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The endogenous cardiac activity rhythm of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus was studied under constant conditions of darkness by means of a computer-aided monitoring system (CAPMON). Time series recordings of the heart rate (beats min?1) were obtained from 47 adult males freshly collected from the continental slope (400–430?m) in the western Mediterranean. Periodogram analysis revealed the occurrence of circadian periodicity (of around 24?h) in most cases. A large percentage of animals showed significant ultradian periods (of around 12 and 18?h). The analysis of the circadian time series revealed the occurrence of peaks of heart rate activity during the expected night phase of the cycle. These results are discussed in relation to the emergence and locomotor activity rhythms of the species.  相似文献   

The Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) is economically important in Europe. However, apart from the female reproductive system, very little is known about its internal anatomy. This article focuses on studying the internal anatomy and ultrastructure of the male reproductive system. This system follows the general pattern found among decapod crustaceans, with several peculiarities. Testes are composed of lobular sperm ducts in which the spermatozoa are fully constituted. The spermatozoa present three lateral arms and a long acrosome, which gives a false appearance of flagellated spermatozoa. The two testes form a double H under the heart, and the vas deferens (VD) arise from each side at the posterior edge of the double H. The main characteristic of the VD is the presence of a sphincter in the enlarged area of the distal end of the middle VD. The MVD here shows an increase in musculature of the wall as compared to the VD, which regulates the passage of the sperm cord to the distal VD (DVD) and thence to the thelycum of the female. The wall of the spermatophore is formed in the distal part of the proximal VD, which surrounds the unique sperm cord present in the VD. Isolated spermatophores are not observed in the VD. The sperm cord is pinched off during copulation by the musculature of the DVD. Then, a portion of the sperm cord is transferred from each VD to form the isolated spermatophores. The wall of the spematophores and the spermatozoa that are observed inside the thelycum have the same morphology as those observed in the VD. J. Morphol., 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   


The Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus lives in the continental margins of the western Mediterranean Sea at depths between 100 and 600 m. It constitutes an important fisheries resource and presents a seasonal reproductive pattern. Female Norway lobsters were obtained each month from a vessel fishing off Barcelona. One hundred females caught in June 2002 were kept in the laboratory. After spawning, ovarian samples were taken every 30 days with the objective of monitoring the first steps in ovarian maturation. The gonado-somatic index (GSI) remained low over the 6 months during which the females carried their eggs, plus for a further 2–3 months. However, this study suggests that ovarian maturation is a continuous process with two different phases, taking at least 6–8 months during which the female carries its eggs. There is an increase in oocyte numbers; the germinal zone produces oogonia; and the oocytes that develop migrate to the periphery, pushing the post-ovulatory follicles to the wall of the ovary and reinforcing it for subsequent spawning. Besides this increase in the number of oocytes, vitellogenesis begins 2–3 months after the eggs hatch. Oocytes then grow and the ovaries gain weight and change from a cream color to a blackish-green. When the GSI reached 10, spawning occurred and, from then on, the ovary is mainly composed of post-ovulatory follicles.  相似文献   

Thiosulfate sulfurtransferase (TST) is an important 'enzyme of protection,' that accelerates the detoxification of cyanide, converting it into thiocyanate. The TST physiological rhythm was investigated at wks 2, 4, and 8 of post-natal development (PND) in the mouse. The results revealed a statistically significant gender-related difference, with the highest activity in females, at all the documented PND stages. In the second week of PND (pre-weaning time), the circadian rhythm of the enzyme activity was associated with ultradian components. The prominent circadian rhythm (τ=24 h) peaked at the beginning of the light span, more precisely ∼3 HALO (Hours After Light Onset). A week after weaning (wk 4 of PND), an impairment of the rhythm, with the peak shifted toward the second half of photophase, was recorded. Four to 6 wks later, about wk 8 of PND, the circadian rhythm pattern was stabilized, with its peak then located at the beginning of the dark span (13 HALO). The obtained results showed a 12 h phase-shift of the circadian TST peak time during PND, suggesting that the rhythm stabilization is age-dependent.  相似文献   

