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Triaenorhina burti n. sp. (Cyclophyllidea: Paruterinidae) is described from Harpactes fasciatus (Trogoniformes: Trogonidae) from the Southern Province of Sri Lanka. The new species is characterised by: a body 24–32 mm long; 44 rostellar hooks alternating in two closely adjacent regular rows, with lengths of 63–65 μm (anterior row) and 39–41 μm (posterior row); regularly alternating genital pores; testes divided into two groups by the ovary and vitellarium; a gravid uterus forming a single oval sac; and a cylindrical paruterine organ not reaching the anterior proglottis margin. A key to the seven recognised species of Triaenorhina Spasskii & Shumilo, 1965 is presented.  相似文献   

Summary Rhabdometra lygodaptrion n.sp. from the small intestine of Lagopus lagopus albus (willow ptarmigan) taken at Cape Henrietta Maria, northern Ontario, Canada, is proposed. R. lygodaptrion is most similar to R. alpinensis, R. nullicollis and R. tomica but is shorter than all these three species and the cuticularized vaginal lining is characteristic. R. lygodaptrion differs from R. alpinensis in having a thicker, more robust cirrus sac and a larger number of testes and in lacking a vaginal sphincter. R. tomica and R. nullicollis have a pear-shaped cirrus pouch which narrows distally while that of R. lygodaptrion is equally wide along its length. In additon, R. nullicollis has a vaginal sphincter and an elongate, sinuous paruterine organ, which in R. lygodaptrion, is wider and more cone-shaped. R. tomica has fewer testes. The ecology and possible geographical isolation of the population of L. lagopus albus at Cape Henrietta Maria is briefly discussed. ac]19790703  相似文献   

The authors describe and illustrate Wardium canarisi n. sp. (Cestoda: Hymenolepididae), an intestinal parasite of Arenaria melanocephala (Aves: Charadrii) from Alaska, characterised by a strobila 20–40 mm long, 10 aploparaksoid hooks 19–21 m long, a short cylindrical cirrus (40 m) covered with very minute spines (0.2 m), and a short (8–18 m) and extremely narrow (1 m) copulatory vagina. These characters have no equivalent, even approximate, among the 27 species of Wardium parasitic in the Charadrii which are reviewed. The genus Debrosia Spassky, 1987 appears to be justified.  相似文献   

The authors describe and illustrate Helicoductus thulakoceras n. g., n. sp., a parasite of Charadrius marginatus (Aves: Charadrii) from South Africa. This hymenolepidid cestode is 1.5-3 mm long, with a rostellum armed with 10 diorchoid hooks 75-80 m long (mean 77 m) and anomalous terminal genital ducts. One spine (10-15 m long) is inserted at the ventral extremity of the male genital pouch. An invaginated cirrus is absent. A non-retractable and non-invaginable external tube, 25-30 × 4-2.5 m, appears as a spiral, sclerotinised, spinous canal, which is non-retractable, non-invaginable and directed dorso-ventrally from the genital pouch to a second ventral canal parallel with the male genital pouch; the second canal is thin and spine-like (15-20 × 1.5 m) with a thick hyaline muff. These peculiar anatomical structures are discussed. They are considered to justify the erection of a new genus.  相似文献   

The nymph of a new genus and species, Indocloeon primum gen.n., sp.n. from Sri Lanka is described, distinguishing characteristics are illustrated. This new genus is most closely related to Cloeon Leach and Centroptilum Eaton. Indocloeon gen.n. possesses a unique combination of morphological characters and two derived characters.  相似文献   

Monticellia ophisterni n. sp. is described from the swamp-eel Ophisternon aenigmaticum Rosen and Greenwood (Synbranchiformes: Synbranchidae) from Lake Catemaco, Veracruz, Mexico. The new species is placed into Monticellia because of the cortical position of the testes, ovary, and uterus. It differs from other Monticellia species (with the exception of Monticellia magna (Rego, Santos and Silva, 1974)) in the position of longitudinal musculature that crosses the vitelline follicles, making them paramuscular. The new species can be distinguished from M. magna--which possesses a similar number of testes (107-139), paramuscular vitelline follicles, and numerous gland cells distributed between the apex of the scolex and suckers--in the position of the genital pore (8-21% vs. 19-27%), in the presence of a weak internal longitudinal musculature, in the arrangement of the testes in the median field, and in the absence of a vaginal sphincter. This is the first proteocephalidean tapeworm reported from a synbranchid fish and the first species of Monticellia found in North America.  相似文献   

