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Abstract Previous studies suggest that high temperature stress on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) involves root processes and acceleration of monocarpic senescence. Physiological changes in wheat roots and shoots were investigated to elucidate their relationship to injury from elevated temperatures after anthesis. Plants were grown under uniform conditions until 10 d after anthesis, when shoot/root regimes of 25°C/25°C, 25°C/35°C, 35°C/25°C and 35°C/35°C were imposed. Growth and senescence of shoots and grain were influenced more by root temperatures than by shoot temperatures. High root temperatures increased activities of protease and RNasc enzymes, and loss of chlorophyll, protein and RNA from shoots, whereas low root temperatures had opposite effects. High root temperatures appeared to induce shoot senescence directly. High shoot temperatures probably disrupted root processes, including export of cytokinins, and induced high leaf protease activity, senescence and cessation of grain development. The authors concluded that responses of wheat to high temperatures, whether of roots or shoots, are manifested as acceleration of senescence and may be mediated by roots during grain development.  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine the relationship between the protein content and protease activity in suspension cultures of rose (Rosa cv Paul's Scarlet) grown over a 30 day period. Protein levels and protease activity were calculated on a per culture and per cell basis. Older nongrowing 14 day-old cultures possessed the largest total protease activity, but the highest concentration of protease activity per cell was in young 4 day-old rapidly dividing cells.  相似文献   

Changes in DNA and RNA metabolism, DNA composition and RNA species in callus of tobacco ( Nicotiana rustica L. cv. Gansu Yellow Flower) were investigated during the growth and senescence. DNA and RNA contents remained almost unchanged during the callus growth period, but started to decrease synchronously at the time that callus senescence was initiated. Synthesis of DNA and RNA, as measured by incorporation of [3H]-labelled precursor, increased during the growth period and did not decrease until late in senescence. The activities of DNase and RNase (pH 4.5) increased during the early senescence period in accordance with the decrease in the levels of DNA and RNA, but appeared to decrease during late senescence. These results suggest that the decrease in the levels of DNA and RNA in senescing tobacco callus may stem from the increase in the hydrolytic activities of DNase and RNase (pH 4.5) in the early stage of senescence, and that the slowdown of synthesis in the late senescence period may also be a cause. DNA and RNA electrophoresis showed that a low-molecular-weight satellite DNA band disappeared after the onset of senescence and that the nuclear main band DNA gradually decreased, whereas the high-molecular-weight satellite DNA seemed to undergo no significant changes during the senescence period tested. Of the RNA species, 4–5S RNA was far more susceptible to damage during senescence than 25S and 18S rRNA. This suggests different susceptibilities of different DNA and RNA components to damage during the senescence of tobacco callus or alternatively a highly sequenced degradation of DNA and RNA molecules.  相似文献   

Detached watercress leaves showed a rapid senescence rate as compared with other herbs. It was therefore of interest to investigate the role of ethylene in the rapid senescence of watercress leaves, and So estimate the efficacy of various inhibitors of elhylene synthesis (aminoethoxyvinylglycine, AVG) and action (CO2, Ag+) in retarding senescence processes. The progress of senescence in watercress bunches (leaves attached to cut stems) and in detached leaves was estimated by measuring the rate of chlorophyll (Chl) loss, proteolysis and lipid oxidation. Evidence is presented showing that application of 11% CO2 to watercress bunches in a flow-through system had a long-lasting effect on senescence, exhibited by highly efficient retardation of all the senescence processes tested. On the other hand, application of AVG (O.1 m M ) or Ag-(30 μ M ) to detached leaves affected Chl loss much more than prciteolysis. These results suggest that the senescence-retarding activity of CO2 cannot be attributed solely to its action as an anli-ethylene agent and that not all senescence-associated processes are regulated by ethylene.  相似文献   

