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Although it has been suggested that testosterone plays an important role in resource allocation for competitive behavior, details of the interplay between testosterone, territorial aggression and signal plasticity are largely unknown. Therefore, we investigated if testosterone acts specifically on signals that communicate the motivation or ability of individuals to engage in competitive situations in a natural context. We studied the black redstart, a territorial songbird species, during two different life-cycle stages, the early breeding phase in spring and the non-breeding phase in fall. Male territory holders were implanted with the androgen receptor blocker flutamide (Flut) and the aromatase inhibitor letrozole (Let) to inhibit the action of testosterone and its estrogenic metabolites. Controls received a placebo treatment. Three days after implantation birds were challenged with a simulated territorial intrusion (STI). Song was recorded before, during and after the challenge. In spring, both treatment groups increased the number of elements sung in parts of their song in response to the STI. However, Flut/Let-implanted males reacted to the STI with a decreased maximum acoustic frequency of one song part, while placebo-implanted males did not. Instead, placebo-implanted males sang the atonal part of their song with a broader frequency range. Furthermore, placebo-, but not Flut/Let-implanted males, sang shorter songs with shorter pauses between parts in the STIs. During simulated intrusions in fall, when testosterone levels are naturally low in this species, males of both treatment groups sang similar to Flut/Let-implanted males during breeding. The results suggest that song sung during a territorial encounter is of higher competitive value than song sung in an undisturbed situation and may, therefore, convey information about the motivation or quality of the territory holder. We conclude that testosterone facilitates context-dependent changes in song structures that may be honest signals of male quality in black redstarts.  相似文献   

The female calling song (FCS) of the southern green stink bug Nezara viridula is composed of vibrational pulse trains that include either short pulses and a long pulse (FCS-1) or just short pulses (FCS-2). Their function in communication was studied by investigating male vibratory responses to natural and artificial signals on artificial and natural substrates. On a loudspeaker membrane, FCS-1 triggered in males from a Slovene and a French population significantly more courtship songs (MCrS) than FCS-2. Experiments with artificial signals showed that male responses are modulated by the duration of pulse trains and pulse repetition time. On a bean plant, males of both populations responded in the same way to the two types of female calling song pulse trains. Moreover, a laser vibrometer study of the transmission of different natural and artificial vibratory signals through the bean plant showed that the pulses of a high repetition rate are prolonged and fused at distances from the emitter. We conclude that female calling song pulse trains of different temporal structure have the same function in vibrational communication of the species. The temporal and spectral structures of the female calling songs of N. viridula are discussed in terms of effective transmission through plants.  相似文献   

Bird song has the potential to convey a variety of information about the singer, including the singer’s current motivational state. A recent review by Searcy & Beecher (2009) (Anim. Behav. 78, 2009; 1281) emphasized how little is currently known about whether song functions as an aggressive signal in territorial interactions. A recent observational study of song length variation in the Puget Sound white‐crowned sparrow reported that males shorten the terminal trill in their single song type while singing close by another male, and shorten the trill even further immediately before chasing the opponent. Here, we report the results of two song playback experiments designed to test whether males distinguish the differences in song length that occur in agonistic and non‐agonistic contexts. We found that males gave stronger responses, as measured by close approach distances, to either a series of songs increasing in duration (compared to a series decreasing in duration), or to long loud songs (compared to short soft songs). In both experiments, males gave weaker responses to the stimuli hypothesized to be more aggressive. Males shortened their songs in response to both simulated intrusions. Combined with the observational data on song variation in different contexts, these experiments support the conclusion that song length variation contains information about aggressive motivation in the white‐crowned sparrow.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although radiotelemetry is considered a valuable technique for ornithological field studies, several assumptions have been made about the impact that transmitters may have on the estimation of behavioral, ecological, and reproductive parameters. To assess the potential effects of backpack radiotransmitters, we captured and assigned 8 male American kestrels (Falco sparverius) into 2 groups: radiotagged (n = 6) and control individuals (leg-banded, n = 2). Thereafter, we collected feces approximately 2 hours after capture (day −1), and subsequently during days 0 (releasing day), 4, 7, 15, 30, 40, and 55. Prior to fecal analysis, we validated the corticosterone enzyme immunoassay using standard procedures (e.g., parallelism, dose-response curve), and we confirmed physiological significance of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites through adrenocorticotropin challenge, which induced an increase of 4-fold (446.10 ± 60.73 ng/g) above baseline (114.27 ± 15.23 ng/g) within 4 hours (P < 0.001). Both groups exhibited a significant increase in fecal glucocorticoids during day 0 (P < 0.001), but concentrations returned to preattachment values within 4 days. Fecal glucocorticoid concentrations did not differ between samples of radiotagged and leg-banded kestrels (P > 0.05). In spite of the small number of monitored subjects, these findings suggested that radiotransmitters did not affect adrenocortical activity in these male American kestrels.  相似文献   

