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We first analyse a simple symmetric model of the idiotypic network. In the model idiotypic interactions regulate B cell proliferation. Three non-idiotypic processes are incorporated: (1) influx of newborn cells; (2) turnover of cells: (3) antigen. Antigen also regulates proliferation. A model of 2 B cell populations has 3 stable equilibria: one virgin, two immune. The twodimensional system thus remembers antigens, i.e. accounts for immunity. By contrast, if an idiotypic clone proliferates (in response to antigen), its anti-idiotypic partner is unable to control this. Symmetric idiotypic networks thus fail to account for proliferation regulation. In high-D networks we run into two problems. Firstly, if the network accounts for memory, idiotypic activation always propagates very deeply into the network. This is very unrealistic, but is an implication of the “realistic” assumption that it should be easier to activate all cells of a small virgin clone than to maintain the activation of all cells of a large (immune) clone. Secondly, graph theory teaches us that if the (random) network connectance exceeds a threshold level of one interaction per clone, most clones are interconnected. We show that this theory is also applicable to immune networks based on complementary matching idiotypes. The combination of the first “percolation” result with the “interconnectancr” result means that the first stimulation of the network with antigen should eventually affect most of the clones. We think this is unreasonable. Another threshold property of the network connectivity is the existence of a virgin state. A gradual increase in network connectance eliminates the virgin state and thus causes an abrupt change in network behaviour. In contrast to weakly connected systems, highly connected networks display autonomous activity and are unresponsive to external antigens. Similar differences between neonatal and adult networks have been described by experimentalists. The robustness of these results is tested with a network in which idiotypic inactivation of a clone occurs more generally than activation. Such “long-range inhibition” is known to promote pattern formation. However, in our model it fails to reduce the percolation, and additionally, generates semi-chaotic behaviour. In our network, the inhibition of a clone that is inhibiting can alter this clone into a clone that is activating. Hence “long-range inhibition” implies “long-range activation”, and idiotypic activation fails to remain localized. We next complicate this model by incorporating antibody production. Although this “antibody” model statically accounts for the same set of equilibrium points, it dynamically fails to account for state switching (i.e. memory). The switching behaviour is disturbed by the autonomous slow decay of the (long-lived) antibodies. After antigenic triggering the system now performs complex cyclic behaviour. Finally, it is suggested that (idiotypic) formation of antibody complexes can play only a secondary role in the network. In conclusion, our results cast doubt on the functional role of a profound idiotypic network. The network fails to account for proliferation regulation, and if it accounts for memory phenomena, it “explodes” upon the first encounter with antigen due to extensive percolation.  相似文献   

A Cayley tree model of idiotypic networks that includes both B cell and antibody dynamics is formulated and analysed. As in models with B cells only, localized states exist in the network with limited numbers of activated clones surrounded by virgin or near-virgin clones. The existence and stability of these localized network states are explored as a function of model parameters. As in previous models that have included antibody, the stability of immune and tolerant localized states are shown to depend on the ratio of antibody to B cell lifetimes as well as the rate of antibody complex removal. As model parameters are varied, localized steady-states can break down via two routes: dynamically, into chaotic attractors, or structurally into percolation attractors. For a given set of parameters percolation and chaotic attractors can coexist with localized attractors, and thus there do not exist clear cut boundaries in parameter space that separate regions of localized attractors from regions of percolation and chaotic attractors. Stable limit cycles, which are frequent in the two-clone antibody B cell (AB) model, are only observed in highly connected networks. Also found in highly connected networks are localized chaotic attractors. As in experiments by Lundkvistet al. (1989.Proc. natn. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 86, 5074–5078), injection ofAb 1 antibodies into a system operating in the chaotic regime can cause a cessation of fluctuations ofAb 1 andAb 2 antibodies, a phenomenon already observed in the two-clone AB model. Interestingly, chaotic fluctuations continue at higher levels of the tree, a phenomenon observed by Lundkvistet al. but not accounted for previously.  相似文献   

