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A method is described in which light gradients and spectral regime can be measured within plant tissue using fiber optics. A fiber optic probe was made by modifying a single optical fiber (200 μm diameter) so that it had a light harvesting end that was a truncated tip 20–70 μm in diameter. The probe was a directional sensor with a half-band acceptance angle of 17–20°. Light measurements were made as the fiber optic probe was driven through plant tissue by a motorized micromanipulator, and the light that entered the fiber tip was piped to a spectroradiometer. By irradiating green leaf tissue of the succulent Crassula falcata L. with collimated light and inserting the probe from different directions, it was possible to measure light quality and quantity at different depths. Collimated light was scattered completely by the initial 1.0 mm of leaf tissue, which also greatly attenuated all light except the green and far-red. Light scatter contributed significantly to light quantity and had a pronounced spectral structure. Immediately beneath the irradiated surface the amount of light at 550 nm was 1.2 times that of the incident light. The light gradient declined rapidly to 0.5 times incident light at 1.4 mm depth. In contrast, the amount of light at 750 nm increased during the initial 0.5 mm to 2.9 times incident light and then declined linearly to 0.5 times incident light at the dark side of the leaf (4.5 mm). The implications of the magnitude of the contribution of light scatter to the light gradient is also discussed.  相似文献   

The optical properties of seed and fruit coats were examined from several varieties of light-sensitive achenes. Taraxacum vulgare L. and Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids achenes with dark fruit coats and L. sativa cvs Huvudsallat and Issallat with white fruit coats were examined. Transmission spectra varied among the different achenes: white fruit coats of Lactuca acted as neutral density filters between 450 and 780 nm, whereas Taraxacum transmitted 2–36% in this region. The ribbed fruit coat structure greatly affected transmission so that at different locations in the same coat, transmission varied between 20 to 80% at 660 and 730 nm. Fruit coats of Grand Rapids lettuce and Taraxacum transmitted more far-red than red light with T660/T730 ratios of 0.8 and 0.4, respectively. The relationship between the optical properties of fruit coats and light-stimulated germination is discussed.  相似文献   

Independent mode of action of cyanide and light on lettuce seed germination   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gaseous hydrogen cyanide stimulated subsequent lettuce seed ( Lactuca sativa L. cv. Grand Rapids) germination in darkness when applied for 1 or 22 h. Optimum concentrations were 5 × 10-5 M and 10-6 M, respectively. However, seeds did not germinate in the presence of HCN even at 10-8 M. The effects of unsaturating red light (R) and HCN (1 μM) showed a slight synergism. On the other hand, there was no difference between the effects of the sequences HCN – R and R – HCN. Stimulation of lettuce germination by an HCN pulse was practically not affected by far-red illumination, independently of the sequence of treatments. It was concluded that the primary stimulatory effect of HCN is of a regulatory character. Cyanide controls a regulatory point different from that affected by activated phytochrome.  相似文献   

Results of studies on the interaction of blue light (B) and exogenous applied plant hormones (IAA, GA3 and ABA) as well as inhibitors of their synthesis on the control of hypocotyl elongation in etiolated seedlings of Lactuca sativa (L.) cv. Grand Rapids are presented, and compared with endogenous GA3, IAA and ABA levels measured by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring (GC-MS-SIM). Hypocotyl elongation of etiolated seedlings was linearly inhibited by increasing the B fluence rate between 0 and 18.3 mol m–2 s–1. Both GA3 and IAA added to the incubation medium at different concentrations were able to eliminate partially the inhibition of growth caused by 7.2 mol m–2 s–1 B. When dark (D)-grown seedlings were treated with Ca-prohexadione, a specific inhibitor of gibberellin 3-hydroxylation, they showed a growth inhibition similar to under B. Also, a suppression of growth as in B was obtained when D-grown seedlings were treated with ABA 380 M. By lowering ABA levels with fluridone (an inhibitor of ABA synthesis) a partial reversion of hypocotyl growth inhibition was obtained in B-grown seedlings. While none of the growth promoters used were able to reverse completely the growth inhibition caused by B, a proper combination of GA3, IAA and (eventually) fluridone, abolished the B effects. Correspondingly, lower levels of GA3 and IAA and a higher concentration of ABA were measured by GC-MS-SIM in B-grown hypocotyls than in D-grown ones. These results support the hypothesis that hormones are implicated in mediation of B light-dependent inhibition of hypocotyl elongation, which seems to be the result of a balance among endogenous levels of growth promoting and growth inhibiting hormones.  相似文献   

