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Transgenic Arabidopsis and tobacco plants (125) derived from seven Agrobacterium-mediated transformation experiments were screened by polymerase chain reaction and DNA gel blot analysis for the presence of vector `backbone' sequences. The percentage of plants with vector DNA not belonging to the T-DNA varied between 20% and 50%. Neither the plant species, the explant type used for transformation, the replicon type nor the selection seem to have a major influence on the frequency of vector transfer. Only the border repeat sequence context could have an effect because T-DNA vector junctions were found in more than 50% of the plants of three different transformation series in which T-DNAs with octopine borders without inner border regions were used. Strikingly, many transgenic plants contain vector backbone sequences linked to the left T-DNA border as well as vector junctions with the right T-DNA border. DNA gel blots indicate that in most of these plants the complete vector sequence is integrated. We assume that integration into the plant genome of complete vector backbone sequences could be the result of a conjugative transfer initiated at the right border and subsequent continued copying at the left and right borders, called read-through. This model would imply that the left border is not frequently recognized as an initiation site for DNA transfer and that the right border is not efficiently recognized as a termination site for DNA transfer.  相似文献   

We report a large-scale study on the frequency of transgene and T-DNA backbone integration following Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of immature barley embryos. One hundred and ninety-one plant lines were regenerated after hygromycin selection and visual selection for GFP expression at the callus stage. Southern blotting performed on a subset of 53 lines that were PCR positive for the GFP gene documented the integration of the GFP gene in 27 of the lines. Twenty-three of these lines expressed GFP in T1 plantlets. Southern blotting with a vector backbone probe revealed that 13 of the 27 lines possessed one or more vector backbone fragments illustrating the regular occurrence of vector backbone integration following Agrobacterium infection of barley immature embryos.  相似文献   

A minimal T-DNA binary vector was used for Agrobacterium-mediated transfer of a chimeric T4 lysozyme gene located next to the left border, and transgenic potato plants which expressed T4 lysozyme protein were identified and further analysed. Frequent rearrangements of T4 lysozyme transgenes were detected. A vector derivative containing two matrix associated regions (MARs) flanking its multiple cloning site was constructed. In transgenic potato plants, reduced variability in gene expression due to position effects was detected. When either the donor vector contained MAR sequences, or when vector pPCV701 which contains a pBR322 fragment next to the left border were used, only relatively few rearrangements were observed. However, when the T4 lysozyme gene was driven by a CaMV 35S promoter modified by multiplied enhancer region carrying either 2 or 4 elements, frequent rearrangements were again obtained.  相似文献   

Southern hybridisation was performed on ninety-six transgenic petunias that had been selected for resistance to kanamycin. Just over half of the plants contained intact copies of the T-DNA. The most common rearrangements (at least 24 plants out of 96) were simple deleted derivatives that had lost one or both ends of the T-DNA. T-DNAs lacking the left border occurred at a frequency of 20%, and estimates of the frequency of T-DNAs lacking the right border were at least this high. Three plants contained grossly rearranged T-DNAs, of which all expressed the kanamycin resistance gene but only one transmitted the gene to progeny. Two plants lacked T-DNA homology altogether and did not express kanamycin resistance in their leaves or their progeny. Circumstantial evidence suggests that plants containing a chimaeric kanamycin resistance gene driven by the ocs promoter do not root efficiently in the presence of kanamycin. There was no correlation between intactness of the T-DNA and Mendelian inheritance of the kanamycin-resistance phenotype. However, a disproportionate number of plants showing non-Mendelian inheritance had a high copy number of their T-DNA.  相似文献   

Particle bombardment and Agrobacterium-mediated transformation are two popular methods currently used for producing transgenic maize. Agrobacterium-mediated transformation is expected to produce transformants carrying fewer copies of the transgene and a more predictable pattern of integration. These putative advantages, however, tradeoff with transformation efficiency in maize when a standard binary vector transformation system is used. Using Southern, northern, real-time PCR, and real-time RT-PCR techniques, we compared transgene copy numbers and RNA expression levels in R1 and R2 generations of transgenic maize events generated using the above two gene delivery methods. Our results demonstrated that the Agrobacterium-derived maize transformants have lower transgene copies, and higher and more stable gene expression than their bombardment-derived counterparts. In addition, we showed that more than 70% of transgenic events produced from Agrobacterium-mediated transformation contained various lengths of the bacterial plasmid backbone DNA sequence, indicating that the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation was not as precise as previously perceived, using the current binary vector system.  相似文献   

