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Science journals face challenges from rapidly evolving businessmodels, diminishing library budgets and an increasing arrayof technological options for delivering content and processingsubmissions through peer review. The Annals of Botany is respondingby continually improving the service it provides to authors,readers and to its subscribers. Accordingly, several enhancementsand further streamlining are planned for 2006. We already makeall our ‘Botanical Briefings’ and ‘InvitedReviews’ available free of charge online from first publication.Annals of Botany now offers all authors the possibility of Open  相似文献   

The Annals of Botany, one of the oldest botanical journals incontinuous publication, publishes eclectic and innovative papers,both on-line and in print, in almost every sphere of plant biology.Its policy has been and remains to improve and develop all aspectsof the Journal’s provision for the benefit of authorsand readers alike. In doing so, it aims to meet fully theirdemands for a high level of originality in scientific content,top quality reproduction and prompt publication with wide accessibility.Annals of Botany faces these  相似文献   

Recent molecular systematic and developmental genetic findingshave drawn attention to plant morphology as a discipline dealingwith the phenotypic appearance of plant forms. However, sincedifferent terms and conceptual frameworks have evolved overa period of more than 200 years, it is reasonable to surveythe history of plant morphology; this is the first of two paperswith this aim. The present paper deals with the historic conceptsof Troll, Zimmermann and Arber, which are based on Goethe'smorphology. Included are contrasting views of ‘unity anddiversity’, ‘position and process’, and ‘morphologyand phylogeny’, which, in part, are basic views of currentplant morphology, phylogenetic systematics and developmentalgenetics. Wilhelm Troll established the ‘type concept’and the ‘principle of variable proportions’. Hehas provided the most comprehensive overview of the positionalrelations of plant forms. Agnes Arber started from the universaldynamics of life and attempted to describe all structures asprocesses. She paid attention to ‘repetitive branching’,‘differential growth’, and ‘parallelism’.As a result she has recently been rediscovered by developmentalbotanists. Walter Zimmermann rejected any metaphysical influenceon plant form and instead called for objective procedures. Hewas mainly interested in phylogenetic ‘character transformation’and the ‘reconstruction of genealogical lines’.Guided by the example of flower-like inflorescences, a futurepaper will deal with functional and developmental constraintsinfluencing plant forms. Recent morphological concepts (‘trialectical’,‘continuum’/‘fuzzy’, ‘processmorphology’) will be discussed and related to currentmorphological and developmental genetic research. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Plant form, plant morphology, natural philosophy, homology, phylogeny, Goethe, Troll, Arber, Zimmermann, typology, character transformation, differential growth, complementarity  相似文献   

Allometric Relationships in Field-grown Soybean   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Allometric relationships in plants uncover size-correlated variationsin form and development and characterize the relative growthof a part of a plant in comparison with a whole. Stable allometricrelationships in ontogeny can be used as components of cropmodels and to estimate plant parameters that are difficult tomeasure. Our objective was to discover whether stable allometricrelations exist in ontogeny of field-grown soybeans (GlycinemaxL.). We used field data on vegetative stages, plant height,stem weight, and leaf weight of 16 soybean cultivars measuredon farms and on the experiment station of Mississippi StateUniversity during 1993–1995 growing seasons. The numberof observed crops for each cultivar ranged from one to 14. Stemheights displayed linear log-log dependencies on the vegetativestage, before and after the breakpoint stage, which typicallywas between the ‘fourth node’ and ‘sixth node’vegetative stages. Slopes of the log-log dependencies afterthe breakpoint stage were similar in all cultivars. Stem masshad log-log linear dependencies on stem height. Slopes of thesedependencies differed among cultivars grown under the same conditions,and among crops of the same cultivar grown under different conditions.Water stress could be a modifier of these relationships. Theproportion of leaf weights in the total weight of leaves andstems decreased linearly as the vegetative development progressed.Since allometric relations are stable for a specific crop, theycan be used to forecast vegetative development as soon as theyare established.Copyright 1998 Annals of Botany Soybean,Glycine maxL., allometry, vegetative development.  相似文献   

