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A new, simple, and accurate method for the sequential determination of the specific radioactivity of [1-14C]glutamic acid and [1-14C]glutamine is described. Using this method, radioactivity in H14CO3?, in [14C]glutamic acid, and in [14C]-glutamine can be readily determined on a single sample of blood plasma. Radioactivity is released as 14CO2 in a stepwise fashion, trapped in the center wells, and counted in a liquid scintillation counter. The applicability of the method is discussed.  相似文献   

A simple procedure for estimating specificB-naphthyl esterase enzyme content and activity in small amounts of crude tissue extract is described. Esterase activity is determined by quantitative densitometry of histochemically stained acrylamide gels. Activity measured this way is linear with the extract volume applied. Esterase content is determined by isotopic labeling with a stoichiometric covalently binding enzyme inhibitor, diisopropylfluorophosphate; followed by electrophoresis and gel slice counting.  相似文献   

Photosynthesis Research - The application of metabolic radiolabeling techniques to plant tetrapyrroles, i.e., chlorophyll and hemes, is complicated by the difficulty of obtaining sufficient...  相似文献   

Attached leaves of sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) were exposed to 14CO2 during steady-state photosynthesis for 2 to 30 min in 345 l/l CO2 and 21% O2 at 29° C and a light intensity of 1300 E m-2s-1. Glycolic acid was extracted with water and diethyl ether, and was determined in the aqueous residue by high-pressure liquid column chromatography. The relative specific radioactivity of the glycolic acid synthesized during photosynthesis reached about 100% after 30 min of photosynthesis and was almost equal to that of the CO2 evolved during photorespiration, their ratio at all times being nearly one. These results provide strong in-vivo evidence that the glycolic acid is the substrate for CO2 evolved by sunflower leaves in light.  相似文献   

A reaction vessel is described consisting of a simple reaction chamber fixed to an ordinary liquid scintillation-counting vial which allows the direct determination of radioactivity in acetone as well as separately in the carboxyl and acetone moieties of acetoacetate and 3-hydroxybutyrate. Radioactivity and its distribution between carbon 1 and carbons 2 through 4 can be determined in total ketone bodies as well as sequentially in acetone, acetoacetate, and 3-hydroxybutyrate. Recoveries with labeled ketone bodies under a variety of analytical conditions are presented.  相似文献   

A method for the determination of the inorganic sulfate present in rat liver homogenates has been developed. In order to determine sulfate, a protein-free extract is required. The classical protein precipitation methods of preparing protein-free extracts gave 2.5–40% recovery of added 35SO42?. Separation of the protein by ultrafiltration gave only 29% recovery when 0.15 m KCl was the homogenizing medium. A homogenization medium containing 0.154 m NH4OH and 20 g EDTA per liter gave 102 ± 11% recovery of added 35SO42? when the protein was separated by ultrafiltration.  相似文献   

T H Simpson  R S Wright 《Steroids》1978,31(5):691-695
A radio-gas chromatographic method has been devised for the estimation of 11-oxotestosterone (17beta-hydroxyandrost-4-ene-3, 11-dione) in fish plasma samples which provides an independent means of validating the radioimmunoassay described earlier. Estimates of the concentration of 11-oxotestosterone in a sample of male rainbow trout plasma by radio-gas chromatography using peak height and peak weight measurements were 6.9 microgram/100 ml and 7.4 microgram/100 ml respectively, in good agreement with that of 7.1 microgram/100 ml determined by radioimmunoassay.  相似文献   

The specific radioactivity of the γ-phosphorus of ATP has been determined by an indirect method. Galactokinase is employed to transfer the terminal phosphate group of [γ-32P] ATP to [1-3H] galactose. The doubly labeled galactose-1-phosphate is purified by ion exchange chromatography on QAE Sephadex. The specific radioactivity of the phosphorus is calculated from the 32P3H ratio. The method is extremely sensitive, requiring only 0.005 μmoles of ATP with a specific radioactivity of 1 μCi/μmole, and the chromatographic isolation of galactose-1-phosphate is simple and reproducible. The method is directly applicable to the determination of the specific radioactivity of [γ-32P] ATP in biological samples.  相似文献   

