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The apoA-I mimetic peptide L-4F [(Ac-D-W-F-K-A-F-Y-D-K-V-A-E-K-F-K-E-A-F-NH2) synthesized from all L-amino acids] has shown potential for the treatment of a variety of diseases. Here, we demonstrate that LDL promotes association between L-4F and HDL. A 2- to 3-fold greater association of L-4F with human HDL was observed in the presence of human LDL as compared with HDL by itself. This association further increased when LDL was supplemented with the oxidized lipid 15S-hydroxy-5Z, 8Z, 11Z, 13E-eicosatetraenoic acid (15HETE). Additionally, L-4F significantly (P = 0.02) promoted the transfer of 15HETE from LDL to HDL. The transfer of L-4F from LDL to HDL was demonstrated both in vitro and in C57BL/6J mice. L-4F, injected into C57BL/6J mice, associated rapidly with HDL and was then cleared quickly from the circulation. Similarly, L-4F loaded onto human HDL and injected into C57BL/6J mice was cleared quickly with T(1/2) = 23.6 min. This was accompanied by a decline in human apoA-I with little or no effect on the mouse apoA-I. Based on these results, we propose that i) LDL promotes the association of L-4F with HDL and ii) in the presence of L-4F, oxidized lipids in LDL are rapidly transferred to HDL allowing these oxidized lipids to be acted upon by HDL-associated enzymes and/or cleared from the circulation.  相似文献   

Human HDLs have highly heterogeneous composition. Plasma concentrations of HDL with apoC-III and of apoE in HDL predict higher incidence of coronary heart disease (CHD). The concentrations of HDL-apoA-I containing apoE, apoC-III, or both and their distribution across HDL sizes are unknown. We studied 20 normal weight and 20 obese subjects matched by age, gender, and race. Plasma HDL was separated by sequential immunoaffinity chromatography (anti-apoA-I, anti-apoC-III, anti-apoE), followed by nondenaturing-gel electrophoresis. Mean HDL-cholesterol concentrations in normal weight and obese subjects were 65 and 50 mg/dl (P = 0.009), and total apoA-I concentrations were 119 and 118 mg/dl, respectively. HDL without apoE or apoC-III was the most prevalent HDL type representing 89% of apoA-I concentration in normal weight and 77% in obese (P = 0.01) individuals; HDL with apoE-only was 5% versus 8% (P = 0.1); HDL with apoC-III-only was 4% versus 10% (P = 0.009); and HDL with apoE and apoC-III was 1.5% versus 4.6% (P = 0.004). Concentrations of apoE and apoC-III in HDL were 1.5–2× higher in obese subjects (P ≤ 0.004). HDL with apoE or apoC-III occurred in all sizes among groups. Obese subjects had higher prevalence of HDL containing apoE or apoC-III, subfractions associated with CHD, whereas normal weight subjects had higher prevalence of HDL without apoE or apoC-III, subfractions with protective association against CHD.  相似文献   

We have found that hydrogen (dihydrogen; H2) has beneficial lipid-lowering effects in high-fat diet-fed Syrian golden hamsters. The objective of this study was to characterize the effects of H2-rich water (0.9–1.0 l/day) on the content, composition, and biological activities of serum lipoproteins on 20 patients with potential metabolic syndrome. Serum analysis showed that consumption of H2-rich water for 10 weeks resulted in decreased serum total-cholesterol (TC) and LDL-cholesterol (LDL-C) levels. Western blot analysis revealed a marked decrease of apolipoprotein (apo)B100 and apoE in serum. In addition, we found H2 significantly improved HDL functionality assessed in four independent ways, namely, i) protection against LDL oxidation, ii) inhibition of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α-induced monocyte adhesion to endothelial cells, iii) stimulation of cholesterol efflux from macrophage foam cells, and iv) protection of endothelial cells from TNF-α-induced apoptosis. Further, we found consumption of H2-rich water resulted in an increase in antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase and a decrease in thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in whole serum and LDL. In conclusion, supplementation with H2-rich water seems to decrease serum LDL-C and apoB levels, improve dyslipidemia-injured HDL functions, and reduce oxidative stress, and it may have a beneficial role in prevention of potential metabolic syndrome.  相似文献   

