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Sec61p/SecYEG complexes mediate protein translocation across membranes and are present in both eukaryotes and bacteria. Whereas homologues of Sec61alpha/SecY and Sec61gamma/SecE exist in archaea, identification of the third component (Sec61beta or SecG) has remained elusive. Using PSI-BLAST, the archaeal counterpart of Sec61beta has been detected. With the identification of the Sec61beta motif, functions for a universal family of archaeal proteins can be predicted and the archaeal translocon system can be definitively detected.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, proteins destined for secretion utilize the post-translational translocon machinery to gain entry into the endoplasmic reticulum. These proteins then mature by undergoing a number of post-translational modifications in different compartments of the secretory pathway. While these modifications have been well established for many proteins, to date only a few studies have been conducted regarding the conditions and factors affecting maturation of these proteins before entering into the endoplasmic reticulum. Here, using immunoblotting, microscopy, and spot test assays, we show that excess copper inhibits the Sec61 translocon function and causes accumulation of two well-known post-translationally translocated proteins, Gas1 (glycophospholipid-anchored surface protein) and CPY (carboxypeptidase Y), in the cytosol. We further show that the copper-sensitive phenotype of sec61-deficient yeast cells is ameliorated by restoring the levels of SEC61 through plasmid transformation. Furthermore, screening of translocation-defective Sec61 mutants revealed that sec61-22, bearing L80M, V134I, M248V, and L342S mutations, is resistant to copper, suggesting that copper might be inflicting toxicity through one of these residues. In conclusion, these findings imply that copper-mediated accumulation of post-translationally translocated proteins is due to the inhibition of Sec61.  相似文献   

To elucidate the intrinsic mechanisms of neurotoxicity induction, including those underlying neural cell death and neurodegeneration, we developed a gain-of-function screen for gene products causing neural cell loss. To identify novel genes with a cell-death-related function in neurons, we screened 4,964 Drosophila GS lines, in which one or two genes from much of the Drosophila genome can be overexpressed. Approximately 0.68% of the GS lines produced phenotypes involving a loss of postmitotic neurons. Of these, we identified and characterized the endd2 gene, which encodes the Drosophila ortholog of Sec61alpha (DSec61alpha), an endoplasmic reticulum protein with protein translocation activity. Ectopic expression of DSec61alpha caused neural cell death accompanied by the accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, which was mediated by DSec61alpha's translocon activity. This supported our previous observation that the DSec61alpha translocon contributes to expanded polyglutamine-mediated neuronal toxicity, which is also associated with ubiquitinated protein accumulation. These data suggest that the translocon may be a novel component of neural cell death and degeneration pathways. Our approach can be used to identify potential neurotoxic factors within the whole genome, which will increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of various types of cell death, including those associated with human neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

To elucidate the intrinsic mechanisms of neurotoxicity induction, including those underlying neural cell death and neurodegeneration, we developed a gain-of-function screen for gene products causing neural cell loss. To identify novel genes with a cell-death-related function in neurons, we screened 4,964 Drosophila GS lines, in which one or two genes from much of the Drosophila genome can be overexpressed. Approximately 0.68% of the GS lines produced phenotypes involving a loss of postmitotic neurons. Of these, we identified and characterized the endd2 gene, which encodes the Drosophila ortholog of Sec61α (DSec61α), an endoplasmic reticulum protein with protein translocation activity. Ectopic expression of DSec61α caused neural cell death accompanied by the accumulation of ubiquitinated proteins, which was mediated by DSec61α's translocon activity. This supported our previous observation that the DSec61α translocon contributes to expanded polyglutamine-mediated neuronal toxicity, which is also associated with ubiquitinated protein accumulation. These data suggest that the translocon may be a novel component of neural cell death and degeneration pathways. Our approach can be used to identify potential neurotoxic factors within the whole genome, which will increase our understanding of the molecular mechanisms of various types of cell death, including those associated with human neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

SEC62 is required for the import of secretory protein precursors into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The DNA sequence of SEC62 predicts a 32-kDa polypeptide with two potential membrane-spanning segments. Two antisera directed against different portions of the SEC62 coding region specifically detected a 30-kDa polypeptide in cell extracts. A combination of subcellular fractionation, detergent and alkali extraction, and indirect immunofluorescence studies indicated that Sec62p is intimately associated with the ER membrane. Protease digestion of intact microsomes and analysis of the oligosaccharide content of a set of Sec62p-invertase hybrid proteins suggested that Sec62p spans the ER membrane twice, displaying hydrophilic amino- and carboxy-terminal domains towards the cytosol. Sec62p-invertase hybrid proteins that lack the Sec62p C terminus failed to complement the sec62-l mutation and dramatically inhibited the growth of sec62-l cells at a normally permissive temperature. The inhibitory action of toxic Sec62p-invertase hybrids was partially counteracted by the overexpression of Sec63p. Taken together, these data suggest that the C-terminal domain of Sec62p performs an essential function and that the N-terminal domain associates with other components of the translocation machinery, including Sec63p.  相似文献   