The flowering requirements of six European varieties of Loliumperenne L. were studied in controlled environments. In experimentson primary induction, flowering was recorded after transferto long days (LD) in a greenhouse at 12–24°C. In experimentson secondary induction, primary induction was first accomplishedat 6°C/10 h daylength for 12 weeks. When evaluated by the50% heading criterion, the requirement for duration of primaryinduction at 6°C/8 h daylength was <3 weeks in Mediterranean,5–6 weeks in Central European and 7–8 weeks in Scandinavianvarieties. While ‘Veyo’ (Italy) flowered profuselyregardless of temperature or daylength during primary induction,critical temperatures for primary induction in SD and LD were15 and 11°C in ‘Baca’ (Czech Republic) and 11and 7°C in ‘Falster’ (Denmark). The criticalphotoperiod for secondary induction at 15°C ranged from12 h in ‘Veyo’ and 14 h in ‘Baca’ to16.5 h in ‘Falster’ and 17.5 in ‘Kleppe’(Norway). The critical number of LD cycles varied correspondingly.While the Central and North European varieties required fewerLD cycles for 50% heading at 18 than at 12°C, ‘Veyo’showed the opposite response. It is concluded that the requirementsfor both primary and secondary induction of Lolium perenne increasewith increasing latitude of origin of the germplasm. In oneexperiment, 39–87% of the inflorescences came from tillersthat were not visible on transfer from primary to secondaryinduction, thus it is also concluded that there is no juvenilestage in tillers of Lolium perenne. Copyright 2000 Annals ofBotany Company Daylength, flowering, juvenility, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), primary induction, secondary induction, temperature, varieties, vernalization  相似文献   

Modelling the Components of Plant Respiration: Representation and Realism   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
This paper outlines the different ways in which plant respirationis modelled, with reference to the principles set out in Cannelland Thornley (Annals of Botany85: 55–67, 2000), firstin whole-plant ‘toy’ models, then within ecosystemor crop models using the growth-maintenance paradigm, and finallyrepresenting many component processes within the Hurley Pasture(HPM) and Edinburgh Forest Models (EFM), both of which separateC and N substrates from structure. Whole-plant models can beformulated so that either maintenance or growth respirationtake priority for assimilates, or so that growth respirationis the difference between total respiration and maintenanceassociated with the resynthesis of degraded tissues. All threeschemes can be converted to dynamic models which give similar,reasonable predictions of plant growth and respiration, butall have limiting assumptions and scope. Ecosystem and cropmodels which use the growth-maintenance respiration paradigmwithout separating substrates from structure, implicitly assumethat maintenance respiration is a fixed cost, uncoupled to assimilatesupply, and use fixed rate coefficients chosen from a rangeof measured values. Separation of substrates in the HPM andEFM enables estimates to be made of respiration associated withlocal growth, phloem loading, ammonium and nitrate N uptake,nitrate reduction, N2fixation and other mineral ion uptake,leaving a ‘residual maintenance’ term. The lattercan be explicitly related to C substrate supply. Simulated changesin grassland respiration over a season and forest respirationover a rotation show that the ratio of total respiration togross canopy photosynthesis varies within the expected limitedrange, that residual maintenance accounts for 46–48% oftotal respiration, growth 36–42%, phloem loading 10–12%and the other components for the small remainder, with the ratiosbetween components varying during a season or forest rotation.It is concluded that the growth-maintenance approach to respiration,extended to represent many of the component processes, has considerablemerit. It can be connected to reality at many points, it givesmore information, it can be examined at the level of assumptionsas well as at the level of predictions, and it is open to modificationas more knowledge emerges. However, currently, there are stillparameters that require adjustment so that the predictions ofthe model are acceptable. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Respiration, photosynthesis, growth, maintenance, substrate, N uptake, mineral uptake, phloem loading, model.  相似文献   

