age, EGF was localized to Leydig cells, peritubular myoid cells, Sertoli cells and germ cells of the alpaca testis, with a preferential adluminal compartment staining within the seminiferous tubules. EGFR was also localized to the Leydig cells, peritubular myoid cells, Sertoli cells and germ cells within the 24-month-old alpaca testis, but staining within the tubules was primarily within the basal compartment. Results indicate distinct temporal and spatial regulation of EGF and EGFR in the alpaca testis and support a potential role for EGF and its related ligands in alpaca testis development and spermatogenesis.  相似文献   

The influence of short repetitive cold exposure at an early age (cold conditioning—exposure to 15°C for 3 h at 3 and 4 days of age) on chickens’ thermotolerance during cold challenge (15°C) at 21 days of age was examined. The first cold exposure elicited a dramatic decline in body temperature (Tb) and a significant elevation in stress response (plasma corticosterone concentration); the second cold exposure resulted in moderate Tb and stress responses. Thereafter, the corticosterone concentration remained at a significantly lower level. Acute cold challenge of conditioned broilers at 21 days of age revealed better Tb and stress recovery during the first 24 h, and a significantly lower mortality rate thereafter. Conditioned chickens exposed to optimal conditions (22°C) achieved significantly higher body weights than others. It may be concluded that early cold conditioning improves thermotolerance in broiler chickens in later life.  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of in ovo injection with glycerol (GLY) and insulin-like growth factor (IGF-I) on hatchability, biochemical parameters, intestinal morphometry, performance, and carcass characteristics of broiler chickens. A total of 400 fertilised eggs were distributed into five experimental groups. The treatments were arranged as non-injected (control), saline solution injected (0.9% NaCl solution), GLY solution injected (10 nmol/ml), IGF-I solution injected (100 ng/ml), and GLY + IGF-I solution injected. At 17.5 d of incubation, 0.5 ml of each solution was injected into the amniotic fluid of each egg of the injected groups. The injection of different solutions did not influence the hatchability and incubation time of the eggs. Compared to intact eggs, IGF-I and IGF-I+ GLY increased (p < 0.01) the blood IGF-I at hatching. Higher hepatic glycogen was observed (p < 0.05) with GLY or IGF-I. The tested substances decreased (p = 0.02) the fructose 1,6-biphosfate phosphatase activity but did not affect glycaemia. No difference in performance was observed in the first week. Higher feed intake and weight gain with lower feed conversion ratio was obtained ( p  < 0.05) with IGF-I at 14 d. At 21 d, higher weight gain was obtained (p = 0.05) with IGF-I, GLY, IGF-I, and GLY + IGF-I, resulting (p < 0.01) in birds with greater weight gain at 35 and 42 d of age. GLY provided higher villus height in the ileum at hatching and at 7 d of age. The tested solutions increased the relative weight of the liver at hatching. At 42 d of age, no carcass characteristics were influenced. It is concluded that GLY and IGF-I, together or separately, can be used in the in ovo feeding to improve the post-hatch performance of broilers, without affecting hatchability and carcass composition.  相似文献   

Tetrahymena pyriformiswas treated with insulin, histamine or serotonin for 30 min and epidermal growth factor (EGF) level was studied inside the cells using specific antibodies and flow cytometry as well as confocal microscopy. The EGF concentration was highly significantly elevated after hormone treatment, regardless of the hormone used. EGF was localized mainly in the cortical region (mucocysts) and in vesicles and this localization did not differ in untreated and treated cells. The results call attention to the possibility of interactions between hormones at unicellular level and points to the presence of a hormonal system in Tetrahymena that includes receptors, hormones and signal transduction pathways as well as hormonal interactions. This could be the basis of further evolution to the hormonal system of multicellulars.  相似文献   