Previous work was concerned with symmetric immune networks of idiotypic interactions amongst B cell clones. The behaviour of these networks was contrary to expectations. This was caused by an extensive percolation of idiotypic signals. Idiotypic activation was thus expected to affect almost all (greater than 10(7] B cell clones. We here analyse whether the incorporation of helper T cells (Th) into these B cell models could cause a reduction in the percolation. Empirical work on idiotypic interactions between Th and B cells however, would suggest that two different idiotypic Th models should be developed: (1) a Th which recognises native B cell idiotypes, i.e. a non-MHC-restricted "ThId" model, and (2) a "classical" MHC-restricted helper T cell model. In the ThId model, the Th-B cell interaction is symmetric. A 2-D model of a Th and a B cell clone that interact idiotypically with each other accounts for various equilibria (i.e. one virgin and two immune states). Introduction of antigen does indeed lead to a state switch from the virgin to the immune state; such a system is thus able to "remember" its exposure to antigen. Idiotypic signals do however, percolate in ThId models via these "B-Th-B-Th" pathways: proliferating Th and B cell clones that interact idiotypically, will always activate each other reciprocally. In the MHC-restricted Th model, Th-B interactions are asymmetric. Because the B cell idiotypes are processed and subsequently presented by MHC molecules, the Th receptor and the native B cell receptor are not expected to be complementary. Thus the Th and the B cells are unable to activate each other reciprocally, and a 2-D Th-B cell model cannot account for idiotypic memory. In contrast to the ThId model, idiotypic activation cannot percolate via "B-Th-B-Th" interactions. Due to the assymmetry idiotypic activation stops at the first Th level. A Th clone cannot activate a subsequent B cell clone: if the B cells recognise the Th cells, they see idiotype but get no help; if the Th cells see the B cells, the B cells are helped but see no idiotype. The percolation along "B-B-B" pathways in these two models is next analysed. Two B cells clones, each helped by one Th clone, are connected by a symmetric idiotypic interaction. It turns out that in both models the second (i.e. anti-idiotypic) B cells (B2) never proliferate.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

We present a new symmetric model of the idiotypic immune network. The model specifies clones of B-lymphocytes and incorporates: (1) influx and decay of cells; (2) symmetric stimulatory and inhibitory idiotypic interactions; (3) an explicit affinity parameter (matrix); (4) external (i.e. non-idiotypic) antigens. Suppression is the dominant interaction, i.e. strong idiotypic interactions are always suppressive. This precludes reciprocal stimulation of large clones and thus infinite proliferation. Idiotypic interactions first evoke proliferation, this enlarges the clones, and may in turn evoke suppression. We investigate the effect of idiotypic interactions on normal proliferative immune responses to antigens (e.g. viruses). A 2-D, i.e. two clone, network has a maximum of three stable equilibria: the virgin state and two asymmetric immune states. The immune states only exist if the affinity of the idiotypic interaction is high enough. Stimulation with antigen leads to a switch from the virgin state to the corresponding immune state. The network therefore remembers antigens, i.e. it accounts for immunity/memory by switching beteen multiple stable states. 3-D systems have, depending on the affinities, 9 qualitatively different states. Most of these also account for memory by state switching. Our idiotypic network however fails to account for the control of proliferation, e.g. suppression of excessive proliferation. In symmetric networks, the proliferating clones suppress their anti-idiotypic suppressors long before the latter can suppress the former. The absence of proliferation control violates the general assumption that idiotypic interactions play an important role in immune regulation. We therefore test the robustness of these results by abandoning our assumption that proliferation occurs before suppression. We thus define an “escape from suppression” model, i.e. in the “virgin” state idiotypic interactions are now suppressive. This system erratically accounts for memory and never for suppression. We conclude that our “absence of suppression from idiotypic interactions” does not hinge upon our “proliferation before suppression” assumption.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular mechanisms of immunological memory assumes importance in vaccine design. We had earlier hypothesized a mechanism for the maintenance of immunological memory through the operation of a network of idiotypic and anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab2). Peptides derived from an internal image carrying anti-idiotypic antibody are hypothesized to facilitate the perpetuation of antigen specific T cell memory through similarity in peptide-MHC binding as that of the antigenic peptide. In the present work, the existence of such peptidomimics of the antigen in the Ab2 variable region and their similarity of MHC-I binding was examined by bioinformatics approaches. The analysis employing three known viral antigens and one tumor-associated antigen shows that peptidomimics from Ab2 variable regions have structurally similar MHC-I binding patterns as compared to antigenic peptides, indicating a structural basis for memory perpetuation.  相似文献   