High density lipoproteins (HDL), one of the main lipoprotein particles circulating in plasma, is involved in the reverse cholesterol transport. Several lines of evidence suggest that elevated levels of HDL is protective against coronary heart disease. The role of HDL in the removal of body cholesterol and in the regression of atherosclerosis add to the importance of understanding the molecular-cellular processes that determine plasma levels of HDL. Factors modulating plasma levels of HDL may have influence on the predisposition of an individual to premature coronary artery disease. Apolipoprotein (apo) A-I is the main apolipoprotein component of HDL and, to a large extent, sets the plasma levels of HDL. Thus, understanding the regulation of apoA-I gene expression may provide clues to raise plasma levels of HDL. This review discusses the various pathways that alter plasma levels of HDL. Since apoA-I is the main protein component of HDL and determines the plasma levels of HDL, this review also covers the regulation of apoA-I gene expression.  相似文献   

In low density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR)-deficient mice, overexpression of human plasma phospholipid transfer protein (PLTP) results in increased atherosclerosis. PLTP strongly decreases HDL levels and might alter the antiatherogenic properties of HDL particles. To study the potential interaction between human PLTP and apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I), double transgenic animals (hPLTPtg/hApoAItg) were compared with hApoAItg mice. PLTP activity was increased 4.5-fold. Plasma total cholesterol and phospholipid were decreased. Average HDL size (analyzed by gel filtration) increased strongly, hPLTPtg/hApoAItg mice having very large, LDL-sized, HDL particles. Also, after density gradient ultracentrifugation, a substantial part of the apoA-I-containing lipoproteins in hPLTPtg/hApoAItg mice was found in the LDL density range. In cholesterol efflux studies from macrophages, HDL isolated from hPLTPtg/hApoAItg mice was less efficient than HDL isolated from hApoAItg mice. Furthermore, it was found that the largest subfraction of the HDL particles present in hPLTPtg/hApoAItg mice was markedly inferior as a cholesterol acceptor, as no labeled cholesterol was transferred to this fraction. In an LDLR-deficient background, the human PLTP-expressing mouse line showed a 2.2-fold increased atherosclerotic lesion area. These data demonstrate that the action of human PLTP in the presence of human apoA-I results in the formation of a dysfunctional HDL subfraction, which is less efficient in the uptake of cholesterol from cholesterol-laden macrophages.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the capability of an apoA-I mimetic with multiple amphipathic helices to form HDL-like particles in vitro and in vivo. To generate multivalent helices and to track the peptide mimetic, we have constructed a peptibody by fusing two tandem repeats of 4F peptide to the C terminus of a murine IgG Fc fragment. The resultant peptidbody, mFc-2X4F, dose-dependently promoted cholesterol efflux in vitro, and the efflux potency was superior to monomeric 4F peptide. Like apoA-I, mFc-2X4F stabilized ABCA1 in J774A.1 and THP1 cells. The peptibody formed larger HDL particles when incubated with cultured cells compared with those by apoA-I. Interestingly, when administered to mice, mFc-2X4F increased both pre-β and α-1 HDL subfractions. The lipid-bound mFc-2X4F was mostly in the α-1 migrating subfraction. Most importantly, mFc-2X4F and apoA-I were found to coexist in the same HDL particles formed in vivo. These data suggest that the apoA-I mimetic peptibody is capable of mimicking apoA-I to generate HDL particles. The peptibody and apoA-I may work cooperatively to generate larger HDL particles in vivo, either at the cholesterol efflux stage and/or via fusion of HDL particles that were generated by the peptibody and apoA-I individually.  相似文献   

