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The species composition of Centrophyceae (Bacillariophyta) in the phytoplankton of nine lakes in the Baikal Region and Transbaikalia was studied using electron microscopy (SEM) methods. Nineteen species and varieties of Centrophyceae were recorded; Aulacoseira distans var. septentrionalis and Cyclotella arctica were registered in this region for the first time. Aulacoseira baicalensis, Cyclotella minuta, and Stephanodiscus inconspicuus were also found in the studied lakes and attributed to being endemic to Lake Baikal.  相似文献   

The first studies of phytoplankton in inland waterbodies of Sakhalin Island by electron microscopy have revealed 19 representatives of the class Centrophyceae, including some that are new for the flora of the region (Aulacoseira subarctica, Coscinodiscopsis commutata, Stephanodiscus delicatus, S. makarovae, Thalassiosira baltica, and T. cf. hyalina). Species of centric diatoms that are new for these waterbodies have been documented in lakes Vavaiskiye and Tunaicha, and the species composition of Centrophyceae have been revised. The first complete data on the taxonomical spectrum of Centrophyceae in Lake Sladkoye, lakes of Mount Spamberg, and the Tym River have been obtained. A revision of the species composition of Centrophyceae in the waterbodies of Sakhalin Island has been made, and the list of the class has been broadened to 44 taxa from 17 genera.  相似文献   

The recent diatom history of Loch Leven, Kinross   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Diatoms in the top metre of lake sediment have been studied for indications or recent changes in the environment of Loch Leven. The diatoms indicate a eutrophic, alkaline lake with Melosira italica ssp. subarctica, Tabellaria Flocculosa and Stephanodiscus astraea the dominant taxa at the base of the 1-m section. There is then an appeance of Melosira ambigua and Stephanodiscus hantzschii suggesting a richer environment. Post A.D. 1816 changes in taxa suggest possible correlation with the lowering of lake level in 1830 and the dominance of Diatoma elongatum, Cyclotella pseudostelligera, Stephanodiscus astraea var. minutula, S. tenuis, S. hantzschii, and Synedra rumpens and var. soctica in zone 4 agrees with present-day plankton records.  相似文献   

The study of phytoplankton from rivers and lakes in the southeastern part of the West Siberian Plain and the eastern macrosclope of the Polar Ural by scanning electron microscopy has revealed 25 taxa of Bacillariophyta from the class Centrophyceae (seven Aulacoseira, one Cyclostephanos, four Cyclotella, two Discostella, one Melosira, one Puncticulata, seven Stephanodiscus, and two Thalassiosira), including new species for the flora of the investigated bodies of water. The revision of the species composition of Centrophyceae in bodies of water and watercourses in the southeast part of the West Siberian Plain has allowed more exact identifying the taxonomic spectrum of this class. At present, the list includes 55 species, varieties and forms. During first studies conducted in rivers and lakes of the Lyapin River basin (Polar Ural) 16 species of centric diatoms that belong to the genera Aulacoseira, Cyclostephanos, Cyclotella, Discostella, Puncticulata, and Stephanodiscus have been recorded.  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative aspects of the phytoplankton of the River Meuse were studied during 1992, at a point 537 km from the source. The phytoplankton was dominated by diatoms and green algae. The Stephanodiscus hantzschii-group was especially prominent. Other important taxa were Cyclotella meneghiniana, small Cyclotella and Thalassiosira, Aulacoseira ambigua and Nitzschia acicularis. Cell abundances varied from less than 1000 units ml–1 to about 25 000 – 30 000 units ml–1 during the blooms. The Stephanodiscus hantzchii-group constituted almost entirely the first spring bloom. During the summer period, small Thalassiosiraceae developed markedly and large Thalassiosira weissflogii appeared. During this period, green algae dominated diatoms as expressed in cell abundances. The main Chlorococcales were Scenedesmus quadricauda, Scenedesmus div. sp., Dictyosphaerium ehrenbergianum and Pediastrum duplex. Dinophyceae contributed a significant biomass during the summer period. Total biomass varied between 100 and 3 650 µg Cl–1. As previously observed (Descy, 1987), the factors regulating the phytoplankton growth were clearly physical variables: discharge, temperature and irradiance. However, in the summer period, low abundances might indicate a regulation by biotic factors. The impact of grazing by zooplankton is discussed, on the basis of observations of zooplankton development in the River Meuse and on the basis of simulation by a mathematical model. A comparison is carried out with recent data of phytoplankton in large European rivers.  相似文献   