Summary In untreated primary cultures of neonatal rat liver kept in high-calcium (1.8 mmol/l), foetal bovine serum (10%v/v)-containing minimal essential medium (FBSMEM), the absolute numbers of hepatocytes did not change between day 4 and day 9 because ongoing cell loss was counterbalanced by proliferation of a discrete sub-population of the cells. By contrast, the number of stromal cells increased linearly with time. Growth of hepatocytes and stromal cells was differently affected by the daily addition, between day 4 and day 8 of culture, of fresh medium to which peptide mitogen(s) in concentrations ranging from 10-14 to 10-8 mol/l had been added. Epidermal growth factor/urogastrone (EGF/URO) with or without equimolar mixtures of glucagon and insulin, induced first hyperplasia of hepatocytes and stromal cells and then apopotosis (degeneration and death) of the progeny of the stimulated cells. By contrast, equimolar mixtures of glucagon and insulin caused a progressive increase in the number of hepatocytes and stromal cells unbalanced by any increase in cell death. At subphysiological concentrations glucagon, in synergism with EGF/URO and/or some other unknown heat-stable component of serum, acted as a trophic factor for hepatocytes. By contrast, insulin alone did not enhance growth of hepatocytes, but rather blocked the mitogenic effects of EGF/URO. The three hormones exerted neither mitogenic nor apoptotic effects when administered in a low calcium (0.01 mmol/l) FBS-MEM medium.These results reveal that EGF/URO may control the size of cell populations in neonatal liver by calcium-dependent mechanisms that make it unlikely to be a promoter of hepatocyte tumours. They also show that glucagon acts as a positive trophic regulator for hepatocytes.  相似文献   


1. 1.|The effect of thyroidectomy at 12 days of age on weight gain, and on heat production and thermoregulatory ability of 4- to 5-week-old chickens at temperatures within and below the thermo-neutral zone was investigated.

2. 2.|Despit the absence of thyroid tissue, as demonstrated with radioiodine, a small amount of thyroxine was found in the plasma of some thyroidectomized (TX) birds.

3. 3.|Thyroidectomy depressed weight gain; pair-fed controls grew significantly faster than TX birds.

4. 4.|Resting heat production of TX birds at thermoneutrality (30°C) was depressed by 18% (P < 0.001) and body temperature by 0.4°C (P < 0.001).

5. 5.|At 12°C heat production of TX birds was similar to that of controls but the body temperature of TX birds was 0.7°C lower (P < 0.001).

6. 6.|Thyroidectomized birds were unable to regulate body temperature at 5°C even if thyroxine was provided on the day before and at the time of cold-exposure. This inability to thermoregulate was probably due to inadequate insulation and poor nutritional status.

Author Keywords: Gallus domesticus; thyroidectomy; thyroxine; heat production; thermoregulation; body temperature  相似文献   

In the present study, we first examined the expression of T-cadherin in human CNS by northern blot analysis, immunohistochemical staining, and in situ hybridization. Northern blot analysis demonstrated expression of T-cadherin in human adult cerebral cortex, medulla, thalamus, and midbrain. Immunohistochemical staining with a newly generated monoclonal antibody, designated MA-511, revealed strong expression of T-cadherin in neural cell surface membrane and neurites in adult cerebral cortex, medulla oblongata, and nucleus olivaris. Little or no expression of T-cadherin was found in spinal cord. We further examined T-cadherin expression in various developing nervous systems, and found that T-cadherin expression was lower in developing brain than in adult brain. In situ hybridization revealed that neural cells in medulla oblongata and nucleus olivaris, but not in spinal cord, possessed T-cadherin molecules. We transfected T-cadherin-negative TGW and NH-12 neuroblastoma cells with a T-cadherin cDNA-containing expression vector. T-cadherin-expressing neuroblastoma cells lost mitogenic proliferative response to epidermal growth factor. Epidermal growth factor is known to be required for proliferation of neural stem cells. This finding, together with those of the present study, suggests that T-cadherin functions as a negative regulator of neural cell growth.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces changes in cell morphology, actin cytoskeleton, and adhesion processes in cultured infantile pituitary cells. The extracellular matrix, through integrin engagement, collaborates with growth factors in cell signaling. We have examined the participation of collagen I/III and collagen plus fibronectin in the EGF response of infantile pituitary cells with respect to their cell morphology and actin cytoskeleton. As a comparison, we have used poly-lysine as a substrate. Infantile cells elicit the EGF response when they are associated with extracellular matrix proteins, but no response can be obtained with poly-lysine as the substrate. Cells acquire a flattened shape and organize their actin filaments and vinculin as in focal adhesions. Because the EGF receptor (EGFR) is linked to the actin cytoskeleton in other cells structuring a microdomain in cell signaling, we have investigated this association and substrate adhesion participation in infantile pituitary cells. The proportion of EGFR associated with the actin cytoskeleton is approximately 31%; no difference has been observed between the substrates used. Cells in suspension show actin-associated EGFR, suggesting an association independent of cell adhesion. However, no colocalization of EGFRs with actin fibers has been observed, suggesting an indirect association. Compared with β1-integrin, which is linked to actin fibers through structural proteins, EGFR binds more strongly with the actin cytoskeleton. This study thus shows cell adhesion dependence on the EGF effect in the actin cytoskeleton arrangement; this is probably favored by the actin fiber/EGFR association that facilitates the cell signaling pathways for actin cytoskeleton organization in infantile pituitary cells.This work was supported by the National Council of Science and Technology of México (grant 44619, and a fellowship to C.T.).  相似文献   

