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We examined the ability of human monocytes and culture-derived macrophages under serum-free conditions to phagocytose desialated sheep erythrocytes (E), an activator of the alternative pathway of human complement. Freshly derived monocytes ingested desialated erythrocytes, but the degree of phagocytosis varied among individual donors. However, exposing the phagocyte to intact plasma fibronectin (Fn) had no effect on monocyte phagocytosis. Macrophages derived from monocytes in culture were far more efficient at ingesting desialated E, and the extent of phagocytosis was proportional to the degree of desialation. Although exposure of macrophages to substrate-bound Fn or fluid-phase Fn enhanced the phagocytosis of desialated E, pretreatment of desialated E with Fn did not enhance phagocytosis, demonstrating that Fn acted through an interaction with the macrophages. Fn-enhanced phagocytosis of desialated E was inhibited by treating macrophages with a monoclonal antibody to the C4b/C3b receptor (CR1), but not with a monoclonal antibody to the receptor for C3bi (CR3). Addition of cobra venom factor (CVF) to the macrophages also inhibited Fn-enhanced phagocytosis of desialated E. Phagocytosis of IgG-sensitized E, either in the absence or in the presence of Fn, was not significantly affected by anti-CR1 or CVF, demonstrating that these reagents did not lead to a general inhibition of phagocytosis. These experiments suggest that macrophages may deposit enough C3b onto desialated E to cause CR1-mediated phagocytosis in the presence of Fn. The ability of macrophages to opsonize and ingest foreign particles that activate complement may be critically important in areas of inflammation where concentrations of serum-derived specific opsonins may be inadequate.  相似文献   

The leukocyte integrins (CD11/CD18 or beta 2-type integrins) are expressed exclusively on leukocytes and participate in many adhesion- dependent functions (Arnaout, M.A. 1990. Blood. 75:1037-1050; Springer, T. A. 1990. Nature. (Lond.) 346:425-434; Dustin, M. L., and T. S. Springer. 1991. Annu. Rev. Immunol. 9:27-66). The avidity of leukocyte integrin binding to their ligands or counter-receptors is dependent upon response to intracellular signals (Wright, S. D., and B. C. Meyer. 1986. J. Immunol. 136:1759-1764; Dustin, M. A., and T. S. Springer. 1989. Nature (Lond.). 341:619-624). We have investigated the effects of a novel mAb (mAb 24) which defines a leukocyte integrin alpha subunit epitope that is Mg(2+)-dependent and may be used as a "reporter" of the activation state of these receptors (Dransfield, I., and N. Hogg. 1989. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ) J. 8:3759-3765; Dransfield, I., A.-M. Buckle, and N. Hogg. 1990. Immunol. Rev. 114:29-44; Dransfield, I., C. Cabanas, A. Craig, and N. Hogg. 1992. J. Cell Biol.) Data is presented to show that this mAb inhibits monocyte-dependent, antigen-specific T cell proliferation and IL-2-activated natural killer cell assays which are both dependent on lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1), and complement receptor type 3 (CR3)-mediated neutrophil chemotaxis to f-Met-Leu-Phe. This inhibitory effect is not caused by the prevention of receptor/ligand binding because LFA-1/ICAM-1, LFA-1/ICAM-2,3 and CR3/iC3b interactions are, under activating conditions, promoted rather than blocked by mAb 24. As it does not interfere with mitogen- stimulated T cell proliferation, it is unlikely that mAb 24 transduces a "negative" or antiproliferative signal to the T cells to which it is bound. Using a model system of transient activation of LFA-1, we have found that mAb 24 prevents "deadhesion" of receptor/ligand pairs, possibly locking leukocyte integrins in an "active" conformation. It is speculated that inhibition of leukocyte integrin function by this mAb reflects the necessity for dynamic leukocyte integrin/ligand interactions.  相似文献   