The specific radioactivity of a choline phospholipid has been determined by a double-isotope method. Purified phospholipid was hydrolyzed to release labeled choline, and choline kinase was employed to label the choline with 32P from [γ-32P]ATP. The double-labeled phosphorylcholine was purified by ion-exchange chromatography on QAE-Sephadex, and the specific radioactivity of the choline was calculated from the isotope ratio. The method is sensitive, requiring only 5 nmol of choline with a specific radioactivity of 1 μCl/μmol, and the chromatographic isolation of phosphorylcholine is simple and reproducible.  相似文献   

On incubation of the callus tissue ofDaucus carota L. in solutions of glucose-6-14C and -1-14C the distribution of radioactivity in the molecule of endogenous glucose will change and the ratio of activities of liberated14CO2 (C6/C1) will rise The limits of possible changes of specific activity of14CO2 and of the C6/C1 ratio were calculated with respect to the observed randomization and it was shown that the mutual exchange of carbon atoms in the molecules is not the decisive cause of the rise of the ratio. The specific radioactivity of14C in CO2 is as much as 12 times higher than that of endogenous glucose and fructose and about twice as high as the theoretical maximum. This might indicate that in addition to the cytoplasmic fraction of glucose the callus cells contain a fraction of low metabolic activity, most likely in the vacuoles, that could account for some of the increase of the C6/C1 value. The main reason for the changes in the C6/C1 ratio is envisaged in the establishment of isotopic equilibrium between the pentose cycle and glycolysis and other metabolic systems, in particular via triose phosphates, the radioactivity of which can greatly affect the C6/C1 ratio, as was shown in a model experiment.  相似文献   

A method for quantitative estimation of total radioactivity present in the free amino acid fraction of tissue samples has been described. Samples deproteinized with cold acetone were extracted, in acidic medium, with ethyl (peroxide free); after centrifugation, the aqueous phase was used for amino acid derivatization at 40°C for 15 h with 1-flouro-2,4-dinitrobenzene in bicarbonate-buffered medium. Aliquots of the derivatized samples were acidified and extracted twice again with ethyl ether. The combined organic phases were placed in glass scintilation vials, dried, and used for the determination of its radiactivity, corresponding to the radioactivity present in the free amino acid fraction of the sample. Deproteinized samples of rat blood plasma, as well as hen egg white and yolk were tested after addition of known quantities of 14C-labelled amino acids or glucose, for validation of the method. No glucose radioactivity was found in any of the extracted samples. All radioactivity added to the samples in the form of 14C-labelled alanine, glutamic acid, leucine and phenylalanine was quantitatively recovered in the derivatized fraction; only a fraction of arginine radioactivity was recovered.  相似文献   

Abstract. A new method is described for determining the boundary layer resistance over wet filter paper exposed within a leaf cuvette, based on the energy balance of the filler paper. The boundary layer resistance is calculated by an iterative procedure from measurements of the relative humidity and temperature of the air in the cuvette. Comparisons between the new and the conventional method, involving measurement of the filter paper temperature, show close agreement.
To simplify the method further, a graph has been constructed for the relationship between boundary layer resistance and cuvette relative humidity at temperatures from 15 to 35°C, determined at one value of the ratio of the flow rate through the cuvette to the filter paper area.
An analysis of errors suggests that the new method is less sensitive than the conventional to errors in temperature and humidity.  相似文献   

Rate determination of protein synthesis utilizing tracer amino acid incorporation requires accurate assessment of the specific radioactivity of the labeled precursor aminoacyl-tRNA pool. Previously published methods presumably useful for the measurement of any aminoacyl-tRNA were unsuccessful when applied to [35S]methionine, due to the unique chemical properties of this amino acid. Herein we describe modifications of these methods necessary for the measurement of 35S-aminoacyl-tRNA specific radioactivity from small tissue samples incubated in the presence of [35S]methionine. The use of [35S]methionine of high specific radioactivity enables analysis of the methionyl-tRNA from less than 100 mg of tissue. Conditions for optimal recovery of 35S-labeled dansyl-amino acid derivatives are presented and possible applications of this method are discussed.  相似文献   

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