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Herbivory is a key process structuring plant communities in both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, with variation in herbivory often being related to shifts between alternate states. On coral reefs, regional reductions in herbivores have underpinned shifts from coral to dominance by leathery macroalgae. These shifts appear difficult to reverse as these macroalgae are unpalatable to the majority of herbivores, and the macroalgae suppress the recruitment and growth of corals. The removal of macroalgae is, therefore, viewed as a key ecological process on coral reefs. On the Great Barrier Reef, Sargassum is a dominant macroalgal species following experimentally induced coral–macroalgal phase-shifts. We, therefore, used Sargassum assays and remote video cameras to directly quantify the species responsible for removing macroalgae across a range of coral reef habitats on Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef. Despite supporting over 50 herbivorous fish species and six macroalgal browsing species, the video footage revealed that a single species, Naso unicornis, was almost solely responsible for the removal of Sargassum biomass across all habitats. Of the 42,246 bites taken from the Sargassum across all habitats, N. unicornis accounted for 89.8% (37,982) of the total bites, and 94.6% of the total mass standardized bites. This limited redundancy, both within and across local scales, underscores the need to assess the functional roles of individual species. Management and conservation strategies may need to look beyond the preservation of species diversity and focus on the maintenance of ecological processes and the protection of key species in critical functional groups.  相似文献   

Herbivory is widely accepted as a key process determining the structure and resilience of coral reefs, with regional reductions in herbivores often being related to shifts from dominance by coral to leathery macroalgae. The removal of leathery macroalgae may therefore be viewed as a critical process on coral reefs. However, few studies have examined this process beyond a within-reef scale. Here, browsing activity was examined across the entire Great Barrier Reef shelf using bioassays of the leathery macroalga Sargassum to directly quantify algal removal. The assays revealed marked cross-shelf variation in browsing intensity, with the highest rates recorded on mid-shelf reefs (55.2–79.9% day−1) and decreasing significantly on inner- (10.8–17.0% day−1) and outer-shelf (10.1–10.4% day−1) reefs. Surprisingly, the variation in browsing intensity was not directly related to estimates of macroalgal browser biomass; rather, it appears to be shaped primarily by the local environment and behaviour of the component species. Removal rates across the inner- and mid-shelf reefs appear to be related to the attractiveness of the assays relative to the resident algal communities. Controlling for the influence of the resident algal communities revealed a positive relationship between removal rates and the biomass of a single macroalgal browsing species, Naso unicornis. In contrast, the low removal rates on the outer-shelf reefs displayed no relationship to algal or herbivore communities and appeared to reflect a negative behavioural response by the resident fishes to a novel, or unfamiliar, alga. These findings not only highlight the complexities of the relationship between fish presence and ecological function, but also the value of examining ecological processes across broader spatial scales.  相似文献   

Territorial damselfish are important herbivores on coral reefs because they can occupy a large proportion of the substratum and modify the benthic community to promote the cover of food algae. However, on coastal coral reefs damselfish occupy habitats that are often dominated by unpalatable macroalgae. The aim of this study was to examine whether damselfish can maintain distinctive algal assemblages on a coastal reef that is seasonally dominated by Sargassum (Magnetic Island, Great Barrier Reef). Here, three abundant species (Pomacentrus tripunctatus, P. wardi and Stegastes apicalis) occupied up to 60% of the reef substrata. All three species promoted the abundance of food algae in their territories. The magnitudes of the effects varied among reef zones, but patterns were relatively stable over time. Damselfish appear to readily co-exist with large unpalatable macroalgae as they can use it as a substratum for promoting the growth of palatable epiphytes. Damselfish territories represent patches of increased epiphyte load on macroalgae, decreased sediment cover, and enhanced cover of palatable algal turf.  相似文献   