This review compares new developmental models on flowering andother vascular plants with evolutionary hypotheses formulatedby Agnes Arber (1879–1960) and like-minded botanists.Special emphasis is laid on philosophical basics such as perspectivism,pluralism about evolutionary modelling, continuum way of thinking,and fuzzy logic. Arber's perspective is best labelled as F uzzyA rberian M orphology (FAM Approach). Its proponents (‘FAMmers’)treat structural categories (e.g. ‘roots’, ‘shoots’,‘stems’, ‘leaves’, ‘stipules’)in vascular plants as concepts with fuzzy borderlines allowingintermediates (including transitional forms, developmental mosaics).The FAM Approach complements Cla ssical Plant M orphology (ClaMApproach), which is the traditional approach in botany. ClaMproponents (‘ClaMmers’) postulate that the structuralcategories of vascular plants are regarded as concepts withclear-cut borderlines and without intermediates. However, duringthe evolution of vascular plants, the root-shoot distinctionand the stem-leaf distinction have become blurred several timesdue to developmental changes, resulting in organs with uniquecombinations of features. This happened, for example, in thebladderworts (Utricularia, Lentibulariaceae). When focusingon the ‘leaf’, the FAM Approach is identical toArber's ‘partial-shoot theory of the leaf’ and Sinha's‘leaf shoot continuum model’. A compound leaf canrepeat the developmental pathway of the whole shoot, at leastto some degree. For example, compound leaves of Chisocheton(Meliaceae)with indeterminate apical growth and three-dimensional branchingmay be seen as developmental mosaics sharing some growth processeswith whole shoots! We focus here on the FAM Approach becausethis perspective is especially promising for developmental geneticistsstudying flowering and other vascular plants. Copyright 2001Annals of Botany Company Review, body plan, developmental mosaics, leaf development, history of botany, homeosis, homeotic genes, Lentibulariaceae, morphological evolution, process morphology, stipules, Utricularia, flowering plants  相似文献   

Development of seeds following pollination with irradiated pollenwas studied inActinidia deliciosa(kiwifruit) ‘Hayward’.Pollinations were carried out using two different sources ofpollen (‘Tomuri’ and ‘Matua’) irradiatedwith gamma rays at doses of 700 and 900 Gy. Non-irradiated crosseswere used as controls. Pollen irradiation had little effectonin vitropollen germination. Irradiated pollen affected seedset and seed content, and induced the formation of parthenogeneticembryos. In comparison to the control, the embryo growth ratewas slower and the endosperm contained very low amounts of storageproducts. Seed set was significantly reduced following bothdoses of irradiation. Two types of seeds were observed: (1)seeds with endosperm only; and (2) seeds with both embryo andendosperm. The proportion of seeds containing endosperm onlywas almost ten-fold higher than those containing both embryoand endosperm. Embryo production by gamma-irradiated pollenwas genotype- and dose-dependent. The induction of parthenogenesiswas higher following gamma ray doses of 900 Gy than 700 Gy,which suggests the ‘Hertwig Effect’; the best efficiencywas obtained with ‘Tomuri’ pollen. Ploidy levelof parthenogenetic embryos was evaluated by nuclear size (area)with the use of image analysis. There was a large differencein embryo nuclei size between control and parthenogenetic embryos(mean size 90.8 and 49.1 µm2, respectively). It is concludedthat parthenogenetic embryos represent trihaploids.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company. Actinidia deliciosa, kiwifruit, pollen irradiation, induced parthenogenesis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine how a plant's responseto colonization by mycorrhizal fungi relates to its abilityto acquire and utilize phosphorus for growth and reproduction.Two tomato genotypes previously found to be either responsive(‘LA1709’) or unresponsive (‘large cherry’)to mycorrhizal colonization during early vegetative growth wereexamined in detail. Plants were grown at four levels of addedphosphate or with mycorrhizal inoculum. Vegetative and reproductivegrowth, phosphorus uptake and root length density were measuredduring the course of plant development. Mycorrhizal symbiosissignificantly increased above-ground dry mass, root length,phosphorus content and yield under low phosphorus conditionsin ‘LA1709’, while it had less effect on these characteristicsin ‘large cherry’. When uninfected, however, ‘LA1709’grew and reproduced poorly unless high amounts of phosphoruswere added to the soil, while ‘large cherry’ grewwell under very low phosphorus conditions. This was because‘large cherry’ had significantly higher root lengthdensities than ‘LA1709’, enabling plants from thisgenotype to explore more soil volume and acquire greater amountsof phosphorus when grown without mycorrhizal fungi in low phosphorussoil. ‘Large cherry’ also had higher phosphorususe efficiency and allocated a greater proportion of phosphorusto reproduction when uninfected than ‘LA1709’. Itappears traits that affect a plant's ability to acquire andutilize phosphorus efficiently for growth and reproduction canalso affect its response to mycorrhizal colonization in tomato.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company. Tomato,Lycopersicon esculentum,mycorrhiza,Glomus etunicatum,phosphorus, reproduction, lifespan.  相似文献   

