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Previous studies have reported increased serum concentrations of nitrite/nitrate – the degradation products of nitric oxide – in Plasmodium vivax malaria and uncomplicated Plasmodium falciparum malaria. In all these studies, however, nitrite/nitrate has been measured spectrometrically using Griess reagent which carries major disadvantages in the determination of serum nitrite/nitrate. The method does not allow an exact differentiation of nitrite and biogenic amines that are physiologically present in plasma. In the present study we introduce high-performance liquid chromatography as a new, accurate and cost effective method for determination of serum nitrite/nitrate levels. Significantly increased nitrate concentrations were found in malaria patients and serum values remained above normal levels for at least 21 days. It could be shown that our HPLC method is a sensitive and cost-effective method for direct determination of nitrite/nitrate in serum samples, which is not influenced by the presence of biogenic amines.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of nitrite and nitrate anions derived from nitric oxide in biological fluids is presented. After separation on a strong anion-exchange column (Spherisorb SAX, 250×4.6 mm I.D., 5 μm), two on-line post-column reactions occur. The first involves nitrate reduction to nitrite on a copper-plated cadmium-filled column. In the second, the diazotization-coupling reaction between nitrite and the Griess reagent (0.05% naphtylethylendiamine dihydrochloride plus 0.5% sulphanilamide in 5% phosphoric acid) takes place, and the absorbance of the chromophore is read at 540 nm. This methodology was applied to biological fluids. Before injection into the chromatographic system, the samples were diluted and submitted to suitable clean-up procedures (urine and cell culture supernatant samples are passed through C18 cartridges, and serum samples were deproteinized by ultrafiltration through membranes with a molecular mass cut-off of 3000). The method has a sensitivity of 30 pmol for both anions, as little as 0.05–0.1 ml sample volume is required and linearity is observed up to 60 nmol for each anion.  相似文献   

Nitrite and nitrate levels in physiological fluids are commonly used as an index of nitric oxide production. We developed simple and rapid method for the determination of these anions by capillary zone electrophoresis employing borate buffer (pH 10, 100 mmol/l) as running electrolyte. The anions were analyzed in plasma and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) without deproteinization of the samples. Electrophoresis was carried out in a capillary (36.5 cm×75 μm) at a potential of 15 kV, with on-column UV detection at 214 nm. Mean retention times for nitrite and nitrates were 4.631 and 5.152 min, respectively. The method was linear (r=0.999) within a 1–500 μmol/l concentration range. Physiological levels of nitrate in plasma (40.2 μmol/l) and CSF (15.3 μmol/l) could be determined with good precision (coefficients of variation <6%) and accuracy (recoveries of added nitrate to plasma and CSF were 97.4 and 104.5%, respectively). Measurements of the physiological levels of nitrite in plasma (6.1 μmol/l) and CSF (0.9 μmol/l) were less precise and accurate.  相似文献   

We developed a simple capillary electrophoresis (CE) method to measure nitrite and nitrate concentrations in sub-microliter samples of rat airway surface liquid (ASL), a thin (10–30 μm) layer of liquid covering the epithelial cells lining the airways of the lung. The composition of ASL has been poorly defined, in large part because of the small sample volume (1–3 μl per cm2 of epithelium) and difficulty of harvesting ASL. We have used capillary tubes for ASL sample collection, with microanalysis by CE using a 50 mM phosphate buffer (pH 3), with 0.5 mM spermine as a dynamic flow modifier, and direct UV detection at 214 nm. The limit of detections (LODs), under conditions used, for ASL analysis were 10 μM for nitrate and 30 μM for nitrite (S/N=3). Nitrate and nitrite were also measured in rat plasma. The concentration of nitrate was 102±12 μM in rat ASL and 70±1.0 μM in rat plasma, whereas nitrite was 83±28 μM in rat ASL and below the LOD in rat plasma. After instilling lipopolysaccharide intratracheally to induce increased NO production, the nitrate concentration in ASL increased to 387±16 μM, and to 377±88 μM in plasma. The concentration of nitrite increased to 103±7.0 μM for ASL and 138±17 μM for plasma.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid, accurate and sensitive method is proposed for the simultaneous determination of nitrite and nitrate in human saliva. Nitrite and nitrate present in the human saliva were determined after 10- to 100-fold dilution with ion chromatography (IC) using suppressed conductivity detection. Recoveries of nitrite and nitrate were found to be ranged between 95% and 101%. The method was linear (r2=0.9991) over the concentration working range. The detection limits were found to be 15.0 μg/l and 33.5 μg/l, for nitrite and nitrate, respectively. Ions that are present in human saliva and several other ions that are suspected to affect nitrite and nitrate determination were checked. It was found that most of the ions did not cause any interference in the determination. The method allows simultaneous determination of nitrite and nitrate in human saliva.  相似文献   

Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) of nitrite as its pentafluorobenzyl derivative in the negative-ion chemical ionization mode is a useful analytical tool to quantify accurately and sensitively nitrite and nitrate after its reduction to nitrite in various biological fluids. In the present study we demonstrate the utility of GC–tandem MS to quantify nitrate in human plasma and urine. Our present results verify human plasma and urine levels of nitrite and nitrate measured previously by GC–MS.  相似文献   

Nitrites and nitrates are widely used reporters of endogenous activity of nitric oxide synthases (NOS), an important group of enzymes producing the gaseous signal molecule nitric oxide (NO). However, due to the great chemical heterogeneity of neuronal tissues, standard analytical protocols for evaluation of neuronal nitrite/nitrate concentrations are inefficient. We optimized a high-performance capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) technique to analyze nitrite/nitrate concentrations in submicroliter samples from mammalian neuronal tissues. The measurements were made using a PrinCE 476 computerized capillary electrophoresis system with a Crystal 1000 contact conductivity detector. Isotachophoretic stacking injection of 1000- to 10000-fold diluted samples, which had been pretreated with a custom-designed solid-phase microextraction (SPME) cartridge, was employed to assay micromolar and nanomolar nitrite and nitrate levels in the presence of the high millimolar chloride concentrations characteristic of many biological samples. In the presented technique, a 10-microl volume of diluted ganglionic sample was used for chloride removal and sample cleanup. The method yields high analytical performance, including good reproducibility, resolution, and accuracy. The limits of detection relative to undiluted sample matrix were 8.9 nM (0.41 ppb) and 3.54 nM (0.22 ppb) for nitrite and nitrate, respectively. In addition, this technique resolves other anions that are present in neuronal tissues at sub-nanomolar concentrations and can be broadly applied for high-throughput anionic profiling. In rat dorsal root ganglia, endogenous levels of nitrate (231+/-29 microM; n=6) and nitrite (24-96 microM) were found. These concentrations exceeded those previously found in neuronal tissue homogenates using different techniques.  相似文献   

Measurement of nitrite and nitrate, the stable oxidation products of nitric oxide (NO), provides a useful tool to study NO synthesis in vivo and in cell cultures. A simple and rapid fluorometric HPLC method was developed for determination of nitrite through its derivatization with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (DAN). Nitrite, in standard solution, cell culture medium, or biological samples, readily reacted with DAN under acidic conditions to yield the highly fluorescent 2,3-naphthotriazole (NAT). For analysis of nitrate, it was converted to nitrite by nitrate reductase, followed by the derivatization of nitrite with DAN to form NAT. NAT was separated on a 5-μm reversed-phase C8 column (150×4.6 mm, I.D.) guarded by a 40-μm reversed-phase C18 column (50×4.6 mm, I.D.), and eluted with 15 mM sodium phosphate buffer (pH 7.5) containing 50% methanol (flow-rate, 1.3 ml/min). Fluorescence was monitored with excitation at 375 nm and emission at 415 nm. Mean retention time for NAT was 4.4 min. The fluorescence intensity of NAT was linear with nitrite or nitrate concentrations ranging from 12.5 to 2000 nM in water, cell culture media, plasma and urine. The detection limit for nitrite and nitrate was 10 pmol/ml. Because NAT is well separated from DAN and other fluorescent components present in biological samples, our HPLC method offers the advantages of high sensitivity and specificity as well as easy automation for quantifying picomole levels of nitrite and nitrate in cell culture medium and biological samples.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic method for the determination of eltanolone in plasma has been developed. Plasma samples containing eltanolone were diluted with acetonitrile to precipitate plasma proteins, and derivatized with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine before direct injection onto a C18 column. The mobile phase was acetonitrile–water (70:30, v/v) containing 0.1% trifluoroacetic acid and detection was by UV absorbance at 367 nm. The quantitation limit was 0.020 μg/ml. The method has proven to be rapid, precise and sensitive in the range of concentrations found during and following intravenous anaesthesia.  相似文献   

