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Crystal structure analysis of the B-DNA dodecamer CGTGAATTCACG. 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
The crystal structure of the DNA dodecamer C-G-T-G-A-A-T-T-C-A-C-G has been determined at a resolution of 2.5 A, with a final R factor of 15.8% for 1475 nonzero reflections measured at 0 degrees C. The structure is isomorphous with that of the Drew dodecamer, with the space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) and cell dimensions of a = 24.94 A, b = 40.78 A, and c = 66.13 A. The asymmetric unit contains all 12 base pairs of the B-DNA double helix and 36 water molecules. The structure of C-G-T-G-A-A-T-T-C-A-C-G is very similar to that of C-G-C-G-A-A-T-T-C-G-C-G, with no major alterations in helix parameters. Water peaks in the refined structure appear to represent a selection of peaks that were observed in the Drew dodecamer. The minor-groove spine of hydration at 2.5 A is fragmentary, but as Narendra et al. (1991) [Biochemistry (following paper in this issue)] have observed, lowering the temperature leads to a more complete representation of the spine. 相似文献
Crystal structure of a B-DNA dodecamer containing inosine, d(CGCIAATTCGCG), at 2.4 A resolution and its comparison with other B-DNA dodecamers. 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1
The crystal structure of the dodecamer, d(CGCIAATTCGCG), has been determined at 2.4 A resolution by molecular replacement, and refined to an R-factor of 0.174. The structure is isomorphous with that of the B-DNA dodecamer, d(CGCGAATTCGCG), in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with cell dimensions of a = 24.9, b = 40.4, and c = 66.4 A. The initial difference Fourier maps clearly indicated the presence of inosine instead of guanine. The structure was refined with 44 water molecules, and compared to the parent dodecamer. Overall the two structures are very similar, and the I:C forms Watson-Crick base pairs with similar hydrogen bond geometry to the G:C base pairs. The propeller twist angle is low for I4:C21 and relatively high for the I16:C9 base pair (-3.2 degrees compared to -23.0 degrees), and the buckle angles alter, probably due to differences in the contacts with symmetry related molecules in the crystal lattice. The central base pairs of d(CGCIAATTCGCG) show the large propeller twist angles, and the narrow minor groove that characterize A-tract DNA, although I:C base pairs cannot form the major groove bifurcated hydrogen bonds that are possible for A:T base pairs. 相似文献
Crystal structure of a Z-DNA hexamer d(CGCICG) at 1.7 A resolution: inosine.cytidine base-pairing, and comparison with other Z-DNA structures.

The crystal structure of the deoxyhexamer, d(CGCICG), has been determined and refined to a resolution of 1.7A. The DNA hexamer crystallises in space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) with unit cell dimensions of a = 18.412 +/- .017 A, b = 30.485 +/- .036A, and c = 43.318 +/- .024 A. The structure has been solved by rotation and translation searches and refined to an R-factor of 0.148 using 2678 unique reflections greater than 1.0 sigma (F) between 10.0-1.7 A resolution. Although the crystal parameters are similar to several previously reported Z-DNA hexamers, this inosine containing Z-DNA differs in the relative orientation, position, and crystal packing interactions compared to d(CGCGCG) DNA. Many of these differences in the inosine form of Z-DNA can be explained by crystal packing interactions, which are responsible for distortions of the duplex at different locations. The most noteworthy features of the inosine form of Z-DNA as a result of such distortions are: (1) sugar puckers for the inosines are of C4'-exo type, (2) all phosphates have the Zl conformation, and (3) narrower minor grove and compression along the helical axis compared to d(CGCGCG) DNA. In addition, the substitution of guanosine by inosine appears to have resulted in Watson-Crick type base-pairing between inosine and cytidine with a potential bifurcated hydrogen bond between inosine N1 and cytidine N3 (2.9 A) and O2 (3.3-3.A). 相似文献
The self-complementary dodecamer d(CGCAAATTTGCG) crystallizes as a double helix of the B form and manifests a Raman spectrum with features not observed in Raman spectra of either DNA solutions or wet DNA fibers. A number of Raman bands are assigned to specific nucleoside sugar and phosphodiester conformations associated with this model B-DNA crystal structure. The Raman bands proposed as markers of the crystalline B-DNA structure are compared and contrasted with previously proposed markers of Z-DNA and A-DNA crystals. The results indicate that the three canonical forms of DNA can be readily distinguished by Raman spectroscopy. However, unlike Z-DNA and A-DNA, which retain their characteristic Raman fingerprints in aqueous solution, the B-DNA Raman spectrum is not completely conserved between crystal and solution states. The Raman spectra reveal greater heterogeneity of