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B1-(4-Azido-salicyloyl)-[B1-biocytin,B2-lysine]insulin was synthesized by double Edman degradation of A1,B29-Msc2-insulin and stepwise acylation at the N-terminus of the B-chain. This derivative is homogeneous in RP-HPLC and has a biological in vitro activity of 20% and receptor binding of 15%, relative to insulin. Radioiodination and HPLC gave the B1-labelled 125I-derivative (I) as well as the 4 isomers with 125I-labelled tyrosine (A14, A19, B16, B26). UV-induced crosslinking of I with insulin receptors led to specific labelling of the alpha-subunit (Mr 130,000). The peptide bond LysB2-AspB3 is completely cleavable by trypsin (EC I is thus a new tool for the analysis of the hormone-binding region by making possible the isolation of tryptic, biotinylated receptor fragments labelled by the dipeptide 125I-4-azidosalicyloyl-biocytinyl-Lys.  相似文献   

To provide an experimental system amenable to a detailed biochemical and structural investigation of the extracellular (ligand binding) domain of the insulin receptor, we developed a mammalian heterologous cell expression system from which tens of milligrams of the soluble secreted ectodomain (the IR921 protein) can be routinely purified using methods that do not require harsh elution conditions. The purified IR921 protein has a Stokes radius of 6.8 nm and a sedimentation coefficient of 9.8 S, from which we calculate a hydro-dynamic mass of 281 kDa. Electron microscopic images, using both rotary shadowing and negative staining techniques, demonstrate a characteristic substructure for the IR921 protein consisting of two elongated arms, with a globular domain at each end, connected to each other at a point somewhat off-center to form a Y structure. Analysis using circular dichroism and fluorescence spectroscopy illustrate that insulin binding results in conformational changes in the ectodomain. Furthermore, fluorescence anisotropy decay data reveal segmental mobility within the IR921 protein that is successively frozen as a result of insulin binding, in contrast to results obtained in a previous study of the epidermal growth factor receptor ectodomain. This result suggests a divergence in hormone-induced signaling mechanisms used by the insulin and epidermal growth factor receptors.  相似文献   

Glycoprotein hormone receptors (GPHRs) differ from the other seven transmembrane receptors mainly through a complex activation mechanism that requires the binding of a large hormone toward a large N-terminal ectodomain. The intramolecular mechanism of the signal transduction to the serpentine domain upon hormone binding at the ectodomain is not understood. To identify determinants at the GPHR ectodomain that may be involved in signal transduction, we first searched for homologous structural features. Based on high sequence similarity to the determined structures of the Nogo-receptor ectodomain and the intermolecular complex of the Interleukin-8 ligand (IL8) and the N-terminal peptide of the IL8 receptor (IL8RA), the hypothesis was developed that portions of the intramolecular components, Cysteine-box-2 and Cysteine-box-3, of the GPHR ectodomain interact and localize at the interface between ectodomain and serpentine domain. Indeed, point mutations within the D403EFN406 motif at Cysteine-box-3 of the thyrotropin receptor resulted in increased basal cAMP levels, suggesting that this motif may be important for transduction of the signal from the ectodomain to the transmembrane domain. New indications are provided about the tight spatial cooperation and relative location of the new epitope and other determinants at the thyrotropin receptor ectodomain, such as the leucine-rich repeat motif Ser281 and the cysteine boxes. According to the high sequence conservation, the results are of general relevance for the signal transduction mechanism of other glycoprotein hormone receptors such as choriogonadotrophic/luteinizing hormone receptor and follicle-stimulating hormone receptor.  相似文献   

The parathyroid hormone (PTH)1 receptor is a member of the class B G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) family and regulates bone and mineral metabolism of vertebrates. A truncated highly active parathyroid hormone fragment PTH (1-34) exerts stimulatory effects on the receptor and is used for treatment of osteoporosis. To study the interacting amino acids of the natural peptide ligand PTH (1-84) with the ectodomain of its receptor we used peptide micro arrays on solid cellulose membranes. The amino acids Arg20 and Trp23 within the identified core binding stretch PTH (20-26) were found to be most important for affinity to the ectodomain of PTH1R. Isothermal titration calorimetry and NMR spectroscopy allowed peptide binding studies in solution and verified peptide positions required for high affinity. With this combination of biochemical and biophysical methods we extend former findings on this essential interaction and can now provide a strategy to screen for optimized therapeutic peptides.  相似文献   