Rusinek OT 《Parazitologiia》2001,35(2):159-162
A new cestode species, Proteocephalus pronini sp. n., is described from the Lake Hovsgol Grayling Thymallus arcticus nigrescens (Mongolia, Hovsgol Lake). The new species differs from P. thymalli from the Baikal Lake by the length of strobile, number of proglottids, form of mature proglottids, and number of diverticles of uterus.  相似文献   

Two new species of Grillotia are described from elasmobranch and teleost fishes from south-eastern Australia. G. australis n. sp., from the Australian angel shark Squatina australis. Regan, most closely resembles G. smarisgora (Wagener, 1854) and G. angeli Dollfus, 1969, differing from both species in the presence of smaller bulbs, two or occasionally three hooks in each intercalary row in the basal region, reduced to one in the metabasal region compared with four or five hooks in the metabasal region of G. smarisgora and a single hook in G. angeli, and in the limited extent of the band of hooklets on the external surface in the basal region of the tentacle, a region which is covered with hooks in G. smarisgora. Plerocerci of this species were found in the mackerel Trachurus declivis (Jenys) (site not known) from Tasmania. G. pristiophori n. sp., from the saw sharks Pristiophorus cirratus (Latham) and P. nudipinnis Günther, most closely resembles G. spinosissima Dollfus, 1969 in possessing a scolex covered with spiniform microtriches, but differs in having six rather than five hooks in each principal row, no intercalary hooks and by possessing a band of hooklets on the external surface of the tentacle which diminishes distally into a single file, rather than persisting as a band eight to nine files wide. G. pristiophori is the first trypanorhynch to be recorded from saw-sharks.  相似文献   

Australicola pectinatus n. gen., n. sp. (Pseudophyllidea: Triaenophoridae) is proposed to accommodate a new cestode from a deep-sea fish, the splendid alfonsino, Beryx splendens Lowe, 1834 (Beryciformes: Berycidae), from the Pacific coast of Tasmania. The new genus is placed in the Triaenophoridae, because it possesses a ventral uterine pore, marginal genital pore, and follicular vitellarium. Australicola is characterized by possessing a massive strobila with very short and wide, markedly craspedote proglottids; vitelline follicles forming a transverse equatorial band; a very deep and narrow genital atrium; a wide, convoluted vaginal canal; and unoperculate eggs. Australicola most closely resembles Eubothrium Nybelin, 1922 and Probothriocephalus Campbell, 1979 in having an unarmed scolex, an unarmed cirrus, the vagina anterior to the cirrus-sac, and cortical vitellaria. It differs from these 2 genera, in addition to the characteristics listed above, in possessing a dendritic rather than an entire ovary. Australicola pectinatus n. sp. is the third cestode described from B. splendens.  相似文献   

Prochristianella spinulifera n. sp. (Cestoda: Trypanorhyncha: Eutetrarhynchidae) is described from the spiral valves of the rays Rhinobatos typus (Rhinobatidae) and Himantura fai (Dasyatidae) from Heron Island, Queensland, Australia. The new species is distinguished from all congeners by the deltoid microtriches covering the anterior 80% of the scolex and the presence of a dorsoventrally elongate genital atrium. The species occurred in the anteriormost section of the spiral valve of R. typus. The orientation of the armature of this and other congeners is such that principal rows of hooks begin on the bothridial surface of the tentacle and end on the antibothridial surface.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》1999,2(1):45-50
Soil samples collected from Taebak Changkunbong and Undal mountains of Kyungbuk Province, yielded two new species of the order Dorylaimida which are described and illustrated below. Dorylaimoides punctatus n. sp. (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) is 1.2–1.4 mm long; b = 5.9–6.9; c = 14.6–17.7; odontostyle 7.3–8.5 μm; spicules 33.5–36.5 μm; ventromedian supplements 5–6 and is characterized by having zig-zag lines on body cuticle, continuous lip region, elongate conoid tail and comes close to Dorylaimoides micoletzkyi (De Man, 1921) Thorne & Swanger, 1936 and Dorylaimoides leptus Husain & Khan, 1968. Paractinolaimus acutus n. sp. (Nematoda: Dorylaimida) is 2.1–2.4 mm long; b = 4.3–4.9; c = 10–12; odontostyle 25–27 μm and characterized by having continuous lip region, longitudinally oval vulva and long filiform tail with acute tip and comes close to Parctinolaimus aruprus Khan et al., 1994 and Parctinolaimus baldus Thorne, 1967.  相似文献   