Threats to coral reefs may be manifested through an increase in macroalgae. Across the globe, phase-shifts from coral to macroalgal dominance have been reported from the Caribbean, Indian and Pacific Oceans. While the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) is in relatively good condition, inshore reefs may exhibit over 50% macroalgal cover. However, our understanding of the processes preventing the macroalgal expansion remains uncertain. Using a remote video bioassay approach, this study quantified herbivory in three bays along the leeward margin of Orpheus Island. Despite significant with-in bay variation in herbivory there was no detectable statistical difference in the rates of herbivory among bays. Furthermore, of the 45 herbivore species recorded from the island, only three played a significant role in bioassay removal, Siganus canaliculatus, Siganus javus and Kyphosus vaigiensis, with only one species predominating in each bay. Reefs of the GBR may therefore be more vulnerable than previously thought, with the removal of macroalgae depending on just a few species, which exhibit considerable spatial variability in their feeding behaviour.  相似文献   

Direct evaluation of macroalgal removal by herbivorous coral reef fishes   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
Few studies have examined the relative functional impacts of individual herbivorous fish species on coral reef ecosystem processes in the Indo-Pacific. This study assessed the potential grazing impact of individual species within an inshore herbivorous reef fish assemblage on the central Great Barrier Reef (GBR), by determining which fish species were able to remove particular macroalgal species. Transplanted multiple-choice algal assays and remote stationary underwater digital video cameras were used to quantify the impact of local herbivorous reef fish species on 12 species of macroalgae. Macroalgal removal by the fishes was rapid. Within 3 h of exposure to herbivorous reef fishes there was significant evidence of intense grazing. After 12 h of exposure, 10 of the 12 macroalgal species had decreased to less than 15% of their original mass. Chlorodesmis fastigiata (Chlorophyta) and Galaxaura sp. (Rhodophyta) showed significantly less susceptibility to herbivorous reef fish grazing than all other macroalgae, even after 24 h exposure. Six herbivorous and/or nominally herbivorous reef fish species were identified as the dominant grazers of macroalgae: Siganus doliatus, Siganus canaliculatus, Chlorurus microrhinos, Hipposcarus longiceps, Scarus rivulatus and Pomacanthus sexstriatus. The siganid S. doliatus fed heavily on Hypnea sp., while S. canaliculatus fed intensively on Sargassum sp. Variation in macroalgal susceptibility was not clearly correlated with morphological and/or chemical defenses that have been previously suggested as deterrents against herbivory. Nevertheless, the results stress the potential importance of individual herbivorous reef fish species in removing macroalgae from coral reefs.  相似文献   

A large survey program was conducted during 1985/1986 to determine the extent of activity of the crown-of-thorns starfish, Acanthaster planci, and its broad effects on the coral communities of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). The perimeters of 228 reefs (about 9% of reefs in the GBR system) were surveyed within 1 year using rapid survey, manta tow techniques. These reefs encompassed the broad latitudinal and longitudinal gradients within the GBR. Approximately 27% (62 reefs) of the reefs surveyed had recently experienced (18%), or were experiencing (9%), an outbreak of the crown-of-thorns starfish. These outbreaks were mainly confined to reefs in the central third of the GBR (between Lizard Island and Townsville) and had affected, to varying degrees, approximately 65% of the reefs surveyed within this region. A greater proportion of mid-shelf reefs had experienced outbreaks than outer-shelf reefs, although this difference was not statistically significant. Of the small number of inner-shelf reefs surveyed, none had been recently affected by an outbreak. Large active outbreaks of starfish were reported on many of the reefs located off Townsville while much smaller outbreaks were found on several reefs at the southern end of the GBR, in the Swain Reef complex. Almost 86% of reefs currently experiencing an outbreak had moderate to high coral mortality over at least a third of their perimeters. Only 10% of reefs with active outbreaks had high coral mortality over most of their windward and leeward margins. A similar proportion of reefs had low to moderate coral mortality over less than a third of their perimeters.  相似文献   