Proteins of the Hsp70 family of ATPases interact with a conserved domain of their J-protein partners, the J-domain, to function in numerous cellular processes. We have studied the interaction of BiP, an Hsp70 family member in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, with the J-domain of Sec63p, a component of the Sec complex involved in post-translational protein translocation across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. In a real-time solid phase binding assay, BiP binds to the immobilized Sec complex or to a fusion protein of the J-domain and glutathione S-transferase in a reaction that requires ATP hydrolysis. In the final complex, BiP is bound in the ADP form with its peptide binding pocket occupied. An intact peptide binding pocket is required for this interaction. Our experiments suggest that the activation of BiP by the J-domain involves a transient contact between these components, and that in the absence of physiological substrates, J-activated BiP binds even to the J-proteins themselves.  相似文献   

SEC62 encodes an essential component of the Sec-complex that is responsible for posttranslational protein translocation across the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The specific role of Sec62p in translocation was not known and difficult to identify because it is part of an oligomeric protein complex in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. An in vivo competition assay allowed us to characterize and dissect physical and functional interactions between Sec62p and components of the Sec-complex. We could show that Sec62p binds via its cytosolic N- and C-terminal domains to the Sec-complex. The N-terminal domain, which harbors the major interaction site, binds directly to the last 14 residues of Sec63p. The C-terminal binding site of Sec62p is less important for complex stability, but adjoins the region in Sec62p that might be involved in signal sequence recognition.  相似文献   

A subunit of the preprotein translocon of the outer envelope of chloroplasts (Toc complex) of 64 kD is described, Toc64. Toc64 copurifies on sucrose density gradients with the isolated Toc complex. Furthermore, it can be cross-linked in intact chloroplasts to a high molecular weight complex containing both Toc and Tic subunits and a precursor protein. The 0 A cross-linker CuCl(2) yields the reversible formation of disulfide bridge(s) between Toc64 and the established Toc complex subunits in purified outer envelope membranes. Toc64 contains three tetratricopeptide repeat motifs that are exposed at the chloroplast cytosol interface. We propose that Toc64 functions early in preprotein translocation, maybe as a docking protein for cytosolic cofactors of the protein import into chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine is a major excitatory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system of insects. Using DNA probes of the Torpedo nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR) we have isolated two overlapping cDNA clones encoding a putative neuronal AChR protein from the fruitfly, Drosophila melanogaster. The predicted mature protein consists of 497 amino acids, has a calculated mol. wt of 57 340 and shows extensive homology to known AChR subunits from different species along its entire amino acid sequence. Northern analysis revealed a hybridizing mRNA of 3.2 kb in late embryo and in pupae. Expression of the corresponding AChR gene thus characterizes periods of neuronal differentiation in Drosophila.  相似文献   

M Pilon  R Schekman    K R?misch 《The EMBO journal》1997,16(15):4540-4548
Degradation of misfolded secretory proteins has long been assumed to occur in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Recent evidence, however, suggests that such proteins are instead degraded by proteasomes in the cytosol, although it remains unclear how the proteins are transported out of the ER. Here we provide the first genetic evidence that Sec61p, the pore-forming subunit of the protein translocation channel in the ER membrane, is directly involved in the export of misfolded secretory proteins. We describe two novel mutants in yeast Sec61p that are cold-sensitive for import into the ER in both intact yeast cells and a cell-free system. Microsomes derived from these mutants are defective in exporting misfolded secretory proteins. These proteins become trapped in the ER and are associated with Sec61p. We conclude that misfolded secretory proteins are exported for degradation from the ER to the cytosol via channels formed by Sec61p.  相似文献   

