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We examined the aggressive costs and reproductive benefits of territorial defense and its alternatives in a population of the Comanche Springs pupfish (Cyprinodon elegans). The breeding system was characterized by three different male mating tactics: territorial defense, satellite positioning, and sneak spawning. The mating tactic adopted by males reflected the males' sizes. Territorial residents were the largest, satellites were medium-sized, and sneakers were the smallest adult males observed. Consistent with the hypothesis that primary mating tactics are relatively high-cost, high-benefit strategies, we found that territorial males engaged in a number of aggressive encounters but had higher reproductive successes than any other males. However, our observations did not support the premise that conditionally breeding males engage in relatively low-benefit, low-cost tactics. Medium satellites and small sneakers acquired fewer spawns than did territorial males, but both satellites and sneakers were involved in as much aggression as territorials. That is, the data supported the prediction that satellite or sneaker males with the inability to compete for territories would attempt to accrue some reproductive opportunities in the presence of territorial males despite the high costs of spending time on the breeding grounds. Adopting conditional tactics appeared to allow satellites and sneakers to make the best of a bad situation. During a subsequent breeding season, large males were absent from the population, and medium-sized males established territories. The aggressive behavior exhibited by medium residents was similar to the previous year, but these males did not acquire higher reproductive successes than medium satellites had. The implications of switching tactics and the influence of operational sex ratios on the costs and benefits of the male tactics are briefly addressed. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

We investigated whether mating behavior (sperm expenditure,courtship rate, and nest guarding) varied according to differentlevels of sperm competition in territorial males of two gobyspecies, the grass and the black gobies. We measured sperm expenditure(sperm released after 30 min from the beginning of the spawning),male courtship rate, and nest-guarding behavior in territorialmales of both species during simulated spawnings, in which wevaried the number of attending sneakers. Our results showedthat, in both species, territorial males adjusted their effortin nest guarding to the presence of rival sneakers by increasingthe time spent patrolling the territory and attacking the sneakers.In contrast, sperm expenditure and male courtship rate werenot influenced by the number of attending sneakers. These resultsare in agreement with those reported for other fish with alternativemating tactics and help to interpret previous inconsistenciesbetween theoretical predictions and measured levels of spermreleased at different levels of sperm competition by sneakersof the two gobiids studied here.  相似文献   

Telmatochromis vittatus (Cichlidae) is a Tanganyikan substrate brooder which spawns in the gastropod-shell nests of a cichlid, Lamprologus callipterus. We describe male reproductive tactics of T. vittatus in and around the shell nests, where males of various sizes were found. Based on utilization patterns of the shell nests, interactions among males, and spawning behaviors, males could be categorized into four types based on reproductive tactics and in order of body size: sneaker males, satellite males, territorial males and piracy males. Size range of males in tactic groups rarely overlapped. Territorial males defended shell nests harboring multiple females, but during pair-spawning they were occasionally taken over by large piracy males that visited several nests repeatedly. Small sneaker males darted to pair-spawning territorial males and might ejaculate sperm. Satellite males did not perform parasitic spawning but pair-spawned in a single shell outside the nests. Spawning of satellite males was infrequently parasitized. The largest gonado-somatic index (GSI) was found in sneaker males followed by piracy males, territorial males and satellite males, suggesting that gonadal investment of males using the four tactics may be consistent with intensity or risk of sperm competition.  相似文献   

In fish species with alternative male mating tactics, sperm competition typically occurs when small males that are unsuccessful in direct contests steal fertilization opportunities from large dominant males. In the grass goby Zosterisessor ophiocephalus, large territorial males defend and court females from nest sites, while small sneaker males obtain matings by sneaking into nests. Parentage assignment of 688 eggs from 8 different nests sampled in the 2003–2004 breeding season revealed a high level of sperm competition. Fertilization success of territorial males was very high but in all nests sneakers also contributed to the progeny. In territorial males, fertilization success correlated positively with male body size. Gonadal investment was explored in a sample of 126 grass gobies collected during the period 1995–1996 in the same area (61 territorial males and 65 sneakers). Correlation between body weight and testis weight was positive and significant for sneaker males, while correlation was virtually equal to zero in territorial males. That body size in territorial males is correlated with fertilization success but not gonad size suggests that males allocate much more energy into growth and relatively little into sperm production once the needed size to become territorial is attained. The increased paternity of larger territorial males might be due to a more effective defense of the nest in comparison with smaller territorial males.  相似文献   