We have analysed the application of positive-negative selection for the selection of homologous recombination interactions between the chromosome and a T-DNA molecule after transformation of plant cells. Two different genomic loci in a cell suspension of Arabidopsis thaliana were chosen to study gene targeting events. One was the chalcone synthase (CHS) gene present as a single copy and the second an hemizygous chromosomally inserted T-DNA containing the hpt gene, conferring resistance to hygromycin, flanked by CHS sequences. The target lines were transformed with replacement-type T-DNA vectors which contained a positive selectable marker flanked by the regions of the CHS gene and a negative selectable marker to counter-select random insertions. As negative marker we used the Escherichia coli codA gene encoding cytosine deaminase, conferring upon the cells sensitivity to 5-flourocytosine (5-FC). Doubly selected transformants represent 1–4% of the primary transformed cells. Targeting events were not found at the chalcone synthase locus nor at the artificial hpt locus in a total of 4379 doubly selected calli, corresponding to at least 109475 individual primary transformants. We show by PCR and Southern analysis that the 5-FC resistance in the majority of these cells is associated with substantial deletions of the T-DNA molecule from the right-border end.  相似文献   

T-DNA integration patterns in 49 transgenic grapevines produced via Agrobacterium-mediated transformation were analyzed. Inverse PCR (iPCR) was performed to identify T-DNA/plant junctions. Sequence comparison revealed several deletions in the T-DNA right border (RB) and left border (LB), and filler DNA and duplications or deletions of grapevine DNA at the T-DNA insertion loci. In 20 T-DNA/grapevine genome junctions microsimilarities were found associated with the joining points and in all grapevine lines microsimilarities were present near the breaking points along the 30 bases of T-DNA adjacent to the two borders. Analysis of target site preferences of T-DNA insertions indicated a non-random distribution of the T-DNA, with a bias toward the intron regions of the grapevine genes. Compositional analysis of grapevine DNA around the T-DNA insertion sites revealed an inverse relationship between the CG and AT-skews and AT rich sequences present at 300–500 bp upstream the insertion points, near the RB of the T-DNA. PCR assays showed that vector backbone sequences were integrated in 28.6% of the transgenic plants analyzed and multiple T-DNAs frequently integrated at the same position in the plant genome, resulting in the formation of tandem and inverted repeats.  相似文献   

Conventional Agrobacterium-mediated plant transformation often produces a significant frequency of transgenic events containing vector backbone sequence, which is generally undesirable for biotechnology applications. We tested methods to reduce the frequency of transgenic plants containing vector backbone by incorporating genes into the backbone that inhibit the development of transgenic plants. Four backbone frequency reduction genes, bacterial levansucrase (sacB), maize cytokinin oxidase (CKX), Phaseolus GA 2-oxidase (GA 2-ox), and bacterial phytoene synthase (crtB), each expressed by the enhanced CaMV 35S promoter, were placed individually in a binary vector backbone near the left border (LB) of binary vectors. In transformed soybean plants, the lowest frequency of backbone presence was observed when the constitutively expressed CKX gene was used, followed by crtB. Higher backbone frequencies were found among the plants transformed with the GA 2-oxidase and sacB vectors. In some events, transfer of short backbone fragments appeared to be caused by LB readthrough and termination within the backbone reduction gene. To determine the effect of the backbone genes on transformation frequency, the crtB and CKX vectors were then compared to a control vector in soybean transformation experiments. The results revealed that there was no significant transformation frequency difference between the crtB and control vectors, but the CKX vector showed a significant transformation frequency decrease. Molecular analysis revealed that the frequency of transgenic plants containing one or two copies of the transgene and free of backbone was significantly increased by both the CKX and crtB backbone reduction vectors, indicating that there may be a correlation between transgene copy number and backbone frequency.  相似文献   