The post-mortem processes in the fast abdominal muscle of the Norway lobster Nephrops norvegicus have been investigated by simulating the first 24-h post-harvest in a controlled experiment. Tissue pH and the concentrations of arginine phosphate, glycogen, L-lactate, ATP, ADP, AMP, IMP, HxR, and Hx were measured at the time of sacrifice and 3, 6, 12 and 24 h thereafter. Additionally from the nucleotide values the corresponding adenylate energy charge (AEC) was calculated. The results reveal that the post-mortem biochemical processes in the abdomen of the Norway lobster after sacrifice and during storage at 10°C are comparable to those of vertebrates. It was found that arginine phosphate was depleted from 38.5 ± 5.2 to 10.9 ± 2.9 µmol g?1 within 3 h, and anaerobic glycolysis was enhanced, so that glycogen was depleted and L-lactate accumulated. The muscle pH decreased significantly from 7.6 ± 0.1 to 7.0 ± 0.15 within 20 min and then continued to decrease at a slower rate. Most interestingly, the ATP concentration was maintained at approximately 3.5 ± 0.3 µmol g?1 for up to 12 h post-mortem. This is unusually long and indicates a special characteristic of this fast-type crustacean muscle. AMP accumulated to a maximum after 12 h and was then slowly transformed into IMP. The AEC fell from an initial value of 0.88 to only 0.17 after 24 h. When viewed in context with the fishing industry the results demonstrate that when the product is tailed (removal of the cephalothorax) upon catch, as is common practice in this industry, the result will always be an extensive post-mortem glycolytic response that will lead to an unavoidable and rapid depletion of the energy reserves resulting in a product of lesser quality.  相似文献   

Aims: The aim of this study was to update and extend our knowledge of the bacterial load and microbial composition in Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) under commercially relevant storage conditions to optimize handling procedures. Methods and Results: Total viable counts were performed at different storage temperatures (0, 4, 8, 10, 12 or 16°C) and after different storage times (1–7 days). Storage at 16°C was found to be most detrimental, and storage at 0°C was found to be optimal. 16S‐rRNA sequencing was utilized to determine the composition of the bacteria within the microflora. In this way, Photobacterium isolates, especially Photobacterium phosphoreum, were identified as the main specific spoilage organisms. The abilities to reduce trimethylamineoxide (TMAO) and to produce H2S were analysed in a selection of bacterial isolates. The higher the incubation temperature during storage, the more isolates were found to reduce TMAO and produce H2S. Conclusions: Nephrops norvegicus possesses an unusually high initial microbial load when fresh. Storage temperature is the most crucial factor affecting microbial growth, microbial activity and spoilage potential in N. norvegicus produce. Spoilage can be attributed mainly to P. phosphoreum. Significance and Impact of the Study: This study presents significant new findings with regard to the progression and causative agents of spoilage in N. norvegicus. Based on the results, we can recommend that N. norvegicus tails should be stored in a 0°C environment immediately after catch. Stored this way, the growth and spoilage activity of the microflora may be reduced significantly and an extension of shelf life might be attained.  相似文献   

The locomotor activity of the millipede Glyphiulus cavernicolus (Spirostreptida), which occupies the deeper recesses of a cave, was monitored in light-dark (LD) cycles (12h light and 12h darkness), constant darkness (DD), and constant light (LL) conditions. These millipedes live inside the cave and are apparently never exposed to any periodic factors of the environment such as light-dark, temperature, and humidity cycles. The activity of a considerable fraction of these millipedes was found to show circadian rhythm, which entrained to a 12:12 LD cycle with maximum activity during the dark phase of the LD cycle. Under constant darkness (DD), 56.5% of the millipedes (n = 23) showed circadian rhythms, with average free-running period of 25.7h ± 3.3h (mean ± SD, range 22.3h to 35.0h). The remaining 43.5% of the millipedes, however, did not show any clear-cut rhythm. Under DD conditions following an exposure to LD cycles, 66.7% (n = 9) showed faint circadian rhythm, with average free-running period of 24.0h ± 0.8h (mean ± SD, range 22.9h to 25.2h). Under constant light (LL) conditions, only 2 millipedes of 11 showed free-running rhythms, with average period length of 33.3h ± 1.3h. The results suggest that these cave-dwelling millipedes still possess the capacity to measure time and respond to light and dark situations. (Chronobiology International, 17(6), 757-765, 2000)  相似文献   