Materials on phytoplankton from 11 Karelian lakes located in the basins of the White and Baltic seas were studied by scanning electron microscopy; 22 representatives of diatom algae of the class Centrophyceae, including those that are new for the flora of the lakes (Aulacoseira lacustris, A. perglabra, A. tenella, A. valida, Discostella cf. pseudostelligera, S. invisitatus) and new for Karelia (Brevisira arentii, Stephanodiscus delicatus), have been recorded. A revision of the species composition of Centrophyceae in the waterbodies of Karelia has been made. Diagnoses and the systematic status of some species, varieties, and forms have been specified. A new list includes 51 taxa from 12 genera: Acanthoceras (1), Aulacoseira (23), Brevisira (1), Cyclostephanos (1), Cyclotella (7), Discostella (2), Ellerbeckia (2), Melosira (2), Puncticulata (1), Rhizosolenia (3), Stephanodiscus (7), and Thalassiosira (1).  相似文献   

We document hydrological and phytoplankton characteristics of nine lakes and two ponds on Store Koldewey, a culturally undisturbed island off Northeast Greenland. The limnological survey included the recording of temperature, conductivity, oxygen concentration and saturation, pH, ionic composition, transparency, and the diatom phytoplankton community. In summer 2003, the lakes were cold, monomictic, thermally unstratified, alkaline and likely oligotrophic water bodies. Diatom phytoplankton was present in six lakes and consisted of four dominant species (Aulacoseira tethera, Cyclotella pseudostelligera, C. rossii, and Fragilaria tenera). The concentration of planktonic diatoms varied distinctly between the lakes. (© 2005 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

We studied the trophic development of the past 30–100 years in eight moderately deep Dutch lakes based on their sedimentary fossil diatom assemblages. The dominant diatoms indicating meso- to eutrophic conditions were Aulacoseira subarctica, Cyclotella ocellata, C. cyclopuncta, C. meneghiniana, Puncticulata bodanica, Aulacoseira granulata, Cyclostephanos dubius, C. invisitatus, Stephanodiscus hantzschii, S. medius, and S. parvus. Ordination of diatom data separated the lakes into four groups according to their total phosphorus concentrations (TP), water supply, water management, and origin. The first group consists of dike-breach lakes, which were in stable eutrophic to hypertrophic conditions throughout the past century with diatom-inferred TP (DI-TP) concentrations of between 70 and 300 μg l−1. The main factors influencing these dike-breach lakes are river management, ground water supply of riverine origin, and local land use. The second group are artificial lakes of fluctuating oligo- to mesotrophic conditions and DI-TP concentrations of 10–30 μg l−1. Only one of the artificial lakes showed a DI-TP increase due to changes in catchment agricultural practice. A third group includes an artificial moat and an inland dike-breach lake with DI-TP concentrations of 50–100 μg l−1. The fourth group contains an individual dike-breach lake with stable mesotrophic conditions of 50 μg l−1 throughout the past century. Rather than showing a regional pattern, the studied lakes behave very individualistically with regard to their trophic history, reflecting changes in the local hydrology and in their nutrient sources.  相似文献   

Recent environmental change in Lake Baikal has been attributed to anthropogenic influences on the ecosystem, especially through pollution and cultural eutrophication. These hypotheses are tested in this paper principally by diatom analyses in 20 short sediment cores. Most of the cores were collected with a new type of box corer specifically designed for use on Lake Baikal. Most cores contain a good sediment record but turbidites occur in some sediment profiles which may be best recognized using a combination of techniques, such as radiometric dating and percentage dry weight analyses. The most recent sediments, especially those in the southern basin and in the very north of Baikal, contain a record of anthropogenic contamination in the form of lead and spheroidal carbonaceous particles, which confirms that the southern basin of Baikal is most affected by atmospheric sources of pollution. However, there is no sedimentary diatom evidence indicating offshore water quality deterioration in Baikal owing to air pollution or eutrophication. Small increases in diatoms which indicate nutrient enrichment (e.g. Stephanodiscus minutulus, Synedra acus v. radians and Synedra acus v. acus) may reflect local eutrophication of the shallow waters close to the Selenga Delta and certain coastal sites in the southern basin near to the Baikalsk paper and pulp mill. By using numerical techniques, Lake Baikal can be split into at least four regions on the basis of its surface sediment flora: the south, middle and north basins, and the shallow waters surrounding the Selenga Delta region. Diatom analyses reveal that the endemic flora of Lake Baikal has been constantly changing over at least the last 2000 years and that these fluctuations are probably responses to natural climatic variability. Recent sediments of Baikal may be affected by taphanomic processes (e.g. dissolution) and turbidite deposition, and these must be taken into account when interpreting the sedimentary diatom record. The diatom flora of the lake is currently dominated by several species, such as Aulacoseira baicalensis, A. islandica, Cyclotella minuta and Stephanodiscus binderanus v. baicalensis. All these species, except for C. minuta, have become more common in the lake in approximately the last 130 years, and we hypothesize that these changes may be attributed to a number of different processes linked to an ameliorating climate after the end of the Little Ice Age. The results presented here have important implications for this recently designated World Heritage Site, with regard to future pollution controls and catchment management policies.  相似文献   