The exocyst is a conserved protein complex proposed to mediate vesicle tethering at the plasma membrane. Previously, we identified SEB1/SBH1, encoding the beta subunit of the Sec61p ER translocation complex, as a multicopy suppressor of the sec15-1 mutant, defective for one subunit of the exocyst complex. Here we show the functional and physical interaction between components of endoplasmic reticulum translocon and the exocytosis machinery. We show that overexpression of SEB1 suppresses the growth defect in all exocyst sec mutants. In addition, overexpression of SEC61 or SSS1 encoding the other two components of the Sec61p complex suppressed the growth defects of several exocyst mutants. Seb1p was coimmunoprecipitated from yeast cell lysates with Sec15p and Sec8p, components of the exocyst complex, and with Sec4p, a secretory vesicle associated Rab GTPase that binds to Sec15p and is essential for exocytosis. The interaction between Seb1p and Sec15p was abolished in sec15-1 mutant and was restored upon SEB1 overexpression. Furthermore, in wild type cells overexpression of SEB1 as well as SEC4 resulted in increased production of secreted proteins. These findings propose a novel functional and physical link between the endoplasmic reticulum translocation complex and the exocyst.  相似文献   

A protein complex network of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Determining the composition of protein complexes is an essential step toward understanding the cell as an integrated system. Using coaffinity purification coupled to mass spectrometry analysis, we examined protein associations involving nearly 5,000 individual, FLAG-HA epitope-tagged Drosophila proteins. Stringent analysis of these data, based on a statistical framework designed to define individual protein-protein interactions, led to the generation of a Drosophila protein interaction map (DPiM) encompassing 556 protein complexes. The high quality of the DPiM and its usefulness as a paradigm for metazoan proteomes are apparent from the recovery of many known complexes, significant enrichment for shared functional attributes, and validation in human cells. The DPiM defines potential novel members for several important protein complexes and assigns functional links to 586 protein-coding genes lacking previous experimental annotation. The DPiM represents, to our knowledge, the largest metazoan protein complex map and provides a valuable resource for analysis of protein complex evolution.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,123(6):1355-1363
Reconstituted proteoliposomes derived from solubilized yeast microsomes are able to translocate a secreted yeast mating pheromone precursor (Brodsky, J. L., S. Hamamoto, D. Feldheim, and R. Schekman. 1993. J. Cell Biol. 120:95-107). Reconstituted proteoliposomes prepared from strains with mutations in the SEC63 or KAR2 genes are defective for translocation; the kar2 defect can be overcome by the addition of purified BiP (encoded by the KAR2 gene). We now show that addition of BiP to wild-type reconstituted vesicles increases their translocation efficiency three-fold. To identify other ER components that are required for translocation, we purified a microsomal membrane protein complex that contains Sec63p. We found that the complex also includes BiP, Sec66p (gp31.5), and Sec67p (p23). The Sec63p complex restores translocation activity to reconstituted vesicles that are prepared from a sec63-1 strain, or from cells in which the SEC66 or SEC67 genes are disrupted. BiP dissociates from the complex when the purification is performed in the presence of ATP gamma S or when the starting membranes are from yeast containing the sec63-1 mutation. We conclude that the purified Sec63p complex is active and required for protein translocation, and that the association of BiP with the complex may be regulated in vivo.  相似文献   

A disulfide-interchange enzyme from rat liver microsomes was found to promote binding in vitro of human free secretory component (SC) to dimeric serum-type IgA containing J chain, as assessed by immune precipitation and gel filtration. This effect was greater withe native than with partially reduced SC. Most of the bound SC was covalently linked, as determined by electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels in detergent. The enzyme did not promote binding of native or partially reduce SC to IgG, IgA monomer, IgA dimer without J chain, or IgM. In the case of IgM, the enzyme did, however, promote covalent bonding of previously non-covalently linked SC. The results overall suggest that a disulfide-interchange enzyme could play a role in vivo in the cell-associated assembly of secretory IgA by promoting the covalent attachment of SC to a dimer of serum-type IgA and that the J chain in the IgA dimer contributes to the enzyme effect.  相似文献   

Robson A  Collinson I 《EMBO reports》2006,7(11):1099-1103
Proteins synthesized in the cytosol either remain there or are localized to a specific membrane and subsequently translocated to another cellular compartment. These extracytosolic proteins have to cross, or be inserted into, a phospholipid bilayer-a process governed by membrane-bound protein transporters designed to recognize and receive appropriate polypeptides and thread them through the membrane. One such translocation complex, SecY/Sec61, is found in every cell, in either the plasma membrane of bacteria and archaea or the endoplasmic reticulum membrane of eukaryotes. Recent structural findings, combined with previous genetic and biochemical studies, have helped to describe how the passage of proteins through the membrane might occur, but several points of uncertainty remain.  相似文献   