We model how auto-reactiveB cells are kept under control by an idiotypic network. Autoimmunity occurs when the control is broken by an infection or not achieved through an abnormal ontogenetic evolution. We describe the idiotypic network, viz., the central immune system, by idiotype-anti-idiotype pairs which are coupled to a set of highly connected clones, which interact with each clone of the network. Some clones of the central immune system recognize self-antigen. We find a huge variety of fixed points which can be classified as tolerant, autoimmune, and neutral states according to the concentration of the auto-reactive antibody. Most significant are auto-reactive clones which are a member of an idiotype-anti-idiotype pair. In a healthy individual, an autoimmune disease is induced by an antigen infection which triggers a transition from a tolerant to an autoimmune state. Autoimmunity is induced more readily by an antigen coupling to theanti-idiotype than by one interacting with the auto-reactive clone itself. We indicate a possible therapy which simply reverses the processes that have lead to the autoimmune disease. In the early development of the central immune system its highly connected, core part serves to draw the more specific clones of idiotype-anti-idiotype pairs into the network. In order to avoid autoimmunity in ontogenetic evolution the anti-idiotype of an auto-reactive clone must be formed in advance by a sufficiently long period of time. Thus, a well ordered succession of the appearance of the more specific clones is required.  相似文献   

Many models of immune networks have been proposed since the original work of Jerne [1974,Ann. Immun. (Inst. Pasteur) 125C, 373–389]. Recently, a limited class of models (Weisbuchet al., 1990,J. theor. Biol. 146, 483–499) have been shown to maintain immunological memory by idiotypic network interactions. We examine generalizations of these models when the networks are both large and highly connected to study their memory capacity, i.e. their ability to account for immunization to a large number of random antigens. Our calculations show that in these minimal models, random connectivities with continuously distributed affinities reduce the memory capacity to essentially nil.  相似文献   

Idiotypic determinants of immunoglobulin molecules can evoke both CD4(+) and CD8(+) T responses and exist not only as the integral components of a bona fide antigen binding receptor but also as distinct molecular entities in the processed forms on the cell surface of B lymphocytes. The present work provides experimental evidence for the concept that regulation of memory B cell populations can be achieved through the presentation of idiotypic and anti-idiotypic determinants to helper and cytotoxic cell. The potential of B cells to present antigens to helper and cytotoxic T cells through class II and class I MHC suggests a mechanism by which both B and T cell homeostasis can be maintained. We provide evidence for the generation of idiotype- and antigen-specific Th and Tc cells upon immunization of syngenic mice with antigen or idiotypic antibody (Ab1) or anti-idiotypic antibody (Ab2). The selective activation and proliferation of the antigen-specific Th and Tc cells mediated by idiotypic stimulation observed in these experiments suggests a B-cell-driven mechanism for the maintenance of antigen-specific T cell memory in the absence of antigenic stimulation, under certain conditions.  相似文献   

The membrane skeleton of erythrocytes. A percolation model.   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
The spectrin network on the cytoplasmic surface of the erythrocyte membrane is modeled as a triangular lattice of spectrin tetramers. This network obstructs lateral diffusion of proteins and provides mechanical reinforcement to the membrane. These effects are treated in a systematic and unified manner in terms of a percolation model. The diffusion coefficient is obtained as a function of the fraction of normal spectrin tetramers for both static and fluctuating barriers. The elasticity of the network is calculated as a function of the fraction of normal spectrin and the ratio of bending to stretching energies. For static barriers, elasticity and lateral diffusion are incompatible: if a network is connected enough to be elastic, it is connected enough to block long-range lateral diffusion. The elasticity and the force required for mechanical breakdown go to zero at the percolation threshold; experimental evidence suggests the existence of a stability threshold at or near the percolation threshold. The model is qualitatively applicable to other cells with membrane skeletons, such as epithelial cells, in which localization of membrane proteins is essential to differentiation.  相似文献   

Jerne's idiotypic network was previously modelled using simple proliferation dynamics and a homogeneous tree as a connection structure. The present paper studies analytically and numerically the genericity of the previous results when the network connection structure is randomized, e.g. with loops and varying connection intensities. The main feature of the dynamics is the existence of different localized attractors that can be interpreted in terms of vaccination and tolerance. This feature is preserved when loops are added to the network, with a few exceptions concerning some regular lattices. Localized attractors might be destroyed by the introduction of a continuous distribution of connection intensities. We conclude by discussing possible modifications of the elementary model that preserve localization of the attractors and functionality of the network.  相似文献   