Modifying apolipoprotein (apo) A-I mimetic peptides to include a proline-punctuated α-helical repeat increases their anti-inflammatory properties as well as allows better mimicry of full-length apoA-I function. This study compares the following mimetics, either acetylated or biotinylated (b): 4F (18mer) and 4F-proline-4F (37mer, Pro). b4F interacts with both mouse HDL (moHDL) and LDL in vitro. b4F in vivo plasma clearance kinetics are not affected by mouse HDL level. Administration of biotinylated peptides to mice demonstrates that b4F does not associate with lipoproteins smaller than LDL in vivo, though it does associate with fractions containing free hemoglobin (Hb). In contrast, bPro specifically interacts with HDL. b4F and bPro show opposite binding responses to HDL by surface plasmon resonance. Administration of acetylated Pro to apoE−/− mice significantly decreases plasma serum amyloid A levels, while acetylated 4F does not have this ability. In contrast to previous reports that inferred that 4F associates with HDL in vivo, we systematically examined this potential interaction and demonstrated that b4F does not interact with HDL in vivo but rather elutes with Hb-containing plasma fractions. bPro, however, specifically binds to moHDL in vivo. In addition, the number of amphipathic α-helices and their linker influences the anti-inflammatory effects of apoA-I mimetic peptides in vivo.  相似文献   

The lysosphingolipid sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) is a component of HDL. Findings from a growing number of studies indicate that S1P is a mediator of many of the cardiovascular effects of HDL, including the ability to promote vasodilation, vasoconstriction, and angiogenesis, protect against ischemia/reperfusion injury, and inhibit/reverse atherosclerosis. These latter cardioprotective effects are being shown to involve the S1P-mediated suppression of inflammatory processes, including reduction of the endothelial expression of monocyte and lymphocyte adhesion molecules, decreased recruitment of polymorphonuclear cells to sites of infarction, and blocking of cardiomyocyte apoptosis after myocardial infarction. This review article summarizes the evidence that S1P as a component of HDL serves to regulate vascular cell and lymphocyte behaviors associated with cardiovascular (patho)physiology.  相似文献   

Prebeta-HDL particles act as the primary acceptors of cellular cholesterol in reverse cholesterol transport (RCT). An impairment of RCT may be the reason for the increased risk of coronary heart disease (CHD) in subjects with familial low HDL. We studied the levels of serum prebeta-HDL and the major regulating factors of HDL metabolism in 67 subjects with familial low HDL and in 64 normolipidemic subjects. We report that the subjects with familial low HDL had markedly reduced prebeta-HDL concentrations compared with the normolipidemic subjects (17.4 +/- 7.2 vs. 23.4 +/- 7.8 mg apolipoprotein A-I/dl; P < 0.001). A positive correlation was observed between prebeta-HDL concentration and serum triglyceride (TG) level (r = 0.334, P = 0.006). In addition, serum TG level was found to be the strongest predictor of prebeta-HDL concentration in subjects with familial low HDL. The activities of cholesteryl ester transfer protein and hepatic lipase were markedly increased in subjects with familial low HDL without a significant correlation to prebeta-HDL concentration. Our results support the hypothesis that impaired RCT is one mechanism behind the increased risk for CHD in subjects with familial low HDL.  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein L-I (apoL-I) is present on a subset of HDL particles and is positively correlated with plasma triglycerides (TGs). We measured plasma apoL-I levels in coronary artery disease (CAD) subjects with low HDL who were enrolled in an angiographic CAD prevention trial. At baseline, apoL-I levels (n = 136; range, 2.2-64.1 mug/ml) were right skewed with a large degree of variability. Multivariate analysis for biological determinants of apoL-I revealed that the log of VLDL-TG (+0.17; P < 0.05) and hyperglycemia (HG; +0.26; P < 0.005) independently predicted apoL-I level. Hyperglycemic patients (n = 24) had mean apoL-I levels >50% higher than normoglycemic subjects (n = 112; 13.2 vs. 8.3 mug/ml, respectively; P < 0.001). No relationship between apoL-I level and change in CAD was found (r = 0.06, P = 0.49). Simvastatin-niacin therapy did not alter apoL-I levels (n = 34; P = 0.27), whereas antioxidant vitamins alone increased apoL-I by >50% (n = 36; P < 0.01). Genotyping of a known apoL-I polymorphism (Lys166Glu) did not independently account for any of the variability in apoL-I levels. In conclusion, we found TG and HG to be the strongest predictors of apoL-I within a dyslipidemic CAD population. These data provide further characterization of the novel HDL-associated apoL-I.  相似文献   