Using the plainfin midshipman fish Porichthys notatus, a species with alternative reproductive tactics (ARTs), we investigated how sperm maturation shapes sperm competitive abilities. We compared sperm performance and morphology before and after final sperm maturation by sampling sperm from the testes and stripped ejaculates of guarders and sneakers. In accordance with sperm competition risk theory, ejaculates from sneaker males had three times as much sperm as ejaculates from guarder males and sneaker males produced faster swimming sperm than guarder males, but this was only the case after final sperm maturation had occurred. Additionally, fully mature sperm found in ejaculates had larger heads and midpieces than sperm found in the testes. These results emphasize the important role played by non-sperm components of an ejaculate in mediating sperm performance and potentially also morphology.  相似文献   

There is growing evidence that the female reproductive fluid (FRF) plays an important role in cryptic female choice through its differential effect on the performance of sperm from different males. In a natural spawning event, the male(s) may release ejaculate closer or further away from the spawning female. If the relative spatial proximity of competing males reflects the female pre-mating preference towards those males, then favoured males will encounter higher concentrations of FRF than unpreferred males. Despite this being a common situation in many external fertilizers, whether different concentrations of FRF can differentially influence the sperm performance of distinct male phenotypes (favoured and unfavoured by the female) remains to be elucidated. Here, we tested this hypothesis using the grass goby (Zosterisessor ophiocephalus), a fish with distinct territorial-sneaker reproductive tactics and female pre-mating preference towards territorial males, that consequently mate in an advantaged position and whose sperm experience higher concentrations of FRF. Our findings revealed a differential concentration-dependent effect of FRF over sneaker and territorial sperm motility only at low concentrations (i.e. at the distance where sneakers typically ejaculate), with increasing FRF concentrations (i.e. close to the eggs) similarly boosting the sperm performance of both sneaker and territorial males. The ability to release sperm close to the eggs is a prerogative of territorials, but FRF can likewise advantage the sperm of those sneakers that are able to get closer, allowing flexibility in the direction of female post-mating choice.  相似文献   

A mismatch in synchrony between male and female gamete release in external fertilizers can result in reduced or failed fertilization, sperm competition, and reduced paternity. In Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus), males can adopt either a guard or sneak tactic resulting in both pre‐ and postcopulatory competition between males with alternative reproduction tactics. Here, spawning behavior of free‐living Arctic charr was video‐recorded, and their reproductive behavior was analyzed. From evaluating 157 spawning events, we observed that females mainly spawned with a guarding male and that the female and the guarding male synchronized timing of gamete release under sperm competition. Although sneakers spawned with higher synchrony than the guarding male in single‐male spawning events, the average sneaker released his milt less synchronized with the female than the guarding male under sperm competition. Approximately 50% of the recorded spawning events occurred under sperm competition, where each event included an average of 2.7 males. Additionally, sneakers were more exposed to sperm competition than guarding males. An influx of males, in close proximity to the female, occurred during the behavioral sequences leading up to egg release, but this influx seemed not dependent on egg release, suggesting that something else than gonadal product attracts sneaker males to the spawning female. Just before and during the actual release of gametes, the spawning couple vibrates their bodies in close contact and it seems likely that this vibrational communication between the spawning couple, which results in a larger amplitude sound wave than seen under regular courting, reveals time of gamete release to sneaker males. Thus, vibrational communication may enable synchrony between the guarding male and the female, and this might be traded against the cost of higher detectability from surrounding sneaker males, eavesdropping in close proximity.  相似文献   