Antibodies specific for the immunizing Ag (Ab1) (Id+ Ag+) and Ab3 (Id+ Ag+ or Id+ Ag-) of the (Glu60 Tyr10 Ala30) (GAT) idiotypic cascade express similar pGAT public determinants in BALB/c and C57BL/6 strains. These determinants have been shown to be dependent upon both VH and Vkappa encoded segments. The VH of the BALB/c Ab1 (germ-line gene H10) and that of the C57BL/6 Ab1 (germ-line gene V186-2) are only 75% homologous, whereas VK are much more conserved. C57BL/6 mice were immunized with BALB/c Ab2 (anti-idiotypic) antibodies and monoclonal Ab3 were derived after fusion of immunized spleen cells with the nonsecreting hybridoma cell line Sp/2.0-Ag. From 13 cell lines, five clones (four Id+ Ag- and one Id+ Ag+) were isolated and the mRNA V regions sequenced. Immunization with BALB/c anti-idiotypes elicits expression of the same or closely related C57BL/6 VH and Vkappa genes as when C57BL/6 mice were immunized with GAT, although functional VH BALB/c equivalents have been isolated in the B6 strain. Our results suggest that manipulation of the repertoire via antigenic or idiotypic stimulation both lead to the expression of different genes in different strains. They further confirm that the immune system is largely degenerate, for both idiotype expression and Ag recognition.  相似文献   

To study the role of idiotypic anti-idiotypic interactions in schistosomiasis, mice were immunized with a mAb, E.1, which bound to soluble egg and larval stage Ag and also passively transferred resistance to cercarial challenge in mice. Subsequently, hybridomas were produced from E.1 immunized mice and tested for the ability to inhibit E.1 binding to soluble egg Ag. The results showed that anti-idiotypic mAb (Ab2) were produced. The range of inhibitory activity was from 33 to 100%. By using a direct Ab2 binding assay, the Ab2 were shown to be idiotypic specific, not isotype specific. It was also found that six of the hybridomas bound to soluble egg Ag and were therefore anti-anti-idiotypic antibodies (Ab3). Ab3 were shown to be inhibited from binding to soluble egg Ag by Ab2. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first time that an in vivo network relevant to an infectious organism has been reproduced in vitro such that both Ab2 and Ab3 were produced from the same animals independent of exposure to parasite Ag.  相似文献   

V kappa Ig germ-line genes have been isolated from recombinant clones prepared in separate libraries constructed from adult BALB/c liver DNA. Three different clones that strongly hybridized with a V kappa-GAT-specific probe were completely characterized and sequenced. All three genes exhibited common characteristic features in their sequences encompassing the 5' to the 3' noncoding region, with coding sections 95% homologous. A comparison with other V kappa genes shows that the size of the first intron is variability subgroup specific. Moreover, a direct correlation exists between the size of this intron and the entire length of the coding region. Nucleotide sequences of these genes were compared with V kappa chains expressed at the Ab1 and Ab1' levels of the GAT idiotypic network: Ag----Ab1----Ab2----Ab3 (Ab1'). K1A5 and K5.1 genes account for V kappa chains in Ab1 and Ab1' hybridomas, respectively. The high conservation of Ab1' sequences in light chain was also recently reported for the heavy chains, suggesting that immunization with Ab2 (anti-idiotypic) antibodies preferentially stimulates the direct expression of germ-line genes. K5.1 and K1A5 genes belong to the V kappa-1 variability subgroup and encode, without any amino acid substitution, V kappa domain in myeloma TEPC 105 and MOPC 467, which are V kappa-1A and V kappa-1C subgroup prototypes, respectively. These genes are extensively used in different mouse strains and in a number of antibodies of discrete specificities, such as anti-GAT, anti-DNP, anti-flagellin, anti-phosphorylcholine, anti-digoxin, anti-phenyloxazolone, and anti-DNA.  相似文献   

