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雉鸡集观赏、保护及经济价值于一身 ,是极具养殖前景的经济动物。但在秋冬季节其传染性鼻炎发病率高 ,导致残次鸡和死亡率增加 ,对雉鸡养殖危害较大。笔者结合自己的实践 ,就有关雉鸡的传染性鼻炎的诊治情况报道于后 ,供同行参考。1 雉鸡传染性鼻炎的病史和临床过程2 0 0 0年 1 0~ 1 2月 ,我们养殖场先后引进红腹角雉、白腹锦鸡、勺鸡约 4 0 0只 ,混养在一起 ,密度较大 ,通风也不太好。 1 2月初先后发现约 80只鸡有精神沉郁、食欲及饮水减少等表现 ,有的还下痢、体重减轻。初期鼻孔流清液 ,后渐为浆液粘性及脓性 ;时有打喷嚏 ,眼结膜发炎…  相似文献   

添加剂成份对雉鸡产蛋率的影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐剑 《生物学杂志》1998,15(6):10-11
本文报道了规模化养殖条件下采用不同促进生理功能添加剂对雉鸡产蛋率的影响,试验表明选用曹达蛋安,喹乙醇等,在10~50ppm浓度之间,对产蛋率的提高有明显作用。  相似文献   

雉鸡的冬季集群行为观察   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
有关雉鸡 (Phasiaunscolchicus)冬季集群行为研究 ,Westerkou (1 956)在新西兰发现大多数雉鸡不集群 ;而Ridley (1 983 )则认为雉鸡不仅在冬季集群 ,且群体是由同一性别的个体所组成。王建平等[3]报道 ,在山西庞泉沟国家级自然保护区观察 ,雉鸡在冬季有明显的集群行为 ,且有性别隔离现象。于1 997~ 1 999年的 1 0~ 1 2月和 1 998~ 2 0 0 0年的 1~ 2月 ,我们在山西历山国家级自然保护区对雉鸡冬季的集群行为进行了研究 ,现将有关资料报告如下。1 工作区自然概况历山国家级自然保护区位于本省中条山东…  相似文献   

雉鸡的活动痕迹及种群密度的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
辜永河  陈浒  李正元 《四川动物》1998,17(3):120-121
本文报道了在不同生境中采用样方法对雉鸡及其活动痕迹进行调查,并根据D=N/B公式对所得的数据加以处理,其结果表明雉鸡在活动过程中所留下的巢、粪便等痕迹均以灌草丛为最多,而取食刨土所留下的痕迹则以农耕地为最多。其种群密度,在草坡为56只/km2,稀树灌丛草坡为78只/km2,灌丛草坡为156只/km2。  相似文献   

白腹锦鸡,红腹锦鸡,中国雉鸡SC组型的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以微铺展—硝酸银染色技术制备三种鸡的SC标本,进行电镜观察。结果表明:三种鸡的SC组非常相似,即2n=82,ZZ/ZW型性别决定,雄性为ZZ。除1号SC和Z-SC为中着丝粒外,其余均为端着丝粒。Z-SC的相对长度有明显的细胞间差异;平均相对长度度介于第3和第4号SC之间。三者SC组型上的差异主要表现在相应SC长度上的不同。并对其亲缘关系及在鸟类进化中的可能地位进行了讨论。此外,在微铺展法制备的锦鸡精母细胞SC标本中还发现了巨大中心粒,这在高等动物尚属首次。  相似文献   

不同利用方式下稻田效益的综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、引言评价是多目标系统优化和决策的基础。和任何其他农业生态系统一样,稻田生态系统具有多目标、多功能的特点,单项指标难以反映系统的优劣。目前,川东南地区稻田开发利用方式多种多样,但效益评价主要是采用简单的比较分析或粗放的定性描述,尚未形成系统的  相似文献   

Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) fields may provide good habitat for nesting and brood-rearing ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) during early stages of succession. But, the success of hens in early successional CRP, relative to late successional CRP and other grassland habitats, has yet to be evaluated. The reproductive period is especially critical for populations of pheasants, and CRP's benefits to hens and chicks may decrease as fields age because of loss of vegetative diversity, decrease in vegetation density, and accumulation of residual litter. During 2005–2006, we evaluated spatial and temporal variation in nest and brood survival for radio-marked hen pheasants in areas of northeastern Nebraska where portions of CRP fields had been recently disced and interseeded (DICRP) with legumes. Nests in DICRP tended to have a higher daily survival rate (0.984; 95% CI: 0.957–0.994) than nests in grasslands (including CRP) that were unmanaged (0.951; 95% CI: 0.941–0.972). The probability of 23-day nest success was 0.696 (95% CI: 0.631–0.762) for DICRP and 0.314 (95% CI: 0.240–0.389) for unmanaged grasslands. Daily brood survival rates varied by habitat type, brood age, and date of hatch. The probability of a brood surviving to day 21 was 0.710 (95% CI: 0.610–0.856). Brood survival rates increased with time spent in DICRP and as the brood aged. Survival decreased as broods spent more time in cropland and peaked seasonally with broods that hatched on 15 June. Brood survival probability, to 21 days, would be reduced to 0.36 (95% CI: 0.100–0.701) if broods in our sample had not used DICRP. We combined nest and brood survival in a productivity model that suggested 2,000 hens, in a landscape with no DICRP, would produce 1,826 chicks, whereas the same hens in a landscape of 100% DICRP would produce 5,398 chicks. Production of first-year roosters more than doubled when hens nested in DICRP. Without DICRP, population growth rates of pheasant populations usually declined; with DICRP, populations stabilized with at annual survival rates of 0.3 or greater. The positive response of nest and brood survival to discing and interseeding CRP provides further evidence that CRP fields must be managed to optimize wildlife benefits. © 2012 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

红壤旱地多熟种植系统的综合效益评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用加权灰色关联聚类分析的方法,按生态效益、经济效益和社会效益的各项指标,对1984~2004年在江西农业大学农学试验站红壤旱地上进行的多元多熟种植系统定位对比试验中筛选出的23种多熟种植系统的综合效益进行了定量分析和聚类评价。结果表明:“白菜/马铃薯/玉米-芝麻”关联度值最大,灰色聚类为优;生态、经济、社会效益最高,明显优于其他种植系统。适合于大面积推广,是红壤旱地增产、增收、增效和维持农业可持续发展的优化模式;“油菜||紫云英/玉米/玉米||绿豆”次之。适合在劳动力相对充足的城郊红壤旱作区推广,以上两种种植模式对今后红壤旱作区种植业结构布局的调整和种植模式的优化具有积极意义。  相似文献   

The impact of ticks on pheasant territoriality   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pheasants are competent reservoir hosts for the Lyme disease spirochaete, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l., and carry large, but highly over-dispersed, infestations of the vector ticks, Ixodes ricinus . The effects of experimental reduction of tick infestation levels on the survival and territorial behaviour of male pheasants were studied. Over three years in two woodlands in southern England, birds were marked individually and half were fitted with a slow-release acaricide, which substantially reduced their tick burdens from March to August. Acaricide treatment affected reproductive success but had no discernible impact on the survival rates of male pheasants. The degree of wattle inflation by males, an indicator of territorial status and a correlate of harem acquisition, was significantly greater among treated males. In each year, a significantly higher proportion of treated (overall 44%) than control (22%) males acquired harems. Males that acquired females ranged over small areas on field edges. By contrast, those with no females ranged more widely in woods and the adjoining fields, increasing their exposure to questing ticks. The relative contribution of such roving males to tick-borne pathogen transmission may thus increase.  相似文献   

