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Germinating cysts and isolated walls from germinating cysts incorporated 14C-UDPG into wall material of which 22.5 and 15% respectively were insoluble in boiling 1 N HCl, indicating that part of the synthetase activity is located in the wall itself. A combination of Urografin and Ficoll density gradients was used to separate various intracellular fractions. A consistent separation of beta-glucanase and UDPG-transferase enriched fractions was achieved. The beta-glucanase fraction contained dictyosome vesicles and fragments along with some plasma membranes. The UDPG-transferase fraction was relatively rich in membranes resembling rough and smooth ER. The results suggest the two enzymes are transported to the wall by different intracellular routes, and two types of vesicle may be involved. Alkaline phosphatase, beta-glucosidase and acid phosphatase were found extracellularly and their distribution in density gradients determined. The results of histochemical staining for acid phosphatase, alkaline phosphatase and polysaccharide are described and compared with the biochemical data. beta-1,3-glucanase, found intra- and extracellularly, induced distorted growth of germ tubes and also removed most of the apical wall when added to the incubation medium. None of these responses were observed with cellulase. Determinations of the osmotic pressure of germinating cysts and incubation medium revealed that the turgor of germinating cysts amounts to about 1.8 at under the conditions used.  相似文献   

In previous studies, Pseudomonas putida 06909 and Pseudomonas fluorescens 09906 suppressed populations of Phytophthora parasitica in the citrus rhizosphere, suggesting that these bacteria may be useful in biological control of citrus root rot. In this study we investigated the mechanisms of antagonism between the bacteria and the fungus. Both bacteria colonized Phytophthora hyphae and inhibited the fungus on agar media. A hyphal column assay was developed to measure the colonization of bacteria on fungal hyphae and to enrich for colonization-deficient mutants. In this way we identified Tn5 mutants of each pseudomonad that were not able to colonize the hyphae and inhibit fungal growth in vitro. Colonization-deficient mutants were nonmotile and lacked flagella. Survival of nonmotile mutants in a citrus soil was similar to survival of a random Tn5 mutant over a 52-day period. Additional screening of random Tn5 mutants of both pseudomonads for loss of fungal inhibition in vitro yielded two distinct types of mutants. Mutants of the first type were deficient in production of pyoverdines and in inhibition of the fungus in vitro, although they still colonized fungal hyphae. Mutants of the second type lacked flagella and were not able to colonize the hyphae or inhibit fungal growth. No role was found for antibiotic production by the two bacteria in the inhibition of the fungus. Our results suggest that both hyphal colonization and pyoverdine production are important in the inhibition of Phytophthora parasitica by P. fluorescens and P. putida in vitro.  相似文献   

In potato tuber tissue, treatment of fungal elicitor, hyphalwall components (HWC) induces various plant defense reactions.As treatment of protein kinase inhibitor prior to HWC treatmentblocks some of defense reactions induced by HWC, involvementof protein kinases in plant defense induction is proposed. Here,we demonstrate HWC-induced activation of a 51-kDa protein kinase(abbreviated p51-PK) using myelin basic protein as a substratein potato tuber discs. The activity of p51-PK was not detectedin the absence of phosphatase inhibitor, NaF, and p51-PK wasimmuroprecipitated with antibody against phosphotyrosine. Pretreatmentof phospholipase C inhibitor, neomycin, and GTP-binding proteinactivator, mastoparan, partially inhibited the HWC-induced activationof p51-PK, suggesting possible involvement of phospholipaseC and GTP-binding protein in the activation of p51-PK. Exogenouslysupplied elicitors, salicylic acid and arachidonic acid, whichare known to induce various defense responses in potato plants,also activated the protein kinase showing the same migrationas p51-PK on SDS-PAGE and different activation patterns. Theseresults implied that p51-PK might be involved in several signaltransduction pathways leading to plant defense responses initiatedby different stimuli. (Received January 11, 1999; Accepted May 25, 1999)  相似文献   

