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We used a molecular approach to search for maternally expressed genes in Drosophila melanogaster. The relative merits of differential and competition screens were analyzed in a series of reconstruction experiments using either purified phage plaques or derivative DNA sequences. In the course of this study, we isolated 5 clones whose RNA level varies during early embryogenesis. Three gastrula differential clones, b4, b8 and d3, are present in numerous copies in the genome; clone b4 hybridizes with the copia-like B104 repetitive sequence described by Scherer et al. We also isolated 2 maternally-expressed genes, not previously identified in either classical genetic or similarly molecular-based screens. These clones, b11 and d6, map at cytogenetic positions 98F and 4F respectively, on the polytene chromosome map.  相似文献   

The spatial and temporal distribution of sucrose synthase (RSuS) in rice (Oryza sativa L.) was studied by Western and immunohistochemical analyses using the monospecific antibodies for three RSuS isoforms. In leaf tissues, RSuS1 was localized in the mesophyll while RSuS2 was in the phloem in addition to the mesophyll. In the roots, only RSuS1 was found in the phloem. No RSuS3 could be detected in any parts of etiolated seedlings. The expression of each RSus gene is closely linked to the seed development. RSuS1 was present in the aleurone layers of developing seeds, and at a low level in endosperm cells. RSuS2 was evenly distributed in seed tissues other than the endosperm. RSuS3 was localized predominantly in the endosperm cells. The tissue specific localizations of the three gene products suggest that RSuS1 plays a role in sugar transport into endosperm cells where the reaction catalyzed by RSuS3 provides the precursor of starch synthesis. RSus2, which is ubiquitously expressed, may play a housekeeping role.  相似文献   

Three avian nuclear proteins which bind to the Rous sarcoma virus long terminal repeat have been detected. Two of the proteins bind to sequences within the enhancer, and the third protein binds to a sequence spanning the enhancer and an upstream promoter region.  相似文献   

J H Postlethwait  T Jowett 《Cell》1980,20(3):671-678
To initiate a genetic study of the hormonal regulation of genes coding for the three vitellogenins or yolk polypeptide precursors (YPs) in Drosophila, we have isolated from wild flies genetic variants which alter the mobility in SDS-PAGE of each YP independently. These variants are expressed codominantly and they are sex-linked: Yp1 and Yp2 map to region 8E to 9B1 (locus 30) and Yp3 is in 12A6-7 to 12D3 (locus 44). The amount of each YP synthesized and secreted into the hemolymph is related to the dosage of the above regions, suggesting that the structural genes are in those intervals. These experiments raise the question of the functional role of the proximity of Yp1 and Yp2 and provide a mechanism for a search for mutations altering the hormonally regulated function of these three genes.  相似文献   

We have employed a new technique in Drosophila that allows in vivo detection of genomic regulatory elements using a beta-galactosidase reporter gene. A translational fusion of the reporter gene to the P-transposase gene, which is encoded by the P-transposon of Drosophila, places the expression of beta-galactosidase under the control of the weak P-transposase promoter. Flies carrying single insertions of this P-element construct at different locations in the Drosophila genome frequently stain for beta-galactosidase activity in a temporally and spatially restricted fashion in embryos, larvae and adult ovaries, reflecting the influence of nearby genomic regulatory elements on the P-transposase promoter. This technique is a powerful tool as it can be used to produce very many different cell markers and to isolate developmentally regulated genes in Drosophila. We discuss the implications of our results and the applications of the technique to further the study of Drosophila development.  相似文献   

A previously isolated cDNA clone, pLK229, that is specific for mRNA developmentally expressed during Dictyostelium discoideum spore germination and multicellular development, was used to screen two genomic libraries. Two genomic sequences homologous to pLK229 were isolated and sequenced. Genomic clone p229 is identical to the cDNA clone pLK229 and codes for a polypeptide of 381 amino acids. This polypeptide is composed of five tandem repeats of the same 76-amino-acid sequence. Clone lambda 229 codes for a protein of 229 amino acids, containing three tandem repeats of the identical 76-amino-acid sequence. A computer search for homology to known proteins revealed that the 76-amino-acid repeat was identical to human and bovine ubiquitin except for two amino acid differences.  相似文献   