nucleoside conformations (sugar puckers) in the DNA molecules of the crystal structure than in those of the solution structure. The results are consistent with conversion of one-third of the dG residues from the C2'-endo/anti conformation in the solution structure to another conformation, deduced to be C1'-exo/anti, in the crystal. The dodecamer crystal also exhibits unusually broad Raman bands at 790 and 820 cm-1, associated with the geometry of the phosphodiester backbone and indicating a wider range of (alpha, zeta) backbone torsion angles in the crystal than in the solution structure. The results suggest that backbone torsion angles in the CGC and GCG sequences, which flank the central AAATTT sequence, are significantly different for crystal and solution structures, the former containing the greater diversity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS) 相似文献
The structure of d(CGCGAAT[]TCGCG) . d(CGCGAATTCGCG); the incorporation of a thymine photodimer into a B-DNA helix 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5

In the light of the biological significance of thymine photodimers , studies of the energetics of the dodecanucleotide fragment d( CGCGAATTCGCG )2 have been carried out using the methods of molecular mechanics, with and without incorporation of a thymine dimer in the cis-syn configuration. The results of the calculations suggest that the thymine dimerized structures show no gross distortion in the double helix with the conformational changes relative to the normal B-DNA double helix restricted largely to the dimer region. The energetics of dTp[]dT reveal a number of conformers which are energetically almost equally favorable and are, as a group, qualitatively consistent with NMR studies on this molecule. The biological implications of the results of the conformational studies, reported here, have been examined vis-a-vis the currently available models for the recognition of DNA "damage" by repair enzymes. 相似文献
The crystal structure of the DNA heptamer d(GCGCGCG) has been solved at 1.65 A resolution by the molecular replacement method and refined to an R-value of 0.184 for 3598 reflections. The heptamer forms a Z-DNA d(CGCGCG)2 with 5'-overhang G residues instead of an A-DNA d(GCGCGC)2 with 3'-overhang G residues. The overhang G residues from parallel strands of two adjacent duplexes form a trans reverse Hoogsteen G x G basepair that stacks on the six Z-DNA basepairs to produce a pseudocontinuous helix. The reverse Hoogsteen G x G basepair is unusual in that the displacement of one G base relative to the other allows them to participate in a bifurcated (G1)N2 . . . N7(G8) and an enhanced (G8)C8-H . . . O6(G1) hydrogen bond, in addition to the two usual hydrogen bonds. The 5'-overhang G residues are anti and C2'-endo while the 3'-terminal G residues are syn and C2'-endo. The conformations of both G residues are different from the syn/C3'-endo for the guanosine in a standard Z-DNA. The two cobalt hexammine ions bind to the phosphate groups in both GpC and CpG steps in Z(I) and Z(II) conformations. The water structure motif is similar to the other Z-DNA structures. 相似文献
The X-ray crystal structure of the decamer C-G-A-T-A-T-A-T-C-G has been solved with two contrasting cations, Ca2+ and Mg2+. Crystals with calcium are space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), cell dimensions a = 38.76 A, b = 40.06 A, and c = 33.73 A, and diffract to 1.7-A resolution. Crystals with magnesium have the same space group, cell dimensions a = 38.69 A, b = 39.56 A, and c = 33.64 A, and diffract to 2.0 A. Their structures were solved independently by molecular replacement, beginning with idealized Arnott B-DNA geometry. The calcium structure refined to R = 17.8% for the 3683 reflections greater than 2 sigma, with 404 DNA atoms, 95 solvent peaks, and 1 Ca(H2O)7(2+) ion. The magnesium structure refined to R = 16.5% for the 1852 reflections greater than 2 sigma, with 404 DNA atoms, 62 solvent peaks, and 1 Mg(H2O)6(2+) ion. The two structures are virtually identical and are isostructural with C-G-A-T-C-G-A-T-C-G [Grzeskowiak et al. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 8861-8883] and C-G-A-T-T-A-A-T-C-G [Quintana et al. (1992) J. Mol. Biol. 225, 375-395]. Comparison of C-G-A-T-A-T-A-T-C-G with C-G-C-A-T-A-T-A-T-G-C-G [Yoon et al. (1988) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 85, 6332-6336] shows that the expected alternation of twist angles is found in the central A-T-A-T-A-T region of the decamer (A-T small, T-A large), but the minor groove remains wide at the center, rather than narrow. Minor groove narrowing is produced, in these two structures, not by overwinding of the helix, but by an increase in base pair propeller. This analysis confirms the concept that poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) is polymorphous, with different local conformations possible in different local environments. 相似文献