Crop phenology is one of the most important characters influencingproductivity in a given environment. Narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinusangustifolius L.) is a major grain legume crop in southern Australiawith general phenological adaptation to this Mediterranean-typeenvironment. However, it is an indeterminate crop with severalassociated limitations to productivity, such as overlappingvegetative and reproductive growth, late grain filling and sometimesexcessive vegetative growth. Here we studied two novel typesof narrow-leafed lupin with restricted branching, which mightbe useful for overcoming these problems. These restricted branchinglupins arose spontaneously within a breeding population, inthe case of ‘Tallerack’, and within a farmer's cropin the case of ‘ Hurst’ and we compared them withthe ‘Merrit’, which is widely grown and has thenormal indeterminate branching habit. The morphology and developmentof the main shoot of these genotypes were similar. However,‘Hurst’ had much larger leaves. There were alsostriking differences in the lateral branches of the restrictedbranching types; they had fewer leaves than ‘Merrit’and flowered earlier. These differences were most marked in‘ Hurst’, where the upper main stem branches werereduced to a single floret in the axil of main stem leaves,and these flowers often exhibited abnormal morphology. Copyright2000 Annals of Botany Company Lupinus angustifolius L., narrow-leafed lupin, adaptation, development, morphology, branching, leaves, mutant, plastochron, phyllochron, floral initiation, flowering.  相似文献   

The success of Triticum aestivumxZea mays crosses, used to producewheat doubled haploids, is influenced by light intensity. Toexamine the basis for this response, pollen tube growth, embryosurvival and indicators of photosynthetic rate were measuredin two wheat cultivars (‘Karamu’ and ‘Kotuku’)crossed with maize at two irradiance levels (250 or 750 µmolm-2s-1, PAR). Pollen tube growth was significantly affectedby light intensity in ‘Karamu’ plants but not in‘Kotuku’ plants, despite both cultivars being pollinatedby the same maize source. The percentage of pollen tubes reachingthe cavity between the ovarian wall and integuments, or in themicropyle of ‘Karamu’ plants at high light intensity(65%) was nearly three-times greater than that at low lightintensity (22%). Thus, either low light intensity can affectthe maternal wheat plant in a way that inhibits pollen tubegrowth and/or high light intensity may promote pollen tube growthin ‘Karamu’ plants. Significant differences in ratesof electron transport in plants grown at the two light intensitiesindicated that the rate of photosynthesis may also have an effecton pollen tube growth. These results have importance for improvingthe efficiency of wheat x maize crosses and other wide cerealcrosses. Copyright 2001 Annals of Botany Company Intergeneric hybridization, light intensity, pollen tube growth, embryo survival, Triticum aestivum, wheat,Zea mays , maize  相似文献   

Self-assembling Plants and Integration across Ecological Scales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Annals of Botany 99: 1023–1034, 2007 There were errors in the colour reproduction of Figs 7  相似文献   