In our previous work on the idiotypic network in the rat model of schistosomiasis we showed that immunization with an IgE mAb specific for 26/56-kDa parasitic Ag resulted in the production of anti-anti-Id antibodies of both the IgG and IgE classes. Further studies demonstrated that anti-Ab2 T cell lines, obtained by immunization with Ab2 antibodies, functioned as conventional Th cells; they were MHC-restricted and required APC to proliferate in the presence of the native schistosomula Ag and the Ab2 antibodies. We report the involvement of these anti-Ab2 cells in the regulation of protective immunity. The transfer of long term culture anti-Ab2 T cell lines into LOU/M rats, followed by a challenge infection by Schistosoma mansoni 1 day after the cell transfer led to a slight increase in the worm burden. On the contrary, the transfer of anti-Ab2 T cells 90 days before S. mansoni infection induced a significant reduction of the worm burden (up to 57%). T cells recovered from the protected rats were stimulated by the native schistosomula Ag as well as by tryptic fragments of IgG isolated from the Ab2 sera, in the presence of irradiated thymic cells as APC. We also analyzed the humoral response developed by the rats after transfer with the anti-Ab2 T cell lines. The sera induced various inflammatory cells into cytotoxic effectors against the larvae of S. mansoni, arguing for the presence of functional IgE in the sera. Moreover, when these sera were passively transferred into rats infected 1 day later, a significant reduction of the worm burden was observed. However, antibody-dependent cytotoxic mechanisms efficient 10 days after the anti-Ab2 T cell transfer did not correlate with the protective immunity which required a 90-day delay to be established. These data suggest that the protective immunity induced by the anti-Ab2 cells is supported both by the cellular and humoral components and that in a future vaccinating strategy the idiotypic network may play a crucial role.  相似文献   

The central goal in the therapy of autoimmune diseases is to develop potent tools able to exert specific control of the immune response to self Ag. Anti-Id may provide such specific immunodulators because the relevance of the idiotypic network in autoimmunity is well documented. We now describe the protective immunity against experimental autoimmune thyroiditis induced exclusively by a thyroglobulin (Tg)-specific cytotoxic T cell clone and show that this down-regulation occurs through the generation of anti-Id antibodies (Ab) (Ab2Beta) which recognize the paratope of a anti-Tg mAb (Ab1) specific to the pathogenic epitope of the Tg molecule. We further analyze the various steps of the Ab responses (Ab1, Ab2, and Ab3) in terms of poly-, mono-, and autospecificities for the pathogenic epitope of the Tg molecule and for the idiotope of the related Ab.  相似文献   

Despite the expression of non-self or neo-epitopes, many tumors such as lymphoid malignancies or cancers induced by oncogenic viruses are able to gradually overcome the immune defense mechanisms and spread. Using a preclinical model of hematological malignancy, we show that Ig-associated idiotypic determinants are recognized by the immune system in a fashion that results in immune deviation, allowing tumor progression and establishment of metastases. Using gene-targeted mice, we show that anti-idiotypic MHC class I-restricted immunity is promoted by ITAM motif (ITAM+) FcgammaR, but kept in check by ITIM motif (ITIM+) FcgammaRIIB-mediated mechanisms. In addition to interfering with the functionality of ITIM+ FcgammaR, effective anti-idiotypic and antitumoral immunity can be achieved by FcgammaR-targeted delivery of epitope in conjunction with administration of stimulatory motifs such as dsRNA, correcting the ineffective response to idiotypic epitopes. The immune process initiated by FcgammaR-mediated targeting of epitope together with dsRNA, resulted in control of tumor growth, establishment of immune memory and protection against tumors bearing antigenic variants. In summary, targeted delivery of MHC class I-restricted epitopes via ITAM+ FcgammaR, in conjunction with use of TLR-binding immune stimulatory motifs such as dsRNA, overcomes suboptimal responses to idiotypic determinants and may constitute a novel approach for the treatment of a broad range of malignancies. Finally, the results shed light on the mechanisms regulating the idiotypic network and managing the diversity associated with immune receptors.  相似文献   

