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Relatedness, phylogeny, and evolution of the fungi   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Junta Sugiyama 《Mycoscience》1998,39(4):487-511
Recent advances in fungal systematics are reviewed in relation to our previous studies. The usefulness of the integrated analysis of genotypic (especially 18S rRNA gene sequence comparisons) and phenotypic (especially ultrastructural and chemotaxonomic data) characters has been emphasized for the major groups and selected taxa of the fungi, and the impact to fungal systematics and evolution is discussed. Our noteworthy studies and findings are: 1) polyphyly of the chytridiomycetes and zygomycetes, 2) phylogenetic origin of the entomophthoralean fungi includingBasidiobolus, 3) detection of a major new lineage “Archiascomycetes,” comprisingTaphrina, Protomyces andSaitoella, Schizosaccharomyces, andPneumocystis, within the Ascomycota, and its phylogenetic and evolutionary significance, 4) polyphyletic origins of species in the anamorphic genusGeosmithia, and 5) phylogenetic placement ofMixia osmundae, species correctly and incorrectly assigned to the genusTaphrina, and basidiomyceotus yeasts. The newest 18S rDNA sequence-based neighbor-joining trees of the Ascomycota are demonstrated. “Traditional studies of evolution have amply demonstrated that evolution at the phenotypic level is characterized by adaptation and opportunism, irregularity in pace, and inequality of rates among lineages. In contrast, studies of molecular evolution have revealed quite different features characterized by changes that are conservative in nature, random in pattern (independent of phenotypic characters), and quite regular in pace with equal rates among diverge [sic] lineages for a given protein”. (Kimura, M. 1983. The neutral theory of molecular evolution, pp. 308–309, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.) Recipient of the 2nd Mycological Society of Japan's Excellent Achievement Award, 1998; the awarding lecture was given at the 42nd Annual Meeting of the Mycological Society of Japan, 16 May, 1998, Kyoto University, Kyoto. This review is based mainly on the publications intended for the Award.  相似文献   

Suh  Sung-Oui  Sugiyama  Junta 《Mycoscience》1994,35(4):367-375
The 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequences of the basidiomycetous yeastsKondoa malvinella andRhodosporidium dacryoidum, and an anamorphic yeastSympodiomycopsis paphiopedili were determined. The 18S rRNA gene ofR. dacryodium IAM 13522 (ex type) revealed the presence of an intron-like region with a length of 404 nucleotides, which is presumably assigned to a group I intron. The phylogenetic tree, including 34 published reference sequences, was inferred from 1493 sites which could be unambiguously aligned. The molecular phylogeny, using the ascomycetes as an outgroup, divided the basidiomycetes into three major lineages. The first lineage was composed of the smut fungi (Ustilaginales), represented byUstilago maydis, U. hordei, andTilletia caries, includingS. paphiopedili. The second lineage included the type species of teliospore-forming yeast generaLeucosporidium, Rhodosporidium, andSporidiobolus, and the generaErythrobasidium andKondoa, both previously included in the Filobasidiaceae.Rhodosporidium dacryodium showed a close relationship withE. hasegawianum, which was backed by a high bootstrap support. The rust fungiCronartium ribicola andPeridermium harknessii were also included in this lineage. The last lineage was formed by the filobasidiaceous yeasts,Cystofilobasidium capitatum, Mrakia frigida, Filobasidium floriforme, andFilobasidiella neoformans, and the anamorphic yeastsBullera alba (the anamorph ofBulleromyces albus) andTrichosporon cutaneum. Members ofTremella and selected hymenomycetous genera were also included in this lineage.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper will appear in the GSDB, DDBJ, EMBL and NCBI nucleotide sequence databases with the following accession numbers D13459 (Rhodosporidium dacryodium), D13776 (Kondoa malvinella), and D14006 (Sympodiomycopsis paphiopedili).  相似文献   

The interrelationships of the three mammalian groups, Monotremata, Marsupialia, and Eutheria, have been studied using DNA sequences from the mitochondrial 12S ribosomal RNA gene. The results suggest that the monotremes diverged from the living therians only shortly before eutherians and marsupials separated from each other, although there is some evidence for a slowdown in rate of base change in the monotreme lineage. Whtin the Monotremata, the two extant species of tachyglossids show a very close genetic relationship and the data suggest a very recent divergence. We have also confirmed that the Patagonian Monito del Monte,Dromiciops australis, is more closely related to the australidephian marsupials than it is to other South American species.  相似文献   