Coral communities at Moorea, French Polynesia, and on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Australia, were severely depleted by disturbances early in the 1980s. Corals were killed by the predatory starfish Acanthaster planci, by cyclones, and/or by depressed sea level. This study compares benthic community structure and coral population structures on three disturbed reefs (Vaipahu-Moorea; Rib and John Brewer Reefs-GBR) and one undisturbed reef (Davies Reef-GBR) in 1987–89. Moorea barrier reefs had been invaded by tall macrophytes Turbinaria ornata and Sargassum sp., whereas the damaged GBR reefs were colonised by a diverse mixture of short macrophytes, turfs and coralline algae. The disturbed areas had broadly similar patterns of living and dead standing coral, and similar progress in recolonisation, which suggests their structure may converge towards that of undisturbed Davies Reef. Corals occupying denuded areas at Vaipahu, Rib and John Brewer were small (median diameter 5 cm in each case) and sparse (means 4–8 m-2) compared to longer established corals at Davies Reef (median diameter 9 cm; mean 18 m-2). At Moorea, damselfish and sea urchins interacted with corals in ways not observed in the GBR reefs. Territories of the damselfish Stegastes nigricans covered much of Moorea's shallow reef top. They had significantly higher diversity and density of post-disturbance corals than areas outside of territories, suggesting that the damselfish exerts some influences on coral community dynamics. Sea urchins on Moorea (Diadema setosum Echinometra mathaei, Echinotrix calamaris) were causing widespread destruction of dead standing coral skeletons. Overall, it appears that the future direction and speed of change in the communities will be explicable more in terms of local than regional processes.  相似文献   

Macroalgal-feeding fishes are considered to be a key functional group on coral reefs due to their role in preventing phase shifts from coral to macroalgal dominance, and potentially reversing the shift should it occur. However, assessments of macroalgal herbivory using bioassay experiments are primarily from systems with relatively high coral cover. This raises the question of whether continued functionality can be ensured in degraded systems. It is clearly important to determine whether the species that remove macroalgae on coral-dominated reefs will still be present and performing significant algal removal on macroalgal-dominated reefs. We compared the identity and effectiveness of macroalgal-feeding fishes on reefs in two conditions post-disturbance—those regenerating with high live coral cover (20–46 %) and those degrading with high macroalgal cover (57–82 %). Using filmed Sargassum bioassays, we found significantly different Sargassum biomass loss between the two conditions; mean assay weight loss due to herbivory was 27.9 ± 4.9 % on coral-dominated reefs and 2.2 ± 1.1 % on reefs with high macroalgal cover. However, once standardised for the availability of macroalgae on the reefs, the rates of removal were similar between the two reef conditions (4.8 ± 4.1 g m?2 h?1 on coral-dominated and 5.3 ± 2.1 g m?2 h?1 on macroalgal-dominated reefs). Interestingly, the Sargassum-assay consumer assemblages differed between reef conditions; nominally grazing herbivores, Siganus puelloides and Chlorurus sordidus, and the browser, Siganus sutor, dominated feeding on high coral cover reefs, whereas browsing herbivores, Naso elegans, Naso unicornis, and Leptoscarus vaigiensis, prevailed on macroalgal-dominated reefs. It appeared that macroalgal density in the surrounding habitat had a strong influence on the species driving the process of macroalgal removal. This suggests that although the function of macroalgal removal may continue, the species responsible may change with context, differing between systems that are regenerating versus degrading.  相似文献   