On the basis of simple physical considerations the blood flow in a branching circulatory system is studied. The case of two groups of parallel vessels is treated. The vessels of the same group are supposed to be identical. The resistance of each group is determined by the resistance of each vessel in the group and by the number of vessels in the group. From the dependence of the resistance of each vessel on its radius an expression is obtained for the blood flow through each group of vessels in terms of the numbers and sizes of the vessels in each group. The number of open vessels in an organ and the radius of each of those vessels are assumed to depend on the metabolic rate of that organ. The relations so obtained, together with the expression above, are applied to derive the blood flow through an organ as a function of the metabolic rate of that organ. It is indicated that the relations obtained might describe the shifting of blood from one organ to another if the activity of one of them changes. A way is pointed out to treat neural regulation of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Potato plants (cv.‘Irish Cobbler’ with no major resistance genes to Phytophthora infestans), the lower or upper leaves of which were previously treated with hyphal wall components (HWC) of the fungus by rubbing with carborundum, acquired an induced resistance in other untreated leaves against cultivar-pathogenic races of P. infestans when challenged by spraying with a zoospore suspension. Such induced resistance was significantly shown to exist from at least 1 to 20 days after induction treatment with HWC. Thus, the treated plants were protected from severe late blight disease while non-induced control plants finally died of the disease. The induced resistance was due to a reduction of the number of successfully germinating zoospores, and subsequent penetration and then occurrence of hypersensitive-like cell response to the penetrating organisms. These results suggested that local leaf tissues of potato plants reacting to HWC may provide some systemic information that activates or enhances some resistance to P. infestans.  相似文献   

Hyphal walls were isolated from the Oomycete, Apodachlya sp. Microscope examination of wall preparations showed that they were clean and relatively free of cellulin granules. The principal wall constituents, accounting for more than half of wall weight, were -glucans with 1,3- and 1,6-glucosidic linkages. Apparently chitin was the second most abundant wall constituent (18%) and cellulose accounted for less than 10% of wall weight. Protein was a significant wall constituent (6.4%), and protein hydrolysis demonstrated nearly all common amino acids plus hydroxyproline; additionally, the unusual amino acid, hydroxylysine was tentatively identified. The lipid and ash constituents were small (1.7% and 0.4%, respectively) and no particular significance was assigned to them. The possible occurrence of wall glycoproteins and the relationship between wall chemistry and systematics in Apodachlya and related genera were discussed.  相似文献   

A diallel analysis of the traits “plant height”, “number of lateral stems”, and “number of lateral shoots” was carried out using Hayman’s method in three self-pollinated lines and one linear cultivar of linseed. A similarity was demonstrated between the inheritance of the studied traits and the additive-dominant model without any nonallelic interactions. The recessive nature of inheritance of increased plant height and high numbers of shoots together with dominant inheritance of increased numbers of lateral stems was revealed. The number of blocks of polymeric genes responsible for the variability in the studied traits was also estimated. The lines of linseed were ranged according to their contents of dominant alleles.  相似文献   

The formation of hyphae that grow solely by apical extension is a defining feature of filamentous fungi. Hyphal morphogenesis involves several key steps, including the establishment and maintenance of a stable polarity axis, as well as cell division via the deposition of septa. Several filamentous fungi have been employed in attempts to decipher the mechanisms underlying these steps. Amongst these fungi, Aspergillus nidulans has proven to be a particularly valuable model. The genetic tractability of this fungus coupled with the availability of sophisticated post-genomics resources has enabled the identification and characterization of numerous genes involved in hyphal morphogenesis. Here, we summarize current progress towards understanding the function of these genes and the mechanisms involved in polarized hyphal growth and septation in A. nidulans. We also highlight important areas for future investigation.  相似文献   

Brefeldin A (BFA) is an antibiotic having diverse biological effects such as antifungal, antiviral and antitumor activities. The effect of BFA on biosynthesis of cellular components was examined to elucidate the mode of action of BFA using C. albicans IAM 4888.