苔藓动物18S rRNA基因的分子系统发生初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文对我国沿海较为常见的8种唇口目苔藓动物的18SrRNA基因进行了PCR扩增和序列测定。结合已知的其它苔藓动物(包括内肛动物和外肛动物)以及腕足动物和帚虫的相应序列,运用分子系统学方法,研究苔藓动物门的系统发生关系,结果表明,外肛动物和内肛动物构成苔藓动物分子系统树中的二大平行支;本文测定的大室膜孔苔虫与Giribet等测定的膜孔苔虫在系统树中的位置间隔较远。结果也支持外肛动物包含被唇纲和裸唇纲两大类群的形态划分,而关于裸唇纲特别是唇口目内部的系统发生关系。分子数据的分析结果和形态分类之间的分歧有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

双壳纲贝类18S rRNA基因序列变异及系统发生   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
孟学平  申欣  程汉良  赵娜娜 《生态学报》2011,31(5):1393-1403
双壳纲贝类栖息于环境多变的海域,是一个形态学和生态学都具有多样性的类群,清晰而可靠的进化关系对于养殖与相关种类的管理具重要意义。然而,目前对双壳类宏观分子系统学研究的报道较少。研究用18S rRNA基因(18S)分析了双壳类3个亚纲贝类的系统发育关系。从GenBank下载帘蛤目、海螂目、贻贝目、胡桃蛤目、蚶目、珍珠贝目6个目94个种类的18S全/部分序列107个,通过ClustalX软件进行序列比对, 用MEGA4.1软件和PHyML软件计算遗传距离, 构建系统发育树, 研究了双壳类18S变异规律及其在系统发生研究中的应用。结果显示18S有插入/缺失序列, 存在长度多态性。序列比对显示有5段约30 70bp的保守区, 4段约130 550bp的高变区。碱基组成平均为T:24.4%, C:23.6%, A:24.5%, G:27.5%。G+C含量为51.1%。在1796个比对位点中, 变异位点占31.7%, 简约信息位点占24.0%。目内科间遗传距离为0.003 0.043, 目间遗传距离为0.026 0.093。NJ树和ML树显示贻贝目、珍珠贝目、胡桃蛤目、蚶目和海螂目的缝栖蛤科先分别聚为支持率很高(BPN=94 100)的单系支, 后聚为一大支(BPN=100)。蛤蜊科与帘蛤目的其他科分离形成一置信度很高的单系支(BPN=93)。帘蛤科种类聚为置信度较低(BPN=60)的一支。海螂目、帘蛤目的种类没能完全聚到所属支系, 彼此嵌套,缝栖蛤科的种类从海螂目中分离出来。18S资料揭示帘蛤目的蛤蜊科、海螂目的缝栖蛤科已经进化为独立的支系。  相似文献   

Symbiotic bacterium closely related to the secondary symbiont of tsetse flies, Sodalis glossinidius, has been described from the bloodsucking fly Craterina melbae. Phylogenetic analysis of two genes, 16S rRNA gene and component of type three secretion system, placed the bacterium closer to the Sitophilus-derived branch of Sodalis than to the tsetse symbionts. This indicates that the Craterina-derived lineage of Sodalis originated independent of the tsetse flies symbionts and documents the capability of Sodalis bacteria either to switch between different host groups or to establish the symbiosis by several independent events.  相似文献   