The courtship song of Drosophila has been extensively used as a model system for studies of sexual selection and species recognition. Traditionally, the courtship song has been recorded from males placed individually with a female. However, under natural conditions females are exposed to multiple courting males, and the effect of their joint signal on mate recognition by the female is not yet understood. Here, we recorded the courtship behavior of D. melanogaster males singing either individually to a female lpar;1:1) or in the presence of an additional male lpar;2:1). We compared the structure of the male song in the two experimental designs. Our results show that when two males courted a female their songs could overlap each other. Males produced a significantly different signal in the presence of competition; the duration of each song component was significantly shorter and the rate of singing was markedly lower. The present study demonstrates that male competition can dramatically alter the acoustic signal detected by the female.  相似文献   

Across taxa, female behavior and physiology change significantly following the receipt of ejaculate molecules during mating. For example, receipt of sex peptide (SP) in female Drosophila melanogaster significantly alters female receptivity, egg production, lifespan, hormone levels, immunity, sleep, and feeding patterns. These changes are underpinned by distinct tissue- and time-specific changes in diverse sets of mRNAs. However, little is yet known about the regulation of these gene expression changes, and hence the potential role of microRNAs (miRNAs), in female postmating responses. A preliminary screen of genomic responses in females to receipt of SP suggested that there were changes in the expression of several miRNAs. Here we tested directly whether females lacking four of the candidate miRNAs highlighted (miR-279, miR-317, miR-278, and miR-184) showed altered fecundity, receptivity, and lifespan responses to receipt of SP, when mated once or continually to SP null or control males. The results showed that miRNA-lacking females mated to SP null males exhibited altered receptivity, but not reproductive output, in comparison to controls. However, these effects interacted significantly with the genetic background of the miRNA-lacking females. No significant survival effects were observed in miRNA-lacking females housed continually with SP null or control males. However, continual exposure to control males that transferred SP resulted in significantly higher variation in miRNA-lacking female lifespan than did continual exposure to SP null males. The results provide the first insight into the effects and importance of miRNAs in regulating postmating responses in females.  相似文献   

The evolution of leks may be explained by several hypotheses. The ‘female preference’ hypothesis, which states that females favour males that have aggregated, has recently gained some empirical support. Low-quality, unattractive males may, however, settle near attractive males, as predicted by the ‘hotshot’ hypothesis. We tested whether black grouse Tetrao tetrix females use auditory cues to find the preferred leks, and whether males respond to vocal display emitted on leks. We conducted a playback experiment with male vocal display (rookooing) on leks, where the visiting females and displaying males were counted. The number of males tended to increase more on playback leks. Specifically, the number of 1-year-old males was greater on playback sites than on control sites. Also, the number of females, in relation to the lek size before the start of the experiment tended to increase. In addition, we used aviary playback trials to test whether females distinguish between single-male and multi-male displays. In a choice test, females showed greater preference for the ‘multi-male’ tape. The tendency for increased male numbers on playback leks resulted from increased visits of young, mobile males which were attracted to leks that they perceived to be large. This suggests a ‘hotshot’-type mechanism in the settlement of young males. Because females also responded to the supplemented auditory advertisement, or directly to the increased number of males, the ‘female preference’ hypothesis is also supported. Females may, at least in part, base their decision of which lek to visit on auditory cues, but visual contact to males may be also needed.  相似文献   

