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Plasmid Rsc13, a small derivative of the plasmid R1, contains a region necessary for replication as well as a complete copy (4957 bp) of the ampicillin resistance transposon, Tn3. We determined the nucleotide sequence of the replication region of Rsc13 to be 2937 bp and then compared this region (designated the 2.9-kb region) to the analogous region of pSM1, a small derivative of the plasmid R100 which has common ancestry with R1. Rsc13 and pSM1 were 96% homologous in this 2.9-kb region except for a discrete region of about 250 bp which showed only 44% homology. The sequence and distribution of nucleotide substitutions between Rsc13 and pSM1 supported a map of possible genes and sites which have previously been seen in the replication region of Rsc13 and pSM1 which showed only 44% homology. Analysis of the amino acid sequence and predicted conformation of the two RepA2 polypeptides, however, suggested that they were very similar. We proposed that the repA2 region of R1 and R100 was replaced by a substitution of a short DNA segment from another plasmid which was evolutionarily related to R1 and R100 but had more divergence. This event may have been mediated by a mechanism similar to that of gene conversion as described in eukaryotic systems.  相似文献   

G Tschumper  J Carbon 《Gene》1980,10(2):157-166
The DNA sequence of a 1.45 kb EcoRI fragment from the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) TRP1 region has been determined. The fragment contains the TRP1 gene and a yeast chromosomal replicator. The TRP1 gene has been located on the fragment by analysis of potential initiation and termination codons in the DNA sequence. This location has been confirmed by subcloning portions of the fragment. Both the 5' and 3' noncoding regions of the TRP1 gene contain sequence homologies with analogous areas surrounding other yeast genes. The yeast replicator has been localized in a region near the 3' end of the TRP1 gene. The DNA sequence in this region contains several structural features which may be involved in the initiation of DNA replication.  相似文献   

D Dean 《Gene》1981,15(1):99-102
A plasmid cloning vector with ampicillin-resistance and streptomycin-sensitivity markers is suitable for the direct selection of strains carrying recombinant plasmids. The selection for plasmid transformants utilizes their ampicillin resistance whereas selection for recombinant plasmids is based on the inactivation of the rpsL gene contained on the plasmid. When streptomycin-resistant Escherichia coli strains are used as recipients in transformation, transformants carrying the parental plasmid are phenotypically sensitive to streptomycin while those carrying hybrid plasmids are resistant to streptomycin.  相似文献   

J T Crawford  J H Bates 《Gene》1984,27(3):331-333
A restriction map of Mycobacterium intracellulare plasmid pLR7 was developed. This 15.3-kb plasmid had unique sites for BamHI, HindIII, and XbaI. Various large fragments of pLR7 were cloned into pBR322 or pHP34 and propagated in Escherichia coli. A hybrid pLR7 ::pBR322 plasmid carrying the complete pLR7 sequence was constructed by joining the plasmids at their HindIII sites. The construction of these hybrids will facilitate the analysis and manipulation of pLR7 and may allow the development of this plasmid as a model system for genetic analysis in mycobacteria.  相似文献   

We have investigated the number, the location, the orientation and the structure of the seven ori sequences present in the mitochondrial genome of a wild-type strain, A, of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. These homologous sequences are formed by three G + C-rich clusters. A, B and C, and by four A + T-rich stretches. Two of the latter, p and s, are located between clusters A and B; one, l between clusters B and C; and one r, either immediately follows cluster C (in ori 3–7), or is separated from it by an additional A + T-rich stretch, r', (in ori 1 and ori 2). The most remarkable differences among ori sequences concern the presence of two additional G + C-rich clusters,β and γ, which are inserted in sequence l of ori 4 and 6 and in the middle of sequence r of ori 4,6 and 7, respectively. Neglecting clusters /gb and γ and stretch r', the length of on sequences is 280 ± 1 bp, and that of the l stretch 200 ± 1 bp. Hairpin structures can be formed by the whole A-B region, by clusters β and γ, and (in ori 2–6) by a short AT sequence, lp, immediately preceding cluster /gb. An overall tertiary folding of ori sequences can be obtained. Some structural features of ori sequences are shared by the origins of replication of the heavy strands of the mitochondrial genomes of mammalian cells.  相似文献   

We have cloned the entire human adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) genome into the pBR322 plasmid in two segments: the BamHI-A fragment (21 kb) and the BamHI-B fragment (15 kb). We have also generated a series of clones with smaller Ad5 DNA inserts, all containing the left-end of the viral genome. One such clone, pXCl, containing the left 16% of the Ad5 DNA molecule, has been shown to transform rodent cells by DNA transfection. We have used the transposable element Tn5 as an insertion mutator to isolate pXCl mutants containing Tn 5 inserted at a large number of sites. By assaying transforming activity of selected pXC::Tn5 plasmids we have identified Ad5 sequences which are essential for DNA-mediated transformation. Our results with these mutants and with a plasmid pCDl, containing a deletion within the Ad5-transforming region, indicate that sequences present in both early region la and the N-terminal region of early region 1b are essential for DNA-mediated transformation.  相似文献   