When Agrobacterium was used to transform Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts and Arabidopsis thaliana roots and seedlings, a large number of plants were found in which not only the T-region defined by the border repeat sequences but the entire binary vector was integrated, as determined by both PCR and Southern analysis techniques. N. plumbaginifolia protoplast co-cultivation experiments yielded 3 out of 5 transformants with collinear sequence past the left border. In Arabidopsis root transformation experiments, 33% (6/18) of the transformants had T-DNA which exceeded the left border repeat. Vacuum infiltration of Arabidopsis seedlings produced even a greater percentage of transformants with sequences outside the left border repeat (62%, 39/63). The long transfer DNA cosegregated with the T-region encoded hygromycin resistance in the T2 progeny eliminating the possibility that long transfer DNA was of extrachromosomal or Agrobacterium origin. The high frequency of long transfer after vacuum infiltration of A. thaliana needs to be considered when analyzing T-DNA tagged mutants.  相似文献   

We have identified T-DNA tagged Arabidopsis mutants that are resistant to transformation by Agrobacterium tumefaciens (rat mutants). These mutants are highly recalcitrant to the induction of both crown gall tumors and phosphinothricin-resistant calli. The results of transient GUS (β-glucuronidase) assays suggest that some of these mutants are blocked at an early step in the Agrobacterium-mediated transformation process, whereas others are blocked at a step subsequent to translocation of T-DNA into the nucleus. Attachment of Agrobacterium to roots of the mutants rat1 and rat3 was decreased under various incubation conditions. In most mutants, the transformation-deficient phenotype co-segregated with the kanamycin resistance encoded by the mutagenizing T-DNA. In crosses with susceptible wild-type plants, the resistance phenotype of many of these mutants segregated either as a semi-dominant or dominant trait. Received: 26 October 1998 / Accepted: 8 January 1999  相似文献   

姚琴  丛玲  汪越胜  陈明洁  杨广笑  何光源 《遗传》2006,28(6):695-698
为了研究无载体框架序列转基因小麦中转基因表达框的遗传规律,选育稳定表达的转基因株系,利用基因枪介导1Ax1基因的最小表达框转化得到了转基因小麦,对其后代转基因植株中1Ax1基因表达框的遗传进行了分析,结果表明:无载体框架结构的1Ax1基因在转基因后代中稳定遗传,在T1代中呈现3:1的分离,遵从孟德尔遗传模式;SDS-PAGE分析表明其中部分转基因后代分离出新的高分子量蛋白亚基分子量略低于1Dx5亚基。  相似文献   

The efficiency of co-expression and linkage of distinct T-DNAs present in separate Agrobacterium tumefaciens was analysed in Arabidopsis thaliana transformed by the vacuum infiltration method. Co-expression was monitored by the synthesis of three bacterial proteins involved in the production of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) in the plastids. Out of 80 kanamycin- resistant transgenic plants analysed, 13 plants were co-transformed with the two distinct T-DNAs and produced PHB. Of those, 7 lines had a kanamycin-resistance segregation ratio consistent with the presence of a single functional insert. Genetic linkage between the distinct T-DNAs was demonstrated for all 13 PHB-producing lines, while physical linkage between the distinct T-DNAs was shown for 12 out of 13 lines. T-DNAs were frequently linked in an inverted orientation about the left borders. Transformation of A. thaliana by the co-infiltration of two A. tumefaciens containing distinct T-DNAs is, thus, an efficient approach for the integration and expression of several transgenes at a single locus. This approach will facilitate the creation and study of novel metabolic pathways requiring the expression of numerous transgenes. Received: 7 May 1999 / Accepted: 28 July 1999  相似文献   

