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《The New phytologist》1993,125(1):221-223
Book Reviewed in this article:
Carbon Partitioning within and between Organisms. Ed. by C.J. P ollock , J. F. F arrar & A. J. G ordon .
Mycorrhizas in Ecosystems. Ed. by D. J. R ead , D. H. L ewis , A. H. F itter & I. J. A lexander .
Methods in Comparative Ecology: a Laboratory Manual. Ed by G. A. F. H endry & J. P. G rime .
Climate Modes of the Phanerozoic. By L. A. F rakes , J. E. F rancis & J. A. S yktus .
The Evolution of Asexual Reproduction in Plants. By M. M ogie .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1954,53(2):364-371
Plant Anatomy. By K atherine E sau .
Cytochemistry: A Critical Approach. By J. F. D anielli .
Plant Diseases. By F. T. B rooks .
The Fungi. By E rnst A lbert G äumann , translated from the German and arranged as an American text by F rederick L yle W ynd .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Vol. iv. Edited by D aniel I. A rnon and L eonard M achlis .
South African Pollen Grains and Spores. Part I. By E. M. van Z inderen B arker .
Plant Growth Substances. By L. J. A udus .
Rice. By D. H. G rist .
The Metabolism of Algae. By E. G. F ogg .  相似文献   

Comparative Animal Physiology. By C. L add P rosser et al.
Organisme et Sexualité. By M. C aullery .
Embryos and Ancestors. By G. R. de B eer .
The Association of Ants with Aphids and Coccids. By G. E. J. N ixon .
Soil and Fresh-Water Nematodes. By T. G oodey
Die Überträger pflanzlicher Viruskrankheiten (The vectors of plant viruses). By K urt H einze .
Leaf Curl Disease of Cotton. By S. A. J. T arr .
Introduction to Mycology. By J. A. M ac D onald .
Pesticide Handbook 1951. Edited by D. E. H. F rear .
Pflanzliche Infektionslehre. By E rnst G äumann .
A Dictionary of Biology. By M. A bercrombie , C. J. H ickman and M. L. J ohnson .
Soviet Genetics. By A. G. M orton .
Gall Midges of Economic Importance. Vol. v. Gall Midges of Trees. By H. F. B arnes .
Four Thousand Million Mouths. Scientific Humanism and the Shadow of World Hunger. Edited by F. L e G ros C lark and N. W. P irie .  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
Quantitative Zoology. By G. G. S impson and A. R oe .
Elements of Plant Pathology. By I. E. M elhus and G. C. K ent .
Experiments in Plant Physiology. A Laboratory Textbook. By W. E. Loomis and C. A. Shull.
Seed and Potting Composts: with Special Reference to Soil Sterilization. By W. J. C. L awrence and J. N ewell .
Practical Plant Breeding . By W. J. C. L awrence .
Recent Advances in Plant Genetics . By F. W. S ansome and J. Philp. 2nd edition, revised and rewritten by F. W. S ansome .
The Evolution of Genetic Systems. By C. D. D arlington .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1966,65(4):547-560
Book review in this article
Botanical Latin . By W. T. S tearn .
Laboratory Manual of Tropical Mycology and Elementary Bacteriology . By A. T hompson and G loria L im .
Agriculture in the Tropics . By C. C. W ebster and P. N. W ilson .
Bananas . By N. W. S immonds .
Rice . By D. H. G rist .
Tea . By T. E den .
Lowson's Botany . By E. W. S imon , K. J. D ormer and J. N. H artshorne .
Annual Review of Plant Physiology , Vol. 16. Ed. by L. M achlis and W. K. B riggs .
Ultrastructural Plant Cytology . By A. F rey -W yssling and K. M ühlethaler .
Drawings of British Platits . Part XXII, Scrophulariaceae (1). By S tella R oss
Molecules and Cells .By D. A. C oult . The Principles of Modern Biology. Ed. by D. A. C oult .
The Growth of Cereals and Grasses . Ed. by F. L. M ilthorpe and J. D. I vins .
Origins of Metidelism . By R. C. O lby .
Fungal Genetics . By J. R. S. F incham and P. R. D ay . Botanical Monographs, Vol. 4, ed. by W. O. J ames .
Genetik der Pilze . by K. E sser and R. K uenen .
Microbial and Molecular Genetics . By J. R. S. F incham . Modern Biology Series, ed. by J. E. W ebb .
Index Kewensis Plantarum Phanerogamarum, Supplementum XIII . Compiled at the Herbarium of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, under the direction of Sir G eorge T aylor .