胡一帆  王浩  焦磊  张立伟  南维鸽  董治宝 《生态学报》2022,42(18):7565-7576
青藏高原作为我国重要的生态屏障和战略资源基地,兼顾经济社会的发展和生态环境的保护,是当前区域发展的主要目标。为实现该目标,国家先后开展了多项推动当地经济发展的重大建设工程项目,并在项目开展的过程中,针对出现的生态问题,实施了一系列的生态修复措施。目前针对青藏高原重大建设工程生态修复的研究,在多工程类型修复效益的融合,以及宏观空间布局尺度上对生态修复成效的评估还相对较少,并且缺乏统一的评价标准。故本研究选取青藏高原道路、水电和矿产开发三类典型的重大建设工程,结合区域及工程特点,通过文献调研、业界专家咨询等方法手段,以生态修复后的生态系统结构、质量和服务为核心架构,筛选能够综合客观的反映该地区生态修复效益的具体指标,最终构建系统、合理和科学的青藏高原重大建设工程生态修复综合效益评估指标体系。该评估指标体系涉及生态系统结构、质量和服务三大指标类别,包括10个主题指标,21个具体指标。以期为青藏高原重大建设工程生态修复效益的总体认知和长期监测,以及未来生态修复工程的制定、建设工程的布局及其他生态系统管理措施的实施,和未来生态修复评估的相关研究提供科学参考和理论支撑。  相似文献   

The genetic diversity of a local population of the Manchurian pheasant Phasianus colchicus pallasi was studied using RAPD-PCR. Based on the DNA patterns obtained in PCR with five arbitrary decanucleotide primers, we assessed genetic polymorphism of this population, estimated genetic distances between individuals, and constructed an NJ phylogenetic tree, and an UPGMA dendrogram of genetic similarity. The population was shown to exhibit high average genetic polymorphism (P = 79.4%) and genetic distances (D = 0.267). Possible reasons for the high genetic diversity of this local population are discussed.  相似文献   

Differences in growth conditions during early ontogeny have been suggested to cause permanent effects on the morphology and quality of birds. Yearly variation in growth conditions could thus result in morphological and quality differences between cohorts. In this study, we investigated the effect of small differences in the dietary protein content of captive ring-necked pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) during their first 8 wk posthatching. An experimental increase of the proportion of dietary protein during the first 3 wk of life accelerated growth, whereas a similar manipulation during the following 5 wk had only a limited effect. Compensatory growth during the postexperimental period equalized the size of chicks from different experimental treatments. However, a difference in tarsus length resulting from experimental treatment during the first 3 wk remained into adulthood. Furthermore, the protein content of the diet during the first 3 wk had an effect on the degree of fluctuating asymmetry in tarsus length, suggesting persistent effects on the quality of birds. The results of this study may explain size differences between cohorts that exist in pheasants and may also provide a link between the use of pesticides in agriculture and population effects on pheasants.  相似文献   

有螺江滩林农复合生态系统不同调控模式的综合效益评价   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用层次分析法,对南埂江滩林农复合生态系统不同调控模式与芦苇模式的经济、生态、社会以及综合效益进行评价.结果表明,滩地上建立的林农复合生态系统---“抑螺防病林”,各效益均显著高于原来的芦苇系统,是治理与开发有螺滩地的有效途径.对于林农复合生态系统不同调控模式而言,经济效益,块状皆伐模式最高,不伐模式第二,其它4种间伐处理模式相对较低且相互之间差异不大;生态效益,各模式之间较为接近,无明显差别;社会效益,块状皆伐模式最高,不伐模式最低,其它4种间伐处理模式居中;综合效益,各模式之间的大小顺序与经济效益相似.块状皆伐为最佳模式.对于包括块状皆伐在内的5种间伐调控模式,进一步提高其效益的关键是选择经济价值、特别是产投比高的植物栽培品种;对于不伐模式,继续进行林下间种,是提高该模式社会效益和综合效益的有效措施.  相似文献   

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