Summary The present study was aimed at assessing whether epidermal growth factor (EGF) and its receptors are present in the gastric mucosa during the healing of gastric ulcers. Immunohistochemical, immunochemical and functional studies were performed in rats after induction of ulcers in the oxyntic mucosa. Controls, which included non-operated and sham-operated animals, displayed only rare cells in the bottom of the oxyntic glands showing EGF-like immunoreactivity. Within one day after ulcer induction, a markedly increased number of chief cells in undamaged mucosa showed intense staining. Concomitantly, there was an increased immunoreactivity for EGF receptors in the mucous neck cells. Maximal immunostaining for both compounds was observed at 3 days after ulcer induction; augmented staining was still demonstrable after 3 weeks. RIA revealed significantly increased EGF concentration in the oxyntic mucosa three days after ulcer induction, and at this stage stimulated gastric acid secretion, measured in a parallel group of chronic fistula rats, indicated significant inhibition. The transient increases in EGF-like and EGF receptor immunoreactivities may stimulate gland cell proliferation. The local release of EGF-like substances may also serve to reduce gastric acidity and thereby promote ulcer healing.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest in using the brackish water mysid Neomysis integer as a toxicological test species for Western European estuarine systems. In this respect, more data on growth, moulting and development in this species is needed. The influence of prevailing environmental variables (e.g. temperature, salinity) and age on these processes as well as their optimal range have to be known in order to develop optimal laboratory cultures and to differentiate between chemically induced variability and natural variability in toxicity testing. Individual post-marsupial growth (size, intermoult period, growth factor) was studied from first day neonates until adulthood at eight environmentally relevant temperature-salinity conditions. Three salinities (5, 15 and 30 psu) were tested at 15 and 20 °C, and two more extreme temperatures (8 and 25 °C) were tested at a salinity of 5 psu.Survival and growth of N. integer were detected within the whole range tested, but sexual maturation was only possible in the narrower range of 15-25 °C and 5-15 psu. The size at maturity of N. integer increased with decreasing temperature and increasing salinity. Salinity seems to have a stronger effect than temperature on the duration of maturation. The sigmoid von Bertalanffy growth model was fitted to the individual and pooled data, except for the 8 °C experiment where growth was linear. Estimates from pooled data were comparable with individually based estimates, but generally underestimated the asymptotic length. Temperature was negatively correlated with the asymptotic length and positively correlated with the growth constant K. Higher temperatures caused smaller intermoult periods but had no effect on the growth increment, while salinity effects were less straightforward and dependent on the water temperature. A tool is provided to estimate the age, moult number, intermoult period, growth factor and growth rate from the body standard length of N. integer. Experimentally derived von Bertalanffy parameter estimates resulted in a higher growth performance index compared with field-based estimates for the Schelde estuary and Galgenweel populations of N. integer.  相似文献   