A Flora of Northeastern Minnesota . By O lga L akela .
Stephen Hales, D.D., F.R.S. An Eighteenth Century Biography . By A. E. C lark -K ennedy .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1962,61(1):101-110
Book reviewed in this article:
Respiratory Metabolism in Plants . By H arry B eevers .
Plant Pathology: an Advanced Treatise . Volume 2: The Pathogen. Edited by J. G. H orsfall and A. E. D imond .
Flammenphotometrie . By R. H errmann and C. T. J. A lkemade .
Soil Conditions and Plant Growth . By S ir E. J ohn R ussell .
Bacterial Plant Pathogens . By C. S tapp . Translated by A. S choenfeld .
Die Pflanzliche Zellwand . By A. F rey -W yssling
Maps of Distribution of Norwegian Vascular Plants . Edited by K nut F aegri , O lav G jaerevoll , J ohannes L id , R olf N ordhagen . Volume I. Coast Plants by K nut F aegri .
Les forêts acidophiles du Jura. Materiaux pour le levé géobotanique de la Suisse , Fascicule 38. By J. L. R ichard .
A Symposium on Light and Life . Edited by W illiam D. M celroy and B entley G lass .
Woody Plants of Ghana . By F. R. I rvine .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1986,104(3):523-524
Book reviewed in this article:
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. General editors A. F riday and D. S. I ngram .
The Physiological Properties of Plant Protoplasts. Ed. by P. E. P ilet .
Plant Leaf Optical Properties in Visible and Near Infra-Red Light. By H. W. G ausman .
Regulation of Sources and Sinks in Crop Plants. British Plant Growth Regulator Group Monograph No. 12. Ed. by B. J effcoat , A. F. H awkins and A. D. S tead .
The Biochemistry and Physiology of the Lemon and Other Citrus Fruits. By W. B. S inclair .
Developmental Biology of Higher Fungi. British Mycological Society Symposium No. 10. Ed. by D. M oore , L. A. C asselton , D. A. W ood and J. C. F rankland .
Flora of New Zealand Lichens. By D. J. G alloway .
Physiological Ecology of Seaweeds. By C. S. L obban , P. J. H arrison and M. O. D uncan .
Insects and Flowers. The Biology of a Partnership. By F. G. B arth . Translated from the German by M. A. B iederman -T horson .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1969,68(1):215-232
Book reviewed in this article:
Excursion Flora of the British Isles , 2nd edn. By A. R. C lapham , T. G. T utin and E. F. W arburg .
Critical Supplement to the Atlas of the British Flora . Ed. by F. H. P erring assisted by P. D. S ell .
Drawings of British Plants . Part XXIV. Labiatae . By S tella R oss -C raig .
Britain's Green Mantle , 2nd edn. By the late A. G. T ansley . Revised by M. C. F. P roctor .
The Flora of Berkshire . By H. J. M. B owen .
Flora of Turkey and the East Aegean Islands . By P. H. D avis , assisted by J. C ullen and M. J. E. C oode .
Plants and Man on the Seychelles Coast . By J. D. S auer .
Key to the Families of Flowering Plants of the World . Revised and enlarged by J. H utchinson .
The Diversity of Green Flants . By P. R. B ell and C. L. F. W oodcock .
IBP Handbook No . 5: Handbook to the Conservation Section of the International Biological Programme . By E. M. N icholson .
Plants, Man and Life , 2nd edn. By E dgar A nderson .
Production and Mineral Cycling in Terrestrial Vegetation . By L. E. R odin and N. I. B azilevich . Translation by Scripta Technica Ltd (Ed. by G. E. F ogg ).
'Torrey Canyon' Pollution and Marine Life . A Report by the Plymouth Laboratory of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Ed. by J. E. S mith .
Geobotanische Untersuchungen auf der Feddersen Wier de . By U. K örber -G rohne .
Cell Walls and Membranes . By H. J. R ogers and H. R. P erkins .
Wachstums regulatoren bei Pflanzen . Ed. by E. L ibbert and B. S teyer .
The Ecology of Soil Bacteria ( An International Symposium ). Ed. by T. R. G. G ray and D. P arkinson .
Genetics of Fungi . By K arl E sser and R udolf K uenen . Translated by E rich S teiner .
Plant Pathologist's Pocketbook . Compiled by The Commonwealth Mycological Institute.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1982,92(3):471-472
Book Reviewed in this article:
Pigments in Plants . Ed. by F. C zygan .