Cholesterol efflux capacity associates strongly and negatively with the incidence and prevalence of human CVD. We investigated the relationships of HDL’s size and protein cargo with its cholesterol efflux capacity using APOB-depleted serum and HDLs isolated from five inbred mouse strains with different susceptibilities to atherosclerosis. Like humans, mouse HDL carried >70 proteins linked to lipid metabolism, the acute-phase response, proteinase inhibition, and the immune system. HDL’s content of specific proteins strongly correlated with its size and cholesterol efflux capacity, suggesting that its protein cargo regulates its function. Cholesterol efflux capacity with macrophages strongly and positively correlated with retinol binding protein 4 (RBP4) and PLTP, but not APOA1. In contrast, ABCA1-specific cholesterol efflux correlated strongly with HDL’s content of APOA1, APOC3, and APOD, but not RBP4 and PLTP. Unexpectedly, APOE had a strong negative correlation with ABCA1-specific cholesterol efflux capacity. Moreover, the ABCA1-specific cholesterol efflux capacity of HDL isolated from APOE-deficient mice was significantly greater than that of HDL from wild-type mice. Our observations demonstrate that the HDL-associated APOE regulates HDL’s ABCA1-specific cholesterol efflux capacity. These findings may be clinically relevant because HDL’s APOE content associates with CVD risk and ABCA1 deficiency promotes unregulated cholesterol accumulation in human macrophages.  相似文献   

It is well accepted that both apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) and ABCA1 play crucial roles in HDL biogenesis and in the human atheroprotective system. However, the nature and specifics of apoA-I/ABCA1 interactions remain poorly understood. Here, we present evidence for a new cellular apoA-I binding site having a 9-fold higher capacity to bind apoA-I compared with the ABCA1 site in fibroblasts stimulated with 22-(R)-hydroxycholesterol/9-cis-retinoic acid. This new cellular apoA-I binding site was designated "high-capacity binding site" (HCBS). Glyburide drastically reduced (125)I-apoA-I binding to the HCBS, whereas (125)I-apoA-I showed no significant binding to the HCBS in ABCA1 mutant (Q597R) fibroblasts. Furthermore, reconstituted HDL exhibited reduced affinity for the HCBS. Deletion of the C-terminal region of apoA-I (Delta187-243) drastically reduced the binding of apoA-I to the HCBS. Interestingly, overexpressing various levels of ABCA1 in BHK cells promoted the formation of the HCBS. The majority of the HCBS was localized to the plasma membrane (PM) and was not associated with membrane raft domains. Importantly, treatment of cells with phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C, but not sphingomyelinase, concomitantly reduced the binding of (125)I-apoA-I to the HCBS, apoA-I-mediated cholesterol efflux, and the formation of nascent apoA-I-containing particles. Together, these data suggest that a functional ABCA1 leads to the formation of a major lipid-containing site for the binding and the lipidation of apoA-I at the PM. Our results provide a biochemical basis for the HDL biogenesis pathway that involves both ABCA1 and the HCBS, supporting a two binding site model for ABCA1-mediated nascent HDL genesis.  相似文献   

Background Many human diseases are modulated by intrauterine environment, which is called prenatal programming. This study investigated effects of prenatal glucocorticoids on the lipid metabolism of three filial generations of common marmosets. Methods Pregnant primates were treated with dexamethasone during pregnancy. Body weight and blood lipid parameters of adult female offspring (F1: n = 5, F2: n = 6, F3: n = 3) were compared with age‐related female controls (n = 12). Results F1, F2, and F3 offspring showed significantly lower percentage of plasma n3 fatty acids than controls. F2 and F3 presented higher cholesterol levels, with significantly more LDL cholesterol, significantly less HDL triglycerides and an enhanced cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio. Body weight was not significantly affected. Conclusions Prenatal dexamethasone led to higher amounts of cardiovascular risk factors and less protective parameters in female F1–F3 offspring. The intergenerational consequences suggest prenatal programming through epigenetic effects.  相似文献   