Calixolepis thuli n. g., n. sp. is described and figured on the basis of the specimens from the wood duck Aix sponsa (L.) (Anseriformes: Anatidae) from Cuba and the USA. The tapeworm is characterised by: (1) strobila of medium size; (2) deep genital atrium; (3) external accessory sac; (4) unilateral genital pores, with female genital ducts situated anterior to male ducts; and (5) the following characteristic structure of the male and female terminal genitalia: the genital pouch has a stylet and a goblet-like structure, the calix; a cirrus is absent; and the thick-walled copulatory part of the vagina forms vaginal vestibule distally which may open through a vaginal papilla into the genital atrium. Other morphological structures indicate a relationship with species of the genus Sobolevicanthus Spasskii & Spasskaya, 1954 or with Cladogynia Baer, 1938 (Hymenolepididae). The differences between the tapeworms from Cuba and the USA suggest the possible occurrence of various morphological forms of Calixolepis.  相似文献   

Progamotaenia ruficola sp. n. is described from the red kangaroo (Macropus rufus) from New South Wales, Australia. It is distinguished from other similar species having paired, nondiverticulate uteri in each prolottis: Progamotaenia festiva (Rudolphi 1819), P. diaphana (Zschokke 1907), and P. macropodis Beveridge 1976, by the extremely broad, straight-edged velum, the lack of an external seminal vesicle, the cirrus armature, the number of testes, the lack of vaginal atrophy following insemination, and the morphology of the egg.  相似文献   

Jenő Kontschán 《Biologia》2008,63(1):104-106
The third African Metagynella Berlese, 1919 species (Metagynella masani sp. n.) is described in this paper. Original drawing and scanning micrographs of the new species are given.  相似文献   

A new species, Goffartia phalacra n. sp. is described and illustrated. The body is thin and slender with L = 511 to 646 μm; a = 37.1 to 47.4; b = 4.8 to 6; c = 2.6 to 4.8; c′ = 13.6 to 32.8; V = 40% to 49% in females. Males are smaller but similar to females and the posterior region is strongly curved. The species is characterized by a tubular stoma, a smooth round lip region, anterior pharynx much smaller than posterior pharynx, two pairs of unicellular glands associated with the vagina, and males with a broad keel-shaped gubernaculum. G. phalacra n. sp. can be differentiated from all other species of the genus by its lip region and the structure of the gubernaculum. This is the first instance of a species of Goffartia occurring in a terrestrial habitat and the first report of a species from India.  相似文献   

A new species of cyst nematode, Globodera ellingtonae, is described from soil collected from a field in Oregon. Second-stage juveniles (J2) of the species are characterized by body length of 365-515 μm, stylet length of 19-22.5 μm, basal knobs rounded posteriorly and pointed anteriorly, tail 39-55 μm, hyaline tail terminus 20-32.5 μm, and tail tapering uniformly but abruptly narrowing and constricted near the posterior third of the hyaline portion, ending with a peg-like, finely rounded to pointed terminus. Cysts are spherical to sub-spherical, dark to light brown and circumfenestrate and cyst wall pattern is ridge-like with heavy punctations. Males have a stylet length of 21-25 μm and spicule length of 30-37 μm with a pointed thorn-like tip. Females have a stylet length of 20-22.5 μm, one head annule and labial disc, heavy punctations on the cuticle, and short vulval slit 7.5-8 μm long. Morphologically this new, round-cyst species differs from the related species G. pallida, G. rostochiensis, G. tabacum complex and G. mexicana by its distinctive J2 tail, and by one or another of the following: shorter mean stylet length in J2, females and males; number of refractive bodies in the hyaline tail terminus of J2; cyst morphology including Granek’s ratio; number of cuticular ridges between the anus and vulva; and in the shape and length of spicules in males. Its relationship to these closely related species are discussed. Based upon analysis of ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences, G. ellingtonae n. sp. is distinct from G. pallida, G. rostochiensis, G. tabacum and G. mexicana. Bayesian and Maximum Parsimony analysis of cloned ITS rRNA gene sequences indicated three clades, with intraspecific variability as high as 2.8%. In silico analysis revealed ITS restriction fragment length polymorphisms for enzymes Bsh 1236I, Hinf I, and Rsa I that overlap patterns for other Globodera species.  相似文献   

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