Nitrogen and Carbon Metabolism . Ed. by J. D erek B ewley .
Advances in Biochemical Engineering . Vol. 18, Plant Cell Cultures II . Managing Editor: A. F iechter .
The Botany of Auckland . By L ucy M. C ranwell .
Photosynthesis . By D. O. H all and K. K. R ao .
Plants and Mineral Salts . By J. F. S utcliffe and D. A. B aker .
The Archives of the Peat Bogs . By S ir H arry G odwin .
The Biology of Mosses . By D. H. S. R ichardson .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1968,67(2):447-459
Book reviewed in this article:
Flora Palaestina . By M. Z ohary and N. F einbrun -D othan . Vol. 1, by M ichael Z ohary .
Nouvelle Flore du Liban et de la Syrie . By P aul M outerde
Tropical Plant Types . By B. G. M. J amieson and J. F. R eynolds .
The Biology of Fungi, Bacteria and Viruses . By G reta S tevenson .
The Biology of Aquatic Vascular Plants . By C. D. S culthorpe .
Handbuch der Pflanzenanatomie . Band VIII/I. Anatomie des Blattes 1. Blattanatomie der Gymnospermen . By K lans N app -Z inn .
The Lichen Symbiosis . By V ernon A hmadjiax .
Plant Anatomy . By A. F ahn , translated from the Hebrew by S ybil B roido -A ltman .
Gymnosperms—Structure and Evolution . By C. J. C hamberlain .
Structure and Reproduction of the Gymnosperms; Fossil and Living . By B. S. T rivedi and D. K. S ingh .
An Introduction to Gvmnosperms . By S. C. D atta .
Sourcebook of Laboratory Exercises in Plant Pathology . Ed. by the Sourcebook Committee of the American Phytopathological Society (Chairman, A. K elman ).
Diffusion Systems . By M. H. J acobs .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1980,86(2):243-243
Book Reviwed in this article:
The Biochemical Functions of Terpenoids in Plants. Ed. by T. W. G oodwin .
Phytopathologie und Pflanzenschutz. By G erd F rohlich .
Morphology of Seed-plants. By M. G uédès .
Biological Clocks. By J ohn B rady .
Climate and Evolution. By R.G.P earson .
The Identification of Flowering Plant Families Including a Key to Those Native and Cultivated in North Temperate Regions. By P. H. D avis and J. C ullen  相似文献   

Endosymbiose der Tiere mit pflanzlichen Mikroorganismen. By P aul B uchner.
Symposia of the Society for Experimental Biology. VII. Evolution. Ed. by R. B rown and J. F. D anielli. Pp. xix + 448. Cambridge University Press. 1953. 45s.
Tea Pests and Diseases and their Control: with Special Reference to North East India. By E rnest hainsworth.
Wine Growing in England. By G eorge O rdish.
Bibliographie der Pflanzenschutz-Litteratur 1940–1945. Edited by J. B ärner.
How Animals Move. By J ames G ray.
Nature and Structure of Collagen. Papers presented for a discussion convened by the Colloid and Biophysics Committee of the Faraday Society. Edited by J. T. R andall , F.R.S., assisted by S. F itton J ackson .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1963,62(3):389-401
Book reviewed in this article:
Botanical Histochemistry: Principles and Practice . By W illiam A. J ensen .
The Biology of Cilia and Flagella . By M. A. S leigh .
Dünnschicht-Chromatographie . Edited by E gon S tahl .
Plant Embryology. A Symposium .
The Morphology of Pteridophytes . By K. R. S porne .
Introductory Mycology . By C. J. A lexopoulos .
Residue Reviews , Vol. 1. Edited by F. A. G unther .
Energy Exchange in the Biosphere . By D avid M. G ates .
Pathology of Trees and Shrubs with Special Reference to Britain . By T. R. P eace .
Modern Methods of Plant Analysis . Vol. V. Edited by H. F. L inskens and M. V. T racey .
The Growth of Plants . By G. E. F ogg .
An Introduction to Plant Physiology . By W. O. J ames .
Die Physiologische Uhr. Zeitmessung in Organismen mit ungefähr Tagesperiodischen Schwingungen . By E. B ünning .  相似文献   

Insect Pests of Farm, Garden and Orchard. By E. D wight S anderson , Ph.D.
Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. By Dr L. R eh .
Chemical Embryology. By Dr J oseph N eedham .
Common Pests. How to Control Some of the Pests that Affect Man's Health, Happiness and Welfare. By R ennie W. D oane .