Macroalgae are generally used as indicators of coral reef status; thus, understanding the drivers and mechanisms leading to increased macroalgal abundance are of critical importance. Ocean acidification (OA) due to elevated carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations has been suggested to stimulate macroalgal growth and abundance on reefs. However, little is known about the physiological mechanisms by which reef macroalgae use CO2 from the bulk seawater for photosynthesis [i.e., (1) direct uptake of bicarbonate (HCO3 ?) and/or CO2 by means of carbon concentrating mechanisms (CCM) and (2) the diffusive uptake of CO2], which species could benefit from increased CO2 or which habitats may be more susceptible to acidification-induced algal proliferations. Here, we provide the first quantitative examination of CO2-use strategies in coral reef macroalgae and provide information on how the proportion of species and the proportional abundance of species utilising each of the carbon acquisition strategies varies across a gradient of terrestrial influence (from inshore to offshore reefs) in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR). Four macroalgal groups were identified based on their carbon uptake strategies: (1) CCM-only (HCO3 ? only users); (2) CCM-HCO3 ?/CO2 (active uptake HCO3 ? and/or CO2 use); (3) Non-CCM species (those relying on diffusive CO2 uptake); and (4) Calcifiers. δ13C values of macroalgae, confirmed by pH drift assays, show that diffusive CO2 use is more prevalent in deeper waters, possibly due to low light availability that limits activity of CCMs. Inshore shallow reefs had a higher proportion of CCM-only species, while reefs further away from terrestrial influence and exposed to better water quality had a higher number of non-CCM species than inshore and mid-shelf reefs. As non-CCM macroalgae are more responsive to increased seawater CO2 and OA, reef slopes of the outer reefs are probably the habitats most vulnerable to the impacts of OA. Our results suggest a potentially important role of carbon physiology in structuring macroalgal communities in the GBR.  相似文献   

Herbivory is an important mechanism affecting algal succession, particularly on coral reefs where the relationship between algae and corals is largely controlled by herbivores. However, different functional groups of herbivores may have contrasting effects on succession, which may explain different trajectories of coral reef recovery after disturbance. Here, the effects of different herbivore groups (roving herbivores = foragers and territorial damselfish = farmers) were isolated by a multi-factorial experiment carried out on a coastal coral reef with high macroalgal cover, high farmer densities and relatively low forager abundance. The effects of foragers and farmers were distinguished by monitoring algal succession on settlement tiles placed inside and outside exclusion cages, with orthogonal treatments established inside and outside damselfish territories (with appropriate cage controls). Within 12 months, algal assemblages on ungrazed tiles inside exclusion cages proceeded rapidly from fine filamentous turfs, to corticated algae, to tough erect (e.g. Amphiroa spp.) and foliose (e.g. Peyssonnellidae) calcified algae. Farmers had a dramatic impact on succession, essentially arresting the development of the algal community at a point where it was dominated by palatable filamentous algae of the genus Polysiphonia. Fleshy macroalgae such as Sargassum spp. were excluded from farmer territories. In contrast, foragers did not suppress fleshy macroalgae, but rather, appeared to decelerate succession and promote a relatively diverse assemblage. In contrast to forager-dominated reefs, farmer territories did not appear to function solely as forager exclusion areas or promote algal diversity as a result of intermediate grazing pressure. The relatively strong effects of farmers observed here may represent a future scenario for coral reefs that are increasingly subject to overfishing of large grazing fishes.  相似文献   

Beck  H. J.  Feary  D. A.  Nakamura  Y.  Booth  D. J. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2017,36(2):639-651

Warming waters and changing ocean currents are increasing the supply of tropical fish larvae to temperature regions where they are exposed to novel habitats, namely temperate macroalgae and barren reefs. Here, we use underwater surveys on the temperate reefs of south-eastern (SE) Australia and western Japan (~33.5°N and S, respectively) to investigate how temperate macroalgal and non-macroalgal habitats influence recruitment success of a range of tropical fishes. We show that temperate macroalgae strongly affected recruitment of many tropical fish species in both regions and across three recruitment seasons in SE Australia. Densities and richness of recruiting tropical fishes, primarily planktivores and herbivores, were over seven times greater in non-macroalgal than macroalgal reef habitat. Species and trophic diversity (K-dominance) were also greater in non-macroalgal habitat. Temperate macroalgal cover was a stronger predictor of tropical fish assemblages than temperate fish assemblages, reef rugosities or wave exposure. Tropical fish richness, diversity and density were greater on barren reef than on reef dominated by turfing algae. One common species, the neon damselfish (Pomacentrus coelestis), chose non-macroalgal habitat over temperate macroalgae for settlement in an aquarium experiment. This study highlights that temperate macroalgae may partly account for spatial variation in recruitment success of many tropical fishes into higher latitudes. Hence, habitat composition of temperate reefs may need to be considered to accurately predict the geographic responses of many tropical fishes to climate change.