Effect of light on seed germination of eight wetland Carex species   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: In wetland plant communities, species-specific responses to pulses of white light and to red : far-red light ratios can vary widely and influence plant emergence from the seed bank. Carex species are the characteristic plants of sedge meadows of natural prairie wetlands in mid-continental USA but are not returning to restored wetlands. Little is known about how light affects seed germination in these species-information which is necessary to predict seed bank emergence and to develop optimal revegetation practices. The effects of light on germination in eight Carex species from prairie wetlands were investigated. METHODS: Non-dormant seeds of eight Carex species were used to determine the influence of light on germination by examining: (a) the ability of Carex seeds to germinate in the dark; (b) the effect of different lengths of exposures to white light on germination; (c) whether the effect of white light can be replaced by red light; and (d) whether the germination response of Carex seeds to white or red light is photoreversible by far-red light. KEY RESULTS: Seeds of C. brevior and C. stipata germinated >25 % in continuous darkness. Germination responses after exposure to different lengths of white light varied widely across the eight species. Carex brevior required <15 min of white light for > or =50 % germination, while C. hystericina, C. comosa, C. granularis and C. vulpinoidea required > or =8 h. The effect of white light was replaced by red light in all species. The induction of germination after exposure to white or red light was reversed by far-red light in all species, except C. stipata. CONCLUSIONS: The species-specific responses to simulated field light conditions suggest that (a) the light requirements for germination contribute to the formation of persistent seed banks in these species and (b) in revegetation efforts, timing seed sowing to plant community development and avoiding cover crops will improve Carex seed germination.  相似文献   

Achenes of Lactuca saliva L. cv. Grand Rapids, imbibed for 6 h in water or in a 10 µ M solution of non-radioactive abscisic acid (ABA), were cultivated on (2-14C]-ABA (10 µ M ) for 40 to 90 h. Red irradiation (660 ± 2.5 nm, 5 min, 2 W m -2) or removal of integuments were carried out before transfer to (2-14C]-ABA. When both treatments were applied, irradiation preceded removal of integuments. Imbibition and culture took place in darkness at 24°C. Two acidic diethyl ether phases, which contained the free acids (free phase) and the acids released after mild alkaline hydrolysis, respectively, were isolated. They were analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC). as well as the remaining aqueous phase.
Both red irradiation and removal of integuments led to increased [2-14C|-ABA uptake. Application of ABA during imbibition partly limited the stimulating effect of red irradiation on radioactive ABA uptake. Red irradiation stimulated [2-14C|-ABA metabolism by achenes, favouring the formation of the polar compound found in the remaining aqueous phase. Removal of the integuments stimulated metabolism notably, leading to an increase of the radioactivity in the remaining aqueous phase. This treatment also induced the appearance of new metabolites in the free phase (compound believed to be 7'-hydroxy-ABA) as well as in the remaining aqueous phase. The glucose ester of ABA was the only representative compound of the ester phase. Irrespective of the experimental conditions, there was no classical oxidative metabolism indicating that oxygen was not the limiting factor.  相似文献   

Photoblastic seeds (akenes) of lettuce (Lactuca sativa (L.) cv. Grand Rapids) were treated with SAN 9789 [4-chloro-5-(methylamine)-2-a, a, a,-trifluoro-m-tolyl-3-(2H)-pyridasinone]. The seeds weere placed in Petri dishes on filter paper soaked with water or SAN solution. The treatment increased the germination in darkness from 17% for water to 78% for SAN treated seeds. An irradiation with 5 min red light gave a germination of 98% both in water and in SAN. In water the effect of red irradiation could be reversed with a short irradiation (8 min) of far red light (17% germination), while in SAN solution the far red reversibility was poor (92% germination). If the far red light was given repeatedly (5 min per h) it had a slightly larger effect. If given continuously for 24 hours, the germination in water was decreased to 0.3% and in SAN solution to 9%. Possible mechanisms for the SAN effect are discussed.  相似文献   