Disabled-1 (Dab1) is an essential adaptor protein that functions in the Reelin signaling pathway and is required for the regulation of neuronal migration during embryonic development. Dab1 interacts with NPXY motifs in the cytoplasmic tails of the lipoprotein receptors ApoER2 and very low density lipoprotein receptor through an amino-terminal phosphotyrosine binding (PTB) domain. Binding of Reelin to these receptors leads to tyrosine phosphorylation of Dab1 and the initiation of a signaling cascade that results in remodeling of the cytoskeleton. Structural and biochemical studies of the Dab1 PTB domain have demonstrated that this domain binds to both the NPXY peptide motif in the lipoprotein receptor tails as well as to the head group of phosphoinositide 4,5-P2 through energetically independent mechanisms. Here we have investigated how phosphoinositide binding by the Dab1 PTB domain influences Reelin signal transduction. Our findings in cultured primary neurons that have been transduced with lentiviral constructs expressing mutant Dab1 forms reveal that phosphoinositide binding by the Dab1 PTB domain is necessary for proper membrane localization of Dab1 and for effective transduction of a Reelin signal.  相似文献   

Expression of mutant avian c-erbB1 genes results in tissue-specific transformation in chickens. Site-directed mutagenesis was used to generate kinase-defective mutants of several tissue-specific v-erbB transforming mutants by replacement of the ATP-binding lysine residue in the kinase domain with an arginine residue. These kinase-defective v-erbB mutants were analyzed for their in vitro and in vivo transforming potentials. Specifically, kinase-defective mutants of erythroleukemogenic, hemangioma-inducing, and sarcomagenic v-erbB genes were assessed for their oncogenic potential. In vitro transformation potential was assessed by soft-agar colony formation in primary cultures of chick embryo fibroblasts (CEF). In vivo transformation potential was determined by infection of 1-day-old line 0 chicks with concentrated recombinant retrovirus and then monitoring of birds for tumor formation. These transformation assays demonstrate that kinase activity is absolutely essential for transformation by tissue-specific transforming mutants of the avian c-erbB1 gene. Since all of the tissue-specific v-erbB mutants characterized to date exhibit tyrosine kinase activity in vitro but do not transform all tissues in which they are expressed, we conclude that v-erbB-associated tyrosine kinase activity may be necessary but is not sufficient to induce tumor formation.  相似文献   

Soluble factors are required to mediate nuclear export of protein and RNA through the nuclear pore complex (NPC). These soluble factors include receptors that bind directly to the transport substrate and regulators that determine the assembly state of receptor-substrate complexes. We recently reported the identification of NXT1, an NTF2-related export factor that stimulates nuclear protein export in permeabilized cells and undergoes nucleocytoplasmic shuttling in vivo (Black, B.E., L. Lévesque, J.M. Holaska, T.C. Wood, and B.M. Paschal. 1999. Mol. Cell. Biol. 19:8616-8624). Here, we describe the molecular characterization of NXT1 in the context of the Crm1-dependent export pathway. We find that NXT1 binds directly to Crm1, and that the interaction is sensitive to the presence of Ran-GTP. Moreover, mutations in NXT1 that reduce binding to Crm1 inhibit the activity of NXT1 in nuclear export assays. We show that recombinant Crm1 and Ran are sufficient to reconstitute nuclear translocation of a Rev reporter protein from the nucleolus to an antibody accessible site on the cytoplasmic side of the NPC. Further progress on the export pathway, including the terminal step of Crm1 and Rev reporter protein release, requires NXT1. We propose that NXT1 engages with the export complex in the nucleoplasm, and that it facilitates delivery of the export complex to a site on the cytoplasmic side of NPC where the receptor and substrate are released into the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

C1q and members of the defense collagen family are pattern recognition molecules that bind to pathogens and apoptotic cells and trigger a rapid enhancement of phagocytic activity. Candidate phagocytic cell receptors responsible for the enhancement of phagocytosis by defense collagens have been proposed but not yet discerned. Engagement of phagocyte surface-associated calreticulin in complex with the large endocytic receptor, low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 1 (LRP/CD91), by defense collagens has been suggested as one mechanism governing enhanced ingestion of C1q-coated apoptotic cells. To investigate this possibility, macrophages were derived from transgenic mice genetically deficient in LRP resulting from tissue-specific loxP/Cre recombination. LRP-deficient macrophages were impaired in their ability to ingest beads coated with an LRP ligand when compared with LRP-expressing macrophages, confirming for the first time that LRP participates in phagocytosis. When LRP-deficient and -expressing macrophages were plated on C1q-coated slides, they demonstrated equivalently enhanced phagocytosis of sheep RBC suboptimally opsonized with IgG or complement, compared with cells plated on control protein. In addition, LRP-deficient and -expressing macrophages ingested equivalent numbers of apoptotic Jurkat cells in the presence and absence of serum. Both LRP-deficient and -expressing macrophages ingested fewer apoptotic cells when incubated in the presence of C1q-deficient serum compared with normal mouse serum, and the addition of purified C1q reconstituted uptake to control serum levels. These studies demonstrate a direct contribution of LRP to phagocytosis and indicate that LRP is not required for the C1q-triggered enhancement of phagocytosis, suggesting that other, still undefined, receptor(s) exist to mediate this important innate immune function.  相似文献   