African mole-rats (family: Bathyergidae) are strictly subterranean mammals that reside in extensive networks of underground tunnels. They are rarely, if ever, exposed to light and experience muted temperature ranges. Despite these constant conditions, the presence of a functional circadian clock capable of entraining to external light cues has been reported for a number of species. In this study, we examine a social mole-rat species, Cryptomys hottentotus mahali, to determine if it possesses a functional circadian clock that is capable of perceiving light and ambient temperature cycles, and can integrate these cues into circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and core body temperature. Eight male and eight female, non-reproductive individuals were subjected to six cycles of varying light and temperature regimes. The majority of the individuals displayed daily rhythms of locomotor activity and body temperature that are synchronised to the external light and temperature cycles. Furthermore, endogenous rhythms of both locomotor activity and core body temperature were displayed under constant conditions. Thus, we can conclude that C. h. mahali possesses a functional circadian clock that can integrate external light and temperature cues into circadian rhythms of locomotor activity and core-body temperature.  相似文献   

Synopsis Low intensity colored light is very often used to observe or manipulate fish during the scotophase. According to data on fish vision, most species can perceive these wavelengths of light since their cone pigments have maximum absorption peaks around 455, 530 and 625 nm. To test whetherHoplosternum littorale can detect low intensity red or blue light, we attempted to entrain feeding activity, known to be nocturnal and synchronized by the circadian light/dark alternation, to such light. Feeding activity was entrained with either red or blue light, indicating that these fish can perceive these lights. In all cases, the fish fed during the darker phase of the light cycle.  相似文献   

Daily foraging activity ofAnacanthotermes vagans was tested using toilet paper rolls as bait. The highest activity was recorded at midnight and during the hours of the early morning in both summer and winter seasons. In spring the time of highest activity was reversed to take place at midday, afternoon and early evening. Aktograph records in the laboratory demonstrated that individual workers are active most of the day and not naturally entrianed by photoperiods. Daily activity of groups of 10 workers was not statistically different from that of individual workers.  相似文献   

The role of endogenous circadian rhythmicity in autonomic cardiac reactivity to different stressors was investigated. A constant routine protocol was used with repeated exposure to a dual task and a cold pressor test. The 29 subjects were randomly divided into two groups in order to manipulate prior wakefulness. Group 1 started at 09:00 h immediately after a monitored sleep period, whereas group 2 started 12 h later. Measures of interbeat intervals (IBI), respiratory sinus arrythmia (RSA, a measure of parasympathetic activity), pre-ejection period (PEP, a measure of sympathetic activity), as well as core body temperature (CBT) were recorded continuously. Multilevel regression analyses (across-subjects) revealed significant (mainly 24 h) sinusoidal circadian variation in the response to both stressors for IBI and RSA, but not for PEP. Individual 24 + 12 h cosine fits demonstrated a relatively large interindividual variation of the phases of the IBI and RSA rhythms, as compared to that of the CBT rhythm. Sinusoidal by group interactions were found for IBI and PEP, but not for RSA. These findings were interpreted as an indication for endogenous circadian and exogenous parasympathetic (vagal) modulation of cardiac reactivity, while sympathetic reactivity is relatively unaffected by the endogenous circadian drive and mainly influenced by exogenous factors.  相似文献   