Algal contact as a trigger for coral disease   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diseases are causing alarming declines in reef‐building coral species, the foundation blocks of coral reefs. The emergence of these diseases has occurred simultaneously with large increases in the abundance of benthic macroalgae. Here, we show that physical contact with the macroalga Halimeda opuntia can trigger a virulent disease known as white plague type II that has caused widespread mortality in most Caribbean coral species. Colonies of the dominant coral Montastraea faveolata exposed to algal transplants developed the disease whereas unexposed colonies did not. The bacterium Aurantimonas coralicida, causative agent of the disease, was present on H. opuntia sampled close to, and away from diseased corals, indicating that the alga serves as a reservoir for this pathogen. Our results suggest that the spread of macroalgae on coral reefs could account for the elevated incidence of coral diseases over past decades and that reduction of macroalgal abundance could help control coral epizootics.  相似文献   

Coral populations have precipitously declined on Caribbean reefs while algal abundance has increased, leading to enhanced competitive damage to corals, which likely is mediated by the potent allelochemicals produced by both macroalgae and benthic cyanobacteria. Allelochemicals may affect the composition and abundance of coral-associated microorganisms that control host responses and adaptations to environmental change, including susceptibility to bacterial diseases. Here, we demonstrate that extracts of six Caribbean macroalgae and two benthic cyanobacteria have both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on bacterial taxa cultured from the surfaces of Caribbean corals, macroalgae, and corals exposed to macroalgal extracts. The growth of 54 bacterial isolates was monitored in the presence of lipophilic and hydrophilic crude extracts derived from Caribbean macroalgae and cyanobacteria using 96-well plate bioassays. All 54 bacterial cultures were identified by ribotyping. Lipophilic extracts from two species of Dictyota brown algae inhibited >50% of the reef coral bacteria assayed, and hydrophilic compounds from Dictyota menstrualis particularly inhibited Vibrio bacteria, a genus associated with several coral diseases. In contrast, both lipo- and hydrophilic extracts from 2 species of Lyngbya cyanobacteria strongly stimulated bacterial growth. The brown alga Lobophora variegata produced hydrophilic compounds with broad-spectrum antibacterial effects, which inhibited 93% of the bacterial cultures. Furthermore, bacteria cultured from different locations (corals vs. macroalgae vs. coral surfaces exposed to macroalgal extracts) responded differently to algal extracts. These results reveal that extracts from macroalgae and cyanobacteria have species-specific effects on the composition of coral-microbial assemblages, which in turn may increase coral host susceptibility to disease and result in coral mortality.  相似文献   

Tang  S.  Graba-Landry  A.  Hoey  A. S. 《Coral reefs (Online)》2020,39(2):467-473

Macroalgal beds have been suggested to be an important settlement habitat for a diversity of reef fishes, yet few studies have considered how the composition or structure of macroalgal beds may influence fish settlement. The aim of this study was to investigate how the physical characteristics of Sargassum beds, a common macroalga on inshore coral reefs, influence the abundance of recently-settled rabbitfishes (Siganidae) on Orpheus Island, Great Barrier Reef. The abundance of recently-settled rabbitfish (< 3 cm total length), the density and height of Sargassum thalli, and benthic composition were quantified within replicate 1-m2 quadrats across 15 mid-reef flat sites. A total of 419 recently-settled rabbitfish from three species (Siganus doliatus, S. lineatus and S. canaliculatus) were recorded across 150 quadrats (range 0–16 individuals m−2), with S. doliatus accounting for the majority (85.2%) of individuals recorded. The abundance of S. doliatus and S. lineatus was greatest at moderate Sargassum densities (ca. 20–30 holdfasts m−2) and generally increased with Sargassum height and the cover of ‘other’ macroalgae. These findings demonstrate the potential importance of the physical characteristics of macroalgal beds to the settlement of rabbitfishes on inshore reef flats.