Search theory predicts that females will use information on search costs and the characteristics of potential mates to adjust their search behavior and mate choices. We examined the effect of previous acoustic experience on female mating responses in the variable field cricket Gryllus lineaticeps . Females of this species prefer calling songs with higher chirp rates to those with lower chirp rates. In this study we examined how female responses to male calling songs change with experience by measuring the responses of females to male calls over a sequence of three trials. Females in one group (group I) were exposed to a sequence of three identical low chirp rate songs and females in a second group (group II) were exposed to two identical low chirp rate songs interspersed by a high chirp rate song. Females in group I did not show a significant difference in their responses to the initial and final low chirp rate presentations, whereas females in group II showed a significantly reduced response to the final low chirp rate song. In addition, the degree to which female responses to the initial and final low chirp rate song changed differed significantly between the treatment groups. Thus acoustic experience appears to affect female mating preferences in this species; exposure to either more attractive songs or more variable songs makes normally unattractive songs even less attractive. These results suggest that females do not use a fixed-threshold search rule in which they mate with any male with a phenotype that exceeds a given threshold. Instead, G. lineaticeps females appear to use a more complex search rule in which they adjust their searching behavior based on the local distribution of male phenotypes.  相似文献   

In order to determine the rules of sequencing of songs used by American redstarts, we related Markovian and hierarchical models to recordings obtained from free-living males. In the smaller repertoires of three or four songs, low order Markov chain models fitted the data. 9 of the 10 sequences so examined were first-order, and the last was second-order. Larger repertoires of 6 and 8 songs were hierarchical in organization with subsets of songs having independent sequencing rules. Most samples of singing were stationary in their transition rules over periods of several days: non-stationarity was sometimes associated with a change in the number of songs forming the sequence, or in repetitions of songs. We examine causal models of song sequencing and conclude that our results generally favor competition models, although some sequential dependencies may also apply. Hierarchical organization in the serial repertoires of American redstarts may reflect developmental influences rather than effects of repertoire size itself.  相似文献   

Drosophila montana females have been found to prefer overwintered males with short and dense (high-frequency) sound pulses in the wild. In the present study males producing high-frequency song succeeded in their courtship more often than males producing low-frequency song in mate-choice experiments. Male mating success correlated with the carrier frequency of the male song recorded after, but not before, an artificial winter (flies kept 6 months at 4°C). The finding that female preference is based on a male song trait changing considerably during overwintering suggests that this trait may reflect the viability and condition of the males during the mating season of the flies in spring.  相似文献   


The psychological and cardiovascular influence of a friendly, unfamiliar dog on a group of 17 male students was compared to a group of men (19) who did not have access to the dog, during a stressor. Blood pressure and heart rate were measured during 4 test conditions (rest, preparation, speech task, recovery). State-anxiety was measured before and after the preparation and speech task. Subjects from the experimental group(E) but not from the control group(C) interacted with a dog during the preparation and speech tasks. The preparation and speech tasks caused statistically significant increases in cardiovascular parameters (blood pressure, heart rate) (F(12,22) = 17.60; p = 0.000), and state-anxiety (E-group: ¯xsta1 = 29.8; ¯xsta 2 = 47.9; t = -6.12; df = 16; p = 0.000, C-group: ¯xsta1 = 31.4; ¯xsta2 = 47,0; t = -5.68; df = 18; p = 0.000). No significant differences were found between the control and the experimental group with regard to state-anxiety anxiety (¯xc =15.6; ¯xe =-18.2; t = 0.63; df = 34; p = 0.533), blood pressure and heart rate (F(4,30) = 1.18; p = 0.338), even after controlling for the effects of daily stress (F(4,29) =1.427; p = 0.250). It is concluded that a friendly but unfamiliar dog has no significant psychological or cardiovascular effect on male students during a speech task in a laboratory setting. Possibly the stress of the speech task and the laboratory setting overrided the influence of the pet.  相似文献   