Herp is an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-stress-inducible membrane protein, which has a ubiquitin-like domain (ULD). However, its biological function is as yet unknown. Previously, we reported that a high expression level of Herp in cells increases the generation of amyloid beta-protein (Abeta) and that Herp interacts with presenilin (PS). Here, we addressed the role of the ULD of Herp in Abeta generation and intracellular Herp stability. We found that the ULD is not essential for the enhancement of Abeta generation by Herp expression and the interaction of Herp with PS, but is involved in the rapid degradation of Herp, most likely via the ubiquitin/proteasome pathway. Thus, the ULD of Herp most likely plays a role in the regulation of the intracellular level of Herp under ER stress.  相似文献   

Cadherins are transmembrane glycoproteins involved in Ca(2+)-dependent cell-cell adhesion. Using L cells coexpressing E-cadherin constructs with different epitope tags, we examined the lateral dimerization of E-cadherin and its adhesive activity by co-immunoprecipitation and aggregation assays, respectively. Although the transmembrane domain is required for dimerization, tail-less constructs possessing the transmembrane domain of either N-cadherin or CD45 show dimerization and are active in aggregation assays. Two mutant constructs having either of two amino acid substitutions, W2A or substitutions that disrupt the recognition sequence for endoproteolytic enzymes involved in removal of the precursor segment, cannot form dimers and are inactive in aggregation. These monomeric proteins, like their wild-type dimerizing counterparts, retain their Ca(2+)-dependent resistance to trypsin digestion, suggesting that dimerization per se does not induce a large conformational change. Two other constructs, having either an amino acid substitution, D134A, or a C-terminal deletion of 70 amino acid residues, retain the ability to associate laterally but are inactive in aggregation assays. Staurosporine treatment of cells expressing the latter construct increases aggregation but does not increase the extent of lateral dimerization. Thus, lateral dimerization is necessary, but not sufficient for adhesive activity.  相似文献   

The synthetic pentadecapeptide FN-C/H II (KNNQKSEPLIGRKKT-NH(2)) has the sequence of the carboxy-terminal heparin-binding domain of module III(14) of fibronectin. Interaction of FN-C/H II with bovine lung heparin has been studied by (1)H and (23)Na NMR spectroscopy and by heparin affinity chromatography. FN-C/H II binds to heparin from pD <2 up to pD approximately 10; at higher pD, the binding decreases as the lysine side-chain ammonium groups are titrated. Na(+) counterions are displaced from the counterion condensation volume that surrounds sodium heparinate by FN-C/H II, which provides direct evidence that the binding involves electrostatic interactions. The pK(A) values for each of the five ammonium groups of FN-C/H II increase upon binding to heparin which, together with chemical shift data, indicates that the binding involves both delocalized and direct electrostatic interactions between ammonium groups of FN-C/H II and carboxylate and/or sulfate groups of heparin. NMR data also provide evidence for the direct interaction of the guanidinium group of the arginine side chain with anionic sites on heparin. The affinity of heparin for FN-C/H II and for 13 analogue peptides in which lysine and arginine residues were systematically substituted with alanine increases as the number of basic residues increases. The relative contribution of each lysine and arginine to the affinity of heparin for FN-C/H II is R(12) > K(13) > K(14) > K(1) > K(5). Nuclear Overhauser enhancement (NOE) data indicate that, while FN-C/H II is largely unstructured in aqueous solution, the bound peptide interconverts among overlapping, turn-like conformations over the L(9) - T(15) segment of the peptide. NOE data for the interaction of FN-C/H II with a heparin-derived hexasaccharide, together with the number of Na(+) ions displaced from heparin by FN-C/H II as determined by (23)Na NMR, indicates that the peptide binds to a hexasaccharide segment of heparin. Identical NMR and heparin affinity chromatography results were obtained for the interaction of FN-C/H II and its D-amino acid analogue peptide with heparin, which is of interest for the potential use of peptides as therapeutic agents for diseases in which cell adhesion plays a critical role.  相似文献   