S Yehuda  R L Carasso 《Peptides》1983,4(6):865-869
Thermoregulatory and motor activity circadian cycles are age-dependent. While the level of thermoregulation and motor activity remained almost at the same level during the first 1-15 months during the light portion of the 24-hr cycle, a significant decrease in the level of both rhythms was observed during the dark period. Therefore, older rats exhibited reversed cycles compared with younger rats. Treatments with d-amphetamine resulted in the enhancement of reversal of the cycles. Rats treated with alpha-MSH failed to exhibit a reversal of the cycles. While the effects of d-amphetamine are mediated by the brain DA mesolimbic pathway, it seems that alpha-MSH acts on the dopaminergic system at different sites of action.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular function is regulated by the rhythmicity of circadian, infradian and ultradian clocks. Specific time scales of different cell types drive their functions: circadian gene regulation at hours scale, activation-inactivation cycles of ion channels at millisecond scales, the heart''s beating rate at hundreds of millisecond scales, and low frequency autonomic signaling at cycles of tens of seconds. Heart rate and rhythm are modulated by a hierarchical clock system: autonomic signaling from the brain releases neurotransmitters from the vagus and sympathetic nerves to the heart’s pacemaker cells and activate receptors on the cell. These receptors activating ultradian clock functions embedded within pacemaker cells include sarcoplasmic reticulum rhythmic spontaneous Ca2+ cycling, rhythmic ion channel current activation and inactivation, and rhythmic oscillatory mitochondria ATP production. Here we summarize the evidence that intrinsic pacemaker cell mechanisms are the end effector of the hierarchical brain-heart circadian clock system. [BMB Reports 2015; 48(12): 677-684]  相似文献   

We examined the locomotor activity ofDrosophila melanogaster for the existence of circadian rhythms, using the wild type and two mutants of theperiod (per) gene,per o andper s. This was accomplished using a newly described apparatus for the recording and measurement of larval path lengths over a 96-h test period. None of the larvae examined exhibited appreciable diel rhythms under cycling conditions of light or temperature. Larvae were also not rhythmic under free-running conditions. Our results suggest that theper gene does not influence an observable locomotor behavioral phenotype in the larval stage of development.  相似文献   

Melatonin, cortisol, heart rate, blood pressure, spontaneous motor activity, and body temperature follow stable circadian rhythms in healthy individuals. These circadian rhythms may be influenced or impaired by the loss of external zeitgebers during analgosedation, critical illness, continuous therapeutic intervention in the intensive care unit (ICU), and cerebral injury. This prospective, observational, clinical study examined 24 critically ill analgo-sedated patients, 13 patients following surgery, trauma, or acute respiratory distress (ICU), and 11 patients with acute severe brain injury following trauma or cerebral hemorrhage (CCI). Blood samples for the determination of melatonin and cortisol were obtained from each patient at 2 h intervals for 24 h beginning at 18:00 h on day 1 and ending 16:00 h on day 2. Blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature, and spontaneous motor activity were monitored continuously. Level of sedation was assessed using the Ramsey Sedation Scale. The severity of illness was assessed using the APACHE-II-score. The time series data were analyzed by rhythm analysis with the Chronos-Fit program, using partial Fourier series with up to six harmonics. The 24 h profiles of all parameters from both groups of patients were greatly disturbed/abolished compared to the well-known rhythmic 24 h patterns in healthy controls. These rhythm disturbances were more pronounced in patients with brain injury. The results of this study provide evidence for a pronounced disturbance of the physiological temporal organization in ICU patients. The relative contribution of analgosedation and/or brain injury, however, is a point of future investigation.  相似文献   

Understanding circadian foraging rhythms activity of the red imported fire ant, Solenopsis invicta Buren (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) foragers at different temperatures is an important step towards developing control measures in Integrated Pest Management (IPM) programs. In this study, the circadian foraging rhythm activities of S. invicta foragersat different temperature were investigated under laboratory and field conditions. Results indicated that the foraging activity increased after sunrise, and maximum foraging occurred at 14:00 (foraging rate was 69.22 ± 0.57 and 72.58 ± 1.15 foragers/min in the first and second year, respectively) in the tea fields of Guangzhou during autumn. Furthermore, foragers demonstrated circadian rhythms and exhibited a unimodal after 24 h. A significant correlation was found between foraging activity and temperature. S. invicta colonies were active at moderate soil temperatures (approximately 26.65 °C to 29.24 °C). The preferred temperature of the colonies was 26 °C, followed by 22 °C and 18 °C in the laboratory. The individual S. invicta activity was maximum at 17:00 (18.67 ± 1.66 times /10 min) and minimum at 5:00 (8.33 ± 2.51 times/10 min) at 26 °C. The fluctuating temperature had a significant impact on individual locomotor activity (r = 0.8979, P < 0.01) but did not alter the rhythm activity. Our results demonstrated that temperature might play an important role in circadian foraging rhythms activity of S. invicta. These results may have implications for the development of more effective fire ant management strategies.  相似文献   