不同光照时间红蓝LED光对生菜生长和品质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生菜(Lactuca sativa var. ramosa Hort.)富含维生素、花青素和胡萝卜素等营养成分,且具有抗衰老和抗癌功能[1] ,是可控环境下主栽蔬菜种类之一. 光照时间能调控植物开花、花性分化、发育进程及光合生长[2-3]. 夜间补光和低光量子通量密度条件下延长光照时间可以提高生菜的生物量和品质[4-5]. 全人工光照条件下,红蓝光是培育植物的适宜光谱[6-7].  相似文献   

以普洱地区14种常见植物种子为材料,在实验室条件下研究了其在白光、黑暗、红光和蓝光条件下的萌发特性,并分析了种子大小与萌发率、萌发速率、萌发开始时间的关系。结果表明:光质对四方蒿、沙针、尖子木、藿香蓟种子萌发率和萌发速率均有显著影响(P0.05)。光质对大叶斑鸠菊、云南山枇花、臭灵丹、车桑子、光萼猪屎豆、葫芦茶、云南地桃花、西南宿苞豆、岗柃、中国宿苞豆10个物种的种子萌发率和萌发速率均没有显著影响(P0.05),以上物种中除中国宿苞豆外,其他物种种子萌发率均在20%以下,处于休眠状态。四方蒿种子在白光(89.9%)和红光(84.7%)下萌发率最高,红光下种子萌发最快(4.93),蓝光下种子萌发开始时间最晚(11.3 d);沙针种子在白光下萌发率最高(80.4%)、萌发速率最快(2.71),在黑暗和蓝光下萌发率较低(43.9%和38%)、萌发速率最慢(0.73和0.85),白光、红光下萌发开始最早(11 d),黑暗条件下萌发开始最晚(21.7 d);尖子木种子萌发率在白光、黑暗、蓝光下均在86%以上,而红光下仅32%且萌发速率最慢(1.29),在蓝光下萌发开始时间最晚(13 d);藿香蓟种子萌发率和萌发速率在红光下最高(分别为71.3%和6.46),黑暗条件下最低(分别为42.5%和2.62);大叶斑鸠菊萌发开始时间在黑暗条件下最早(6 d),其次是白光下(7 d),蓝光和红光下较晚,分别为8 d和7.7 d。14个物种种子的萌发率与种子大小间均有显著负相关关系;种子萌发速率、萌发开始时间与种子大小间也有负相关关系,但不显著;种子大小与萌发率、萌发速率和萌发开始时间的关系不会随着光质的变化而发生变化。  相似文献   

Measurement of light within thin plant tissues with fiber optic microprobes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Vogelmann, T. C., Knapp, A. K., McClean, T. M. and Smith, W. K. 1988. Measurement of light within thin plant tissues with fiber optic microprobes. - Physiol. Plant. 72: 623–630.
The measurement of light with fiber optic microprobes has been extended to thin (200–300 μm) plant tissue samples. To test the method, light measurements were made in thin aqueous films and paradermal sections from 10-day-old etiolated Cucurbita pepo L. cv. Fordhook cotyledons. The measurements obtained were highly reproducible. Paradermal sections of spongy mesophyll that were irradiated with collimated light scattered light more effectively than the palisade layer of intact cotyledons. These results demonstrate that different plant tissues have different light scattering characteristics. The successful extension of the fiber optic microprobe technique to thin systems makes it possible to examine the optical properties of different cell layers within leaves and other plant organs.  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿(Medicagosativa)是世界人工草地重要的优良牧草.研究其种子萌发和幼苗生长对温度、光照及埋深等环境因子的响应,对苜蓿草地的种植及管理具有重要的实践指导意义.采用室内控制实验,分析了紫花苜蓿种子萌发和幼苗生长对恒温(10、15、20、25、30℃)、变温(6/15、10/20、15/25、15/30、...  相似文献   

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