Recent studies demonstrated that mature atrocytes have the capacity for de-differentiating into neural stem/progenitor cells (NSPCs) in vitro and in vivo. However, it is still unknown what signals endow astroglial cells with a de-differentiation potential. Furthermore, the signaling molecules and underlying mechanism that confer astrocytes with the competence of NSPC phenotypes have not been completely elucidated. Here, we found that sonic hedgehog (Shh) production in astrocytes following mechanical injury was significantly elevated, and that incubation of astrocyes with the injured astrocyte conditioned medium (ACM) causes astrocytes to gradually lose their immunophenotypical profiles, and acquire NSPC characteristics, as demonstrated by down-regulation of typical astrocytic markers (GFAP and S100) and up-regulation of markers that are generally expressed in NSCs, (nestin, Sox2, and CD133). ACM treated astrocytes exhibit self-renewal capacity and multipotency similar to NSPCs. Concomitantly, in addition to Ptc, there was a significant up-regulation of the Shh downstream signal components Gli2 and Cyclin D1 which are involved in cell proliferation, dramatic changes in cell morphology, and the disruption of cell-cycle G1 arrest. Conversely, the depletion of Shh by administration of its neutralizing antibody (Shh n-Ab) effectively inhibited the de-differentiation process. Strikingly, Shh alone had little effect on astrocyte de-differentiation to NSPCs. These data above suggest that Shh is a key instructive molecule while other molecules secreted from insulted astrocytes may synergistically promote the de-differentiation event.  相似文献   

The tomato gene Mi-1 confers resistance to root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.), potato aphid, and whitefly. Using genetic screens, we have isolated a mutant, rme1 (resistance to Meloidogyne spp.), compromised in resistance to M. javanica and potato aphid. Here, we show that the rme1 mutant is also compromised in resistance to M. incognita, M. arenaria, and whitefly. In addition, using an Agrobacterium-mediated transient assay in leaves to express constitutive gain-of-function mutant Pto(L205D), we demonstrated that the rme1 mutation is not compromised in Pto-mediated hypersensitive response. Moreover, the mutation in rme1 does not result in increased virulence of pathogenic Pseudomonas syringae or Mi-1-virulent M. incognita. Using a chimeric Mi-1 construct, Mi-DS4, which confers constitutive cell death phenotype and A. rhizogenes root transformation, we showed that the Mi-1-mediated cell death pathway is intact in this mutant. Our results indicate that Rme1 is required for Mi-1-mediated resistance and acts either at the same step in the signal transduction pathway as Mi-1 or upstream of Mi-1.  相似文献   

We have previously demonstrated that the alphaMbeta2 integrin (known as CR3 or Mac-1) expressed on neutrophils (PMNs) and/or on CHO Mac-1 transfected cells,in the presence of serum complement binds B. burgdorferi and promotes an increased non -opsonic adhesion, in the presence of serum complement. In this study we demonstrate that: 1) living motile B. burgdorferiand recombinant lipidated OspA and OspC, up-regulate CR3 expression on PMNs; 2) in the absence of serum, B. burgdorferi induces increased adhesion of CHO cells expressing CR3 to fibronectin, an extracellular matrix protein. Both the I-domain and the lectin-like domain of CR3 are involved in the binding recognition and activation because mAb anti I-domain and N-acetyl-glucosamine inhibit cell adhesion to fibronectin. These data indicate that B. burgdorferi whole cells, but not Osps, activate CR3 integrin; since this receptor plays a key role in priming neutrophils to important inflammatory events, the interaction of B. burgdorferi with neutrophils via the CR3 may enhance their role both in defence and in disease.  相似文献   

A significant amount of evidence has been accumulated to show that Toll-like receptors (TLRs) function as sensors for microbial invasion. However, little is known about how signalling triggered by TLRs leads to the phagocytosis of pathogens. This study was designed to determine whether stimulation of TLR2 mainly with the lipopeptide FSL-1 plays a role in the phagocytosis of pathogens by macrophages. FSL-1 enhanced the phagocytosis of Escherichia coli to a markedly greater extent than it did that of Staphylococcus aureus, but did not enhance the phagocytosis of latex beads. FSL-1 stimulation resulted in enhanced phagocytosis of bacteria by macrophages from TLR2(+/+) mice but not by those from TLR2(-/-) mice. Chinese hamster ovary cells stably expressing TLR2 failed to phagocytose these bacteria, but the cells expressing CD14 did. FSL-1 induced upregulation of the expression of phagocytic receptors, including MSR1, CD36, DC-SIGN and Dectin-1 in THP-1 cells. Human embryonic kidney 293 cells transfected with DC-SIGN and MSR1 phagocytosed these bacteria. These results suggest that the FSL-1-induced enhancement of phagocytosis of bacteria by macrophages may be explained partly by the upregulation of scavenger receptors and the C-type lectins through TLR2-mediated signalling pathways, and that TLR2 by itself does not function as a phagocytic receptor.  相似文献   