Fossil diatom assemblages from the sediment/water interface in 105 Minnesota lakes were compared with measurements of alkalinity, sulphate, total phosphorus, transparency, and water depth at the sample site. Similar assemblages were placed together using cluster analysis and comparisons of environmental variables between diatom clusters were made using an analysis of variance. Total alkalinity and transparency showed the greatest difference among clusters. Samples from shallow eutrophic prairie lakes were dominated by Melosira granulata, Stephanodiscus niagarae and, occasionally, by Stephanodiscus hantzschii. Deep oligotrophic lakes had modest percentages of Cyclotella comta. Dilute acid lakes were dominated either by Melosira distans and M. italica or by Tabellaria fenestrata, Cyclotella stelligera, and in some cases C. glomerata. Assemblages with Cyclotella glomerata and Synedra nana were found in naturally meromictic lakes. Stephanodiscus hantzschii showed a preference for extremely eutrophic lakes. The relationships between recently deposited diatom assemblages and the lake environmental conditions studied here can be used to evaluate the extent of past environmental change in lakes.  相似文献   

The nutrient saturated growth and the competition between Limnothrix redekei and some spring diatoms for phosphate were studied in semi-continuous cultures at 10°C with a 6/18 h light/dark cycle and at 15 °C with a 12/12 light/dark cycle. Under these conditions in unialgal cultures, the maximum specific growth rate of Limnothrix redekei was two to three time lower than that of the diatoms. However, Limnothrix redekei was the superior competitor for phosphate under both conditions in mixed cultures. The diatoms in mixed cultures from each species with Limnothrix redekei were competitively displaced but at a different rate. This allowed the diatoms to be ranked in terms of their competitive ability for phosphate at 10°C as follows: Synedra acus > Asterionella formosa > Stephanodiscus minutulus > Nitzschia acicularis > Cyclotella meneghiniana > Stephanodiscus neoastrea > Stephanodiscus hantzschii. The competitive ability of Limnothrix redekei at 15 °C was increased and the rank order of diatoms slightly changed. The hypothesis that cyanobacteria are promoted by phosphate because they are inferior competitors for phosphate is incorrect for Limnothrix redekei.  相似文献   

This paper describes a new diatom species, Aulacoseira calypsi Tremarin, Torgan & Ludwig, from specimens in plankton samples from Água Preta lake. This Amazonian lake is a shallow mesotrophic environment situated in northern Brazil. The species is characterized by long filaments united by spatulate linking spines, obovate to conic separation spines, a valve surface variably ornamented, straight striae on the mantle, a narrow ringleist, and one row of sessile rimoportulae near the ringleist. Aulacoseira calypsi's morphometric features are compared with the following similar species: Aulacoseira nygaardii (Camburn) Camburn & Charles, Aulacoseira lacustris (Grunow) Krammer, Aulacoseira coroniformis Pearce & Cremer, Aulacoseira occulta Siver & Hamilton, Aulacoseira lancea Siver & Hamilton, Aulacoseira gessneri (Hustedt) Simonsen, and Aulacoseira islandica (Müller) Simonsen. The species shares similarities as to frustule size, striation pattern, and narrowness of ringleist; but differs in the morphology of separation and linking spines, and the number and position of the rimoportulae.  相似文献   