A series of 13 deletions within the extracellular domain of the human insulin receptor delineates the boundaries of subdomains that fold de novo into stable proteins that are efficiently secreted and retain the epitopes required for interaction with two conformation-specific monoclonal antibodies. While most of these proteins fail to bind insulin, a truncation that includes only the alpha-subunit is secreted as a monomer that binds the hormone with an affinity only slightly less than that of the complete heterotetrameric extracellular domain. These results thus demarcate landmarks within the primary sequence which will now guide further analysis of the structure and function of this complex domain of the receptor.  相似文献   

Six charged amino acid residues located in the ectodomain of the full-length type I transforming growth factor (TGF)-beta receptor were individually mutated to alanine. Mutation of residues D47, D98, K102 and E104 resulted in functionally impaired receptors as demonstrated by a marked decrease in ligand-dependent signaling and ligand internalization relative to the wild-type receptor. The other two mutants (K39A and K87A) exhibited wild-type-like activity. Molecular modeling indicates that the four functionally important residues are located on the convex face of the ectodomain structure. Since mutation of these four residues affects signaling and ligand internalization but not ligand binding, we propose that this functional site is an interacting site between type I and II receptors.  相似文献   

In this report we describe the use of the baculovirus expression system to overproduce the human insulin holoreceptor (HIR) and a truncated, secretory version of the HIR cDNA (HIRsec) consisting of the alpha subunit and the extracellular portion of the beta subunit (beta'). Sf9 cells infected with the full-length HIR viruses synthesize recombinant HIR (rHIR) with an insulin-binding alpha subunit of apparent Mr = 110,000 and a beta subunit of apparent Mr = 80,000. Uncleaved alpha beta proreceptor accumulates in infected cells. Both of these forms assemble into higher order disulfide-linked dimers or heterotetramers of apparent Mr greater than 350,000. Insulin-binding activity in cells infected with rHIR viruses is present predominantly on the extracellular aspect of the plasma membrane (greater than 80%). Insulin binding to the full-length rHIR occurs with typical complex kinetics with Kd1 = 0.5-1 x 10(-9) M and Kd2 = 10(-7) M and receptors are present in large amounts in infected cells (1 x 10(6) receptors/cell; 1-2 mg HIR/10(9) cells). The full-length rHIR undergoes insulin-dependent autophosphorylation; half-maximal activation of beta subunit autophosphorylation occurs at 1-2 x 10(-8) M. The alpha beta proreceptor also becomes phosphorylated in vitro. Analysis of tryptic phosphopeptides derived from in vitro autophosphorylated beta subunit and alpha beta proreceptor reveals a pattern of phosphorylation that is indistinguishable from that of authentic placental HIR. Sf9 cells infected with rHIRsec viruses synthesize and secrete an (alpha beta')2 heterotetrameric complex having an insulin-binding alpha subunit of apparent Mr = 110,000 and a truncated beta' subunit of apparent Mr = 45,000 that lacks kinase activity. The rHIRsec complex purified from the conditioned medium of infected cells binds insulin with high affinity (Kd = 10(-9) M).  相似文献   

Binding of the heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone, chorionic gonadotropin (CG), occurs to the heptahelical LH receptor N-terminal ectodomain (ECD), a large portion of which has been modeled as a leucine-rich repeat protein. In this study, we expressed and purified three single chain N-CG-ECD-C complexes, one comprising the full-length ECD, 1-341 (encoded by exons 1-10 and a portion of 11), and two C-terminal ECD deletion fragments, 1-294 (encoded by exons 1-10) and 1-180 (encoded by exons 1-7). The fusion proteins, including yoked CG (N-beta-alpha-C), were characterized by Western blot analysis and circular dichroism (CD). Analysis of the CD spectra obtained on the CG-ECD fusion proteins, and of the difference spectrum of each after subtracting the CG contribution, yielded secondary structures consistent with a repeating beta-strand/alpha-helix fold as predicted in the homology model. A marked decrease in helicity was observed when the C-terminal 47 amino acid residues were removed from the ECD. Removal of an additional 114 residues, i.e. the region encoded by exons 8-10, results in the loss of fewer helical residues. These results suggest that the hinge region of the ECD, predicted to contain only limited secondary structure, interacts with and stabilizes the ligand-occupied N-terminal portion. Furthermore, the results support a repeating fold, consistent with the proposed model for the LHR ECD.  相似文献   