《Journal of morphology》2017,278(11):1490-1505
Sperm competition is a powerful postcopulatory selective force influencing male adaptations associated with increasing fertilization success, and it is usually related to the evolution of different strategies of ejaculate expenditure between individuals. Ejaculates may also be influenced by additional selective pressures associated with sperm competition, such as timing between insemination and fertilization, female reproductive tract morphology, and fertilization environment. Also, males that adopt alternative mating tactics may face distinct sperm competition pressures, which may lead to the evolution of intraspecific diversity in ejaculates. In loliginid squids, males with alternative reproductive tactics (sneakers and consorts) differ not only in mating behavior, but also transfer spermatophores into two distinct sites within the female. Here, we compared structure and functioning of spermatophores between sneakers and consorts in the squid Doryteuthis plei applying microscopy techniques and in vitro experiments. Sneakers and consorts exhibit differences in spermatophore structure that lead to distinct spermatophoric reactions and spermatangium morphologies. Moreover, in sneakers, sperm release lasts longer and their sperm show an aggregative behavior not detected in consorts. Slow sperm release may be a strategy to guarantee longer sperm provision, given the wide interval between sneaker mating and egg release. For consorts, in turn, intense and quick sperm discharge may be advantageous, as timing between mating and egg‐laying is relatively short. Within the complex squid mating system, factors such as (i) different fertilization sites and (ii) interval between mating and egg release may also influence sperm competition, and ultimately shape the evolution of divergent ejaculates between dimorphic males.  相似文献   

One explanation for hybridization between species is the fitness benefits it occasionally confers to the hybridizing individuals. This explanation is possible in species that have evolved alternative male reproductive tactics: individuals with inferior tactics might be more prone to hybridization provided it increases their reproductive success and fitness. Here we experimentally tested whether the propensity of hybridization in the wild depends on male reproductive tactic in Calopteryx splendens damselflies. Counter to our expectation, it was males adopting the superior reproductive tactic (territoriality) that had greatest propensity to hybridize than males adopting the inferior tactics (sneakers and floaters). Moreover, among the territorial males, the most ornamented males had greatest propensity to hybridize whereas the pattern was reversed in the sneaker males. Our results suggest that there is fluctuating selection on male mate discrimination against heterospecific females depending on both ornament size and the male’s reproductive tactic.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated in laboratory conditions the presence of alternative reproductive tactics in the sand goby and describe proximate factors affecting their expression and success. We describe the reciprocal interactions of resident males, females, and sneaking males. The pre-spawning phase proved to be important for successful nest intrusions by sneakers. The number of sneakers had no effect on the frequency of successful intrusions. When small males had exclusive access to nest sites, they built a nest and courted females, showing a full behavioural repertoire. The intensity of courtship was, however, strongly positively correlated with body size. Using microsatellite DNA markers we assessed paternity shares of territorial and sneaker males in a subset of all replicates. Following successful nest intrusion sneaker males fertilised 5–10% of the eggs. Our interpretation of the results is that sneaking in the sand goby is a conditional tactic, one that is less successful than the normal nest guarding behaviour, at least for one spawning event. Received in revised form: 9 March 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The age-frequency distributions for sneaker males (individuals with female secondary sexual characters) and territorial males (individuals with typical male sexual characters) of corkwing wrasse Symphodus melops in a Swedish population did not differ. Otolith analysis revealed that sneaker males were smaller than their territorial male counterparts as juveniles, but there was no evidence of a clear-cut threshold to determine the subsequent reproductive patterns. Thus, the expression of male morph in corkwing wrasse most likely is related to early growth pattern and the different morphs could be fixed for life. Adult sneaker males in general were smaller than territorial males of the same age. The relative gonad size and the abdomen in sneaker males were substantially enlarged compared with territorial males, but there was no difference in gonad water content between the two types of males. Sneaker males weighed less in relation to their length than territorial males. These results support theoretical sperm competition models which predict that the male morph with reduced attractiveness to females (i.e. sneakers) should invest more into spermatogenesis in order to achieve fertilization than the attractive male morph (i.e. territorial males).  相似文献   

Male bluegill displays one of two life history tactics. Some males (termed "parentals") delay reproduction until ca. 7 years of age, at which time they build nests and actively courts females. Others mature precociously (sneakers) and obtain fertilizations by cuckolding parental males. In the current study, we studied the relations among sperm motility, ATP levels, and metabolic enzyme activity in parental and sneaker bluegill. In both reproductive tactics, sperm swimming speed and ATP levels declined in parallel over the first 60 s of motility. Although sneaker sperm initially had higher ATP levels than parental sperm, by approximately 30 s postactivation, no differences existed between tactics. No differences were noted between tactics in swimming speed, percent motility, or the activities of key metabolic enzymes, although sperm from parentals had a higher ratio of creatine phosphokinase (CPK) to citrate synthase (CS). In both tactics, with increasing CPK and CS activity, sperm ATP levels increased at 20 s postactivation, suggesting that capacities for phosphocreatine hydrolysis and aerobic metabolism may influence interindividual variation in rates of ATP depletion. Nonetheless, there was no relation between sperm ATP levels and either swimming speed or percent of sperm that were motile. This suggests that interindividual variation in ATP levels may not be the primary determinant of variation in sperm swimming performance in bluegill.  相似文献   