During the senescence of detached first leaves of oat ( Avena sativa L. cv. Victory) seedlings (grown in continuous light) the protein is hydrolyzed and the proteases increase, but the expected simple relation between these two factors is not always realized. The present experiments examine the timing, the influence of light and darkness and the action of the protein synthesis inhibitors cycloheximide (CHI) and cordycepin. Transfer from dark to light delays the breakdown of both chlorophyll (Chl) and protein, but some residual proteolysis is ascribed to the enzyme initially present. Transfer to CHI resembles transfer to light, while the action of cordyceptin is similar but much weaker. Repeated determinations of the acid protease, which is the most active one and the first to appear, show that this enzyme is formed in the light about as rapidly as in the dark, though with different kinetics. In spite of this there is little proteolysis in light in the first 5 days. One possible explanation of that could be that protein is rapidly resynthesized in light, but treatment with [14C]-leucine shows that such resynthesis is no faster in light than in darkness. It is therefore concluded that the protease initially does not have access to its substrates and, as a corollary, that the senescence process must be controlled by the gradual impairment of the vacuolar membrane, allowing protease to enter the cytosol and attack the proteins there and in the organelles. This concept is supported by many observations on the timing and on the known changes in membrane permeability during senescence.  相似文献   

Protein synthesis has been measured in chloroplast isolated from detached leaves of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Hassan). The effects of hormone and light treatments of the leaves on chloroplast protein synthesis have been compared with effects on other senescence symptoms. Interruption of the dark with red light retards senescence and increases chloroplast protein synthesis. The effect of red light was reversed by far-red light. Red light did not act additively with kinetin, and it competed with ethylene and abscisic acid, accelerators of senescence, which decreased protein synthesis. In contrast to the interruption of the dark with red light, continuous light decreased chloroplast protein synthesis. It may be concluded effects on chloroplast protein synthesis. The retardation of senescence by continuous light is not necessarily related to Pu Instead, energy provided by photosynthesis may be an important factor.  相似文献   

The subcellular localization of NAD+-dependent glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH; EC in leaves of barley ( Hordeum vulgare L. cv. Hassan) was studied during leaf senescence induced by detachment and incubation in the dark. GDH strongly increased in the cytoplasmic fraction isolated by differential centrifugation during senescence. It also showed a retarded and low increase in the mitochondrial fraction. No GDH was detected in the chloroplast fraction. The marker of the cytoplasmic fraction glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase (G-6-P dehydrogenase; EC rapidly decreased after the induction of senescence. The effects of kinetin, gibberellic acid, abscisic acid and ethylene on the levels of GDH and G-6-P dehydrogenase were, in general, in agreement with the known hormonal effects on other senescence symptoms.  相似文献   

A maize (Zea mays) senescence-associated legumain gene, See2beta, was characterized at the physiological and molecular levels to determine its role in senescence and resource allocation. A reverse-genetics screen of a maize Mutator (Mu) population identified a Mu insertion in See2beta. Maize plants homozygous for the insertion were produced. These See2 mutant and sibling wild-type plants were grown under high or low quantities of nitrogen (N). The early development of both genotypes was similar; however, tassel tip and collar emergence occurred earlier in the mutant. Senescence of the mutant leaves followed a similar pattern to that of wild-type leaves, but at later sampling points mutant plants contained more chlorophyll than wild-type plants and showed a small extension in photosynthetic activity. Total plant weight was higher in the wild-type than in the mutant, and there was a genotype x N interaction. Mutant plants under low N maintained cob weight, in contrast to wild-type plants under the same treatment. It is concluded, on the basis of transposon mutagenesis, that See2beta has an important role in N-use and resource allocation under N-limited conditions, and a minor but significant function in the later stages of senescence.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Nitrogen (N) availability in the forest soil is extremely low and N economy has a special importance in woody plants that are able to cope with seasonal periods of growth and development over many years. Here we report on the analysis of amino acid pools and expression of key genes in the perennial species Populus trichocarpa during autumn senescence.


Amino acid pools were measured throughout senescence. Expression analysis of arginine synthesis genes and cationic amino acid transporter (CAT) genes during senescence was performed. Heterologous expression in yeast mutants was performed to study Pt-CAT11 function in detail.

Key Results

Analysis of amino acid pools showed an increase of glutamine in leaves and an accumulation of arginine in stems during senescence. Expression of arginine biosynthesis genes suggests that arginine was preferentially synthesized from glutamine in perennial tissues. Pt-CAT11 expression increased in senescing leaves and functional characterization demonstrated that Pt-CAT11 transports glutamine.