Insulin binding to its receptor is characterized by high affinity, curvilinear Scatchard plots, and negative cooperativity. These properties may be the consequence of binding of insulin to two receptor binding sites. The N-terminal L1 domain and the C-terminus of the alpha subunit contain one binding site. To locate a second site, we examined the binding properties of chimeric receptors in which the L1 and L2 domains and the first Fibronectin Type III repeat of the insulin-like growth factor-I receptor were replaced by corresponding regions of the insulin receptor. Substitutions of the L2 domain and the first Fibronectin Type III repeat together with the L1 domain produced 80- and 300-fold increases in affinity for insulin. Fusion of these domains to human immunoglobulin Fc fragment produced a protein which bound insulin with a K(d) of 2.9 nM. These data strongly suggest that these domains contain an insulin binding site.  相似文献   

A radioactive photoaffinity probe for the insulin receptor was prepared by derivatizing insulin at its B29 lysine with a novel crosslinking reagent having a cleavable azo linkage. Insulin receptors purified from human placental membranes were photoaffinity labeled with this probe. The photolabeled receptor was treated with dithionite to cleave the azo linkage, thereby removing the insulin ligand and transferring the radioactivity to the receptor protein. The radioactive labeled subunit was isolated and digested with elastase for peptide mapping and separation by high performance liquid chromatography. Results obtained indicated that it will be feasible to use this new photoaffinity probe to obtain radioactive peptides representing the insulin-binding site(s) on the receptor subunit.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor is an integral transmembrane glycoprotein comprised of two alpha-(approximately 135 kDa) and two beta-(approximately 95 kDa) subunits, which is synthesized as a single polypeptide chain precursor (alpha beta). The primary sequence of the human insulin receptor (hIR) protein, deduced from the nucleotide sequence of cloned human placental mRNAs, predicts two large domains (929 and 403 residues) on either side of a single membrane spanning domain (23 residues); each of these major domains has a distinct function (insulin binding and protein/tyrosine kinase activity, respectively). To experimentally test this deduced topology, and to explore the potential for independent domain function by the hIR extracellular domain, we have constructed an expression plasmid encoding an hIR deletion mutant which is truncated 8 residues from the beginning of the predicted transmembrane domain (i.e., 921 residues). This domain of the hIR is in fact processed into alpha- and truncated beta-subunits and secreted with high efficiency from transfected CHO cell lines which express this mutant hIR, and the protein accumulates as an (alpha beta)2 dimer in the medium. This molecule is recognized by a battery of 13 monoclonal antibodies to epitopes on the IR extracellular domain, four of which block insulin binding and two of which require the native conformation of the IR for recognition. Further, this domain binds insulin with an apparent dissociation constant comparable to that of the wild-type hIR. However, the secreted dimer displays a linear Scatchard plot, while that of the wild-type membrane-associated hIR is curvilinear.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The insulin receptor (IR) plays critical roles in metabolism and growth, directed by the binding of insulin. Decades of research to understand the mechanism of insulin binding and activation of the IR have identified a region of the receptor, the C-terminal (CT) peptide, to be crucial for insulin binding. In particular, a truncated IR consisting of the first three domains fused to the CT peptide was found to bind insulin with nanomolar affinity, with undetectable binding in the absence of fused or soluble CT peptide. Problematically, all current crystal structures of the IR indicate the fusion point of the CT peptide to the three domains is located far from the position of the CT peptide as resolved in such structures. We have attempted to address this problem using molecular modelling and dynamics simulations. The results led to the identification of a potential inter-domain interaction between the L2 domain and the CT peptide that is not observed in any of the crystal structures of the IR. Investigations into this new interaction found a conformational change that could potentially be in response to insulin binding. Additionally, further simulation work with the new conformation demonstrated its compatibility with the position and orientation of insulin from the latest insulin-bound IR crystal structure.  相似文献   