We have investigated the interaction of C1q, a subunit of the first component of complement, with human monocytes and culture-derived macrophages. Adherence of these mononuclear phagocytes to surfaces coated with C1q induced a marked enhancement of the phagocytosis of sheep erythrocytes opsonized with IgG anti-Forssman antibody (EA-IgG). This C1q-mediated enhancement of phagocytosis was dose dependent, and was specifically blocked by pretreatment of the C1q-coated surfaces with F(ab')2 anti-C1q. The augmentation of FcR-mediated phagocytosis by C1q was determined to be a result of the interaction between the C1q and the phagocytic effector cell, and was not due to interaction between the surface-bound C1q and the EA-IgG. Neither resting nor N-formyl-methionyl-leucyl-phenylalanine-stimulated polymorphonuclear leukocytes were induced by C1q to increase FcR-mediated phagocytosis. Experiments conducted with purified fragments of C1q suggest that the C1q phagocytosis enhancement signal resides in the collagen-like tail domain of the molecule. This region is the same portion of the molecule previously shown to interact with the cell surface C1q receptor. Native type I collagen was unable to enhance FcR-mediated phagocytosis by mononuclear phagocytes. It has been demonstrated that C1q can be localized to areas of inflammation, and additionally C1q can be secreted by macrophages in culture. In view of these findings and the results of our present study, we hypothesize that C1q could provide local, direct, and non-opsonic enhancement of phagocytosis by mononuclear phagocytes in areas of infection and inflammation.  相似文献   

Abstract The receptors involved in the recognition of Salmonella typhimurium and S. typhi by murine macrophages were identified, and their relevance to phagosome-lysosome fusion was also investigated. Phagocytosis of S. typhimurium by murine macrophages was dependent on the opsonization with normal fresh serum, although the opsonin had no triggering activity in phagosome-lysosome fusion. In contrast, the opsonization of S. typhi with normal fresh serum efficiently triggered both phagocytosis and following phagosome-lysosome fusion. Anti-murine CR1 antibody suppressed phagocytosis of S. typhimurium by 36%, whereas anti-CR3 antibody, mannan, and advanced glycosylation endproducts (AGE)-BSA all failed to prevent phagocytosis of S. typhimurium , suggesting that CR1 may only contribute to the recognition of S. typhimurium and may possibly play a minor role. Other receptors involved may also influence the outcome phagocytosis in terms of phagosome-lysosome fusion. In the case of S. typhi , only anti-CR3 antibody significantly inhibited not only phagocytosis of S. typhi but also following phagosome-lysosome fusion. Treatment with K76COONa, an inhibitor of C3bINA (I factor), resulted in a marked inhibition of phagosomelysosome fusion in S. typhi -infected macrophages, although no significant inhibition was observed on phagocytosis of S. typhi . These results suggest that S. typhimurium and S. typhi may be recognized at least in part by CR1 and CR3, respectively, and that the recognition by CR3 but not CR1 is functionally associated with subsequent phagosomelysosome fusion in murine macrophages.  相似文献   