Increasing ocean temperatures associated with ongoing climate change have resulted in regional reductions in the cover of live coral and increasing concerns that coral reefs will be overgrown by macroalgae. The likelihood of macroalgal overgrowth will, however, depend on the thermal sensitivities of the macroalgae themselves. We exposed recently settled propagules of the common canopy-forming macroalga Sargassum swartzii and adult thalli of three species of Sargassum (S. swatzii, S. cristaefolium, S. polycystum) to three experimental temperatures: ambient, + 2 °C, and + 3.5 °C, reflective of summer minimum, mean, and maximum temperatures for the region. Growth and survival of Sargassum swartzii propagules were assessed over 48 days, and the growth, physical toughness, elemental composition, and susceptibility to herbivory of adult thalli were assessed after short-term exposure (2-weeks) to experimental temperatures. Growth and survival of S. swartzii propagules were reduced by 43% and 84%, respectively, when cultured at the elevated (+ 3.5 °C) temperature compared to ambient temperature. Similarly, elevated temperature resulted in a 17–49% decline in the growth of adult Sargassum thalli relative to controls. Susceptability of S. swartzii and S. cristaefolium to herbivory (i.e. mass removed by herbivores) was 50% less for thalli cultured at elevated (+ 3.5 °C) compared to ambient temperature, but this pattern was not related to changes in the physical or chemical properties of the thalli as a result of elevated temperature. The negative effects of elevated temperatures on the growth and survival of both Sargassum propagules and adult thalli will likely restrict the capacity of Sargassum, and potentially other macroalgae, to establish in new areas, and may also threaten the persistence of existing macroalgal meadows under future ocean temperatures. The thermal sensitivities of tropical Sargassum, together with those of corals, suggest ongoing ocean warming may lead to novel reef ecosystems that are low in both coral cover and macroalgal cover.




On coral reefs, damselfish defend their territories from invading herbivores and maintain algal turfs, from which they harvest filamentous algae. In southern Japan, intensive weeding of indigestible algae by Stegastes nigricans results in overgrowth by one filamentous alga, Polysiphonia sp. 1. Because this alga is highly susceptible to grazing and is competitively inferior to other algae, it survives only within the protective territories of this fish species, suggesting an obligate mutualism between damselfish and their cultivated alga. The wide distribution of damselfish species through the Indo-Central Pacific raises the question of whether this species-specific mutualism is maintained throughout the geographic range of the fish. To address this question, from all 18 damselfish species we conducted comprehensive surveys of algal flora within their territories throughout the Indo-West Pacific, and identified species of Polysiphonia using morphological examination and gene sequencing data.  相似文献   

Inshore reefs of the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) are subject to episodic nutrient supply, mainly by flood events, whereas midshelf reefs have a more consistent low nutrient availability. Alkaline phosphatase activity (APA) enables macroalgae to increase their phosphorus (P) supply by using organic P. APA was high (~4.0 to 15.5 µmol PO43- g DW-1 h-1) in species colonising predominantly inshore reefs and low (<2 µmol PO43- g DW-1 h-1) in species with a cross-shelf distribution. However, APA values of GBR algae in this study were much lower than data reported from other coral reef systems. In experiments with two Sargassum species tissue P levels were correlated negatively, and N:P ratios were positively correlated with APA. High APA can compensate for a relative P-limitation of macroalgae in coral reef systems that are subject to significant N-inputs, such as the GBR inshore reefs. APA and other mechanisms to acquire a range of nutrient species allow inshore species to thrive in habitats with episodic nutrient supply. These species also are likely to benefit from an increased nutrient supply caused by human activity, which currently is a global problem.  相似文献   