When C. albicans was grown in the presence of BFA, cells became rounded and enlarged several times larger than the untreated control cells. Cell walls of the treated cells became irregular and a number of Sudan III-stainable lipid droplets was formed in the cytoplasm. Accompanying these morphological changes, a marked alteration occurred in the cellular lipid composition; neutral lipids increased whereas phospholipid decreased. [14C]Acetate incorporation into the lipid fraction proceeded in accordance with the growth in the presence of BFA. On the other hand, [32P]orthophosphate incorporation into phospholipid was severely inhibited. Incorporation of radiolabeled precursors into DNA, RNA and protein was not affected on a cell weight basis.  相似文献   

Several generations of soil microbiologists and plant pathologists have attempted to unravel the microbial composition, population dynamics and various life-sustaining processes in the soil. However, until recently, this basic resource for plant growth and nutrient recycling has to a large extent remained a black box. Studies have been made of the behavior of individual microorganisms or their population dynamics, but the relationship between the growth of individual organisms or parts of organisms (such as fungal hyphae) and that of populations and communities has been largely unknown. In particular, the spread of fungal colonies in soil has been an enigma, but now Bailey et al . (pp. 000–000 in this issue) have clearly demonstrated that spatial behavior of Rhizoctonia colonies can switch from finite to invasive expansion dependent on the non-linear relationship between the distance among substrate particles and the probability of colonization.  相似文献   

A range of metal ions and the oxoanion WO42-were toxic to zoospores of Phytophthora nicotianae parasitica in the order: Ag+ > Cu++ > WO42-> Ni+ > Co++ > Zn+. The LD50 for Ag+, 0.11 μM (11.4 ppb), compared with 1.84 μm (117 ppb) for Cu++. Silver was similarly toxic to a range of pathogens including Pythium aphanidermatum, Thielaviopsis basicola and Fusarium oxy-sporum f.spp. Most zoospores of Phytophthora spp. were killed by Ag+ in the range 46–460 nM (5–50 ppb), bursting at the higher concentrations. A small sub-population of most propagules exhibited greater tolerance to silver than the whole. In 0.93 μM (100 ppb) Ag+ 1.4% of P. nicotianae parasitica zoospores survived but were all killed at 500 ppb. A population of P. cryptogea (1.9%) surviving 0.47 μm (50 ppb) were killed at 0.93 μM (100 ppb). Zoospore cysts and germlings showed the same sensitivity to silver. Oospores were mostly killed over the range 0.23–0.93 μm (25–100 ppb) Ag+, some surviving up to the lethal concentration of 9.26 μM (1000 ppb). Mycelium of P. cryptogea was generally less sensitive, with some growth occurring at 9.26 μm (100 ppb). Zoosporangiogenesis was unaffected over the range 0.47–4.65 μm (50–500 ppb). Toxicity increased with increased pH over the range 5.0–6.5. Ionic silver was lost from solution during a microscope slide bioassay by binding to the glass surface. In the presence of chloride ions, colloidal AgCl formed which was equally toxic to P. cryptogea. Silver and AgCl were further lost from solution by colloidal agglomeration - Ostwald ripening - and by AgCl adsorption to glass. Silver, < 90 nM (10 ppb) Ag+ as AgNO3 and particles of silver chloride were both strongly attractive to zoospores of P. cryptogea. Spores burst or failed to germinate on entering lethal concentrations. The results are discussed in the context of the use of silver salts to control Phytophthora root-rot pathogens and the importance of ion availability in in vitro toxicity assays.  相似文献   