The crystal structure of the dodecanucleotide d(CGTGAATTCACG) has been determined to a resolution of 2.7 A and refined to an R factor of 17.0% for 1532 reflections. The sequence crystallizes as a B-form double helix, with Watson-Crick base pairing. This sequence contains the EcoRI restriction endonuclease recognition site, GAATTC, and is flanked by CGT on the 5'-end and ACG on the 3'-end, in contrast to the CGC on the 5'-end and GCG on the 3'-end in the parent dodecamer d(CGCGAATTCGCG). A comparison with the isomorphous parent compound shows that any changes in the structure induced by the change in the sequence in the flanking region are highly localized. The global conformation of the duplex is conserved. The overall bend in the helix is 10 degrees. The average helical twist values for the present and the parent structures are 36.5 degrees and 36.4 degrees, respectively, corresponding to 10 base pairs per turn. The buckle at the substituted sites are significantly different from those seen at the corresponding positions in the parent dodecamer. Step 2 (GpT) is underwound with respect to the parent structure (27 degrees vs 36 degrees) and step 3 (TpG) is overwound (34 degrees vs 27 degrees). There is a spine of hydration in the narrow minor groove. The N3 atom of adenine on the substituted A10 and A22 bases are involved in the formation of hydrogen bonds with other duplexes or with water; the N3 atom of guanine on G10 and G22 bases in the parent structure does not form hydrogen bonds. 相似文献
The phenol-induced conformational transition in the insulin hexamer is known to involve a large change in structure wherein residues 1-8 of the insulin B-chain are transformed from an extended coil (T-state) to a helix (R-state). This change in protein conformation both exposes a cryptic protein pocket on each subunit to which phenol binds and forces the HisB10 zinc sites to undergo a change in coordination geometry from octahedral to tetrahedral [Derewenda, U., Derewenda, Z., Dodson, E. J., Dodson, G. G., Reynolds, C. D., Smith, G. D., Sparks, C., & Swensen, D. (1989) Nature 338, 593-596]. Substitution of Co(II) for Zn(II) at the HisB10 sites introduces a sensitive chromophoric probe of the structural and chemical events that occur during this allosteric transition [Roy, M., Brader, M. L., Lee, R. W.-K., Kaarsholm, N. C., Hansen, J. F., & Dunn, M. F. (1989) J. Biol. Chem. 264, 19081-19085]. In this study, using rapid-scannig stopped-flow (RSSF) UV-visible spectroscopic studies, we demonstrate that a transient chemical intermediate is formed during the phenol-induced conversion of Co(II)-substituted hexamer from the T-state to the R-state. Decomposition of the RSSF spectra gave a spectrum for the intermediate with d-d transitions consistent with the assignment of the intermediate as either a distorted tetrahedral or a 5-coordinate Co(II) species. Possible structures for the intermediate and the implications of these findings to the allosteric mechanism are considered. 相似文献
The vibrational circular dichroism (VCD) spectra of several natural DNAs as well as tRNA, poly(dG-dC).poly(dG-dC), and poly(dA-dT).poly(dA-dT) are reported for the base deformation modes in the IR region from 1700 to 1550 cm-1 for the polymers in D2O as well as in high alcohol dehydrating conditions. Spectra of both the B- and A-forms were identified. The A-form DNA VCD, not previously reported, has characteristics that can be found in the VCD spectra of RNAs as would be expected from the similarity of their structures. The VCD is sequence-dependent. Under the dehydrating conditions studied, poly(dA-dT)poly(dA-dT),poly(dA).poly(dT), and a high-A-T fraction natural DNA had a different bandshape from the other DNAs, which was similar to that of poly(rA).poly(rU). Poly(dG-dC).poly-(dG-dC) did not form an A-form in high-alcohol conditions but instead had a VCD spectrum much like that of its high-salt-induced Z-form. Qualitative differences seen experimentally between A- and B-form DNA VCD were suggested by the differences in the coupled oscillator VCD calculated for the two forms. 相似文献
We propose in this note a simple model--the two-state Worm Like Chain--to describe the elasticity of the recently discovered stress-induced transformation from B-DNA to S-DNA. The model reduces for low tractions to the well-known Worm Like chain theory, which is used to describe the elastic properties of B-DNA, while in the limit of high chain-bending moduli it reduces to the two-state Ising model proposed by Cluzel et al. for the B-S transition [Cluzel, P., A. Lebrun, C. Heller, R. Lavery, J-L. Viovy, D. Chatenay, and F. Caron. 1996. DNA: an extensible molecule. Science. 271:792-794]. Our model can be treated analytically to produce an explicit form of the force-extension relationship which agrees reasonably with the observations. We use the model to show that conformational fluctuations of the chain play a role also for the B to S transformation. 相似文献