The black goby, Gobius niger, shows alternative male mating tactics, i.e., parental and sneaker males. Males release a sexual pheromone that attracts females and stimulates aggressive displays in males. This pheromone is produced by the mesorchial gland, a structure well developed in parental males but markedly undeveloped in sneakers. We measured the behavioral response of parental males to the ejaculates of males performing different reproductive tactics. Parental males reacted to the ejaculate of other parental males, with stereotypic aggressive behaviors, but not to the ejaculate of sneakers; consequently sneaker male ejaculate appears to be pheromonally inconspicuous.  相似文献   

In many species, males can rapidly adjust their ejaculate performance in response to changing levels of sperm competition, an ability that is probably mediated by seminal fluid adaptive plasticity. In the black goby, Gobius niger, territorial males attach viscous ejaculate trails to the nest roof, from which sperm are slowly released into the water during the long-lasting spawning events. Sneaker males release their sperm in the vicinity of the nest, and territorial males try to keep them at a distance by patrolling their territory. We show here that territorial males'' ejaculate trails released a higher proportion of their sperm in the presence of a single sneaker, but this proportion decreased when there were three sneakers, an effect that is most likely mediated by a change in the seminal fluid composition. Field observations showed that when multiple sneaking attempts occurred, territorial males spent more time outside the nest, suggesting that ejaculation rate and territory defence are traded-off. Altogether, these results suggest that the adjustment of sperm release from the ejaculate may be strategic, guaranteeing a more continuous concentration of the territorial male''s sperm in the nest, although at a lower level, when he is engaged in prolonged territory defence outside the nest.  相似文献   

Males that follow alternative reproductive tactics might differ in their investment into testis development and sperm production. The resource-allocation hypothesis predicts that males following a sneaker tactic should invest more into sperm production than dominant territorial males which should invest more into mate guarding. This hypothesis is supported by studies in species where individual males cannot switch between tactics (fixed tactics). Here we present the first data for a species where males can switch between tactics (plastic tactics). We studied African striped mice (Rhabdomys pumilio) in captivity, mimicking three tactics observed in the field: philopatric group-living males, singly-housed males representing roaming males, and group-living breeding males. We measured quantitative and qualitative reproductive traits, as well as serum and testis hormone concentrations. We found no support for the resource-allocation hypothesis, since breeding and singly-housed males invested similarly in testes and sperm. However, philopatric males had significantly smaller testes and epididymides, lower sperm counts, lower testosterone and higher corticosterone levels than males of the two other tactics. Philopatric males did not reach a larger body mass than singly-housed males with well developed reproductive traits, indicating that they did not trade investment in sperm production against growth. Interestingly, testis testosterone concentrations of philopatric males did not differ from those of other males. Our data suggest that philopatric males are reproductively suppressed by the breeding male, but might be ready to increase their serum testosterone levels when social and environmental conditions allow for this physiological switch accompanying the behavioral switch between tactics.  相似文献   

Pre-oviposition ejaculation as a mating tactic of sneaker males in the rose bitterling, Rhodeus ocellatus, was studied under natural and artificial conditions. In a small pond in Yao city, Osaka, Japan, the operational sex ratio of males and females was found to be approximately 3.5:1 and the proportion of males to the mussels, which serve as spawning beds for the rose bitterling, was approximately 2:1. Competitively subordinate rose bitterling males which spawned into the mussels participated in mating by sneaking, because not all males could occupy territories around the mussels. The sneaker males often released sperm not only after but also before egg-laying (this ejaculation movement by the male before egg-laying is termed ‘pre-oviposition ejaculation’). In pair spawning with sneaker, the sneakers frequently performed pre-oviposition ejaculations, which territorial males never performed. In the field, pre-oviposition ejaculations by sneakers coincided with the leading of females by territorial males. Under artificial conditions, I demonstrated by using electrophoretic paternal analyses that the pre-oviposition ejaculations by the sneakers were more effective than the post-oviposition ejaculations by the territorial males. In addition, there were negative size-dependences in ejaculation achievement rate and fertilization success of the sneaker males.  相似文献   

