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The PAS-positive-calcium-sensitive (Ca-s) cells of the pars intermedia (PI) were studied in goldfish kept in fresh water (FW), deionized water (DW), 1/3 sea water (SW) and 1/3 Ca-free SW. Ultrastructural studies show that Ca-s cells of control goldfish kept in FW have a low activity with elongated or deeply indented nuclei. This activity is slightly reduced after 19 days in 1/3 SW. A considerable stimulation of most Ca-s cells is noted in goldfish kept in DW for 20 or 40 days. The stimulation is similar in 1/3 Ca-free SW, but it affects sometimes a smaller percentage of cells and may be less marked in peripheral areas of the PI. Exocytotic figures are more numerous in Ca-s cells of goldfish in 1/3 Ca-free SW than in DW. A basal lamina is rarely present and direct contacts between PI cells and nervous tissue are frequent, although a single synaptic contact with a type B fiber was observed. MSH cells are not affected in goldfish kept in DW. They are stimulated in 1/3 Ca-free SW: the physiological significance of this response remains unclear. Few agranular (Agr) cells are scattered in the PI. Evident changes are not observed in the different environments. The present ultrastructural data support the hypothesis that the Ca-s cells of the PI secrete a factor involved in calcium regulation in some teleosts.  相似文献   

Summary The cytological changes in the pars distalis of pituitary of male and female green frog, Rana esculenta during the reproductive cycle have been studied by examining the form, cytoplasmic granulation and numerical proportions of the different cell types. Some sex differences were recorded, particularly in relative total number of cells in a median sagittal section of the pars distalis. No extensive cytological changes occur during the hibernation period, but there are striking alterations at the time of spring awakening, during spawning months and during replenishment of the spent gonads i.e. during late summer and autumn months. Important changes are to be observed in the acidophils type one (A1) and basophils type two (B2) and three (B3). Changes in the A1 cells during breeding season have been speculated as being in support of the spawning activity of the animal. The B2 cells exhibit most profound changes which correlate precisely with the morphological changes in gonads, and these cells are considered as the FSH-gonadotrops. The functional significance of the B3 cells is discussed and it is suggested that they might be the source of an ICSH- or LH-like hormone.The work has been supported by grant from the National Research Council of Italy.The award of postdoctoral fellowship by the National Research Council of Italy is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Intact female rats received transplants of two hypophysial partes distales under the kidney capsule. The plasma levels of prolactin were determined, and the ultrastructure of the grafted gland was studied 15, 45 and 90 days after the operation. Although prolactin levels in the three experimental groups were significantly higher than those in control rats, a decrease in prolactin level was detected in the 45-day samples. Parallel ultrastructural changes suggest that between the 45th and 90th postoperative day a process is initiated leading to hyperplasia and hypertrophy of prolactotrophs.Supported by Grants from PLAMIRH (93.173.2-77) and from the Dirección de Investigaciones, Universidad Austral (S-77-28)  相似文献   

Folliculostellate cells (FSC) have been reported in pituitary of several mammalian species. FSC morphology and secreted substances have been instrumental to the understanding of their function. The purpose of this work was to perform an immunohistochemical, morphometric and ultrastructural study of the pituitary pars distalis FSC in adult male viscacha and to analyze their relation with hormone secreting cells. Immunohistochemistry and image analysis were carried out in different sectors of the gland, from the middle (sector 1) to the glandular periphery (sector 5). Transmission electron microscopy with lanthanum as electrodense tracer was used. FSC formed follicles with PAS-positive colloid inside. They expressed S-100 protein mainly in both nucleus and cytoplasm. FSC were stellate-like in shape and exhibited short cytoplasmic processes that contacted with blood vessels and endocrine cells. In addition, some follicular colloids were immunostained with anti-S-100 protein. A few FSC were immunostained with anti-glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and anti-vimentin. The morphometric parameters analyzed (percentages of S-100-positive total, cellular and colloidal areas) increased from sector 1 to sector 3 and then decreased to sector 5. Hormone secreting cells, mainly lactotrophs, gonadotrophs and corticotrophs were associated with FSC and follicles. The ultrastructural study demonstrated that FSC developed junctional complexes and desmosomes between their lateral membranes. Lanthanum freely penetrated the spaces between granulated cells and FSC, but did not penetrate into the follicular lumen. In conclusion: 1) the differential expression of S-100 protein, GFAP and vimentin may indicate different physiological stages of FSC; 2) the expression of these proteins suggests a neuroectodermic origin of these cells; 3) FSC spatial distribution, association with endocrine cells, and the generation of an intercellular communication network suggest that FSC are involved in the pituitary pars distalis paracrine regulation of the viscacha.Key words: Lagostomus, pituitary, folliculostellate cells, immunohistochemistry, distribution, ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Anterior pituitary glands of male rats (2, 3, 5, 8, 12, 25, 36, 52, 56, and 62 days of age) were processed for electron microscopy. During early postnatal stages secretory cells are found in various stages of differentiation and comparatively few secretory granules are seen. Nuclei are mostly irregular, and the nucleo-cytoplasmic ratio is large. Many free ribosomes are present; the endoplasmic reticulum is generally sparse and the Golgi complex small or invisible. Cells are of variable shape, and numerous cytoplasmic processes project into large intercellular spaces. Many electron-dense cells which often contain myelinlike figures are seen. Lysosomes and lysosomal precursors are frequently found in secretory cells, predominantly in somatotrophs, of all immature glands. Mitotic figures are numerous in early stages after brith and decrease in number as the gland grows in size. A gradual increase in cytoplasmic volume with concomitant differentiation of cytoplasmic components as well as accumulation of secretory granules, accompanied by loss of myelin-like figures and decrease in the number of electron-dense cells, is observed as the animal reaches the prepuberal stage. Few lysosomes are seen in cells of mature glands. At 36 days of age all secretory cells seem to have differentiated, and morphological features as well as granule content show little change until puberty is reached. Gonadotrophs attain their characteristic morphology later than other cells. Cilia are observed in all developmental stages but are relatively infrequent in the mature gland. The described ultrastructural characteristics reflect the degree of maturation as well as the functional capacities of secretory cells at particular stages of development.  相似文献   