A Text-Book of Experimental Cytology. By J. G ray , M.A., F.E.S.  相似文献   

A Textbook of Plant Virm Diseases . By K enneth M. S mith .
Economic Botany: A Textbook of Useful Plalzts and Plant Products . By A. F. H ill .
Practical Plant Breeding . By W. J. C. L awrence .
British Stem- and Leaf-Fungi ( Coeolomycetes ). Vol. II. Sphaeropsidales and Melanconiales . By W. B. G rove .
Plant Ecology . By H ilda D rabble .
The Properties and Functions of Membranes, Natural and Artificial .
Perspectives in Biochemistry . Edited by J oseph N eedham and D avid E. G reen .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1948,47(2):294-300
The Chemical Activities of Bacteria. By E. F. G ale , B.A., Ph.D.
Heredity and Variation in Micro-organisms. Cold Spring Harbor Symposia on Quantitative Biology.
The Royal Botanical Expedition to New Spain. By H erbert W illiam R ickett .
The Living Plant. By I. V. N ewman .
Hormones and Horticulture. The use of special chemicals in the control of plant growth. By G eorge S. A very and E lizabeth B indloss J ohnson , with the collaboration of R uth M. A ddoms and B etty F. T homson .
Plant Physiology. By M eirion T homas .
The Genetics of Garden Plants. By M. B. C rane and W. J. C. L awrence , with a foreword by S ir D aniel H all .
Plant Viruses. By K enneth M. S mith , F.R.S.  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1992,122(3):567-569
Plant Lectins. By A. P ustzai .
Techniques for the Rapid Detection of Plant Pathogens . Ed. by J. M. D uncan and L. T orrance .
Ecological Genetics and Air Pollution. Ed. by G. R. T aylor , Jr., L. F. P itelka and M. T. C legg .
Arctic Ecosystems in a Changing Climate. Ed. By F. S. C hapin III, R. L. J efferies , J. F. R eynolds , G. R. S haver , J. S voboda and E. W. C hu .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1986,104(1):155-160
Book reviewed in this article:
A Manual on Methods for the Assessment of Secondary Productivity in Fresh Waters. IBP Handbook 17. Ed. By J ohn A. D owining and F rank H. R igler .
Biochemistry of Plant Cell Walls. Ed. By C. T. B rett and J. R. H illman .
Gene Structure and Expression. By J. D. H awkins .
A Dictionary of Genetic Engineering. By S. G. O liver and J. M. W ard .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1947,46(1):174-184
Die Koniferen des Oberkarbons und des unteren Perms , Parts 1–7. By R udolf F lorin .
Plant Life of the Pacific World. By E lmer D. M errill
Merrilleana , A Selection from the General Writings of E lmer D rew M errill , Sc.D., LL.D.
Forest Soils and Forest Grozuth. By S. A. W ilde , F.E., D.T ech .S c .
The Natural Vegetation of Trinidad. By J. S. B eard .
Dating the Past: An Introduction to Geochronology. By F rederick E. Z euner .
La Culture des Tissits. By R.-J. G autheret .  相似文献   

《The New phytologist》1977,78(1):245-254
Book Reviewed in this article:
Botanical Microtechnique and Cytochemistry. By G. P. Berlyn and J. P. Miksche.
Annual Review of Plant Physiology. Ed. by W. R. Briggs.
Mechanical Design in Organisms. By S. A. Wainwright, W. D. Biggs, J. D. Currey & J. M. Gosline.
Uptake of Ions by Plant Roots. By D. J. F. Bowling.
Phytochrome and Photomorphogenesis. By Harry Smith.
Water and Plants. By Hans Meidner and D. W. Sheriff.
Physiological Aspects of Dryland Farming. Edited by U. S. Gupta.
Pollen: Biology, Biochemistry, Management. By R. G. Stanley and H. F. Linskens.
The Evolutionary Significance of the Exine. Ed. by I. K. Ferguson and J. Muller.
Cell Division in Higher Plants. Ed. by M. M. Yeoman.
Intercellular Communication in Plants: Studies on Plasmodesmata Ed. by B. E. S. Gunning & A. W. Robards.
Methods in Plant Ecology. Ed. by S. B. Chapman
Ökologie DER Pflazen By Walter Larcher.
Progress in Botany. Vol. 37. Ed. by H. Ellenberg, K. Esser, H. Merxmüller, E. Schnepf & H. Ziegler.
British Botanical and Horticultural Literature before 1800. By Blanche Henrey.  相似文献   

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