Wang P  Shen H  Xie P 《Microbial ecology》2012,63(2):369-382
Diatom blooms occur in many water bodies worldwide, causing significant ecological and social concerns. In order to understand the mechanisms of diatom blooms formation, the effects of varying phosphorus (P) concentration and hydrodynamics on the growth of diatoms were studied by combining results from field observations and laboratory experiments. The field investigation showed that spring diatom blooms (Cyclotella meneghiniana and Stephanodiscus hantzschii) occurred in Lake Taihu and Hanjiang River with similar environmental factors such as water temperature, pH, and dissolved oxygen in 2008. Concentrations of total phosphorus (TP), total nitrogen, and ammonia nitrogen (NH4-N) in Lake Taihu were significantly higher than the concentrations in the Hanjiang River. Laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate growth and physiological responses of four lotic diatoms (Cyclotella atomus, Fragilaria crotonensis, Nitzschia palea, and S. hantzschii, isolated from the Hanjiang River) and three lentic diatoms (C. meneghiniana, Melosira varians, and Stephanodiscus minutulus, isolated from Lake Taihu, Lake Donghu, and Guanqiao Pond, respectively) to various P concentrations under small-scale turbulent and standing conditions. Our results showed that, with turbulence, lotic diatoms C. atomus, F. crotonensis, N. palea, and S. hantzschii demonstrated a significant increase in affinity for P compared with lentic diatoms C. meneghiniana, M. varians, and S. minutulus. Moreover, lotic diatoms C. atomus, F. crotonensis, and N. palea had higher growth rates and photosynthetic efficiencies with small-scale turbulence than with standing conditions both in P-limited and P-replete conditions. Lotic species S. hantzschii and three lentic diatoms (C. meneghiniana, M. varians, and S. minutulus) grew well under standing conditions. Our results may explain our field observation that the occurrence of diatom blooms in lakes is often associated with higher TP concentrations whereas in rivers, diatom blooms occur at a wide range of TP concentrations under flows. Therefore, different hydrodynamics and nutrient concentrations determined the dominant diatom species, according to their habitat-dependent physiological characteristics.  相似文献   

Diatoms in Lake Baikal exhibit significant spatial variation, related to prevailing climate, lake morphology and fluvial input into the lake. Here we have assessed the threats to endemic planktonic diatom species (through the development of empirical models), which form a major component of primary production within the lake. Multivariate techniques employed include redundancy analysis (RDA) and Huisman–Olff–Fresco (HOF) models. Our analyses suggest that eight environmental variables were significant in explaining diatom distribution across the lake, and in order of importance these are snow thickness on the ice, water depth, duration of days with white ice, suspended matter in the lake, days of total ice duration, temperature of the water surface in July, concentration of zooplankton and suspended organic matter. Impacts on dominant phytoplankton diatom species are highlighted using t‐value biplots. Predictions of future climate change on Lake Baikal are likely to result in shorter periods of ice cover, decreased snow cover across the lake in spring, increased fluvial input into the lake, and an increase in the intensification of surface water stratification during summer months. All these factors are likely to impact negatively on the slow‐growing, cold‐water endemics such as Aulacoseira baicalensis and Cyclotella minuta, which currently dominate diatom assemblages. Instead, taxa that are only intermittently abundant, at present, in offshore areas (e.g. Stephanodiscus meyerii) are likely to become more frequent. However, given the climatic gradient across the lake, the timing and extent of changes in community structure are likely to vary. Moreover, palaeolimnological records show that Lake Baikal diatom assemblages have been dynamic throughout the Holocene, with both endemic and cosmopolitan species exhibiting periods of dominance. Effects of climate change on the entire lake ecosystem may yet be profound as the structure of the pelagic food web may change from one based on endemic diatom taxa to one dominated by nondiatom picoplankton, and as limnological functioning (e.g. stratification and mixing) affects deepwater oxygen availability, nutrient cycling and trophic linkages.  相似文献   

Eleven representatives of diatom algae of the class Centrophyceae from the genera Aulacoseira (1), Conticribra (1), Cyclotella (5), Discostella (1), Stephanodiscus (2), and Thallasiosira (1) have been found in the phytoplankton of 5 volcanic lakes (Bakening volcano, Kamchatka). Stephanodiscus popovskayae, a species new for science, has been discovered in all the lakes, and a species new for the flora of Russia, Cyclotella gordonensis, has been found only in three lakes. The closest similarity in the composition of centric diatoms has been revealed between the lakes of a single water system: Lake Medvezh’e and Lake Verkhneavachinskoe.  相似文献   

