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This study concerned the role of the sulfhydryl groups in urocanase of Pseudomonas putida. When p-chloromercuribenzoate was added to the enzyme, two sulfhydryl groups reacted at once with little inhibition; the enzyme slowly became inhibited while further sulfhydryls reacted. After the p-chloromercuribenzoate inhibition occurred, if a thiol was subsequently added, most of the original activity was recovered. As the incubation time with p-chloromercuribenzoate was increased, the thiol became less effective in reversing the inhibition. However, if NAD+ (10 μm) was added with the thiol, 60–90% of the initial activity was restored even after long p-chloromercuribenzoate incubations. Restoration of activity by NAD+ was concentration dependent and specific for NAD+. Radioactive NAD+ could be bound to urocanase. These results confirm the coenzyme role for NAD+ in urocanase. In urea, p-chloromercuribenzoate titration of urocanase measured 11.9 -SH groups per molecule. Sulfite-modified enzyme treated with p-chloromercuribenzoate and dialyzed was substantially photoactivated in the presence of a thiol; that is, NAD+ was not required to restore activity. From these results, it is proposed that this enzyme contains two reactive —SH groups and that an essential —SH group is involved in NAD+ binding. Forces present in the sulfite-modified enzyme prevent the release of the NAD+ in the presence of mercurials.  相似文献   

An alkylating analogue of NADP+ the 3-chloroacetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide phosphate was prepared from 3-diazoacetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide phosphate which was obtained by enzymatic transglucosidation of NADP+. The 3-diazoacetylpyridine adenine dinucleotide phosphate proved to be more unstable when compared to the corresponding NAD+ analogue. The alkylation of several dehydrogenases using this alkylating analogue is mentioned.  相似文献   

Combining ion-exchange (AG MP-1) and reversed-phase (C-18) partition chromatography accomplishes a higher degree of purification of NADH than either method can provide alone. Final elution in 95% ethanol, dehydration with anhydrous sodium sulfate, and storage in dry 1,2-propanediol over molecular sieves prevents hydrolysis of the purified dinucleotide.  相似文献   

A nucleotide phosphohydrolase-resistant analog of GTP, guanyl-5′-yl imidodiphosphate [GMP-P(NH)P], caused stimulation of basal adenylate cyclase activity of cardiac sarcolemma when ethylene glycol bis(β-aminoethyl ether)- N,N′-tetraacetic acid (EGTA) was absent in the assay mixture, whereas the nucleotide, in the presence of EGTA, inhibited basal cyclase activity. GTP, GDP, GMP, and guanosine failed to show such an inhibition of basal enzyme activity. The degree of both stimulatory and inhibitory effects of GMP-P(NH)P depended on the concentration of magnesium ions. The apparent affinities toward magnesium ions of the metal binding site and toward MgATP2? of the catalytic site of control and ?GMP-P(NH)P-inhibited” enzyme were similar. Isoproterenol reversed the inhibitory effect, whereas calcium ions failed to revert it. Both in the presence and absence of EGTA, GMP-P(NH)P plus isoproterenol caused a synergistic stimulation of the enzyme activity, the degree of stimulation being lower with EGTA present. Exposure of sarcolemma to GMP-P(NH)P (with and without isoproterenol and in the absence and presence of EGTA) caused an activation of adenylate cyclase, the degree of activation being higher with isoproterenol present. The activated enzyme displayed increased affinity toward Mg2+ at the metal binding site. When activated enzyme preparations were assayed in the presence of EGTA, reversal of the activated state was observed in the case of the GMP-P(NH)P-activated enzyme but not in the case of the GMP-P(NH)P + isoproterenol-activated enzyme.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase activation by GTP analogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Benznidazole (a nitroimidazole derivative used for the treatment of Chagas' disease) is reduced by rat liver microsomes to the nitro anion radical, as indicated by ESR spectroscopy. Addition of benznidazole to rat liver microsomes produced an increase of electron flow from NADPH to molecular oxygen, and generation of both superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide. The benznidazole-stimulated O2 consumption and O2? formation was greatly inhibited by NADP+ and p-chloromercuribenzoate but not by SKF-525-A and metyrapone. The former inhibitions indicated the involvement of NADPH-cytochrome P-450 (c) reductase, while the lack of inhibition by SKF-525-A and metyrapone ruled out any major role for cytochrome P-450 in benznidazole reduction. In contrast to nifurtimox, a nitrofuran derivative (R. Docampo and A. O. M. Stoppani, 1979, Arch. Biochem. Biophys.197, 317–321), benznidazole was not reduced to the nitro anion radical, nor did it stimulate oxygen consumption, O2? production, and H2O2 generation by Trypanosoma cruzi cells or microsomal fractions. A different mechanism of benznidazole toxicity in T. cruzi and the mammalian host is postulated.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase was extracted from the rat uterus with Lubrol PX in a form which remained soluble following centrifugation for 60 min at 100,000g. The soluble enzyme was stimulated by both Mn+2 and by guanyl-5'-yl-imidodiphosphate (Gpp(NH)p), indicating that both the catalytic subunit (C) and the guanyl nucleotide-binding coupling factor (N) had been extracted. Catalytic activity was bound by a GTP-affinity resin only under conditions which resulted in irreversible activation of the native (particulate) form of the enzyme and could be eluted under acidic conditions shown to reverse the activated state. The S020,w of the soluble enzyme in both its activated and unactivated state was determined by linear sucrose gradient centrifugation. Activation by prolonged treatment with Gpp(NH)p did not alter the S020,w of the enzyme whether treatment was carried out before or after solubilization. The chaotrope LiBr (0.4 M) reduced the S020,w of the soluble enzyme but its smaller size was still not altered by activation with Gpp(NH)p. These results indicate that most adenylate cyclase activity in uterine membranes exists as a preformed complex between the catalytic subunit and the coupling factor: NC. The existence of this complex explains some of the temperature-dependent properties previously described for this form of the enzyme and suggests that dissociable interactions between the subunits do not play a role in the activation of C by guanyl nucleotides.  相似文献   