The present study established a relationship between glutamine synthesized in leaves and arginine synthesized in stems during senescence, arginine being accumulated as an N storage compound in perennial tissues such as stems. In this context, Pt-CAT11 may have a key role in N remobilization during senescence in poplar, by facilitating glutamine loading into phloem vessels.  相似文献   

Biological N2 fixation can fulfil the N demand of legumes but may cost as much as 14% of current photosynthate. This photosynthate (C) sink strength would result in loss of productivity if rates of photosynthesis did not increase to compensate for the costs. We measured rates of leaf photosynthesis, concentrations of N, ureides and protein in leaves of two soybean cultivars ( Glycine max [L.] Merrill) differing in potential shoot biomass production, either associated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains, or amended with nitrate. Our results show that the C costs of biological N2 fixation can be compensated by increased photosynthesis. Nodulated plants shifted N metabolism towards ureide accumulation at the start of the reproductive stage, at which time leaf N concentration of nodulated plants was greater than that of N-fertilized plants. The C sink strength of N2 fixation increased photosynthetic N use efficiency at the beginning of plant development. At later stages, although average protein concentrations were similar between the groups of plants, maximum leaf protein of nodulated plants occurred a few days later than in N-fertilized plants. The chlorophyll content of nodulated plants remained high until the pod-filling stage, whereas the chlorophyll content of N-fertilized plants started to decrease as early as the flowering stage. These results suggest that, due to higher C sink strength and efficient N2 fixation, nodulated plants achieve higher rates of photosynthesis and have delayed leaf senescence.  相似文献   

草地螟滞育幼虫的蛋白和核酸含量变化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了阐明草地螟Loxostege sticticalis 滞育的分子调控基础, 本研究应用Trizol法、 DNA和蛋白质定量试剂盒、 SDS-PAGE电泳技术分别对进入滞育1, 2, 3和4个月、 解除滞育以及非滞育草地螟老熟幼虫中的核酸含量、 总蛋白含量和组分的变化进行了测定。结果表明: 滞育不同月份幼虫的总RNA含量显著低于非滞育幼虫的总RNA含量(P<0.05); 解除滞育幼虫的总RNA含量显著高于滞育2, 3和4个月的幼虫, 但仍显著低于非滞育的对照组。滞育不同月份、 非滞育以及解除滞育幼虫的总DNA含量没有显著差异(P>0.05)。RNA/DNA比值随滞育的开始而显著下降, 随着滞育的结束而显著上升。滞育不同月份的幼虫总蛋白含量显著高于非滞育幼虫的总蛋白含量(P<0.05), 但解除滞育与非滞育幼虫的总蛋白含量无显著差异。利用SDS-PAGE电泳分析发现滞育幼虫体内存在滞育关联蛋白, 蛋白条带在24 kDa左右, 但非滞育和已经解除滞育的幼虫则没有该蛋白条带。这些结果表明, 总RNA含量的降低、 RNA/DNA比值下降、 总蛋白含量的升高, 以及24 kDa蛋白的存在是草地螟幼虫滞育的主要生理特征。  相似文献   

Respiratory rate and ethylene evolution and the levels of endogenous growth regulating substances were determined before and after harvest during the period of senescence of cantaloupes. It was endogenous ABA which appeared first and accumulated during the maturation period, once it reached a certain threshold level the automatic catalysis of ethylene production was triggered. Like apricot fruits, the ABA-like substances accumulated generously in fruit flesh during maturation and the growth promoting substances disappeared rapidly. This seems internal physiological cause of the cantaloupes corruption.  相似文献   