Aerobic sewage granules are dense, spherical biofilms, regarded as a useful and promising tool in wastewater treatment processes. Recent studies revealed that fungi can be implemented in biofilm formation. This study attempts to uncover the fungal diversity in aerobic granules by sequence analysis of the 18S and 5.8S rRNA genes and the internal transcribed spacer regions. For this purpose, appropriate PCR and sequencing primer sets were selected and an improved DNA isolation protocol was used. The sequences of 41 isolates were assigned to the taxonomic groups Pleosporaceae, Xylariales, Theleobolaceae, Claviceps, Aureobasidium, Candida boleticola , and Tremellomycetes within the fungi. It turned out that the fungal community composition in granules depended on the wastewater type and the phase of granule development.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationships of the members of the phylum Sipuncula are investigated by means of DNA sequence data from three nuclear markers, two ribosomal genes (18S rRNA and the D3 expansion fragment of 28S rRNA), and one protein-coding gene, histone H3. Phylogenetic analysis via direct optimization of DNA sequence data using parsimony as optimality criterion is executed for 12 combinations of parameter sets accounting for different indel costs and transversion/transition cost ratios in a sensitivity analysis framework. Alternative outgroup analyses are also performed to test whether they affected rooting of the sipunculan topology. Nodal support is measured by parsimony jackknifing and Bremer support values. Results from the different partitions are highly congruent, and the combined analysis for the parameter set that minimizes overall incongruence supports monophyly of Sipuncula, but nonmonophyly of several higher taxa recognized for the phylum. Mostly responsible for this is the split of the family Sipunculidae in three main lineages, with the genus Sipunculus being the sister group to the remaining sipunculans, the genus Phascolopsis nesting within the Golfingiiformes, and the genus Siphonosoma being associated to the Phascolosomatidea. Other interesting results are the position of Phascolion within Golfingiidae and the position of Antillesoma within Aspidosiphonidae. These results are not affected by the loci selected or by the outgroup chosen. The position of Apionsoma is discussed, although more data would be needed to better ascertain its phylogenetic affinities. Monophyly of the genera with multiple representatives (Themiste, Aspidosiphon, and Phascolosoma) is well supported, but not the monophyly of the genera Nephasoma or Golfingia. Interesting phylogeographic questions arise from analysis of multiple representatives of a few species.  相似文献   

Dinoflagellates are a heterogeneous group of protists present in all aquatic ecosystems where they occupy various ecological niches. They play a major role as primary producers, but many species are mixotrophic or heterotrophic. Environmental metabarcoding based on high‐throughput sequencing is increasingly applied to assess diversity and abundance of planktonic organisms, and reference databases are definitely needed to taxonomically assign the huge number of sequences. We provide an updated 18S rRNA reference database of dinoflagellates: dinoref . Sequences were downloaded from genbank and filtered based on stringent quality criteria. All sequences were taxonomically curated, classified taking into account classical morphotaxonomic studies and molecular phylogenies, and linked to a series of metadata. dinoref includes 1,671 sequences representing 149 genera and 422 species. The taxonomic assignation of 468 sequences was revised. The largest number of sequences belongs to Gonyaulacales and Suessiales that include toxic and symbiotic species. dinoref provides an opportunity to test the level of taxonomic resolution of different 18S barcode markers based on a large number of sequences and species. As an example, when only the V4 region is considered, 374 of the 422 species included in dinoref can still be unambiguously identified. Clustering the V4 sequences at 98% similarity, a threshold that is commonly applied in metabarcoding studies, resulted in a considerable underestimation of species diversity.  相似文献   

The sequences of the mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene of 16 Oedipodidae species were amplified and sequenced. All sequences were aligned and analyzed and the phylogenetic relationships were inferred. The properties of 16S gene in Oedipodidae showed typical patterns of many insects such as a high A+T content and variable distance-dependent transition/transversion ratios. The 0.2 weight for sites of loops may be advisable for phylogeny reconstruction using the maximum parsimony method. The phylogenetic analysis results do not support the current subfamily classification systems of Oedipodidae. Bryodemellinae and Bryodeminae are closely related and should be merged as one subfamily. The status of Oedipodinae and Locustinae is also problematic.  相似文献   

基于78种直翅目昆虫的18S rRNA基因全序列构建了直翅目各主要类群间的系统发育关系。本研究的结果支持直翅目的单系性,但不支持蝗亚目和螽亚目各自的单系性;直翅目下除蜢总科和蝗总科外各总科的划分多数与Otte系统相一致;蜢总科的单系性得不到支持;蝗总科的剑角蝗科、斑腿蝗科、斑翅蝗科、网翅蝗科和槌角蝗科5科均不是单系群,各物种间的遗传距离差异不大,应合并为一科,即蝗科;本研究支持将Otte系统中蚱总科和螽蟖总科下各亚科级阶元提升为科级阶元;18S rRNA基因全序列可以作为划分科级阶元的工具,当位于同一分支上互成姐妹群的类群间的遗传距离超过1%时,这几个类群属于不同的科;但由于其在进化上的保守性,18S rRNA基因只能用于纲目等高级阶元间关系的研究,而由其获得的总科以下阶元间的关系并不可靠。  相似文献   