Patients with coronary heart disease or equivalent risk received a single dose of 30, 100, 300, or 500 mg of unformulated D-4F (n = 8, each dose) or placebo (n = 8) under fasting conditions. An additional 10 patients received 500 mg (n = 8) or placebo (n = 2) with a low-fat meal. There were no significant trends in any safety parameter. D-4F was detectable in plasma at all doses with a T(max) of 30 min, 1 h, and 2 h for 30, 100, and > or = 300 mg, respectively. The area under the curve((0-t)) was 27.81 ng/hr/ml and 54.71 ng/hr/ml for the 300 mg and 500 mg dose groups, respectively, and 17.96 ng/hr/ml for the 500 mg dose given with food. HDL from each time point for each subject was tested for its ability to inhibit LDL-induced monocyte chemotactic activity in cultures of human aortic endothelial cells. The values obtained were normalized to 1.0 for LDL alone to obtain the HDL inflammatory index. This index significantly improved at 4 h at the 300 mg dose and at 2 h at the 500 mg dose compared with placebo (P < 0.05). There were no changes in plasma lipid or lipoprotein levels. We conclude that unformulated D-4F has low bioavailability that is improved under fasting conditions, and that a single dose of D-4F is safe and well tolerated and may improve the HDL anti-inflammatory index.  相似文献   

HDL functions are impaired by myeloperoxidase (MPO), which selectively targets and oxidizes human apoA1. We previously found that the 4WF isoform of human apoA1, in which the four tryptophan residues are substituted with phenylalanine, is resistant to MPO-mediated loss of function. The purpose of this study was to generate 4WF apoA1 transgenic mice and compare functional properties of the 4WF and wild-type human apoA1 isoforms in vivo. Male mice had significantly higher plasma apoA1 levels than females for both isoforms of human apoA1, attributed to different production rates. With matched plasma apoA1 levels, 4WF transgenics had a trend for slightly less HDL-cholesterol versus human apoA1 transgenics. While 4WF transgenics had 31% less reverse cholesterol transport (RCT) to the plasma compartment, equivalent RCT to the liver and feces was observed. Plasma from both strains had similar ability to accept cholesterol and facilitate ex vivo cholesterol efflux from macrophages. Furthermore, we observed that 4WF transgenic HDL was partially (∼50%) protected from MPO-mediated loss of function while human apoA1 transgenic HDL lost all ABCA1-dependent cholesterol acceptor activity. In conclusion, the structure and function of HDL from 4WF transgenic mice was not different than HDL derived from human apoA1 transgenic mice.  相似文献   

We examined mechanisms by which L-4F reduces obesity and diabetes in obese (ob) diabetic mice. We hypothesized that L-4F reduces adiposity via increased pAMPK, pAKT, HO-1, and increased insulin receptor phosphorylation in ob mice. Obese and lean mice were divided into five groups: lean, lean-L-4F-treated, ob, ob-L-4F-treated, and ob-L-4F-LY294002. Food intake, insulin, glucose adipocyte stem cells, pAMPK, pAKT, CB1, and insulin receptor phosphorylation were determined. Subcutaneous (SAT) and visceral adipose tissue (VAT) were determined by MRI and hepatic lipid content by magnetic resonance spectroscopy. SAT and VAT volumes decreased in ob-L-4F-treated animals compared with control. L-4F treatment decreased hepatic lipid content and increased the numbers of small adipocytes (P < 0.05) and phosphorylation of insulin receptors. L-4F decreased CB1 in SAT and VAT and increased pAKT and pAMPK in endothelium. L-4F-mediated improvement in endothelium was prevented by LY294002. Inhibition of pAKT and pAMPK by LY294002 was associated with an increase in glucose levels. Upregulation of HO-1 by L-4F produced adipose remodeling and increased the number of small differentiated adipocytes. The anti-obesity effects of L-4F are manifested by a decrease in visceral fat content with reciprocal increases in adiponectin, pAMPK, pAKT, and phosphorylation of insulin receptors with improved insulin sensitivity.  相似文献   

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