The crystal structures of the 2:1 complex of the self-complementary DNA octamer d(GAAGCTTC) with actinomycin D has been determined at 3.0 A resolution. This is the first example of a crystal structure of a DNA-drug complex in which the drug intercalates into the middle of a relatively long DNA segment. The results finally confirmed the DNA-actinomycin intercalation model proposed by Sobell & co-workers in 1971. The DNA molecule adopts a severely distorted and slightly kinked B-DNA-like structure with an actinomycin D molecule intercalated in the middle sequence, GC. The two cyclic depsipeptides, which differ from each other in overall conformation, lie in the minor groove. The complex is further stabilized by forming base-peptide and chromophore-backbone hydrogen bonds. The DNA helix appears to be unwound by rotating one of the base-pairs at the intercalation site. This single base-pair unwinding motion generates a unique asymmetrically wound helix at the binding site of the drug, i.e. the helix is loosened at one end of the intercalation site and tightened at the other end. The large unwinding of the DNA by the drug intercalation is absorbed mostly in a few residues adjacent to the intercalation site. The asymmetrical twist of the DNA helix, the overall conformation of the two cyclic depsipeptides and their interaction mode with DNA are correlated to each other and rationally explained. 相似文献
Abstract In this work we explore the possibility of the opening of a single base without perturbation of its neighboring nucleotides. Low energy base opening into the grooves can be accomplished by rotation of the relevant backbone and glycosidic bond torsion angles. The pathway has been determined by identifying ζ torsion angle as the reaction coordinate together with the accompanying geometric requirement that guides the displacement of other torsion angles. Our study on Dickerson dodecamer duplex d(CGCGAATTCGCG)2 showed that all bases with normal equilibrium ζ can be rotated by ~ 30°, corresponding to ~ 3.5Å base displacement, towards the major groove. Such an opening extent is comparable with estimated amplitudes of local angular motions in DNA bases from NMR experiments, which might facilitate proton exchange. The computed base opening energy barrier is also comparable with measured base pair opening enthalpy. These results indicate possible relevance of the pathway studied in this work with experimentally observed base pair opening process. Our analysis also showed a preference for base opening along the major groove and an abnormal behavior for bases with unusual equilibrium ζ torsion angle. 相似文献
Crystal structure analysis of an A-DNA fragment at 1.8 A resolution: d(GCCCGGGC). 总被引:3,自引:9,他引:3

Single crystals of the self-complementary octadeoxyribonucleotide d(GCCCGGGC) have been analysed by X-ray diffraction methods at a resolution of 1.8 A. The tetragonal unit cell of space group P4(3)2(1)2 has dimensions of a = 43.25 A and c = 24.61 A and contains eight strands of the oligonucleotide. The structure was refined by standard crystallographic techniques to an R factor of 17.1% using 1359 3 sigma structure factor observations. Two strands of the oligonucleotide are related by the crystallographic dyad axis to form a DNA helix in the A conformation. The d(GCCCGGGC) helix is characterized by a wide open major groove, a near perpendicular orientation of base pairs to the helix axis and an unusually small average helix twist angle of 31.3 degrees indicating a slightly underwound helix with 11.5 base pairs per turn. Extensive cross-strand stacking between guanine bases at the central cytosine-guanine step is made possible by a number of local conformational adjustments including a fully extended sugar-phosphate backbone of the central guanosine nucleotide. 相似文献
The affinity and specificity of a ligand for its DNA site is a function of the conformational changes between the isolated and complexed states. Although the structures of a hydroxypyrrole-imidazole-pyrrole polyamide dimer with 5'-CCAGTACTGG-3' and the trp repressor recognizing the sequence 5'-GTACT-3' are known, the baseline conformation of the DNA site would contribute to our understanding of DNA recognition by these ligands. The 0.74 A resolution structure of a B-DNA double helix, 5'-CCAGTACTGG-3', has been determined by X-ray crystallography. Six of the nine phosphates, two of four bound calcium ions and networks of water molecules hydrating the oligonucleotide have alternate conformations. By contrast, nine of the ten bases have a single, unique conformation with hydrogen atoms visible in most cases. The polyamide molecules alter the geometry of the phosphodiester backbone, and the water molecules mediating contacts in the trp repressor/operator complex are conserved in the unliganded DNA. Furthermore, the multiple conformational states, ions and hydration revealed by this ultrahigh resolution structure of a B-form oligonucleotide are potentially general considerations for understanding DNA-binding affinity and specificity by ligands. 相似文献
Crystal structure of the self-complementary 5''-purine start decamer d(GCACGCGTGC) in the A-DNA conformation. II.