李川江  林乔等 《Virologica Sinica》1991,6(4):309-314,T003
本文介绍用流行性出血热(EHF)病毒J10株制备单克隆抗体(McAb),以及用7个McAb免疫家兔,使其产生抗EHF病毒McAb的抗体即抗独特型 抗体(Ab2).Ab2能在体外同出血热病人恢复期血清和EHF病毒免疫的兔血清发生特异性结合。再经EHF-McAb亲和层析法分离提纯Ab2,免疫BALb/c小鼠,将所获得的免疫血清(Ab3)用荧光和ELISA分别加以测定。结果表明,抗-抗独特型抗体可在体外识别EHF病毒,而不能同病病人恢复期血清发生结合,从而支持免疫网络学说,可能为我们提供一种新型的抗原来源途径。  相似文献   

We have previously generated and used anti-Id mAb (Ab2) to induce protective immunity against the L1210 DBA/2 tumor and for immunotherapy of established tumors. Among various anti-Id that were typed serologically as internal image Ab2 of the mouse mammary tumor virus tumor-associated Ag gp52, only one induced protective immunity and was effective in immunotherapy. In this study we compared the structural, idiotypic, and network properties of the protective and nonprotective antiidiotypic antibodies. The DNA sequence of the variable regions of six anti-Id was determined. The VH sequence of four Ab2, including the protective Ab2, are highly homologous, whereas the VL sequences differ and were assigned to different Vk families. In addition, the DH sequence region of the same four Ab2 are identical, whereas one is highly homologous and another one without homology. Search for amino acid sequence homologies between the Ab2 and gp52 showed the strongest similarities in the CDR2 of the L chain from the protective Ab2. In addition, the CDR2 region also had homology with a T cell epitope on gp52. The biologic basis of effective idiotypic mimicry was studied at the level of Ab3 induced by the Ab2. Id inhibition analysis using Ab3 induced by either protective or nonprotective Ab2, revealed differences. Thus, there is evidence for differences among the Ab1-Ab2-Ab3 cascade induced by protective and nonprotective anti-Id.  相似文献   

The existence of spatially localized solutions in neural networks is an important topic in neuroscience as these solutions are considered to characterize working (short-term) memory. We work with an unbounded neural network represented by the neural field equation with smooth firing rate function and a wizard hat spatial connectivity. Noting that stationary solutions of our neural field equation are equivalent to homoclinic orbits in a related fourth order ordinary differential equation, we apply normal form theory for a reversible Hopf bifurcation to prove the existence of localized solutions; further, we present results concerning their stability. Numerical continuation is used to compute branches of localized solution that exhibit snaking-type behaviour. We describe in terms of three parameters the exact regions for which localized solutions persist.  相似文献   

Anti-idiotypic antibody mimics proteolytic function of parent antigen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Functional imaging of subtilisin Carlsberg active center by the idiotypic network yielded a catalytic anti-idiotypic antibody with endopeptidase, amidase, and esterase activities. A monoclonal antibody inhibitory to subtilisin (Ab1 5-H4) was employed as the template for guiding the idiotypic network to produce the catalytic anti-idiotypic Ab2 6B8-E12. Proteolytic activity of 6B8-E12 was demonstrated by zymography using self-quenched fluorescein-BSA conjugate and in a coupled assay detecting Ab2-dependent RNase A inactivation. Cleavage of peptide substrates by 6B8-E12 revealed distinct patterns of hydrolysis with high preference for aromatic residues before or after the scissile bond. Catalytic activity of Ab2 was inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, a mechanism-based inhibitor of serine hydrolases. 5-H4 and 6B8-E12 were cloned, produced in Escherichia coli as single-chain variable fragments (scFvs), and purified. Kinetic parameters for amidolytic and esterolytic activities were similar in Ab2 and its scFv derivative. Although the antigen-specific portion of 6B8-E12 possesses no primary structure similarity to subtilisin, it mimics proteolytic and amidolytic functions of the parental antigen, albeit with 4 orders of magnitude slower acceleration rates. The lack of detectable endopeptidase activity of 6B8-E12 scFv raises interesting issues concerning general evolution of catalytic activity. The in silico 3D models of Ab1 and Ab2 revealed strong structural similarity to known anti-protease antibodies and to abzymes, respectively. These results indicate that the idiotypic network is capable, to a significant extent, of reproducing catalytic apparatus of serine proteases and further validate the use of imaging of enzyme active centers by the immune system for induction of abzymes accelerating energy-demanding amide bond hydrolysis.  相似文献   

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