The low density lipoprotein receptor-related protein (LRP) is a scavenger receptor that binds to many proteins, some of which trigger signal transduction. Receptor-recognized forms of alpha(2)-Macroglobulin (alpha(2)M*) bind to LRP, but the pattern of signal transduction differs significantly from that observed with other LRP ligands. For example, neither Ni(2+) nor the receptor-associated protein, which blocks binding of all known ligands to LRP, block alpha(2)M*-induced signal transduction. In the current study, we employed alpha(2)-macroglobulin (alpha(2)M)-agarose column chromatography to purify cell surface membrane binding proteins from 1-LN human prostate cancer cells and murine macrophages. The predominant binding protein purified from 1-LN prostate cancer cells was Grp 78 with small amounts of LRP, a fact that is consistent with our previous observations that there is little LRP present on the surface of these cells. The ratio of LRP:Grp 78 is much higher in macrophages. Flow cytometry was employed to demonstrate the presence of Grp 78 on the cell surface of 1-LN cells. Purified Grp 78 binds to alpha(2)M* with high affinity (K(d) approximately 150 pm). A monoclonal antibody directed against Grp 78 both abolished alpha(2)M*-induced signal transduction and co-precipitated LRP. Ligand blotting with alpha(2)M* showed binding to both Grp 78 and LRP heavy chains in these preparations. Use of RNA interference to silence LRP expression had no effect on alpha(2)M*-mediated signaling. We conclude that Grp 78 is essential for alpha(2)M*-induced signal transduction and that a "co-receptor" relationship exists with LRP like that seen with several other ligands and receptors such as the uPA/uPAR (urinary type plasminogen activator or urokinase/uPA receptor) system.  相似文献   

Human CD93 (known as C1qRp) has been shown to be a phagocytic receptor involved in the in vitro C1q-dependent enhancement of phagocytosis. However, binding of CD93 to C1q and its function remain controversial. In this study, we have generated CD93-deficient mice (CD93(-/-)) to investigate its biological role(s). The CD93(-/-) mice were viable and showed no gross abnormalities in their development. Thioglycolate-elicited peritoneal macrophages deficient in CD93 showed a similar enhancement in complement- and FcgammaR-dependent uptake of RBC to the wild-type macrophages when plated on C1q-coated surfaces suggesting that the lack of this receptor had no effect on these C1q-mediated events. There was no impairment in either complement- or FcgammaR-dependent phagocytic assays in vivo. By contrast, the CD93(-/-) mice had a significant phagocytic defect in the clearance of apoptotic cells in vivo (human Jurkat T cells and murine thymocytes: p=0.0006 and p=0.0079, respectively) compared with strain-matched controls. However, in vitro, the CD93(-/-) macrophages showed similar engulfment of apoptotic cells to wild-type macrophages. Furthermore, no supporting evidence for a role of CD93 as an adhesion molecule was found using intravital microscopy or analyzing peritoneal cell recruitment in response to three different inflammatory stimuli (thioglycolate, zymosan A, and IL-1beta). Thus, our findings indicate that murine CD93 is expressed on the peritoneal macrophage, especially on thioglycolate-elicited cells, but does not appear to play a key role in C1q-mediated enhancement of phagocytosis or in the intercellular adhesion events tested. However, our results suggest that it may contribute to the in vivo clearance of dying cells.  相似文献   

The protease-activated receptor 1 (PAR1) is activated by thrombin cleavage releasing the physiologically-relevant parstatin peptide (residues 1-41). However, the actual length of parstatin was unclear since the receptor may also possess a cleavable signal peptide (residues 1-21) according to prediction programs. Here, we show that this putative signal peptide is indeed functional and removed from the PAR1 resolving the question of parstatin length. Moreover, we show that the sequence encoding the signal peptide may surprisingly play a role in stabilization of the PAR1 mRNA, a function which would be novel for a G protein-coupled receptor.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1993,120(5):1113-1121
The 54-kD subunit of the signal recognition particle (SRP54) binds to signal sequences of nascent secretory and transmembrane proteins. SRP54 consists of two separable domains, a 33-kD amino-terminal domain that contains a GTP-binding site (SRP54G) and a 22-kD carboxy-terminal domain (SRP54M) containing binding sites for both the signal sequence and SRP RNA. To examine the function of the two domains in more detail, we have purified SRP54M and used it to assemble a partial SRP that lacks the amino-terminal domain of SRP54 [SRP(-54G)]. This particle recognized signal sequences in two independent assays, albeit less efficiently than intact SRP. Analysis of the signal sequence binding activity of free SRP54 and SRP54M supports the conclusion that SRP54M binds signal sequences with lower affinity than the intact protein. In contrast, when SRP(-54G) was assayed for its ability to promote the translocation of preprolactin across microsomal membranes, it was completely inactive, apparently because it was unable to interact normally with the SRP receptor. These results imply that SRP54G plays an essential role in SRP-mediated targeting of nascent chain-ribosome complexes to the ER membrane and also influences signal sequence recognition, possibly by promoting a tighter association between signal sequences and SRP54M.  相似文献   

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