The exocyst is an octameric complex required for polarized secretion. Some components of the exocyst are found on the plasma membrane, whereas others are recruited to Golgi membranes, suggesting that exocyst assembly tethers vesicles to their site of fusion. We have found that in Drosophila melanogaster oocytes the majority of the exocyst component Sec5 is unexpectedly present in clathrin-coated pits and vesicles at the plasma membrane. In oocytes, the major substrate for clathrin-dependent endocytosis is the vitellogenin receptor Yolkless. A truncation mutant of Sec5 (sec5(E13)) allows the formation of normally sized oocytes but with greatly reduced yolk uptake. We find that in sec5(E13) oocytes Yolkless accumulates aberrantly in late endocytic compartments, indicating a defect in the endocytic cycling of the receptor. An analogous truncation of the yeast SEC5 gene results in normal secretion but a temperature-sensitive defect in endocytic recycling. Thus, the exocyst may act in both Golgi to plasma membrane traffic and endocytic cycling, and hence in oocytes is recruited to clathrin-coated pits to facilitate the rapid recycling of Yolkless.  相似文献   

The ard gene of Drosophila melanogaster encodes a structural homologue of vertebrate nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (AChR) and is expressed exclusively in nervous tissue. To study the nature of the ARD protein, antibodies were raised against fusion constructs containing two regions of this polypeptide. One segment is putatively extracellular (amino acids 65-212), the other domain is exposed to the cytoplasm (amino acids 305-444). The ARD antisera obtained served to investigate the physical relationship between the ARD protein and alpha-bungarotoxin (alpha-Btx) binding sites occurring in Drosophila. Two different high-affinity binding sites for [125I]alpha-Btx, a highly potent antagonist of vertebrate muscle AChR, were detected in fly head membranes. Equilibrium binding and kinetic studies revealed Kd values of approximately 0.1 nM (site 1) and approximately 4 nM (site 2). The estimated maximal binding (Bmax) was approximately 240 and 1080 fmol/mg protein respectively. Both sites exhibited a nicotinic-cholinergic pharmacology. Immunoprecipitation experiments with the ARD antisera indicated that the ARD protein is associated with the [125I]alpha-Btx binding site 1 only. These data support the previously postulated hypothesis that the ARD protein is part of an alpha-Btx binding neuronal AChR of Drosophila. Furthermore, they indicate heterogeneity in nicotinic-cholinergic binding sites in the insect nervous system.  相似文献   

This report describes a novel RNA-binding protein, SECp43, that associates specifically with mammalian selenocysteine tRNA (tRNA(Sec)). SECp43, identified from a degenerate PCR screen, is a highly conserved protein with two ribonucleoprotein-binding domains and a polar/acidic carboxy terminus. The protein and corresponding mRNA are generally expressed in rat tissues and mammalian cell lines. To gain insight into the biological role of SECp43, affinity-purified antibody was employed to identify its molecular partners. Surprisingly, the application of native HeLa cell extracts to a SECp43 antibody column results in the purification of a 90-nt RNA species identified by direct sequencing and Northern blot analysis as tRNA(Sec). The purification of tRNA(Sec) by the antibody column is striking, based on the low abundance of this tRNA species. Using recombinant SECp43 as a probe for interacting protein partners, we also identify a 48-kDa interacting protein, which is a possible component of the mammalian selenocysteine insertion (SECIS) pathway. To our knowledge, SECp43 is the first cloned protein demonstrated to associate specifically with eukaryotic tRNA(Sec).  相似文献   

Yeast microsomes contain a heptameric Sec complex involved in post-translational protein transport that is composed of a heterotrimeric Sec61p complex and a tetrameric Sec62-Sec63 complex. The trimeric Sec61p complex also exists as a separate entity that probably functions in co-translational protein transport, like its homolog in mammals. We have now discovered in the yeast endoplasmic reticulum membrane a second, structurally related trimeric complex, named Ssh1p complex. It consists of Ssh1p1 (Sec sixty-one homolog 1), a rather distant relative of Sec61p, of Sbh2p, a homolog of the Sbh1p subunit of the Sec61p complex, and of Sss1p, a component common to both trimeric complexes. In contrast to Sec61p, Ssh1p is not essential for cell viability but it is required for normal growth rates. Sbh1p and Sbh2p individually are also not essential, but cells lacking both proteins are impaired in their growth at elevated temperatures and accumulate precursors of secretory proteins; microsomes isolated from these cells also exhibit a reduced rate of post-translational protein transport. Like the Sec61p complex, the Ssh1p complex interacts with membrane-bound ribosomes, but it does not associate with the Sec62-Sec63p complex to form a heptameric Sec complex. We therefore propose that it functions exclusively in the co-translational pathway of protein transport.  相似文献   

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