Naturally occurring gibberellin-like substances possessing acidic,basic, and neutral properties were detected, by paper partitionchromatography, in ethanolic extracts of tomato seed and ofetiolated seedlings after 72 and 116 hours' growth. Dwarf maizemutants of the d-1 and d-5 types, ‘Meteor’ pea seedlingsand young ‘Potentate’ tomato plants were used asbioassay material. Hydrolysis of seed and seedling proteinsby ficin in phosphate buffer, pH 6.2, after removal of ethanol-solublesubstances, liberated more and different ‘bound’gibberellin-like substances. It is suggested that protein hydrolysisduring germination is an important means of liberating thesesubstances at different stages of seedling development. Acidic substances were present in all the extracts prepared,but in general two with Rfs 0.25 and 0.55 in iso-propanol: ammonia:water : : 10:1:1 v/v were differentiated on d-2 and d-5 maizerespectively. Neutral substances in dry seed extracts chromatographedin the same solvent, had Rfs of 0.05, 0.35, and 0.95 and thesewere found only in the ethanolic (‘free’) extracts.They were active on d-1 and d-2 maize and ‘Meteor’pea. Basic gibberellin-like substances with Rfs of 0.05 and0.35 were found in ‘free’ extracts of both dry seedand etiolated seedlings after 116 hours' growth which were activeon d-2 maize only. Two others with Rfs 0.45 and 0.95 were extractedfrom seedlings after 72 hours' growth and these were activeon young ‘Potentate’ tomato plants. It is suggested that certain gibberellin-like substances, capableof reversing dwarfism in test plants, may be responsible formorphogenetic or other responses not involving stem extensionin the parent species. Changes were found in the levels of gibberellin-likesubstances but there was no evidence of changes in levels ofseed inhibitors relative to seed growth substances.  相似文献   

Impedance Spectroscopy in Frost Hardiness Evaluation of Rhododendron Leaves   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Impedance spectroscopy was used in studying frost hardinessof leaves of two diploid rhododendron cultivars, RhododendronL. ‘PJM’ and R. ‘Cunningham's White’,and their tetraploid derivatives, R. ‘Northern Starburst’(NSB) and CW4. After the growing season and initial hardeningin a greenhouse, plants were subjected to an acclimation regimein a phytotron: 3 consecutive weeks at +5, +1 and -2°C each.Hardiness was studied with controlled freezing tests beforeeach decrease in temperature and at the end of the experiment,based on data of extracellular resistance reand relaxation time of the frost-exposed leaves. The correlation of the two estimateswas 0.92. Generally, the diploid clones had better frost hardinessthan the tetraploid clones. At the end of the experiment, frosthardiness of the diploid ‘PJM’ was -28.7°C andthat of the tetraploid NSB -20.6°C. Leaves of the diploid‘Cunningham's White’ and of the tetraploid CW4 hardenedto -32.0°C and -20.9°C, respectively. Frost hardinessestimated by impedance spectroscopy correlated well with earlierresults based on visual scoring (r = 0.81–0.86) and electrolyteleakage tests (r = 0.84–0.90), but results from impedancespectroscopy indicated weaker hardiness than the other tests.The difference between the results from impedance spectroscopyand the other tests was smaller and more coherent within the‘Cunningham's White’ clones than within ‘PJM’and NSB. Changes in extracellular and intracellular resistanceof non-frozen leaves during the acclimation correlated withthe changes in frost hardiness of ‘Cunningham's White’clones, but not with those of ‘PJM’ and NSB, whichbelong to another subspecies.Copyright 2000 Annals of BotanyCompany Cold resistance, evergreen, frost hardiness, impedance spectroscopy, polyploid, Rhododendron, tetraploid  相似文献   

Annals of Botany 98: 1233–1240, 2006 Unfortunately the final sentence in the Results section  相似文献   

‘Peel pitting’ in the flavedo (the coloured epicarp)of ‘Encore’ mandarin arises as chlorotic spots.These spots correspond to parenchymal flattening and collapseof a variable number of sub-epidermal cell layers, which increasein parallel with the epidermis, extending between apparentlyhealthy zones. The first signs of cellular damage are associatedwith internal membrane disorganization of the plastids. Greatvesiculation of the cytoplasm occurs, followed by degradationof cytoplasmic membranes and accumulation of abundant osmiophilicmaterial, yielding amorphous and dense masses. The disorderstarted by September. Spotting was only observed on the outerside of the fruit and on portions of the rind most exposed toexternal factors. Radiation and high temperature of the rindover long periods may induce localized dehydration, plasmolysisand cell collapse.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Citrus, ‘Encore’ mandarin, pre-harvest pitting, peel disorder, histology, ultrastructure.  相似文献   

Annals of Botany 99: 1097–1100, 2007 Unfortunately in Fig. 1D  相似文献   

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