To understand the role of ovulation-inducing factor (or nerve growth factor) (OIF [NGF]) in bovine seminal plasma, we (1) used an in vivo llama bioassay to test the hypothesis that bovine seminal plasma induces ovulation and CL development in llamas similar to that of llama seminal plasma when the dose of seminal plasma is adjusted to ovulation-inducing factor content (experiment 1) and (2) determined the effect of bovine seminal plasma on the interval to ovulation and luteal development in heifers (experiment 2). Within species, seminal plasma was pooled (n = 160 bulls, n = 4 llamas), and the volume of seminal plasma used for treatment was adjusted to a total dose of 250 μg of ovulation-inducing factor. In experiment 1, mature female llamas were assigned randomly to four groups and treated intramuscularly with either 10 mL of PBS (negative control, n = 5), 50-μg GnRH (positive control, n = 5), 6-mL of llama seminal plasma (n = 6), or 12 mL of bull seminal plasma (n = 6). Ovulation and CL development were monitored by transrectal ultrasonography. In experiment 2, beef heifers were given a luteolytic dose of prostaglandin followed by 25-mg porcine LH (pLH) 12 hours later to induce ovulation. Heifers were assigned randomly to three groups and given 12 mL bovine seminal plasma intramuscularly 12 hours after pLH treatment (n = 10), within 4 hours after ovulation (n = 9), or no treatment (control, n = 10). Ovulation was monitored by ultrasonography every 4 hours, and the CL development was monitored daily until the next ovulation. In experiment 1, ovulation was detected in 0/5, 4/5, 4/6, 4/6 llamas in the PBS, GnRH, llama seminal plasma, and bovine seminal plasma groups, respectively (P < 0.05). Luteal development was not different among groups. In experiment 2, the interval to ovulation was more synchronous (range: 4 vs. 22 hours; P < 0.0001) in heifers treated with seminal plasma before ovulation compared with the other groups. Luteal development was not different among groups; however, plasma progesterone concentrations tended to be greater in the postovulation treatment group compared with other groups. In summary, results confirmed the presence of bioactive ovulation-inducing factor in bull seminal plasma and supported the hypothesis that bovine and llama seminal plasma have similar ovulatory effects, using a llama bioassay. Treatment with bovine seminal plasma resulted in greater synchrony of ovulation in heifers pretreated with pLH. Plasma progesterone concentration tended to be higher in heifers given bovine seminal plasma within 4 hours after ovulation, suggesting that bovine ovulation-inducing factor is luteotrophic.  相似文献   

Previously, we showed that expression of a dominant-negative form of the transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) type II receptor in skeletal tissue resulted in increased hypertrophic differentiation in growth plate and articular chondrocytes, suggesting a role for TGF-beta in limiting terminal differentiation in vivo. Parathyroid hormone-related peptide (PTHrP) has also been demonstrated to regulate chondrocyte differentiation in vivo. Mice with targeted deletion of the PTHrP gene demonstrate increased endochondral bone formation, and misexpression of PTHrP in cartilage results in delayed bone formation due to slowed conversion of proliferative chondrocytes into hypertrophic chondrocytes. Since the development of skeletal elements requires the coordination of signals from several sources, this report tests the hypothesis that TGF-beta and PTHrP act in a common signal cascade to regulate endochondral bone formation. Mouse embryonic metatarsal bone rudiments grown in organ culture were used to demonstrate that TGF-beta inhibits several stages of endochondral bone formation, including chondrocyte proliferation, hypertrophic differentiation, and matrix mineralization. Treatment with TGF-beta1 also stimulated the expression of PTHrP mRNA. PTHrP added to cultures inhibited hypertrophic differentiation and matrix mineralization but did not affect cell proliferation. Furthermore, terminal differentiation was not inhibited by TGF-beta in metatarsal rudiments from PTHrP-null embryos; however, growth and matrix mineralization were still inhibited. The data support the model that TGF-beta acts upstream of PTHrP to regulate the rate of hypertrophic differentiation and suggest that TGF-beta has both PTHrP-dependent and PTHrP-independent effects on endochondral bone formation.  相似文献   