A magnesium-dependent adenylyl cyclase activity was found in each of the four lobes of the dogfish pituitary. An unusual feature of the enzyme system of the three lobes of the pars distalis was a marked enhancement of fluoride-activation in the presence of calcium ions at concentrations usually found to inhibit adenylyl cyclase systems. With the neurointermediate lobe enzyme the fluoride-activation was inhibited by calcium ions. In the absence of magnesium ions the enzyme activity of the pars distalis was supported by calcium ions, the calcium-supported activity being greater than the magnesium-supported activity.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of five lysosomal enzymes (acid phosphatase, -glucosaminidase, -glucuronidase, sulphatase and E 600-resistant esterases) was studied in the pars distalis of the urodelian pituitary. Naphthol-AS-compounds coupled with hexazonium-pararosanilin yielded particularly good localization. The typical lysosomal picture and a basically similar distribution were obtained throughout. The reaction product was mainly found in the globules of the globular basophils (-cells) reported as gonatropin producing cells by several authors. Some speculations on the possible function of the high amount of the lysosomal enzymes in the globular basophils are made.Dedicated to Professor W. Bargmann on his 60th birthday.This work was partly supported by a grant from Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst, Bad Godesberg.  相似文献   

Summary The pars distalis of the anterior pituitary is known to be regulated by hypothalamic hormones. Recently, we have discovered the presence of substance P-like immunoreactive nerve fibers in the pars distalis of the monkeys. Substance P-like immunoreactivity in the pars distalis of the dog was investigated in this study. A substantial amount of substance P-like immunoreactive nerve fibers with a large amount of varicosities were found. They were widely distributed in the gland, more abundant along its periphery. Most of them were closely related to the glandular tissue, some were located on vascular walls. Substance P-like immunoreactive nerve fibers were also found in the meningeal sheath of the anterior pituitary. They could be followed into the parenchyma of the gland.  相似文献   

Stellate cells in the pars distalis of adult Rana ridibunda were observed electron microscopically under normal and experimental conditions (TRH injection). The stellate cells have lengthy processes extending into the intercellular spaces between the secretory cells and scanty cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus. Occasional desmosomes link stellate cells to adjacent secretory cells. In the pars distalis of animals injected with thyrotropic-releasing hormone (TRH), the stellate cells form large cavities (2-6 mum) filled with heterogeneous material. Their cytoplasm contains well-developed Golgi complexes and some lysosomes; these are the principal morphological alterations as compared to those observed in control animals. It is suggested that stellate cells could play an active role in addition to providing a structural framework for the pars distalis.  相似文献   

Summary Immunocharacteristics of the pars distalis cells of the pituitary of the male lizard A. carolinensis are determined by employing the immunoperoxidase technique with antisera to mammalian pituitary hormones. On the basis of their immunoreactivity, 5 different cell types with characteristic anatomical distribution are recognized. ACTH cells are found in the rostral half of the pars distalis, and PRL cells in the rostral two thirds of the pars distalis. GH and TSH cells are located in the caudal half of the pars distalis. GTH cells are distributed throughout the gland. When consecutive sections are stained with antiserum to ovine FSH or its -subunit and to ovine LH, the same cells show immunoreactivity to all the three antisera. None of the GTH cells show positive immunoreactivity to ovine -LH antiserum. The results suggest the existence of one gonadotropic cell type in the pituitary of this lizard.Supported by U.S. Council for International Exchange of Scholars (to D.R.N.) and PHS Grant NS09914  相似文献   

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