We have tested the hypothesis which stipulates that only early-replicating genes are capable of expression. Within one cell type of Physarum - the plasmodium - we defined the temporal order of replication of 10 genes which were known to be variably expressed in 4 different developmental stages of the Physarum life cycle. Southern analysis of density-labeled, bromodesoxyuridine-substituted DNA reveals that 4 genes presumably inactive within the plasmodium, were not restricted to any temporal compartment of S-phase: 1 is replicated in early S-phase, 2 in mid S-phase and 1 in late S-phase. On the other hand, 4 out of 6 active genes analysed are duplicated early, with the first 30% of the genome. Surprisingly, the two others active genes are replicated late in S-phase. By gene-dosage analysis, based on quantitation of hybridization signals from early and late replicating genes throughout S-phase, we could pinpoint the replication of one of these two genes at a stage where 80-85% of the genome has duplicated. Our results demonstrate that late replication during S-phase does not preclude gene activity.  相似文献   

Gene trapping in mouse embryonic stem cells is an important genetic approach that allows simultaneous mutation of genes and generation of corresponding mutant mice. We designed a selection scheme with drug selection markers and Cre/loxP technology which allows screening of gene trap events that responded to a signaling molecule in a 96-well format. Nine hundred twenty gene trap clones were assayed, and 258 were classified as gene traps induced by in vitro differentiation. Sixty-five of the in vitro differentiation-inducible gene traps were also responsive to retinoic acid treatment. In vivo analysis revealed that 85% of the retinoic acid-inducible gene traps trapped developmentally regulated genes, consistent with the observation that genes induced by retinoic acid treatment are likely to be developmentally regulated. Our results demonstrate that the inducible gene trapping system described here can be used to enrich in vitro for traps in genes of interest. Furthermore, we demonstrate that the cre reporter is extremely sensitive and can be used to explore chromosomal regions that are not detectable with neo as a selection cassette.  相似文献   

S Vriz  M Méchali 《FEBS letters》1989,251(1-2):201-206
We have characterized the complete sequence of two c-myc cDNAs from the amphibian Xenopus laevis, and could thus compare the 3'-non-coding sequences of 7 myc cDNAs from 6 species spread over 350 million years of evolution. Although the size of these sequences is heterogeneous, we identified three completely conserved sequences of 10, 11 and 12 contiguous nucleotides. We observed that two of these elements may be contained in conserved stem-loop structures previously implicated in mRNA turnover. The length of these motifs, their existence in conserved predicted structures, and their presence in regulated eukaryote mRNA with a frequency greater than predicted by chance, suggest that they are functionally important.  相似文献   

mRNA differential display RT-PCR has been extensively used for the isolation of genes differentially expressed between RNA populations. We have assessed its utility for the identification of developmentally regulated genes in plasmid cDNA libraries derived from individual tissues dissected from early mouse embryos. Using plasmid Southern blot hybridisation as a secondary screen, we are able to identify such genes and show by whole-mount in situ hybridisation that their expression pattern is that expected from the differential display profile.  相似文献   

For RNA-binding protein Pasilla, which has been shown to play a role in alternative splicing regulation, binding sites and clusters of binding sites are found in silico in the whole genome of D. melanogaster. The current study analyzes the occurrence of splice sites in binding site clusters. Several hundred thousand binding site motifs and thousands of significant motif clusters were identified. It was discovered that exon-intron borders in D. melanogaster genes are reliably found within Pasilla binding motif clusters, with a higher frequency than could be otherwise expected based on a random model. Additionally, donor splice sites are found in Pasilla clusters twice as often as acceptor sites. This phenomena is observed both for exons annotated as alternatively spliced and for exons annotated as constitutive. These observations support the hypothesis that Pasilla plays a functional role in splicing regulation of D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

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