18S rRNA genes (SSU rDNA) of five newly sequenced species were used as molecular markers to infer phylogenetic relationships within the euglenoids. Two members of the order Euglenales ( Lepocinclis ovata Playfair , Phacus similis Christen), two of the order Eutreptiales ( Distigma proteus Ehrenberg, , D. curvata Pringsheim) and Gyropaigne lefévrei Bourelly et Georges of the order Rhabdomonadales were used in parsimony, maximum likelihood, and distance analyses. All trees derived from SSU rRNA data strongly supported the monophyletic origin of the Euglenozoa, with kinetoplastids as sister clade to the euglenoids and Petalomonas cantuscygni Cann et Pennick diverging at the base of the monophyletic euglenoid lineage. The data also supported the theory that phagotrophic euglenoids arose prior to osmotrophs and phototrophs. A lineage of Peranema trichophorum Ehrenberg and all sequenced Euglenales formed a sister clade to the osmotrophs. This suggests that the evolution of phototrophy within the euglenoids radiated from a single event.  相似文献   

A novel genus and species within the order Glissmonadida (Cercozoa, Rhizaria), Saccharomycomorpha psychra n. g., n. sp., is described from lichen in the Ny-Ålesund region (High Arctic) and moss in the Fildes peninsula of King George Island (Maritime Antarctica). Cells were spherical and did not appear to present flagella in organic-rich Potato Dextrose Agar medium where they were able to feed osmotrophically. Molecular phylogenetic analyses based on 18S rRNA gene sequence demonstrated that Saccharomycomorpha psychra belong to “clade T” within the order Glissmonadida (Cercozoa, Rhizaria). All three investigated strains could grow at 4 °C and had an optimum growth temperature of 12 °C, 20 °C, and 20 °C, while a maximum growth temperature of 20 °C, 20 °C, and 25 °C, respectively. In conclusion, we established the phenotypic identity of “clade T,” which until now was exclusively detected by environmental sequences, and erect a new family Saccharomycomorphidae for “clade T.” Nomenclatural, morphological and ecological aspects of this novel species are discussed.  相似文献   

Species of the order Mysida (Crustacea, Peracarida) are shrimp-like animals that occur in vast numbers in coastal regions of the world. The order Mysida comprises 1,053 species and 165 genera. The present study covers 25 species of the well-defined Mysidae, the most speciose family within the order Mysida. 18S rRNA sequence analysis confirms that the subfamily Siriellinae is monophyletic. On the other hand the subfamily Gastrosaccinae is paraphyletic and the subfamily Mysinae, represented in this study by the tribes Mysini and Leptomysini, consistently resolves into three independent clades, and hence is clearly not monophyletic. The tribe Mysini is not monophyletic either, and forms two clades of which one appears to be closely related to the Leptomysini. Our results are concordant with a number of morphological differences urging a taxonomic revision of the Mysidae.  相似文献   

Hypotrichia, one of the most complex and highly differentiated groups in Ciliophora, has been the object of extensive studies, especially in recent years. Nevertheless, methodological difficulties and insufficient faunistic studies have limited our understanding of their biodiversity and phylogeny. In this study, one novel urostylid ciliate, Pseudoholosticha zhaoi nov. gen., nov. spec. and two populations of Anteholosticha monilata (Kahl, 1928) Berger, 2003, type species of the latter genus, are studied using an integrative approach (live observation, protargol impregnation, scanning electron microscopy, and phylogenetic analysis) to provide further insights into the diversity, classification, and phylogeny of this group of ciliates. Pseudoholosticha nov. gen. can be separated from other morphologically similar genera mainly by the absence of buccal and caudal cirri. A key to 12 morphologically similar genera and illustrations of their cirral patterns are provided. The validation of the new genus and new species is supported by both morphological and phylogenetic analyses. The first 18S rRNA gene sequence of A. monilata, with detailed morphological data, provided a reliable clarification of A. monilata populations and corroborated the phylogenetic position of the type species of the polyphyletic genus Anteholosticha.  相似文献   