Lethality of palindromic DNA and its use in selection of recombinant plasmids   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
C E Hagan  G J Warren 《Gene》1982,19(1):147-151
A plasmid derived from ColE1 is constructed so that the removal of one restriction endonuclease HindIII fragment allows the ends of the remaining single fragment (the replicator) to be joined, generating a palindromic sequence 2394 bp in length. The circular species thus produced gives rise to transformants of E. coli at very low frequency. Since the palindromic sequence is effectively lethal to a plasmid containing it, the replicator will give rise to more transformants when the restriction fragment originally removed from it is replaced by another. This principle can be exploited to allow the efficient molecular cloning of unselected restriction fragments.  相似文献   

To examine the effect of altering the nucleotide sequence near the promoter on its activity, pKO-1 vector derivatives have been constructed which allow insertion of DNA fragments at specified sites upstream or downstream from the trp promoter. Oligonucleotides that might be expected to alter the melting properties, or have a tendency to form a distinctive nonstandard structure were introduced. These oligonucleotides had the repeating dinucleotide sequences GC, AT or AG. Sequence analysis of the inserts and studies of the relative galactokinase expression from the altered plasmids indicated that changes upstream from the trp promoter at -39 or beyond had little effect on trp promoter activity, whereas changes at +2 or farther downstream produced up to two-fold increases in gene expression, as compared to the control plasmid.  相似文献   

F Razvi  G Gargiulo  A Worcel 《Gene》1983,23(2):175-183
Ligation of a 5'-labeled DNA restriction fragment results in a circular DNA molecule carrying the two 32Ps at the reformed restriction site. Double digestions of the circular DNA with the original enzyme and a second restriction enzyme cleavage near the labeled site allows direct chemical sequencing of one 5'-labeled DNA strand. Similar double digestions, using an isoschizomer that cleaves differently at the 32P-labeled site, allows direct sequencing of the now 3'-labeled complementary DNA strand. It is possible to directly sequence both strands of cloned DNA inserts by using the above protocol and a multiple cloning site vector that provides the necessary restriction sites. The simultaneous and parallel visualization of both DNA strands eliminates sequence ambiguities. In addition, the labeled circular molecules are particularly useful for single-hit DNA cleavage studies and DNA footprint analysis. As an example, we show here an analysis of the micrococcal nuclease-induced breaks on the two strands of the somatic 5S RNA gene of Xenopus borealis, which suggests that the enzyme may recognize and cleave small AT-containing palindromes along the DNA helix.  相似文献   

The construction of a plasmid vector, pVT25, which allows an efficient and direct selection for transformed cells carrying recombinant plasmids is described. In this vector, the replicon and ApR gene from plasmid pBR327 are fused to the colE3 gene of pColE3-CA38, whereby positive selection is based on the inactivation of the lethal colicin E3 by the insertion of a foreign DNA fragment. However, pVT25 can be maintained within the Escherichia coli cells when complemented with another plasmid, pVT26, which expresses the colicin E3 immunity (imm) and the TcR phenotypes. Furthermore, pVT25 was used to regulate the expression of the synthetic human proinsulin gene fused to the colE3 gene at the single ClaI site. The production of the characteristic C-peptide of proinsulin, monitored by radioimmunoassay, was shown to be under the control of the inducible promoter of the colE3 gene.  相似文献   

The vaccinia virus DNA telomere, which contains a covalently closed hairpin structure, has been cloned in a yeast plasmid vector. Restriction mapping indicates that the cloned vaccinia telomere is maintained in yeast not in its native hairpin configuration but as an inverted repeat structure, within a circular plasmid, with the sequences of the viral hairpin now at the axis of symmetry of an imperfect palindrome. As such, the cloned telomere resembles the telomeric replicative intermediate observed during vaccinia virus DNA replication. Small deletions and duplications in the viral inverted repeats of different clones suggest a model in which the observed circular plasmids were generated in yeast by the replication of hybrid linear DNA molecules consisting of the linearized yeast vector flanked by two hairpin-containing vaccinia termini.  相似文献   

In vitro replication directed by a cloned adenovirus origin   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
A 5.7-kb recombinant plasmid, called XD-7, contains the terminal XbaI-E fragment from the left end of type 2 adenovirus cloned into the EcoRI site of pBR322. An average of 9% +/- 1% of input supercoiled, protein-free XD-7 DNA replicated as rolling circles with single-stranded tails ranging up to unit length and longer in reaction mixtures containing nuclear and cytoplasmic extracts from adenovirus-infected, but not uninfected, HeLa cells. The adenovirus origin was mapped on XD-7 by electron microscopy at the left boundary of the cloned adenovirus segment. Since replication proceeded rightwards, we conclude that the adenovirus l strand was displaced during replication. No origin was located at or near the EcoRI site on pBR322. Reversing the orientation of the adenovirus origin reversed the direction of replication, and deletion of the adenovirus origin abolished replication.  相似文献   