Proteins from potato cells which recognize fungal cell wall components of Phytophthora infestans were isolated after passage of a potato homogenate through an affinity column which contained bound fungal cell wall components. Bound potato proteins were eluted with NN′-diacetylchitobiose, and fractionated by SDS-polyaciylamide gel electrophoresis. Eluted proteins from cv. Yukijiro (R1-gene) and cv. Irish Cobbler (r-gene) had similar profiles and the same apparent Mr, 66, 58 and 41.5 kD and other proteins with lower molecular weight. Only the 41.5 kD and lower molecular weight proteins reaeted with polyclonal antibodies against the β-lectin from the R1 cultivar, Rishiri. The surfaces of protoplasts from cvs Yukijiro and Irish Cobbler also reacted with the antibodies to the lectin. Treatment of potato protoplasts with hyphal cell wall components of P. infestans caused cytoplasmic aggregation, a response characteristic of the hypersensitive reaction. Oligomers of N-acetyl glucosamine reduced the ability of fungal cell wall components to cause this cytoplasmic aggregation. These results suggest that binding between fungal cell wall eomponents and certain potato proteins is sensitive to N-acetylglucosamine, and may play a role in the hypersensitive reaction.  相似文献   

A model has been analyzed which is based on recent experimental evidence concerning the properties of muscles and the sensory feedback pathways from muscles. Damped oscillations can arise in the absence of sensory feedback due to the interaction of a muscle with inertial loads. These mechanical oscillations can have a wide range of frequencies depending on the inertial and elastic loads that are attached to the muscle. Small amounts of sensory feedback will tend to reduce deviations from a steady muscle length, but larger amounts of feedback can produce oscillations. The frequency of these reflex oscillations is determined by the properties of the muscle and feedback pathway, and is rather independent of load. If the strength of the sensory feedback is sufficient, either the mechanical oscillations or the reflex oscillations or both can grow, rather than decay, with time. The growth of these oscillations is limited by saturation non-linearities in the muscle receptors and the muscle itself, so that the oscillations approach a steady amplitude and frequency. Using typical properties of muscles and spinal reflex pathways, the frequency of reflex oscillations will be within the range 8–12 Hz found for physiological tremor. With the longer latency found for supraspinal reflexes, oscillations will occur in the range 4–6 Hz which is characteristic of Parkinson's and cerebellar diseases. The role of longer latency reflexes in the generation of these tremors is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A study of the lower marine Phycomycetes Thraustochytrium roseum, T. aureum, and Schizochytrium aggregatum revealed their requirement for exogenous B12 and B1. T. roseum grew well when provided with only the pyrimidine moiety of the latter whereas the other fungi were dependent on the presence of the intact molecule. The response of these organisms to minute concentrations of B1 suggests their value for assaying sea water for the vitamin.  相似文献   

Hyphal tip growth and nuclear migration   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Recent molecular and cytological studies have greatly advanced our understanding of hyphal tip growth and nuclear migration in filamentous fungi. Mutants involved in various aspects of hyphal tip growth have been isolated. Genes involved in nuclear migration continue to be identified, including putative regulators. The role of microtubules and microtubule motor proteins in hyphal tip growth has also been studied.  相似文献   

A polyclonal antiserum (A379) against water soluble proteins from Phytophthora cinnamomi mycelium was produced in rabbit. In ELISA, the 1 : 10 000 diluted antiserum revealed only Phytophthora isolates, not allowing a clear‐cut discrimination among congenerous species, in spite of a generally higher reactivity on P. cinnamomi proteins. The antiserum gave positive reactions in Western blot analyses against mycelial proteins from nine species of Phytophthora and Pythium sp. (grown on rich media), but not with Rhizoctonia solani, binucleate Rhizoctonia, Verticillium dahliae, Fusarium oxysporum and Cryphonectria parasitica. All Phytophthora species showed common epitopes on proteins of molecular masses 77, 66, 51 and 48 kDa. However, a species‐specific protein of 55 kDa was immunodecorated only in P. cinnamomi samples, thus allowing univocal identification of this species. When tested against total proteins from the same fungi grown on water, the antibody revealed diagnostic bands of 55 and 51 kDa in P. cinnamomi only. The antiserum is therefore suitable for the specific identification of P. cinnamomi emerging in distilled water from infected tissues of chestnut, blueberry and azalea.  相似文献   

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