A new aerial alga, Stichococcus ampulliformis S. Handa sp. nov. (Trebouxiophyceae, Chlorophyta) is described based on a clone isolated from the bark of Cephalotaxus harringtonia (Knight ex Forbes) K. Koch collected from Taishaku‐kyo Gorge, Hiroshima Prefecture, south‐west Japan. This alga was examined by light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy and subjected to molecular phylogenetic analysis. Based on its morphological features and life‐cycle, especially short filament formation, the alga was assigned to the genus Stichococcus Nägeli. However, this alga differs from other described Stichococcus species in that it reproduces by a form of ‘budding’, producing two daughter cells of different sizes. The larger cell, enclosed within the mother cell wall, soon reaches the size of a normal vegetative cell. The smaller cell is extruded and takes longer to reach full vegetative size. A phylogenetic tree constructed using 18S rRNA sequences indicated that, within the Trebouxiophyceae, S. ampulliformis is closely related to S. bacillaris Nägeli and some species of Prasiola Meneghini.  相似文献   

Entomopathogens and other econutritional fungi belonging to Clavicipitaceae were phylogenetically analyzed on the basis of the 18S rRNA gene and mating-type genes (MAT1-1-1 and MAT1-2-1). The phylogenies of the mating-type genes yielded better resolutions than that of 18S rRNA gene. Entomopathogens (Cordyceps bassiana, Cordyceps brongniartii, Cordyceps militaris, Cordyceps sinclairii, Cordyceps takaomontana, Isaria cateniannulata, Isaria farinosa, Isaria fumosorosea, Isaria javanica, Lecanicillium muscarium and Torrubiella flava) were considered as a phylogenetically defined group, and were closely related to mycopathogens (Lecanicillium psalliotae and Verticillium fungicola). They located at more descendant positions in the mating-type trees than other fungi, and lacked the mating-type gene MAT1-1-3. The deletion of MAT1-1-3 was supposed to have occurred once in Clavicipitaceae, and a good indication for the evolution of Clavicipitaceae. Other entomopathogens (Cordyceps cylindrica, Cordyceps subsessilis, Metarhizium anisopliae and Nomuraea rileyi) and pathogens of plants, nematodes and slime molds, were relatively related to each other, and possessed MAT1-1-3, but were supposed to be heterogeneous. Root-associated fungi did not form any clade with other species.  相似文献   

软体动物是动物界仅次于节肢动物的第二大门类.长期以来,其系统位置及其系统发育关系一直争议颇多.简述了软体动物的分类及系统学研究概况,重点介绍了近年来18SrRNA和28SrRNA基因的分子系统学研究进展.同时就软体动物系统学研究中存在的问题和前景作了分析和展望.  相似文献   

对隶属于3亚目、5次目、20科、23属共25个种类的唇口目(裸唇纲)苔藓虫18S rRNA基因部分序列进行了序列测定.结合从GenBank中获得的该类群其它7个种类的18S rRNA基因同源序列,以序列分析软件对其序列组成和变异进行了比较分析;同时,以羽苔虫(被唇纲)和管孔苔虫(窄唇纲)为外类群,以邻接法和最大简约法重建了它们的系统发生树,分析了该目主要类群系统发生关系.序列分析结果显示:经比对后序列长度为884 bp,其中保守位点241个,可变位点643个,简约信息位点357个;A,T,C和G 4碱基平均含量分别为23.8%、22.8%、24.4%和28.9%.分子系统树表明:本研究所有有囊类构成1个单系群,其中檐胞次目的几种苔虫位于皮壳次目内部;无囊类形成1个多系群,其中的亚目级(新唇口亚目)和次目级分类阶元(枝室次目、假软壁次目和隐壁次目)也都为多系发生,这些结果与前人的分子系统学研究结果大体一致,而与传统的形态分类体系间存在明显的冲突.  相似文献   

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