This review examines how real-time PCR can be used to determine copy number and zygosity in transgenic plants. Distinguishing between plants that harbor one and two copies of a transgene or are hemizygous and homozygous requires the ability to routinely distinguish twofold differences, a detection difference which approaches the resolution of PCR-based quantification methods. After explaining the basic principles, especially the threshold cycle (Ct value) as the basic measuring unit in real-time PCR, we introduce three quantitation methods currently in use. While the absolute and relative standard curve approaches are qualitative methods that distinguish high-copy from low-copy transformants, the comparative ( ) method with double-dye oligonucleotides (TaqMan probes) is able to detect twofold differences. In order to obtain reliable results, Ct values for an amplicon should be below 25 and the standard deviation below 0.3. Although real-time PCR can deliver exact copy number determinations, the procedure is not fail-safe. Therefore, real-time PCR should to be viewed as complementary to—rather than as a replacement of—other methods such as Southern analysis, but it is particularly useful as a preliminary screening tool for estimating copy numbers of a large number of transformants.  相似文献   

【目的】利用农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)介导法对灰葡萄孢(Botrytis cinerea)进行转化,构建T-DNA插入突变体库,为从分子水平上认识灰葡萄孢的致病机制打下基础。【方法】以含有pCAMBIA 1390双元载体的农杆菌对灰葡萄孢进行转化,利用潮霉素进行筛选。对抗性稳定的转化子进行生物学和形态学观察,采用离体番茄叶片进行致病性测定。利用TAIL-PCR技术对突变体中T-DNA的旁侧序列进行克隆。【结果】得到了一些突变体,表现为生长速率减缓、产孢能力下降、致病力减弱等。克隆并分析了其中一个突变体中T-DNA插入的位置和旁侧序列。【结论】本实验建立了农杆菌介导的灰葡萄孢转化体系,构建了T-DNA插入的灰葡萄孢突变体库。用TAIL-PCR进行突变体中T-DNA旁侧序列的分析是可行的。  相似文献   

有害疣孢霉Hypomyces perniciosus是引起双孢蘑菇Agaricus bisporus湿泡病的病原真菌,目前其致病分子机理尚不清楚,而高效稳定的遗传转化体系和突变体库构建是挖掘和研究病原菌致病基因的基础和有效手段。因此,本实验以高致病力的有害疣孢霉菌株WH001为研究对象,采用冻融法将双元载体pBHt1转入农杆菌AGL-1中,建立并优化根癌农杆菌介导的遗传转化体系,并利用其构建T-DNA插入突变体库。结果表明有害疣孢霉菌株WH001的潮霉素(Hygromycin,Hyg)耐受浓度为250ng/L,当农杆菌侵染液浓度OD600=1,侵染时间为30min,乙酰丁香酮(Acetosyringone,AS)浓度为1.5mg/mL,共培养时间为3d时,转化体系效率最高。然后利用该优化体系构建有害疣孢霉的突变体库,通过PCR检测和形态学鉴定获得若干表型发生改变、稳定遗传的T-DNA插入突变体,与原菌种WH001相比,突变体在菌丝形态、生长速率、色素分泌和致病力等方面发生改变。本研究为进一步挖掘有害疣孢霉未知基因功能、解析生物学性状、探讨致病分子机制奠定基础。  相似文献   

Transfer DNA (T-DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens integration in the plant genome may lead to rearrangements of host plant chromosomal fragments,including inversions.However,there is very little information concerning the inversion.The present study reports a transgenic rice line selected from a T-DNA tagged population,which displays a semi-dwarf phenotype.Molecular analysis of this mutant indicated an insertion of two tandem copies of T-DNA into a locus on the rice genome in a head to tail mode.This insertion of T-DNA resulted in the inversion of a 4.9 Mb chromosomal segment.Results of sequence analysis suggest that the chromosomal inversion resulted from the insertion of T-DNA with the help of sequence microhomology between insertion region of T-DNA and target sequence of the host plant.  相似文献   

Transfer DNA(T-DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens integration in the plant genome may lead to rearrangements of host plant chromosomal fragments,including inversions.However,there is very little information concerning the inversion.The present study reports a transgenic rice line selected from a T-DNA tagged population,which displays a semi-dwarf phenotype.Molecular analysis of this mutant indicated an insertion of two tandem copies of T-DNA into a locus on the rice genome in a head to tail mode.This inserti...  相似文献   

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