Structural analysis of a phage lambda Charon 4A clone carrying one of the human nuclear mitochondrial(mut)-DNA-like sequences revealed that a KpnI-family member (KpnI 5.5-kb DNA) is inserted within this sequence. The inserted KpnI 5.5-kb DNA contains several possible polyadenylation signal sequences followed by an A-rich sequence at its 3' end and is flanked by perfect 13-bp direct repeats of the duplicated mtDNA-like sequences. These structures strongly suggest that the KpnI 5.5-kb DNA is a mobile element. Comparison of the 5' terminal sequences of the KpnI 5.5-kb DNA and four other long KpnI-family DNAs so far examined, using the predicted general promoter sequence for eukaryotic tRNAs, indicates that they contain the consensus sequences for the split internal RNA polymerase III control region.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage λ genes exo and bet, whose products (λ exonuclease and β protein, respectively; Red phenotype) mediate homologous recombination of λ phages, have been cloned under lacPOlacIq control on multi-copy plasmids. Induction of recA3 cells harboring these plasmids with isopropylthiogalactoside (IPTG) resulted in λ exonuclease levels (assayed in vitro) that were proportional to the time of induction (for at least 4 h); recombination of λ Red? phages in vivo was similarly inducible. Only one out of 25 betΔ plasmids (constructed by a variety of in vitro techniques) expressed λ exonuclease, a result consistent with the polarity of several known phage bet mutations. A general method for transferring phage exo and bet mutations to plasmids was devised and plasmids bearing polar (bet3) and nonpolar (bet113) mutations were constructed. Mutant derivatives of the plasmid showed the same complementation pattern as analogous phage red mutants. When λbet3 phages (Exo?Bet?) infected IPTG-induced recA3 bacteria containing exo+bet+ plasmids, recombination frequencies were no more than twice those typical for infection of plasmid-free recA3 cells with exo+bet+ phages, even in the case of IPTG induction sufficient to elevate the production of λ exonuclease about 100-fold. Even when plasmid induction was delayed till as late as 50 min after infection, recombination was significant. Preliminary experiments suggest that these plasmids encode a polypeptide with Gam activity that corresponds to the 98-amino acid “shorter” open reading frame assigned to gam by Sanger et al.  相似文献   

G Skogman  J Nilsson  P Gustafsson 《Gene》1983,23(2):105-115
The stability of different derivatives of plasmid vectors pBR322 and pACYC184 carrying the tryptophan operon of Escherichia coli was monitored in various media. It was found that in the absence of any special selective pressure, all plasmids were lost from the culture. The stability varied depending both on the orientation of the inserted tryptophan fragment and the growth media used. The pBR322::trp+ plasmids were lost at an average frequency of 0.3 to 0.8% per cell generation, while the pACYC184::trp+ plasmid was lost at a rate higher than 5%. In all cases the whole plasmid was lost at a rate higher than 5%. In all cases the whole plasmid was lost, indicating a high stability of the plasmid::cloned DNA as such. To increase the stability of the cloning vectors, the partition locus of plasmid pSC101 was added to both the pBR322::trp+ and pACYC184::trp+ plasmids. The addition of this gene increased the replicon stability at least 3- to 10-fold, with the pBR322::trp+-par+ plasmids being the most stable. Also in this case, the stability was dependent on the plasmid type and on the growth medium. In no case was there a discoordinate loss of the antibiotic-resistance and tryptophan genes from the vectors.  相似文献   

From a genomic library of the filamentous fungus Podospora anserina, we have cloned a 4.9-kb fragment which complements an Escherichia coli mutant strain deficient for orotidylic acid pyrophosphorylase (pyrE gene). The recombinant plasmid pPAura5 also transforms to prototrophy a mutant strain of P. anserina carrying a mutation in the ura5 gene and lacking OMPppase activity.  相似文献   

A new strategy for molecular cloning in the cyanobacterium Anacystis nidulans R-2 is described. This strategy involved the use of a transposon and was developed for the cloning of a gene encoding methionine biosynthesis. A met::Tn901 mutant was isolated. Chromosomal DNA fragments were cloned in the Escherichia coli plasmid vector pACYC184. A recombinant plasmid carrying the inactivated met::Tn901 gene was selected after transformation to E. coli. The cloned met::Tn901 DNA fragment was used as a probe to select the corresponding A. nidulans R-2 wild-type met gene from a gene library prepared in E. coli, using the newly constructed shuttle cosmid vector pPUC29. When transformed into A. nidulans Met- mutants, this cloned gene allowed the mutants to grow prototrophically.  相似文献   

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