Parathyroid hormone (PTH) and PTH-related protein (PTHrP) exert their calciotropic activities by binding to a specific seven-transmembrane-helix-containing G protein-coupled receptor mainly located in bone and kidney cells. In order to map in detail the nature of hormone-receptor interaction, we are employing 'photoaffinity scanning' of the bimolecular interface. To this end, we have developed photoreactive benzophenone (BP)-containing PTH analogs which can be specifically and efficiently cross-linked to the human (h) PTH/PTHrP receptor. In this report, we describe the photocross-linking of a BP-containing PTH antagonist, [Nle8,18,D-2-Nal12,Lys13(epsilon-BP),2-Nal23,Tyr34]bPT H(7-34)NH2 (ANT) to the recombinant hPTH/PTHrP receptor stably expressed in human embryonic kidney cells (HEK-293, clone C-21). This photoreactive antagonist has high affinity for the hPTH/PTHrP receptor and inhibits agonist-induced cyclase activity and intracellular calcium release. The photo-induced cross-linking of the radioiodinated antagonist (125I-ANT) to the recombinant hPTH/PTHrP receptor followed by SDS-PAGE analysis reveals a single radiolabeled band of approximately 85kDa, similar to that observed after cross-linking of a radioiodinated BP-containing agonist. The formation of this covalent 125I-ANT - hPTH/PTHrP receptor conjugate is competed dose-dependently by a variety of unlabelled PTH- and PTHrP-derived agonists and antagonists. This is the first report of a specific and efficient photocross-linking of a radioiodinated PTH antagonist to the hPTH/PTHrP receptor. Therefore, it provides the opportunity to study directly the nature of the bimolecular interaction of PTH antagonist with the hPTH/PTHrP receptor.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance, the failure to respond to normal circulating concentrations of insulin, is a common state associated with obesity, aging, and a sedentary lifestyle. Compelling evidence implicates TNFalpha as the cause and link between obesity and insulin resistance. Serine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1 seems prominent among the mechanisms of TNFalpha-induced insulin resistance. Recent advances indicate that serine kinases may phosphorylate and thus inhibit the tyrosine phosphorylation of insulin receptor substrate-1, revealing an integration point of TNFalpha and insulin signaling pathways. Selective targeting of the molecular scenery whereby this key phosphorylation occurs/operates represents a rich area for the development of rationally designed new antidiabetic drugs. In relation to efficacy and side effects, this prospect should permit a more precise and perhaps individualized approach to therapeutic intervention, allowing clinicians to focus the attack where the problem lies.  相似文献   

The presence of consensus phosphorylation sites in the ectodomains of cell surface proteins suggests that such post-translational modification may be important in regulation of surface receptor activity. To date, the only cell surface receptor for which such ectodomain phosphorylation has been conclusively demonstrated is the clonally expressed T cell antigen receptor (TCR). Attempts to conclusively identify individual phosphorylated residues in TCR alpha and beta chains and determine their functional significance by biochemical approaches failed due to insufficient quantities of purified molecules. Here we present the results of an alternative approach where survey of phosphorylation sites in the TCR alpha and beta chains was accomplished using site-directed mutagenesis and retroviral vector expression, as well as in vitro phosphorylation of synthetic peptide substrates. All mutants studied directed the cell surface expression of normal amounts of TCR, and all transfectants could be stimulated to produce IL-2 in response to substrate-immobilized antibody to TCR. However, mutation of serine-88 in the protein kinase A phosphorylation site of the TCR beta chain resulted in a complete lack of response to the superantigen staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB). In addition, this mutation abolished TCR-associated tyrosine phosphorylation, consistent with the impairment of cell signaling. Reversion of the serine-88/alanine mutation with phosphorylatable threonine completely restored the SEB recognition by TCR. These results, interpreted in the context of the known three-dimensional structure of the complex of SEB and TCR, are consistent with the view that serine-88 is important for the contact of the TCR beta chain with SEB.  相似文献   

The photoreactive 125I-labeled glucagon-NAPS [125I-labeled 2-[2-nitro-4-azidophenyl)sulfenyl]-Trp25-glucagon] was used to label the glucagon receptor sites in rat liver plasma membranes. The proteins labeled were analyzed by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis with or without reduction with dithiothreitol. The photoaffinity peptide specifically labeled a number of bands with apparent molecular weights greater than 200000 and probably at least two protein bands in the molecular weight range 52000-70000. The relative amounts of radioactivity associated with these bands and their relative mobilities differed in samples from reduced and unreduced membranes. Their relative mobilities also differed with percent acrylamide cross-linking, suggesting a glycoprotein nature and the presence of intramolecular disulfide bonds. A nonspecifically labeled band with an apparent molecular weight of 27000-28000 also displayed a similar behavior. Photolabeling in the presence of 0.1 mM guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) decreased the amount of radiolabeling of these bands, suggesting their involvement in the glucagon stimulation of adenylate cyclase. The photolabeled receptor in the membranes, solubilized with Lubrol-PX and fractionated on an Ultrogel AcA22 column, eluted with an apparent molecular weight of 200000-250000. Addition of GTP to the solubilized glucagon receptor of nonirradiated membranes caused complete dissociation of the complex. Gel electrophoresis of the partially purified radiolabeled receptor identified the same protein components observed in photolabeled membranes. These results indicate that the glucagon receptor is an oligomer probably composed of at least two different subunits that are linked together or greatly stabilized by disulfide bonds. They also show that 125I-labeled glucagon-NAPS can be used effectively to covalently label the putative glucagon receptor and thus aid in its further characterization.  相似文献   

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