We have studied some characteristics of marcescent leaves (withered retained leaves) and senescent leaves in Quercus subpyrenaica, a tree species that plays a major role in the climatic transition forests between temperate and mediterranean environments in north-eastern Spain. Leaves were taken from the upper and lower halves of the tree crown, both in the south- and north-exposed parts of the tree. Leaves receiving low photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) undergo autumnal senescence, which is associated with decreases in photosynthetic pigments and decreases in the chlorophyll a to chlorophyll b ratio. Leaves receiving higher PPFD underwent senescence at a later date. Leaves situated in the upper, south-exposed part of the tree, which receive the highest PPFD, showed no signs of senescence and remained photosynthetically active for a longer period of time, marcescence occurring suddenly at the end of the season. Marcescence is unlikely to cause an improvement in nutrient recycling, since the removal of nutrients proceeded similarly in marcescent and senescent leaves. Marcescence may increase the time-span of the assimilation capacity for a significant period of time during September and October, when high light intensities and mild temperatures occur. The phenomena triggering marcescence may be related to low temperatures.  相似文献   

The entire senescence period, including ripening, is characterized in cherry tomato ( Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. var. cerasiforme Alef.) by two successive changes in overall polar lipid content. The rise in respiration of the fruit in the climacteric phase is accompanied by a large increase in lipids, notably phospholipids, such as phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidic acid. This suggests the coexistence of anabolic and catabolic processes in this first period. At the degreening stage of the fruit, decreased levels of monogalactosyldiacylglycerol and the disappearance of trigalactosyldiacylglycerol may indicate some degradation of the chloroplast compartment. Following a respiratory upsurge, a sudden breakdown of total lipids occurs concomitantly with maximal ethylene production. This breakdown is essentially caused by a parallel decrease in the amounts of phosphatidylcholine, phosphatidylethanolamine, phosphatidic acid and also phosphatidylglycerol. However, in the cherry tomato, lipid peroxidation, evaluated by alteration of fatty acid distribution, seems insufficient to account for the ethylene peak.  相似文献   

为评估陕西黄河湿地大鸨越冬期营养状况,于2012年1~2月收集大鸨新鲜粪便并对粪便中的蛋白质、灰分和氨基酸含量等做了测定.结果显示,粪便中粗蛋白、粗灰分含量分别为40.25%、19.81%.谷氨酸含量最高,为0.55%,组氨酸含量最低,为0.10%.粪便中豆苗、豆瓣、麦苗、麦粒、玉米、杂物的干物质比重分别为0.47%、4.05%、84.80%、6.75%、2.86%、1.07%.结果表明,麦苗是粪便干物质的主要成分,但相对大鸨越冬食性而言,麦苗粗蛋白含量偏低.粪便中谷氨酸、甘氨酸、天门冬氨酸和丙氨酸含量较大,这对优化大鸨对食物的选择方面起一定作用.  相似文献   

The grapevine (Vitis vinifera L. cv. Riesling) plants subjected to water deficit were studied for changes in relative water content (RWC), leaf dry mass, contents of chlorophyll (Chl), total leaf proteins, free amino acids, and proline, and activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase (RuBPC), nitrate reductase (NR), and protease. In water-stressed plants RWC, leaf dry matter, Chl content, net photosynthetic rate (P N), and RuBPC and NR activities were significantly decreased. The total leaf protein content also declined with increase in the accumulation of free amino acids. Concurrently, the protease activity in the tissues was also increased. A significant two-fold increase in proline content was recorded.  相似文献   

Digestion and absorption of dietary protein were studied through facilitation of amino acid in the plasma and white muscle after a single feeding. The comparison was made between Atlantic salmon with and without trypsin isozyme TRP-2*92. Higher absorption of dietary protein was associated with the presence of the isozyme, as the post-prandial total levels of free amino acids (FAA) in both plasma and white muscle were significantly higher in salmon with the isozyme than those in salmon without it. Higher digestion rate of the dietary protein in salmon carrying the isozyme was indicated by faster elevation of essential FAA in the plasma and of overall FAA in their white muscle. Other indications which suggest differences in nitrogen metabolism between salmon with and without the isozyme were the observations of significant differences in (a) the levels of lysine, hydroxyproline, alanine, aspartic acid, β-alanine, threonine, valine and a nitrogen-containing compound taurine in plasma, and (b) the levels of alanine, glutamic acid, glycine and anserine in white muscle.
Trypsin activity in the pyloric caeca showed less response to feeding than that in the intestine, but it may have consequence for growth as its activity was significantly higher in growing fish than in non-growing fish.  相似文献   

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