The ability of Dictyostelium discoideum amoebae to synthesize and secrete cAMP in response to exogenous cAMP is called cAMP signaling. Concanavalin A is a potent, rapid, noncompetitive inhibitor of this response, with the rate of inhibition consistent with its rate of binding. The concanavalin A does not deplete cellular ATP, alter cAMP binding to its surface receptors, or affect basal adenylate cyclase activity, but blocks the cAMP-stimulated activation of adenylate cyclase. Therefore, concanavalin A appears to inhibit a step between the receptor and the adenylate cyclase which is necessary for the transduction of the cAMP signal. Wheat germ agglutinin, a polyclonal antibody against an 80-kDa glycoprotein, four monoclonal antibodies against the amoebal surface, and a chemical cross-linking agent which reacts with cell surface primary amines also inhibit signaling. To determine the importance of cross-linking in the inhibition, succinylated concanavalin A and the unlinked, reactive portion of the chemical cross-linker were tested and found to be relatively ineffective inhibitors. Thus it appears that ligands capable of cross-linking molecules on the external surface of D. discoideum amoebae inhibit cAMP signaling. It is proposed that these cross-linking agents prevent membrane or cytoskeletal rearrangement and that this rearrangement must occur before the adenylate cyclase is activated.  相似文献   

The turkey erythrocyte beta-adrenergic receptor-adenylate cyclase system has the unusual property that neither GTP nor Gpp(NH)p are effective in activating adenylate cyclase unless a beta-agonist is present simultaneously. This property results in essentially no basal activity and the inability of GTP or Gpp(NH)p alone to activate the catalytic moiety. In this study, we have exploited these characteristics to utilize turkey erythrocyte membranes as the acceptor preparation in a reconstitution assay. Rat reticulocyte or turkey erythrocyte membranes that have been activated with isoproterenol and Gpp(NH)p followed by solubilization with sodium cholate serve as the donor source of the guanine nucleotide regulatory protein (N). By reconstituting this Gpp(NH)p-activated N protein, it has been found that: (1) exogenous Gpp(NH)p-associated N could activate the catalytic unit of adenylate cyclase in turkey erythrocyte membranes; (2) this system can be used to assay N protein activity; (3) the endogenous pathway for activation of turkey erythrocyte membrane adenylate cyclase by hormones and fluoride remains qualitatively functional; and (4) the effects of combined activation via the endogenous and exogenous pathways are additive and saturable.  相似文献   

High-performance liquid chromatography was used to separate thiamine and its phosphate esters after conversion to corresponding highly fluorescent thiochrome derivatives by alkaline oxidation. These compounds were absorbed on LiChrosorb-NH2, eluted with acetonitrile-90 mm potassium phosphate buffer (pH 8.4), and determined spectrofluorometrically. A complete, rapid, and quantitative separation of thiochrome and its phosphate derivatives was made and the minimum amount detected was 1 pmol for each of these compounds.  相似文献   

Mycelial extracts from Neurospora crassa strains having any one of five different mutations of the cr-1 allele (“crisp”) exhibited an adenylate cyclase specific activity 2 to 3% of that found in wild-type strains. The enzyme deficiency seemed to be specific for the cr-1 mutation but not for the “crisp” morphology and recessive in heterocaryons carrying mutated and wild-type cr-1 alleles. The reduced adenylate cyclase activity detected in extracts from cr-1 mutants was not due to an impairment in the extraction of membranes, to a preferential inactivation of the enzyme after extraction, or to the presence of inhibitors.  相似文献   