In communication, animals often use complex signals with different traits carrying different information. In the song of some songbirds, both trills and song overlapping signal arousal or the readiness to escalate a contest in male‐male interactions, yet they also differ inherently from each other. Song overlapping is restricted to interactions and has a clear directive function as the songs are timed specifically to the songs of a counterpart. Trills, however, can be used without opponents actively singing and do not have such a directional character unless when combined with directed traits. This difference raises the question whether trills can enhance the agonistic function of song overlapping when being used simultaneously. Here, we exposed male nightingales (Luscinia megarhynchos) prior to pairing to overlapping playback treatments differing in the presence or absence of rapid broadband trills. Males responded differently to the two playback treatments suggesting that song overlapping and rapid broadband trills have some synergistic effects. Consequently, the separate or simultaneous use of trills and of song overlapping may allow males to adjust information encoded in their singing on a fine scale. Furthermore, males that remained unpaired throughout the breeding season responded differently to the playbacks than did subsequently paired males, emphasizing the implications of differences in territory defence behaviour on males subsequent pairing success.  相似文献   

Sexual Signals of the Male American Goldfinch   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Male American goldfinches (Carduelis tristis) exhibit conspicuous yellow plumage, orange bills, and black caps during the breeding season. These secondary sexual characteristics may serve as criteria by which females evaluate males as potential mates because the traits vary among individuals and are likely to be costly. We quantified plumage and bill color and cap characteristics of wild, free‐ranging American goldfinches during the breeding season and tested for relationships between those features, body condition and individual genetic diversity in males. Overall, male and female goldfinches were highly sexually dichromatic, with plumage saturation and brightness and bill brightness contributing strongly to the dimorphism. Body condition decreased significantly with Julian date, even over the 2‐wk period immediately prior to the onset of nesting during which we collected our color and cap measurements. Principal components describing color of the back and the bill significantly predicted date‐corrected body condition based on quadratic regressions, suggesting that there is reliable information in back and bill color that females could use when choosing mates. In a subset of captive males, we found that bill hue faded from orange to yellow within 24 h of capture, suggesting that bill color may reflect short‐term changes in health status or carotenoid availability. Individual genetic diversity based on a panel of eight microsatellite loci was correlated with back brightness and perhaps with cap symmetry. Based on the results of this field study, ornamentation of male American goldfinches appears to signal both long‐ and short‐term aspects of phenotypic quality.  相似文献   

Mate choice is a critical part of sexual selection. One constituent of mate choice is attractiveness, which serves as a projection surface for traits signalling quality and condition to prospective reproductive partners. In guinea pigs, females generally decide whom they will select as partner and when to switch to a new one. The aim of this study was to investigate for universality in male traits possibly associated with female preference. Characteristics of stress response were chosen, as they are relatively stable in their behavioural and physiological expression. Two consecutive experiments were done on isosexually kept males. In the first experiment, behavioural performance in a forced swim-test was noted, after basal endocrine status had been documented with three samples per individual. In a second experiment, the same males were presented to females in a round-robin choice paradigm. A discriminant analysis confirmed a categorization of males into groups that were preferred by different females either two times [more preferred (MP), n = 6] or less than that [less preferred (LP), n = 12]. Mean basal cortisol levels were comparable, but mean basal testosterone (T) was significantly higher in LP. This points at a scenario where higher T might be advantageous in male–male competition but perhaps less important for the formation of male–female bonds. Behaviourally, MP completed the swim-test significantly faster than LP, which may indicate greater goal directedness and motivation. We conclude that traits associated with stress responses may be components of male attractiveness, their stability perhaps reflecting adaptive qualities.  相似文献   