The crystal structure of the alternating 5'-purine start decamer d(GCGCGCGCGC) was found to be in the left-handed Z-DNA conformation. Inasmuch as the A.T base pair is known to resist Z-DNA formation, we substituted A.T base pairs in the dyad-related positions of the decamer duplex. The alternating self-complementary decamer d(GCACGCGTGC) crystallizes in a different hexagonal space group, P6(1)22, with very different unit cell dimensions a = b = 38.97 and c = 77.34 A compared with the all-G.C alternating decamer. The A.T-containing decamer has one strand in the asymmetric unit, and because it is isomorphous to some other A-DNA decamers it was considered also to be right-handed. The structure was refined, starting with the atomic coordinates of the A-DNA decamer d(GCGGGCCCGC), by use of 2491 unique reflections out to 1.9-A resolution. The refinement converged to an R value of 18.6% for a total of 202 nucleotide atoms and 32 water molecules. This research further demonstrates that A.T base pairs not only resist the formation of Z-DNA but can also assist the formation of A-DNA by switching the helix handedness when the oligomer starts with a 5'-purine; also, the length of the inner Z-DNA stretch (d(CG)n) is reduced from an octamer to a tetramer. It may be noted that these oligonucleotide properties are in crystals and not necessarily in solutions. 相似文献
Crystal structure of the self-complementary 5''-purine start decamer d(GCGCGCGCGC) in the Z-DNA conformation. I.

Alternating self-complementary oligonucleotides starting with a 5'-pyrimidine usually form left-handed Z-DNA; however, with a 5'-purine start sequence they form the right-handed A-DNA. Here we report the crystal structure of the decamer d(GCGCGCGCGC) with a 5'-purine start in the Z-DNA form. The decamer crystallizes in the hexagonal space group P6(5)22, unit cell dimensions a = b = 18.08 and c = 43.10 A, with one of the following four dinucleotide diphosphates in the asymmetric unit: d(pGpC)/d(GpCp)/d(pCpG)/d(CpGp). The molecular replacement method, starting with d(pGpC) of the isomorphous Z-DNA hexamer d(araC-dG)3 without the 2'-OH group of arabinose, was used in the structure analysis. The method gave the solution only after the sugar-phosphate conformation of the GpC step was manipulated. The refinement converged to a final R value of 18.6% for 340 unique reflections in the resolution range 8.0-1.9 A. A result of the sequence alternation is the alternation in the nucleotide conformation; guanosine is C3'-endo, syn, and cytidine is C2'-endo, anti. The CpG step phosphodiester conformation is the same as ZI or ZII, whereas that of the GpC step phosphodiester is "intermediate" in the sense that zeta (O3'-P bond) is the same as ZII but alpha (P-O5' bond) is the same as ZI. The duplexes generated from the dinucleotide asymmetric unit are stacked one on top of the other in the crystal to form an infinite pseudocontinuous helix. This renders it a quasi-polymerlike structure that has assumed the Z-DNA conformation further strengthened by the long inner Z-forming stretch d(CG)4. An interesting feature of the structure is the presence of water strings in both the major and the minor grooves. In the minor groove the cytosine carbonyl oxygen atoms of the GpC and CpG steps are cross-bridged by water molecules that are not themselves hydrogen bonded but are enclosed by the water rings in the mouth of the minor groove. In the major groove three independent water molecules form a zigzagging continuous water string that runs throughout the duplex. 相似文献
Energetics of the B-H transition in supercoiled DNA carrying d(CT)x.d(AG)x and d(C)n.d(G)n inserts. 总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1

V I Lyamichev S M Mirkin V P Kumarev L V Baranova A V Vologodskii M D Frank-Kamenetskii 《Nucleic acids research》1989,17(22):9417-9423
We have studied the B-H transition in the d(AG)x inserts of varying length under superhelical stress. The new data and previously published results for the d(G)31 insert are treated within a phenomenological model of the B-H transition, making it possible to obtain, for the first time, the energy parameters of the B-H transition in the d(AG)x and d(G)n sequences. 相似文献