Clonal cultures are essential for the genotypic and phenotypic characterization of Perkinsus species but their cloning, especially of P. marinus, can be tedious. The use of a growth factor and hormone supplement to facilitate cloning was, therefore, investigated. Many of the 16 supplements tested significantly increased P. marinus and P. olseni proliferation but only two significantly increased P. chesapeaki proliferation. The concentration of the most effective supplement for all three Perkinsus species (i.e., endothelial cell growth supplement, ECGS) and medium dilution were then optimized for P. marinus cultured at low densities. Finally, the advantage of using conditioned culture medium, a feeder layer, and ECGS alone and in different combinations to improve cloning of P. marinus were compared. Using conditioned culture medium, a feeder layer and ECGS in combination, each cell (N = 7) seeded singly yielded clonal cultures with 253 ± 167 cells after 21 days. In contrast, only 4 out of 7 cells seeded singly in culture medium yielded clonal cultures with 5 ± 4 cells after 21 days.  相似文献   

以发芽率、苗长、根长、苗干重、根干重变化为种子萌发和幼苗生长参数,研究苗期紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa)植株浸提液对不同地区垂穗披碱草(Elymus nutans)种子萌发生长的化感作用。结果表明:地上部浸提液对LS、DX垂穗披碱草种子发芽率具有明显的促进作用,而对GS、KMX、LKZ、LZ地区垂穗披碱草种子发芽率均表现为抑制作用,其中对GS垂穗披碱草种子发芽率的抑制作用最强,在14.5%和5.5%浓度处理时抑制率分别为57.89%、55.26%;苗长方面,浸提液5.5%浓度对垂穗披碱草苗长的抑制率顺序为:LZNQDXLSKMXQHGSLKZ,14.5%处理时抑制率顺序为:LZKMXLKZNQGSQHDXLS,其中抑制率最高的为LZ垂穗披碱草,在14.5%和5.5%浓度处理时抑制率分别为33.03%、28.97%;根长方面,5.5%处理对垂穗披碱草根长的抑制率顺序为:QHNQLZKMX、GSLKZDX、LS,14.5%处理时抑制率顺序为:GSQH、NQLZLSKMXDXLKZ,其中在高浓度下抑制率最高的为GS垂穗披碱草,抑制率为57.69%;地上部浸提液对LKZ、LZ垂穗披碱草苗干重均具有促进作用,高浓度浸提液对NQ垂穗披碱草苗干重产生促进作用(RI0),而对KMX、DX垂穗披碱草苗干重均表现为抑制作用;根干重方面,浸提液对LS、QH、GS、NQ、LKZ垂穗披碱草根干重均有明显的抑制作用,而对KMX、DX垂穗披碱草根干重产生促进作用,高浓度浸提液对LZ垂穗披碱草的根干重产生促进作用。从根浸提液的作用来看,根浸提液除对LS、DX垂穗披碱草种子发芽率和根干重、GS垂穗披碱草种子发芽率和苗干重及NQ垂穗披碱草根干重具有促进作用外(P 0.05),对其余地区垂穗披碱草的各项指标均有明显的抑制作用(RI0)。所有以上结果表明,紫花苜蓿植株浸提液对垂穗披碱草种子萌发生长的作用具有一定的浓度效应。不同地区垂穗披碱草对紫花苜蓿地上部浸提液的敏感性趋势总体为:GSQHLSKMXNQLKZLZ,最不敏感或有促进作用的是DX垂穗披碱草;对根浸提液的敏感性趋势总体为:QHNQLZKMX,根浸提液对LS、GS、LKZ、DX垂穗披碱草种子萌发生长具有促进作用。紫花苜蓿植株不同部位浸提液对垂穗披碱草种子萌发生长的化感效应顺序为:地上部根。  相似文献   

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