The longitudinal distribution and seasonal fluctuation of phytoplankton communities was studied along the middle to lower part of a regulated river system (Nakdong River, Korea). Phytoplankton biomass decreased sharply in the middle part of the river (182 km upward the estuary dam), and then increased downstream reaching a maximum at the last sampling station (27 km upward the estuary dam). In contrast, there was little downstream fluctuation in species composition, irrespective of pronounced differences in nutrient concentrations (TN, TP, NO3, NH4, PO4) as well as in algal biomass. In the main river channel, small centric diatoms (Stephanodiscus hantzschii, Cyclotella meneghiniana) and pennate diatoms (Synedra, Fragilaria, Nitzschia) were dominant from winter to early spring (November–April). A mixed community of cryptomonads, centric and pennate diatoms, and coenobial greens (Pediastrum, Scenedesmus) was dominant in late spring (May–June). Blue-green algae (Anabaena, Microcystis, Oscillatoria) were dominant in the summer (July–September). A mid-summer Microcystis bloom occurred at all study sites during the dry season, when discharge was low, though the nutrient concentration varied in each study site. Nutrients appeared everywhere to be in excess of algal requirement and apparently did not influence markedly the downstream and seasonal phytoplankton compositional differences in this river.  相似文献   

Resource distribution heterogeneity offers niche opportunities for species with different functional traits to develop and potentially coexist. Available light (photosynthetically active radiation or PAR) for suspended algae (phytoplankton) may fluctuate greatly over time and space. Species‐specific light acquisition traits capture important aspects of the ecophysiology of phytoplankton and characterize species growth at either limiting or saturating daily PAR supply. Efforts have been made to explain phytoplankton coexistence using species‐specific light acquisition traits under constant light conditions, but not under fluctuating light regimes that should facilitate non‐equilibrium coexistence. In the well‐mixed, hypertrophic Lake TaiHu (China), we incubated the phytoplankton community in bottles placed either at fixed depths or moved vertically through the water column to mimic vertical mixing. Incubations at constant depths received only the diurnal changes in light, while the moving bottles received rapidly fluctuating light. Species‐specific light acquisition traits of dominant cyanobacteria (Anabaena flos‐aquae, Microcystis spp.) and diatom (Aulacoseira granulata, Cyclotella pseudostelligera) species were characterized from their growth–light relationships that could explain relative biomasses along the daily PAR gradient under both constant and fluctuating light. Our study demonstrates the importance of interspecific differences in affinities to limiting and saturating light for the coexistence of phytoplankton species in spatially heterogeneous light conditions. Furthermore, we observed strong intraspecific differences in light acquisition traits between incubation under constant and fluctuating light – leading to the reversal of light utilization strategies of species. This increased the niche space for acclimated species, precluding competitive exclusion. These observations could enhance our understanding of the mechanisms behind the Paradox of the Plankton.  相似文献   

The general model of seasonal phytoplankton succession in temperate lakes suggests that winter phytoplankton growth is minimal under ice-cover. However, some studies have found diverse phytoplankton communities during winter. The primary objectives of this study were to determine the species composition and the changes in the winter phytoplankton community structure under the ice. For 2 consecutive winters, phytoplankton samples were collected under ice-cover at 4 sites on 3 lakes in Arrowwood National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR), near Pingree, North Dakota. Ninety taxa were identified and enumerated. Densities of several of these taxa frequently exceeded 106 cells l–1. The winter phytoplankton communities in these lakes were dominated by flagellates, principally cryptomonads, a synurophyte (Synura uvella), small chrysophytes (Chrysococcus spp., Kephyrion spp.) and a dinoflagellate (Peridinium aciculiferum), as well as non-flagellate microchlorophytes (Monoraphidium spp., Ankistrodesmus spp., and Pseudodictyosphaerium sp.), a cyanobacterium (Gloeocapsa aeruginosa) and centric diatoms (Stephanodiscus minutulus, S. parvus and Cyclotella meneghiniana).  相似文献   

Genkal  S. I.  Kiss  K. T. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,269(1):39-47
Cyclotella atomus collected from different rivers, reservoirs and lakes shows considerable morphological variability. On the basis of electronmicroscopic (EM) study, we propose Cyclotella atomus var. gracilis Genkal et Kiss as a new variety of this species. Cyclotella atomus var. atomus has short and long radial striae, which are irregularly arranged on the same valve, and the alveolar chambers are not clearly divided from the central, hyaline part of the valve face. In addition to the described basic form, several specimens with other features have also been found and are thought to belong to an undescribed variety. The striae of the new variety are equal in length, and the alveolar chambers are clearly divided from the hyaline central area of the valve face by a curved structure.There are EM micrographs on Cyclotella atomus var. gracilis under different names in different papers. The new variety has several characteristics also found in other species, e.g. Cyclotella caspia Grun., or C. meneghiniana Kütz.  相似文献   

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