The High Arctic summer with its permanent sunlight provides a situation in which one of the natural synchronizers, the light-dark alternation, is minimal. During the summers of 1981 and 1982 three healthy right-handed geographers who were performing field studies in Svalbard as part of their own research volunteered to document, 4-6 times per 24 hr for respectively 63,141 and 147 days, a set of circadian rhythms: self-rated fatigue, oral temperature, grip strength of both hands, heart rate and times of awakening and retiring. Tests were performed before departure from France, in Svalbard (79°IN latitude) where their daily activities were often strenuous, and after returning to France. Time series were treated individually according to three methods: display of data as a function of time, cosinor analyses to quantify rhythm parameters, and spectral analyses to estimate component periods of rhythms. Circadian parameters such as period and acrophase of activity-rest, oral temperature and fatigue rhythms were not altered. On the other hand, the circadian rhythm in grip strength was altered: the period differed from 24 hr in one subject, while grip strength acrophase of the left, but not the right, hand of the other two subjects was phase shifted during the sojourn in Svalbard. A prominent circahemidian (about 12 hr) rhythm was observed in two subjects for their heart rate in Svalbard, while a prominent circadian rhythm (differing from exactly 24 hr) was observed in France associated with a small circahemidian component.  相似文献   

Synopsis In the Northern Bay of Biscay and west of the Iberian continental shelf five silver eels (Anguilla anguilla L.) have been tagged with ultrasonic transmitters and tracked 13 to 23 hours over a depth of 200 to 2500 m. Their mean direction from release to the final position of tracking was 288° and significantly closer to the direction of the Sargasso Sea (250° west) than silver eels tracked earlier in the North Sea (341°), possibly 260°. Four of the transmitters were equipped with pressure sensing devices capable of indicating depths of at least 400 m. Three eels tracked at night, during full moon, preferred mean depths of 125, 166 or 215 m. One eel chose a depth of 100 m during moonlight and 50 m after the setting of the moon. Major depth changes, usually occurring one per hour, ranged up to a maximum of 200 m at a maximum vertical speed of 0.6 m sec–1; this is close to the eels' normal horizontal speed. At dawn all but one dived to a depth of 400 m or more. The eels generally swam below the thermocline and often crossed it.  相似文献   

The epilithozoan fauna associated with Quaternary Fe–Mn crustgrounds sampled off Capri and Li Galli Islands is described. During the Quaternary, the interplay among the tectonically induced topography, sea-current patterns, and the changing physical-chemical properties of the water column promoted conditions favouring Fe–Mn oxide accumulation. In the samples dredged between 510–263 m depth (DRA 7), 207–201 m depth (DRA 5) and 358–65 m depth (DRA 4), where the Fe–Mn coating covers all rock surfaces, the distribution of the epilithozoan taxa is polarized: on the upper smooth surface of the crustgrounds the most abundant inhabitants are foraminifers, while on the lower rough surface corals, bivalves, bryozoans and brachiopods occur. Sponges are mainly able to bioerode the rough lower surfaces. Samples are riddled by boring ichnogenera including Entobia and Maeandropolydora. Fe–Mn oxide precipitation is still active today as shown by the frontal shield preservation of the bryozoan Puellina cf. pseudoradiata Harmelin and Aristegui, 1988, where it is possible to identify different stages of accretion. Botryoidal ongoing accretion is evident only in some taxa, namely Bryozoa and Polychaeta species, and Foraminifera morphotypes, which appear to keep pace with precipitation when it occurs.  相似文献   

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