A new method for the determination of omeprazole in human plasma was developed. Omeprazole was extracted from plasma with toluene-isoamylalcohol (95:5, v/v), the organic phase was evaporated, dissolved in the mobile phase and injected into a reversed-phase C18 column. Flunitrazepam was used as an internal standard. The mobile phase consisted of 47% methanol and 53% of 0.1 M dipotassium hydrogenphosphate, pH 7.8. The spectrophotometric detection was performed at 302 nm. Limit of quantitation was 9.7 ng/ml and the calibration curve was linear up to 1240 ng/ml.  相似文献   

An assay using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection was developed to measure hydroxyurea in plasma at concentrations suitable for pharmacokinetic studies. The sample preparation is simple, the analysis rapid and assays can be batched. The between-run precision is excellent (coefficient of VARIATION = 2.8–4.5%) and the limit of detection is 0.02 mmol/l. Preliminary studies have shown that the method is suitable for pharmacokinetic studies.  相似文献   

A simple, selective and sensitive high-performance liquid chromatographic method with spectrophotometric detection was developed for the determination of antihyperglycemic agent metformin in human plasma using a novel sample extraction procedure. Liquid-liquid extraction of metformin and ranitidine (as internal standard) from plasma samples was performed with 1-butanol/n-hexane (50:50, v/v) in alkaline condition followed by back-extraction into diluted acetic acid. Chromatography was carried out using a silica column (250 mmx4.6 mm, 5 microm) under isocratic elution with acetonitrile-40 mM aqueous sodium dihydrogen phosphate (25:75, v/v), pH 6. The limit of quantification (LOQ) was 15.6 ng/ml and the calibration curves were linear up to 2000 ng/ml. The mean absolute recoveries for metformin and internal standard using the present extraction procedure were 98 and 95%, respectively. The intra- and inter-day coefficient of variation and percent error values of the assay method were all less than 8.3%.  相似文献   

We developed and characterized a high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay for the determination of saquinavir, an HIV protease inhibitor, in human plasma samples. Extraction of plasma samples with diethyl ether resulted in quantitative recovery of both saquinavir and its stereoisomer Ro 31-8533 which was used as an internal standard. The assay was performed isocratically using 5 mM H2SO4 (pH 3.5) and acetonitrile (75.5:24.5, v/v) containing 10 mM tetrabutylammonium hydrogen sulfate (TBA) as a mobile phase, a Nucleosil 3C8 column kept at 45°C and UV detection at 240 nm. Using this method, saquinavir and Ro 31-8533 can be separated from endogenous substances, and in the concentration range of 5–110 ng/ml the relative standard deviations for the determination of saquinavir were below 5%. The detection limit of saquinavir in human plasma was 1 ng/ml. The usefulness of the method was demonstrated by quantification of saquinavir in plasma of human subjects treated with 600 mg of saquinavir per os or 12 mg intravenously.  相似文献   

A high-performance liquid chromatographic assay for O6-benzylguanine utilizing liquid-liquid extraction and reversed-phase chromatography has been developed. Plasma samples were alkalinized, extracted into ethyl acetate, evaporated, and the residues were constituted and chromatographed. Separation was accomplished by gradient elution with a mobile phase of methanol, acetonitrile, and phosphate buffer, pH 3.2. Eluted compounds were detected spectrophotometrically at 280 nm. Sample quantitation was obtained from the regression line of six-point standard curves ranging from 25 to 400 ng/ml. O6-Benzylguanine peak heights were compared to peak heights of O6-(p-chlorobenzyl)guanine (internal standard). The average regression coefficient was 0.999 (n = 4). High concentration (305 ng/ml) and low concentration (38 ng/ml) quality control samples were determined with a day-to-day relative standard deviation of 7 and 8%, respectively (n = 18). The within-day relative standard deviations were 2.7 and 3.0% (n = 18) for the high and low concentration quality control specimens, respectively. Sample quantitation was reliable to 25 ng/ml with a signal-to-noise ratio of 8:1. This method was applied to plasma samples obtained from patients in a clinical trial of O6-benzylguanine.  相似文献   

Using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with multigradient elution, (asymmetric-DMA, ADMA) and (symmetric-DMA, SDMA) can be separated from human plasma samples. The dimethylarginine compounds in plasma, after extraction with a cation-exchange column, are converted to fluorescent derivatives with o-phthaldialdehyde (OPA) in an alkaline medium and the derivatives are separated simultaneously within 50 min on a reversed-phase column (Ultracarb 3 ODS(20)). The recoveries of ADMA and SDMA are over 80% and the method permits quantitative determination of dimethylated arginines at concentrations as low as 0.1 μmol/l in human plasma.  相似文献   

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