为了解非线性鸣声对凹耳蛙(Odorrana tormota)应答音的影响以及非线性鸣声是否能够增强鸣声的不可预测性,本研究通过回放非线性鸣声和线性鸣声来刺激陌生雄性凹耳蛙,并记录应答次数及统计分析应答音相关参数。结果表明,回放非线性鸣声时会引起陌生蛙(n=22)更多次数的应答,但两种刺激引起的首次应答时间没有显著差异。对应答音相关参数分析表明,线性鸣声引起的应答音在总时长上比非线性鸣声引起的应答音更长且具有显著差异,而其他声音参数(包括平均基频、最大基频、最小基频、主频)均没有显著差异。推测当陌生雄蛙听到同类鸣叫时,出于保护领地和资源的本能反应,陌生蛙都会第一时间作出反应,因此在两类声音的应答反应时间上并没有区别。而在应答次数上,非线性鸣声引起了凹耳蛙更多次数的应答,可能是由于鸣声中的非线性现象使得声音更加复杂,包含更多信息,容易提高声音接收者对这类声音的关注度。本研究结果表明,凹耳蛙鸣声中包含的非线性现象能够增强其声音的不可预测性,引起陌生蛙产生更多的应答次数。  相似文献   

One prediction from life‐history theory is that males should increase investment in reproductive effort as they age because the opportunity for future reproductive events declines. However, older males may not be able to increase their reproductive effort if condition declines with age. The effect of age‐related changes in condition may be especially important for energetically costly activities such as moving within and between habitat patches while searching for mates. Although such searching is a component of many mating systems, the relationship between age and active mate searching has not been investigated. We investigated whether mate‐searching effort increased with age in the thornbug treehopper, Umbonia crassicornis (Hemiptera: Membracidae). In this species, males search for females using a ‘fly‐call‐walk’ strategy consisting of three phases: (1) flying from one plant to another; (2) walking and signalling while on a plant; and (3) close‐range courtship of encountered females. We measured several aspects of mate‐searching behaviour over the month‐long period of a male’s reproductive lifetime. Over the relevant period of male sexual activity (19–33 d), male condition remained stable. However, older males (25–33 d) did not search more actively than younger males as predicted; instead, younger males (19 d) had greater plant‐to‐plant flight activity and found females faster. Within‐plant walking rates and courtship duration did not differ among age classes. These results suggest that thornbug males may be investing so heavily in mate searching at younger ages that they are unable to increase investment in searching effort when they get older. As a result, older males are likely to be at a competitive disadvantage when active searching is required to locate sparsely distributed females.  相似文献   

I investigated the responses of gibbons (Hylobates muelleri) to male songs played back from different locations but similar distances from the subjects. The gibbons showed spatial variations in response to songs. Mated males led silent group approaches toward songs emanating from the center of the range. Songs delivered from positions along the range periphery elicited either group approaches or duets. Songs played back from within the ranges of neighbors rarely resulted in duetting activity. Location, a contextual factor, is important in determination of the response evoked by song. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that male song plays a role in mediating intergroup spacing among gibbons.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Off-road recreation on public lands in North America has increased dramatically in recent years. Wild ungulates are sensitive to human activities, but the effect of off-road recreation, both motorized and nonmotorized, is poorly understood. We measured responses of elk (Cervus elaphus) to recreational disturbance in northeast Oregon, USA, from April to October, 2003 and 2004. We subjected elk to 4 types of recreational disturbance: all-terrain vehicle (ATV) riding, mountain biking, hiking, and horseback riding. Motion sensors inside radiocollars worn by 13 female elk recorded resting, feeding, and travel activities at 5-minute intervals throughout disturbance and control periods. Elk fed and rested during control periods, with little time spent traveling. Travel time increased in response to all 4 disturbances and was highest in mornings. Elk travel time was highest during ATV exposure, followed by exposure to mountain biking, hiking, and horseback riding. Feeding time decreased during ATV exposure and resting decreased when we subjected elk to mountain biking and hiking disturbance in 2003. Our results demonstrated that activities of elk can be substantially affected by off-road recreation. Mitigating these effects may be appropriate where elk are a management priority. Balancing management of species like elk with off-road recreation will become increasingly important as off-road recreational uses continue to increase on public lands in North America.  相似文献   

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