Invasive species can transform ecological communities. Their profound effects may alter the sources and pathways of primary production. We investigated the effects of the reef forming polychaete Ficopomatus enigmaticus invasion on the biomass and distribution of estuarine macroalgae in a SW Atlantic coastal lagoon (Mar Chiquita, 37° 40′S, 57° 23′W, Argentina). Reefs built by this species serve as substrates for macroalgal development and furnish structures that modify physical and biological conditions for the surrounding benthos. We showed that (1) the red macroalga Polysiphonia subtilissima settles and grows almost exclusively on the surface of the reef, (2) the green macroalgae Cladophora sp. and Enteromorpha intestinalis are found almost exclusively in areas without reefs attached to mollusk shells and, (3) no macroalgae occur in the sediment between reefs. Manipulative experiments show that reefs provide a complex substrate for settlement and survival and therefore benefit red macroalga. These experiments also show that the invasive reef builder has negative indirect effects on green macroalgae by increasing grazing and probably by increased sedimentation between reefs. Via these direct and indirect effects, reefs change the relative biomass contribution of each macroalgal species to the overall production in the lagoon. Knowledge of these processes is important not only for predicting net effects on primary production but also because changes in macroalgal species composition may produce effects that cascade through the food web.  相似文献   

Sargassum muticum was first observed in Scandinavia in Limfjorden (Denmark) in 1984, where it is now the most abundant and conspicuous macroalga. Despite the ecological importance of Sargassum, few studies have described seasonal patterns within Scandinavian Sargassum beds. We quantified the dynamics of macroalgae among years and seasons along a depth transect through a typical Sargassum bed in Limfjorden. The annual investigations (summer transects 1989–1999) showed a gradual increase in the dominance of Sargassum, especially at the 2–4-m depth interval. Significant seasonal dynamics in macroalgal abundance and assemblage structure were observed in this depth interval; the mean cover of Sargassum varied from ca. 5% (autumn and winter) to 25% (mid-summer). In comparison, encrusting algae had high and relatively stable covers throughout the year (ca. 20%). Other perennial macroalgae had low mean covers (<2%) characterized by a few patches of higher abundances. Except from a spring bloom, filamentous algae had low covers throughout the year. Within this relatively uniform bed, Sargassum abundance was positively related to boulders >10 cm in diameter and species richness was negatively correlated to depth and stones <10 cm in diameter, and non-correlated to other algal form-groups or grazer densities. Thus, in Limfjorden, the distribution of Sargassum is determined by large- (>6 m) and small-scale (<1 m) depth differences where low light limits Sargassum at depth, physical disturbance and sediment stress limits Sargasum in shallow waters, and the presence of stable boulder substratum facilitate Sargassum. Competition for space from other macroalgae and herbivory are probably of minor importance.  相似文献   

Disturbance of competitive‐dominant plant and algae canopies often lead to increased diversity of the assemblage. Kelp forests, particularly those of temperate Western Australia, are habitats with high alpha diversity. This study investigated the roles of broad‐scale canopy loss and local scale reef topography on structuring the kelp‐dominated macroalgal forests in Western Australia. Eighteen 314 m2 circular areas were cleared of their Ecklonia radiata canopy and eighteen controls were established across three locations. The patterns of macroalgal recolonisation in replicate clearances were observed over a 34 month period. Macroalgal species richness initially increased after canopy removal with a turf of filamentous and foliose macroalgae dominating cleared areas for up to seven months. A dense Sargassum canopy dominated cleared areas from 11 to 22 months. By 34 months, partial recovery of the kelp canopy into cleared areas had occurred. Some cleared areas did not follow this trajectory but remained dominated by turfing, foliose and filamentous algae. As kelp canopies developed, the initial high species diversity declined but still remained elevated relative to undisturbed controls, even after 34 months. More complex reef topography was associated with greater variability in the algal assemblage between replicate quadrats suggesting colonising algae had a greater choice of microhabitats available to them on topographically complex reefs. Shading by canopies of either Sargassum spp. and E. radiata are proposed to highly influence the abundance of algae through competitive exclusion that is relaxed by disturbance of the canopy. Disturbance of the canopy in E. radiata kelp forests created a mosaic of different patch types (turf, Sargassum‐dominated, kelp‐dominated). These patch types were both transient and stable over the 34 months of this study, and are a potential contemporary process that maintains high species diversity in temperate kelp‐dominated reefs.  相似文献   

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