The rat liver adenylate cyclase system shows a discontinuity in the Arrhenius plots at 20°C in the nonstimulated activity (basal) with activation energies of 16 and 28 Kcal/mole. The discontinuity disappears when the enzyme is stimulated either by glucagon, sodium fluoride, 5′ guanylyl-imidodiphosphate or glucagon plus 5′ guanylyl-imidodiphosphate and the energy of activation was the same with all the compounds tested. If the activator was initially in contact with the membranes at 0°C the energy of activation was similar to that observed below the break (26 Kcal/mole) but it changed to that above the break if the compound contacted the membranes at temperatures above the break (22–24°C). We discuss the possibility of two different conformations of the enzyme; both conformations can be “frozen” by any of the compounds tested, “isolating” the enzyme from any subsequent physical change of the membrane due to temperature.  相似文献   

The adenylate cyclase activity of Bordetella pertussis culture supernatants is activated 3- to 10-fold by various amphiphiles including many classes of phospholipids and nonionic detergents. Gangliosides are inhibitory. The stimulation affects the Vmax and not the Km. Neither the nature of the polar head group, the length of the fatty acid chains, nor the hydrophile-lipophile balance (in the Triton X series) are major determinants for activation. Short-chain lecithins activate as monomers, whereas long-chain lecithins activate only above the critical micelle concentrations, suggesting high-affinity hydrophobic binding sites. Judged by EGTA inhibition, the amphiphile-mediated activation requires Ca2+ in the absence of calmodulin. In addition, amphiphiles sensitize the adenylate cyclase to Ca2+/calmodulin and are also synergistic with calmodulin for maximal stimulation.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase from rat kidney membranes solubilized with Lubrol-PX, was resolved into calmodulin-insensitive and calmodulin-sensitive forms using DEAE-Sephacel and calmodulin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. The major fraction, 90% of the activity recovered, did not bind to the calmodulin-Sepharose in the presence of Ca2+, and was insensitive to activation by calmodulin. The calmodulin-sensitive enzyme, approximately 10% of the recovered activity, bound to the affinity column and was eluted with buffer containing 2 mM EGTA. In the presence of free Ca2+, calmodulin increased the specific activity of the calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase from 15.2 to 60.4 pmol/mg protein-1 min-1. Maximum stimulation occurred at 0.035-0.076 mM Ca2+. The apparent Ka for calmodulin was 8 nM. The calmodulin-mediated increase in activity was inhibited by trifluoperazine, but not by its analog trifluoperazine-5-oxide. In contrast, trifluoperazine did not inhibit the calmodulin-insensitive activity. The GTP analog, guanyl-5'-yl imidodiphosphate, did not activate either fraction. Furthermore, activation by calmodulin did not require the presence of a guanyl nucleotide. The present finding of a calmodulin-sensitive form of adenylate cyclase in kidney raises the possibility that a calmodulin-mediated mechanism is involved in the formation of cAMP in this organ.  相似文献   

The trinitrophenyl group was specifically introduced into the ?-amino group of glucagon by reaction of Nα-citraconyl glucagon with trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid. The Nα-citraconyl blocking group was subsequently removed by acid treatment yielding N?-trinitrophenyl glucagon which was purified by anion-exchange chromatography. The derivative showed less secondary structure as measured by circular dichroism than the native hormone at pH 8.0 and at pH 2.0 in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate. The analog possessed 4–5% the potency of glucagon in stimulating adenylate cyclase with 90% maximal stimulation and possessed 30% the potency of glucagon in competing for glucagon-specific receptor sites in hepatic plasma membranes. Although the structure of N?-trinitrophenyl glucagon is very similar to N?-4-azido-2-nitrophenyl glucagon, the photoaffinity antagonist synthesized by M. D. Bregman and D. Levy [(1977) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun., 78, 584–590.], the biological activities of the two are different. Possible explanations for these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of several factors that affect the sugar transport activity in rat epididymal fat cells were studied. The transport activity was assessed semiquantitatively by measuring the uptake of 3-O-methyl-d-glucose by the oil-flotation method. The transport activity was stimulated by mechanical agitation, such as centrifugation of cells. This effect was transient. When agitated cells were incubated at 37 °C with gentle shaking, their transport activity declined. The decline was often facilitated by the addition of glucose or pyruvate. Presumably some cell preparations were low in the source of metabolic energy that was required for this recovery process. When cells were exposed to a high concentration of insulin, washed, and suspended in fresh buffer, the effect of insulin (plus that of mechanical agitation) declined after a certain lag period. The length of this period was a function of the initial insulin concentration. The incubation temperature had different effects on the basal and plus-insulin activities. The basal activity at 25 °C was higher than that at 37 °C, while the plus-insulin activity was lower at 25 °C than at 37 °C.  相似文献   

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