Males of many vertebrate species have flexible reproductivephenotypes and must decide before each mating season whetherto adopt sneaker, satellite, or territorial mating tactics.How do males gauge their abilities against others in the population?We tested experimentally whether hormone–behavior feedbackloops allow Galapagos marine iguana males to activate theirthree behavioral phenotypes as predicted by the relative plasticityhypothesis. Territorial males defended small mating areas andhad significantly higher plasma testosterone (T) levels (75± 11 ng/ml) than did satellite males that roamed aroundterritories (64 ± 8 ng/ml) or sneaker males that behavedlike females within territories (43 ± 11ng/ml). In territorialmales, temporary pharmacological blockade of T slowed head-bobpatrolling, decreased territory size threefold, and reducedthe number of females on territories 20-fold. This supportsprevious data that females may gauge male attractiveness byusing head-bob patrolling, here shown to be a T-dependent trait.Control-treated neighbors reacted to the weakening of T-blockedmales by increasing head-bob rate fivefold and territory size1.6-fold, and female numbers increased 2.5-fold. Unmanipulatedor control-injected males remained unchanged. Behavioral effectswere partly reversed after 7 days. T injections induced satellitemales to establish temporary territories, even at unconventionallocations. Some T-boosted satellite males suffered serious fightinginjuries. T-injected sneakers left female clusters and behavedlike larger satellite males that roam around territories. Thus,territorial and mating tactics are activated by T, but experimental(de-) activation at the wrong ontogenetic stage is costly: manipulatedmales switched phenotype but thereby lowered their access tofemales. We hypothesize that T levels of males that are basedon early-season behavioral interactions influence a males' subsequentphenotypic role.  相似文献   

Severe intraspecific competition for mates selects for aggressive individuals but may also lead to the evolution of alternative phenotypes that do not act aggressively, yet manage to acquire matings. The two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, shows male mate-guarding behaviour and male–male combat for available females. This may provide opportunity for weaker males to avoid fighting by adopting alternative mating behaviour such as sneaker or satellite tactics as observed in other animals. We investigated male precopulatory behaviour in the two-spotted spider mite by means of video-techniques and found three types of male mating behaviour: territorial, sneaker and opportunistic. Territorial and sneaker males associate with female teleiochrysales and spend much time guarding them. Territorial males are easily disturbed by rival males and engage themselves in fights with them. However, sneaker males are not at all disturbed by rival males, never engage in fights and, strikingly, never face attack by territorial males. Opportunistic males wander around in search of females that are in the teleiochrysalis stage but very close to or at emergence. To quickly classify any given mate-guarding male as territorial or sneaker we developed a method based on the instantaneous response of males to disturbance by a live male mounted on top of a brush. We tested this method against the response of the same males to natural disturbance by two or three other males. Because this method proved to be successful, we used it to collect territorial and sneaker males, and subjected them to morphological analysis to assess whether the various behavioural phenotypes are associated with different morphological characters. However, we found no statistical differences between territorial and sneaker males, concerning the length of the first legs, the stylets, the pedipalps or the body.  相似文献   

The relationship between reproductive morphology and reproductive tactics was examined in Scartella cristata , a combtooth blenny, which exhibits three behaviourally distinct mature male types: nesters, big males that care for eggs; hole-dwellers, medium-sized, non-reproducing males that are site-attached to a hole; sneakers, small, vagrant males that release sperm in the nests of the big males. The anal fin gland was a densely folded, mucous-secreting structure probably involved in pheromone synthesis. It was relatively larger in nesters than hole-dwellers, and altogether rudimentary in sneakers. Sneakers invested more in sperm production than nesters or hole-dwellers, suggesting adaptation to sperm competition. Approximately half of the testes of nesters and hole-dwellers was comprised of a highly developed efferent duct system or 'testicular gland', but this was extremely reduced in sneakers. In nesters the gland was characterized by many large vacuoles. A pair of secretory blind pouches was present in nesters and hole-dwellers, but barely visible in sneakers. In nesters, the sperm duct walls were thickened and highly secretory containing sperm dispersed in a granular matrix. In sneakers they were thin-walled and packed with concentrated sperm. Such differences probably represent different priorities for sperm production in relation to sperm competition and sperm economy. Thus it appears the accessory structures are traits developed specifically for a nesting tactic, whereas the gonad of sneakers is simply organized to produce as much sperm as possible.  相似文献   

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